Sabbath Singalong #55 | Sandra Entermann, Paul Fua & Johanna McKay

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welcome happy sabbath we are one minute late but we are here and um we are getting ready to sing a request that has come through a few times over the months the year that i've never done on a sing-along so we're going to start with it and that is days of elijah these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of your righteousness being restored these are the days of great trials [Music] behold he comes [Music] is [Music] the dry bones becoming and these are the days of your servant dave and rebuilding a temple of praise and these are [Music] is shining like the sun and the trumpets [Music] salvation comes [Music] there [Music] shining like a sun at the droplets if your voice is [Music] out of science till salvation comes [Music] is [Music] oh wow i don't know that i've ever sung that song before but daddy that one's for you you've been requesting that forever and i found two people who knew it and so sorry for sorry for ruining it we sort of put it together a little bit ago and then we've had so many dramas even just getting this all happening this evening so here we are thank you for all of you who are reaching out to help us when we were crying out for help we haven't flipped the camera though i don't know how to do that anymore so um but thanks for the lyrics for that song thanks for helping welcome happy sabbath we're at tweed valley adventist college this evening and um we're here with the principal mr paul fuwa good evening and um i think you take home teach home economics if i remember correctly yes and and maths misses your hannah mckay what do you call it here not your home our food technology food technology so we're back in the studio they have a recording studio at the school and um yeah how nice yeah okay we're gonna put the air on because a little bit it was cold before hey last week we did um in his time uh with jp and lauren and tamika and i tell you john laser he um reached out to me a gentleman named john laser to tell me there's actually four verses for in his time we did it twice last through last week because i liked it so much that's so short so he's like there's actually four verses they only published two so he sent us the other two should we go ahead and do that you're playing that one let's do this johanna would you open up for us [Music] is [Music] i have to lovely [Music] in your time you make all things show me every day that you're teaching me [Music] in your time teach me how to trust [Music] teach me lord i must be led and your way is [Music] you are coming back for me in your time [Music] is [Music] till my heavenly [Music] and look we're trying to make you learn new lyrics and remember what you've got to play so you thank you don't you love those new words john laser said yeah they were written all four but only published too so thank you john just beautiful happy sabbath send in your requests we do have a little list that um garnered from you know your requests over the month that we haven't yet done and we're also taking your live requests so what would you like to do next [Music] oh sure this is the one we are reaching out asking for who has the second verse so uh keep on singing well i keep on singing till he gets here old heritage song that not sure that yo we totally knew but i can't quite remember how it goes but i'll be reminded very quickly i'm still [Music] each day taking time to read his word i'll share the good news of salvation with people every day and nothing's gonna keep me from going home when he calls me on that day and everyone seems anxious [Music] heartaches and broken homes are reasons folks are insecure [Music] take time to read his word i share the good news of salvation with people [Music] i can hardly wait to see [Music] till he gets here i keep talking about my lord i get down on my knees each day take time to read his word i'll share the good news of salvation with people every day [Music] enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] such a fun song such a fun song but we need to get joanna back on the melody line and i'll go back to help you thank you all for sending those lyrics in i couldn't recall what in the world they were so okay you know what um i saw a request for this one that just come up this one here should we do it now while we can maybe hopefully remember what we do in this song why not so um i can't remember who requested it on the advertisement someone requested can we please sing his eyes on the sparrow and i typed in i don't think that's going to happen because um last time we were here with this crew they said uh-uh but when i got here they were practicing it and we still need mark 7 or sonia are the levels good for voice and and keys in your um feeds out there let us know oh we don't use this we use this don't we so paul's got a little arrangement here he said now you sing this and you sing this and you think it's we'll try to remember something you've finally got your song his eye is on the scarf and everyone else has been asking for it why should i feel discouraged why should why should my heart feel lonely [Music] when jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i see because i'm happy i see because his eye is and i know he watches me his eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching me [Music] peace his goodness [Music] but one step [Music] is [Music] know he watches me [Music] because i'm happy