Sabbath AM || ASI Summit || Pastor Everett Brown || EJC Virtual Church || April 10, 2021

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air as the daylight fades into deep night shades does he care enough to be mere oh yes he cares i know he cares his heart is touched with my grief when the days are weary the long night jury i know my savior cares does jesus care when i said goodbye to the dearest on earth to me [Music] and my sad heartaches till it nearly breaks is it all to him does he see oh yes he cares i know he cares his heart is touched with my grief when the days [Music] [Music] holy sabbath day of race richly blessed god created and divine set aside for holy time [Music] into us the sun shall be throughout all eternity seek not pleasures of this earth [Music] there are better things in store over [Music] he finally blessed into us the sight shall be through our own eternity as the sabbath joy-thon friday even set of sun christian households and should meet sing and pray at jesus feet yes the holy sabbath rest [Music] shall be throughout all eternity asking him for saving grace also victory in the race and to help us by his part to keep holy every yard yes the holy sabbath rest by your god divinely bursts into us the sun shall be day by day and with each passing moment day by day and with each passing moment strength i find to meet my trials there [Music] he whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what he deems best love indeed is part of pain and pleasure mingling toys with peace and rest every day the lord himself is near me with a special mercy for each other all my cares he feigns would bear and chair me he whose name is counselor and poor the protection of his child and treasure is a charge that on himself he laid as your days your strength shall be in measure this the pledge to me he made help me then in every tribulation so to trust thy promises o lord that i lose not faith sweet consolation offer me within thy holy word help me lord when toil and trouble meetings heir to take us from my father's hand one by one the days a moment's fleeting till i reach the promised land him two eight six wonderful words of life him 286 wonderful words of life [Music] wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful words of life sinners this to the loving call wonderful words of life also freely given woe [Applause] beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life sweetly i call the gospel call wonderful words of life offer pardon and peace to all wonderful words of life jesus only savior 75 forever beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life him one nine zero jesus loves me this i know him one nine zero jesus loves me this i know [Music] so [Music] jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so little ones do him be long they are weak but he is strong [Music] jesus loves me yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so jesus loves me he who died heavens came to open wine he will wash away my sins let his little child come in yes jesus jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me jesus take this heart of mine make him pure and holy thine on the cross who died me i will love and live for thee yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me the bible tells me so all right happy sabbath happy summer and welcome to ejc virtual church i'm michael forsyth and i'm vanessa campbell vanessa it's been a while it's been a while i want to say welcome back but i feel like it's been a while i haven't been here exactly so welcome back to you too very much how was your week my week was good in a way and not so good in another way yeah so i think i'm really getting tired of this pandemic oh just no perhaps just now it's learned patience but i'm really getting tired of it and every time i hear somebody refer to it as the new normal it gives me a little cringe inside because this is not normal you don't want to get this to be the normal i understand so in that sense it wasn't so pleasant but otherwise i mean i i was provided for i'm safe i'm in good health my family members are are doing well i can't complain so to god be the glory and i would want to ask the chat how was your week type in the chat i'm not going to get to read out every single one no but type in the chat as we ask how was your week uh we get to find some persons had some really rough weeks and hopefully the fellowship in the chat today can help them to feel at least a little better we are in the house of the lord today you might be in your house but where two or three are gathered physically or virtually we're gonna praise god today amen but michael before we go any further how was your week yeah i i had a good week this was my first full week back to work i just coming off vacation so i'm getting back used to working again so it's my first full week back and it was an amazing week from that aspect um also the food was good amen so there's always that there's always that today here at ejc virtual church we're going to have representation from every single conference yes we're going to have every representation from every single conference asi is in the house today you don't know about asi don't worry coming up today you're going to get some more information as we get the chapter reports from all the various chapters yes and today we are celebrating with the asi ministries under the theme break out of your wall i will go so we've been operating under the theme i will go um since this year and we've been looking at the various ways that we will go that we will be ministering now we're being led by the asi ministry and i think that it's very fitting that we hear from them because a lot of us are impacted through asi and so they're letting us know how they will go and giving us some ideas as to how we can go as well so we look forward to hearing from all our chapters as we celebrate with the asi ministries today and just uh just a little note remember that today at 12 curfew begins and that continues into a full no movement day tomorrow here at the ejc virtual church we are following the protocols um on site limited in numbers uh many persons are playing multiple roles today but the service must go on so whether you are worshiping virtually or if you are in the 12 that will be at your church let us offer off our service to the full so that the worship can go on vanessa i want to take a little opening him i i noticed that our prayers team is still standing by so so please what which he may want to do 373 seeking the last seventh day adventist favorite theme song seeking the lostness kindly entreating wonders on the mountain astray come unto me speaking today [Music] back again [Music] jesus seeking the lost and pointing to jesus souls that are weakened hearts that are [Music] salvation showing the path to christ [Music] again [Music] [Music] thus i would go on missions of mercy following christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] all right remember i told you that every single conference will be represented here today we are going to be sharing in sabbath school elsewhere all right so for sabbath school we'll be taking the live feed from the west jamaica conference of the west jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists so we're over to west for our sabbath school all right let me see where we get that feed up while we get that feed up today we are under the theme uh brother friends check your check your phone as we try to communicate virtually we're ready okay you're ready all right oh what are you [Music] to go [Music] me [Music] i was [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] me [Music] the lord [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord the revelation airs happy sabbath everyone and if you're just joining us we just want to welcome you to our online worship experience here at mount salem in the beautiful city of montego bay the breathtaking island of jamaica i'm alan green and i'm standing alongside sashalyn hay happy sabbath sash and welcome happy sabbath alan and thank you for having me guys welcome welcome welcome to church today again sash can you believe it's actually one year um today and unchanged since we've started this online experience can you believe that of course ellen you and i we started a few months ago and we are here hasn't god been good i mean it's like full circle it is it brings us right back here and we have seen god done marvelous things throughout the year he has done it in your life he has done it in our lives i've seen where i've grown i've seen alan where alan has grown god is good and on that basis i say good morning youtubers persons who are joining on youtube or virtual congregation on facebook wccn bless tv and all other platforms if you're joining us this morning for the first time i'm saying welcome to you we are here at west jamaica conference uh groans and we continue to host and do and and welcome you we are happy that you are here yes we we are under the theme um covered by grace and connected and i tell you there's so many things that happened throughout the year so many persons would have given their hearts to jesus so many lives have been impacted and the gospel went forth can you imagine god's in grace chat whether you're on facebook or you're on youtube i just would like to you to give some love to our new converts that's right you're gonna say we are happy to have you with a heart of love so you just share that right now in the room send that love to our new converts we are happy to have you and that heart of love connect to it that beautiful red heart yes yes segment coming up right now definitely uh you know we can't continue the day without our sabbath school lesson review the bible says study to show yourselves approve and so we have been studying it's the second lesson in the second is it the second quarter that's right of course or are we back to first well it's the second lesson in the in the new quarter and so it is entitled it's a covenant primer oh that's right and it's a beautiful study that deals with the covenant that god would have established you know between the patriarchs and the prophet's throat the dispensation and this beautiful everlasting covenant the new covenant well it's a lovely study and so we're asking all of us grab your study guide enjoy very close to your device right now as pastor vincent rose and his team will engage us in this beautiful lesson indeed good morning good morning and happy sabbath we say happy sabbath we say feliz sabado we say bon saba whatever language you are you are you want to say happy sabbath in it is great to have you here it is our adult sabbath school lesson review and i am blessed to have you here joining with us this morning we have on my left no let me start on my right we are leave the best for last i we have uh elloween clark you know he is our asi president of westminster conference chapter and then we have uh sister shauna myrie ella mary it is awesome for us to be here i'm yours truly um vincent rose is the name we have had an awesome week and we give god thanks for his blessings last week we looked at the whole matter of god's perfect creation and how sin uh entered into god's perfection but god did not leave us there he gave us a promise and so um this week we we looked at the whole matter of covenant prime or the covenant primer and uh it is a a panoramic view of this quarter's lesson and so let's delve into it together shall we pray loving lord we give you thanks for your love and your grace may your holy spirit now bless those of us who are here in church and those who are in church via the world wide web may your holy spirit lead and direct as we ask in jesus name amen now now we look at the whole concept of the covenant we recognize that there are several covenants that we will be going through in some detail for this quarter we talk about the the the the covenant with noah we talk about the abrahamic covenant the seniority covenant and the new one the new covenant and so today we want to just wet the appetite a little bit uh as we look at these significant uh agreements these significant relationships that god has been seeking to establish with his people and so there are some basic and some fundamental things elder clark that must be considered when you look at the matter of covenant especially the bible's view of it it's not just a mere contract as we have it in law today can you talk to us about the the covenant the basics of covenant all right greet you so when we reference the covenants basics what we are referencing is that if we should look at it from the basic perspective then there are really just two types of covenant we have a covenant such as a contract between humanity you and i having an arrangement and when something goes wrong you suffer or i suffer depending on the nature of the covenant and then there is a covenant between man and god now when the covenant between man and god that's really god's will it's god desire it's god's design so god enters into a covenant relationship with us and his covenant relationship is one that says i will be your god and you shall be my child you hear jesus saying in john 14 15 you are my friend if you do what i command 14 15 if you love me you should keep my commandments so the covenant relationship with god is one that god blesses and protects and keeps and prospers and our role is to obey we could also look past finally the fact that god not just makes a covenant with us but he to abraham he's sore he said uh i swear by my name because there is no other so god says i swear i will do what i see i will do i'm a loving god and i will keep loving you over over what a merciful god we serve praise the lord and you know i love this because the the truth is that god binds himself before he expects anything from us yes and i wanted to talk with us uh el ella mary as the whole this um is revealed in the covenant with noah yes and we see here in the text reference in genesis 6 verse 18 but i but with thee i establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the ark though and thy sons and their wives and thy son's wife with thee and we see here that this is the first time the word covenant was mentioned in the bible and understand the background to which god was making this covenant with noah when you look in genesis chapter six reading from verse five down to nine we saw here as god looked on the earth and saw the wickedness of men the the bible said that it grieved god's heart and he repented that he have ever made man and so he but and so he said to noah that he was going to destroy man because of the wickedness that was on the earth but in verse 8 i love verse 8 it says but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord and noah walked with god and it was upon this background that god was able to establish this covenant with noah you know uh and it's the same covenant that god is making with us today and so we ask is the is this covenant one side it is is it only god making the covenant with noah but like um elder said earlier that a covenant is usually between two parties but noah has already established himself as a child of god as someone who was obedient to god and because of the confidence that god had with noah god could have made such a promise to noah and not noah only but to his entire family amen amen amen amen and and you know we we look now at the abrahamic covenant which is also very important here is a man who is among his people he he he is very comfortable he is he is rich he is increased in goods and and god called him and and and um the dialogue seemed to suggest lord where are we going i will show you i don't know you don't need to know us yet just just just follow me uh obey what i said what i say to you and it will be well with you and god says look uh before i even be eat before you move i'm gonna commit myself to some stuff i i'm going to people always look into the contract to see what is in there for me they want to know if i do that what what will happen but here it is god is saying there is nothing that you can do to merit what i'm about to do amen so what i will do let me do that first let me write it down because once i speak it is done so he says i will make you i'm gonna bless you i'm gonna make your name great i'm gonna make you a great nation and and and he says to him that look here in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed so look here when i call you beloved friends listen when god calls you he is calling you to greatness yes when god calls you he is calling you to lift you up from where you are he is raising the bar he's take lifting your level and so we give god thanks that abraham responded positively and we noticed that now that that as years go by in the in the in the coming of christ through abraham christ the seed of abraham so to speak we