SafariLIVE Sunset - 12 April 2024

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um what do you call it a sub subordinate subordination what was the word I'm looking for she displayed the opposite of dominance whatever the word is it's gone from my head and then she moved off and um he he carried on eating his tortoise he had a bit of a growl at her and a bit of a hiss and then that was that so you know that was a nice resolution to this we're going to follow the mar story we'll keep up with it as much as we can if he goes north into the reserve north of us it's going to be difficult for us to keep up with him but any information we get we will share with you there will be no secrets thank you very much for joining us it's time for us to get up and get out into the bush we'll see you on Safari w [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon good afternoon everybody and welcome to all the youngsters out there watching this afternoon's Friday afternoon's kids drive hello hello everybody my name is Steve I'm joined by Cameron on camera and we are out in about on a relatively warm afternoon but it's not too bad I must say and uh well we enjoying a moment with a little tree squirrel and he sits up in the tree here and just surveys the land now kids please do ask your parents to send us through questions use the YouTube chat stream or you can send them to us on Twitter we'd love to hear from you this afternoon another noise you can hear off to the left is a virtual Starling making lots of noise and uh this little squirrel was here when we first arrived and he moved away and I parked the car and I switched off and I hoped he would come back and he has we are seven species of a squirrel in southern Africa five of them are tree dwelling and two are on the ground they're all rodents and they are all active during the day and this one right here the tree squirrel is the most common of the lot hello good day all animal lovers happy Friday happy Friday to everybody if you've been at school all week or I think it's still school holidays in South Africa for some people if you've been at school wishing you a happy weekend if you have not been at school while wishing you a continued holiday if you've been at work wishing you a magical weekend it's been a bit of a difficult day for us this side so do to apologize for the mood we are pulling ourselves towards ourselves but there is an undercurrent of sadness DEA they've got very sharp claws and long toes on their feet which enable them to do so I think the best way actually is for me to show you a wonderful photograph in this book of the squirrel's foot now let me see if I can get that for you there look at this look at that foot over there now that is how they climb that is the back foot and they've got two front feet which look similar they're just not as long they got very long claws very strange looking foot isn't it scary look it's a scary looking foot with all those toes five toes so they connect hang upside down in the tree as well you don't always see that extra toe that that thumb like toe um in the track when you find a squirrel track but um it's more elevated up sort of on the wrist so that's how they do it they're able to climb very very well they are very busy little creatures very very busy little creatures uh but sometimes they take it very easy and they sit quietly like this so that we can see them which is very nice hello AA 10 years oldw well they don't even get up to 300 G so I think the heaviest tree squirrel is about 260 270 G which is very very small it's not even 20 cm in length so it's very small so for me it's two of my hands no my whole hand yeah my whole hand is about 20 cm and then add on the tail is about another 15 cm the tail is quite long oh I can hear a squirrel shouting off to the left chck chck chck chck chck so they'll have a little burrow probably inside this marula tree little Hollow that's been burrowed out where they all live small little family of them and they have a wide variety of food that they feed on okay well it is a nice warm day here in Juma but let's go see what the weather has to say [Music] good afternoon good afternoon everybody and welcome welcome back to another Sunset Safari and you are with us live here at amacala private Gamers of with myself Eric and Morgan behind the camera this afternoon we're going to be your eyes in ears on the beautiful beautiful Friday afternoon have a look see at our environment let me just set the scene for you it is a little bit Breezy as it usually is actually normally at this time of the day it's actually quite windy but our touch wood there we don't want it to be too windy it is lovely and warm when we sit still however there is a chill factor in the air so as soon as we start moving through the air in the clo well not the closed vehicle in an open vehicle it does get a bit Breezy and cold but if you're sitting still on a nice patch of grass in the sun you can actually heat up quite a bit this is definitely a Autumn winter day this is typical typical Behavior look how lovely and green it is as well you can definitely see that we've had a fair bit of rain here Mo we have Specialized lawn MERS that uh we employ and they come and they cut our grass these are this is Al in the form of animals we have big animals small animals different types of lawnmower types then bigger ones the Buffalo do a fair amount of of of uh grazing here so they do keep the the soil or not the soil they keep the grass at a decent height as well as some other Antelope some W togs as well let's not forget about the wogs the wogs are also different type of lawn mower but yes most of the animals keep the grass nice and short but also funly enough the sun before before we had the rain we had quite a bit of hot temperatures and the hot temperatures obviously didn't do very well for the grass and it actually killed some of the grass and wasn't able to get to its acquired growth length [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he for e he [Music] so yesterday in the afternoon we saw this bull elephant and we knew he was in the area we actually had a little look for him this morning and we clearly didn't look hard enough as he is still here and uh he's made it his home funnily enough this this is also one of the a Brothers um the other a brother is the older one his name is aat some of you may know him um he also got into a bit of a fight with our big ball and since then he's not been banish but he's sort of stuck to one area of the reserve um of recent times where not that the herd doesn't go there it's just that they're not there as frequently and uh this bull over here has also isolated himself away from the her really interesting in a area where they pretty much never never come so now he has this whole area all to himself with the Three Amigos and the herd of buffalo I think wel come back while we just had to reposition because uh we had a whole herd of Impala coming down and they across the damn wall and around the back and here they are we were wondering where all the Impala were today and well we found them all being herded by that male in the middle and a few ladies have just run behind us and he's looking over going ah should I go catch them or should I just keep hurting these ones can see how much bigger he is AA where we are now in Juma I'd probably say that this animal here the Impala is the fastest but um because zel Springbok very very fast but they reckon the topi or the tpe is the fastest I haven't seen any in this area although they probably used to occur here we do find them in the Krueger the sese and they're on their way back up to the open area there they must have had a drink cuz they all came straight past the dam and no one drank so they must have been drinking already on the other side and they decided now the grass is greener on the other side M it's difficult with with many of them you know the there's some youngsters in there you can see there's a young male there just in the middle moving to the left he's got very small little po little horns he was born in November uh and when you see other little ones that don't have horns they young females had were born in November but then for the rest of the females is very difficult to say cuz after 2 years they look fully grown and then you don't know they all look very similar um the males go through one year two year threee horn development and then after the fourth year becomes difficult to know so all of the the boys that were born November before last they've been pushed off and you can you can actually recognize them when you see them all the boys are hanging out together and then you can maybe tell the 2-year-old boys and then after that it becomes a bit tricky becomes a bit tricky you can see how they Bunch together like that very well established herd mentality safety and numbers they all want to be in the middle of that group no one wants to be sort of on the edge no one really wants to be the first one to walk but staying together is a good safety strategy very good question Jesse 11 years old well those birds sitting on the Impalas are catching a ride and while they're catching a ride they've also got a meal busy plucking ticks and combing ticks out of Impala's fur that's right ticks blood sucking insects that are growing on the Impala's bodies they bite them they clean them off the Impala actually beneficial for the Impala and for many other animals that we have to clean the ticks cuz out here in these long grass environments there are lots of ticks and the ticks are parasites ticks have the potential to transfer disease and uh having high tick loads can not only be irritating but can actually lead to an animal losing condition and once an animal loses condition they're not fit and they normally get picked off by Predators quite easily so it's important to stay strong to stay fit and to remove the ticks and the pilers remove a lot of their own ticks as well they actually are able to comb and groom themselves but the ox Peck has play a very important role as well on Impala and many other an who okay well I and paa are disappearing up the hill we're going to reposition and see what else we can find a few this afternoon very bright cam we need turn the lights down a little all right I forget we're not in the tent you can't turn the lights down angle of the Sun in our tear Laden eyes hey yeah okay so we're going to drive that way sounds like a plan SS like a plan and while we head that way we're going to send you over there to James who is looking forward to say good afternoon hello everybody we are driving to the South under the beautiful African Sky my name is James and on camera is BK Binga who is now wearing a hat that is the color of mustard or custard depending on which you prefer most people prefer custard to mustard I know I do we're heading down to towards the south of the reserve and we'll see what we can find in some of the water holes and otherwise we'll just explore around this part of the world I'm sure Steve will head towards where the male lion was near where he is now and maybe we'll get a view of a lion there and if we're very lucky we'll have an elephant or two and maybe if we're very very lucky we'll get a leopard who knows who knows what the afternoon will bring but it's a lovely what we call autumnal afternoon which means the temperature is very delicious it's not very hot where is my jacket just talking of that oh there it is I see it good because it's going to get a little bit chilly as we as the sun sets but not cold and it's