i see because i'm free his eye is [Music] and i know he watches me [Music] he is [Music] me [Music] i see [Music] because i'm happy i see because i'm free his eyes [Music] me he who watches me and i know he watches me he watches me watches me i know he watches me [Music] amen amen or whoever it was that typed i'm crying now i hope you know that yeah god cares for you if he sees the sparrow that falls he certainly sees you thank you so much for being willing to do these people's requests out of your comfort zones and just a beautiful song thank you all righty okay we can put that one away that is done someone is praying oh yeah sure so when i was at avondale college in my third year i met manoa tuitama some of you may know him and uh he introduced me to the world of music and i learned so much from that beautiful man but he's unwell and in fact a number of his family members are unwell at the moment stephen and helani and we just wanted to sing for you tonight the two timer family those of you who know them will know that they are among the most talented family that i've ever met like this one here and this one here both come from very musical families and aj my brother i'm looking forward to the day when we can sing again you me and manuel and uh just now while your family is unwell and i know that many people are praying for you we want to sing this song with you tonight someone is praying for you [Music] is [Music] will break into it [Music] is [Music] is your ship tossed and battered are you weary [Music] and peace [Music] someone is is for you [Music] when it seems that you've prayed and your tears [Music] is [Music] your is will break [Music] amen i just feel like we need even more prayer for this sing-along tonight the struggle is really real here in the studio isn't it but we prayed for you before we went live we prayed we prayed for this the gentleman back there as well and we prayed for you so as i said last time we did this song if you think that no one cares about you and that no one is praying for you because you may be the only believer in your family or you're in a space where you just haven't got the body of christ around you we're praying for you you've been prayed for tonight and yeah thanks for reaching out to your friends with that song that was beautiful that was beautiful okay i think we need to get to a song that no earth that johanna knows and she can sing the melody from now on we've got this little powerhouse sitting out on the other end so um shall we go to this one yeah are we allowed to turn this up at all just for us oh okay i see father in [Music] may your heaven be established in our praises blessed be the [Music] is god almighty in heaven be established in our praises as your people declare you mighty words blessed be the lord [Music] blessed be the lord [Music] blessed be the lord [Music] is [Music] is [Music] okay so cherie i saw she requested blessed assurance paul for style and my brother david actually sent me a little text message just now to say the same thing he thinks fanny crosby would like your arrangement i'm also seeing comments that you can't hear me and i presume that's when i speak as opposed to when i sing i know last time we were in this studio that the speaking was all really soft because you know when we sing we're really projecting and when we speak we're a bit softer so we'll try and remember to talk louder um and people are coming the whole thing is really soft so i don't know that we can rectify that we've had so many struggles this evening but um we'll see if you can get a louder output excellent he's giving me the thumbs up he'll do his darndest and you can let us know if that works our blessed assurance hey yeah yeah can we uh i keep guessing my lord i just keep trusting my lord keeps coming through as well so nice okay uh which one would you like to do first oh here's blessed assurance right here shall we i gotta remember the poor style ready blessed assurance jesus is [Music] a glory divine [Music] of god born of his spirit [Music] this [Music] this is my song [Music] praising myself this is my story this my is [Music] above this is my story this is my song praising myself [Music] this is my story this is my song [Music] perfect submission [Music] is [Music] looking above [Music] this is my story this is my song praising my savior this is my story [Music] this is my song praising my savior amen amen so i do want to try and get through these which are requests from you that haven't been done yet we are seeing your requests though as well oh fernando says happy sabbath mr fua camille was it the name disappear come and go so fast wow from sydney adventist college that was a few years ago lovely oh wow wow okay he's able he's able i know [Music] i know my lord [Music] i know my lord is able [Music] again [Music] i know my lord is able to carry me through [Music] that's [Music] i know my lord is able to carry me through i know my lord is able to carry me through i know my lord is able to carry me through fun songs fun songs hey um i know you did say i just keep trusting my lord while we're in that little yeah fun shall we and then we'll come over to these some of these other ones that are lovely i just keep trusting my lord for all of you how do you play for this one do you yeah oh yep she said yep she does i don't know if i do you made enough mistakes what's up we end up doing it a cappella if neither of them want to play it let's do a couple like while you're on here yeah just figure out a