Ryobi Wood/Metal Door Lock Installation Kit review and tutorial

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hey what's going on everyone so today we're going to take a look at the ryobi door knob door lock install kit let's check it out [Music] so we already took a look at the milwaukee install kit and i really liked it i've had the ryobi for quite some time now i'm going to show you just how easy it is to use there are some downfalls to this but it's extremely easy to install your door knob and your latch and so on so we're just going to show you how to do this how it works how you actually hook this thing up and some of the features on it so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to attach this to the door and we are going to try to make a cutout what you're going to get with this actually is this install kit you're going to get a couple bore saws right here so you can see pretty sharp this was used quite a few times and it's um this is a 2 1 8 and then you're going to get the one inch and that is right here so these will come with the kit so the first thing you need to do before you actually install this is determine you know the length of the door hole compared to the latch and you can adjust this from two and three eighths to a two and three fourths or three-quarters whatever you want to call simply by sliding this like this and i always usually go up to two and three-eighths it's just easier uh with a lot of the door knobs you can adjust those the latches you can adjust them inside here and depending how wide you want this or how far apart or how out you want that so what i'm going to do now is i am actually going to install this onto the door so the way you do this is this here actually expands so if your door's a little thicker then this will open up if your door's a little thinner then that's fine but you have two holes here and what you need to do is put the two screws that you'll get with the new door latch in here to actually hold that on so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this on and you can see that this door is a little thinner so right now all i'm going to do is screw these into the two holes to hold that in place all right so now you can see that i i have this installed i have this on here and all i did was i put two screws one here one here and it holds that in place it's actually pretty solid it's it's pretty nice that system works a lot better than you think it would there's other kits out there that have the vice clamp on there that i also like but this works just as well so one screw here one screw there all you got to do is drill out the holes and make sure that you put a pilot bit in first before you try to put those screws in you don't want to split the door and you don't want this to move around on you so just put that on there line it up and then drill the holes once again there you go there's a shot right there all right so some people like to drill the latch hole first i prefer to drill the door hole first and what you're going to do is take the bit that they give you right here and you're just going to insert this right into your drill and be careful these are extremely sharp so what you're going to do is just put this into the hole and you're going to have a pilot bit right here so this is going to help you prevent this from jumping all around so line that up right inside so you get that perfect and then you just start to drill now you can pull that out get some of that sawdust out of there on solid heavy doors you may have to turn this around and go the other way in once you get halfway through but this one right here is a hollow door so i shouldn't have that many problems with it okay let me back the camera up and i will show you what this is starting to look like so you can see what this is starting to look like here inside and we're just going to get a rest of the way through now what's starting to happen is this door is a little thicker than i thought it would alright you can see the pilot hole right here i just turned that door on the other side now all i have to do is put this right in here and go from there there you go it lined up perfectly and you can see now you have a perfect hole for your doorknob so let's do the latch okay an fyi this is what the plug is going to look like when you take it out right so you can just toss that you don't need this anymore and now what i did was i took that other saw bit off and now i still got the pilot drill and i'm just going to take this one inch i'm going to screw that down on like this okay we should be good to go now what we're going to do is we're going to take out the latch hole so let me slide this back here a little bit we're going to line this up hold your door you can see that's starting to chew through there and the reason why it's stopping on me is because sometimes it does this it actually gets all gunked up so we're going to take that out real quick as you can see i cleaned that out and sometimes the best way to do that is just unscrew this and then get a screwdriver and pop those out from the back so let's finish this up yeah much better once again you can see how this gets clogged up like that so i'm done anyway just clean that up just a little bit okay so let's take this off and i'll show you what it looks like all right so to remove this all you're going to do is take those screws out that you put in all you need is a drill for this entire process really all right so now you can see let me remove this camera here now you can see that i have a perfect hole right here for the door knob and a perfect latch hole right here that we can put that latch in through and then hook it up with the actual door knob so you can see it works very well makes perfectly round holes and you have these two holes right here that you drilled in i'll show you how you can do this here so we have another video here on our site this is the ryobi latch strike basically install kit and all you're going to do and i'm not going to show you how to do it now because i already have a video up but basically all you're going to do is take this put it up there and you're going to strike it with a hammer and you want to make sure it's on the hinges or it's laying down something solid so this doesn't move on you but you're just going to strike that and then you can chisel out that that area that you need just by doing this and it's a very cool process so check that out but that's how you put the latch strike plate on as far as it goes with the tool itself the install kit you know it's built okay the only issues i have with this is one this is plastic okay they're all plastic any any brand you find is going to be plastic it doesn't matter if it's dewalt or milwaukee but sometimes these do get chewed down a little bit so you know it's not the best quality there but it works it's fine and the other issue i have here sometimes the screw holes actually get destroyed when you're trying to put the screws in it just i don't know it eats it up inside so that's not real good in the same thing in here it's just everything's plastic all the time you know i just wish they would come out with like a hard polycarbon or something but uh you know other than that it works very well so you know if i were to review this and if i were to give this a uh um by the way this is a strike plate this is your strike plate locator i never use this there's an easier way to do it actually the best way to do is once you get that door knob in in that latch just put some silicone right at the end of that door latch once you've got it on just turn the deadbolt or the lock and it'll open up and it'll strike where that that hole should be then you just take an inch um drill bit or a borehole saw or whatever and it'll open that up for you but anyway long story short it's built pretty well i'm pretty happy with it is it the best out there i would say no it's probably not the best out there but it works so if i review this giving it a one being the worst in five being the best i'm gonna give it a four a solid four just because it does make some really nice holes it cuts out really nice they give you everything you need with this and uh as soon as you get it home you're ready to go and all you need is a drill so you know all in all not too bad um if this video helped you please thumbs up subscribe comment below and check us out at www.toolreviewzone.com we hope this helps
Channel: Tool Review Zone
Views: 580,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryobi tool reviews, ryobi door install kit, Ryobi Wood/Metal Door Lock Installation, Door Lock Installation Kit tutorials, how to install a dool latch, how to install a door knob, how to install a deadbolt, Ryobi Wood/Metal Door Lock Installation Kit review and tutorial, how to use ryobi door install kit, ryobi tools home depot, ryobi, how to install a new door knob instructional video, ryobi door lock kit, ryobi door lock installation kit review, how to use ryobi door kit
Id: JHea2kVESgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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