s1mple - The BEST CS:GO Player In The World! - HLTV.org's #1 Of 2018

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going for the straight duel yeah and looks like they want to fight sue she's gonna be the first one looking down towards the fountain he's falling back but they've actually set a trap and it's simple hiding in the corner how far in are they gonna peek this ahead sure oh my god following it up with an exponent good one of his old simple just one for oh my god the best player in the world ladies and gentlemen and he just looks up like we all knew that was gonna happen what a casual way to just just deconstruct NRG I think the stolid are admin in the background was even kind of shaking his head a little bit better start doing his job check that PC this is all so dirty isn't it Jesus could have just played lockers and better pests at that point yeah just go flash it in or something but made him expend utility just repeat it that wasn't ready to play required but this one is simple that's what you want to see if a man is he not he is so good at this weapon it's our three versus one so just hold up try and bleed a bit see T's utility that's your a really beneficial approach and so is that oh my god where did that come from he went down so quickly that Zeus was still left on his own because simple just made it to the window now gets a beautiful shot are all off mind you but he's only with the deagle he elected to bring that into this round because they're looking to trying to be WV out of Madoff battle oh my god simple to go device angle between the brick it's actually gonna change that entities bandage putting over steps that's when several peaks it works out very fortunately for Nevada for Johnny him Austin Santa's hope it's just gonna get knocked out of the round that's to give it up does nothing to try and watch out for the stairs it's only arriving again no it's the flag electronic it's the wall [Applause] and it's clean interesting came down to the 1vs1 so mommy might not be an ideal they would restore a brush people mad ends exist to play that really is gonna do it for the men would in that same position let him down all my simples it in the nerd scopes now ed was struggling again he really does need to get on top of that more so because simple sports to rotate no further utility though and that gives him a free shot to smoo um Edward failed and they'd already had that cover it off was my oh my when it comes in somehow to get the gunnery deployed and get that we're down as it's all one simple he's wrapped in catches got me in the pit accidental jump surely and they've got a rotate back both dad towards be in the up against the final boss of counter-strike he's got utility to buy himself some time gets in towards appear they don't have a kid here Matt but they do have the incendiary I'm all about simple let's say he's winning this one he's topped every leaderboard throughout the year breedings kill records highlight reels the one thing he doesn't have as a championship but he wants one desperately he's giving himself a chance for it now as he shuts down Smulian X's next then he's got that too arrogant overwhelms am edward now the man with the USP toward jungle gets the first shot immediately followed up in the position by simple rotates caressed by the dinging snap coming through dropping Edward just in time and he's still sticking to it they're almost gonna be pushed in that's good and that's great stuff simple trying to bring it back but this solo on health right now he hit towards the b-bomb side but he's got to start making noise now he's got to do something you can hear the rotations simple might have his chance he hears balls come up there's the kill he needs it took a bit longer that's gonna pull the next player back but there's a chance 8 seconds left on the clock steeple protects himself and they're gonna do it simple just won this round for naughty you should not be allowed to be this good of the game absolutely out of control the fact that he had the grenade out the fact that ste Co had all the health in the world he was not gonna die to the grenade the ASA clutched around in favor of Navi just a god-like player in a situation and now he we don't have a lot of money but another grenade please call him out as well he's everything he needs as each throws are smoking towards roundness to stop another rush coming in plays an open position for now now will be the force bye simple and code he'll open things up at the Scout that's Chris J being dropped straight away this guy isn't slowing down anytime soon it seems simple checks in the secret with the Scout to start things off a good pick for na'vi now sports already achieved 50 [Applause] goodbye Oscar thank you for playing today bang yesterday on inferno against SK gaming and he might have gone one step further as he gets his start till after round we've gotta see how that transpires presumably is the first shot outside that was brilliant and what was the decision wait this is ridiculous okay what's the biggest flame he tries to get to grips but can't simple slow this play down as he's being crunched from both sides it's got support and edward does a fantastic job they can't seem that gets a simple fifteen seconds remain and simple is still alive on the side to side and have no idea is that great flick from simple three on one and simples going nuclear on the b bomb site three kills for