see the entire world is blessed and it is just amazing when we follow god when we serve him uh we noticed that abraham responded in faith and therefore faith now becomes the doorway i don't have to be blood related to abraham the dna that that binds me to be a child of a son of abraham is faith even faith in christ jesus and so god established that relationship god established that construct whatever god says he means and he means what he says but it's not just the abrahamic covenant not just the the covenant with noah not with abraham the lesson also speak about the mosaic covenant can you can you walk with us so so this is one of the covenant that persons interpret to believe um is a covenant of works uh let me quickly point out that when you read from genesis chapter from exodus chapter 19 you will see that it was god who initiated the conversation he was god who initiated the covenant relationship it was god who first came to to to extend his love towards us from then while we were yet sinners it was christ who died in our state so when you look back at sinai you will see even in exodus chapter 20 you will see god saying for it was i god who brought you out of egypt it was i god who extended my hand my kindness towards you and so when we look into exodus 20 and we see the commandment what we see is really a reflection of love from a god of love who loves us too much to leave us uh without telling us what is the best way to work deuteronomy 29 29 he jesus god actually says behold i set before you two choice life and death then he says choose life how do i choose life here is all it is done thou shalt love thy neighbor by loving you will not kill you will not steal you will not commit adultery and he says upon upon these two commandments among all the others love to god and love to man if you love god you will not put any god before him you will not bow down to them you will not serve them and you will obey the sabbath of the lord thy god so in the scientific covenant god establish love and grace and mercy and truth that between him and us we can find a relationship not just one that is based on what we do when we are saved but one that will save us god's covenant is a covenant of love and when we follow god we are following after love because god himself is love that's that's so beautiful because it makes it clear that that there are some persons who are fixated on the those shot knots of cyanide but here we are we are seeing that because god binds himself faith comes before the works and so if abraham did not believe he would not have left her if if noah did not have faith first he would not start the construction and so it is our actions must be based on what god says that believing that that that he is true to his word and so but the lesson also speaks of a new covenant yes a new covenant and we saw that um israel have been having been in captivity for over 400 years god was renewing his covenant with them and and we see here that it was god again who initiates this covenant is it's not a man who went to god but god initiates the covenant with with with with man and we see here that god is referred to here as the husband man i would really look in john john puts it so clearly um where john refers to the father as the husband man prune in the vine and when the vine is pruned it bears fruit says if you abide in me and i abide in you it's the only way we can bear fruit is if we abide in christ i want to leave us with just four things that came out in the study as it relates to the covenant here the new covenant that the new covenant does not abolish the law yes and and we see that in hebrews 10 verse 16 and the new covenant does not make the law inescapable anywhere we go the covenant is with us it is written on the tables of our heart it convicts us the the new covenant it is impossible to be in a covenant relationship with god and not obey god's law and finally it is it the the covenant of god is everlasting it is was not only made for israel then but it also applies to spiritual israel knowing it applies to all of us and one of the beauty about god's covenant is that it lasts forever and so if we keep our part of the law then we are sure to make it into god's eternal kingdom which is the ultimate goal so we so we have a covenant making god and a covenant keeping god and so because he is faithful that's why i that's that is why you know that's why paul says to us in romans 5 that that it was while we're still sinners yes while we're still yet sinners that christ died for us because he he made a promise and you notice sometimes that even while israel was being unfaithful god remained faithful so so so so so we we understand that it is not so much the covenant does not receive that does not get its validity based on what you and i are doing but because of who the sovereign is and what he has committed himself to do on our behalf and so my friends my brothers my sisters those who are viewing i want you to to know that you have a contract with god yes god has committed himself for your salvation and even though sometimes we stray god is faithful and he is just and so i call on you this morning to be knowledgeable about this contract with god and to understand that ultimately he keeps his word exactly amen amen yes sir and and and the ultimate demonstration of god keeping his word is when god soul of the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever you and i you and i whosoever believes in him we will not perish to accept god's covenant is a non-perishable item amen we will not perish but we will have eternal life our loving god we serve amen amen amen amen and elementary give the closing thought it i i'm just happy that even from the beginning grace was a foundation amendment of the covenant yes yes that's what i was going to say first that it was established from the moment man sin god made that covenant with us and the covenant is still binding through the blood of jesus christ so we invite you to come and let's join with god and be covered in keeping people amen amen [Music] [Music] when [Music] see [Music] yes it is [Music] glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] is praise the lord oh my soul [Music] [Music] do [Music] and lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] songs [Music] is [Music] is my heart happy sabbath boys and girls it is indeed a privilege and a grand opportunity for us children of the lilliput 70 adventist church to be shared in children's church this morning welcome to everyone join us live on various platforms i want you to rest assured that you will indeed receive a blessing the theme for today is connected in hope i will go at this time we will have the opening prayer which will be offered on your behalf by tiana lee following the opening prayer the praise will bless your hearts with our praise and worship let us pray the heavenly father asks you to get and protect us lord i ask you to keep us near your blood as we are about to go through this song service lord i ask you to protect us in your precious mighty name and acts amen [Music] we are together again just praising the lord we are together again something good is going to happen something good is in store we are together again [Music] amen [Music] amen amen [Music] praise the lord wasn't that heartwarming thank you christine we will now review our weekly bible lesson the kindergarten lesson will be done by shantia brown the primary lesson by anishia mary and the junior lesson by siniqua young after the lesser review we will be tuning into our exciting story time with grandma and keith immediately following story time we will have the introduction of the speaker which will be done by tessa thomas the topic of taking the girl lesson is best friends david and jonathan were best friends they respect and love each other the memories is taken from first summer 18 verse 3. [Music] the message from the story is true friends respect and love each other happy sabbath the topic of the primary lesson is pedi at the vineyard one morning a vineyard owner came to the market and got some men to work for a full day's pay some men came different times during the day they all got a full day's pay the memory for us is taken from acts 10 verse 34 god does not show favoritism the message is god wants us to treat others as he treats us the topic of this week's lesson is through thick and thin the memory verse is taken from zechariah 7 verses 9 and it reads thus speak at the lord of hosts saying execute true judgment and true mercy and compassions every man to his brother like jesus we can care for others even when we face difficulties the story of jesus being led to his crucifixion is one of trust in god jesus had studied the prophecies and he knew he would sacrifice his life to save others to save you manasee yet he trusted god to guide his life so brothers and sisters just as jesus trusted god to guide his life we too must trust god a white kid takes so long to come back from us time shop and we want to look about the breakfast kids it should be kids yes grandma look at why it takes so long i know that i'm hungry i sent it to this shop so long yes grandma the bag is so heavy and grandma must um he was talking to me about christ and all of these things and grandma i realized that every time i go to my storm shop he always have something to tell me about jesus and he always a very good gift to give me you know that is so nice that's why i enjoy for you to go again but sometimes this one you have taken too long though man grandma this morning he gave me this book the victorious christian that is wow he was going through alec chapter with me he was telling me about this man who was in the flood yes and he prayed to god for god to come for him yes and god sent the boat and it didn't go god sent the helicopter and he didn't go wow because he was looking for god himself to come wow and grandma i really enjoy this story well i'm so ha even though i said that so what's the moral of that story though grandma it tells me that when i pray and ask god for things i is not the one really coming but he will send somebody that is right because we know that when jesus is gonna come he's gonna come himself but at the same time now we are here you want us to share what we have you know that's what i like about mars tom that's his name now yes grandma because every time i go there is always witnessing and sharing the little magazines which is so nice that is true and listen i want to encourage you know when the other business places that's what they need to do too because that's what we are talking about asi you know what asi means no grandma adventist laymen's services and industries that means they need to be intentional to tell people about jesus and even those who come to sell them things abide from them they must tell them about jesus okay grandma i am going to take the bag around the kitchen okay please assume come and look about breakfast i'm hungry you see but i have some boys and girls i need to go and talk to boys and girls let me just encourage you just remember that jesus wants you to tell your friends about jesus parents you two need to be intentional to tell your friends about jesus those who have their businesses whether it's small or big just remember that you are on the business for god so you need to be intentional to tell people about jesus boys and girls remember grandma loves you parents and businessmen and women jesus loves and grandma loves you too happy sabbat boys and girls the speaker for today is jeremiah merchant an intelligent hard-working and optimistic are just a few words to describe him he is he is 13 years old and attend herbert marston high school he enjoys playing drum keyboard and football and telling others about jesus as he come i pray for him your undivided attention but just before he speaks we will be blessed with the song of meditation by the lilliput sda children praise team [Music] before even time began my life was in his hands he knows my name he knows my every thought [Music] i have a father he calls me his own he'll never leave me no matter where i go he knows my name knows my every thought he sees each deer that falls and hears me when [Music] i have a father he calls me his own he'll never leave me no matter where i go [Music] you knows my name he knows my every thought [Music] he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each day that falls [Music] hears me happy sabbath everyone to those watching on youtube facebook wccn bless tv and other media platforms we welcome you i would like to thank tessa thomas for her kind words of introduction and his little children praise him for that lovely song the title of my sermon is connected in hope who will go the second coming of christ is a concept in christianity regarding the future return of jesus christ we are all connected in hope let us pray most understanding of our lord i ask that anyone who sees this message lord peace bless him in jesus name i pray amen at that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and all nations of earth will mourn revelation 19 verse 11 states i saw heaven open before me and there was a white horse whose rider is called faithful and true we are all connected in hope that christ will come again and receive us unto himself as he promised i go to prepare a place for you and i will come again and receive you onto myself but who will go to heaven it is said no sin can enter there god is not going to make a special heaven for those who are compromising with sin the bible says you cannot serve two masters we will we have to be willing to do god's will the song says we are bound for the land of the pure and holy the home of the happy the kingdom of love he wonders of god in the broad road of folly oh say will you go to the eden above will you go will you go oh say will you go to the eden above god is calling us to go to the byways and hitters to bring the lost souls to him but you are not able to go to these places your neighbors and others alone might be in need of some help don't say i'm too small do what you can do to help children don't spend all your times on a various gadgets like the phones and the tablets doing all kinds of things when god is calling you to go and do his bidding kobe 19 might be here and you can't go out to hug or touch someone but even a kind word or a smile can help prayer can go places you can't go covey 19 might have thought it could stop the preaching of the gospel but thank god for technology online services spreading the gospel far and wide like wildfire the song says if you cannot sing like an angel if you cannot preach like paul you can tell the love of jesus you can say he died for all in hebrews 11 we see many patriots who were connected in hope they looked for the city whose builder and maker is god god's promises are true to abram throughout his generation how can you neglect such a great salvation after mansion the question was asked in heaven who will go and die for adam's fallen race for the space of half an hour there was silence in heaven until jesus said i will go jesus came and died a cruel death of shame on the cross for you and me the song says jesus paid it all all to him i owe sin has left a crimson stain he washes white as snow children is no joke matter christ is coming again will you be ready boys and girls what is preventing you from serving the lord today is it friends money sickness or pride don't let these mountains prevent you from doing god's will you should be saying if you can use anything lord use me i will go it takes courage for you to do god's will in conclusion today i charge you all to let us go on the mission feel for the lord go in the lane where there are children with guns go in the lane where there are drug addicts and people who seem to lose hope too many children are dying in sin without hope will you go what a beautiful sermon that was thank we really thank the boys and girls who came all the way from little pot this morning and i want to pray a special prayer for all the boys and girls and also the businessmen and women let us pray father we chat in heaven i just want to thank you for being so good to us thank you for our boys and girls continue to help them as we train them help them to always hold on to you be with the boys and girls who are watching help them so that they will witness for you be with their parents and i want to pray especially for those businessmen and women help them so that they will be intentional to witness for you in their business places what a blessing it is when we all will serve you and when you come we will heal you as king of kings and lord of lords in jesus name i pray amen my heart is filled with so much joy and i'm elated to know that you my online worshipers hearts have been overflowing to see children in action for the lord thank god for jeremiah who