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when i see mark i just see mobile i see mopar in the true expression of passion commitment to the brand enthusiasm for every project oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to this time on graveyard cars this is what makes a an e-body steering column kind of unique is this little adapter piece on here dave makes a final push to get buck's 383 challenger rt finished before tackling the newly revealed 392 hemi cuda full time ron from magnum force surprises mark with a plethora of suspension options to enhance the firepower cuda i got everything laid out so you can make some decisions here on which part you want to go with but now he has to decide between original equipment and aftermarket parts alyssa gets hands-on experience with buck's challenger decals how those are the toughest ones because the way they're cut i think that looks really good and mark shows off his moves for will with a new magic hat but when the sponsor of operation firepower decides to visit gyc the ghouls race against the clock to get the 392 crate hemi mocked into the car it's almost on that it's going to hit will they get it installed before he arrives find out on this episode of graveyard cars [Music] and together we bring dead muscle cars back to life to exactly the way they were on the day they were born in case you got stuck filing tps reports here's what you missed mark first unveiled operation firepower to the ghouls as his own unremarkable 71 318 cuda when a mystery client requested mark for a super secretive project the ghouls were shocked to learn that not only did they need to drop everything they're working on to restore this car but that it needed to be showroom ready in only four months making it one of the fastest builds in graveyard cars history returning from the dipper the ghouls banded together and finished the kuda's bodywork in record time mark revealed the true purpose of operation firepower to build a 1971 cuda featuring a brand new plug-and-play 392 hemi crate engine 60 days when i say there is no tomorrow there is no tomorrow at all we got it the first time that actually makes sense and the build will be revealed at sema in las vegas now with the sponsor curious to see it installed before sema the ghouls need to make sure the crate hemi will fit before his arrival and to do that they need some help from their favorite suspension gurus magnum force racing well they didn't hold joe nerd himself hey hey wow look at that how's it going what's been here buddy we just got here a little while ago ron showed up today from magnum force he brought one of his texts with him jeff and they brought all the pieces that they knew they needed to be able to do this amazing conversion that we're getting ready to do yeah we've got we've got multiple suspensions for you to pick from disc brakes and oiling system components we've got everything headers whatever you need so you saved the day i'm ron jenkins from magnum force racing and i came here today to bring a quite a selection of different components for mark to pick from for this build that they're doing yeah because the time it took if we would have been able to figure it out yeah where are we right where are we right first thing i thought of was you awesome when i got that call i could hear the panic in his voice and that's understandable it is really understandable actually because we've only recently been going through some of these builds ourselves and understanding some of the idiosyncrasies that you run into along the way oh this is fantastic we're colliding 1971 and 2016 together so yeah you know the past harmonizes as stephen king would say all right and in this particular case i hope it harmonizes on our behalf you know i'm going to tell you the truth i don't even know where to begin we're starting i got the engine from welfare there that's a great place to start we got an engine we've we've uh as you know there's a transmission on the way yeah yeah which is going to play really really good with this whole thing so for the shifter in the stock position which will be really good what makes this new technology so good it's reliability it's performance all that so we've got a number of options for them suspension wise to get some modern suspension technology underneath the car that's going to make the car handle and drive a lot nicer this is the only way you learn is trial and error i don't i have the errors handled i don't have the time for the trial at all we all have the errors under our belts so this is fantastic so all this all this some house got to get in that car and run yeah yeah and and it will it will by the time we're done no kidding it's going to run nice yeah i'm not too proud to say that i i'm concerned and was a lot more concerned before my conversation with him and as much as i gave my word to chrysler two mopar that's it right that's the holy grail i mean that's the 50-foot you know shark that's that's the big one that's the big enchilada so you know i could use a lot of metaphors to describe it but it's big it's huge it's huge jerry huge remember seinfeld banya oh he said gold it's gold jerry gold while magnum force lays out their new gear dave gets to work on the steering column for the firepower cuda what we're working on here is our steering column for our 1971 cuda our firepower car kind of gathered up i had half of a of a steering column and so i tried to gather up as many 71 parts as i could to build a column so i got everything detailed got everything painted i got new turn signal switch the thing that makes a 71 unique from a 1970 or 71 and up is this little deal