him a great kickoff goes down simple you monster down into the pit and Goffe will catch him no problem good follow-up as well tab since out of the round for this one follow it up yes follow up headshot still the one versus two he can maybe get the pompon here that smoke is gonna be covering in for just a minute longer there's one right in front he's gonna pick it up and put out the Molotov oh no it goes through the Molotov instead right on the far side of it I think that's a little bit of a mistaken he's not gonna be happy about that now he's in a very uncomfortable position gonna go on face takes down once we're on the other side he's just one bullet away here he needs to headshot no it's got no more in the magazine and now the flogger sounds to my god he finally picks it up one kill them simple that's a one versus four being picked up with kills 4jw but simples position is unreal he could completely decapitate folks or the one goes down the second to five the third is he gonna get flush or two tries to back away find a new way to approach this flusher that timing couldn't have been worse simple I'm close to what's the site now spot to be kale on the side itself and gets a nice flick simple versus happy and one on one happy with the ak-47 simple with the AWP endoscope owl full Amy peeks up to watch be long simple changing his position changing his angle finding the frag unhappy looking for the one on one against six and out six I'm moving closer to what's the site but simple to quick on the trigger one side he realizes it looks back to long shadow shows the revered Awards bathroom his device has to be so silent and so sure it is shortly WP he's got a bit of a girl pulled away but simple knows what that means he's not gonna overcome into the shot all the way back toward the flowers because he's well aware the WP is still in the bathrooms instead plays an angle that isolates he's good for one killer I would say let's see if we can pull it off I'm not quite I'm afraid and that could be one of the killing blows here but simple with the desert eagle keeping the dream alive he finds three and all of a sudden the round falls on its ass simple and his desert eagle perched up in graveyard electronic on the site with his ak-47 this could get dicey for financing beautiful crisp headshots with the desert eagle has taken this round away by Edward 3v2 now simple and Edward still alive but you can see surreal in a great possessed what is that surreal come on my guy he had everything to go for me that shot was pure fill it in a little bit important I'm down and nobody dying yet for vici so we'll see if they can find some luck here in the pistol round now they're trying to get their way out simple gonna open it up lovey with a good shot there on electronic looking for every ball hole great with the clock perfect and he's gonna circle back around great movement coming out as well just completely tricking them and now simple realizing this is not gonna happen looking for a little bit of a head shot but actually missing that one and now they're gonna try and hunt him down he just wants the exit kills they can buy something in the next round a couple of bullets before he has to be thought attacker switching out to another pistol and simple gonna survive it there's the quad kill not bad at all for him but obviously not gonna help him win around the ACE in spite of losing do you celebrate I like cry in the corner a little bit there I think if you're simply you just kind of laugh and don't worry flamie watching for any kind of a catwalk push your aggression I think you spotted some some of the bodies out earlier definitely saw that one but simple is just gonna limonade everyone he's just putting on a clinic right now three kills either drops the bomb it just gets a quick one tap that is a very fast sequence to get four frags Edward took him down you always thought you don't like to be that guy simple now sprang through the smoke and actually you mentioned it he just knows exactly what's coming next so just tapping pre firing the angle and AZ will actually get the first two shots on to the electronic down to four HP simple next and he's going to adjust that in the fall to what four kills for him in the round it's gonna be it's gonna actually be pretty close so here we go this is the scary part about this is that simple is in position just make so much money that would be huge there's one there's two and he's gonna line them all up let's play me helping him out with one kill but simples got three frogs or the SMG with bonus now he comes to life he wants the knife it's Guardian I really wanted to see him just go through that smoke and fire good work from simple really just blowing them all down and Navi will be very thankful say okay you smoked one one side let's make the other thanks very much oh leash has a flashes way through but Navi you are waiting for it all along and now the liquid players or a lot of the people side flash goes out taco goes in last one he's got a second one lined up for it with the help of an apply liquid are holding onto this bomb sight precious seconds are being bought for rotation as well Bobby have to speed this up but they will be cut down by taco y doing great damage simple on for a 1 B 2 clutch though Down Goes the bomb he's got the aka out trying to buy some time of a flashbang he's one player one more for da simple nitro coming from the doors does he dare