S-CINETONE vs S-LOG3, 소니 A7S3 새로운 색감은 과연 얼마나 좋을까? I 소니 영상용 컬러 추천

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This video was made from the support of SONY -SONY A7S3 has new color S-CINETONE / What's different? -Let's take some time to compare -with S-LOG3 -and the color profile called S-CINETONE -and see if CINETONE is a really pretty color -without any color correction -Let's compare this in detail -First, for S-LOG3 -there's a precondition to do color grading -there's a precondition to do color grading S-LOG3 is filmed on the premise of color gradation -and that is SONY color profile that we film S-LOG3 is filmed on the premise of color gradation -Highly dynamic range S-LOG3 is filmed on the premise of color gradation -At the same time, it has the advantage of S-LOG3 is filmed on the premise of color gradation -being able to express the colors freely S-LOG3 is filmed on the premise of color gradation -being able to express the colors freely -being able to express the colors freely But it takes a long time to edit -and it consumes a lot of time But it takes a long time to edit -so it can be a bit of a burden for those who don't know of -so it can be a bit of a burden for those who don't know of -color correction -or don't have time -Also, the noise is quite hard -so if you don't delete the noise -so if you don't delete the noise S-LOG3 also causes a lot of noise -it can be toxic S-LOG3 also causes a lot of noise -But, for this SONY S-CINETONE -But, for this SONY S-CINETONE -But, for this SONY S-CINETONE SONY VENICE Cinema line camera introduced the color -there's a VENICE camera SONY VENICE Cinema line camera introduced the color -which is SONY's cinema camera line SONY VENICE Cinema line camera introduced the color -It's a color derived from the color profile SONY VENICE Cinema line camera introduced the color -It's a color derived from the color profile Source: SONY CINETONE REPORT -used in VENICE that embodies the cinematic color that we can see -used in VENICE that embodies the cinematic color that we can see -or feel -in dramas and movies -in dramas and movies Literally, it's a color that's like a movie vibe -and it's a color that we really paid a lot of attention to the skin tone Literally, it's a color that's like a movie vibe -so that we can quickly -do color gradation -Another feature is that it has -stronger contrast and color in a dark area Source: SONY CINETONE REPORT -And at the highlight section -the contrast is rather low and soft -Then we'll have time to see -if it's really the color of CINETONE Can we just use S-CINETONE, not S-LOG3? -that we don't need to do Can we just use S-CINETONE, not S-LOG3? -S-LOG3 -For this video Deep review -I used CINETONE and S-LOG alternately Deep review -while filming at two cafes in Jeju Island -And the setting values and everything else is the same -and we're showing you -how we changed the color -First, in the case of S-LOG3 -when you take a completely flat image -when you take a completely flat image The original S-LOG3 contains all areas in a flat color -and correct the color this way The original S-LOG3 contains all areas in a flat color -you can create the color you want -you can create the color you want -by bringing out all the dark and bright area -In the case of S-CINETONE, you can't bring -In the case of S-CINETONE, you can't bring S-CINETONE can't be as dynamic as S-LOG3 -a dynamic range like S-LOG3 S-CINETONE can't be as dynamic as S-LOG3 -but you can think of it as a color profile -where you can make a good color even if you don't do -But, the original or color correction alone creates a pretty vibe -color gradation or do it roughly -color gradation or do it roughly -Also, in the case of S-LOG3 ISO Comparison -the minimum ISO level is 640 -so you can say that ND filters are -almost essential when shooting outdoors Due to the high minimum ISO value of S-LOG3, ND filters are essential -Of course, it was possible with this SONY A7S3 -Of course, it was possible with this SONY A7S3 -to bring down ISO digitally -but it's literally just that you lowered the brightness digitally -so noise -is still severe -So, for S-LOG3 you need to prepare a lot of things -On the other hand, S-CINETONE -has a minimum ISO of 100 -so you can take pictures comfortably -compared to -S-LOG3 Skintone -Let's talk in detail about the skin tone -Let's talk in detail about the skin tone Unlike in real life, the skin tone of S-LOG3 is expressed as matte -This video is the original of S-LOG3 Unlike in real life, the skin tone of S-LOG3 is expressed as matte -and if you add a color grading like this -and if you add a color grading like this Personally, I don't recommend S-LOG3 in case of the skin tone -so you can express the colors like this Personally, I don't recommend S-LOG3 in case of the skin tone -Now, you're looking at the original S-CINETONE -Now, you're looking at the original S-CINETONE S-CINETONE definitely expresses the skin texture in a rich way -You can