just a lovely lovely time to be out the sky is a bright deep blue and everything is just lovely Noah what animals do we see most in the boook Bush well mammal wise remember that animals are everything from termites to elephants out here so the mammal that we see the most of the Impala which Steve was showing you and the animal we see that what's that Li lipet TR ooh that's very fancy of you to find BK uh the animal we see the most or the most common an animal here is probably termites now BK is not only a camera operator he is also apparently a good tracker because he's found a leopard track have I driven over it ah here that's impressive that's very impressive I'm not even going to try and show you this with the camera because it's very difficult to see I suspect very strongly that this track comes from the leopardess we saw this morning heading towards where that lion was but it's possible it didn't and so I think we should definitely take this road and see if it isn't perhaps another leopardus there was a leopardus called langa around here not too long ago well not far from here yesterday she was uh not far from here just south of our little boundary so maybe langa has come for a visit up this part of the world well spotted BK if we find a leopard here I shall be both ashamed and very happy in two magical African Wilderness areas the Masa Mara in Kenya the great kugu National Park in South Africa five expert Safari guides follow a cast of compelling animal characters and the never-ending stories that Define their lives the cat report documents real stories of real Predators as witnessed and captured by a band of obsessive wildlife filmmakers [Music] [Music] a sh [Music] what e [Music] well there're just two more little water holes along here wouldn't it be nice to find a spotted Kitty lying next to one of these water holes luxuriating in this gorgeous autumnal Sunshine not at that one there's one more around this corner and then we will be able to decide where to go I think we'll probably just continue down towards the South no Leever there all right well it's still nice to come and check along here and see what's going on we'll head back now down towards the South and see if we don't get lucky with something else and I think you are going to go somewhere else yourselves h on your back live with us and I just wanted to show you last example of a russet Bush Willow now why do I want to show you this you see how this Branch was broken and what happened is the tree then goes and forms these new shoots can you see all these shoots are shooting out of this Branch here look how straight they go so nice and straight so this tree in afans is called a kitty Clapper and a kitty is basically a walking stick so this is a tree that is perfect for making walking sticks and one of these branches in a year or so would be perfect I mean there's more of them growing in the tree you can see some of them there and uh I actually made one the other day out of exactly a tree like this look at this at my wonderful stick that I carved from my own now obvious I blessed the tree and I asked the tree's permission can I harvest you but it's a nice straight stick with a little bit of a bend on the end what do you think cam you like my stick it's nice and solid just letting it dry a little bit and I'm going to leave a chair cuz I'm going home next week and then I'll come back up and then I'll sand it and I'll oil it and then have it ready for my trail season what I love about it is this little piece over here is where the branch was actually rubbing against another Branch for quite a long time and it's given this beautiful beautiful brown coloration nice and smooth nice and smooth Nathan there are lots of things we can make out here Nature's filled with medicine obviously you got to be sustainable in things that you harvest and uh you can't just take things from the Wilderness you have to be very careful about how you do that but this tree the kitty Clopper you can see those wonderful straight branches now if you got an eye infection or what some people call pink eye or conjunctivitis I know many kids get it when they're younger I definitely got it when I was a child you can take these leaves in hot water and you can boil it and steam it and it help to clean the uh the conjunctivitis or the pink eye out of your eye and if you're feeling quite coldy and flu and bit head coldy you can also take these leaves you can boil them in water and you can drink it it will make you feel so much better so we're going to carry on down the road and see if we can find something magnificent but let's head you over to amacala and see if Eric has found anything that was actually quite an interesting segment there thank you Steve we will take that into consideration oh my [Music] goodness not too sure if anyone else heard that but that was an Impala ratting obviously the two of them are fighting we're sitting here we're not just staring at a bush um supposedly underneath that bush is the Three Amigos now we know that the Three Amigos are next to that bush cuz we saw them there but uh obviously they are lying flat still sleepy and uh probably still with bellies full of food they are definitely going to want to try and sleep that off the longer they sleep the more digest you know obviously if you not if you sleeping your body is not focusing on keeping you awake and digesting if you're sleeping then it can just focus on the digestion process and uh can actually speed it up quite a bit and obviously they got a little bit too warm and moved off into the shade on the cover of that small little Z here cersa bush or xeria tree and finally enough that tree is related to the mango tree they are part of the same family however it does not produce any fruit that of the size of a of a mango nor does it produce any fruit at all but it is an evergreen tree which means that when it is winter time aut time for us the leaves don't fall off they stay on and they will stay green all of its life until such time as you get a cheetah male scent marking on it to which the leaves will go Brown they may also fall off and die but uh that doesn't come from just one male teer urinating on it it comes from from all three of these male cheaters and uh they got to do it an awful lot Nicole they are very similar color to the grass uh they are that brownish and the thing is they've got all these spots and the spots really really do help them blend into their surrounding so perfectly you I remember I always used to think how on Earth could something like a a cheetah or a leopard ever be camouflaged if it's covered in all these spots and in the leopard's case roset how can she how can they ever hide from an animal until I saw a cheetah disappear in front of my eyes less than 5 m away it was it was on that day that I realized those spots actually do help a lot with the blending in even if you're looking at them from afar um you know they don't even have to be lying down if you're looking at a cheetah that's probably maybe 200 M away and that's walking along a a field um it's sometimes very difficult to even see them there if they walking very very slowly CU they like they are the same color as uh brownish GRS these boys are very very well camouflag but they also fairly flat fairly thinnish and uh well because they're very slender that can also help them hide in very very long grass and this is not very long grass but it's fairly long grass Lucas cheets can sleep s for they don't generally they don't sleep uh or go into a deep sleep they more nap than anything else but they can nap um for 2 hours they can nap for 6 hours they can nap even up to 12 hours um they they take little little naps all over obviously being a very very dainty delicate animal there are threats that they have to deal with on a daily basis and that could well be Lions it could be spotted hyena um even Brown hyena I've seen a a brown hyena mob of a female cheater once but that was also for a an Impala that she had just killed Brown hyena was hungry and clearly much hungrier than the female but yeah for most part they are they on Nap rather so that they can some of them can keep a a watch out for Predators U we are going to have some visitors in a bed we've been sitting here all all by ourselves we've had the sighting but we are going to have some visitors in a bit did you hear the question are cheetah spots the same in each family Emily they very they do vary you know each cheetah does have their unique uh unique spots now obviously I've admired our three boys quite substantially over the last I think it's almost coming up for a year and a half that they've been on Amala and uh there's obviously Two Brothers Two biological brothers and one non-biological brother and the two biological Brothers you can see that their facial features are pretty much the same however the spots on the tail are different so if the spots and the stripes on the tail are a little bit different then it's very possible that they will might have a few more spots than the other one does but generally speaking they'll have about 2,000 spots on their bodies uh in all different places um obviously some of them might not be in the same but they might in the same spot but they may have very similar groupings of spots on each other as you can hear we've been joined by another tour group they are on their afternoon Safari just like we are are you a wildlife fanatic glued to YouTube for your daily dose of animal Antics then welcome to Afric Cam's Wildlife Community by joining our YouTube memberships you get no ads just wildli streams chat with other Bush fans get early access to exciting camera spots and flex your Wildlife knowledge with fun quizzes visit Afric Cam's YouTube channel and click the join button now for [Music] [Music] I for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in actual fact someone else found him and we joined them here and this male lion might look dead but he isn't he's been asleep since we found him or left him here about when did we leave him at about 7:00 this morning so he's been fast asleep here now for oh look at his head it's up hello lazy bones for 9 hours he's just been lying there doing nothing except probably rolling over once or twice hitting the flies away and licking his own feet PK I'm quite glad I don't have to lick my own feet I mean I couldn't even if I wanted to I don't think I could reach no I couldn't I could lick my hands I suppose so we'll sit with him for a little while and see what he does he's a young male I forgotten exactly how old he is I'm sure someone will tell us fairly soon Enzo you say cool hairstyle or a lion cool hairstyle Enzo I don't think he's got a cool hairstyle I think his hairstyle is going to improve though unlike me I've lost my hair and it's never coming back he's just getting his and that's nice for him I'm very jealous we'll see how long he stays in this area I suspect quite strongly that he might move off fairly soon because he's what we call a nomad which means that he doesn't have a territory of his own oh there we go yeah you see I'm glad that I didn't try and guess his age cuz I would have got it completely wrong I said um I would have said he was much younger than five Kimberly Lopez says he's five and the reason that his main is relatively underdeveloped for a 5-year-old is that he lives in an area of very high line competition which means that his man is not going to grow out as quickly as a lion on say Amala where there is much less competition and the mains grow out when they become really dominant and they