peek simple simple at half health behind the double stack nitrates got a kid it's about who sees who first I think nitro you might have seen simple death moving right now and nitrates got the round for his team that flying taco held on just enough for liquid to take it for simple it was changed from be to okay maybe excuse me it was a good flash it wasn't mis-selling with just fall off on the why he's still with the animation of jumping and somehow nails the shot on sunny it's not possible you can weather the remaining ak's full HP pursues that but oh what a flash that is so perfect wait was that from was that from simple over the IV okay it might be okay that's good simple now on the clutch mission 1 b3 there's the first one see you more to go not sure if you saw any a forest there may be a question mark on or something who has no idea that simple could be flanking is he gonna check the bomb train though he's checked connect sir he's not looking at the bomb train surely now holding out yes there it is hello no he goes he knows that force has got to be around the a site somewhere rotates quickly to be side planters well it could be anywhere this might work out well for him before it has picked up an a cave Oh both strong Amer's and simple will you expect this IV position popped up position rather and that is a run because you know you're just thinking about yourself you don't think about all my teammates tags that guys tagged I guess someone has to do something instead everyone's thinking for themselves that spot I know what speaking yes crippling you've got stereo frags coming in from Navi simple of the Scout once again but there is some revenge being had that simple continues to be a problem with district in Scout two versus one that is a tight forget right Shirley the end is nigh der USB is out he tags him again he's got a 14 HP back to the Scout trying to jump around to the Olive position but what does he do from here simple a cleave love it he wants it he wants it bad he's got him contains oh my god oh it was looking for something special it was pretty good pretty good in the end it was but the bombs been picked off what second mark could be worse does electronic oh good right once again he doesn't manage to survive for the time being but eventually they will be eliminated simple now lost by fighting two in the red now select row F 9 HP after two super fast frags from the simple he threatened take the bomb but he will not be allowed to that is it fire I would have to say until made Edward certainly read it well smoke goes very deep absolutely welcome himself to nanny always does and he does it in style against on tower is an engine go down wrong person that you want to give a gap to inch mile all that cliche yeah that is gets away with it how does he get away if Laney and zut both get caught late in the spray cycle as well leaving us was simple against 32 on low HP simple certainly capable of this but a challenge nonetheless as he goes down quickly scooped up just gets around the corner and thank you very much for firing the shots major I now know exactly from simples perspective but I'm not quite as good as him because I probably would miss that shot he did not the fact that he is getting four kills in this round after his teammates a massive blunder there on that arch side dropping the bomb going down through the smoke to calyx give me the Lifeline Nobby need waiting no idea where passes is creeping anything around he's gonna find the headshot simple with the ACE to get nah be back in this half what a way to announce yourself in the server not answered that for all of us as phone calls maybe so there's a lot more people to cover later on simple up to the thigh in the middle area for man beacon quits in trouble he might lose a cane and the rest of his team have SMGs this is a massive problem for QB fire yeah this is really scary they're taken with the entire maps of whatever you do Navi will know there's only one way at the situation and that is to shoot your way out and Jim cos work Ronnie's very weak and simple back at it again third kill on the port on the board this can start slipping away very very quickly at this stage the Oh simple that's gonna be a straight kill on what could also try and mass him footsteps for that kind of a gunfire maybe set something up for the future rounds as case of very boys gonna do the wall bang is neat he's still gonna go down oh I saw that coming miles away yeah are you absolutely saw that coming it's still not through yet double op is still holding on here and maybe Venice continuing on a Greek triple for him and simple 46 health up on the high ground that bomb ticking away they need to defuse it at some point simple just waiting for them and now they're finally gonna try and go for it he needs one good headshot they're trying to stop it Oh God he actually gets the kill and that's it 16 to 6 that was point 1 or 2 seconds left what a dirty way to win the game Dhabi is buying a ton of time it means though that simple with the C's head is the man that has to clutch it so we've been always planted this down if you add an 8k I might give him a shout in this he only has the season he's got to nail rate he's got to get the gun now that he's got the gun and with Guardian on 6 HP this could be brilliant yeah absolutely could be the fact he's found that kill now he has armor and the bomb down he does have somewhat of an advantage of