Ryan Hughes ‘86 CR250 Loretta Lynn’s - Moto 3 (Full)

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the question is will that be in the refrigerator at my house tomorrow afternoon will it be there can i get it all the way home rodney have you not learned anything [Laughter] rodney you're one of my oldest friends in this business end up in your fridge unbelievable no i don't think good are you joking me the amount of times i bought food in one state and eating it in another dime a dozen weekly habit yeah the state of it yes yeah exactly most of the food looks like those pickles they're not even pickles half the time you think i'm eating pickles over here it's not even pickles yeah that was like a pork a cuban sandwich from three years ago that i finally got her out of eating in this town hey speaking of pickles if you haven't gotten your bitten house pickles i believe they're still set up down there and i got a few jars left for you so we had ryan hughes uh some of the folks on watts perfections came up about an hour ago and explained they did get this bike running as of last night he was going to be out of this competition you cannot bring in a new bike once you've raced the first two motors you have to race the same bike in moto 3 i thought that bike was done i saw him kick starting it right there looks like he's got it going so emmett got his side yep but uh yeah as a last night they thought that bike was done they got it fixed we're back on the gate pressure is on the 33 of mike brown who you see there to try to deliver this title it was not oh and then a big pile up after that in the first turn and lee walston is second behind brownie as we try to figure out now we got a kawasaki rider down on the outside of this corner as mike brown sets sail already this is just lights out this is four crashes in four quarters to start this race i'm afraid was there is that hughes potentially down we got a rider finally up from the first turn and then riding over to the tree and i think he's going to try to straighten the front end of that motorcycle out the classic motorcross technique you lean the bike against the tree and start kicking it there it is seeing some karate kicks on the tree in turn number two okay he did make it through barry just drove right to the part of the corner there was no line whatsoever just got on the rear brake and just turned get it out there skidded out yep doing some brodies if you folks weren't around to watch barry in the freestyle oh we got to ride her down in this beach turn how many crashes on this first lap just pellets everybody just pellets there's the 42 that was down oh frenchy greg paymark down the mxs moto kicks master goes down kevin walker battling over here we go we had some of the most phenomenal battles with these two last year they were side by side everywhere there's hughes good lord you see him bouncing into the billboard section that is an ill handling machine i think there's emmett coming through a couple of spots behind him this has been a wild one lap with about five crashes everyone back up and okay it appears look at ryan hughes making it happen on the 22 this 1986 working on dennis dooley on the 97. i was thinking the same thing that number plate's got to be taking away a second of air drag coefficiency therefore i think it's as flat as it could get rhino tripling in the ten commandments rhino standing up everywhere on this racetrack it's the first time in 86 cr-250 has ever been ridden with a rider uh with a modern riding style like this rhino preaching the riding on your toes and that was uh i mean back then it was designed to get as far back on the bike as you could so you don't snap that front end off of those flexi forks you do not want to deal with that oh hughes goes down not a big crash yeah it was engineered for lot tips they designed that bike around locked hips and his hips are unlocked the automatic electronic locking hip arrestor hipporental you got a locking hip rachel get rhino just blowing by dudes that was uh gabe gerardo who we've seen in the podium multiple times at loretta's through the years rhino getting right back on pace then loses the back end in a rut looks over this is just fun to watch i i don't even know the running order of this race there's been so many tip overs and falls and crashes we'll give you the full run down in a moment once the top 10 come through there's emig there's dooley on the 97. well brown brown's been pretty consistent up front he's looking for the 1-1-1 situation lee walston is running second here in the motor billy fosknock in third kevin walker the 23 holding on the fourth barry karsten in fifth now gregory paymart actually in sixth aboard the 42 jeff eminent seventh dennis dooley in eighth ryan hughes ninth gabe gallardo in the number 10 spot mike brown making mincemeat of the competition as he was expected to do the 49 year old ready to drop a bomb on the competition in the 50-plus class next year this year he had to try his hand at 25 plus came up a little short in that division great battle with robbie marshall heath harrison jacob palmer granny was basically the fourth place man but in 45 plus there is no doubt yeah i was at the regional in uh lazy river he was there and off to the side watching the whole day was ezra lusk i'm like dude you're gonna get on get in on this because i really want to do this oh please bring yogi back to