begin to express dominance and he's just not managed to do that because there's so many other Lions around here so you can see he's got quite a heavy man down below underneath his chin but not much on top big foot and in actual fact I was surprised when I saw him this morning because his Footprints are huge he his footprints look like an enormous male lion and he is a big male but he's not by any stretch of the imagination a dominant male yet oh he's got an itchy neck [Music] M I can almost feel his relief all right the vul has managed to find a bird let's go across to him well how Splendid a lion I completely forgot about the lion this afternoon that's okay we're doing a little bit of birding top of this tree we got two non-breeding Southern gray-headed sparrows I don't know if they fully mature because they really do lack the dark grayish head but the one on the right just on the shoulder there you can see that little white spot on the shoulder which we call an epet which is quite a characteristic feature of the gray-headed sparrow they're just chilling top of the tree enjoying the view I think it must be quite a lovely view from up there cam can you tell me about it yeah it is you might not know why I'm laughing kids CU Cameron is incredibly tall so whenever there's a tall story I always ask cam if you can enlighten me because well he's his head and shoulders above most graye headed Spar fairly common bird and they do move around they can occur in normally quite large groups H jayen 10 old well not all birds can fly but those that can they learn pretty soon after what we call fledging so some birds will occur in a nest in a tree where they'll be born and well they'll hatch and then once they fledge meaning once they're ready to leave the nest that is the day they learn how to fly so until they leave the nest they are still bound to the nest and they can hang around the nest and climb up and down the tree but generally they need to fly away to then show that they're becoming able to fly so that first jump out of the tree can be quite difficult for them they can imagine never having used all those muscles before the feathers haven't really done what they're supposed to do yet yet they've just emerged on the body and the bird takes what we call a leap of faith and they fly sometimes they don't go very far sometimes they don't go up they go down and land on the ground but normally depending on the bird anywhere from a month to two months after they are hatching so that's pretty quick to be honest bigger birds will take a bit longer than that and uh some birds are on the ground they don't learn how to fly for a bit longer because well they can walk and they run and they hide and they camouflage themselves and Mom and Dad look after them but pretty soon if you think about it a month or two after hatching birds are flying that's very very quick H Adam is probably a male and a female there it's probably a pair that are hanging out together telling each other long stories of the summer that has passed and uh telling themselves about the winter that is about to come and what stories you think they're telling themselves up their Camp the one on the left is busy pining and cleaning its feathers probably spent Fair bit of the day busy eating other ones look on the lookout other one is on the lookout cuz you when you're sitting on top of a tree like that you are quite prone to being snatched out of the tree by a very fast moving bird of prey but uh these birds have got eyes on the side of their head so they can actually see danger coming from behind them not directly behind there's a bit of a blind spot that's why they're turning their head from side to side all the time but that's how we can tell the difference between Birds of Prey or predators and prey you have a look where the eyes are and that's right our eyes are on the front aren't they it gives us binocular vision which means we can focus in on something and we can put our tension on it whereas you think about a horse and a cow an elephant their eyes are pretty much on the side of their heads which means they can look quite well behind them not at their bottom but quite well behind them where you and I cannot do that unless we turn around cat can't do that a dog can't do that they are very forward focused and so when you see an animal have a look where its eyes are situated that give you a good idea of what it does we have an exciting announcement wild Earth is launching a YouTube membership program for a nominal monthly fee members get an adree Channel prioritized questions Early Access to videos and many more perks you'll get fun features like Badges and emojis that'll make you stand out in the chat YouTube memberships will help us to continue with our mission of connecting people with nature while giving you access to lots of our amazing content [Music] [Music] for e [Applause] [Music] okay thanks K Tom ages old well their nest is done right now they wouldn't they wouldn't oh they would have been breeding in the summer so they're now out of breeding they're getting ready for a nice long winter okay so this let's go check some water points let's go see what's happening I know James said he was going to go check water points he obviously thought I was going to the lion but I completely forgot that there was even a lion it's been one of those days everybody just putting one foot in front of the other well we've just got a a few more minutes left of our kids drive and we're sitting with our male lion and he's twitched his ears a bit and he sat up very briefly and then shook his head and then he went oh and went back to sleep I'm just going to be quiet because there's a lovely sound now that's the sound of the bearded woodpecker the bearded woodpecker is not just pecking to dig into the wood that is actually a territorial call so he's saying to all the other bearded woodpeckers in the area I'm here I'm here and he finds a special hollow tree that has no internal wood and there's another one different sound that's cool and I think they've all got a SL a unique tone not tone but a unique Rhythm wonder if he's not in that marula tree let me see if I can spot him oh there's a southern black tit calling of us yeah go to the southern elected cuz the lion ain't doing nothing that's so cool Southern black tit is often associated with other birds that have come foraging in the same place Liam you say that it's so cool that I know what's making all the sounds I don't know everything that's making the sounds but these are two quite common sounds that know you still got the southern blacked is he gone yeah it does Gwyn gw's says it sounds like somebody hitting a container with water in it I don't know where he is it's so loud I'm sure he's in that Marilla tree but if we go only closer he'll Fly Away 30 seconds to the end of our kids drive I think I've seen him hang on no I haven't all right guys we'll see you next time and for those of you who are older than kids we'll continue the adult show [Music] shortly this program features live coverage of an African safari and may include animal kills and carcasses viewer discretion is advised m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good afternoon good afternoon everybody welcome welcome welcome you live with us at Amala private Game Reserve in the very Southern parts of the Eastern Cape South Africa where we are watching our Three Amigos sleeping sleeping sleeping soundly hello everybody my name is Eric joined by Morgan behind the camera and this afternoon we are your eyes and ears on a beautiful beautiful afternoon here at Amala private game reserve as I said now as some of you may know we've had some rather unhappy weather for the last 4 days 3 days and today well on this afternoon we have almost Clear Blue Skies the sun is shining it is lovely and warm our Three Amigos are lying next to a bush after the they had well made a a catch or a kill on an aant last night their bellies are fairly fairly full and not wanting to go anywhere the best thing to do at this point is to sleep it off there been there's been movement there haven't hasn't been very much movement should I say but uh they've definitely definitely tired well like I said we have had some rather interesting weather over the past few days it is very nice to be sitting in the sunshine taking in the warmth that it is giving off goodness gracious how the Sun is over well underrated it's underrated the heat that it gives off is much much needed here and in this part of the country we are used to seeing the sun more than we are used to seeing clouds especially clouds that want to drip all over you not used to seeing those ones used to seeing the thin ones look these guys are oh well we've got a a head that's just popped up over there you can just see one one of the brothers and uh that's one of the brothers I've seen putting his head up the moall the most chlo I would also like for these cheaters to show themselves a little bit more than what they've done I mean we can see the little bit of the head just right of Center screen there but in terms of there maybe a second one I think the second one's also just put his head up there Center screen now we've got two heads and uh uh it's not not the problem the the factors here are that the grass is too long where they are lying and they're also lying downhill from where we are so it is a little bit difficult but they're also lying a decent distance uh from the side of the road we had A View From Below from where we first spotted them but even there it was a little bit difficult so we wrapped around and came up to the top here uh where we saw a little bit more but obviously not a great deal more there was a a gentle breeze blowing the beginning of the drive now it's turned to not an aggressive Breeze but it's uh well it's definitely picked up the pace a little bit and there are our boys just looking around making sure that their environment is safe and your environment is more than safe you've got an elephant further further away guarding the land oh just apologize if you can hear a helicopter there's a helicopter flying over us making an awful lot of noise Nicole uh they finished off that kill excuse me they cleaned it off there was nothing left when we went past there this morning uh we thought that they well I'd had a hunch that they would have moved away from it generally that's what she to do um but uh they had polished it off we're not too sure how much of it they did eat and how much of it they didn't but looking at the bellies that we saw this morning they had eaten a good deal of it and looking at the carcass that we saw there was only skin and bones left not very much left for the Jackal and the brown hyenas so they they did a fine job but most of the time what will happen is if they when the cheaters do make a kill they'll make the kill they'll devour as much as they possibly can until they stomachs are content until their heart is content actually and uh then they move it won't stay by the the caucus for too long um very rarely will you find the cheetah unless they know that there aren't any Predators or any animals in the area that are going to come and MOB them or give them a bit of trouble for their food very rarely will you find cheaters on their carcasses the very next day after a Kill but uh they obviously would have been enjoying this lovely heat I mean it hasn't been a very very hot day I think we had a high of 19 or 18 it it it really really wasn't warm today um but uh it it does feel a bit warm now I must say but that is also sitting