right here you got to kind of turn that there to actually release the the lock to pull your key out of the column the other ones you just turn it you know all the way back and pull the key out but in 71 they went to this locking steering wheel uh what's unique actually about this steering column in particular is on the end of the shaft you normally would have a style of a coupler which i got like right here so this is the normal coupler you would have which would be in conjunction with this piece right here and there's a boot and then your steering shaft so this would be on the end of your steering shaft that would hook to your standard oe you know steering box but in this case you could see we got this really cool u-joint uh the difference is we got a rack and pinion system on this we got a magnum 4 suspension we're going to use an actual oe original steering column but on the end of the steering column i incorporated this hue joint which will go to the rack and pinion steering and then from there i got to actually run this style of shaft which is a double d shaft and the double d means it's a d shaped on both sides so this will actually fit into this end and then this will actually hook into our rack and pinion steering so this will obviously be cut down to whatever length i need i always start with the shaft i'll run the shaft through and get all the pieces on here first and uh i'll start building out the front pieces this is your very end this is what makes a an e-body steering column kind of unique is this little adapter piece on here this piece will go on the end of it then the steering wheel actually just bolts onto that now that ron's had time to organize his buffet of parts it's time for mark to choose how the new crate hemi will be mounted in the 71 kuda hey what'd you do uh yeah there was a cuda explosion and uh yeah that's what we get remember that from tommy boy after you ripped the door what'd you do last time i was out here this was all up there holy well i got everything laid out so you can make some decisions here on which parts you want to go with and stuff i i have a tendency to gravitate towards which direction i think you're going to go but we can talk about some of the idiosyncrasies of the individual components okay i'm actually blown away that ron had the fortitude to bring so much stuff with him and give me the options i didn't i would just be grateful if he was here to help big brother but i mean he brought everything you know i brought you options i know what kind of cars you like to build and that sort of thing and any direction you want to that's one of the cool things about the modular suspension is that it's designed to utilize our drop spindles which use mopar brakes which means your stock mopar 73 brakes yeah yeah exactly let's say i'm going to 15 inch wheels well i don't you don't have you know room to put 14 inch six piston stuff on there so you have to do what you have to do sure in that case you've got the spindles to take the stock brakes to take the 73 and up rotor with the bigger bearings exactly and that'll accommodate my 15 7 rally wheel so my goal on this of course is that outside to look really stock as stock as we can make it look right even though we got all this craziness under the hood uh knowing that they've already been down every one of these roads in the last just ironically a couple of months really makes me feel comfortable that we're not going to have any trouble too much trouble getting this car done by the deadline so the next task i reckon i got to do is go through here and pick yeah yeah you got some choices to make it may take us a while to figure out what the combination is but i'm fairly confident that because ron brought so much stuff up with him and we had a few things before we're going to find the combination that puts this engine and transmission in this 71 cuda i could use any of this all of it or none of it right what is that i see the tubular version and then i see the one that we put in the little 70 coupe is that right right yeah and that's called what that's called a transformer it's our modular suspension it's the one that allows guys to be able to build this uh incrementally if they want to uh but its advantages over the other one yeah strong as oh it looks strong strong strong strong okay um it's solid what quarter inch steel extremely beefy it's uh it's a combination of 3 16 8 inch uh those lower control arms are built much like you'd see in an off-road truck or something you're not gonna hurt those things so uh very very burly okay so it also would inherently weigh a little bit it would weigh a little bit more right for guys that are going drag racing and aren't going to see quite as much street abuse or something to that effect so you can go with one of the tubular suspensions too okay i'm going to lighten things up that will lighten the suspension up between 100 and 150 pounds believe it or not so you can imagine from a drag race standpoint that's pubic that puppy's ideal yeah your passion for stock breaks for example this puppy uses our stock mopar drop spindle when i say stock it's a drop spindle for a mopar but it's based on stock components so you could put 73 and up brakes on there if you wanted to so you want a single piston floating caliper staring you in the face outside the wheel that would be the way to do it sounds weird but that is kind of what i want so would this be the knuckle that i'd go with that would be the one that goes with that suspension as a matter of fact so mark's chosen the modular suspension our transformer as we call it and that's definitely a good choice for this build for what the intended