Ryan Serhant's Keys to Self Discipline

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you got real mad and he said that if I wanted to eat food again that I needed to go right a 10-page essay on the importance of not being lazy welcome to New Vlog welcome to the morning we're here in Miami we're supposed to be in the middle of a hurricane right now and there's no hurricane look I mean there's a little hurricane last night but that was just Diego hitting me with flashes left and right and Cody being like this hurricane is is here everything's really really wet but other than that everything's okay just lots of lightning um boy that's not lightning that would make it more hurricane make it more hurricanes thank you for making me be louder more hurricane what is that noise that's not he's like well that's what I think hurricanes are but he's from California I've been a hurricane from California today I want to walk you through my keys to self-discipline starting with I know it sounds weird but they call it eating the frog eating a frog would be gross right because it's so terrible it's the last thing you want to do you eat the frog in the morning meaning you get the worst part of your day the hardest part of your day okay the toughest part done first so waking up early and being exhausted that's hard get that out of the way don't be groggy and wake up later and then be stressed out going to the gym working out lifting weights doing cardio whatever you need to do to get your body moving it's hard to do so you get it out of the way first like what time is it now it's not even eight o'clock in the morning we're running up to our first appointment I'm gonna bang out three different appointments tons of emails tons of calls before I even get to the whole reason I came down to Miami which is an event that starts at 11 40. we have this big panel event for the real deal which is like the industry Magazine For Real Estate so it's important in the United States and we're doing a bunch of appointments in between and then getting on the airplane and racing right back back to the city so meet the Frog and get it out of your way first now for me today that was the gym for you maybe that's a confrontation what is the hardest thing that you're going to do today that if you weren't watching this video right now you would wait till the end of the day which means so you're gonna wait till tomorrow which means you're going to do it over the weekend Oh no you're gonna do it now no no you're never going to do it because hopefully it just goes away because oh my God I don't like dealing with stuff get it out of the way right now it's never as bad as you think it is and when you do it early the other side especially if it's confrontation especially if it's a terrible email or phone call or business thing you got to do the other side they don't want to do it either okay so you catch people off guard hit them with the art of surprise that's how it works and now we're heading up to our appointment at 355 ocean but we're only a few minutes late because Cody and Diego couldn't get their together I had one meeting into another we're about to board a ferry here to go see a penthouse in Fisher Island we're going to get the fleet of beautiful cars okay Tesla this game off that's an acid Martin let's tell me this is that this is what Fisher Island the next car is at the Mercedes what's this car what do you mean is that you said that's a lucid a lucid wait there's a Range Rover it's like you have to have a certain net worth even to get out and here's a Rolls-Royce SUV coming off what a ridiculous Island we're about to go to anyway back to self-discipline um food eating fuel for the asset as you guys all know Ironman fast been doing it for four years I eat from 12 P.M to 6 p.m six days a week today because I have to do this big panel at 12 o'clock I don't like um I don't like being on an empty stomach being in front of a lot of people so I'll do a reverse fast so today worked out really really early I'm gonna reverse fast I get overnight oats a little granola some almond butter some peanut butter and a protein shake and I'll eat for six hours today and we started at nine o'clock and then I'll cut it off until tomorrow at noon and just do like a 22 hour fast maybe a little bit longer makes food a a necessity and not a desire replace your cravings for food that does nothing for this asset other than hurt you down the line and oh can we go on the ferry or no no we're just this is just this is Instagram busted way to go Diego put the camera down all right so we just got busted for filming well trying to get on to Fisher Island the land of the Rich and so uh Diego Cody they were excommunicated evicted they were ejected all the e words exited the fourth they were no no the other e words are bad that's they're gone okay so now we're going to this now we're going we're joining on the ferry we're gonna go see this Penthouse I don't even know if I get my camera up right now I think I have to be like really quiet Everything is Everything is crazy okay I'll be right back foreign [Music] [Music] I don't understand you were in like in the last five days you were in San Francisco you then led a mastermind in New York City in a 250 million Apartments you then give a speech in Orlando you then work run all over the place and now you're here literally in Miami for all of us like how do you live how do you survive foreign professionals