here sitting still when the sun is shin baking down and you're like this you do get a bit warm but uh when we start moving in a short while it is going to cool down substantially as the air is chilly the air is chilly and when the wind does pick up then we do feel that little chill but the wind is coming in gusts small gusts these male cheaters love this area and I don't blame them for that the the weather well sorry the the the hills on the side allow you to see anything coming into this area there's there's no way you can't see any animals coming into this area as the well the slopes are open and uh there vast sort of grass Landy area but we're going to send you over to the weather to have a look see what by Nature has in store for us this afternoon [Music] here at Juma yes it certainly feels like it could be around about 24° it's very pleasant indeed hello everybody Welcome to the adult section of today's sunset Safari BK remains on camera his custard colored headdress still in place my name is j HRA this is theu young male I hope you're all very well around the world # Safari no no no # wild Earth on Twitter gosh that old habit dies hard # wildear on Twitter send us your questions and comments about anything you'd like to talk about if you would like to ask any questions about marip the male leopard who unfortunately was caught in a snare and then treated today I'm more than happy to answer those questions we're just assessing whether or not it's going to be possible to go and see him um not sure at this stage we're going to adhere to the wishes of the Sai sand and if you'd like to ask questions on the website that's fine and if you'd like to ask questions on YouTube Cube that is also fine this young male lion is not going to provide us with great entertainment this afternoon uh he has been here for now close on 10 hours he is unquestionably the laziest creature sitting on Juma that's only because of a couple of the presenters I've worked with are not currently on site Eagle L how will marip be able to hunt well luckily because the injury looks bad luckily um he will not have to hunt a great deal they will give him a bit of food now and again but also leopards are Past Masters at Scavenging things that they don't have to kill so today he ate a tortoise we watched him kill a tortoise and eat it uh he'd be able to you know eat termites if he has to frogs but birds that sort of stuff he's by no means immobile we did see him walk Steve saw him run so he's not immobile he's definitely lost a lot of weight because I suspect it has been difficult for him to catch and eat things but with a snare off he's going to feel a lot more comfortable um they have given him a meal and so he's he's he will start to put on condition almost immediately now the obvious comparison here is between him and Tangi the male leopard who also was affected very badly by a snare and that ended in tragedy because it happened very close very close to the Saban's head Tangi in slightly weakened State started to seek out easy prey around human habitation and that's just was no good and so they had to put him down sadly and Judy H was saying please would I give a recap of what happened to marip for the benefit of those who can't who didn't watch on Safari okay so I I'll do that for those of you who don't know perhaps you're a new viewer or you're a uh an irregular viewer maripa is a male leopard who we saw first when he was about a week old and he is now four and making his way as a sort of territorial male and he picked up a snare probably like I say about a week ago uh almost certainly not in the Sai Sands most likely in the provincially Run Reserve to the west of the Sai Sands north and west and he managed to snap the snare from its Moorings but obviously by then it had bitten into his skin quite badly and into the flesh underneath the skin and it wrapped itself around his neck and he managed to get his right leg through it and so it's kind of like a like a sash like you drape a sash around yourself except obviously a very damaging one anyway we the chit chit guide who was on Juma this morning Clayton uh herb managed to find him just bumped into him at a Dam called buffles hook Dam and we immediately got hold of the Sai Sands which is the conservation Authority where we live they got a vet out they took the snare off they treated him they took an Impala which is a euphemism for saying they shot one and and are going to and have given it to him to eat that's totally normal practice there's nothing wrong with that and I mean for the the Impala doesn't feel like that obviously but it's going to help just means he doesn't have to hunt there's a lot of food there for him to eat when he wants it and they may do that a few times uh just to help him through the difficult the difficulties that he's facing they gave him a lot of antibiotics so that infection doesn't sit in and his chances are probably quite good but the prognosis is good all right so that's the story there Max cat is it possible to get DNA off the snare of what Max cat DNA of the poachers or of him um yeah I'm sure they could get DNA I'm not sure why they would though uh they couldn't get DNA of the poachers off the snare because I think it's been outside for too long but also uh we just simply do not have the forensic capability in South Africa to come close to being able to match the DNA on a snare to anything you know it's not like there a we don't have a database of absolutely everyone in the country I think it would be quite difficult for that to be useful forensically um yeah I don't think that that would be a possibility and certainly the police won't get involved um it'll be the conse ation authorities that look look after it and if they think they can it's useful to get the police involved then they would but I mean with due respect to our police force I'll leave it there no Cindy D they're definitely not going to place a collar on him if I put a collar on that it'll really hurt him the the wound is in a place that would be covered by the collar that would make him incredibly uncomfortable so look it is it's a difficult situation he's got a good chance of surviving uh there are no marauding males around so he's he's come back into his dad's territory which I think is quite interesting and so it's not like there going to be other males around here to chase him uh or to to kill him but he's vulnerable that is a simple fact and he cannot be monitored 24 hours a day that's not possible um there is just simply isn't the Manpower or the skill to be able to watch him 24 hours a day and it's probably not actually even in his best interests we may well almost attract other Predators towards him where we to sort of be around him 24 hours so you know we hope for the best is there a chance he'll die because of this injury yes is there a chance that it has weakened him to the extent that he wouldn't be able to escape from another Predator yes there is a chance but we've given him the best chance we can and remember that this is a this is a very kind of tricky situation for everybody because because it's not a it's not a situation that is particularly simple um snares are set because there are people who are very hungry outside the borders the reserve that they're set on normally is poorly policed uh the authorities that police it are almost definitely if they're not corrupt they're certainly inefficient and um you know I think we need to stop being euphemistic about it they certainly have not done a good job of looking after that reserve and they'll claim that it's because they don't have any resources there may be truth to that claim but the the question is then why those where are those resources and maybe they should be handing the reserve over to people who can look after it and there are certainly no shortage of those so you know I think that humans are definitely to blame but not simply the poacher who's looking if it's a commercial poacher who's trying to sell bush meat yeah you can feel a bit more Angry if it's one guy who's trying to get an Impala to feed his family it's difficult to be too angry but there's no doubt that it's a Scourge in that part of the lelt it's a Scourge everywhere in the in the greater Krueger landscape that has to be constantly policed and but it's a complex problem and uh I you know every time something like this happens we get comments on social media like shoot the poaches shoot them all I hope they all die it's just it's more complicated than that sadly and unfortunately it's nature that tends to take the beating as always Dela I thank you very much for putting a lovely picture of this lion with a a some sort of um animated headdress thank you for that Diller um Connor's mom you say you hope that he recovers yeah we all hope he recovers I'm sure he'll be okay well I hope he'll be okay I must say I did feel sick when I saw when the message came through about who it was and really nice comment here from regular Maria ker who says that our hearts are bleeding for Mar of course we feared something like this might happen to him in Tav goom's former territory makes us very sad to read some hateful comments comments on social media against the manetti we met such wonderful people there full of love and care for wildlife so manetti is the North Reserve north and west of us that I was talking about and there are def definitely very dedicated people there um I believe that the warden himself is incredibly dedicated but I also believe that he's up against it he is being underfunded underresourced and undermined in many respects and you know that's that's a major problem but he is he is trying his best so on that note let's go across to the Vault and see if he has anything interesting to tell us thanks James and hello everybody we are hoping to connect with some elephant energy can see a bush moving we're hoping to be surrounded in a moment by some giant of the Bush ah there's one in the road one over I know that was a tree was going to just park over here and allow them to come to us now we always talk about this sort of situation and uh you can't see the elephant clearly I could as I arrived you can see there's one in the road and the ears are fine the tail is pretty relaxed the animal hasn't changed Its Behavior now we've even gone closer then we could have we could have stopped even further I saw a little bit distance away saw the feeding saw the tail and so what I've done is I've deliberately moved off of the road giving space on my right hand side for a herd of elephants that are apparently slowly Mobile in this direction and if we're lucky we will get surrounded by them H it is a a young bull so I don't know where the rest are but uh one of the other gues auy was with him just now and he said there were lots so one of the things you don't do is an elephant in the road you don't drive up to it and try and get past that elephant so I was sent an email by a gentleman by the name of Patty if you're watching Patty I have been addressing your email it's just been quite a week and I haven't managed to complete your email but I think in a lot of the live drives I've been addressing some of the questions you asked me and uh well this elephant is moving in that direction so what we can do now is we can probably go a little closer and then make make some space so I think one of the questions he asked me and James actually addressed that video on the on Safari show about that that gu who who was trying to push a big elephant bull out of the road and the Elephant bull was going no and he pushed and