use of the car is i think that's going to be an excellent choice so if i was sticking with a the stockish look i like this i think this is closest to what a k-member would be looking like instead of a tubular so and you're saying this one we can just put those spindles on it put the 73 and up rotor and bearing set up on it the single piston caliper exactly i like that look a little bit more than the tubular look although i could see for the race guys or the guys that are really getting serious about weight horsepower to weight ratio the tubular one be the way to go no doubt hands down here we go coilovers tubular completely adjustable upper control arms we go with the modular rack which is called the again i'm sorry this is a transformer transformer okay all right so that rules out a lot of other stuff that's sitting here this i assume is going to adapt me will that adapt me from the mopar steering column it sure will okay this end is three quarters of an inch so that's going to go over the stock column so you can just trim your column based on where you want this to fit this is going to go right on beautiful the rack and pin use a stock oem that's beautiful we've got quite a few different aspects of this covered now so i think that this is going to be as close to painless and install as one could hope for we'll marry the engine the transmission together we'll get the mounts on it we'll get it mounted onto our transformer suspension and we'll go get the car over onto a rack and we'll try to marry them together and see what kind of interference we have is that it sounds like a great plan of attack i love it i love it all right i'm doing this because i don't want to do any lifting you guys enjoy yourself where mark goes yeah give me give me something guys i think his mom was guys marco i think his mom was calling him again oh that's who it is [Laughter] okay uh well we got a pretty good part of our steering column put together here but i'll kind of show you a little bit of how it works here so here's your actual steering wheel lock and there's like a little star piece this dude right here that'll go on there after and it'll kind of fit in there and this is what it locks in to lock your steering wheel so whenever your key goes on you can watch that thing pop up and it pops up out of the way so this will turn free or else your steering wheel won't turn whenever you're driving so that's like your ignition on position so everything's out of the way now whenever you turn your key off to shut it off you can see this doesn't come down so it kind of is in a lock position you got to depress this button down once that goes down then that'll turn all the way and you can take your key out everything seems to be working good and i kind of cycle everything make sure everything's working i got everything greased in there i'll shoot a little bit of lithium grease in here and stuff to keep that kind of lubricated and keep it working properly and then i'll just keep building my piece out so the next piece will go in will hold my my bearing and everything which will center the shaft and then i'll be able to get this piece on there to lock the the column and build out the front part of it so we're almost done [Music] yeah i got the turn signal switch in there all i got gotta find is a turn signal actual knob and uh lack of one of those hey boss check this baby out it's our firepower column that looks really nice so you got the organostall and then a little bit different shade here you got the glossy base down here you got our detroit joint on the end of the shaft that's a good job yeah i'm way ahead on the sema car it's still in paint uh which is great so uh being a head's always a good thing so if i can get all my parts detailed out all laid out ready to go as soon as the car comes in here i could just bang away at it and just knock it out really fast what's with he actually close to painting on that cuda yeah he's really close so we're getting getting down to the wire now so i'm just got got everything set up i mean all our pedal assembly brake booster everything's lined out ready to go in the car wow i'm gonna go torture him because he likes to he likes to go home at like he starts at eight in the morning and goes home at 8 15. yeah yeah so that's a short day for anybody i want to make sure that he gets it done me 12 hours a day dave nine hours a day will 15 minutes yep so so have you seen this magic hat lately no but i brought in a spare pretty snazzy that's nice you want it yeah i'll go for it all right hey don't know what cool yeah get a magic hat i got to get the magic hat yeah so everybody said we'll see if we want to split the match yeah see if he wants to put it on willie i got the magic hat that's with this hat no dumb i see your hat can we not put it in the oh yeah well what you painted eight seconds ago yes you halfwit i just said don't throw now it ain't his magic [Music] why wouldn't you do that okay so getting ready to put the door in the booth get some paintwork done mark's probably heading back up front can you use that you don't think so stupid who has sex with a fire extinguisher you know everything's coming along really good you know all our classic auto air stuff i was finally able to actually install it in the car so i got our beautiful heater box in there dash has been installed uh rear seat all the carpeting you know so it's it's really coming along very quickly now uh all i got to do is you know kind of a few parts trickling in here and there and just a few more pieces to put in the interior and then a few more things to do in the engine compartment we'll be ready to start this car up