the seat he's not playing together different Guardians HP this could all fall apart for phase Guardian reveals that he's coming from I mean low HP easy guaranteed it's an open side but still don't listen to her electronic waiting to see its full potential miss squad will you go - oh he's just yep no quite simple alone on the side this could be enough law in ten seconds remaining now he hits that 4 that's absolutely amazing oh my goodness five seconds they can't play anymore if he hits this shot it's done I think it is one second he's done it Navi win the round my goodness that was absolutely filthy warp engines third for him let it go left right left right he's in a marching for a she that he's got four he's looking for an ace the Shawn Enclave is well my god what around the steel three still not running away of it but looking much more confident it's gonna be a strong us getting there Fairfield look like that round was done but all of a sudden here he comes the man himself and a five on one he gets three kills almost managed to get himself in a position where he could have got a few more buff who had seen anyone he's already down to a half HP that's gonna be stressful now he's telling his teammates to start rotating over but they're just gonna rotate into the waiting arms of simple who's gonna have a field day waitin around the corner trigger discipline and all the knife is out for the gone already too far past there's the spray ball three breeze finally shuts him down that was strange the smoke was coming up just saw one there didn't know why he's clean four of them left on the map is like okay speaking of four is a simple one versus four where are the other players he sees the bomb he knows they have to go to the bomb but am i trying to go to him as well one player on the pop dog one player emerging from connects an hour 45 seconds on the clock he was little perfect he sees the shadow how's the penetration - I don't know but now neo is the last man standing he's expecting a flank the stroke is smart because his legs might have been seen if neo preceded and now he's forcing a funnel neo goes wide and simple backs off just in case he's eliminated a lot of positions here neo has an ace though nuke is completely taken off and there is smoke go for it yo going for the pollinate he's close oh it's good that is what you expect from simple though is incredible one before so smart so smart man so smart seen his pop because I'm looking a 180 like a 180 just instant short it is spotted by electronic so now he's pincer between two he's got to be aware of that angel damage done only slightly though electronic still watching his back lines for that Frank premiere but it's dead simple turns it back into a three-on-three that means electronic is not in a position where he's need needing to get a kill he can just go back to the site three versus three 50 seconds left electronic able to get behind towards short one timing doesn't work in favor it's up we'll find one instantly though denied a second my simple swap to vs chewing sees it he'll raises are gonna be rather indecisive over whether or not they want to go towards the B site recalibrate themselves now running up to Ward's bananas simple the OP tours truck if he misses one shot here Hugo this could be two versus one friend with all there's the killer walks it though that should be it doesn't get the follow-up just movies on the edge but simple as always hits the the flick gonna be able to spot the first man and once again it's simple one be three so much to do and that's mo gonna start to fade as well maybe a little bit more could cover this now as Kay idiot down the ramp simples gonna find everything he gets three kills of this might be just enough time life the energy feels very simple what a minor 1v3 that never should have been and simple does it all Navi smoke to the control room doors can't walk him through the vent anymore so that means you've got to go through it we're talking about the retake is extremely difficult they all went down the vent but they all just died or one man simple with the nice like arrogance Peaks still no identification of the AWP simple is getting closer with it they want him to be the one to open this site rather than pick up the pieces later I was actually hit on Guardian but through the edge of the box oh my god he's fired back in and hit him twice just not able to find their footing Posche I was doing such a great job maybe predominantly on the T side of train in their previous games not really able to get his groove go against finally makes it work and that's Oh way out of control my god everything just lines up perfectly for that man there's always that guy in chat like actually the deagle it has launched a potential at a faraway okay there is always that person these days simple though he's the guy who would like to see he's a spicy gay man that we're big fans oh that shot actually registered a noise the other one was so quick no simple he's still good idea he's got an inkling there might be another down by IV here he's right to be feeling so he's reading the position well he doesn't get a shot he wanted goes back in he's so dominant on this angle and you can see why just straight up fighting out scream now it did have the gun but it doesn't matter simple it's doing everything you can that's five kills and not done with just a one-for-one he's gonna try and cut off this last player