key i just trust the motherboard oh i could find you a key that would be [Music] as [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a faithful friend such a faithful friend i can count on him to the very end though the [Music] i just keep trusting my lord he will never [Music] i just keep trusting my lord as he bleeds each day though the road is weary at times i just keep trusting my lord he will see me through you go get your popcorn sparrow he's a faithful friend such a faithful friend [Applause] i can count on him [Applause] [Music] i just keep trusting my lord i just keep trusting my lord he will see me through i love it alrighty righty righty now some requests came in for some songs that i was like i don't even know these but joanna did and so it's gonna be your blessed evening for those of you requesting them there was um which one of these would you like to do that you knew you played for uh the love of god yes okay the love of god joy osea in kenya this was your request some time ago the love of god did you not get to hear this one earlier did you know this one so joanna's going to take the verses and um we're going to come on the chorus i've got to remember whether the lyrics are stored though so you just keep playing i remember my grandma singing this song and she i don't know if she taught it to us but i remember singing with all my cousins it was good fun um it's got such beautiful lyrics to talk about god's love so yeah have a look at them if you don't know it is it would drain the ocean dry yeah okay let's see if we can make this big [Music] beyond [Music] [Music] [Music] is the saints [Music] of parchment made where every stock [Music] could write the love [Music] those stretched from sky [Music] is [Applause] more the same age [Music] and is how measureless and strong it shall forever endure the [Music] don't move don't move um that's so lovely thank you joy osir in kenya for requesting that and for all of you who've requested that i don't catch all the names who uh request all the songs but there was another one um maybe this one yeah wanda rogers maura wanda here's your song she's been asking for my tribute otherwise known as to god be the glory did i have lyrics [Music] you have done for me [Music] the voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude all that i am and ever hope to be [Music] to be the glory to god in the glory to god be the glory for the things he has done with his power he has saved me with his blind [Music] he [Music] let me please and should i gain any praise [Music] is me to god [Music] be the glory for the things he has loved with his blood he [Music] has raised me to god be the glory for the things he has done [Music] he has done with his power he has saved me with his power he has raised me [Music] he has [Music] someone said johanna has the voice of an angel i agree don't they both oh i'm just loving being here i love every friday night i tell you just being able to sing with different people that have different flavors different styles you know to their music and their voices it's just a joy and absolute joy and and what a great song that was thank you um did someone request that i think someone did i think yeah wanda wanda thank you and uh hopefully that's really the um the story of all of our lives isn't it that we would make our lives a trivia a tribute to god so a couple of weeks ago maybe it was actually it was it was sing-along number 52 the one-year anniversary that we outsourced to the sydney crew sonia and ben and malida and jana they introduced to this sing along the song one day when we all get to helen and i'd never heard it before but um robert lisa roboliza robelisa melbin she asked please can we do that again tonight and i said well i don't know it but these two do well she does yes a long time ago somewhere so johanna's going to take the solos and we're going to come in on the old school when we all get to heaven and then as we learn it from her verses [Music] one day when we all get to heaven [Music] one day you make everything jesus one day you will bind every wound the former things shall pass away [Music] every jesus resolved every anxious thought left behind no more [Music] of rejoicing that will be when we see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory [Music] one day we will see face to face and in the moment we shall be [Music] changed indeed jesus will cease reveals [Music] everybody what a day of rejoicing that will be when we see jesus [Music] one day we will see face to face jesus is there a great vision of grace we shall be changed in the moment we shall be [Music] changed in a moment we shall be changed what a day of rejoicing that will be when we we'll sing and shout the victory we'll sing and shout the victory [Music] [Music] jana thank you for singing that the other time i just there was a lot of people who loved that song once you introduced it to us so thank you for knowing it that was lovely okay we haven't been taking many of the current favorites we've been doing the old requests haven't we what haven't we done from here oh got a sparrow twice his eyelids oh we've done that whole list now haven't we awesome okay so now it's over to you you folk your choices the live choices tonight on this one we shall meet on those beautiful shows i've never heard of that song in my life and there's a land that is fairer than day oh sweep he called it we shall meet on that beautiful beautiful shores to try and trick me up [Music] bye [Music] there's a