S1 – Ep 491 – Clanwilliam, Western Cape!

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[Music] Glen William is a town we have been through many times but we've never explored yes we've stayed over at the dam once yes but um we've never really explored the town as such but from V St through to Glen William it's about 77 km and uh we'll be sleeping over there tonight yes we've done about half of those now already on gravel haven't we yes yes we've got about another 40 so to go before we reach there yes we are staying over this evening at Clan Bosch CL on a farm outside Clan William y this episode is very graciously sponsored by Elanor Kain thank you to Elanor and in full disclosure her husband passed away and her property is on the market but it's still being operated as an accommodation establishment so um very kind of her to accommodate us her contact details will be on the screen and in the description below there the distance is Clan William it is a rather large town I think and it's always been busy when we visited it's a busy Place yeah doesn't look that big from here no but it is eh well we'll see now the town is always busy because we've always stopped to buy supplies so I see this sign says claim Bosch CL that's our accommodation yes so we have to come back from Clen William go up this road to get to our place I think it's about 8 kilos or so yeah around about 8K yeah so we decided to head into town to explore a little first yeah and to get some fuel got to fill up and fuel for us and dinner liquid we sorted take yes your citrus yes and and I if I remember the info on the website correctly we staying over on a citrus form oh nice you know Citrus and I are huge buddies all kinds yep House of royos so I think Citrus Roos that's a filling station so I'm going to stop off here first do you remember that this is where we changed our first TI our first flat we had yeah so we P up light and it just drive straight like we normally do for oh this is the farm store we've stopped at before yes yes we have we've often come in from this side too yes we've been here really quite a few times but just never explored it yeah William since 1814 what direction are you headed to I'm going to take the main we've done this one and now we're going to take the main road past the spa to the to our right to our right yes I saw there looks like an agricultural school I didn't notice bburg or a u g SB u r g not sure of the pronunciation wow I didn't notice that at all we were almost passed when I did all right the police station the police yes can see what I mean it's always busy always busy yeah Magistrate Office it's beautiful quite beautiful yeah yes this huge Spa which we have frequented many times yes agricultureal Land Reform and rural development oh and a beautiful Standard Bank as usual oh those are attorney's offices but look at the Standard Bank beautiful those toas the Centrum oh yes he's from this area isn't he we've seen this church before can we just admire it again yes do you know what I love is that the clock tower is built here in the entrance yeah that is beautiful and that it's a carbon copy of the church I could have just as well had the Bell right in the top there yeah but it's so beautiful and so different oh very nice ch Harvester congregation okay here are some gravestones jmh olif born F born on the 21st of September 1847 and pass on the 26th of December 1905 and there Elizabeth Susana Smith born Burger born on the 20th of April 1831 and passed away on the 31st of August 1903 wow can't see a Cornerstone of the building but this is here try and see carefully what it says here baa ala nor BN on the 20th of October 1877 passed away on the 2nd of February 188 is it 1880 it looks like she was still young wow okay let me cross the road there's something of a yacht that I must go and check out [Applause] [Music] William so this is the postal coach but this I think if you look at these Footprints and the D and the Wagon Wheel tracks and then the hoofprints of the oen 20th of September 1988 yeah it says that joh F it's the great trick oh this is beautiful eh and the wagon wheel for [Music] this looks like the museum the clan William Museum the old jail the old trunk 1808 and it is a National Monument so this is the old jail [Music] this is what it looked like years ago here's the church that I was just at exchange how's this pet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they have books for sale yet [Music] too who I don't know to start Mrs AMC Lio born Iselin born on the 29th of March 1848 in verer and passed away on the 24th of November 1903 here at Clan William oh TOA that's might a little bar for TOA I love this TOA from the mar these bust born on the 21st of the 8th 1943 and passed away on the 7th of the 8th 2000 everybody was sad that day [Music] Dan n and TOA Jester Williams and TOA toa's room whoa pretty dark in here cutting machine one of the very first mechanical Cutters that was used to cut the harvested Roy boss into uniform lengths before further processing manufactured in Great Britain in the 1950s who check the wagons the yolks how a settle been fixed here I wonder who settle this was and on what horse it was see this is looking bow must have been a kitchen where they made food for the prisoners for there's no lights on I can't get any lights on anywhere so I'm using the flash on my camera