Zeus coming up from the back Nico dusky boy is positioned he won't get the frag 40 the simples even dropped one of those B players this round looks so good for phase but it's falling apart it's Kerrigan here he's been the savior inside of this B bomb sight time and time again the phase that he looks to go ahead and replicate those heroics one more simple does indeed shut him down eventually the bomb plan gonna go down now for Navi I'm still ticking down against phase trying to beat this shot from Zeus Guardian lands it and now it's simple over on the pillar just has to stay them off for a few more seconds and he's gonna do all that and more as he mows down phase 15 to 14 three peak from electronic as well it's gonna flash himself back out to peak quadrant problem is that Niko's already forward of that he hears it but he can't react it because it went behind Nikko he's got enough vision to hit the shot quite easily comfortably as simple now goes aggressive he's already taken down his teammate he knows it's what I wanted he knows Nico's low he catches him through the edge of the box he'll go pick up the AWP 'he's not in any rush because it's now 11 to 10 there we have it simple stepping out once again what's he done there oh it's the ace card is it wasn't an ace we're simple he only had two kills but Deadwood gets another bomb gotta be dropped and the round surely go against Navi again it's simple three versus one no grenades contained in the corner here and another my god this could be something wonderful JW now left in the one versus one simple still has to retrieve the bomb smoke available for JW about all of a sudden this is anyone's round flip a coin fifty seconds they'll bomb on the wrong side of the pillar as far as simples concerned JW this is where maybe simples reputation precedes him you kind of expect him to play aggressively you expect him to do something out of left field hence JW's patience just watching from graffiti side simple now starting to doubt himself as to where JW could be there's been enough time way feasibly he could have rotated and simple will get the 1v3 clutch a sec it's better that you have around like that happened early rather than late but anyway simple sort of awp towards a long position there's one gone immediately do they continue teamliquid indeed enough I mix as well as dust hackers you deal damage to the economy of Navi in this position and simple playing the angle spots their head and that's taco dead-simple creeping out from all their support of his teammates more information forced out by them all the top easy practice simple number three beautiful there from simple that's what you expect and he'll clean up their room pretty much by himself from simple I have to say good shot towards you hadn't apart to kick things off and then the kills just kept coming looked very solid cutout waterfalls as well trying to push onto his position yeah so 11 becomes 12 and Navi doing it you get eagle this seems to be the Superman purchased on the CTC and fast towards pop dog this time Edwards could be ready and waiting simple though just doesn't seem to care Matthew he's thrown the rulebook hands right away and he's completely lighting them up this is unbelievable simple with their head shots from how as he pushes inside doesn't even take a single point of damage their map that is safely gone and pulling the door shut once more it denies the chance to pick up the m4 he's now dropped as they want to commit to it the monster tunnel it's next up the swing tizian with the pillow to work with controls the angle homes without utility again they've been doing so well with it you aren't information he just wanted to peek and see where they were that puts pressure on next he fights to it was arguably enough but Mama's gonna go down and simple has an 8k they both have armor which in simple over Zeus perhaps strongly because Zeus is another one yesterday who had an incredible researchers before yeah against a strong steady kill to see what he can do here - one two now there is a kid available but no utility it's over these CT and simple so difficult to shut down they'll get the first frag Marconi's good okay come in spell oh the d-o-t oh that's that's a bit too much Oh simple let's get that first kill with the deed I was having a little bit of fun Dex I thought this round wouldn't really show anything for Navi but symbol gets the second headshots and well I guess I've been proven wrong simple certainly doing 0:03 kills the simple he's now down to one HP simple he might have problems three players there to line up with grenades he's praised did he get two Hobbit goes his well massive issue from Gambon and now Edward does have the crossfire setup it's the AWP on 28 simple nearly got away with everyone and gets one back on to Edward don't that'll create space for the rest of the team to walk out from IV cuz mo not limited by the smoke anymore can get past simple but he's found it's simple Swami's federally-owned for Holly and ace for simple movements and good shot from Olaf as well Nico on the radar ya dick to kill the fact that's gonna make it awkward but Olaf 20 HP getting the shot over top of them rail toward cats gonna say almost does the job in itself but bomb drop gives simple and absolute opportunities especially that he still has 85 with the armor to work with gonna find out where Olaf's going as well shuttle 6 HP left Nico's come all the way behind