Sabaton-Winged Hussars (Polskie Napisy)
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Channel: Toornath
Views: 16,708,267
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Keywords: sabaton, Wigned hussars, wigned, hussars, husaria, wiedeń, tłumaczenie, polska, polish, polski, Polskie napisy, napisy, lyrics
Id: eWkrQQly6xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
A fun fact about the winged hussars in europe during this time 6 meters long pikes and early firearms where the norm so the poles just thougt ok pikes are really good against cavalry but they are 6 meters long so how about we make a 7 meter long lance and they did and it worked
Ive always thought the polish are one of the most low key badass nations that dont get enough credit for it.
Another cool example. The charge at Krojanty . Cavalry charge vs machine guns and armored cars.
The polls are in.
Coming down the mountainside!
FTFY. Let’s not forget those brave boys, and don’t fall for ridiculous hero worship. That being said, the WH were the top dogs on horseback