Sadhguru Explains To Scientist You Are Not The Body Or The Mind

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what is the you that can be separated from the physical is it the fact that you gathered your body over a period of time it's the fact that this body gathered together over a period of time and it maybe then I emerge as a consequence of that this feeling of I as opposed to me doing the gathering tell me you've been having lunch and dinner or have I been having lunch dinner yeah yeah this this dynamic accumulation has been eating plenty yeah so what you what you refer to as my body right now is an accumulation of food to heap of food not a pleasant way to describe you but it is what you call as my mind largely in people's experience is an accumulation of impressions over a period of time agreed so if you have to gather this much of impressions and this much of body something more fundamental must be there isn't it Houston Texas is an accumulation of roadways and buildings but we wouldn't say that there was Houston was there you gather you are not a piece of geography you are not a piece of geography are you may be exactly that a physical and a physical being I'll tell you why from my perspective that seems like a possibility it's because we're across the street from the world's largest Medical Center and every day there's thousands of people there who is geography is changing because of Alzheimer's or stroke or tumor or traumatic brain injury and who they are changes it doesn't seem like there's something fundamental that outlasts damage to the tissue see you're talking about thought and emotion the biggest mistake we have made is we have given too much significance to human thought whatever you think is only happening from the limited data that you have gathered yes sir agreed yes so the data that you and me have gathered however big women think it is in terms of the cosmos it's minuscule it's nothing it's really not of any consequence so from this miniscule of data that we have gathered we are generating some thought which could be useful in making our lives it could be useful in creating a few things it could be useful fundamentally for our survival and the enhancement of our survival process always but it doesn't give you access to life thought and emotion each psychological drama that's happening within you you can conduct it any way you want you're talking about somebody had a tumor or a dimers or an accident or something and the drama went wrong the drama can go wrong even without any of those ailments you ask people people's drama goes wrong without any accident or injury or ailment just like that drama goes wrong on a daily basis for a lot of people we usually give that a name there or something like depression or a psychotic break that's a business now what I'm making anybody I'm saying there's only this much either your your faculties are taking instructions from you or they have become compulsive for some reason all right either your body and mind you can conduct it consciously or it's become compulsive that's all that's happening whether you call it physical ailment or mental ailment all that's happened is just this that your fundamental faculties of existence on this planet is your body and your mind these two things you have lost grip over them so it can become this kind of ailment or that kind of ailment of whatever but fundamentally you have lost charge that's all that's happened if your body and your brain took instructions from you would you create depression would you create illness would you create anything you would create highest level of pleasantness for you isn't it we certainly would if there were a separate you that could gain that control so yeah we can come to this like this there is something called because I I see that you keep referring my brain if you say my brain that means it's yours what is yours can be you right it's a colloquialism that we use because I need to refer to this one in here specify which way I'm talking about when I say my hand I know even without my hand I can still exist similarly if certain parts of the brain are gone our ability to think and feel the way we were doing it earlier may be gone but still that person is not gone that's the question so if I lose a little part of my finger I'm still me but if I lose a chunk of brain tissue that same size I can be someone completely different actually you're talking about personality personalities again an acquired thing beyond personality I can lose memory I can lose consciousness of course I can lose the ability to perceive reality the way that we do now I might become color blind because of a lesion because damage to a particular part of my brain I lose the ability to understand what objects are okay let's come to this see suppose somebody became colorblind bigger because of an injury or whatever that happened to them unfortunately that person still knows I have become colorblind isn't it he's still there it's true for the person who becomes colorblind but it's not true for for example a person who is born colorblind they don't even have a concept that they that they could be that they don't have a concept of color so let's take reverse who's born blind entirely they don't even have a concept of vision so who's the you for them today they even a person who has visual impact never seen the world around he still exists within himself he's as much a man or a woman as anybody else can be it's just that if all of us were blind we would be quite a fine society without ice right yes isn't it only because somebody has and I don't have in comparison I have a problem otherwise if none of us had