S11 RHOC Kelly vs Everyone 1

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tonight because it's our last meal oh shoot in ireland it's present up in my room thank you where's megan she's not feeling well i don't think she's gonna be joining us for dinner could we offer you some stiller sparkling maybe has anyone ordered a cocktail not yet not yet i'm not drinking anything i'm too tired okay well so i suggest tequila because it's an upper and she would like the same i'm not drinking anything i promise you we just thought we'd provide you with menus and you can start to peruse can you do do you like your tequila on the rocks i do like to drink right now okay can you get her at the same as me tequila aren't you for turtle uh would you like a tequila also uh other rocks oh yeah so three three exactly the way that we're doing it yes what the [ __ ] shannon no means no why are you pushing me to have drinks i don't want a drink have you got a chance to look at our menu you have salmon right you can prepare something what is the poached chicken starter um chicken starch madam is a bit of preparation is it breast melon with some mousse around the chicken made of chicken so we ordered uh some drinks is there any way you could just go in there and get three of those things thank you thank you um can i get it i let's put this on the side the bone marrow has an awkward side and may i have just um vegetables with it no potatoes so i have a new i have a new house that's an entertainer's home it is it's a party house yes it is so heather and i would love to have a little shinding for you after your comments yeah we were talking about it and have all the stuff that you haven't been able to eat cheeseburgers and friends we want to listen last six months we need a list i want crispy cream donuts um pizza i went i need to write all this down i don't know cheers cheers cheers ladies cheers zipper come on kelly try it ladies would you care for a son can we get three more could we get four well dude tequila and and maybe a plate of limes thank you shannon has this mission to get kelly drunk because she knows if kelly drinks too much crazy kelly's gonna come out i don't know if tamara's involved or not but it sure smells like tamara i think she already is you know we're just gonna waste it naked this is naked wasted all over again there's going to be an ambush it's wet nothing what what'd you just say i'm just it's going to be an amber thing no i was talking to myself these women are trying to get me drunk and they know once they get me drunk that i will snap and i'm not buying their bull i wonder if meghan's gonna be able to get up for our flight do you want me to call her and we'll see hi hey how are you i don't feel good do you want us to bring you anything up no thank you it's terrible without you so we're gonna toast with you ready let's toast to cheers megan her little baby and to a fabulous next watch out here cheers [Applause] tell me what happened after dinner it's early early morning and i get up because i have to catch the flight and i find out that world war iii has been happening in the halls of this hotel what the hell is going on vicky came to my door tonight with kelly after dinner vicki came knocking on my door with kelly wanting me to go out and drink with them and i refused to answer the door i was not going out with kelly i wanted kelly and tamara to have one-on-one time together because there's any issues when they're one-on-one it's when the other girls get together there seems to be issues shannon walks out and starts yelling at me like i'm a five-year-old i very matter-of-factly said kelly what's going on now you're ready to go out go we don't want to have a drink with you after that i went to bed so tamara and shannon and i decided to go for a drink in the pub [Music] tamara kept texting me come down don't bring kelly come down we're all having so much fun so i said if you know what i'm gonna get dressed i'm gonna go down there i didn't mean to leave kelly out but i really wanted to keep my friendships going with the other ladies we were just having fun and we're laughing and we're drinking and then vicki goes on to tell me that kelly was saying some pretty shitty things about me so i decided i'm going to take a selfie of me and vicki and i'm going to text it to kelly and just let her know that vicki's telling me everything she's saying really i'm the mean girl i get a text from tamara saying vicky's saying that you talked about me and i'm like what is going on like i i told it where when and kelly freaked out you said that she said i was the mean girl i wanted heather to film it because kelly was on the rampage she was angry [Music] did you see her i just want to go home i just want to go home [Music] dish it out they can't take it that's the problem oh i i took it from you kelly three times a week oh really what are you doing sometimes in a weekend you came after me today yelling at me for no reason why don't you come out everybody else don't tell me when i can drink or how to act you don't tell me what to do yes you did do you like your tequila on the rocks i do like a drink right now okay can you get her the same as me to keep
Channel: Thethrowbackqueen
Views: 231,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhoc, Orange County, Kelly Dodd, Heather dubrow, Shannon beador, Vicki gunvalson, Tamra judge, Meghan king, Ireland, Kelly vs everyone
Id: 4Om7Vv_rwoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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