see Lou liot there he is Lou liot we live P from how interesting was that I love the fact that they got a special room for Talla and Lou Lort but that building was there originally the church this wasn't yet and then of course the jail now this looks like a chch but it looks like it's the information center I wonder if this was not the church wall [Music] the old jail is beautiful absolutely amazing lots of folks out and about there seems to be a a power issue in Clan William okay because the lights the computer's off the lights are off at the Museum and I hear that guy's generator running over there and I am struggling to get signal so I thought look how dark it is inside there yeah I thought there's not load shedding is there no I know nothing about load shedding but there's no power here I'm having issues with my signal so that would explain it this be a hospital I see a physiotherapy sign and William Hospital yes it is interesting m m this is the tire shop we came to repair our tire at over here oh we fold up there and they sent us here yes there you go yes episode 5 if you're interested that was a stressful situation Clen William post office yes Roy boss yeah royos and you love your royos yeah and they in the museum they had one of the first Machines of manufactured in England in the 1950s that used to cut the royos into certain lengths oh okay yeah iting back to 50s already yep and the clan William Dam good episode about that too so I think we can turn around yes you say this is the school this is the clan William Secondary School okay and then right next to it let me just make sure I have the order correct CL William secondary yes and then this I think is primary okay let me see yes sederberg primary school this road look pretty interesting yeah next to the jail oh drunk yeah it's your favorite jail spelling again oh go oh how beautiful is this those pink blossoms in wintertime well we saw on the board as we entered that the town goes away back yes over 200 years but I'm struggling to find more info do I like this character yeah or I like a this goodness me the Reformed Church of Clen William oh that's pretty very pretty hey I love that stonework you I will have to figure out those Roman numerals oh 1924 that's long ago 1924 100 that's crazy look how nice it looks but I'm I'm not sure it would have been I think this was claded or no it wasn't it was built with a stone I'm going to get out and have a look closer I'm not sure it was reformed back then you never know there at the top 7th of the 5th 1924 the 7th of May 1924 so that means this building today that I'm filming you is 100 years and 14 days old look at these stairs look at these patterns on the stones here in the front all of The Terraces are like that too but I think this is so beautiful I just want to take a walk around and I'm trying to figure out it's not cladding it's definitely not cladding there's the Cornerstone there on that Cornerstone is 1923 and this used to be the Bell crazy he so this is original stonework I love the cable on top of the stones I love that brick stonework above the window that's incredible so neat completely done and this is all part of it there so this must be the church Hall at the back which must have come later oh definitely it's a big church I wish I could get inside never been inside a Reformed Church I can't remember ever being in a Reformed Church before I would love to get into this one it would be so nice you been in many churches I can't remember now this you it's surprising it looks a lot smaller than what it is it goes quite far back to the with the hall and stuff the building the church building itself is like shaped in a cross yeah and then the hall right at the back it's in good shape very good neck excellent condition I like that a lot I found a brief history of Clen William okay can I share that with you yes please one of the 10 oldest towns Clan Williams Beginnings goes back to 1660 when a team of Dutch explorers who were sent out by yanan RC first reached the olifant river when they entered the valley they saw a large number of elephants on the River Bank can you believe it Yan danker or dunker the Dutch Cadet in charge of the party then named the river or olant that makes so much sense in 1732 the first Farm in the olifant river valley was awarded to Peter F sale the town was originally known as yandle's fle after Yan dle a local Pioneer and a botanist who lived in theost Bosch at pbgen all right I shall interrupt Sports grounds looks like it or the showr yes Sports and showgrounds yes yes this looks so nice Definitely Sports fields and show grounds together I would agree there some stables and that side too you see the Cowboys painted on the wall I'm going to go through here a cowg girl and a cow boy yeah and a stallion hey hey hey with a cowboy on those horses in those tables can watch rugby and soccer yes Dylan okay look that's interesting like to see it but not in graffiti no and we did not do it here's the cowgirl and the cowboy again okay nice against the sunset yeah they can house a lot of livestock and animals here yes major flood lights I'm sure big match has happen here oh for sure they are young purchasing William have a big game well who knows even VTO and elel bunk coming through for the weekend yes you can see this is where they offload animals from the back of vehicles you see there's