ice you think we wouldn't have found our way around we would have maybe not the same way in a different way oh I totally agree because in some a machine there are mammals who were flying by you know sound yeah well there are so many dimensions that we are blind to now so what we call visible light is just a 110 trillions of the electromagnetic spectrum that's out there we only detect a little bit in some branches of physics it seems there might be between 10 to 13 spatial dimensions not just these three and yet we're trapped in these where we are moving away from consciousness to perception but my point is were already blind to most of the world so I agree with you that okay so let's move back to perception see what you what an individual life is you cannot disagree that your life are you you're a piece of life I'm a piece of life everybody is what kind of personalities we have acquired what kind of likes and dislikes we've acquired what kinds of gods and demons we have acquired what kinds of other things we've acquired he's a social process that's happened to us cultural and social process if you were born in a different part of the world it would be entirely different depending upon what we are exposed to these are impressions that we have taken in phenomenal amount of impressions leaving the design let's look at one fundamental whatever you gather you can only claim its mind you cannot say it's me isn't it whatever you gather how do you mean you mean your body you say anything anything anything I can say this is my chair if I sit here every day and then I said this is me then there's a problem I think there is a possibility that it's exactly what happens that the stuff that this piece of life can end up controlling becomes me the reason I think of this is my hand is because it's most of the time is under than my hand is okay no problem my hand is okay means the problem would you say me my hand means it belongs to you no problem with that when it becomes me then it leads you a completely distortion of perception okay I think so you're on you talking about identity who what you identify yourself as so you can the nature of the mind is such it is looking for some because human intellect and human intelligence has broken out of a certain bond which was there for every other creature that they could function like an automated machine through certain instinct Oh process what has happened with the human being with the process of evolution is he the human being has broken out of that instinctual process and there is an intelligence which has to function consciously but functioning consciously means every moment of life is an exploration which is too scary for a whole lot of people so the best thing is identified with something which gives you some sense of what you are but this some sense of what you are which you took on based on your social and cultural backgrounds what you took on make sense for your survival process but not for explorative process it doesn't explore life it keeps you sane it's a good solace it keeps you it it helps you to sleep well in the night but it doesn't awaken a different dimension of knowing it doesn't ma awaken the possibility of exploring dimensions which are not yet within you so if this has to happen the most important thing is to be able to sit here not identified with anything when I said it's so hard to remain uneducated in this world because everybody is busy wanting to teach you something this is all I did in my life to remain uneducated not to be influenced by parents by family by religion that's happening around you culture that's happening around you education that people are forcing on you just to be the way creation intended you to be simply see I have a not fit into the University value but I'm okay you know just simply the way you were born not tangling up your intelligence to any particular thing either your nationality or your religion or your race or your creed or your family or any kind of identity or your gender or whatever simply to be able to view your life just as a piece of life if one does this then you will see perception will explode in ways that they are not imagine possible now as a physical body you're unable to not be influenced by the by the clothing of your culture by but this is a statement is not a compulsive thing but you don't dress as somebody who's Chinese or an Eskimo or something when I'm in the North Pole I will I think so you can't help so from my perspective there's this issue of brain plasticity which is to say that we absorb what's coming in and I think it's exactly consistent with your description about who you are in the end is an accumulation of all these perceptions there's also the case that we come to the table with some pre-programming in our DNA which i think is consistent with what you're talking about is the memory of all of your ancestors leading up to this point but but because we are creatures that go around and vacuum in the our cultures and we speak this particular language and we we are males and we dress in certain ways it's hard to avoid that now I'm guessing you're gonna say but you don't identify with it is that is that right so what is a social requirement is one thing I just saw you going into the woman's room and YouTube by the way that was the only bathroom available yes so by social norm you do certain things because in the room that we were sitting there was only women's room I don't know why they mocked it like that so you and then I went in every other male went in only the female did not go so now what you do for the norm that exists so that you don't collide into situations is one thing what you identify