S2E9: New Year’s Eve: Pt 1 - Liza on Demand

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(didgeridoo playing) - Oh, my God, what is that noise?! - Oh, thank God you're up. I was worried you were gonna sleep through Australian New Year's! G'day, mates. Like my Australian clapsticks? - No! No! - Thank you. Oh, my God. Hon, can we just wait to celebrate until actual New Year's? - Noy. Why celebrate once when you can celebrate all day, in every time zone?! Come on! New Year's Eve is like a birthday party for the entire world, only you don't have to buy anyone presents. - Are you saying neither of you bought me presents? - I got you this delicious Vegemite toast. - Okay, I'll make a wish list next time. - Okay, do you want some toast? - I'm good. I'm giving up sugar for New Year's, which means I only have from now until midnight to binge on sweets, and I'm not gonna make any room for your Aussie trash toast. Do we have a jar of frosting? Ooh, donuts. That'll work. - Hey. No, no, no! No. Don't touch that. - What?! - Hey. It's my time capsule. See? - Oh! - I put this box together when I was nine, and I haven't looked inside since! 2005! Oh, Beyoncé was huge, American Idol and Grey's Anatomy were on TV. Oh! Another Star Wars movie came out. It's like a whole other time. Anyway, who wants to see what nine-year-old me thought was important enough to save for future me? Huh? (exclamations) Alright. Ready? (exclamations) Oh! Look! (gasping) Oh, Dunkaroos? These were my favourite snack! Cookies dipped in icing! - Oh. This hasn't aged very well. Well, considering what men are up to these days, cheating at biking's not so bad. - Mm. - Oh, my God, look! It's a list of everything I wanted to accomplish by the year 2020! - I love that. What does it say? - Let's see, let's see, let's see. Oh, my God. Okay, ready? Ahem. "Win a gold medal for ice skating. (laughter) Own my very own Chuck E. Cheese. Learn how to use chopsticks." Oh, I nailed that. - Ah... - Oh... - "Finish veterinary school. Perform the Miami Back-Up in front of everyone." - Who's everyone? - What's the Miami Back-Up? - I need to keep reading this? - No, no, keep going! This is fun. - Okay. Um... "Be best friends with Rachael Leigh Cook." (laughter) "Go to a big, fancy New Year's Eve party. Marry Orlando Bloom and/or Leonardo DiCaprio." Okay, so I officially haven't accomplished anything on this list. Minus the chopsticks. Seriously? - Oh! But wait. We are going to a big, fancy New Year's Eve party! So after tonight, you can check that off your list. - You're right. $250 bucks a ticket is fancy as hell. And who knows? Maybe I'll cross off a few other things on my list tonight. Orlando Bloom is single. - Oh. (chiming) - Oh. But first... gotta do this TaskIt. This ticket's not gonna pay for itself. - Wait. You haven't bought your ticket yet? Liza, why don't you just let us cover you? - Noy! No, no, no. Hey. I mean, I appreciate the offer, but going to a big, fancy New Year's Eve party isn't an accomplishment if I have to borrow money to pay for a ticket. That's just pathetic. - Alright. Make that money, girl. - You know those are, like, a decade old, right? - And yet somehow they've only gotten better with age, like a fine wine with hints of sawdust and... innocence. - Good luck with that. (crunching) Oh, crikey! I missed Australian New Year's. - Oh... - At least I can go get ready for Tokyo New Year's. I should've learned how to use chopsticks. Dammit. (theme music) It's $250, $250... Oh. Okay. (phone ringing) Hey. Can I call you back in a sec? I have a ton of balloons I have to deliver, and I do not wanna miss out on Paris New Year's. - Wait, wait, wait, wait! Just one thing. Did Shane leave a message? - Who's Shane? - My boyfriend. Shane. <i> Remember? You met him after Thanksgiving?</i> We all went to that outdoor food thing. - Oh, yeah, Shane! He's your boyfriend? - Well, yeah. Only I haven't heard from him in a week or three, <i> and I'm just trying to firm up the deets.</i> We had plans to go to this party tonight. I was wondering if he left a message on our landline. - We don't... have a landline. - I thought so. I was just hoping that we did and maybe I forgot? (beeping) - Hold on. Harlow's beeping in. Hey. I'm on the other line with Oliver. I'll conference you in. - Okay, listen, I need a single guy to take to the party tonight. - Don't you already have a date? - Yeah, I did, but now he has the flu? I mean, 104 is barely even a fever. Can't he just go to the hospital tomorrow? - I can't believe he wouldn't risk his life for you. - I know! And now I'm dateless on New Year's Eve! And everyone knows your midnight kiss determines the trajectory for your entire year. If I don't find someone to kiss, it will literally plunge my year into darkness. My cousin Julia? She was a model. 