the ramp oh okay portable ramp yeah we love show GRS that we do so what we can do is as I go out I'm going to hang a left on the gravel road and head down that way and then you can finish your story yes sir yes ma'am nice to see yes in good shape okay you can carry on you're remember I said that the town was originally known as yandle's fle yes the area first formed part of the District of stellos but was declared a subdistrict of its own in 1808 by the Earl of kedan then governor of the cape a new name on Janu on one January 1814 kadan's successor Sir John kredo renamed the area after his father-in-law the Earl of CL William okay it cannot be said with certainty when the town originated but according to the available information it must have been between 1804 and 1808 wow so information is sketchy about the date that the town was established but that's good enough for me okay so we've seen the old jail I um have a suspicion this is the new jail you know when you have this triple f Vibe you know oh no serious business yeah oh this is definitely the jail hello child and Youth Care Center Department of Social Development oh okay it's not a jail so we were totally incorrect but on the right track yes it is for children who are held here who ran into trouble with the law and they are underage and he tells us they go to school yeah they do everything here and they got a 100% Rehabilitation success rate success rate yeah it's the department of social developments child and Youth Care Center is that what it says yes yes it does child and Youth Care Center and they about 20 youngsters and in my language I would say it's like a youth detention center yes exactly but that's fantastic that they got such a good success right eh we just had to put on record that uh not it's not a prison yes it's I mean I don't think we can be faulted for thinking that no not having been here before he says there some of the students that go to school at the normal high school year now I suppose after a period of proving themselves yes so I was told I had to come back here because Madam has something to share about the origin of Roy boss I think it's very interesting I think we all know how big it's become in the world oh yes but um this is what it says in 1930 District surgeon and botanist Dr Peter lefas norti a former roads scholar began and conducting experiments with the cultivation of the royos plant Dr nor also saw the vast commercial potential the tea held for the region Dr norti cultivated the first plants at Clan William on his farm east side and on the farm Clan CPP that's incredible now that is 94 years ago but I must say in that short period of time it's done pretty well eh but it's such a nice tea I drink a lot of Roos tea yes a lot maybe 3 four cups a day you recently switched from coffee yes and you're now on back on royos you've been on royos in the past I also find it a refreshing tea oh very nice and it's very healthy I believe so so did you decide to come down here because of the trees because of some other reason because of the trees and then I saw the the [Laughter] steeple and I decided to do that killed two birds with one stone there's the back of that other Church oh it's a beautiful building yes I love it Clock Tower we forgot to make mention entry fee at the jail museum is 30 R 30 R yes which is super reasonable not bad at all okay A little gate is open and it's the Dutch Reformed Church okay I might read the Cornerstone from here yes you can 12 October 1963 oh that's not too old it says come to him the living Stone one pet 2:4 and it says Ino by bolt in it's the first for me built in by Reverend haa loms okay nice a drive by Cornerstone we appreciate those every now and again that's cool and there's the hall there yeah but there seems to be some activity here today I see so this is a a school we found but we can't see a name anywhere it is in Rau Street and it seems to be a big school we saw girls playing netball yeah or is it hockey I couldn't see nck ball I think is it yes so Clan Williams registration number license plate is clearly car yeah some Renovations going on here oh they they playing yes n ball life yes still have no idea no clue we'll have to investigate they practicing do you see anything here on these Gates no K provincial Administration that's all okay well this is ar oh definitely still no sign of what school hey Retirement Village ask Fe Fe it's quite warm shall I say at least it's not cold just in the mornings those mountains look good eh beautiful those are the ones that go there to the buck bar where we came from yep the vet is the fire department doctor yes and this cedarberg municipality okay and this must be the town hall and yes a church of p is that the Protestant Church yes I think so yes you're looking for the name of that school it's like driving me insane I have to go and find it so I thought I was convinced this is the town hall it looks like it it looks like it could be the town hall it could have been the Town Hall in the past but it's not anymore because there's like dry Walling built on the inside and stuff and it's connected to the officers and apparently they also officers now all right so let me go and see if I can find that school's name so it's an agricultural school called horbar yes it's interesting we asked somebody yeah we can't find the entrance it's probably right under