it is another thing so the moment you identify with anything for that matter starting from your body to everything else what is your body is the limited body what you call as family is a larger body what you call as community is a much bigger body what you call as a nation is of bigger body what you call as humanity is a much bigger body this is how human identities go people think it's better to be identified with a nation than to be with an individual when there is a war or when there's some situation people think is better to be identified with the whole humanity but any identity limits you it takes away the fundamental possibility of what this life is identity is required for survival process to manage day-to-day situations but it is not an exploratory process because the intention of science is to know the technology is a fallout unfortunately in this world nobody would find science if it did not spin technology which is a very unfortunate thing because human intelligence wants to know it need not be useful it simply wants to know so technology is useful and what is useful today tomorrow you may be allies is very destructive it may take away our life that so technology has to be judiciously looked at what to apply what we should not apply but that judicious Ness is gone because everything is commercialized and it's on full force everything that we do after 50 years we come back and say we did the wrong thing now we are doing the right thing and again after 25 years we come back and say then we did the wrong thing now we're doing the right thing every every stage of life we seem to know it perfectly well but after some time looking back we know we did not know nothing we missed too many pieces so technology is something that we have to judiciously do science must happen rampantly mysticism must happen rapidly because this is simply exploratory this is not about seeing how to make it useful but today modern science has become a slave of technology if you don't make it useful nobody is going to fund you anymore you simply say I want to know nobody is interested in this how can it be turn into an enterprise that's all they're interested in this is a wrong way to approach science because science is a is a fundamental need within a human being wanting to know it's the nature of human it is not something that somebody made up it's not a bunch of scientists who made this up this is a fundamental need within human intelligence wanting to know it is the nature of a human being if you see something new he wanted to know what this is with a small thing or a big thing so to continuously sustain that wonder that sense of wanting to know is the basis of science and mysticism it is only the fundamental approach is different in the sense science is trying to achieve everything through physical means by taking physical quantities going by the physical laws but physically is like the peel of the fruit it has no purpose of its own the peel is useful only as a protective layer to the fruit once the fruit is eaten bill goes to the trash can say right now the fruit is inside so this body is very important we have to feed it we have to decorate it we have to dress it up we have to pamper it in so many ways tomorrow morning if the fruit is gone nobody is interested in this body anymore nobody wants to transact with this anymore only because there is something else inside body is so so such great significance once this is gone what is this this is just it like a fruit Pete people want to get rid of it at the earliest at least in America they dress it up in India within 4 hours you must get rid of the body that's the rule once instead leave the dead to the dead you know somebody's head someone's as long as they're alive you do whatever once they're dead you're done because the peel is meaningless without the fruit right now the fundamental flaw in this approach is though it's produced phenomenal results in terms of well-being for us comfort for us convenience for us the kind of comfort inconvenience were enjoying no other generation ever has known on this planet this is a fruit of science or technology rather in spite of that will it lead to human well-being that's a question mark comfort and convenience will come but will well-being come that's a question mark because if you look back on the humanity let's say hundred years ago a thousand years ago how people were and how people lie of today are you more joyful than them are you more blissed-out than them so are you more blissed-out than previous generations it's not true we are in much more comfort but we are not in much more joyful states or Pleasant States within ourselves or in essence our well-being or the fundamental quality of our life is not changed though the physical quality of our life has changed like unimaginable proportions in the last 50 years so we are trying to approach everything through physical means if you go through physical means you will hit that glass wall somewhere I think in my perception I'm not a scientist I don't know all of it but in my perception I think the physics are near the glass wall they might not have hit it they're near that's the unknown question you
Channel: Ready4Adventure
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Keywords: Sadhguru Explains To Scientist, Sadhguru Explains To Scientist You Are Not The Body Or The Mind, sadhguru, sadhguru vs scientist, sadhguru scientist debate, sadhguru debate, you are not the body, sadhguru 2020, sadhguru expalins, you are not the body or the mind, sadhguru wisdo
Id: vzb1gihWSxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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