land that is [Music] in the streets [Music] by [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] we shall meet [Music] we shall meet on that beauty for sure we will the offer gift of his love and the blessings [Music] by [Music] [Music] we shall meet [Music] amen amen hey um fono was requesting softly and tenderly the hymn come home come home do you know that one okay um there is oh i would love to do tonight as well that carly fletcher song that we did last time because we don't have it on any other sing-along and i love carly's music i say shall we oh say oh say shall we do a softly intendedly fur fono thank you [Music] i need to apologize paul i just told him he was a pika for not taking a solo but you know he almost had to pull out because he really thought he didn't have a voice but he didn't pike he delivered and still came even though he's not in good voice i think he sounds like he's in a wonderful voice so it must be that god is just answering prayer and sustaining him through the evening no i'm just hiding behind you hannah and sandra no softly and tender [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] tarry when jesus [Music] mercies and for me [Music] who are we [Music] is [Music] he has promised for you and for me [Music] and for me come home [Music] jesus is calling calling us i'm not sure where each of you are in your spiritual walk um i know that there are those of you who would be strong in your faith strong in your faith community um those who have love for god and understanding of him but who don't want to necessarily identify with the church and and show up week by week at a church and then there's those of you who may just be sitting here listening for say you know that's something to listen to that you don't have a relationship with jesus and you aren't really interested in one i hope that song spoke to each of you in some way that showed that jesus wants to be in a relationship with you an active one a one one that both of you benefit from because he's a relational god and he wants to have that connection with you and he's longing to bless you and for those of you who don't really want to identify with the church but you love god the body of christ needs you there are people who show up each week at church who only you can reach there's people out there that only your style of reaching them for jesus is what's going to work for them don't stay away too long come and be a blessing and watch god pour out blessings on your life come home come home just love that hymn all right t follow the lamb yes okay paul kaczynski carly fletcher wrote this one she is married to paul kaczynski so she has that new name now carly fletcher kaczynski follow the lamb um i don't know where the words are for that hopefully didn't bring my specks oh thank you carly thank you so much for writing such beautiful music of god through the faithfulness of jesus christ with patient endurance and [Music] we will follow the lamb wherever he goes walking in the light of this narrow road we will give our lives for the cause of christ we will follow the land [Music] we will stand only for the truth through the fire looking to jesus [Music] wherever he goes we will follow the land we will sing around his great throne this [Music] we will follow follow the land we will follow the lamb wherever he goes [Music] we will follow the land follow him follow him follow him follow him [Music] wherever he goes [Music] we will give our lies for the cause of [Music] the christ wherever he goes [Music] we will follow we will follow them oh i love original music so if you missed that if you've only just jumped in that's um carly fletcher c-a-r-l-y carly fletcher music she writes some beautiful beautiful songs young adventist lady here in australia and you know she's been busy lately producing an album every year to introduce other adventist musicians here in this part of the globe navel peter ends up on the album as well so he's not quite in this area but um a new song collective is the um anyone wants to put those links into carly fletcher music or a new song collective music just beautiful beautiful songs that um are a joy to sing along to what about i need the every hour oh i love that hymn can you play how do you want like he's just hanging out over there or he's bailed on the keyboard tonight having a bad keyboard oh you dear fellow you are doing just great we've messed up many songs on many sing-alongs it's all good yeah do you want to explain what's it called i need thee every hour did you say i need the area yeah i don't even know what key we do it in okay um what him number is it can someone tell me that no you say you're out can someone type in what i need the every our hem number is then i can just pull it up that way all my favorite google i suppose hey [Music] is that it that version oh that's fernando ortega [Music] hmm [Music] so can be [Music] oh bless me now i [Music] temptations lose [Music] me [Music] me now my savior i come to [Music] enjoy [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] oh my [Music] me not at all this is where you can make mistakes hey i just want to say bless your hearts when i say hey can someone put up such and such you know a link to whatever and you do i'm impressed i um i i i don't watch too many lives but i saw max mace's funeral memorial service live look i i just want to thank you all who know how to put in links or how to share while while we're going live because i struggled i was trying to share his memorial