our noses yes yes oh what what a fantastic turn down this was it's at the back of the spa no less yeah this looks like a Methodist Church are you guessing yes B Anglican Church dioes of Sana Bay Anglican Church of southern Africa the parish of St John the Evangelist Clen William 150 years wild oh no [Music] yes this he said now I can definitely see were Wars Anglo War grave Graves over there with those metal crosses those probably unknown soldiers who passed away in the in the wall and this was a National Monument I suspect there must be another entrance because I don't think they'll have people coming in into the church from the cemetery side that makes sense it's spectacular though yeah yeah I think you're right the front looks even more Spectacular Now what's nice is I saw this building on the photos in the museum this building was yeah the same time as this church some of the first buildings in town in town yes they were like only like seven or eight Department of Agriculture I want to see if I can find that Anglican entrance isn't it czy yeah there it is how could I have missed this it's under the trees it's also locked for the chine yes how's the church bell I think it's absolutely brilliant okay yeah these markers where I think people were buried from the Ang War like I said from the other side let me have a quick Zoom in there so these uh metal markers it just says for king and country and it is in the Anglo B War era where these soldiers died but I presume these were English soldiers I think that one says Jordan and it was on the 2 of the 2nd 1902 and there's quite a few of them here such a pretty aong in here look at the to why y I don't see a Corner Stone or anything like there [Music] and this wall is just as old well if it's 150 years I don't know when this was put up I haven't got a date onent so this was apparently this was his [Music] shop and look at this Roos tea [Music] Roy team everything is royb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is nice [Music] not steel but these are beautiful boots y Bronx 1,200 bucks has cross opers [Music] how's this [Music] bicycle bye-bye [Applause] okay this was in honor of Dr P lafas nor and Dr C Lou liol laid by Helen Burton on the 27th of April 1957 and Dr Lou liol and Dr laf nor at the Lio norer Library it's closed now that's cool you find places with so much history and info so I think everyone knows almost know that c Lou lipol was the famous South African writer and poet yes do you remember the nor connection yeah he was the guy that was the botanist and started working on the Roy B correct Dr nor very interesting my angel it looks a little quieter at Super Spar let's see if we can find some ready made dinner to go enjoy at home okie dokie This Is Us turning off to Glen BOS CL 9 kilm yes I love this time of the day the early morning sunrise and the late afternoon Sunset yeah the light is just brilliant can I read a little bit about the farm yes please do because it's really very interesting our host is Elanor Kain yes I mentioned her husband passed away yes he was architect Gilbert Kain who designed many large buildings throughout South Africa amongst others the conservat of Music at the University of stos today still deemed to be one of the finest con conservatories in the world really he sensitively transformed the badl elected buildings a stable Wagon Shed which we will be overnighting in oh really The Wagon Shed yes fantastic an old farmhouse estimated at being approximately 230 years old wow so there's a lot on their website which we would have put on the screen at the beginning of the episode yes yes but it's very special that's fantastic that this family farm has such a long history and that uh um the gentleman restored the pro The Cottages so lovingly yeah I can't wait to see it now yeah Shadows are long but we have a lot of light left I'm happy about that fantastic check this out we just love this love it wow my heart that's a beautiful horse eh you see how proud he gets good I think I hit the mic so shocked I was when I saw him and look at the Moon they over the mountains beautiful H the Sheep coming into the road she are coming home I just love it love it I going home for the night yes yes it's Citrus Citrus Citrus Citrus CL BFF is a working Citrus Farm nice PL bu Club sh here we are okay we got our key so it wasn't in by that gate it's the next gate but we've been switching to the stable that's fantastic so we're not in the wagon house anymore no but that sounds even better to me this stable I don't mind sleeping in a stable um May I just draw your attention to the lwh hanging fruit exactly so these are oranges eh yes I think so beautiful and our is this first right this stable the stable babe it looks awesome it does look at this wowser old wall like this is the crawl yeah this is the crawl where the horses used to stay definitely the old crawl wall and [Music] yeah not not that key what a lounge Le a work spice for us yeah TV bedroom what well I'll be and he has the bathroom for the B dny Basin and a shower and a washing machine if we need to now that's the door I came in at showed the whole inside and yes the back door or I don't know is this the front door must be the front door The Veranda there's the Bri area wow look at this that's the vines a swimming pool this is where we BR cuz this is our Cottage the orang is still hanging