allowed the holy spirit to use him in a mighty way on behalf of the lilliput 70 adventist church we would like to thank cece james and our team for extending the invitation in along the children to help ensure in the children's church of the west jamaica conference it was indeed a privilege it was a blessing being here to all our viewers who joined us on youtube facebook wccn and other media platforms i thank you to all the children who participated at job well done join us next week same time and same media for children's shares i am your moderator hannah simoni merchants let us stay connected in hope covered by grace have a happy happy happy sabbath amen she sounds so bubbly and happy indeed you will have a happy sabbath after that and so we say thank you to the lilliput the adventist church and their children for presenting to us this morning uh the preacher said jesus paid it all all to him i owe if so won't you go and on that note alan before we ask you to do a very special job i just want to enlighten our viewers that uh on behalf of the inter-american division children's ministries department and ayad by extension the inter-american division children's ministry director dinora rivera we will be hosting a program this afternoon helping children cope with their emotions at 4 00 pm we are asking you to just log on with dr leslie dela rosa munius alan that's right we have a special yes yes yes go ahead indeed if you're just joining us we do want to welcome you to our platform here and we trust that you'll you'll enjoy the worship service experience that we we we carry out on this platform so if you're a first timer of course we welcome you and we extend our invitation to the east jamaica conference of course they are joining us right about now and it is a s i submit and for all of yours or myself for others who may want to know more about asi you wish to tell us what is a isi well it is adventists laymen's services and industries and today we are having a summit beautiful so but in essence just a little nutshell we are focusing on small businesses within the adventist church uh persons who are laymen skilled workers and stuff like that we are giving them a little highlight today and so we are asking you to send the link to somebody who who you may know who may be of benefit there you go all right so having heard that we're gonna go right over now to a very special group by the name of polyphony and after the singing of that beautiful number they we will be engaged in the collegiate lesson review let's go there right about now love lifted me love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me [Music] it was your love [Music] [Music] me love lifting me when nothing else [Applause] it was [Applause] it was was your love for love the lord my [Music] and peace [Music] me and troubles [Music] rise two two two two his souls [Music] tells me [Music] they are weak but he is strong yes jesus loves me yes jesus loves me [Music] tells me [Music] it is such a joy to be with you again right here at inverse west jamaica conference i am your brother your friend andre wallace and with me of course i have uh artan whatever welcome pastor thank you very much pastor you're looking extra shy these days man i don't believe what is happening in your neck of the woods yes sir wonderful wonderful also welcome elder nico right welcome elda yes thank you pastor and happiness again and a wonderful work with the young people during the campaign bless the lord wonderful and of course welcome brandon yes blessed sabbath pastor always a joy to have you with us here at inverse west jamaica conference and of course you know that we have continued our study as we are decoding the covenant and this week we we join hands with our friends those in the business industry the laypersons all right the asi team so good to have you joining us here uh right at west jamaica conference all right and so remember now to continue to connect and to be empowered and so just before we get any further into the study and invite you to bow your heads with us as i ask pastor arthur to say a prayer for us father in heaven we are glad that we can study your word even as youth and find in them relevance for our lives we pray that you'll give us your holy spirit so that as we discuss this lesson we will be edified and we will become better stewards of your grace in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen indeed now i want to remind those on facebook that your question is and remember to send your responses in the chat all right so begin to type now so how have you responded to the covenant promises of god a new heart a new mind how have you responded to those wonderful promises and remember now to like our facebook page then of course those on youtube so good to have you again what is the main difference doesn't know between knowing god and guess what knowing about him i want to repeat that what is the main difference between knowing god and knowing about him now of course subscribe to our page and ensure that you click the notification bell now we also want to remind you that if you have not yet received your special copy of our study guide you can go to where you may receive a very special copy at no cost to you now this week our passage focus is hebrews chapter 8 verses 7 through 12. and of course nico you will share for us at this time i need to read thus for if that first covenant had been thoughtless then no police would have been sought for a second because finding fault with them he says behold the days are coming says the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day when i took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt because they did not continue in my covenant and i disregarded them says the lord for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says the lord i will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts and i will be their god and they shall be my people none of them shall teach his neighbor and none his brother saying know the lord for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds i will remember no more bless the lord bless the lord now this week we look at definitions matter now gentlemen tell me something here this whole concept of the new covenant brandon what does that mean to you well pastor when i think of the new covenant what comes to mind is the fact that my own promises are like ropes of sand and and my strength insufficient but then comparing that to the fact that christ's promises are sure and as philippians 1 verse 6 says i can find confidence in that wonderful what about you arthur well the fact that there is a new covenant suggests that there was an old one and obviously something didn't go so well with it but this new one is ratified and is guaranteed by jesus all right all right so nico what do you have to say here you know when i think about the new covenant the first thing that you know just pops out is love you know i can go to god um and talk to him directly talk to him directly through jesus christ so love is what comes to mind when i think of the the new covenant tremendous and shameless and you know the interesting thing about the new covenant is that it's not very new you know we'll talk about that another time indeed indeed now now team members i wanted to understand that there is what you call some passages that we use that you know help to encourage lesson and so this week we spent some time to study uh we looked at philippians for example nico and matthew brandon and jeremiah archer now i wanted to really share some of the fundamental points that you got from these passages and uh let's use them to encourage somebody at this time i want to begin with you nico you had philippians 3 you want to share something from the screen real quickly uh you know when reading philippians 3 i'm just going to jump down straight into verse 7 where it says but what things were given to me these i have counted lost for christ you know we are looking um talking to our business owners and we are seeing that these things that we gain you know there's there's that there's a new covenant god has promised us so much there's so much in store for us and when i look at counting these things as possible as a loss for crisis gain there's nothing in this world that we cannot we can acquire that can really um satisfy our needs more than what christ can do for us you know also when i go down to verse 10 where he says that i may know him and the power of his resurrection you know oftentimes we we know about something but we don't know we we don't know it and i'm saying to know christ is priceless and it is very important that we when we know him it's very important that we know crash tremendous and so so that is a tremendous passage now uh brandon what is it that you want to share from mati this morning well as i read through the lesson this week certainly the text in deuteronomy chapter 5 um painted an interesting contrast comparing it to deuteronomy chapter 28 um matthew 28 sorry you know certainly in deuteronomy chapter five um what i remember is the children of israel saying we can do this you can't talk to god and he can tell us what he says but we can do this and certainly we know how that ended up for the children of israel it ended up in frustration and stiff nakedness but then when we compare that compare it then to matthew 28 this concept of the new covenant no longer is it i'm going to do this on my own and you can talk to god on my behalf rather through an intimate relationship with god these beautiful fruits are produced in us very good wonderful now pastor whatever i want to share from jeremiah real quickly well certainly especially that since this sabbath is asi sabbath those in the business world will know that one of the most significant things you can do is have any form of agreement between yourself and another entity if you default in that agreement you may find yourself either facing the debt collector or you may find yourself before the courts with god however because of our failure to uphold the covenant it's god himself that comes to solve the problem so he assumes responsibility for our faults and fixes it by fixing us and that's why he said he will write the covenant on our hearts and that just shows us an amazing god what i'm an amazing god indeed now remind those in on facebook that your question is how have you responded to the covenant promises of god and those on youtube what is the main difference between knowing god and knowing about him now uh brandon responding to the experiential dimension of the covenants what is the main point and purpose of this uh section of our study let's bless someone's heart with your words at this time you know interestingly pastor this aspect of the lesson spoke to me personally um you know certainly as we read through the book of hebrews to recognize that the problem with the old covenant was israel and so i paused for a moment and and tried to look it look at it through the lenses of my own life in that the mistake that israel made was that in facing this covenant and facing this promise that christ that god wanted to give them they passed and said we can do this and so the focus was on their own strength to live this life and to follow the commands of god and so certainly in my own life i've booked upon that problem in which you know certainly the recurring nature of some sins leaves us feeling frustrated and often we get frustrated because we make the same mistake that israel did in trusting in our own strength and our own promises in other words we look at it through the lens of the old covenant but certainly looking at through overcoming sin and living as christ would have us through to through the lens of the new covenant then means i understand that my strength is insufficient and as hebrews 12 says i can look to jesus as the author and finisher of my faith not to my own strength but because his grace is sufficient i can find confidence in him fascinating no an echo inside communion with the infinite one now those who hunger and thirst after righteousness who long after god may be sure that they will be filled i just love this quotation nico what about you uh share with us here uh because it's a wonderful thing to have this kind of experience yes and i can't when i read this passage i said whoa what a promise what a promise you know we are so hearing and shortcoming to we ask for things and we want it no and sometimes these things are not good for us you know what our heavenly father is love just work this thing out for all good and for for for his glory you know it also says here we should not fear to trust him even though you do not see the immediate answer to your prayer rely and trust on his promise because his promises are sure and they are true you know there's something um in the lesson that i found so profound where it says we should have the door for our heart open continually and our invitation going up that jesus may come and abide in our hearts that is so such a promise and it says keep your wants your joys your sorrows your cares and your fears before god you cannot burden him you cannot wear him he who numbers the hair on your head is not indifferent to the wants of his children so when i read this i said lord you have seen often times we are you know i have fallen short of this thing where i keep asking you for stuff and you know not in my own time but in yours and when i read the word um coming directly from from from from from the pain of inspiration i said god i am going to to trust you regardless fascinating thank you so much that is just such a wonderful thing now uh pastor whatever you're just about to close so in a nutshell the new covenant is the gospel i just love that share some principles here real quickly simply put the new covenant being the gospel it's all about god that has been the case from the old testament from adam he said he would with with abram in genesis he said that i will with noah he said i all of it has always been about god and as the gentleman have said nico and brandon when we forget ourselves look past our own abilities and look to jesus he will accomplish in us what we couldn't have done by ourselves tremendous tremendous now continue to send those wonderful responses in the chat i wanted to understand that there is a god who who loves you who cares for you and certainly he desires the best for your life and sometimes you you're faced with that difficult decision between choosing the ways of the lord or the ways of the world i can assure you that it's always best to choose the ways of the lord and so until next time we are your friends right here at inverse west jamaica conference all right let's pray for us at this time as we close lord we thank you so much for your words words of life words of truth almighty father i pray that as we continue to study your words lord they will lodge in our hearts so we too can find strength and comfort in these hard times thank you for all that you have done then what you're doing now and what you'll do for us in the future i pray for christ's sake amen good morning everyone and welcome to the segment where we will be looking at one of the beliefs of the seventh-day adventist church and so this morning we are looking at the remnant and its mission and as we go along there are some questions i would like you to bear in mind as we move along number one how is the meaning of the remnant is used in the bible what the remnant is and who will be a part of it what is the mission of the remnant what idea of the remnant means for us today now throughout history god has had a people who remain faithful to him in spite of the challenges around in in spite of the apostasy these individuals will remain faithful to their god and so when you hear the term remnant as it is used in the bible it is refer or it refers to a group of people who remain loyal to god in spite of widespread apostasy now when you go back into the bible and you look at genesis chapter 6 we have seen a well-known remnant story coming out of the bible it has to do with uh noah preaching to the then world about their sins of course the world then had apostatized and so god raised up uh noah to warn these individuals for 120 years note carefully that in spite of the apostasy god provided an avenue for these individuals to escape the deluge that was to come and so here was this man uh preaching for 120 years and the bible says only eight individuals responded out of an entire world that the that aid or those individuals would be considered the remnant all right and of course they are the ones who are speared from the flood the word remnant comes from the hebrew word uh shahar which means the rest what remains or remainder there are other words also in the greek uh sorry hebrew like pelita that will give you the same idea what does it mean it means