the ranch it's been a long time i've actually heard from someone that a yogi is here low profile yeah i heard he was hanging out with a buddy not you know not here for publicity you're just having fun with this buddy yeah i believe that's what was going on in this class too uh well how here we go barry carsten and jeff enig having a duel i cannot believe i'm saying these words kevin walker just yes this is just combinations you would never expect and ending able to make the move so that will put emig just behind walker so carson was ahead of walker walker got carson back karsten b walker and a couple moto's earlier in the week you pretty much can count on if you see walker you'll see carsten and vice versa they're always close check out the laptop at 158 for mike brown that's just not fair that is super super quick not playing with their microphone only 10 seconds a lot quicker 10 seconds a lot lee wallston in third you got all these x pros big names kevin walker the most successful rider in the history of this event straight up lee wallston is beating those guys he is in second epic taking the measure of walker now just pebbles right at kevin walker's face walker actually had to look off to the side to avoid the roost oh he's looking at his wife she was blowing him a kiss at that moment really wanted to read that board i love you too tracy this walker in that customary straight back riding style uh you don't need even numbers on walker or karsten spikes you can recognize them by the way they ride same with emma he's got that classic jeff emmick style yep factory as always ryan hughes has kind of evolved his riding style when he had his lips uh medically unlocked or however he did that okay he literally went to the doctor they cracked his hips in half put a new ball joint in there where he unlocked the hips he would do that if he made him faster is he as ryan ryan he's always says you tell any athlete i give you two percent they'll do it you do it i'm gonna break both your femurs at six inches so you need the height all right sign me up what's the appointment time so wallston is second fosnacht is third there's fosmop to the green number 13. and this cavalry is coming kevin walker trying to stay with him walker and karsten they literally steer the motorcycle they just come into the corner they decide here's where i'm going to turn yeah it's like a bus they got that knob on the steering wheel spinning that thing around big wide i'm gonna stop here i'm going to turn the handlebars and then i'm going to pivot the motorcycle there's no flowing to the corners it's not lean angle it's not dragging the bar it's stop turn the handlebars get on the gas and there's ryan hughes he's had a wild first couple of motors here he's just a few spots behind him again the rest of the gang ryan hughes in seventh place just behind karsten brown walston fosnock and then behind fosmops who's had some great runs this week up on the podium multiple times is the emic walker battle and now hughes getting in on it there's mike brown it's over everybody as soon as mike brown signs up if mike brown signs up for your class you are in trouble you got second already he he wasn't quite able to beat the riders literally not half his age but just about half his age he was 49 and a 25 plus oh emics all over walston three riders in the ten commandments at once fosnock to the outside wallston in the middle look at this and it's jeff emmick is that like a scene out of on any sunday like three bikes just three guys just having fun riding side by side i mean these guys most of them are over 50 years old so it's almost fitting for the movie and it makes the move on wallston who's still trying to hold off harvey mushman so that's bosnock and then where is hughes he would be the next in line oh he's actually going to be battling with walker look at bad billy fosnoff on the outside in the sand rollers got him bob's not making the move on wallston wallston trying to come back the outside he's over here just in that cr250 it does look like that because of a long hair too it's really one of the great experiments to see you're always trying to figure out how much have the riders advanced or is it just the motorcycles are better and then we have a rare i know it's a 45 plus class it's not like rhino is an a rider 18 years old or something like that but he has the modern riding style he preaches that and to see him do it on an old motorcycle you really wonder uh another rider to watch keith johnson finally into the top ten was looking at second overall in the class but right now ending has turned the tables on him i'm not sure if johnson had a bad start or was down and shoot what there were five crashes on the first lap big pileups everywhere come out of the bottom like the game genie yes fosnock and wallston are about to have company can rhino get it up on the podium that was the goal up and over that no he couldn't clear it around the outside ryan hughes tries to make the pass slingshot action old two-stroke against new four-stroke oh is that still hasn't settled that's not battling hughes hard these guys don't want to get beat by this guy and fossnock did not take any gruff from anyone in either class he raced this week he's a proud old warrior but hughes takes the measure of him now hughes going to work on lee wallston uh he hit he hit the bottoming cones of the forks is what he hit yeah