service i didn't even know how to do it i ended up posting it to my church's facebook public page instead of my own and oh it's just a mess mind you someone else posted our sing-along to some dog group and they were like oh is that a myth so yeah look i i know that i want us to tell you something while we're hidden in the middle of this sing-along not the top end or the back end um thank you to all of you who share this live because we never beg you to share to like to comment or whatever we just sing and hopefully if you enjoy it you'll share it but i want to thank you all who are sharing it more so now than ever i don't understand what's going on with facebook but everything's becoming a little bit challenging to do these lives and then the um the facebook view count it jams every week so every week it just jams somewhere under 10 000 and never rises so i know that people are telling me the algorithms maybe are changing and they're not finding it easy in their news feed they have to come and search for sandra enema page to find the live so i think now more than ever you sharing it is what's going to help it keep going and i know it's still going around the globe because i know the comments keep coming in you know and i know that um the inbox messages keep coming in and the likes keep going up you know how they always did but um there's no view account showing 70 000 views anymore and 130 000 views anymore it's all like under 10 000 so it's just jamming every week i'm not sure what's going on but thank you for continuing to share it and to sing along with us and encourage others to join in that um what can you sing day by day in oh my favorite hymn i don't know yeah that's a nice key day by day 5 32 if you're singing with us [Music] sandra day party strength i find to meet my trials here trusting in [Music] i've no whose cause is [Music] [Music] every day the lord himself [Music] whose name counselor and power the protection of his child and treasure is a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in every tribulation so to trust your promises [Applause] [Music] offered me within thy holy word when [Music] one by [Music] till i reach the promised land [Music] [Music] oh thanks for choosing my favorite him i love that him ever since i heard a girl named kirsty a swedish i think adventist artist i can't even i don't even know her last name but k-e-r-s-t kirsty on her album her arrangement of day by day oh this made me fall in love with it someone did request that [Music] yeah someone requested it he touched me i can't remember who you were oh it's five to nine fast doesn't it we didn't tell them last week last two months ago whatever it was why we how this came about this studio i would love for you to maybe just i saw a little plaque up there on the wall do you want to share a little bit how this so our school uh took the program at morlenbach church two years ago and the choir sang um they sang a beautiful song called jerusalem our school choir saying and on monday morning okay our bursar said paul um ivan victory's come to see you so okay he was new to our area and um so he came in and he said you know i was so moved by the choir singing jerusalem i've met australia at the moment i can't get a work visa i was wondering if i could volunteer i said sure what do you do he said well i'm a boilermaker i've got good carpentry skills i'm a paramedic i've done a lot of i've got a electrical ticket and i said you know come for a walk and this room that we're in now was a former uh teacher area just a teacher's office for resources and i said you know we've we've really been longing to build a recording studio we're a very musical school as you can see we've got people like johanna and she's one of many on our staff who sing or play and so ivan vitri came and volunteered for the rest of that year and in that time he built this beautiful studio and we dedicated it to the glory of god um about seven or eight months later and it's just been an absolute blessing the next year was covert and we really needed this studio to send messages to our students to our families and to produce music to bring encouragement to people in that really dark time and so ivan if you're watching tonight god is using this studio you've been such a blessing to us thank you yeah wow wow wow wow i know yeah last time some of you were like oh please don't go all techy in the studio we just love the you know at home right laid back feel clearly you know you're not going to get this every week can't sustain this every week coming and doing it in a studio but um really didn't want to just do it regular when they have a studio here um so it was so nice to we can hear you know lovely mixes thanks to the gentleman at the back we might just say a big thank you to them right now before i forget we've got um out the back graham give us a wave graham that's graham bernard mullenbauer church yeah did you see him can you see him back there there he is there he is there he is graham bernard is the other guys in there still what do they love and leave you oh bless them we'll mention them anyway they were very helpful with setting up so johanna's husband dane mckay he's also a teacher here and he's all things tech and many of you would know nick lindsay who is visiting for the weekend and he was able to help us work through some technical issues at the beginning as well so thank you nick dane and graham really appreciating your mix tonight graham yes indeed thank you we're gonna wrap