picked the car up now that is all about respect just think about any of you out there if I walks up to you and you in the way and I just push you out the way or verbally tell you to move sure a lot of the time you're probably going to move because well maybe I'm bigger than you or maybe you're polite you got more P tell me if you caned from there maybe I'm bigger than you or maybe you just really polite maybe you don't want any confrontation so yes nine times out of 10 you're going to move out of the way but when you're a big elephant Bull and that one time out of 10 you decide not to move out of the way well the camera I think most things are lower than you can it's fine we'll we'll get some more that's another bull these guys are on the periphery and they're on the periphery of the herd so we want to find the herd that's always where the fun is this is on Safari [Music] [Music] a w he [Music] a [Music] look at these beautiful animals we have come across here big big female White Rhino oh what's going on obviously the Rhino sense of smell is very very strong so it's possible they may have picked up something it doesn't doesn't smell normal or they may be sensing the elephant in the area I've just had a whole host of red bu Ox Pickers fly off of it and uh there is a fork is it the fork tail looks like a for forktail drungo it is indeed sitting on the back of the Rhino there U just like our Pearl basted swallows of fight a Pilots that fly next to us while we drive the forktail dro sits on the bum the back and the head of the Rhinos waiting for an opportunity to snag some insects off the ground as the Rhino obviously disturbs them on top of that they also have parasites of a sorts living on top of them the forktail drungo will feed off have a look at that absolutely stunning animals and the light is catching them beautifully this afternoon as we are slowly slowly slowly going into our golden hour and uh we had a question from one of our kitties earlier in the Safari sorry why is our grass so short the reason our grass is so short is cuz of these guys so Chloe how big can they get I believe that was your question um that female that you see that's pretty much as big as the females get they don't really get much bigger than that I mean already she's she's a very big female I mean goodness they don't use usually get that big and definitely their horns don't always get that big but um usually the males that would be like a decent sized male um you get massive massive uh white rhinos um White Rhino Bulls obviously White Rhino is the biggest of all of the species of Rhino and Then followed by the black rhin which is just a little bit smaller then them but uh these females can weigh you know anything from a ton and a half all the way up to something just short of 2 and a half maybe just short of three tons I think a three ton female is a big big female and uh naturally obviously if she's very very big which if she's big it means that she could possibly be a good mother and have a very healthy healthy youngster I didn't hear that question did you hear it no Gwen could you please repeat that question [Music] Cal yes incredibly beautiful they are stunning they really really are there's h two of these females here and the they pretty much identical these are the sisters the ones with the same father different mothers and they were very very well very fairly similar births apart from each other in the same year and you usually see them [Music] together they've both got fairly decent sized bodies and uh very beautiful beautiful horns and uh very calm doile just sort of off topic I've just heard a pale chanting claw in the distance and I'm wondering if it maybe might get up this is the perfect time for them to start hunting as you know a lot of the little mice and uh little CRS will start running around now you know as it starts to head into evening a lot of our field mice and uh mice just out here in general uh come out at night time uh cuz well at nighttime there aren't really many birds of prey but they're very wrong when they assume that because there's obviously the the cape eagle owl and the spotted eagle owls that uh can take them out at night time not to mention there's also jackals that roam around at night times and the Jackal will definitely not stray not stray away from a meal of a mouse Morgan's just going to drop the Indy filter and change the color of our picture here as our beautiful females are moving further further away and uh yeah generally speaking they'll eat about 10 100 to 150 kgr of grass a day that is a lot of grass that is why their heads have not lifted up ever since you know they've been glued to the ground oh this has been a a beautiful interaction with these beautiful creatures we're going to send you now back over to James with his beautiful beautiful lion absolutely nothing that's what our L's up to he has graced us with a quarter turn to the left and he has done so to the great consternation of two very irritated rattling culas who were en joying Friday afternoon and have now discovered that they have got a lion underneath their home now they neighbors have joined in and everyone is shouting at the lion as you can see the lion does not give a flying Continental what anyone else thinks of him ah yes Gwen you're talking I know exactly what you mean she says they sound like there's party things that kids blow into you know the ones that you blow in the paper comes out and it goes yeah I know what you mean they do sound like that I don't think I wonder if those things have a name they must do gosh I haven't thought about those for a long time gwin and I'm going to have to start thinking about them of course it will not be long before young Ridley insists on having some sort of kids party at which those beastly things are a feature I'm bir you on the birds good man well done it's actually quite nice with the backlight you see their wings now the Neighbors on both sides are shouting at the line and the disdain with which he is treating them is quite phenomenal there we go it's apparently that toy is called a party [Music] horn All The Neighbors in all the cicular in this neighborhood are blowing their party horns with vicious enthusiasm [Music] [Music] I just received a comment from Judy ditchfield who says that it's not the kids who going to be a problem at the kids parties it's their mothers and probably their fathers Judy you make a good point something I'm particularly looking forward to all right I I can say no more about this lion he's uh he is being so profoundly unentertaining that I think it's time to move on well Alice yeah I know what you mean it's not the prettiest sound out here in the bush but it's not supposed to be it's an alarm call they do make quite a nice sound that gives them the name rattling Cula goes something like that this is only when they're really irritated which clearly they are right we're going to head on hi James um I'm sorry experience captivating Wildlife documentaries showcasing incredible animal behavior for free by visiting lion or downloading the app accessible on both Apple and Android [Music] platforms [Music] for [Music] [Music] for e for [Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back live to us druma where well we've got a bit of an elephant roadblock now even a youngster like this young female I could very easy to get her to move out of the way and it would work probably most times but from an ethical point of view why am I trying to get her out the way cuz I have to be somewhere else well that's just tough we're in a wildlife area Conservation Area animals take precedence here over anything and if they're in the road you wait I've never had a massively negative reaction with elephants when I've being in a car sometimes you in an area where elephants are may be quite unrelaxed and they hear your vehicle and they react from a distance you just keep driving but when you're in a situation like this and the Elephant moves up the way like she so nicely has done now I can start the car have a look at her behavior no reaction okay and now I'm going to try and just go past this so I can get this other youngster but as I'm going past I'm going to keep watching and if her behavior changes I'm going to stop and switch the car off now she's watching me over the left shoulder and now as I go a little bit further forward she's now watching me over the right right shoulder doesn't mean that there's any negative behavior just means she's alert to my presence and if I got close enough it would change her behavior but she's got a mouth full of grass she's very very happy anybody Joseph they do mostly mostly in hers just don't want to push here just got to go forward another couple of inches okay Mama okay Mama we we saw you there so you see how she just gave a little warning a very obvious warning there she's she's very alert but there's no adverse Behavior happening now I went a little bit closer just to get the camera in shot I was been quite sensitive of it but I had a feeling that there might be a small reaction and she gave us a bit of a headshake now we're stopping and what's she doing she's still feeding you see how nothing else has happened if I kept going even though she put a boundary down her headshake there was her saying this is my boundary and now she's watching us she is heavily pregnant now she's going to come as close to us as she wants to hello Mama hello beautiful tell me they do they are the most me magnificent animals I just love spending time with them all this natural behavior natural feeding happening her eyes are going semi closed again she's left a sub adult behind so she's actually left the sub adult and we're between her and the sub adult now clearly if there was some negative behavior here she wouldn't be doing that oh hello James Daniel they are the best distraction ever aren't they aren't they oh and there goes James hello photob bomb photo her bomb they have moved on from their lion and uh James has got a very cheeky smile in his face they are going east now comes the subed alure um cab hello yes same exactly the same boundary line as mom if not a little bit further also come all that behavior there head is up ears are alert body language that is them just going okay I'm not 100% sure about this but Mom seems to be okay so I'll be okay I won't react I won't trumpet to make all sorts of noise but elephants are very good at showing you their boundaries which I think as people we can also learn to be more direct and more um open about our boundaries about what we will accept if any of you got that friend who likes to call you or come up to you and there's just a whole lot of stuff they need to vent and they just vent without asking you if they can it's unfair excuse me I've really understand that you need to vent something right now but I don't have the capacity to listen to what you have to say I'm dealing with my own stuff there a very clear direct boundary but instead a lot of us allow that person to vent and then we get annoyed with them afterwards for doing so H so many examples of clear boundaries so many different ones physical space communication personal belongings and it's not something that we really taught as youngsters which is very surprising whereas elephants are learning about boundaries all the time I certainly wasn't taught a lot about boundaries as a youngster and I'm figuring out a lot of that now in my older age and being very clear about what I can and cannot do and those people in my life that mean a lot to me they understand and those who