2016, she didn't have someone to kiss at New Year's, and her life went just straight to hell. She got this mystery rash, she lost her cosmetics contract, and now she works at a bowling alley spraying shoes. - Shane and I went bowling once. (chuckling) I need more Flakes. - Get me some. <i> Wait. You guys both at home? Okay.</i> Why don't you work this out amongst yourselves so I don't miss out on another New Year's?! (beeping) <i> Le</i> dang. Whoa! Harlow, that dress is the dicks! Kinda like "the tits"? I dunno, I was workshopping it. Anyways, point is, you look awesome! - Thank you. The guy at the store said it was one-of-a-kind, and basically made for me, because no one else could pull it off. That's cute too. - Thank you. - Have you worn that before? - No, I just got it. There were, like, 40 of these on a discount rack at the thrift store. They came with matching aprons and hats too, but that seemed a little extra. The guy told me that this means "good luck" in Chinese. It's perfect for New Year's. - And where have I seen that before? - It's a uniform from China Q. - What? - Right! That Chinese barbecue place where they flip the spare ribs into their hat off the grill? China Q! - That's what those aprons were. So this means-- - China Q. - Oh. - I thought it was a statement. - Who cares? You look China-cute! - Hmm-hmm. - Let's get an Uber. Oh, no, I'll drive. New Year's surge pricing? We don't wanna pay that. Also, I'm not drinking tonight. I wanna be completely aware when I meet Orlando Bloom. - Highly unlikely. - Mm. But I'm staying positive. Come on. I just have a few quick stops to make along the way. - What was that? Oh, so by "a few quick stops" you actually meant picking up passengers for multiple hours. - Not hours. Alright? Just an hour. And all the stops have been along the way. - We went to Marina del Rey! - Where you got that gelato! Alright, look, I'm sorry. But I've almost made enough for my ticket. This guy's the last one, alright? I promise. (sighing) - What?! I don't get it. Shane just posted that he's going to the party. Look, he's got a VIP wristband. But he hasn't texted me back. Maybe he got a new phone and I'm not in his contacts? - Oh, Oliver. Tough-love time. You're getting ghosted. - What? No. No. I know what getting ghosted looks like, and this is definitely not that. - Or that's exactly what it is and you just can't see it, because you're in Stage One: Clueless AF. - What are you talking about? - Harlow's Five Stages of Getting Ghosted? Are you not watching my Insta-stories? Okay, well, that's rude. I guess I'll just summarize, then. The first stage of getting ghosted is Stage 1, where you are: being totally Clueless AF. Then there's Stage 2: Pissed AF; Stage 3: Desperate AF; Stage 4: Sad AF. And then finally, Stage 5: Acceptance. AF. - Aren't those just the five stages of grief? You didn't even change the last one. - Oliver, there are no new ideas, just rebranded old ones. - Ugh. (Liza): Okay. Alright. (sighing) Okay. Hey, Oliver, could you give our guy back there a lil' nudge? - You have reached your destination! - Oh! Okay. Mm... no. This is not where I'm going. - What? But... this is the address you put in the app. Okay. It's fine. Uh... just give me the right address. - Okay. Okay. One second. - You can... just tell me. - Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh. Hmm! There it is. - Oh, my-- - It's just a drawing of a house. - So, what, we're just stuck here with this guy?! Oh, my God. I am no one's neck pillow!!! - Huh. Wow. Looks like someone's moved into Stage 2: Pissed AF. (music thumping) - This isn't our party. - Yes, but it's<i> a</i> party. Okay, full disclosure: I'm here for a TaskIt Job. But as soon as I finish, I'll have enough money for the party tonight. Hmm? What? Oliver, look, I'm sure they'll have a kick-ass dessert spread. And Harlow, who knows? Maybe you'll meet a handsome stranger who you can take to the next party. C'mon. It'll be quick. Let's go. Okay, I'm gonna go find the host so I can do my work. You two have fun. - Huh. Look at this crowd. A bunch of suburban dads either bored with their marriages or lonely after their divorces. I bet there's a silver fox in here who'd sell their mid-life-crisis Corvette just to kiss me at midnight. - I know I should stop her from possibly ruining a marriage, but is that a