head down the road with headway made on buck's challenger dave steps into the engine room to help get the 392 ready for installation so i just got back out into the shop the guys have been working on the engine all morning long uh just a quick update they've had to take the flywheel off to put the second part of the scatter shield on this is the big steel plate that protects the back of the block should something come unglued the rest of it is the actual bell housing is part of the scatter shield as well now you see that they've got the oil pan off this is kind of cool thing because we're using the magnum force transformer suspension we got to use a rear sump type pan which dierte brought with him it's a gold milodon but to put it on this was designed to go in a challenger which is a front sump what that means is this is the pickup tube that came with the engine if you were putting it in a challenger and it locates it geometrically at the front of the engine this one changes it if you were to bolt it in the same location it moves it to the back of the engine the gold one that means it takes a different oil pan this is all jeff's idea jeff had us fumbling around for a while here trying to trying to find our way to figure out what let's weld a tab onto the onto the uh the windage tray so we were getting ready to just reinvent the wheel and old cool breeze the old bull up on the top remember there's the two bolt there's the young bull that wants to come down and nail all the chicks and then there's the old bull sitting up on the top that says nah let's just go down there and take our time and do one at a time i don't know what the metaphor is anyway he knew what the answer was he just wanted to make us figure it out on her own [Music] i'm taking every second i have right now to get as much done on buck 71 challenger as i possibly can before i get stuck with this fire power cuda so i'm going to try to knock out the rear bumper as well as the rear valance and get the whole back end of the car done you putting the back together hey what's up will well another day check it out bud now that was sad yeah yeah nice job on the blackout man nice job installing it yeah yeah it looks sick whenever you get all the the back panel on there and the taillights these are just all the different masking and i like this i'm starting to like the 71 tail end a lot better than the 70. i thought the 70 was pretty cool looks good yeah there you go yeah this looks really mean though that's cool it does you already put the bumper on yeah yeah i hate while you hear me anyone give me i'll take over since alyssa's not here so yeah this is her yeah help out a whole bunch i got everything just kind of loose i just need help kind of putting it on there it's really cool we got a great team here at gyc and it's it's great that we all work together and so it just it shows in our work i like how you favor yourself yeah i was gonna say there you go i just wanted to kind of hold it in place there so all things you want a paint shop we're keeping caught up defined caught up well according to mark uh every car out in the out in the parking lot primer and ready for paint yeah did your thread all the way up yeah of course it did yeah the the bolt will start to spin as long as you can get them started it started but i don't yeah i don't want it to swing down and hit the quarter it should and it should sit about like that yeah that's not bad i'm gonna put my finger there cool that'll work there so that never swings down and hits no no it should have enough gap in there right oh yeah yeah we're good i'll tighten it up a little bit and then i leave all these loose so i can side shift it okay uh what's left in the backs like i was saying uh rear gravel pan uh exhaust tips and then i'll just start kind of working from the back of the car to the front so this car is about done then isn't it yeah yeah drop the radiator in there we should be able to fire this thing up and hit the road i've never been in a muscle car that has ac really yeah it works yeah yes i should say yep not the back bumpers on there i just got to do some final adjustment on it get it sitting there perfect get the rear gravel pan on exhaust tips buttoner up back into the car is done sounds good buddy yeah hey thanks for your help man you're welcome let me know if you need any more all right buddy i just finished putting in all the tail lights the rear tail panel on the car put it putting on the back bumper the rear valance the unique you know chrome tips that the challengers had on them you know back in 1970 [Music] oh willard you can just go with will if you'd like hey will yeah you got a package in the mail for you from who um looks like a fan or something it says to my favorite knee shaker will scott dude there might be documents or something in there yeah maybe it's a magazine no it's a hat for you oh is it yeah oh there's a note you want the note you want to read that yes it's a do-rag it's like a nurse's hat for the doctor yeah who likes the knicks what's up what up homie that's why new york philadelphia in the house that's why i don't put that hat on yeah i'm giving you this in hopes you will wear it you can be disappointed that's okay i make it look good might even bring them luck you're an awesome painter and would love to have you paint my ride i have an 82 cutlass yeah gutless supreme it would look super sweet plum crazy right anyway continue doing what you do and don't let mark bring you down he's whack thanks clyde all right well clyde um i don't paint 1982 cutlasses i've had a couple of cutlasses they're great yeah i'm sure you do yeah and i don't like the knicks