the remains are the remainder of something all right so the bible uses this word with respect to god's chosen people in the following references in the bible i give you some examples also genesis 45 and verse 7 and god sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth and to save your lives by great deliverance here posterity can be translated literally a remnant on the care of joseph when uh jacob's family went into egypt the bible says that joseph he preserved the posterity of his father the remnant of his father so much so that we could have what you called the tribe of israel multiplying so to speak in second kings chapter 17 and verse 18 the bible says therefore the lord was very angry with israel and removed them out of his sight there was none left shahar bought the tribe of judah only judah became the remnant of shahar of the 12 tribes of israel what am i saying here you will remember that after repeated invasions by the assyrians and the babylonians they took over 11 tribes into captivity and only one was remaining and that was judah and so judah was considered or labeled as the remnant of the tribes of israel the remaining tribe that which uh is left of the 12 tribes so it is so judah became the remnant who will make up this end time remnant the bible tells us in revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 those who keep the commandments of god that's one two those who hold the testimony of jesus christ and when we did that uh study on the spirit of prophecy we say that the the testimony of jesus christ is the spirit of prophecy and the remnant church would have that special gift in their means those who maintain their faith in jesus remember know that we are in a great controversy there is a struggle between good and evil and so the christians or god's people are are being placed uh on with a test and that test is to whom will you pledge your allegiance to god or to man the remnant of course will maintain their faith in christ they will choose god in spite of the persecution in spite of the challenges and the troubles they will ensure that they have a place with their god what is the mission of the remnant uh in matthew 24 verse 14 the bible tells us that god the gospel of god must be preached in all the world and so the remnant god's people are entrusted with the gospel and their mission their duty is to take the gospel throughout the length and breadth of the world the bible says that that must happen before christ comes the second thing is it has a special message for the world and that special message is wrapped up in revelation chapter 6 14 rather six through 12 and later on today pastor williams is going to delve into the messages entrusted to the remnant church that they are supposed to take along with them on their mission another thing about uh the church another thing about the the the remnant church is that it has a special method of interpreting scriptures and i have inserted that what is that method that method is the historical method what it does it allows the flow of history to run along quite smoothly beginning in the time of the profit to the final consummation there are many other method of interpretation out there and when you follow those interpretations it reduces the bible to nothing it takes away as a matter of fact sometimes the very inspiration out of the bible and so we are comfortable using this method which gives us a balance as you look at bible prophecies from the time of the prophet on to the closing days of earth history this remnant church announces the arrival of the judgment hour as catalogued in revelation chapter 4 it proclaims salvation through christ and heralds the approach of his second advent the proclamation is symbolized by the three angels messages of revelation chapter 14 which speaks the judgment repentance and reform on earth every believer is called to have a personal part in this worldwide witness and there are some texts that you can look on the screen you will see those and you can write them down revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 revelation chapter 14 6-12 revelation chapter 18 1-4 second corinthians 5 10 jude 3 and 14 and so read these texts when you have the time as you look at the remnant church right the remnant church as you know it is god's church that is found in the last day of earth history the book of revelation is full of prophetic imagery now when you study revelation and when you especially when you anchor in revelation chapter 12 you will understand that there are some symbols that you have to be familiar with as you identify the remnant church in revelation satan is depicted as a raging dragon while god's church and his people are symbolized by a woman which the dragon seeks to destroy what does the bible says that the dragon is wrath with the woman it is wrath with the remnant of her seed and so the devil's attempt and when you go in revelation chapter 12 it gives you the flow of history and how we come down to what we call the remnant church the devils attempt to destroy the woman read revelation chapter 12. the devil's attempt to slay the man's child but that did not work out because the man's child ascended into heaven which is jesus and so because the devil could not pray upon jesus he did not get around jesus he decided to attack the woman and so the bible tells us that the woman had to flee into the wilderness for one thousand two hundred and sixty years the church prevailed and so it moves right down note to the woman's seed the remnant of her seed and so the bible says in that remnant of remnant of the seeds god is going to raise up or the spirit of prophecy will continue and so the same the adventist church believes that the writings of ellen white uh continues to speak as it were to the prophetic voice which gives the church it continues to interpret prophecies and to tell us where we are on the prophetic ladder as we continue to preach the three angels messages what we are to expect what we are supposed to do as we anticipate christ's second return the dragon the bible says is wrath with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed and so this is the remnant church and the remnant church has a special message later on today we are going to be dealing with those messages as we are commissioned to spread the everlasting gospel god bless you i definitely want to say a big thank you to the west jamaica conference as we shared in sabbath school with them today also repping for asi this morning happy sabbath to you welcome to ejc virtual church welcome back yes and i must say for the summer school i was particularly blessed by the children of course i couldn't let it pass the children did an excellent job and to the children who are joining us here at ejc thank you so much for being here it is a privilege to have you and we hope that you are blessed and if it is that you have some children around your house please don't keep the blessing to yourself invite them to worship with you as you worship in your homes or wherever else you are viewing from now i can almost feel some of you wondering what is asl what are we talking about well to give us an overview we have the pro for asi jamun a chapter joining us now yvonne lost and happy sabbath sister lawson all right so you're even on the curve and while we're there i heard the president's voice i know he's on standby and we will also be linking in with the asi chapter with their report from the north jamaica conference but i would would really want to get this overview before we go into all of the reports so let me check if sister lawson is ready a very happy sabbath to you as well and happy sabbath to all our viewers in jamaica and throughout the diaspora it's a wonderful morning this morning to get up to give god thanks for another wonderful sabbath day yes sister lawson go right ahead with that overview the asi overview i am ready are you hearing me yes i'm hearing your load unclear hearing your load unclear and we are excited to be part of a global mission called asi asi jamaica is part of the adventist church worldwide and i are you hearing me hearing you alone unclear okay so we are excited to be a part of a global mission a part of the seventh-day adventist church worldwide and we are very delighted to know this morning that god has provided this opportunity for us to talk about business to talk about the ways in which he has blessed us as a union and so here we are since 1947 we have been given a charge to be a supporting ministry to the adventist church so here we are today in the jamaica union supporting the church as a whole through the five chapters aligned to the five conferences in the jamaica union and are a focus being a single focus of sharing christ in the marketplace we share christ in the marketplace in different ways through our vocations on a daily basis and we focus on five particular areas distinct areas so we find we support the global mission of the church to ensure that our businesses integrate christ in all that we do all our professional endeavors have to reflect christ in the marketplace so we support the global mission of the church through spiritual nurture through professional growth using our um financial resources using our spiritual gifts trying to develop and to implement um programs that will enhance the mission of the church so we grow and we become stronger each day we are mission focused what is the mission go ye therefore and tell everyone that jesus christ is coming and he's coming soon so the mission we use to do our spiritual growth and as a collective we act adjunct to the church in ensuring that the missionary activities of the church is fulfilled so therefore we work harmoniously with the church we encourage the conduct of businesses to be in alliance with the doctrines of the church and the principles of the church we work together harmoniously in a homogeneous way to ensure that the work of the gospel is promulgated throughout all our chapters here in jamaica we have been doing excellent work god has blessed us throughout the five chapters to be able to accomplish great feats especially during the scofic period our chapters have been re-energized so we have the five chapters the east chapter the central jamaica chapter the northeast chapter the north chapter and the west jamaica chapters all chapters call us around one common cause becoming stronger as we grow each day in taking christ to the marketplace you can enlist in asi through any of your church or any of your chapters you can do great work with us for the end time job that we have to do it's very easy for you to enlist in asi there is a place for everyone each professional each business person everyone has a place to work or a theme song says there is a place for every worker in the vineyard of the lord if you're a mechanic if you're a lawyer if you're a teacher if you're a healthcare worker whatever you find to do you are registered as a business you can become a part of asi asi is on the move we have adopted the men the mantra here in jamaica that we need to break out of our wars as the weak becomes strong and the strong becomes stronger our constitution allows us to do great jobs for the enhancement of humanity and certainly together we are going to achieve our president president foster who is the president of the jamaica union he is a vibrant enthusiastic man who pushes us beyond our capacity at times the central conference the north conference all our chapter presidents are ready to go east jamaica stands ready west jamaica stands ready all our chapters stands ready and together we are going to do so much more especially during this covey time later on our president will tell you exactly what it is that we have planned for the rest of the year we have a very aggressive and active calendar for the rest of the year i won't steal his founder i will allow him to bring you all of those details but just to let you know asi jamaica has been a flag in a very outstanding part of the inter-america division they depend on us to take the message they depend on us to be the trendsetter and together under the banner of christ jesus we are going to be able to achieve asi sharing christ in the marketplace i invite you get on board speak to your chapter presidents speak to your church go on our website find out what you can do there is a place for every worker and we expect to hear you following us saying to us i will go i am ready and we will together finish the work so that jesus christ will come and we will have no starless crowns in heaven it is my wish it is my hope that as we celebrate today we will understand even more what it is that we have to do god bless you thank you and may god continue to prosper asi jamaica union hope is what we are all looking for during this pandemic the lord has promised that during our trials he will carry us through and he has done that and more during this crisis our churches were closed and our small groups were resurrected we were not able to meet as big units but the lord said that where two or three are gathered in his name he will be there a lot of hearts were watered both members and non-members alike we are happy that in the north we were able to keep the lamps burning we also recognized the chapter that persons were not working therefore unable to feed their families we have issued approximately 300 care packages to different families within our communities it was indeed an awesome experience issuing the packages i honestly think we were more blessed than the recipients we saw some persons at their lois but it was indeed a blessing to have been able to help face to face for students was no longer possible and the virtual space had to be used there were students who could not do so as they either had no internet or phone we had to help at least some of these students their education was on the line we had to help and indeed we did with god's help we issued out over 20 tablets you should have seen those little faces as they lit up it was priceless let me take this opportunity to thank asi members for their support in cushioning the lives of so many during this pandemic remember no matter what may come our way our lives are in cards on changing hands welcome to school tunes we are visual communication specialists dedicated to telling your story and manifesting it in the format our medium that you may desire from our home base in brownstown saint anne jamaica we service the world with innovative products services and expert training we run the gamut of new and traditional media public relations and marketing audio and video production animation vfx game design web and mobile app development we can take your idea from concept to distribution easily we are committed to sharing christ in the marketplace under the banner of i will go our animation evangelism seminars continue to build the creative capacity of our adventist youth as well as to spiritually and economically uplift young people across the caribbean including the physically challenged the at-risk and the indigent youth [Music] hi i am silver and webb co-owner co-director of the company efas emergency first aid and safety training i worship at the semi adventist church britain villas in north jamaica conference where i serve as an elder i also serve the north jamaica country's youth department as an era coordinator and i'm also a vice president for the north jamaica psi chapter on november 9 2015 i along with delroy richard reported this company he fast emergency first aid and cf2 training and this was as a result of us recognizing that average american citizen lack access to a proper emergency medical service therefore our mandate that key fuss is to provide first aid cpr and other pre-hospital training in keeping with our motto which is preserving lives empowering people the company boasts a cadre of well-trained and experienced instructors who themselves are experts in the health safety and security industries we offer training to the general public non-governmental organizations and government entities basically anybody who is the need of first-year training of medical director at ifas we are ready to go and to share christ in the marketplace happy sabbath everyone we're gonna be beginning our prayers and worship and we're gonna sing there's a sweet anointing in the sanctuary so i joined i ask that you join with us in singing wherever you are and be [Music] blessed [Music] there is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness [Music] oh come lay down the burdens [Music] there is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness in [Music] is [Music] is he is here god is safe to heal the hopeless hearts and bless the broken oh come lay down the birds [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign gonna sing him 383 or day of rest and gladness o day of joy and light him 