chocolate fountain?! - Ugh! What is this? Onion dip? I didn't order onion dip. This isn't Hooters! Crab. Crab dip! Ugh, I need my Xanax. - Mrs. Schulz? Hi! I'm Liza, the Tasker you hired. - Oh, thank God you're here! Oh, you work at China Q! We used to love that place! With the spare ribs in the hat? I thought they all closed down. Anyway, a few things for you. We are short staffed tonight. My nanny was supposed to be here, but her flight got delayed, and she's usually such a huge help at parties. Where is my vape pen? There it is. It's gonna be that kind of night. Y'know what I mean? Okay, so we need your help at the bar, and I need you to go upstairs and read my son Trevor a bedtime story. - Sounds easy enough. Is it more like Goodnight Moon, or Harry Potter? - I honestly have no idea what he's into these days, but he'll let you know. - Okay. Cool. (scraping) - Those are oak floors! - Trevor? Hi. I'm here to read you a bedtime... story. Hi. I'm Liza! And how old are you? - Thirteen. Why you screaming? - Was I?! Oh, my bad. Um - ahem - so it's New Year's. You excited? - You work at China Q, or is that just... part of the costume? - Costume? - So how does this work? - Uh, well, do you want to pick the story, or should I? - You pick it. Isn't that part of your job? - Okay. Um... Let's see. What do we have? Hmm. Well. Yeah, wow. You're an avid reader, huh? - You know what? You can skip the story. I don't need it. Why don't we just, you know, go to the... the end part? - Okay. Um... you want to be tucked in? - Yeah. - Oh. Okay. Okay. Let's see. There you go. Whoa! Whoa! Trevor, why the hell?! - Sorry! Are you one of those prostitutes that won't kiss on the mouth? - What?! Excuse me! I'm one of those prostitutes that's not a prostitute! Ew! Gross! Why would you even think that?! Also, the right term is "sex worker," or possibly "sex professional," but we can get into the politics of that another time. - But my parents hired you! - To read you a bedtime story! - Yeah, right! No offense, but don't you think I'm a little old for a bedtime story? - No offense? I am way more offended that you thought I was a... Gross! - Come on! If you're not a sex worker, why are you in a costume? - It is not a costume and I am not a sex worker! - Wait. - But I do I appreciate you using the correct language, because that does show sensitivity and also destigmatizes the profession. (dance music) - In your future, I see a beautiful woman... Oh, scratch that. I mean a beautiful man. Mm. I'm getting a name. It starts with the letter-- - Don't tell me it's an "S." - It is an S! - I knew it. Shane! - I am sensing strong feelings in this relationship. - It's because I feel like we could still work things out. Like, if I maybe started wearing those snore strips, even if I have a hard time sleeping with something stuck on my nose? - Desperate AF. AKA bargaining stage. - Don't you have a home you should be wrecking? - I see you're at a crossroads. Let's see what the cards have to say. - I'm sorry, are you guys gonna be much longer? I'm the singer for the band tonight and I would love to get a reading before I go on. I just get a little nervous sometimes. - Cool. Maybe you can finish telling me that story when my relationship isn't hanging in the balance? Back in line! - No... this isn't good. - What? Does Roseanne get another TV show? - Worse. - What?! - There's going to be an explosion, a violent explosion, at tonight's party. There will be casualties. - An explosion? - Boom... - Ah... (laughing) - Really? Nothing about Shane? You are terrible at your job. Unless this is about a tip. If I tip you, will you tell me about Shane? Dammit, I'm still bargaining. (soul music) ♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ I wanna get with you ♪ - I just love New Year's. I don't think there's anything more romantic than a midnight kiss. - Oh, I couldn't agree more. I proposed to my wife on New Year's, at the Laker game on the Kiss Cam. I have a video. Wanna see it? - No, I'm good. Thank you. - No? Ok... - Hi there. - Hi. Do we know each other? - Would you like to know each other? - I know what it is! You look just like my wife's niece! Oh, that is too funny! I-I have to show her. Helen! Doesn't she look just like Courtney? - Hey, handsome. - Hey. Wow. Now, that's a dress. - Oh, thank you. (laughing) - You know, my wife's birthday is next week. Where'd you get it? - The dress? - Yeah. She would just love that dress. Would you mind if I just checked the tag-- - Yes, I mind! God... - Oh, hey, how's Trevor? Did he go down okay? - Did he