so thank you for uh the nice letter and the nice hat but if we're going sports and basketball we gotta gotta stick with miami so are you gonna wear this at all for your fan since you know he no i told him thank you no i said i know you said thank you but i mean you could at least go that little bit further for the you know you've been told that a few times haven't you a little bit further but don't bump i asked america to send me hats uh obviously with what i'm wearing that's not quite what i received but uh this is what i received so far you got a lot of hair oh look there's a lot of hair got gloves scalpel so thanks clyde um appreciate it i hope it wasn't used or i just thought about that yeah hey you know what you could do is sign it and send it back to clyde there you go so i will personally sign this and i'll get it right back in the middle to new york city so thank you i'm gonna do bondo in this thing heck yeah you like the knicks uh i like sports oh you're one of those guys i'm a basketball fan you know okay just in normal hats hats that got some cool on them you know something cool so i guess that you know what i wasn't specific when i asked for this so send me your hats just make sure they're cool hats so thank you clyde for the hat but i do need to get back to work and this hat's not going to quite make the list dave is doing a phenomenal job on the challenger coming along nicely excited to see that one go back to the owner i've got a few minutes down time over in the machine shop so i'm going to round up alyssa have her give me a hand doing it so she knows how they go on right versus how you can easily do it wrong but i think it'll help dave out at the same time alyssa and i are just doing the final graphics on our 71 challenger rt it's our gringo 383 formal roof it's the rt decal all right so we're going to install this on it i have the original engineering plans handful of guys in the world have these this is a copy of the original engineering plans that show exactly where it's at it's got the center line of the hood here and then it's showing that it's 40 inches from the leading edge b to the beginning of the top of the decal after we do that we do have the scallops these are blackouts that go on the scallops of the quarter panels oh those are cool put those on so the first thing we want to do is we want to take our tack cloth we know that's going to be somewhere in the middle of this hood here this is going to look cool this car has a lot of decals yeah doesn't it 71 they really started to get 70 and 71 they started getting pretty loaded up with that stuff so we're going to use the application gel are we going to use we'll use the app gel when it's time we want to lay out a measurement okay so i'm going to grab a piece of tape the quarter is going to be our mark for the center line 26 and a quarter so i'm gonna put that at the center right there okay so right here it's the sweet spot right top of the letters go right here and then the center line of the decal goes right there okay okay this i'm going to want to slop this around sloppy joe so how come you're deciding to use the application gel instead of your little because this is a really small decal okay the odds of getting air bubbles in this you'd have to be pretty to do something like that well pretty indeed then we got to eyeball the center line then we're going to take a tape measure we're going to measure from this edge to the beginning of the writing here which is exactly 20. right there is 15 16 19 and 15 16. this one is 19 and 15 16. so that's dead center up a little bit though right let me set it gaga gugu now what is that you're trying to trick your eyes you're trying to trick my eyes i'm trying to trick my eyes into seeing straight isn't that why you have glasses on those are the toughest ones because the way they're cut i think that looks really good i would almost say the same thing i think that's it i like it [Music] once we have that laid down we can pull up our edges of the backing paper and you still want to move kind of slow but that's what's nice about that gel that they provide is for these smaller decals especially it's awesome yeah because look at that if that was my own solution i would have had to wait a couple hours to be able to pull it off of there yeah looks good yep i like it yeah this is a cool car all right so now we got to put on our scallops it was a one year only it was 1971 all right that it was the first in the last year for the scallops uh not positive but i believe it's j46 i'll do the back one here first so i need my application gel and i'll leave my squeegee all right oh it scares me [Music] [Applause] so so i'm just going to let that evaporate for a while right now it looks like they're right on the ridge where they belong yep right right up against the car right yep yep right up against the car and i am going to let you try one on the other side okay so got the back one because the front one gave you a little bit of problem so yeah do the back one wipe it down with a tack cloth make sure there's nothing in there that's good don't press too hard okay because the honey on this will go off on that this has honey on it oh okay you don't want to press too hard okay and now you don't want to get these wet remember yes destroys them do you have any extras put these away somewhere safe while you're playing with that stuff is this the one for the back yep where's the other one it's on the table okay do you probably need more than that load that mother bearer up okay you don't have another set of these if i mess up do you no i don't oh god nobody just for the record has ever messed up these up