383 [Music] a day of rest and greatness all day of joy and light [Music] open of care and sadness [Music] open before the throne [Music] [Music] with streams of power [Music] [Music] a day of sweet reflection thou art a day of love a day to reigns affection from earth to things above new grace is ever gaining from this our day off rest we seek the rest remaining [Music] 487 i come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses four eight seven [Music] i come to the garden alone [Music] the sign [Music] and jesus with me and he tells me i [Music] am [Music] has ever known [Music] and the sound of his voice they're singing [Music] is and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we go [Music] i say in [Music] but he [Music] his voice to me is [Music] and he walks with me and he talks with me [Music] as well [Music] no i don't know i i am watching what's happening offset you should see vanessa enjoying the worship this morning worshiping song we're coming back to you don't worry all right so remember 499 is where you left off all right that's where you're going to pick up happy sabbath church let me tell you coming up right now we'll be having some greetings first from the president of the east jamaica conference and also asi jammu president elder cesar foster now vanessa i'm told that today is a special day it is and it would be remiss of us to continue with any greetings before we bring birthday greetings to our very own president of the east jamaica conference pastor j pastor nathan thank you so much for your service and we are privileged to greet you on this your birthday we hope that it is a special sabbath day blessing that you get for your birthday and we are pleased that you have chosen to celebrate your birthday with us here at ejc virtual church thank you mikey for the good job that you guys are doing i also want to come in virtual church for seeking different praise team each week to expose our young people we would want to know that all our young people come up to standard that they are able to minister on the virtual church i am blessed each week by a different set of young people from across east jamaica conference but it is my joy every week i look forward to something special i look forward to be able to share greetings on the the virtual church platform every week i think about meeting my constituency for for for this week and i thank you my brothers and sisters for your commitment to east jamaica conference and to the work at large today today is a high day in zan in that we are having a special set of our membership summit thank you sister evan for giving us that broad base of what asa is all about and i thank god that his work will continue to go forward because every member of the church feels that they have different responsibilities but we all have one main responsibility and that is a sheer christ and we're happy that they the laypersons service and industry the asi individuals see themselves as being responsible to help to share christ in the marketplace as president of east jamaica conference it's a privilege for me to extend warm welcome along with greetings from the administration pastor lynton williams and who is our executive secretary and elder michael porters who is our treasurer all our directors and pastors we believe that we are a good team working together to make the mission of the adventist church in ejc continue to grow from strength to strength and i am so glad that i have one of the great set of adventist asi and so it is my privilege to say welcome to pastor everett brown and the team from headquarters in mandeville pastor and we always happy to have you pastor smith who is the one who helps to coordinate coordinate asi east jamaica conference and i'm happy this morning that we are sharing the platform with west jamaica conference thank you pastor samuels for sharing the platform with your asmr members from west jamaica conference and we are happy to have pastor levi williams and his members sharing asi ministry pastor aldea blight from the northeast jamaica conference and pastor archer from from the not jamaica conference we believe that we are privileged in giving the gospel that certain sound from wherever we are ministering from i'm happy to also welcome and say thanks to elder master and thomas who represents asi from inter-american division and it's good to have him coming out of east jamaica conference so we have sent him as missionary to the inter-american division and we're happy to have him right here in east jamaica conference we're also excited that the the asa jamaica union is from the east america conference my friend alexis thomas we're grateful to have you not just leading east jamaica conference we have graduated you to the jamaica union but every good leader has left beside them have always have success and plan and you could not have left a better asi president than elder thomas alfred thomas is doing a tremendous job and we are so excited that he will not go far without calling the president of east jamaica conference and the team from east jamaica conference because we are on the same platform and we are happy for elder alfred thomas president of the asi east jamaica conference we will we have started to hear from the the asi across the jamaica field but you know i would not want to end my greetings without putting the context in place i believe that code with 19 was designed to close down the gospel message from spreading the gospel far and wide but god is a god who uses what is available what is it that you have in your hands and god has decided that he will use the virtual space to carry the gospel message the three angels misses across the world and i am so frightened that if we're not careful when the end come that we will not be prepared because the bible says that the gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world as a weakness and we are so happy that we are privileged and i cannot but say that as i talked to the ncu team yesterday and i'm glad to know that we also have the bless tv to bless us today we are happy elder we're happy to have you on board with us and you know it is good to know that all the business and professional people from east jamaica and across jamaica union decides that they will bring on board their clients their patients their student work employees and employers in the marketplace so that they can present the gospel message i am in total agreement with helen white ellen white says she's talking about how the work is gonna be finished she says that the work of god will never be finished until the men and women comprising the membership of the church join together in unity as we bring the gospel message to the dying world so i am well aware that the message will not be finished by pastors and allah and i know you know that the message will not be finished by pastors only and it will not be finished by laymen only but when laymen and pastors and asl members and all our members joining the gesture principle to use the summer school i could you don't you wouldn't want me to leave only gesture principle to use this summer school as an instrument to get every member total member on board and then you know i said whether you're a farmer are you a pastor are you a teacher or your health worker we are one team of workers with one mission one commission and that is to spread the gospel it is my prayer today that at the end of our service we all will be blessed as we share the gospel message on the same virtual space and so i pray i know i it gives me great pleasure to to introduce a friend of mine who is not always treating me nicely as he should but i love you ella and i want you to know that you are doing a tremendous job on the whole business of the adventist lived persons and institutions thank you and elder the church is waiting for your greeting may god continue to bless you oh my goodness pastor dr nathan you could never have said it better you are my friend yes my friend whether you see me as your friend i see you as my friend and doctor happy birthday to you sir you are celebrating your 17th birthday and i think you need to enjoy it and um as we celebrate today the holy sabbath day what a day to have your birthday can i just can i just express appreciation to the team for for expression great birthday wishes and and i know you started this week at already elder and i really appreciate it and i am not 17 elder you can say 17 plus and i'm nearer to 100 down to zero i thank god for the ministry that he has blessed me with and i know that the asi will not leave me alone to preach the gospel they will do their part it is not business as usual it is business unusual in the marketplace as all my aside members use their opportunity as they do business to share the gospel of salvation thank you elder thank you members of the team thank you all for birthday wishes and may god bless us together thank you pastor thank you so much and um i was hastened to to say greetings to those who are joining us today some of us are on on bless tv somewhere on youtube some people are at the on the west wcc and and some people are east and later on today many will be on ncu tv and ncu radio and the north um channel and northeast channel so what is happening here my greeting is for you all out there who have joined the asi today to celebrate aside business and professional summit day the day continues all through until nine o'clock tonight what happens this afternoon what happens later on with the president of the union being the speaker is going to be absolutely amazing and so i want you to stay online invite your friends what happens at four o'clock when we have business persons who are going to be telling us about how they are surviving the ravages of orbit and how they have been some of them have been hurt and some of them have escaped and uh they are going to be telling us of their testimonies that we're going to have chapter reports and we are going to have music so it's going to be a wonderful day and then we're going to run right into seven o'clock this evening we will have a panel discussion the this discussion will give us the tools that we need that we require that we can use to make it through this pandemic if we're going to be having the managing director of the jamaica stock exchange um mrs marilyn street forest we're going to be having a super charged young professional doctor who is dr walcott who will be on it we're gonna have the person from victoria mutual who's been talking about ways in which we can develop it's right strategies to make it through this um corporate challenge we're gonna have myself there and the moderator is your is your one only the good one nigel koch from the union and so we're gonna have a full day all the way until nine o'clock tonight so i am looking forward i have my water next to me i have my family here and i have you out there and most of all we have the holy spirit but listen to this i want to thank everybody who has been on my team who's on my team arthur smith sister barrett and and the entire executive team of the jamaica union including pastor brown all are very very much appreciated we have entitled today break out of your walls no if you don't recognize the walls have been broken down we were never in this space before kobe 19. so orbit 90 might not be something that we want to end and then we go back to what it was before we need the kidney opportunities that with 19 has given us and take the gospel into all the world so we can finish the work and we can go home can you imagine if we finish this work within the next couple of months or next year we won't be worried about sickness and death and and and robberies and all these criminals doing all these things we would be home without jesus and that is the aim of asan and in so doing we want to encourage all our members to build their businesses on the principles of god we want to encourage our members to share price every day out there in the marketplace and want our members to also build community relationships with people those who are hungry those who need somewhere to live we want to not just be ourselves keeping ourselves we want to help our brothers to become better and so here it is also we are looking developing a number of programs throughout the year and i must go quickly the next big program is the asi week which starts on june 13 and goes until june 19. we are we're gonna have three nights of supercharged motivation from the first night on the 13th of june will be dr harwood is one of the chaplains of the us and united states army has send the adventist and we're going to have a great night with him and the biggest night of the week will be the wednesday night when we're going to have our dynamic footprints of hope evangelistic speaker or pastor glenn several speaking to us as business and professional people and then the sabbath will be the one and only chaplain of the united states army dr barry black on sabbath the 19th can you imagine what will happen as we go through that week that is coming up in june we have many more things to tell you about but i know i want the program to run and i want to hear past the ground at the next couple of minutes and so i will say to you we are not hiding we are only sheltering in the time of storm we are more visible today than we were before probably 19 because we can stay in our living rooms or stay in our bedrooms or in some little corner and be in the gospel message to all the world that is what god wants us to do people and i just encourage the members while i thank the members i encourage everybody to just share christ get up and do something to isn't the coming of christ and i pray that as we will go through today the spirit will rest abide with all of us and you know i'm looking forward to deceiving to hear the messages to hear from the doctors and the teachers and the nurses and the welders and plumbers hairdressers and the barbers about their businesses that they do as adventists because we want to network with these businesses to help them to grow and become strong so we can have what it takes to finish this work in this part of the vineyard may god bless us as we go into this inside summit and may the spirit lead us into a worship service that we will never ever forget i thank you my brothers and sisters i thank you the media houses and i look forward to being with you all today until nine o'clock it is going to be continually rich may god bless you and keep you [Music] the asi east chapter is committed to working with its members to take christ to the marketplace by working with the seventh-day adventist church to help bring individuals to christ as commissioned in romans 12 13 share with the lord's people who are in need practice hospitality asi is dedicated to many projects within various communities in lending a helping hand to uplift these communities from the state they are currently in and improve their standard of living over the past year we have focused on initiatives to help the wider society and have been a part of numerous functions throughout the conference including the public campus ministries pcm which was held on september 26 2020 with special speaker zhandrima hansing a medical student at the university of the west indismona we must surround ourselves with like-minded people i once heard the statement that you are the sum of the five people with whom you spend the most time the health focus day was celebrated on the 31st of october with special speaker dr stanley james from bermuda when god has wiped you out by faith you must now come back into submission and begin to do things his way and on this very date the asi ministries also welcomed new members with the installation ceremony of 12 persons and so that we say to god be the glory most recently the indian high commissioner to jamaica visited our headquarters on january 23 2021 and spoke with conference officials at this platform i would like to thank all the stakeholders including the parishes the customers the mayors and the universities and the church and the si members here are a few asi members sharing with us how asi has impacted their lives hi my name is andre mohan singh and i am a final year medical student and a relatively new member of asi before joining ace i thought it was you know that's the place where uncles and aunts come to discuss business and how they can use their businesses to glorify god you know but um when i decided to become a member of asi it was really with the expectation that this is a place that can mold me and show me how to see my profession as more than just you know a career but actually a ministry you know how can i show christ in the workplace for me the workplace is going to be the hospital you know for you it may not be but wherever you find yourself working whether you find yourself occupied it is a place where