see that I did the color grading here S-CINETONE definitely expresses the skin texture in a rich way -How does it look? -I heard that especially this CINETONE color When it comes to the skin tone, the color looks reliable and usable -took much care of the skin tone When it comes to the skin tone, the color looks reliable and usable -Let's focus again and watch the comparison video -Let's focus again and watch the comparison video -This time, I took a film Sky shooting -This time, I took a film -of the sky, which has especially strong highlight -of the sky, which has especially strong highlight When it comes to dynamic range, there's no color like S-LOG -In S-LOG3, which has a strong dynamic range When it comes to dynamic range, there's no color like S-LOG -you can see that it catches all the details of clouds When it comes to dynamic range, there's no color like S-LOG -you can see that it catches all the details of clouds -while in S-CINETONE -while in S-CINETONE But this S-CINETONE is much better than other profiles -you can see a lot of clouds flying But this S-CINETONE is much better than other profiles -at the same setting range But this S-CINETONE is much better than other profiles -at the same setting range -Let's compare the pictures this time Picture comparison -Of course, it's rare for people -who take pictures with S-LOG3 -but for those who don't know these parts -even if it's the same RAW file -even if it's the same RAW file Even if it's a RAW file, the influence of the color profile still remains -you can see that the color profile of the camera Even if it's a RAW file, the influence of the color profile still remains -is quite affected by the picture Even if it's a RAW file, the influence of the color profile still remains -is quite affected by the picture -If you see this folder -9813 picture was taken with CINETONE -and 9814 picture is an original S-LOG -you can check this -Though this has the same exposal setting range -If you see Light room histogram -you can see the totally changed pictures -That means the picture was taken with S-LOG -is very dark -is very dark When setting up the S-LOG profile, the exposure value of the picture is significantly low -But, the photos taken with CINETONE When setting up the S-LOG profile, the exposure value of the picture is significantly low -show the exact exposure that brings back the exposure range -show the exact exposure that brings back the exposure range -I checked -If there are people who set the color profile -as S-LOG -and take pictures -this is why I recommend -avoiding those set values -as much as possible -Another thing I can show you are -the picture 9869 and 9870 -This also -was taken with each colors -Let me show you -Even though they're photos of the same place -and the same exposure value, it shows a huge difference in brightness -CINETONE recovers the appropriate exposure value -just by exposure +1 -while S-LOG photos have to be raised to +3 -that is the difference between -the two photos in a huge range of exposure value 2 -So let's wrap up the video -S-LOG3 seems to be the answer -when filming a video, when you say you're a master of video editing If you're a color grading expert and have a lot of time, choose S-LOG -and you're in a position to If you're a color grading expert and have a lot of time, choose S-LOG -spend a lot of time -spend a lot of time -But if there are people who don't want to -pay much attention to editing while saving time -pay much attention to editing while saving time But, if you're satisfied with the color of the camera and want to work quickly, choose S-CINETONE -you can say that it's clear But, if you're satisfied with the color of the camera and want to work quickly, choose S-CINETONE -to go with CINETONE -Also, CINETONE's color profile -Also, CINETONE's color profile Also, the color of S-CINETONE is very accurate and suitable for photos -shows a very accurate exposure Also, the color of S-CINETONE is very accurate and suitable for photos -with the color of the photo shoot Also, the color of S-CINETONE is very accurate and suitable for photos -with the color of the photo shoot -so it's a good choice for photographers -to use CINETONE color profile -I spent some time to -compare this famous color, S-LOG3 -with SONY's new color -Hopefully this video is helpful -and I'll see you at the nex video -with another fun contents -Thank you This video was made with the support from SONY
Channel: TAE태영작가
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Keywords: 소니 색감, 소니 픽쳐프로파일, sony picture profile, S-Cinetone, S-Log3, 소니 영상 색감, 카메라 색감, sony color, slog3 vs cinetone, 시네톤, 소니 시네톤 색감, 소니 색감 세팅, 소니 색감 설정, 소니 a7s3, sony A7S3, 소니 A7S3 세팅, 소니 A7S3 사진, 소니 A7S3 사용법, 소니 A7S3 픽쳐프로파일, 픽쳐프로파일 영상, 픽쳐프로파일 사진, 픽쳐프로파일 세팅, A7S3, SONY KOREA, SONY, 소니코리아, 소니 영상 세팅, 소니 영상 설정, 소니 영상용 색감, 소니 SLOG3 색보정, 소니 색보정, 소니 컬러
Id: VR7tuseHD4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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