not even once you've never ever they're the easiest ones in the world to do maybe that's easy for me to say since i can't even get the backing paper back yeah so i'm gonna can you even see it though i can see it let me do it go ahead yeah go ahead nubs first of all it's right here look at this okay i know i did that on purpose what all right go ahead and put it on there this is the right direction right yep fit it top to bottom that's probably pretty good but the bottom needs to go in a little bit more towards the body what you can do is you can center this you can get this part here locked down so it won't move okay okay so squeegee that center section out so now once you do that you know it can't move in here now you just work your ends okay well don't be afraid of it well you scare me i'm afraid of you okay i'm a bad guy okay so i think the top looks good so see how it's trying to pull it away down there you want to push it in while you [Music] squeegee so we got the challenger done her site turned out really nice good job brt is on the hood as well looking gorgeous they're getting ready to put the transmission on so that means all the other things the oil pan the scatter shield which is the bell housing all that stuff is in place and that's what you see now is they've got the the transformer which is the one we chose to go with versus the tubular one is down there into position we've got the transmission ready to slide into the clutch and bolt up to the bell housing once those two things are married together we'll be able to take this over and let the cuda down on it and see how we're getting for a fit hopefully it's a good fit and we don't have to do a bunch of cutting [Music] that was the rubber band down here i don't know all right that's way too easy everybody stop do it again yeah hey guys i know it's cool hey what's up how you doing good hi my name is alyssa jeff nice to meet you good to meet you that's ron hi nice to meet you good to see you too it's been a good morning it's been a very good morning yeah yeah a couple little struggles along the way we're lacking a few tools but uh it's all part of the learning process and this is definitely gonna help us to help other people to be able to do this process sooner because we'll be able to tell them in advance exactly what they can anticipate yeah this is what you got to do you guys are kind of pioneering the way huh a little bit looks good we got the transmission bolted on there right now so looks like they're trying to unite the the transformer down there the cross member with the engine and get that done we'll be able to move it over to the other side and see how it fits in the car yeah we're gonna make it fit it's uh being that those lower control arms are a lot wider it kind of obstructs the the back position here if you see on the the k-member these are your two bolt holes on the k-member our dolly is set up and where those pins right there are supposed to go in the back one but it obviously won't because the control arm's in the way a standard chrysler control arm is set back here that the torsion bar goes into this doesn't use torsion bars it's got this big lower control arm so it's obstructing that so we're going to try to just put the front holes on the pins and then the transmission will hang out a little bit but it should be just fine so we're just buttoning up the last motor mount and that stayed that big old bad boy bad boy what you gonna do i gotta do when i come for you that's awesome so yeah after the guys get it loaded up on the engine stand we're gonna take it over to the assembly shop and get it put in the car all right let's insert this bad bad ready all right well it's not not too bad backing only to be kicked over a little bit i think yeah easier said than done nice and gentile more uh right there right there i'm thinking okay go ahead and go down mike yeah because we're going to hit that wiring harness there whip it and whip it good um that's nice not having a fan or nothing well this one certainly leaves us a lot more room than the other hemi we put in yeah yeah that thing was a tight fit yeah it looks pretty good on the firewall not looking bad okay right now we're centered up on the center bar from the standpoint of clearing the engine compartment beautiful phenomenal yeah this header looks like it might hit the frame rail you've got about an inch on it okay yeah we're still looking pretty good i think you're looking good on the k members because once it gets up past that too we can move this around hey jeff that's pretty close now yeah you know what still didn't get cut out huh these uh these reinforcing brackets right here didn't get taken out which one is these here yeah these we can do that after that has oh we always have to take those out just for the k member huh yeah it's gonna sit against that yeah we just want to leave it where everything right [Music] yeah all right we have to take a little bit of a break there and remove the factory gussets here that once held the uh was that the bump stuff that's right it was the bump stop reinforcing for the bottom reinforcement for the bump stops we had to take those out uh so now we have a nice flush mounting area here for our uh magnum force transformer to go right up against so now this area will fit flush with the frame rail area that's just one of the mods we had to do it before too on the 70 cuda we just all kind of got so excited about putting the engine we forgot anyway 10 minutes later here we go of love [Music] yep good job got it hey keep coming and we're looking good so far on the back of the transmission how you doing on your k members still got it