him after coming out from palace simple is about to get a double peak position you can't crawl through the vent without his teammates to distract putting good read Olaf he can't overcome it if you didn't hit the head shot had to back off great play on his part to stay alive but simple still holds the cards by having the bomb down he's such a monster every decision he makes so far has been perfect simple one of us is one of all of my staff all off down a 6 HP and like he said simple knows exactly what's going on here watching the bomb like a hawk to consider the flank possibility of a wraparound to go to check in war that timing gets away with it yeah this position should be solid enough given the time as well because BOM picked up all off doesn't have a huge opportunity to run it back to P he thinks about checking connector know that simples missed it because he still has relocated without the back down to the ATP as well great round simple it took a long time to find the finish he desired but he was discipline the whole way through tested fast and he passes it with flying colors hits the head shop Zeus will go down in game leader remove but so is zip X at the power the PT 50 like that oh my god this guy is good he pushes through and it's gonna be Navi with the three on two advantage very isolated to to see T's they're gonna have to wait the wall from it just to get close enough to glaive that wouldn't be a problem ordinarily if they are the kit but this is valuable time that is now being drawn out of this round and simple continues to land headshots he wasn't as usual astounding cell for the first half but he's here to stay now and they'll get aggressive electronic to take the fight to try and hold off at the checker position because they want to allow simple and he needs to allow simple the space to get the bomb down just barely does so in time and he's in a one versus two never rules simple out of it P 254 shot he goes down simple starts off with a bag on team flashes Hindu blind Flavian Zeus but the shots need to be connecting and they're just not the Molotov will though burning out flame you know following up here does get traded by that rotation off of a simple and mo smoked off so we can't even follow up with his AWP bomb only just going down and it's a retake in for Navi yeah they've been given plenty of time by that bomb plant getting tonight simple with a quick flick up on a mower drones been spotted he has to hold his own here you need support from Hobbit an electronic reads him like a book but Hobbit still in with the kill it right now starting to go aggressive dogs catch simple off-guard but what a flick simple answer now it's Hobbit one be two time ticking down they tap on the bomb and simple shuts down and everything they make it five rounds CT side not great but it might be enough if they can win some tea rounds and no they again do the classic gambit on this map every time I see them get the CT side first no matter what they get even think so they always seem to lose the game inish can't find anything because he's had a train it's simple it's just schooling on them two kills already this round two of his teammates to die but he's traded both with those frags and simple as making the dream work he's got to keep on going Mears in the corner and surely man finds this but no simples read this so well it's such a small gap oh my goodness simple what are you doing one kill away from an ace and dropping 30 kills to secure Navi a 200 here sending gambit home it's a dread in a1 b2 with 1 HP and simples already sneaking it over towards his be bomb site they call him simple The Undertaker for a reason here he is for a trend yeah he hears the footsteps he knows exactly what's going on there 20 seconds to dryness to rush to get this bomb down there's just no way a happens simple hasn't in sindri could throw that head it's simple there's the ace 30 kills to end the game at 16 it's a 5 but he does have it yeah it's 24 seconds electronic picking up one kill simple there with the AWP taking down rain first next in line is all of Meister like I said oh my god simple taking down Guardian first attempt carmilla it's gonna be his teammate PCCs can do nothing with it surely Dupree is taken down to closest position [Applause] one thing I respect they're not like a team they're screaming so much of you around they win they keep himself car whatever happens and simple well that wasn't common so he runs towards middle takes down breezy straightaway and I sort of think kick things off between the eyes you've stopped the plane he threw the part of this pistol round but grass for this team now looking hungry commit make amends and get some revenge to make it a thirties down to 26 please doing all the damage right now for Navi he's not gonna get a fourth Blaney will take that away from him but it's down to Fox he got the first kill for his team in there simple the 4k is real Navi pick up the second pistol round soon happy follows it up so Envy great start with the guns okay bomb planted how long do they they haven't realized yet they this this is ridiculous because simple is gonna get aggressive as well oh my god oh my god fight fire with fire you don't have a gun catch them off when they least expect it how does he do that goes to be sells them on it and then completely obliterates them on Speedway that's ridiculous I thought okay maybe one because they won't expect it