there are persons to be reached and a asign my estimation can provide that space where you can learn how to reach persons in the marketplace becoming an asi member has allowed me to strengthen my christian work and also share christ with others who i come in my name is bran bailey a member of asap it was important for me to become a member of aside because asa is the arm of the church that gets to the community and gets into some spaces that the normal church members will not be able to go and i am i think that's very important my expectations of asa before i came in was that exa would be active asl will be out there uh serving the community getting involved having the air to the ground knowing what is going on in the community and i plan to contribute to asl by giving back first of all in any way that the lord has asked me to do secondly i have a rare set of skills in music that i plan to contribute to the community and through asl we support this business forum which allows members to learn new strategies for business and in general we are able to expose our members to some of the companies helping to build the jamaican economy we pray for god's continued guidance on asi in jamaica today asi east chapter salutes its members and thanked them all for their dedicated support in service to the community despite all that is going on around us we continue to strive and give god thanks for all he has done for us do continue to pray for us as we seek to carry out our mission thank you and may god bless you all as i ministries taking christ to the marketplace [Music] i'm going to sing the first verse of him 499 what a friend we have in jesus [Music] what's a friend we have in jesus all our saints and grace [Music] oh what peace we often fought [Music] all because we do not care [Music] everything you've got in place [Music] do my perm rank is muted thank you go ahead go ahead go ahead now let the give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever let the redeemed of the lord tell their story those he redeemed from the hand of the foe let them give thanks to the lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy let them exalt him in the assembly of the people and praise him in the counsel of the elders this is the call to worship thank you thank you very much desiree tolerate shall we bow our heads for prayer great god our loving savior and king we come as your people with our hearts filled with gratitude on this day that the asi celebrate your goodness your love your care we pray lord that you will continue to bless this ministry these men who have used their talents who have shared their resources to advance your cause may today as we worship you may our hearts be blessed in jesus name we pray amen i am incredibly pleased in fact extremely delighted to greet asi jamaica union as you engage in your business summit your focus is consistent with the objectives outlining the constitution of adventist lay persons services and industries asi into america focus is also consistent with the mandate jesus gave to his followers in luke 19 and verse 13 to occupy until he comes or to do business until he returns those who engage in business with diligence and encourage others to do the same are doing the will of god adventist business persons and professionals need not operate in isolation without support or ideas of how to grow their businesses and to witness for christ in their marketplaces the time is long overdue when adventists business and professional persons would network for their own benefit for the good of the name of jesus christ and for the kingdom of our god yes break out of your walls expand your vision and simultaneously let your chief business executive officer the lord jesus himself here you say i will go be ready to go where he leads individually and collectively as you engage in your business summit i pray that you will receive from god great insights into how to be faithful and progressive stewards of god when the chief shepherd returns may you be able to present to him rich dividends of a thousand-fold a hundred fold and fifty fold so let your theme break out of your walls i will go be internalized and then demonstrated in growth in business and in souls one to christ on behalf of the administration of the inter-american division and asi into america i wish you a great business summit be abundantly blessed i am dr marston thomas president of asi inter-american division and i'm bringing greetings to aside jamaica union my my name is spelt m-a-r-s-t-o-n t-h-o-m-a-s it is always a pleasure to greet my acai brothers and sisters and our many friends around inter-american division and the world on behalf of acid with pastor danielle sister herrera and the rest of the team we want to salute jamaica union asars on this their acai summit break out of your walls i find this theme very very appropriate in times especially in your jamaican union where there is a continuous lockdown because of the kovid infection or pandemic that has plagued the world we bless the lord that the mission of the lord can still be showed and said all around the world we at acid share the salute the jamaican ace ours and your partners on this your aside day we trust that the name of god will be proclaimed loud and far today and as a result many acers will come back on board and many others will join the band of acers in inter-american division and especially in your home country jamaica god bless have a great and fantastic day noel terrier for i am the lord thy god the holy one of israel thy savior i gave egypt for their ransom ethiopia and siba for thee isaiah 43 and verse 3. little is much when god is in it sometimes ago i made plans to purchase a valuable piece of equipment for my business but the lord impressed me to do two things before the purchase of this item one return not 10 but 20 percent from an already low budget and secondly to do so on the sabbath preceding the estimated purchase date a check was prepared the following week for a price verbally quoted by the merchant but was later refused on the basis that this was a misquote on the part of the business owner with much prayer on my part the business owner called again and said i have mistakenly given you a price that is way below market value but it will be sold to you for the price you heard the manager was later overheard remarking i do not know how to document the sale our books allows only a certain percentage of discount but this discount far surpasses anything we have ever done out of curiosity i looked over a shoulder and saw the inventory listing for the particular item it was hundreds of thousands of dollars more than the price that i obtained it for and guess what that huge discount was actually equal to and matching the same amount i gave the lord the sabbath before my wife later commented that if i had chosen to give the lord more the lord would have matched my figure with his figure and would have given me even a greater discount the text today tells us that there is no price to i and no sacrifice to greed that he will not make on behalf of his people the only problem is we do not believe it the second lesson i learned from this experience is that god stands by his promises if god can speak through a donkey to ensure blessings on his people then that same god can manipulate the words of a merchant to tell me a price that god earlier agreed with me on to fulfill in the 21st century our god is a covenant keeping god who spoke through monarchi a covenant to his people return a tithe and a free will offering and see if i will not fulfill my part to the point of death on a cruel cross let us pray oh lord give us the faith to trust your promises and release the purpose driven potential you have created and died to recreate in each of us is our desire and ask him in jesus christ's name amen the restitution for today is joshua 6 verses 1 to 5 and verse 25 joshua says verses 1 to 5 and always 25 i'll read in here here though jericho was straight and shook up because of the children of israel none went out and nor the king is and the lord said under joshua see i have given into that hand jericho and the kingdom and the mighty name of god and he shall come past the city all he men of war and go run the whole city once those shall not do six days and the seven priests shall bear from our seven trumpets of ram's horns and the seventh day he shall come past the city seven times and the priests shall blow with the trumpets and it shall come to pass that when they need a long blast and around the point and when he heard the soul of the trumpet all the people shall show retired and the walls of the tradition fall down flat and the people shall ascend of every man's children before him verse 25 and joshua saved her rehab the harlot alive and her father's household and all that she had and she dwelled in israel even until this day because she hated messengers with the lord sentenced by order per uh from the north jamaica conference elder dean ellis or is it dave dane ellis should we join us for that intercessor njc chapter pleasure to be with you on the a side jamaica union summit and it is that time when we intercede with our lord and savior jesus christ and as we do so where we are invite you to bow your heads as we pray let us pray loving lord we come before you with a spirit of humility acknowledging our nothingness indeed we are sinners saved by the grace of jesus christ our lord and today we come before you in humble adoration because indeed lord you are worthy of all or praise and so from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same jesus you are worthy we thank you lord for those asi members across jamaica and indeed across the world who are sharing christ in the marketplace we pray dear lord that you will bless those who are watching this program today we pray that you will bless all members of asi across the world bless our professions and our occupations and our businesses that we are able to bless others that you may be able to give to the cause of of evangelizing the world to hasten your coming so we can go home to be with you in a short time we pray dear lord for jamaica land we love as we battle the two big seas crime and the coronavirus i pray dear lord that you will give our leaders vision as they seek to find answers to these major problems we pray dear lord for our brothers and sisters in the saint vincent and grenadine islands or being affected by that volcano by the ash and the the various aspects related to that we pray dear lord that you'll provide comfort and provide a refuge for those who will have to leave their homes and that you will bless them and keep them lord today we pray for our speaker pastor everett brown we pray lord that you will cover him under your blood once more we pray for a double portion of your holy spirit to be upon him that as he speak your word dear lord the words will come to our hearts and will bless us and refresh us and draw us and i unto you again we pray that you'll bless those who hear this program may they be drawn closer to you into a saving relationship we pray as we give you thanks and may you bless the asa in jamaica union and bless our program today is our prayer with thanks to jesus christ our lord amen amen we continue to put our cases before the lord and at this time i invite you to linger with me as we continue to pray my assignment is to pray for our businessmen and our professionals that god will be with them and also to present jamaica land we love at the foot of the cross so that we'll be able to see god's blessings on us in spite of and so i invite you to join with me as we lift up the name of jesus oh god our heavenly father indeed our hearts are made glad that you have made yourself available to us through the avenue of prayer and we thank you lord that we can make our wants and which is known from time to time we are glad to know that through your invitation we can come boldly to the throne of grace where we can find mercy and help in times of needs we are happy to know god that we have one who can be touched by the feelings or for infirmities and so you have experienced all that we are forced to experience from time to time and so when we come to you we know that you care and you hear and you understand our needs today we are faced with a pandemic and this has affected every one of us in our society but lord we know more than ever before the challenge is for those of our businesses and professionals we know lord that you are a god who you are concerned about your people and so this morning lord we want to present your asa members and individuals who are professional members or businessmen and women who have to deal with this corona crisis and lord as they navigate this uncharted waters we pray that you will give them wisdom and that you'll continue to bless them with power and clarity of mind that they will be resilient and that they will be able to take pragmatic responses to the situation as they seek to withstand the different challenges oh god we have to lift you up because we have a certainty that when you hear our prayers that you will not leave us but you will be there to comfort and to give us the kind of comfort that we need lord jesus we want to present before you these individuals who will have to adjust to the new norm of doing business we pray lord that they will be able to hear your voice on a daily basis and that they will follow your instruction and be reminded that you will never leave them or forsake them and as was just mentioned in the testimony of our brother who did the offer terry that when we put you first you will look out for our well-being as the lord i ask that you will look down from heaven you have dwell in place and hope on winners that our businessmen and our professionals will be able to minister we pray god for you to protect them from accidents and dangers on a daily basis but more so lord we know how dangerous it is to do business in jamaica because and even the world as we can men stand in readiness to attack and to do things that will help to put stress and strain and sometimes even to take the lives of those who are in business but lord we ask that you'll put an edge around your servants as you have done in time past we pray that you'll protect them and give them a physical blessing that their their physical framework will stand up to the stress and strain that they are exposed on a daily basis we pray lord that you will bless them psychologically that they'll be able to maneuver emotionally the challenges that come with a pandemic oh god we pray that you'll bless them spiritually as they seek to make themselves applicable to the words that you have spoken in time past through scriptures and other spiritual means bless our businessmen prosper their businesses bless our professionals and may they do well as they seek to make their clients to understand where life comes from and who deserve our praise and blessings lord we continue to lift up jamaica land we love we always want to pray for the leaders of our country we pray for the prime minister we pray for his cabinet and lord as they seek to do a service to our country give them vision that as they lead your people will be blessed and we will not perish we pray for the leader of the opposition and this team oh lord help them to understand that as servants of the land they are also to apply themselves to the principles that you have laid down in the good book we pray lord for the different ministries and right now we pray for the ministry of health and we pray for the minister of health as they seek to put in place principles and protocols that will help to stem the time that we are now facing with oh lord we pray that our frontline workers will have a special protection from the divine atmosphere of heaven and we pray lord that you will also continue to make the principles and the protocols be something that as a people that we will adopt and implore we pray lord for the ministry of national security and the minister of national security oh lord may they understand that we need divine intervention to help to curtail the crime and violence and abduction and killing that we are experiencing in our country oh god we pray for the security forces and those who will have to be front line workers to deal with wicked men and with dealing with the crime and violence we pray oh god that you will be with the ministry of education and the minister of education as we seek to put things in place policies and praise knowing that our educators will be able to impact the lives of our students and so that in this abnormal normality that we will be able to see education become a means of empowering our people so that we can rise above the challenges of poverty we want to put before you today lord the many people who are hurting those who are sick those are the hospitals those who