what?! Oh... you mean did he go to sleep. - What did you think I meant? - Exactly what you meant. - What? - What? Uh, you said you needed help at the bar? - I do, yes. Right. Uh, we ice, which is in the garage freezer. And Robin. Where's Robin? - I'm right here. - Oh, she's right there. Okay, um, she's gonna tell you which bottles need refilling, and anything else she might need you to grab. Oh, but this is mine. (laughing) - So looks like we're both stuck working the holiday, huh? - Yeah, it's not ideal, but I'm saving up for a ticket. - Oh, hey, I'm saving up for a ticket too. - My mom's back in Georgia. She's pretty sick and it's not looking so great. Anyway, where are you going? - Uh... to the garage. Gotta go get that ice. Before it melts. Even though it's in a freezer. We don't know how cold their freezer is, though. Is that Rachael Leigh Cook? - Hey, that is her! - Oh... - My wife absolutely loves her... - What are you doing?! You can't just walk up to Rachael Leigh Cook! But if I don't, then I won't be BFFs with her by midnight. Oh, come on, make little Liza proud. Celebrities are just like us. Just walk right up to her. Hey, Rachael. Hi, Rach. What up, RLC? What's cookin', Cook? Oh, my God, please don't do that one. Okay. Watch out, Rachael Leigh Cook. You're about to get bestie'd. - The (bleep), Greg?! - Oh, my God, I can't believe that just happened! You blew it! You idiot! Hey. Hey, what are you doing? - What are you doing? Couldn't find another john to skip out on? - Whoa. First of all, you watch way too much dated television. Second, don't pull that "point out something I'm doing wrong to distract from something you're doing wrong." I made up that trick, kid. Also, I'm not doing anything wrong, because I'm not a sex worker. - Shhh! - Or a sex professional. It's a very nuanced and dense topic. Gimme that. You shouldn't be drinking! You're 13. - You don't want me to drink, you don't want me to have sex. Do you realize how boring it is to be a kid? - Are you kidding me? Trevor, being a kid is awesome. Do it as long as possible! Hang out with your friends, eat sticks of butter dipped in sugar, let your parents feed you and do your laundry, because, guess what, a couple years from now, they're not gonna do that anymore. And go sneak into a rated-R movie. For some reason, it's just not as fun when they just let you in. - Whatever. - No! No! Not whatever! Okay, do it. Do it all! Because one day, you're gonna wake up and you're 24, and you realize that you haven't done anything you set out to do and your whole life has just been one big, giant zero! - Are you... crying? - No. - It's really unhealthy to stifle big emotion. Are you sure? My mom makes us go to family therapy. If you're having a feeling, you should feel it. I-I don't get it. What did you want to do that... that you couldn't do? - Just stupid stuff. Like...win a gold medal, or become a vet, or lead a group in the Miami Back-Up. - What's the Miami Back-Up? - It was this extremely popular dance that predates you. Okay? Don't worry about it. It's just awesome. - Found it. (laughing) It looks stupid. - It's not stupid! Okay, what's stupid is not enjoying every carefree, bill-free, responsibility-free moment you have right now. Because in 15 years, it's gonna be you talking to some teenage girl at a New Year's Eve party about all the regrets you have. - I hope she's hot and down to party. - Good talk. Little asshole. - Hello!! Thank you so much for coming out to my New Year's party! Here's the thing. I know that I promised you Some Doubt, the No Doubt cover band, but the lead singer, she just disappeared, with her tight little Gwen Stefani body. You know, the Shake Beltons are playing off the 101. They're the Blake Shelton cover band, Maybe she went there, but the truth is, we don't know! Bottom line is, we have no one to perform with the band. (all): Aw... - (Bleep) it! Get drunk! Take your pants off! - I found a bigger plate. - Ah... I believe it's pronounced "platter." - Before you say anything, yes, I'm in the acceptance stage. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to gain 50 pounds and no one will ever love me. - Ah... sounds like the depression stage. Deep depression. Although I'm right there with you. Ugh. - Is that contagious? - I don't know! Okay? I mean, what is wrong with all these guys? Haven't any of them heard of adultery? - On the other hand, maybe it's kind of nice that these guys love their wives. - Listen. I've been watching you. You got it all wrong! No one here loves their wives. No one can afford to get a divorce in this economy, so they're just toughing it out, pretending to be happy until the stress just kills 'em. It's cheaper. Oh, shit, there's my wife! Sorry, hon. I'm coming. - That's depressing. - That is... the best thing I have ever heard! (laughing) It's not me, it's society! It's this party! And you know what? At the next party, there's gonna be a shit ton of single guys that I can get to. So I can find someone before midnight. Where's Liza? We gotta go. Liza! Liza! - Good evening, party people. Uh, I'm sorry to hear that Some Doubt had to cancel tonight. But I think I have something you're gonna like even better, no doubt! - No Doubt is playing?! - No, I meant I have something even better, no doubt! - So it<i> is</i> No Doubt? - Uh... no. - Also, is there a China Q still open? (murmurings) - Just hit it. (beeping) You guys ready to do the Miami Back-up?! ♪ All my friends are on the streets cruisin' to that Miami beat ♪ ♪ Seatbelts on drop top down, here's how we drive in Miami-town ♪ Huh? Yeah! You remember this?! ♪ Hit the road ♪ ♪ Change lanes ♪ ♪ Check your mirrors ♪ ♪ Now back it up Back it up yeah ♪ ♪ Honk that horn two times ♪ (honking) ♪ I said honk that horn two times ♪ (honking) ♪ Do the Miami Back-up baby ♪ ♪ Baby baby baby ♪ ♪ Do the Miami Back-up baby ♪ (shouting) ♪ Baby ♪ Get ready, guys! Alright, everybody, it's time for the four-way stop! You go. No, you go. Did you get here first? Isn't it the person to the right that always goes first? I dunno. ♪ Everybody go ♪ ♪ Do the Miami Back-up baby ♪ (mimicking braking) Sorry. Fender bender. We'll exchange information later. ♪ Do the Miami Back-up baby ♪ ♪ Do the Miami Back-up ♪ ♪ A back-up camera ♪ ♪ Can be very helpful ♪ - Whoo! (cheering) - Whoo!! Thank you! Whoo!! (cheering) - So much fun! - Aw... - Thank you, Liza. People are gonna be talking about this for weeks! It's a little something for all your hard work. And if you ever want to come back and babysit Trevor-- - I'm moving to Colorado. - Oh, I get it. The weed alone. Happy New Year! Good luck! - Happy New Year. - Oh, my God! (laughter) That was amazing! - Seriously, Liza, that is something I would've paid actual money for. - Ooh, no need. 'Cause I finally got that 250! (both): Ah!! - Big fancy party, here we come! Two things off my list. Bang-bang! See that, little Liza? Big Liza done made you proud! I am going into 2020 with points on the board! And you know what? Orlando Bloom is definitely getting wifed tonight! Regardless of whether or not I'm still attracted to him. And spoiler alert: I am! (laughter) - I thought the night was ruined, but that was actually a lot of fun. Oh, my God. Maybe that was the explosion Psychic Rhonda was talking about. The explosion of joy you gave everyone inside. - We're sorry we doubted you. - And you know what else? I don't even care if Shane's at that party. - Oh! Acceptance AF. - Oh! - You guys are the best. And you know what? Thank you for being so patient. Now we can go celebrate our New Year's Eve! (laughter) - Uh, Liza? Where's your car? - Oh, shit. - What? - You bought... (laughter) I'm sorry. (guffawing) - Ahem and meow. (gibberish) Ah. Little Liza, look... (gibberish) (laughter) Mm. Is this rehearsal, or we rolling? (indistinct chatter) (guffawing) Oh-ho-ho! You can't do that! I do appreciate you using the correct terminology, because it does... (gibberish) But I do appreciate you using the correct terminology, because that is sensi... (guffawing) But I do appreciate you using the correct language, because that... Dang you, Noah! Dang you! <i> On the next Liza on Demand:</i> - That's Mike WiLL Made-It, the world-famous music producer. - Mike WiLL Made-It. - I loved your collab with Taylor Swift. - Nice dress. - The sales guy said I was the only one who could really pull it off. (techno music) - Now, this passenger... - Oh, my God! I'm being kidnapped by a ghost! - Was he right or left-handed? It's important if you want me to help you find your missing car, Miami. - It's Liza. - Well, I did spend six years as the star of CSI: Des Moines. Don't touch anything! This room is covered in ejaculate! Subtitling: difuze
Channel: Liza Koshy
Views: 8,651,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liza On Demand, Liza Koshy, Travis Coles, Kimiko Glenn, Gig Economy, Comedy, Freakish, Violet Adams, Aday Walker, Double Dare, LizaKoshy, Lizza, lizzza, lizzzavine, lizzzak, lizzzako, koshy, comedian, female, david dobrik, comic, we broke up
Id: QYiJnxm0nXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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