that's just for the best players we've seen all year I'm gonna say it right now in pro league to pre trying to get one just about nails a shot there but in exchange comes in is going berserk with ap-250 my god what is that son to speak lips and he had another chance there finish it off but that's definitely done now zip X has not been in good enough for him to take this one down simple is just God like sometimes perfect spots to do it but there is a chance that they cross first ones down kicker can't manage to spray it is simple goes out so it's a disjointed push up from him and his teammate busters alone up close sure he's managed to another frag but simple still stands up in the pub simples thought another headshot they've done it yet again it's a walk away from a bond car Navi with a highway robbery auto round from simple and it was only the first kill that mattered as he picks up the deal or at the end of the day to brings it in a net what a chief man what a chief I mean listen he would indeed the oppor we just called him the playground bully and he just robbed them of lunch money free op all these upgrades like Navi they're there facing the economic despair despair no longer oh my god yeah that's something else just third 12th kill as well going as it looks like maybe even a be rush here from the now sports side I've been running not a fan of that approach we talk about as many times before rushing be against C's Ed's and a B stack you've got no information where they go on the other side ladies and gentlemen do not try this at home it's a horrible idea and you will be punished for it need to and he'll change it you know they've got them through the window flame he's got one knows that Oscars gonna repeat its down this simple a scout shot to win it disgusting so don't smoke in the chest but a little diagonals are you did in your sample so simple of course but also said I'm sure that God sent the package could show on the table feeling confident goes aggressive please tell simple where he is it finally they'll get a ball plant out of this down to the 101 as well it's Nico versus simple AWP picked up oh hey cannon late there's a flash and a smoke for simple to work with volatile for Nico to try and clear out the angle in pit yeah this is a great setup a simple now he's got the song down working towards quad but Nico slips by it just as he turns away he has no ideas got towards a haber how so it seems like he does there's the trajectory of the grenade coming in this is going to be a war battle simple takes the first punch misses the blow and he can't do it surely this is gonna be around for Nico the deagle comes out has to be a no story and of course simple nails it's a great position towards the car says the trend is ready for it simple definitely capable willing these rounds what a shot that is and we're off to vs. one was simple at the helm well no he's been isolated how does he find Mir I've known that situation and he's kept track of exactly where he is by way of the radar he can certainly hear Bo trying to get closer and somehow okay he needs to win this still good post plant control double rotation from a main okay I think I like the decision going with Oh simple and Edwards step up sunny with one back I was going to say both the Zeus and flame he we're gonna rotate around to mid I agree with leaving at least one toward a man because at the time there was still a lot of pressure in mid and a lot of holding positions from mousesports that could have caught them both off still simple exists on the site and it's never a simple task to retake when he's alive as Chris does get electronic they know where he is Goodwin two players excuse me three players staying alive keep on for K will be their round loss bonus so then I'm gonna have an office so in terms of trying to place that have an impact with that one versus simple if he goes for a peek on to you may be different so we're gonna switch the deagle instead or might these just taking this as ain't practice right now he gets himself the ACE versus the Eco Utley incendiary so well-timed completely segregated even wants to get on the pallet so that he's closer to the corner because they want to go they want to go now 15 seconds that bought so much space bought so much stays for a man you don't want to get any job literates bird no trouble call back away cleanly would get spotted so he finds a bit of a deeper angle like seven not quite so perfect anymore as simple Orientals Aleksey beep and we can see that mid take in place simple again putting on a show it said within the like lines go joining it give them the advantage another one here would be great one on to situation and Sergei he's got to be careful because he has the unforced he made it has the shotgun but you put x7 with the Mac seven into a one-on-one if you imagine simple would win that twenty seconds left on the clock utility comes out it's kind of improvising as he goes and that's perhaps when he's the most dangerous swapped out to an ak-47 is x7 he's coming up catwalk simple has got to figure this out gotten to the bench now crouching behind it like seven waiting he's got time that bomb is newly planted its a fresh timer and simple just waiting for the indication of where he's coming from hasn't even considered catwalk and that might be is undoing as x7 is walking along the wall simple considering that doesn't even want to show himself towards Cal walk