really great it's almost on this it's going to hit on this hose now that's right there that's it as far as you can go for the moment okay hang on there google dude bolts started in those two rear them wheels on that back window right to your right mic things are looking pretty good actually it came right down on top of the k-member bolts right off the bat it was almost like we planned it mike can you pull down on this front frame rail something's hitting yeah the bell housing of the train he's hitting the pinch weld around the board around the transmission the bell housing tunnel so we got the k-member bolts or the transformer bolts in this case up into place uh royal showed up of course he did and all that all the hard work's done he's underneath there right now they're putting the transmission crossmember bolts in it so everything's kind of supported on its own then we can raise it up look at our clearances see what kind of provisions we may have to make and maybe at that point do the final cut and fit weld in our tunnel with the engine successfully installed mark anticipates the arrival of the man responsible for this project the president of a very special company uh right now i am awaiting the arrival of pietro gorlier he is the ceo of mopar he's coming out to check out the car check out the shop check out the build make sure that things are going the way they should be going and we're pretty we're pretty excited around here you know so yeah it's that or no car so okay well so here's where we're at we've got our 392 hemi installed i'm pierre gorlier i'm the president of mopa you met ron earlier from magnum uh he was gracious enough to come up and help us with his suspension now we could have adapted that on to the stock mopar k-member but beans are short time period here to be able to get this car looking the way it needs to for for sema he had already invented the wheel so i didn't want to reinvent it very graciously and installed his really cool rack and pinion system which is actually great anyway so the project is first of all to bring back the ability to drop a mobile engine a heavy engine with a proper controller and harness into into a car for restoration so we decided that only someone that is really specialized in mobile cars can do the first car with this new controller on as an engine this is something you're going to love and this is going to be such an easy promotion so you've got a basic 70 cootie 71 cuda here that's all yeah that's the only penetration in the firewall one clean penetration that is the factory floor hump right there everything you see is 100 percent factory except that to get the tremec 6 speed we had to cut a small section of the transmission crossmember reinforcement that's it and i like the pistol grip you can't argue with that can i ask you a question yes you have a big shop you're an expert yes what about if i am really just a guy that wants to do this in his own garage with i mean a dad and son the claim to fame here isn't the first time we built a 392 you've been offering that for a while it's the ability to put it in anything that you want to with the least amount of headache when it comes to the wiring and making it run that's exactly the idea when you talk about mopar you need to find really the passion for the brand and only in this place you find people that have dedicated their life and they work two more parts and so perfect match with the controller and the wiring that you've made available for this it just sparks the imagination now as to where are your limits they're they're literally what you want to put it in now where before is i would i was terrified at the idea of trying to put a late model hemi in any of my cars because of the wiring that was the only reason yeah it's done problem solving it's done and done problem solving i'm excited because it will be finally the moment where we will see this engine this controller this harness to work in a car and bringing it back to life so i can't wait but thank you because mobile it is what it is thanks to people like you that are keeping mobile alive and keeping the heritage of mobile fresh yeah thank you you're very welcome thank you my friend all right okay party time in case you got distracted googling tps reports here's why the ghouls didn't sleep this week alyssa successfully applied the final decals on box 383 challenger rt while dave completed the interior steering column and rear end on what mark would call a gorgeous green go panty dropper mark and ron went over the options for the firepower cuda's new suspension ultimately deciding on an old school look with new school tech will received mail from a fan and a new magic hat will this be the start of a new trend and the ghouls came together to get the sema cuda's engine installed for fit just in time for its sponsor to visit the shop and see its progress with a new crate hemi now with only 40 days left before the kuda is revealed at sema the only question is will mark's ego be too inflated to finish the build in time only time will tell he was saying just that you think thanks okay you may be the ceo of mopar okay but but i invented that line now i don't have it written down and i've been saved that line for seven years all right he gets it you win thanks brother
Channel: Graveyard Carz
Views: 42,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graveyard Carz, TV Show, Mopar, Chrysler, Dodge, Discovery Channel, MotorTrend, Restoration, Muscle Car, American, The Office, Christine, Mark Worman, Allysa Rose, Will Scott
Id: 4OI1kPENm8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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