don't slowly but surely moving away okay well we're going to stay here with our elephants and we're going to send you over to Eric who has found some elephants of his own yes thank you Steve yes always good for everybody to keep to their own bubble and not to push boundaries oh where are you going now we here with the Z we obviously saw him at the beginning of drive and he wasn't in a very nice place to see him we saw him from far and when we got closer it uh turned out he'd actually put himself in the middle of a block of bushes and we couldn't see him anyway he's come to say hello to us and now he's giving us the backside but he's feeding in this area he's a beautiful boy he's very calm at the moment and know he he can he can get a bit naughty sometimes uh obviously young bulls do get a bit naughty every now and then um and that's normally the result of them getting kicked out of the herd or they normally get kicked out of the hood because they were naughty they can go both ways but uh he's here and uh he's uh he's obviously been hanging around with the Buffalo oh Kan un go we all needed something like this to end off a crazy crazy busy busy week we're filled with all sorts and now he's disappeared from our beautiful sight how cool was that I mean the lighting is so so good right now that beautiful beautiful golden hour and we are surrounded with absolutely amazing amazing animals and that was a really nice interaction when we first saw him he was actually on the other side of the Bush and uh he he literally he walked straight straight at us um and uh he passed probably about 2 m from the side of the car stood there for a while smelt listened to us for like 5 seconds and then moved off and uh this Buffalo obviously been accommodating this elephant you know they would never be seated like they are now if there was a whole herd of elephants here um yeah females would have definitely caused a bit of trouble well the female elephants would have caused a bit of trouble for the Buffalo um obviously they don't tolerate they don't like other animals in their area you know sometimes Bulls can also uh uh put Buffalo around um but Aika I mean I think he's he's seen them and he's not really worried about them um I think sometimes when Bulls are by themselves they generally care a little bit less about who is in and around them um but sometimes they they care a little bit too much have a look at that big boy sitting down there there's two of them actually two big boys and then there's a real real stud that is probably about to come into frame in a minute oh he's busy just sniffing some urine from another female he's just testing he's doing the good old flaming Grimace there you go look at him test test you can see it tripping from his there and he's just making sure he's actually got a bit of a deformed nose oh you would have seen it a little bit there G faces okay if you look on top of his nose looks like there's a little lump he's got a deformed nostril that's how we know that this is a very well not that's not how we know that he's a very old bull but uh I know that he's a very old bull because that deformed nostril has been on this Amala property for quite some time he is the new dger boy there was originally a dger boy and for those who had been to Amala before 2020 may have come into contact with dgab boy he was a very big buffalo bull that was not with the herd that took his chances with the lies [Music] this morning we did have some lines s is probably going to fall that for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] [Music] back live everybody we we've repositioned and one of our females one of our females has dug a hole in the river I think it was a female it was a female originally now looks like it's a young boy dug a hole in the river and he busy drinking the water from underneath the sand lovely filtered water this is the uh the drainage line that comes from buuk Dam elephants are the only animals we know of here that physically dig for water many other animals will benefit from that behavior now I know how to dig for water in a river like this but and I can do so with my hands and with a shovel and I don't know the elephants get so well done with their foot and their trunk without the sediment falling in and without it getting oh it is a female without it getting very dirty obviously the water coming through the sand bank is nice and clean well it was nice and clean it was ning she's so cheeky she's like well no one else can uh can use this now my my little child is going to be like oh Mom can I dip my face in there now or have you just filled it up with with your urine that was very cheeky of you Mama baby's going to get P baby's going to get conjunctivitis so that youngster was was by Mom's side the whole time digging and so it's learned it's now knows it might not have the technique down yet but it knows that okay so here on the bend of the river when that the soil's quite moist at the section if I dig I can get some sustenance LOL beautiful scene indeed beautiful scene indeed while elephant on the landscape doing things is just magical I'm always a fan okay well James looks like he stopped to admire the sunset it send you over to him and BK yes I've stopped to admire the Sun but it is also the vultures that I'm admiring and the vultures are sitting in a dead tree which is the most gormlessly obvious thing I could have told you but there were five or six of them lurking and there's a Franklin below them going so I'm Fair sure there's a predator around here now whether or not this is a predator who's prepared to stand and let us see it I don't know but before we lose too much more light I think we should probably drift downwards to where that Franklin is shouting what do you say BK you think so I think it's a superb idea it is quite a thick area I won't lie and those vultures will fly away as soon as we get close but the Franklin sharting just over there that's called my Krueger Park pointing style you're going to walk in the Krueger Park they'll point at an animal like that watch HS vultures have are absconding now what can we dis turn through here what is making this Franklin [Music] go I be Cuma maybe she's come down here oh Eric yes from a sunset to a predator it would be very nice indeed I won't lie to you and tell you that this is a particularly easy or easily navigable part of Juma but we will do our best there's a nice little clearing through here post this rather thick stand of saplings now some of you might be new viewers and thinking to yourselves how can this how can this beastly man run over these trees first of all there are a lot of them second of all I promise you they have all sprung up behind me and while they may have taken a little bit of a brw there will not be anything closed to dead I would have said just in here what do you say B [Music] came what didn't be wild dogs there were rumors of wild dogs you know coming down into this area earlier I feel like we would have heard them playing with each other have another little listen there's no further sound but there is further Sun going to spend two long knocking around here what's that oh my lapel apparently is not working oh hang on a second please excuse me I'm going to have to move my lapel mic because it was about to come out of the back of my head sorry for the scratching back now right we are going to lose light quite quickly now so I'm going to move there Franklin's still sorry I didn't see anything be it's an alarm calling bird that was I need to try and sort of find a way to say there without being quite too excited so that you know you realize it's not necessarily the Predator what is the easiest way through here I don't think there is an easy way yeah it's good idea let's go across to Eric he's got an actual animal not the thought of an animal oh we had our elephant bull here um 5 seconds and counting ago and he's just disappeared behind a bush but it does look like I don't think we may we're going to see him again after this he's gone into a rather th set of bushes and at a path 45° and the road runs along a 90° angle to this bush a we can hear him though and him crunching his way through the the foliage there I think this is where he's going to feed for the evening and uh quite possibly he may be found here in the morning that's fine we did have a good sighting with him and he chased some of the Buffalo around I'm glad he didn't chase us around oh it sounds like Steve has had some some better luck than we have we're going to send you over to him for Ellie and more Ellies and got two cheeky boys here that are busy pushing and shoving nothing major but maybe they'll come out in the open a little bit more we had Eric the day before yesterday talk about the young hard Beast pushing and shoving each other it's very important to learn how to play and to fight as boys we don't see girls in many of the animal species going through the bouts of mock fighting because for them they don't really need to mock fight for them when they're serious about something and push back they push back very hard but for boys there comes need for practice need for learning how to behave in a certain way so how to try and avoid injury you can't pick up a samurai sword and think you're going to know how to use it you need to practice and train and guaranteed anyone in the history of using a sword has practiced with a wooden sword to a play sword for many hours before playing with the real thing cuz the real thing is incredibly dangerous so imagine an elephant bull who never practiced and suddenly became a 6,000 kg elephant Bull and had his first fight well it could could go either way so it's important to practice this these techniques learn how to push learn the behaviors of backing down what does it mean when the other one submits what does it mean when I'm winning or losing so these young boys are going through those motions they're quite evenly matched he's playing quite hard though the one on the left some good technique there good stabbing motion but he's now on the back foot and uh he's just run his bottom right into the tree he's a little bit smaller actually than the one on the left now but he's backing away he's not turning his shoulder which is a sign of giving up there turn the shoulder that's a sign of submission and now it's play now the seriousness disappears you see that soon as the elephant turns their shoulder they're say uhuh like us putting our hands up basically means a c had there still going to be a bit of pushing let's go forward are they coming up here C looks like they might be coming up here or we might move let's move down the hill just slightly see where we were positioned before hopefully they don't get shy now because we're watching them oh hello boys now uh they're going to settle again cuz obviously they suddenly realize they're being watched you see how's watching us I told you earlier now he's like no I'm still playing the tail is up he's just going to do a little bit of a a roly poly see he's bigger he's bigger so he is going to be more dominant and it's important that there are safe words or safe behaviors amongst these animals otherwise they would overdo it now is showing everybody look how big I am I am the biggest elephant in the world now the other one's going to come back cuz his friends being silly oh Kimberly this is all play play here and now that he's on the floor he comes back now he's on the hill a bit he's got a bit more Advantage oh here those tasks you've heard the saying it's all fun in games until somebody loses an eye well