Sadhguru on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 11-day Anushthan for Rama Temple Consecration | Sadhguru

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namaskaram here we are just uh back from The Prana pratista of nandi and mahash Shula at the sanid in Bangalore and of course the whole country is a Gog about SRI Rama temple in ayodya rightly so because people have been waiting for over 500 years and here it is so there is a tremendous excitement in the country what is this all about the process of establishing or consecrating a deity is about stabilizing an energetic or chronic form that exudes prescribed qualities the qualities that we ascribed to the Dy are the same qualities that we hold high and Aspire for in this civilization that we refer to as Hindustan we do not wait for Divinity to descend but nurture and cultivate that possibility within us in this effort creating a stable base Within is vital and that is called Anam in sansam and Anana in Southern India and Hindi speaking people call it anustan this is an effort to build a foundation of the Divine possibility within ourselves or turning this body into a living temple with purificatory processes and life enhancing methods making the body body fit enough to house the Divine for all consecrations that we do here there is always an appropriate yoga sadana for the participants these sadanas are a way of creating a stable base within to manifest the deity or the energy form that is manifested through Prana pratia this process of anusham is done for various periods there are sadakas who do it for an entire solar cycle which is just short of 12 Years there are those who do for 36 months there are those who do for 90 days 64 days 33 days 28 21 12 11 9 7 5 3 days depending upon the type of Prana pratista these are the are designed to enable the participant to embibe and form the nature of the deity Beyond imprints of memory and Associated emotion to make impression upon the pranamaya kosha and vigay kosha of who we are that means beyond the physical body and mental structures we want to take this imprint of both this form and its qualities at a deeper level in other words to or SW the Divine possibility into your deeper space of oneself that the general rager of Life cannot deny or contaminate that possibility in one's search for Liberation or Moka this is an important step the process of Anana is not only relevant at the time of consecration but can be done at any time as convenient for individual people it was common practice for individuals ending to take up significant activity in their life went into periods of Anana It is Well documented of Kings performing Anana before venturing into war or important campaigns because success does not come due to one's desire but by ensuring that one's own prti or set patterns of function do not become an impediment to take on great challenges of the world first thing to ensure is that you are not the problem Anana is a powerful way that involves various methods as for the evolution of the individual or for every type of human being a specific Anana can be worked out it can be prescribed in terms of physical processes breath related ritualistic energetic or very Consciousness oriented every human being needs to do or find a way of doing anustan if wanting to live a life of impact and fulfillment it is very heartening for me to see that the head of state of this great Crucible of civilization doing Anana upon Rama who in many ways is held as the epitome of a just stable and a prosperous rule not just one leader but all leaders and citizens of Barat should do Anana to create ramaraja or a nation that is based on principles and rules a law abiding nation which we refer to as Dharma Dharma as a word has been confiscated by the common Narrative of being a religion Dharma means Allah there were various types of dhas Raj Dharma for the Raja gasta Dharma for people who live in families Guru Dharma for those who take up that position uh various kinds of dhas for different kinds of activity that means rules and principles and ethics as to how one should function in a given position but the most important Dharma is swadharma the Dharma concerned with oneself that is a spiritual process and that has taken the dominance and today other dhas are not being talked about so what does ramaraja mean is it about going back to bow and arrow times no it it is about the values the fundamental ethic that one should hold when other people come under your influence leaders who keep their personal well-being aside for people's welfare this is Rama willing to sacrifice personal goals for the larger good that is Rama to address all negativity with Equanimity and Grace that is Rama no matter at what cost to establish the rule of law or Dharma that is Rama a constant striving to improve oneself to be able to serve better every moment of your life that is Rama and if leaders aspire to become this if they do Anana on these qualities there shall be ramaraja when I say leaders don't just think about political and military leaders or that sort if you have just one more life upon which you can influence if you are influence is on one life or 10 lives or a Million Lives or A Billion Lives if you have the ability to influence and be a power upon another life you must follow these five principles and you must create ramaraja wherever you are that's what it means it is not just leader means somebody who is up there either elected or a king or a military leader or a business leader yes it's relevant to all of them but it's important that we understand leadership means we have the opportunity to make a difference in another life whether it's one or one billion that's not the point let's create ramaraja let's make it [Music] [Music] happen [Music] around
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 430,986
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Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru 2022, sadhguru 2023, jaggi, jaggi vasudev, isha, isha foundation, yoga, meditation
Id: eCbBVfjYKnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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