are deal with those kind of impact that comes as a result of the coping crisis help our people learn to know that our help come from above and that we'll turn to jesus who is our author and finisher of our faith we thank you today lord for the privilege we have of meeting on this platform and we're presenting to you all our worshipers with a different challenges and we asked knowing that because you are omniscient and omnipotent that you will continue to supply all our needs according to your riches in glory we also want to lift up our brothers and sisters in the caribbean union those who are facing the result of this volcano lord we know that you are a good god and we're presenting all our people before you reach out and give comfort to those who need to be comforted and lord at the end of it we look forward to the day when sickness and suffering and pain and death will be banished from man's experience and one pulse of love and harmony will be throughout the vast universe and we will experience that which john saw come in no more sickness no more pain no more death oh god isn't that that day when we will live in that atmosphere as it was in the garden of eden we long for you soon coming and the signs are clear help us to be ready and to stay ready that when that day comes we all will hear from your loving lips well done good and faithful servant this is our prayer with thanksgiving in the name of jesus christ our lord and savior and we all say amen and amen amen amen thank you so much pastor happy sabbath brothers and sisters on this very special asi day when we are focusing on the theme break out of your walls i am delighted to present the speaker who is none other than pastor everett brown the president of jamaica union conference i have had the privilege of knowing pastor brown for over 32 years i have known him as a district pastor i have known him as a director and administrator at the conference level i have observed his interaction with as husband of lana and also as the father of jonathan and matthew he loves his family over the past five years i have had the privilege and the opportunity to serve with him at jamaica union conference i can say that he loves his church dearly not only does he love his church but he's also deeply committed to the church and its mission and in a very special way he is supportive of the work of asi not only did he ask me to serve as the coordinator for jamaica union but he has consistently and unwaveringly given support to this body the very fact that he is here speaking for us today is an evidence of his commitment to the work of asi considering the fact that he is currently on vacation catching some much needed rest we are delighted to have pastor brown with us today as a servant of god he has always spoken a word in season to touch the hearts of god's children and i have all confidence that god has laid a message on his heart to share with us today i invite you to lift him up in prayer pray for him pray for his family as they continue to give leadership to god's church just before he comes to present the word of god we will have this special song of meditation by brother kerry sayles and thereafter the next voice you hear will be that of the servant of god pastor everett brown god bless you all [Music] [Applause] time measured out my day life carried me along in my soul i yearned to follow god but you would never be so strong i look hard at this world to learn how heaven could be gained just the end where i began where human effort is all in there were it not for grace i can tell you where [Music] i've been wandering down some pointless road to nowhere when my salvation up to me and i know how that will go the battles i would face forever running but losing the race where it's not for grace [Music] so here so here is all my praise expressed with all my heart [Music] offered to a friend who took my place and ran of course i could not start i know when he saw info just how much his love would cost he still went the final mile between me and heaven so i would not be lost were it not for grace i can tell you where i've been wandering down some pointless road to nowhere when my salvation oh to me and i know how that will go the battles i would face forever running but losing life's race where it now [Music] [Music] amen amen break not for grace thank you kiri for your ministry for your selfless ministry to god your church thank you so much for assisting me in sharing the the message today good morning still morning and happy sabbath my brothers and sisters i'm delighted today to be able to worship the true and living god god who is able a god who is trustworthy a god who is always available so we have come into his presence today on this day that he created and sanctified to exalt his name to worship him i wish to thank the leadership of asi jamaica for the invitation to participate in this esi summit this annual event which seeks to rally the troops seeks to encourage and prepare the wider membership of asi to be involved directly in the ministry of the church this year your theme is break out of your walls i bring you brief words of greetings on behalf of my colleagues at the jamaica union conference pastor barwise pastor walker supported by pastor dr joseph smith and mrs sharon barrett president nathan thank you for your warm welcome i always feel welcome in the east jamaica conference and of course today you are celebrating your special day i want you to enjoy it be blessed of course i'm very happy that you pointed out that you are 17 plus enjoy your birthday i want to use this opportunity briefly to express to the membership and leadership of asi jamaica our profound gratitude for your selfless service to god and his church led by president elder cecil foster asi continues to support the formal ministry of the church in executing that which god has scored the symbol they have been discharged to do and that is to use the resources that god has entrusted to us to make disciples of men to promulgate lasting gospel and to prepare people for the second advent of jesus christ and then the foster i am i join the leadership of east jamaica conference indeed the leadership of the worldwide 7th adventist church and expressing how much we appreciate the partnership in ministry may i also use this opportunity to recognize the worth and service of dr marston thomas a trailblazer not only in jamaica but in the into american division as far as a psy is concerned dr thomas we thank you for your service to god and your church your mission focus strategy to go and share the everlasting gospel through your business contacts and your professional contacts is worthy of commendation and emulation by mingling with all classes of people by showing kindness and care addressing the real needs of people forging relationships while leading many to a saving relationship with jesus christ is the strategy that asi has employed a strategy that jesus himself while he ministered here on earth used effectively may god continue to expand the borders of aside may god use you to leverage your service your expertise and influence to lead sinners to jesus christ but more than that may god use you to make the week strong and to make the strong stronger so that collectively we will have the resource we need in terms of personnel in terms of other resources to do that which god has called us to do but i i'm not here this morning to give you a lecture i'm here this morning basking in the sunshine of god's grace thanking god for his express grace and favor towards me and towards sinners saved by his grace and so i want us to go to the word at this time thank you elder foster again for the opportunity to work and to serve with you in ministry the word of the lord comes to us and it was read so eloquently from joshua chapter 6 verse 1 to 5 and verse 25. you know i growing up as a child even before i read the word of god once again growing up as a child i was always fascinated by the story of david david using his slingshot to topple the giant uh that was one of my favorite bible and perhaps the fall of jericho comes after david exploit but i've never used this portion of god's word as the foundation for any sermon preparation or presentation where the lord has led me today to joshua chapter 6 verse 1 to 5 and verse 25 it reads thus now jericho was securely shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in and the lord said to joshua watch this now see i have given jericho into your hand it's king and the mighty men of valor you shall march around the city all you men of war you shall go around the city once this you shall do six days on the seventh the priest shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark but the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priest shall blow the trumpets verse five it shall come to pass when they make a long blast with the rams horn and when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man straight before him verse 25 and joshua spared rahab the harlot her father's household and all that she had so she dwells in israel to this day because she hid the messengers whom joshua sent to spy out jericho this is the word of god let us pray gracious god we've read in your word of how you pour out your copious showers of blessings on your church at pentecost today oh god as we stand before you i pray that you will let some drops of your refreshing holy spirit its power to fall on us as we study your words and as we prepare oh god to go and break down walls and to erect walls of opportunities to spread your gospel i pray that you will grant us refreshing that you will feed us today i pray in jesus name this narrative this historic event chronicled and recorded here in joshua chapter 6 which reminds us of the falling off jericho's wall the breaking down of jericho the imposing an impregnable apparently impregnable walls of jericho the toppling of the walls of jericho to the ordinary mind today defies all logic you know on the surface of it when you read this story it sounds like a fairy tale it sounds it is almost fictional how in the world my brothers and sisters how in the world and most engineer or scientists will tell you that it it's not possible how in the world could a group of people marching around a city a city whose wall was about 20 to 30 feet high and about 20 feet in thickness how could walking around the city uh silently for six days and seven times on the seventh day and uh shouting and blowing of horns topple walls that seem so imposing and strong let me hasten to say let me hasten to remind you today my brothers and sisters that spiritual things are spiritually discerned let me say that again spiritual things are spiritually discerned and with god not some things but with god the impossible becomes possible with god all things are possible my god can defy nature to bring about his will can i hear you say amen nothing is impossible for god but what is the significance of this story this story my brothers and sisters reminds us of the importance of obedience faith courage and patience can i say that again this story portrays the servant of god joshua who was obedient who was faithful who exercised courage and faith to believe in god to believe the promises of god and to move by faith when god told him to move by faith god told joshua joshua this imposing war joshua that which seems impossible i have already given it into your hands a piece of cake joshua joshua believed god joshua was obedient to god listen and the lord said to joshua not your armies not your military might not your experience oh joshua see i the lord have given jericho into your hands i have given jericho i have given its kings i have given the manner of valor into your hands they seemed imposing joshua but i am going to deliver jericho into your hands joshua believed god my bible tells me the wars of jericho tumbled today i want to talk about to the world yes that's my message is captioned to the world faith topples war to the world faith topples wall the bible records in matthew chapter 28 and verse 18 and 20 the bible says and jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth the church of the living god today must recognize that our god is all-powerful that all authority here on earth and in heaven is at his disposal but he did not stop there he says go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit can i hear you say amen teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even to the ends of the earth this is the message that i'm i have come to share with you today walls can tumble by faith god has called us god has sent us to the world to exercise faith in him and when we exercise faith in god no matter what the obstacles that is in the way of god's church are that stand in the way of mission any obstacle any obstacle will be removed by the power and might of god so that his mission will be fulfilled can i hear you say amen in recent times even within my church some have questioned the church and its leadership some have questioned the sovereignty of god what is god doing where is god he promised that we will be the head and not the tale he has promised that he will supply all our knees he has promised where is the promised god where are you god what are you doing there is jericho before us the wall seems impregnable we cannot achieve god the deck is stacked against us we fail to recognize in all moments of despair when satan erects barriers before the church that that is the time for the church of the living god to exercise faith and confidence and courage in god for god to display his power and his mind that nothing that satan will place before the church of the living god can stop us because we worship a god with mighty we worship a god with christians we worship a god who is on time we worship a god with all and all the time has come for the remnant church of god the seventh to the adventist church with our knowledge of the health message that was bequeathed to us by the servant of the lord ellen white let me let me let me redirect i'm saying the time has come for the church of the living god to use the knowledge that we have god did not give us the knowledge of the health message for us to hold to ourselves god has given to us this message so that we can choose it to draw men and women to him so that he can provide holistic healing and salvation to their lives it was not given to this church for us to use only to benefit ourselves but for us to take it to the world so that the world can benefit from our health message hold on god did not only entrust this church with this unique and powerful health message but god has given to this church the three angels messages contained in revelation chapter 14. can i hear say man i'm going somewhere this morning covet 19 has weakened the faith of many kovalev 19 has pushed a lot of us as members of the church to cower we are behaving as if we are cowards as if we do not worship a god hold on hold on i am not suggesting that any member expose himself or herself to the ravages of the virus no that's not what i'm saying i'm saying that in the face of the virus we will have to live with the virus god will take us through the virus or whatever he chose to do we must be assured that god has given us victory in the face of a lingering pandemic and god's word is sure for he has promised and he will fulfill something the time has come members of asi the time has come members of the remnant church the time has come for us to break out of our worlds to go and share the love of jesus christ to a world dying in sin amidst the pandemic with its attendant new norms the church must not the church cannot become complacent or retreat from mission can i hear you say amen no it's the opportune time for the church of the living god to break out of her walls and impact the larger community break out of our walls of comfort break out of our walls of hopelessness break out of our walls of despair break out of our walls of disunity break it of our walls of misrepresentation and share the undiluted gospel of hope and salvation to men and women who are hopeless men and women who are dying in sin that should be our focus and it takes courage it takes obedience it takes faith in a god who has demonstrated his power and his willingness to sustain us and to be with us even when the time when when when the going gets rough we must we must as a church we must we must resist we must resist the efforts of the devil to divide and distract and cause us to focus on ourselves i'm gonna say something that i hope i am quoted correctly in saying but god did not cause or call us primarily to disciple disciples he calls us to make disciples and sometimes i sense that my church is focused or some elements of my church is focused on making us perfect disciples rather than recognizing the vast millions of persons who do not