that's exact ly it they have to be careful those tusks can potentially get themselves in the eye he's toying with him come on come face me on the flat ground come face me on the flat ground I'm going to go down again and scratch my bottom that got you to come last time here comes another youngster who might be Keen to come and check you often will get a third young elephant coming in to enjoy the party we've got a refreshing splash of entertainment this March africam is surfacing with a new show join us every morning and submerge yourself in Nature's ambiance [Music] watch it live and transport yourself to the finest watering holes across Africa wild Earth connecting with nature [Music] [Music] oh e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we almost feel like you're getting charged by an elephant sometimes but just be in mind when they go down here they move very quickly and it can lead to some head shakes this elephant is now incredibly alert he didn't expect us to be here his foot went up in sort of trying to figure out what's going on the eyes flared open sniffing smelling he wants to go and play with these other boys but he also knows that he doesn't want to show the lose face coming up to us now oh hello my boy you are so big and strong aren't you hello oh what a treat what a treat hello hi he's totally saying hello Gwenn he's totally saying hello but he's been hearing the other boy's play fight now watch He's is like hey I'm coming watch it all happen now now these two are going to check each other out smelling around who's who now these animals will know each other intimately through smell they'll have noticed there's another elephant there and one who's just joined the party can smell who's been playing around and now these two are going to interact in a certain way laai has turned his shoulder the one on the left he turned he's showing I'm not in the mood I'm being submissive an elephant that wants to play fight will show that by standing up straight with ears and pushing forward head on head they won't turn their shoulder he obviously wasn't coming to play he's coming to find the hole that someone else has dug to go and drink some water maybe after the water you might be interested in a little bit of play this water's been tainted I can smell it smells like Aunt su's urine now if you're an aunt Susie out there I'm not at all accusing you but uh just making up names here here we go these two are now going to interact with each other after the drink of course but uh we're going to stay right here with the elephants why not and we're going to send you over to Eric and some El I just want us to listen to the noises that are around us at the moment of course naturally as soon as I pointed out that the birds stop making the noises i' had a PO makiri couple calling and du it to our right behind us we had a whole flock of green wood hoop also making a decent amount of noise it has been an amazing Sunset Safari we've been spoiled and now we've got some Eland here and that female she's gorgeous she's got a beautiful beautiful coat a beautiful beautiful tan color showing of her flexibility I think that's the first time she's taken her eyes off of us she since we been parked here she has not stopped staring Justine the purpose of that jeap is uh to help cool them down it's uh the purpose is more useful in the males than it is in the females females uh have much smaller tulps and they tend to swing a lot less as males have much bigger ones and uh they swing an awful lot they've just got got um uh veins in them basically it's like the ears of an elephant almost no there seems to be a little youngster making his way here now unfortunately for this little youngster it does look like he's got an injury or he or she has got an injury of some form on the back leg um I think it's that right leg right leg of the left leg I'll have to see it walk again but uh not not good and uh in situations like this there isn't really much that we can do um because they are a prey species uh we almost have to let nature take its course and surprisingly I mean this baby elant I saw it yesterday this is definitely the herd that the cheetah startled and uh this baby Eland managed to evade those three male cheaters so I wouldn't say it's too bad because uh well someone got caught and luckily for this little one it wasn't this one but uh yeah because it's a prey species uh we'll have to let nature take its cost because eventually it will fall prey to a lion or cheater it is a very very young little baby definitely born this year I'd say oh probably born in the month of February early March Linda pearly it is beautiful it is beautiful indeed so that must that must be mom that must be mom there I hope it's like something like a a fractured leg and not like a dislocated leg as a dislocated leg will won't really fix itself uh a fractured leg could possibly regrow and obviously mean they're very young so the the bones the bones are very very soft of the animal of the little youngster so hopefully mom's milk will Aid and strengthen this little baby how in the wild life moves fast to capture the action you've got to be in the right spot at the wrong time now incredible animal behavior selected from amazing amateur and professional footage to reveal the secret lives of animals in motion this is raw nature caught in the act wild Earth connecting with nature for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everyone well our two young boys are coming out of the drainage line to impress us with their their size stature and look at you impressive boys hey hello hello magnificent young man I know I should be terrified right now absolutely terrified he was trying to intimidate me there everybody could you tell and it works it can work for most people it can really work and that is exactly what is's doing it for I mean they're youngsters and if mom or dad does that well yes it's terrifying he doesn't really have the confidence to back up that behavior yeah but uh and now he's going to have a poo while he goes into the bushes they're still fighting with each other though playing with each other most other animals that see an elephant do what he did justed to me would move and get out of the way cuz they are still the biggest around everybody well if you're just joining us sadly you just missed a wonderful little encounter with the two young elephant Bulls as they came out of the drainage and they're now messing around in the thickets here the the red Spike thorn thickets which would be very difficult for you or I to walk through maybe we'll get another view of them on this side there goes the herd over there Nikki they're blessing us we are we are truly yeah we are blessed I can smell them maybe we get them from this angle here don't think so if not I'll turn around and go back to that Junction I needed that c that little moment there I needed that he's on top of him how do I look over the trees like I'm going to have to clim on my friend's back when he's done hello boys you are Fanny Gary we could only assume we could only assume that there's lots and lots of communication happening um you know when they're that close to each other I think so much that's happening is probably body language like if you can imagine uh Gary if you've got an older brother or a younger brother there might be sort of body languages that you do towards each other when you're starting to play with each other and when it starts getting a little bit more aggressive there doesn't need to be anything said just the way that things are playing out the the the hardness with which you hit or the the physicality this going to move again the physicality with which you suddenly push from one angle or that low reaching slap that your brother would give you from one side a lot of that doesn't need to be there would be some vocal in there in the way of certain jbes and comments that are probably being made but I can't tell you how much is going around with them when they're in that little group how much vocal communication is happening but in amongst the herd it's happening all the time lots of little rumbles lots of low frequency see communication but when they eye to eye like that I think most of it is body language I'm only assuming that you know when you see people fighting or play fighting there's really not much to be said because you're focusing on your breathing focusing on your Technique and maybe thinking about what you're going to do next rather than what you're going to say but uh that's just my thoughts I can smell them anamarie I 100% agree with you watch them for hours and here has a mama busy suckling her C and we're just going to switch off right there there's no need to go any closer than that again she's in the road she's busy feeding the boys off to the left still busy pushing and shoving maybe they're saying thing as like oh you got a long nose and oh you got fat feet oh you got a gray tail you can imagine there's probably all these little chips that are taking place but I think most of what's happening is body language driven boys will be boys I think once they've had enough and they turn the shoulder there might be something that gets said like you always play so rough why do you have to be such a such a meanie and then they go off and sulk for a little bit so there could be communication then anthropomorphizing everybody don't know for sure but there's definitely that intelligence in amongst them so everybody please join our YouTube membership program there are some great benefits the best on being an adree stream that you can rewind and pause go to the YouTube channel and click find Jo click join to find out more this is really a simple process and if you are on DStv think about coming across to YouTube for an ad for experience for a fraction of the cost all relatively new smart TVs have got the YouTube app okay we're going to give them one more attempt to view but it's getting dark now and uh this road starts to go into a little bit of a of a signal dip just you know the elephants are close by they're probably walking through there you got to drive nice and slowly cuz you can suddenly cuz I've got my my vehicle on and I can't see I could be Crossing into boundary cuz I'm not seeing the animals Behavior but they're just off to the right here into the drainage line now they're all moving off towards the north there so we're probably going to move on see what else we can find and in the meantime let's send you over to James and see what he's been get up getting up to since his Sunset right we've come to buffles hook water hole Northeastern sector of Juma private game reserve there is a Hipp hippopotamus in the water did you see the hippopotamus you are you now framing the Hipp Thomas thank you and we were given permission to quickly go and see marib the male leopard I can tell you that he's okay I can tell you that the Sai Sands will have somebody with him the whole night so that's nice he's got a meal I'll also tell you that taluma stole his first meal so they had to get him they had to get him another one uh so she's lurking around here apparently she wandered through um visited him again about 10 minutes ago and then carried on off to her meal She's Fit to pop apparently I'm sure she'll head back to her Den during the course of the night so he's looking okay uh he is eating very gingerly at the moment but he he is eating the drugs will take a little while to wear off and that's why the Sai Sands is going to hang around with him all night so that's the update on our young male leopard