here and this goes through to the house this is amazing so as you can see we are the stable the store this is thees or the wagon house this is the old house the oh house can't see them it can you hear the horses galloping must be those four they heart stopping beautiful yeah comes more listen and the hard doll is also competing what a beautiful sound I almost missed this a kitchen check this out you know do you know what this was wow I wonder what this was it looks like this was like where they used to cook food or something in the old days with a chimney going up on outside there could be or a pantry I don't know with why would it have a chimney does it have a chimney yes okay no definitely and yes a fireplace this is insane so we are sitting at a beautiful dining room table to have dinner this evening and you can see I'm sitting at the head of the table and Sonia sitting at the foot of the table I beg your par but you got us awesome food hey look at this from Super Spar inclan William we've bought from them before and we've been happy with their quality yeah this looks like um cottage pie yes babui yes squashy a little pumpkin with uh Millies and cheese inside C and cheese yes and then of course beans and potato I hope it's got a lot of pepper on yeah I think it does and look at the dessert could cinnamon sugar pancakes pancake and yes yours carbon copy exactly the same a little bit less and um if I don't finish you will get my left the dirt bins yeah that's me it's almost 7:00 so we better have dinner let's do it it's a little chilly this evening supper is in it was absolutely delicious if you CL Williams stop at the spa buy yourself something to eat there Fant fantastic I'm going to hit the sack and we will see you guys in the morning still pretty dark outside but we've decided to have our coffee and rusks on the stoop on the form just starting to light there in the distance good morning yeah from a freezing cold Clan bch just outside Clan William I decided to take a walk there through this beautiful Orchard with all the orange trees incredible and you can see it's starting to get light over there but it's going to take a while for the sun to get over that mountain this still green eh I laughed at you when you said when you turned the lights off it was so dark you couldn't see a thing what do you mean you had to walk around with your cell phone light to go to the bathroom yes look bit dark you can't see it thing but it was so peaceful yeah yeah uh the stable felt like my very own Farmhouse yeah last night size of a farmhouse and the fact that I have a a citrus Orchard on my doorstep that's why amen I have a long-standing love affair with Citrus I forgot to mention yesterday that uh Clan Bosch is surrounded by the northern cedarberg with a majestic kakado on the one side and plb or flat mountain on the other side okay and it's situated in the boss CL Valley cool so definitely the cedarberg eh all around that's nice we can't see this side because we surrounded by bushes as well that's it key given back I was uh hoping to catch a final glimpse of Nero the rich back no he was run over on this road he has a steel pin in his leg H leg it was an absolute Ely magical stay at L B I enjoyed it so much the Tranquility the darkness the Citrus Orchards um it was really fantastic a big thank you to Elanor we know she will be leaving this beautiful place one day in the not too distant future we wish her only the best yes thank you for your hospitality elor's contact details will be in the description below what a beautiful view over the town yes and the school over here I think this is the and I'm unsure of the pronunciation albur gymnasium I think we saw the maybe the classroom facilities in town this looks more like the Practical section yeah the the the um agricultural School eh yes yes yes yes [Music] so this is honey it's a little squashed but it's okay um toasted Chien May yes tasted chicken mayor and mine's just normal ham cheese and tomato on Brown both the on Brown yours look nice and plump mine looks a little skinny yeah it looks a little worse for way maybe a tast great let's see breakfast on the go I don't mind thank you what are your thoughts on Clan William as we explored a little more of the Town than we've ever seen before um Clan William is smaller than what I thought I was expecting Clan William to be much bigger I agree it's deceivingly big from a distance yes yes but um the town itself is actually quite small yes I was surprised but rich in history eh beautiful buildings yeah that old jail that I checked out and then the old church we saw some interesting things in the short time we had in town yes no it was brilliant I really enjoyed it if you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up subscribe down below and we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: DustBugs Travel
Views: 10,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DustBugs, travel, adventure, explore, dustbugs travel, dustbugs explore, dustbugs adventure, droney, drone, travel on gravel, Clanwilliam, Western, Cape, eploring, visited, decided, thrilled, twon, history, produced, South Africans, jail, fascinating, Tolla van der Merwe, beloved, comedian, driving, streets, glimpse, daily, residents
Id: NfqicsVULSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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