S1 – Ep 218 – Orania – A Beautiful Small Town on the Banks of the Orange River!

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as you saw Lov is a very small town but it was good to see [Music] indeed on now map you'll see that we are leaving Lov at this stage and then we're heading straight for orania now I know Oria is not in the Free State it's just on the other side of the Orange River but the road we're taking is in the free state but we can't come up this way and not visit Orna I have never been to Orna so I would like to see it absolutely yes we have to turn off of this road and I'm hoping it's gravel all the way through to orania [Music] [Laughter] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] w [Music] this is very interesting huh yeah it's um the names of the farms and how far they are from here with the initials and the suram of the of the owners I would imagine wow that's it's the first time I've seen something like that and it's old look how rusted it yeah you just see the white bums all running away now lots of them a they're all so far away a there's a little Buck right next to the road oh sweet she's posing nicely look those [Music] ears Foria 7 have you ever heard of V before never heard of V this is the end of our gravel road but I think this is the bridge that crosses over the Orange River y by Oria just before we get to Aria this I'm want to see yeah me too it is the Ora W look at the size of this River how fantastic to see yeah are you going to stop for us I want to stop you by [Music] this [Music] hey hey [Music] hey oh hey oh hey hey oh hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey oh hey oh [Music] hey hey guys pretty busy yes look at that that mural that's pretty pretty yeah I'm going to go which side right okay I want to go see that mural up close cuz I almost missed it oh it really looks pretty then I'll come and read what it says on that board yes I wonder what it says there yes we shall go have a look oh this is pretty eh ox orans and a cannon like you saw yesterday [Applause] sure very nice this is so nice eh stocky dry Adventure Park and shopping center reell BR neat places he very very very neat the Oar PL there's even a TW unle street names are gemstones okay Sapphire and Ruby you can see the is a newish town eh yes oh definitely this looks like a little complex yeah it does pretty I don't see burglar proofing oh that's a keen observation yeah one doesn't wow this is pretty what do you think this is the OD which means the old P Beacon n trees this is beautiful private property okay I'm not allowed in you but this is awesome eh M gorgeous the gate is not locked I say please close the gate cuz the little Antelope or the goats which either one eat the trees and the flowers if they put them on the graves I'm sure that's incredible eh heavy spiderweb around that plant I'd say it's like the biggest one I've ever seen this is an interesting structure yes so this must this is a fairly new graveyard or Cemetery this here is the grave of Carl bosov and apparently he was the founder of orania he passed away in 2011 so interesting that we just found out now because I was bit confused about Henrik fut being buried yeah but it was his wife Betsy or Elizabeth F that was buried yeah and I think they just made a a monument out of it for HRI for as well because Betsy used to live here in and she was buried yeah he is buried in the Euro AA in ptor yes so the town is split in two it's divided by the r369 so now we just crossed over and we're going to go and see the other side of Oria that's pretty the lock Heavens yeah they are beautiful these guys I think this is a museum oh some items look how nice they're putting up pictures of the older people in urania and they call them the wise gray ones that's fantastic eh love that I do as well yes the school uh Fork school urania yes very neat town I can't help but notice that definitely it's the Africans Protestant Church of arania all right inter in voting it's a nice emblem in the on the side there I wonder if we can find out when it was established that is pretty eh look this grass how cool are these things I love it ready looks as if we can rent them eh yes it does it's the third one we've seen in a short while I want to see if I can get up there somehow I see some yeah a walkway okay I think this is the Irish Monument all right is this your first stop let me stop yeah there's a little story We block so this is interesting this is a monument which apparently was in ptor at one stage but then it just went into to decline and was demolished uh which was actually to bring tribute to the Irish volunteers who helped the bu's fight against the British back in the days of the Anglo bu war and they moved this Monument now the pieces that we left here to orania and it was erected on the 1st of November in 2002 oh that's pretty awesome that they did that eh it's so nice that they saved these the four silos yes to put them up here now let's go to the next one okay this looks very interesting it does ehh it really does is that poor KW go on the left yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] so they call this little fellow the Little Giant who overlooks the town it's an amazing view from the top here beautiful view of the Town H yeah and also the green pivot fields are incredible surrounding the town crazy you can hear the people having fun down there I I can hear the voices yeah I'd like to join them hot and to the right is the sports complex I saw the sign yeah check that Rugby field look how green it is yes let's go down before we go further we right here by this Hall I suspect it's the Community Hall I think you are correct so we don't see a sign earlier on I'm sure that's what it is okay yeah look at this this Oria Community or it's like they beone recycling which is fantastic to see and it looks in good shape does that's the tennis courts in the net ball field you get the white um Guinea fell what yeah taranta yes white guinea you get white guinea yes I have never ever seen a white guinea F there you go it's your white guinea F everybody as pretty as their uh spotties nieces and nephews yeah it's interesting I honestly never knew that one KS white ones how neat is this Sports Complex eh very neat it looks like some event because people are arriving yes check how green the Rugby field is yes it's too hard for Sports in my book thank you very much yep right next door's the swimming pool yeah that's nice yeah so once you played a game of rugby or something you can charge and jump into the pool to cool down now I thought this was so so South African we got a cook sister monument in orania I think it's fantastic look at this [Applause] so coincidental that there's this cook sister Monument yeah in Oria and look what I'm going to be eating now we bought these in Forest Smith you've always loved them love them check the ornaments over there oh the little tractor no and steam engine yes how cute pump how cute is that you know the streets with the trees eh yep driving behind a golf cart cute complex yeah it's amazing everybody waves here super friendly people yeah every single car that comes past you waves and the young children next to the road wave too oh they are okay there's a little doggy Okay you were worried they weren't allowed to have pets well I I haven't seen one animal until um this looks like a newly established suburb yes all yeah very nice look got neat this container house yeah another a container house it's made sides are made with um roof sheeting very neat yeah oh this is definitely a new development here new properties being bought still that's fantastic oh what is that this has got something to do with it look wind sock looks like an airport of some sort Airfield not an airport an Airfield um you think it does look like an air traffic control tower too say dier on there which is probably apartment building yeah I have no idea this looks like a hospital yes that is a hospital okay this is pretty love the trees yeah oh wow what could that be oh wow that's incredible stairs stairs leading up to the top there oh look how pretty this is eh yeah that is cool so well done very well done very is so pretty and there's some if you look at it it looks like a tree on the stairs from the bottom lockers and it's written there orania you can see orania written on the stairs it's split up on the stairs like that oh yeah towards the bottom yeah and then there's a tree they've done it like that on the face of the each step that you look at it you can see a whole picture I see it starts with a ro Roots here at the bottom then orania then the tree and then the leaves exactly that is fantastic that is so well done love that look at these pretty little houses yeah I see this is the older section of orania that's for sure and yes the newer part of Oria now starting and going up the hill I'm amazed at how R is expanding you love it when any Town expands that's crazy Nursery it's cute on the outside eh very it's this little truck that's um license plate is irania we're going to stock up on some cold stuff please yes we have to orania is growing I am very happy that I finally got to see urania yeah really [Music]
Channel: DustBugs Travel
Views: 448,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DustBugs, travel, adventure, explore, dustbugs travel, dustbugs explore, dustbugs adventure, droney, drone, orania, beautiful, small, town, banks, orange, river, lückhoff, heading, found, gravel road, amazing, scenes, wildlife, reached, bridge, crossed, mighty orange river, witness, awe-inspiring, view, spectacular, sight, farmers, local, virtually, machine, well-oiled, streets, residents, waved, monument, swimming pool
Id: ZHkYkggzPRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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