just using this bench as cover for both sides and there it is one bullets all I needed to close it out nine to six electronic Katy and shining in with what if the trades go back and forth now they're now gonna be hounding it down Edward out at long doors simple is in a spot to go ahead and find the trade but ultimately it all falls on to simple one b3 he's missed his smoke literally the best of us and now a lot to do time working against him and in ten seconds after day yes he's not too shy he's gonna find Katie and now the bomb plant could come in and now he's got north on the clock now it's a Z and gay do have to get a move on there the guys have to pick up the pace simple as it might a goose this is looking like he could be a bit of a turkey shoot for it and he knows that both up here as well so many flashes came over the top he's got falling simple with the clutch forcing they go for the eco fair enough I have no problem with this but you are playing for overtime which again means that you will be lacking in points however may be simple once the dragon Prix over time and he might get to do it with the deagle two kills work his magic with the dig there's a Z chiming in on to Zeus I like Charlie gonna get spied out down here in CT but simple it's done what as well maybe even the ACE Robson palace Oscar in mid not great presence but good crossfire potential not when simple simply walks out bomb gets dropped Rob's is being stared down and got inside the window at the very least but Zeus here's Oscar probably a great shot from Oscar that changes things because simple can no longer focus on Palace has to back away needs to isolate this into one-on-ones rather than getting caught he's managed that very successfully as well bomb still dropped simple starting to come to life once again can he saved around once more up against Rob's one of the absolute talent of mousesports here bomb down in simples favor no bullet safe hitting just yet Rob's applying the pressure was simple ready to fight this doesn't lead to a bomb plant the one up dual straight up whoever gets the kill wins it simple backs away knows that he can still play off the bomb I'd be very surprised if he does concede the plant goes back out those rocks is baking and nails the shot as well simple three kills in the pistol the again to fire that off into the site he'll get a little bit of support from electronically flash out immediately simple wants to go but he's still napping in through ruins so that flashes too soon rounds they pull it back electronic you know we're cool then he's gonna step out the cold is that enough Zeus good shot back from Nico Guardian to electronic Oh although I'm surprised he does pull that off late with the m4 Gordy was in the open but rain doesn't react in time if surround takes him down it's the play right now let's have a look rains already shooting at him headed good electronic so far changes as angle gets the reloaded and they've got the crossfire established now he's painting red all over the walls as he takes down Zeus as well just simple to find and what around to hold Nika will fall simples got a chance to pull this back in fact don't rule have done just yet perhaps it's a twist a port thickening this children's story and what a tale it is I know of it rotates background finds Edward Robinho's gonna follow it up onto electronic watch for simple he's got the Scout oh my god how fast was that I didn't think there was a chance in hell II at the shot but it is simply nails it's Cal come up a simple no force by again that's been calling card for no pass if it carries on in this manner towards me at the aggression they try and swarm it overwhelmed Flay me they will do so scurry to grab the open sliver away with it but they run straight in as simple and simple is putting everyone to bed as he hits them one after the other they all hit the deck and it's all on Hobbit the one-man army armor see Zed trying to make his mark on the scene as he pushes up struggles however fortas and goes down for K for Simmons the fight where's the fack of Kerrigan inside of the site getting a big double kill finally he's taken care of but simple with a bomb par now in a one versus two not about player to have left but with this AWP Kenny yet the kills in gonna be sneaking back they have a kit on all of my store and even a Molotov so simple it's got to do a lot of work right now this would be a big round of putting a pause two-phase early they couldn't do that last time they're right there both of them in front of simple creeping in he's gonna get one that I shot to it oh my god simple clutching the round yeah little bit difference timing perfect the two guns and he gets three kills with and he's looking for the fourth he'll take the bomb down as well it's just don't [Music] [Music]
Channel: Snipe2DieTV - CS:GO Channel
Views: 3,755,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the best player in the world, natus vincere, s1mple, aleksandr kostyliev, number 1, snipe2dietv, snipe2die, s2dtv, s2d, csgo, ace, clutch, hltv.org, best of s1mple, 2018, highlights, montage, compilation, flickshot, flick, lightning fast, wallbang, headshot, one tap, 1 tap, 1v4, 1v3, 1v2, snappy, crisp, clean, spray control, spray transfer, no scope, insane plays, pro plays, ukrainian player, best player
Id: NnOA1e3myaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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