make decisions based on their commitments amateurs make decisions based on their feelings so am I tired yes absolutely did I just cut my thumb open like I'm holding it together right now but a compass agent just gave me their umbrella because it started raining and she was so nice about it but then she ran off and it was like made of knives and it like went into my finger and I think Compass is trying to take me out one thumb at a time Mom that's a conspiracy theory that I think that we should put out there and I think it's probably true and now we're getting on the airplane we're going right back to be incredibly efficient with your time when you're on the ground you're scheduled you're in 15-minute increments other than that you're building and expanding what do I say all the time to grow this business right I'm a Creator I created the brand I create all day long I create deals to grow the brand and then to expand right myself our business the agents businesses the entrepreneurs around us and maybe you're watching this right now maybe you're 16 years old and you're thinking about college is it makes sense what am I going to do with my life and maybe you're saying you know what I'm gonna go work for Ryan Saran one day that's what I want right now when you were 20 when you're 22 you're 23 I want to meet you I want to meet you now right so we've been build as long as you have self-discipline and you take initiative and there's the rain welcome to Miami [Music] I'm back oh God so tired hold on I need to look wow all the Shadows okay all right coffee ready hi Ollie hi everybody oh ah we just got back from Miami we survived the hurricane tropical storm Nicole okay we lived did the event we did the whole thing we shot the tour we did the stuff and now we are back have had no time to recuperate arrests because we are building an empire you know what I remember more than anything about self-discipline when I was 10 years old I would play outside and when I would come inside I have my jacket and I'd like throw my jacket on like the doorknob you know throw it up because my mom always put it away from me okay so you know she trained me to know that she would do that work so I just didn't take care of it one day I think the jacket fell off of the doorknob and the jacket fell onto the floor later that day my dad gets home and my mom hadn't yet picked up my coat my dad sees my jacket and it's on the floor my dad calls me downstairs says Ryan what's this and I said I'm a jacket he's like why is it on the floor I said I I don't know he said well you do know I said well I put it on the doorknob It's like because you thought your mother was going to hang it up for you maybe is it your mother's job to hang up your coat in the closet no it is not and he got real mad and he said that if I wanted to eat food again that I needed to go right a 10-page essay on the importance of not being lazy and I remember sitting upstairs unlike my original what if it was Mac computer trying to write an essay I wasn't a great essay it wasn't even an essay format I think it was just typing why why why why and I just tried to think of all the other people who if they were lazy they would not have done X I think even at that time I was starting I was like into Billy Joel and Billy Joel was lazy we never would have had Piano Man if Kurt Cobain was lazy we never would have had Nirvana and I know what sounds crazy but I'll never forget that day because that is the day that I learned about self-discipline that's the day that I really learned at 10 years old wow I am made up of the commitments that I make regardless of how I feel about them but the greatness that's out there is because those people chose to create the greatness and shows to not be lazy and chose to not take a me day now I'm all for me days I'm all for like Hey listen here you know what you need to have a Ryan day here and there you got to do your thing I totally totally get it we're in build mode and that's why you're all watching this this is more Ryan Serhant because you're watching me build a company day in and day out week in and week out so when you go home today if you're watching this on your phone you're watching this at school you're watching this wherever are you going to hang your coat on your doorknob are you going to actually take the extra 1.2 seconds and hang it in the closet are you gonna actually do the dishes that are just sitting there right now are you gonna actually pick up the that's on your floor are you actually going to clean up your desk so that it's actually organized because you're only hurting yourself and once that clicks for you light bulb it's real it's real so what are you going to start doing right now to set off that self diplin and you don't have to write a 10 page essay when you're 10 years old okay that's it thanks for watching this Vlog I gotta go sell a lot of real estate um to keep up with my lifestyle so I'll see you later [Music] thank you
Channel: More Ryan Serhant
Views: 53,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Serhant, SERHANT, SERHANT., Real Estate, Business Advice, Advice for Entrepreneurs, Advice for Real Estate Agents, Advice for Realtors, real estate agent, real estate broker, new york city, nyc, real estate advice, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, CEO
Id: Nsf2vPTKFY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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