who we love very much we got about 3 minutes of footage of him uh just the top of his ears we didn't actually see anything else and between Steve and I we will come into this area tomorrow morning the Sai Sans has asked us to come and just help out find him tomorrow yeah Esther we will update you good or bad over the course of the next little while the fear for us and for you is that he will go north of us into Buff's hook which is the reserve north of us perfectly safe for him but it means we won't be able to find him the S Sands will find him though and they'll update us as and when they can very peaceful here lovely call of the fiery neck night jar as an autumnal breeze blows in from the East cooling us down and we did go and follow those vultures down to where the Franklin was alarming but all we found with stumps logs rocks and ass sorted other booby traps and so we we decided that was enough and we came out here oh was a little flippy flip wasn't it very nice effort from the hippotamus people often ask what's your favorite sound out here and there are a couple of evening sounds that I really love and one is the call of the fiery neck night job one is the grunt of a hippo and the other is the call of the water thicky Monica you said it looks like all the animals are playful tonight well it it's Friday it's Friday tonight the young ones are all going to go out on the town to the club and tomorrow they'll wake up with headaches and regret their life choices the kids will make promises of doing their homework and not do it and have to do it on Sunday evening fancy playing Safari snaps or showing off your photo skills in fun competitions how about sneak peeks of our brand new camera spots and live chats with fellow africam fans well africam all access has got your back just head to afri Cam's YouTube channel hit the join button and select africam all access you'll unlock Lo africam premium website perks and all the VIP benefits of our YouTube memberships [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] all [Music] it is past that state where the sun has now disappeared from us a lot of pink candy floss clouds on the horizon and the light is starting to change drastically is getting darker and darker by the minute and as it's getting darker so the temperature is plummeting not dropping plummeting I'm slowly starting to lose feeling in my hands that's good I'm using one hand sitting on the other hand warming it defrosting it actually but um now we're still we're still in a very very good light for Safari and it's at this time that we going to start seeing our no nocturnal animals ARA BR your AR your bad foxes and other nighttime life oh we'll Bumble slower slower slower than we usually do uh do you agree with me Morgan it's getting cold he's smiling yeah he says plummeting is a strong word I think he's feeling exactly what I'm feeling but it is getting cold it's getting a ever lightly no I I think plummeting was a good a good use of the word cuz I mean it was warm and now it's not so warm at all the sun disappeared and there went the heat but uh our bird life has taken off obviously we were sitting in an area and uh I said the birds were going off but we didn't didn't hear it because I'd spoken about it in Murphy's Law as soon as you talk about the birds themselves they stopped talking did you hear the question I didn't oh the coldest the coldest I've had here at a MAA uh was minus one there was a little Jacko come on oh he went off the road um now at the last Lodge I was at line roll so and P we where we stayed was in a valley and uh the bottom of that Valley it did get quite cold to - one but you guys cold the temperatures didn't you I don't know what it was okay so last year Morgan and them had frost and ice outside the house which means it's definitely colder than where I was cuz there was no Frost where we were it was still due but the phone said minus one I don't know how much I believed it but but uh it felt like it it felt getting to the lodge to go and you know make up your coffee box for your hot chocolate and your tea and your coffees for your drink stop with your guest I mean your nose feels like it's falling off on the way there and uh your hands well your hand the feeling in your hands is non-existent but as soon as that sun does come up it does generally start to warm up quite quickly um and like I said before when you're sitting still you can get very very hot you know you want to start taking layers off but as soon as you start driving through the air it actually gets a lot colder than it is I've had it before where I've given ponchos and ponchos are the ones that those big blankets with the hoods that you put on and you can actually wear them um where I offered guests ponchas and they were like no we won't need the punches it's too warm uh we'll actually be fine and we weren't even 5 minutes on the road back and they were asking for the ponchos cuz it's cold I mean the air the the air is not warm in winter it's cold it's dense it's quite nice I do enjoy it cuz in summer sometimes you just can't cool down there's no way there's just and you drive through the air and it warms you up nin it definitely is long pants season I think oh at least long pan season is coming up we're not far away from it I've always found as long as your head is covered your leg your feet are covered your hands somewhat covered and the top half of your body layered up you should in theory be fine that's my Phil ophy I think if you've got I mean I've worn there's there been times where I've worn shorts and like three sets of jerseys and I've been perfectly fine but the minute you wear shorts and you only have two jerseys or one Jersey and nothing to cover your hands or your head well that's where your heat's going to be leaving your body this is normally the time that we also start seeing this is normally seeing daa out in theart you wouldn't think that they were nocturnal animals but they are around more at night time than they are during the day you see them during the day but uh the very skittish and they tend to bounce around into bushes all right we're going to continue with sending you over to Steve in this dark dark light hello everybody well Eric back with us here in Juma if I was uh staring blankly at the screen there was because we were expecting a link and we never heard any link and then um we knew it was coming and then well we were probably live there for a moment anyway here we are mobile back towards Camp our elephants were being very boisterous and another sets of elephant Bulls are pushing each other around they were a little bit younger than the other two so definitely time time of play the elephant Bulls this afternoon it's been quite special really needed that after today it's been a heavy day for us I'm not going to lie Cam and I went and spend time there with my ribs and the whole ordeal yeah not very pleasant everyone I know everyone's angry and everyone's upset emotional but uh it's a very interesting time that we liveing I think James points on uh on the post that was s out the social media and then many of the points he made on on Safari are very relevant oh my goodness it is about as small as they come about as small as they come hello little fellow wow we have an exciting announcement wild Earth is launching a YouTube membership program for a nominal monthly fee members get an adree Channel prioritized questions Early Access to videos and many more perks you'll get fun features like Badges and emojis that'll make you stand out in the chat YouTube memberships will help us to continue with our mission of connecting people with nature while giving you access to lots of our amazing content [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] for for [Music] okay oh Cameleon we're going to leave you perched in your tree little fellow very small oh Splendid oh look at this I mean it doesn't get any better than that does it it's going to move off the road [Music] slightly hey n girl it is my pleasure just going to try and move out of the way so he's going to walk past us how does that feel cam now do you notice that boundary there everybody he wants to walk past us and he just gets too close for his own comfort and then he jogs around like that now I'm not going to be able to turn around now and follow him because well we're in a bit of a precarious situation here on this little welcome back live everybody well we just had a walk by on that man line but he's going going into that drainage past our chameleon and we're going to let him keep walking still don't know who his name is did that even come forward I know there was a big political debate this morning about all of that not even sure okay well we're going to slowly head on back towards cab see what else we can find along the way home and then send you over there I think I see James's lights I to I'm slowly heading back to Camp I think that's I actually saw Steve's lights behind us and he's on the same road we were on and I think lion must have stepped onto the road behind us or he may have just been there and I missed him which is not impossible we are drifting towards Camp it's Friday Bri night or what you in the United States or the United Kingdom would call barbecue barbecue night barbecue night or in the UK barbecue night or in Australia barie night no shrimp I had some Australian guests with me in December who told told me that no Australian ever has said put another shrimp on the barbie um Connie is marib able to climb trees in his condition I think it'd find it difficult but I think he could do it yeah in an extreme situation I think he could do it the his biggest danger right now is that he's very thin so he's obviously had the snare on him for a long time so they need to get some food into him he needs a good I would say two or 3 days rest and a lot of food and I think that will make a big difference to him but could he climb a tree if he had to yeah I think he probably could the leopard's greatest defense is stealth and hiding though so that's going to be his greatest defense Loren I would have said that that cat has not eaten probably for about a week to 10 days um he's very thin very thin and so I would say a week to 10 days I think that's how long it's been there remember and I mean this is not nice detail but the snare would have caught him he would have got his uh his foot through it and then he would have pulled and struggled and it would have taken a while for the cable to snap off the tree that it was attached to so I think he's probably been wandering around with it for yeah a week to 10 days horrible horrible ordeal that he's been through that is thankfully not over just so difficult because you know they don't they don't know if we're trying to help them then they don't think we are trying to help them really you know and if they did it would be so much easier because they'd come and seek help like a dog might you know but they don't all right everybody it's been a a rough day really on the emotional level but thank you for bearing with us thank you for your consideration and for listening to us as we've explained the story we'll see you again tomorrow at 05:30 until then have a wonderful evening bye-bye [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: WildEarth
Views: 13,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #WildAnimals, #Africa, #Nature
Id: UxogNYhKCvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 30sec (10890 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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