Ryan Sheckler's Epic Kickflip Down The Costco Gap!

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we did that the one that you kicked flipped the costco gap yeah i believe that was in uh super fast i think that was in the in the super future what are you doing over there that thing's massive dude that thing is that thing is mass exact i i grew up next that thing i didn't realize it was there yeah because it's better to look at that because it's a wall with a fence yeah i don't remember who took me there or why i went there maybe hoops i think hoops might have like sounds like a hoops thing because i was jumping you know like i was jumping and i wasn't like pretty i wasn't opposed to like hucking at that point and i had ollie that thing i was gonna say oakley it was like uh it was oakley our life okay yeah yeah so i only did in that i think i had on like a pink and a and a blue shoe i always remember that and like a vulcan shirt that was like yellow like something crazy like the outfit was gnarly but whatever the trick happened whatever you did yeah and so it was always in the back of my head that like something else could be done down that and by something like for me it was kickflip like but i wasn't like strong enough i didn't i wasn't strong enough okay when after i ollied it so i waited years you know i think i waited i think i was 17 18 maybe okay um so i waited like two or three years and it was funny because it was like i think it i think it was on a saturday morning and i had uh partied the night before i didn't go to bed at a reasonable time at all and i woke up a little bit like a little saucy still sure and was like it was a good idea to go the kickflip had to happen right then and there like now that was it wasn't predetermined but the night before it was like you woke up and you're like today today's the day so i called i called ricky ricky biedenbach and i called atiba and i said can you guys be there in an hour i'm gonna go for it and atiba was kind of like scared he's like are you sure man like it's kind of big yeah just come on just come you know just come when a team is questioning something he's seen a lot of gnarly stuff go down and it was cool cause like somehow like i was i was skating a lot with justin figueroa at the time too with figgy and so figgy came with us and then i had all my all my friends um that probably woke up at the house that morning and we just showed up and my thing was i did have some like like a rule for it i was like because it took me four tries to ollie it okay years before and so this time i was telling my friends i was like if i ollie at first try then i'm gonna go for the kickflip oh wow and uh so i only did first try and it felt really good and i had put on a that was the first time i ever wrote a 825 board wait wait wait first time yeah you put together a board that you've never skated before to kick flip this costco gap that's it was a danny way board too so i had the power you know like um no but i knew i knew because the ollie like i had cracked my board and it was a seven seven five hmm oh you're skating seven seven five before that um i was getting an eight okay previous gotcha um to this like i i kind of switched my board like every i don't know i i kept going up but eight two five was like a big board for me at the time um but this danny way graphic that was like a it was like camo with black beat just said weigh on it and it looked good it it feels like the way my board looks now you know like and so i knew putting that board on that it was possible like i just knew and uh yeah all i did first try and then um i think it took me i think it took me four tries to keep it tries to kick flip it i mean just the impact of that alone and the gap was far like it was a decently fargo it wasn't just like an up and down it was like you had to gap out and it's like a weird you gotta like roll corner pocket type thing you gotta roll up the curb and then like over those like the blind kind of ridges and there was like a weird sidewalk thing and then yeah it's like it drops off and it's probably a four foot gap and then maybe a foot and a half is the fence so from the bottom it just looks like it's dropped but it's like it's longer than this table with a foot and a half fence so you have to get out there i was going to say because that's got to be uh just a mind jumble in itself because you're you're going at this thing you can't even see the landing until you're like up and over the fence probably well you can see it on the first couple tries it's like you kick flip i think i flailed one of them because it surprised me like once i was like all right cool there's the fence and got to over the fence and was like oh my god like yeah rolling the windows up no this this is insane and um once i took the impact on the first fall i knew like i knew i was all right i was gonna be all right like as long as i could like try to roll out or like ideally was to like land on the board so i could take some impact away from it um which it started it started happening there was only like one or two flails and then i got scared on one and like flicked my board out but i needed that one to like get fired up gotcha but the one that like happened it happened like dumb luck too it just like shifted yeah and then rolling away from that was like the best feeling i'm sure i've really ever had on a skateboard just because it was so pure and like like my hands didn't touch but they got that close to the ground you know but like my hands were flat like i knew it just took everything like i think my butt almost hit my board it was it was every ounce of impact i think ricky biedenbaugh was on the show i think he had brought that clip with him yeah and i think we had commented on that like how do you i mean like reynolds kind of has the same thing right whereas butt almost touches and it's like then he stands back up and you're like how did somebody do my body doesn't work like that strongly i can't get that i can't get back up like that yeah i don't i don't know man and i'd never i i didn't always used to land like that i think i would land a little bit back heavy until i started um actually like weight training with with squats and like with deadlifts and actually learned that like with a squat or a dead like especially with a squat like you can't be over your heels are you're gonna go you have to be completely straight up and down and you have to let your knees like do its deal so i started realizing that like that's that's probably the best way to land is the same way that i would be structured like lifting a heavy weight and for i don't know the last 10 years that's really what we do like anything that i do in the gym is always bolts based so like even when i land today it's the same thing it's just just an over overhead squat interesting so you said that that was the almost the best feeling you've ever had on a skateboard that one was pretty i don't know i don't know of another one that felt like that damn relieving isn't that crazy i mean because you've done a lot of [ __ ] you know it's not like that was like your only big thing you've done i mean you've done a lot of stuff no yeah i mean that's just one that was like didn't really know if it was possible right yeah you know and like i just didn't know well the funny thing is i mean i want to say something after that but no one else has stepped to it other than you except for that kid that random jumped off yeah he blew out both his ankles and i'm like yeah but why would you jump off that i i didn't think it was real until i somehow saw it on the internet i was like oh my god i thought it was like a myth no it's like he really he just ran and he ran and jumped yeah he got off of school and just ran jumped off of it and his bro broke both everything yeah that's how big this thing is wow and i was like no one else has ever stepped to it it's massive and i don't know why it's not like yeah yeah it's big but like there's dudes right now one hundred percent like someone could go switch ollie or like half cabbage like so something can be done i think she'll switch ollie switch switch i don't know something switch with an eight or four 180 would be sick yeah what's it equivalent to like as far as stairs how many stairs is that do you think it depends because like to get over that the the initial fence you know you got to be going at least fast enough to like i don't know probably skate like a six stair seven stair but like by the time you have that speed and then the 14 foot drop comes in like you're landing probably a 14 15 stairs right i don't know man it's hard that's a good that's a good explanation well it's funny because like you said like when you're doing something that big speed is definitely a factor right because the faster you're going i think the chief jamie thomas had said something when he tried the leap of faith i think it was just like he wasn't going fast enough yeah he's going faster pawn drops he right he got you gotta go fast where is that like button right is it right here or right here just a little scroll coming down the bottom it's it's subscribe over to yeah it's on your right no on your left hey yeah hit that button right there right there right there the like button's kind of like in the in the middle there it's like what kind of oh it's like right here kind of like right there subscribes like over to the left right over there all right
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 180,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding, ryan sheckler, kickflip, do a kickflip, costco, big gap, stunt, death, scary, mtv, life of ryan, ricki bedenbaugh, plan b, oakley, sandlot times
Id: isR3ugKs8P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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