up because he's on standby for something i think at nine o'clock so he touched me and then can we finish with side by side yes yes yes [Music] i did have you touched [Music] ready [Applause] [Music] the lord of kings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus touched me now i am no longer the same [Music] oh he touched me he touches me [Music] he touched me [Music] is [Music] i will never cease always just [Music] something happened [Music] he touched me oh [Applause] he touches me something happened he touched me [Music] ah lovely lovely hey before we um sing our closing song but you can play um and do a little scripture reading and and um prayer i just want to say that next um friday night we're going to be doing the sing along live from landsborough 7th avenue church for the sunshine coast regional so if you live in the sunny coast area and you want to come to lansbury church we will be hitting that live button for you the viewers online at 7 30 but if you want to come and sit in the audience and we can get you all singing along as well um be there well before 7 30. um and yeah feel free to come along it will be belinda gary phil and pastor chris joining me for that particular friday night sing along this coming week so again if you're in the sunshine coast area or if you're not and you want to drive all the way to lansenburg seventh adventist church come there and then the next morning we're at life point church in buderim for that regional day at sabbath school and church will be happening there in bedrooms so you're welcome to join us hey um oops let's just do a little scripture reading and then we will pray and and if either of you would like to pray you would be very welcome don't fight among yourselves but thank you thank you thank you thank you okay who are we ronda morkum ronda we're gonna read a little scripture reading for you out of the promise box and it's from romans 5 verses 8 and 11 and it says but god showed his great love for you ronda by sending christ to die for you while you are still a sinner so now you can rejoice in your wonderful new relationship with god all because of what our lord jesus christ has done for you in making you rhonda a friend of god as the new living translation uh romans 5 8 and 11. isn't that just an amazing thing that god that heaven emptied out you know their most precious gift in jesus christ to come and die for us so that we could have what he rightfully deserves that's eternity a chance at eternity we're going to be singing about that for our closing song side by side we stand but let's pray together thank you again so much for having us in your homes and for joining us hanging in there we've still got that same little amount of viewers hanging in there thank you so much i think yo-yo is going dear father in heaven thank you so much for sabbath um we have this opportunity every single week to just stop what we're doing and just focus on you and be grateful for what you've done for us i just want to thank you for creating us and also for redeeming us and saving us and um yeah we are just so unworthy of the things that you've done for us but we thank you for doing them anyway um thank you for music and that we've been understanding together tonight such a blessing um and just thank you that yeah you are so worthy of our praise and just help us to be able to carry on praising you throughout this sabbath just help us to be able to remember everything that you've done for us thank you so much for caring about each one of us though we are just sinners you have such um an awesome plan for every single one of us and i just pray that we'd be able to surrender our lives to you um and to the plans that you have for us we know that they're good plans so just go with us now um be we be with each one of the viewers and just everybody um that's here and just help us to be drawn closer to you this sabbath help everyone to be able to remember um that you love them so much and they are loved and valued um so just go with us now i pray in jesus name amen amen amen have you got words for science oh of course we do yeah hey so as we sing this closing piece side by side we stand feel free to share with us where you're watching from and know that you are part of one big family we're getting to worship together virtually but can you imagine when we get to heaven we're going to be singing and worshiping in real time together face to face side by side we stand awaiting god's command worshiping your savings [Music] [Applause] jesus himself will see [Music] [Music] i'll meet you in heaven we'll sing songs together rather and sisters [Music] soldiers to go where jesus [Music] saving every soul pray god we all will be there meet me in heaven we'll join [Music] i'll meet you in [Applause] we'll heaven songs together brothers and sisters i'll be [Music] there [Music] i'll need you in heaven we'll sing songs together that we will be that's the end goal that is the end goal nothing is worth missing out on eternity for so we're praying for you and hope that you really will determine in your heart to be there and let nothing keep you from that day thank you so much johanna thanks for having us graham all of you thank you again so much happy sabbath bye see ya bye next time
Channel: Sandra Entermann
Views: 23,747
Rating: 4.9460373 out of 5
Id: ZV3ydCb1PGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 19sec (5959 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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