know jesus christ that our focus is not inward but our focus is outward our focus is to reach a dying world so that they understand and recognize that jesus is savior and lord i do not know how i got into that i'm saying that our mandate is to go to the world to the world by faith in god to the world in obedience to the world in faithfulness to the world in patience we are called to respond to our sovereign god and our sovereign god whatever the walls that the devil might place before us our sovereign god by faith will couple them so i suggest members of asi i'm suggesting students and teachers and health workers pastors members of the remnant church this pandemic or no other pandemic or crises must stand before the church of the living god in her pursuit of mission in her goal to go to the world and proclaim the everlasting gospel nothing much oh that is just an introduction to my presentation for even though calvin 19 is not a fiction of the imagination yes i want us to recognize that we are going to defy and defeat kobe or any other obstacle that satan plays before us you see god has already given us victory over sin and death god has already given us victory over diseases god has already given us victory over pandemic god has already given us victory over babylon god has already given us victory over the beast and his image god has already the bible tells us that we are we are going to overcome him by the blood of the lamb just as god gave jericho into the hands of of of of joshua and jericho god has given the world into our hands for us to preach the gospel and rescuing on women who are trapped in sin but for the grace of almighty god so god is calling his church today to go and take the gospel god is seeking for men and women of courage men and women who are prepared to be obedient to his command men and women full of patience speaking of patience i have some of my members who are worried about the mark of the beast now i'm not worried about the mark of the bees i'm concerned about is my relationship with god watch it now for if my relationship is intact with god just like job it doesn't matter what satan does to my body it doesn't matter what satan does to the environment it doesn't matter what satan does god is going to see us true therefore the process of enlisting sinners saved by grace in god's kingdom must be a priority for the church of the living god today we live in a world that is changing every day we live locally but we must think globally what happens globally affects us locally it affects how we live these effects so we worship and can i tell you even if we are not able to go back to the comforts of our church building to worship that will not and that should not prevent the church from fulfilling its mandate proclaiming the gospel is not negotiable proclaiming the gospel is our reason for being as a church and so we must break out of our walls by faith communities that we could not reach in 2019 people that we could not reach in 2019 today we are able to reach them in the campus of their home because kobe does cause us to reset the way we focus on mission so i want to challenge my church today to be careful the parochial and insulin mindset that engulf and characterize the old testament people of god their utter disdain for the gentiles as revealed in the new testament economy could seriously impact in a negative way the remnant church today from her effectiveness and efficiency in promulgating the gospel let us stop looking at self let us stop protecting church and structure and policies and traditions and let us allow the holy spirit to defile logic and do that which god wants us to do for god is not contained by structure our policies yes we operate in our structure we operate by policies but my god's focus is not policies or structure my god's focus is that every man hears the gospel and every man and every woman gets an opportunity to make a decision for jesus before it's eternally too late thank you asi for indicating your willingness to place all hands on decked so that the lady and the clergy uniting together will go forward in the name of god to realize that which god has already realized you see my brothers and sisters those whom god is preparing to save will be saved covet can't stop us the muhammadan raid can't stop us nothing will stop us i hear jesus saying to peter upon this rock i am going to build my church and nothing that the gate of hell unleash on the world will prevent me from building my church and establishing my kingdom in the hearts of men and my supreme rule in the world nothing will stop me sometimes as i read some posts by some of our members i wonder if we truly believe in god i wonder if we truly recognize that we cannot set an agenda for god we cannot set times and seizures for god times and seasons just help us to recognize that it must be the breaking of the day times and seasons tells us that it is time for us to rally the troops and take that which god has already delivered into our hands there are professionals out there there are poor out there there are people out there there are rich people out there who are dying in sin and we must go tear down barriers in the name of god and lead those people to jesus christ for one of these days one of these days when pandemics are over hallelujah one of these days when the murder will be no more one of these days we will see jesus paul says nothing will be able to separate us from god lock down our lock up the solution to the problems of this world is not the place we worship the solution to the problems of this world is jesus and the preaching of the gospel jesus says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a weakness to all nations and then shall the end come hold on the salvation of souls is not our remit let me let me put it another way we cannot save anybody we cannot win anybody all that we have been uh challenged and encouraged to do is to exercise faith in god jesus is the one who transferred jesus is the one who said my bible tells me that jesus says i'm going away but when i go i'm gonna send the holy spirit and when the holy spirit comes the holy spirit will convict the holy spirit will transform the holy spirit will change sinners into saints by faith to the world walls will tumble the end will come not when hunger racism diseases murder kidnapping and crisis cease hold on my bible did not say when kidnapping murder diseases ends that he will come he says all authority belongs to me he says joshua i'm giving it to you joshua you don't have to do anything i am just i'm just unmasking your self-importance and to recognize that you are nothing i am the one who is in charge of placing you joshua in canaan's land and not even jericho can't prevent me of fulfilling my promise jesus is saying today all authority is in my hands and that authority i'm giving to my church and if my church exercise faith and obedience in me i am going to deliver this sinful world for my father pain murder diseases will end when the gospel goes to the world to the world by faith walls of prejudice walls of hate wars of racism wars of disunity wars of misrepresentation and misinformation will be torn down where the holy spirit moves and the hearts of men the servants of god today and we go united to share the everlasting gospel pandemic nothing that satan places before us if we remain faithful to god will this unite us sort tear us away from god paul says as i prepare to close in all these things you see i i'm not worried about my church i'm worried about my relationship with god i'm not worried about my church because god is in charge of his church i am not the police of god's church i'm not the protector of god's church god protects his church he protected his church in egypt he carried his church to the wilderness he fed his church in the wilderness he healed his church in the wilderness he said his turn to the wilderness and by his grace in these last days my god is preparing a church to go home with him in glory and so paul says yet in all these things we are super conquerors through god through jesus christ before i am persuaded he says that nothing in the past nothing in the present and nothing in the future will be able to separate us from the love of god which is in jesus christ and so i challenge the membership of a site today i challenge the leadership of the church that challenge the members of the church today let us unite together let us unite together for you're living in a grand and awful time very soon jesus christ will come when jesus christ comes i want to be faithful when jesus christ comes i want to be able to say to him god i have used the life you have given to me i have used the opportunities you have given to me i've used my business contacts i've used the professional experience that you have given me i've used my influence i have used everything you have given to me to prepare men and women to see your blessed face today i want to recommit myself to god today i want to recommit myself to the proclamation of the gospel in spite of the walls in spite of the barriers i am thrusting myself my faith in the hands of god to do it again through his power perhaps there is someone out there today you have been battered and bruised you have been called you're confused as a result of the multiplicity of divergent information about the church and about things that are happening around us that you're confused as to whether god is still in charge of his church and he wants to use you first he wants to save you and secondly he wants to use you to draw men and women to himself to the world as i by faith wars will tumble like jacob go forward in the name of god go forward with the confidence that he's behind you go forward knowing that he's beside you go forward knowing that he has already secured your eternal salvation and nothing can stop that if it is your desire to recommit yourself as members of asi jamaica if it is your desire today the two appeals i want to make one to the membership of asa if you want to recommit yourself to god for him to use you to break down wars and to proclaim his truth using the resources that he has placed in your hands as stewards of his manifold blessings i want you wherever you are to stand and say here my god send me here my god use me here oh my god keep me alive just for this one purpose to proclaim your name and to bring honor and glory may my business bring honor and glory to you and may my profession advance your cause use me lord as if as you have never used me before if that is your desire i want you to stand and perhaps there are members who are wondering whether or not the same the adventist church is god's remnant church because of the challenges we are facing in terms of the pandemic etc etc i want you to recognize today that this is god's church no matter how it's rocking is god's church no matter what's happening he's gonna deliver his church and if you are faithful to him you will be delivered also if you want to recommit yourself to god and the mission to which god has called you as a member of his church i want you to stand but as i close this final appeal the church cannot save me doing works cannot save me oh no matter how much i can preach no matter how much resources you can leverage to to to to advance that cannot that will not save you we are saved when we exercise faith to win grace by grace when you exercise faith in jesus and he has already locked up our eternal future safe and secure so if you are out there in sin if you have not yet accepted jesus christ our savior today i want you with your hearing to say lord i see all around me the signs are telling that there is something happening the signs tell tell the signs are telling me o lord that my future is not in this world that my future is not in science that my future is not in economics that my future is not in government that my future is not even the structure of the church that my future is wrapped up in you and i want you jesus to take my life that is your desire i want you to stand wherever you are kiri's gonna be singing i'm a living testimony [Music] that christ can save anybody [Music] if you only trust in him he can save you from your sins cleanse your heart within say sing i'm a living testimony that christ can save anybody [Music] if you only trust in him he can save you from your sins cleanse your heart within say if you can walk upon the water and raise a mess little daughter if you can amend a broken heart you can give me brand new stars there's nothing you can do [Music] a man's little daughter if you can amend our broken hearts you can give me brand new start there's nothing you can't do so [Music] take me deeper deeper deeper deep lord in you so take me lord if you guru take me deeper lord in you take me deeper deeper deeper lord in you so sick i'm a living testimony that christ can save anybody [Music] if you only trust in him he can save you from your sins cleanse your heart within say if you can walk upon the water how to raise a mess little daughter [Music] there's nothing you can do so take me deeper lord in you who take me deeper lord in you take me deeper deeper deeper deeper lord in you lord so take [Music] take me deeper deeper deeper deeper lord in you so sick i believe on me that christ can't save anybody if you only trust in him he can save you from your sins cleanse your heart within [Music] if you only trust in him he can save you from your sins [Music] amen amen gracious god we know that you're alive and well you who condescend and demonstrate your power to remove wars so that your children could experience your covenant promise is still as powerful today as you were yesterday we believe that you are savior we believe that your lord we know that you forgive save and transform today and so today heavenly father we recommit ourselves to you we recommit our resources to you we ask so god that you will forgive us we ask so god that you will empower us and use us to break down walls and establish hope in the hearts of people go forward now members of aside go forward now members of god's remnant church but the courage and the confidence and the patience that god who was and whis will always will be and will save us if we remain faithful to him thank you for your blessings in jesus name we pray amen amen truly we have been blessed pastor brown has given us a charge that i'm sure has uplifted us um the members of asa and the wider church we are glad that we were here today and god has not only given us a word but we've been blessed through the music as well thank you so much brother sales for those renditions who have truly been blessed by your ministry but our festivities do not end here brothers and sisters or worship continues this afternoon now i know you look forward to the bible class because i i see the chat especially when pastor o and elder joe are here and we will be having that a little later on so please bear in mind that we don't end here right after this you can grab your lunch um keep the notifications on so that you know when we start back for this afternoon right michael [Music] you mentioned the charge and this charge will last for today because uh the the program continues this evening we'll be hearing the different reports from the various chapters of asi from all the conferences including that of the jamu so tune in for that that comes up a little bit later and a full day promised here on the platform ejc virtual church so on youtube watch ejc live happy sabbath to those who are also watching on facebook vanessa i don't know about you but it's almost time for me to get on order here far to go not like everybody else who lives in kingston as do i but it truly has been a blessing worshiping with you brothers and sisters and we won't just end right here we'll be blessed by an item of special music and this will be brought to us by our praise team they have been worshiping with us since morning and it has been a blessing michael commented earlier about how much i enjoyed the praise and worship i did and so we're going to end on a high note with sincere ministry over to you sincere and happy sabbath brothers and sisters [Music] of sin there is power in the blood power in the blood you are evil a victory there is wonderful power in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] there is would you do service for [Music] the jesus would you live daily his praises to sing there is wonderful power in the blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the precious [Music] [Applause] there is power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: East Jamaica Conference
Views: 23,986
Rating: 4.8677688 out of 5
Id: Bd4Ms5-GlJY
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Length: 238min 10sec (14290 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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