metal to metal clank and then he uses that for air i just need to bottom this bike out of the right spot and i can pogo rebound over everything bottoming cones mxa learn from the wrecking crew bro yup yup a linear linear power delivery of the honda yeah i don't even know if they have bottoming codes anymore but in these days the cartridge forks that was a big deal cartridge forks those are cartridges just not upside down they're a right side up cartridge right side up cartridge fork hey many will say for pure suspension action the right side up fork is better it's just too flexy and has that underhang hey we didn't even think about that every time he goes through these ruts probably got four inches of fork leg under the axle on those old right side ups really to unto unrighteous i'm enjoying it too much i don't want to watch i don't want to go to the podium i want to keep watching this can he podium it all right we got a crown another title for the ageless mike brown second out front up that has got to be the biggest lead we have a full minute between himself and he's finally backed it down to a 202 you've done your job here mike brown another 1-1 score for mikey brown up and over the big double jump right a big sweeper and we should flag and there it is mike brown will be your national champion here in this plus 45 class and we are looking for the number 47 of jeff emick our second place rider third place rider to come through and there is the number 47. jeff emig one more turn to go ryan hughes has him in his sights too but unfortunately he's going to run just out of time two strokes finish really great to have these guys here jeff emmy whoop second so wow so many characters so many stories i think this class was just here for everyone to smile and enjoy yes it is serious mike brown doesn't take anything not seriously but it's not life-changing experiences for these guys who have been there and done it like it would be the media cycle classes and the pro sport b and school boy where they're looking at the next stage of their career these guys already have that this is just for fun they take it seriously but you gotta smile through every bit of it but it was a serious beating that mike brown put in everybody let's just be honest about it your national champ with a 1-1-1 sweep let's hear from mike brown uh everybody uh talks about hey i want to have fun racing i just want a phone on my motorcycle uh do you have fun are you just out there hammering everything every day you seem like one of the most serious gnarly guys i've ever met do you have fun or is it just go faster work harder no i do have fun if i didn't i wouldn't be here for sure though but it is i still take everything too serious for sure i know i do that's what the kids say that when i'm training with and but uh that's all i know i brought up that way i keep it that way i think that's why i'm still trying to compete with these kids but uh i think i'm getting smarter now than that but uh no it's good it's been a good week and you know that 25 plus i came looks like a lot i'm prepared thought i was better but i wasn't and um yeah i'll be back again either i can round 50 next year i want to do the 25 just to keep me training and keep me motivated for the older classes if i don't i'll just stay in the older classes and you know go less and less but i don't want that hey that's cool so next year you could raise say 45 and 50 but you don't want to do that you're going to raise 50 and maybe still do 25 to raise the younger guys yeah he's saying i'm going to win but i think that pushes me to come here to loretta's and be ready and be ready for the track like that's if i don't and i'm on the slack and i don't like slacking so i'll keep with the young kids that's what i'm talking about you don't like slacking all right who do you want to thank mike i'm on racing fxr rockstar husqvarna man dunlop hansen fmf dub wheels protaper alpine star lovely goggles 6d and volcanic matt brad rob my little buddy braden all these guys man it's uh seems like it did take a lot to get the old guy here but it does and i'm got a full-time job like the other guys in my classes and uh you know getting a bike ready and stuff and i don't i mean i'm at the track all day from eight to five mostly and don't really feel like riding but these guys got my back and got me ready and thanks to all them people all right how about that let's bring the ama number one play to the stage mike brown is once again a champion in his home state by the way of tennessee we congratulate mike brown good stuff all around in this class we've got so many things you can do some champagne in a moment but go cool off if you want as we talk to our second and third place finishers jeff emig a great effort gonna end up just shy of titles this year but always fun to have all these guys back so with a silver and i believe it's gonna end up second overall i'm not sure how far keith johnson was able to get late in the race let's hear it for our runner-up jeff emig i don't know man all right we'll be back in a second well some of it's working uh you had fun you said you enjoyed the week but this guy dude this guy is serious mike brown dude it's hard to beat him yeah it is and you know i i knew i put myself a little bit of a deficit off the start by choosing to ride a 150 you know the tc 150 oscillator trust me that thing is so fast and twisted development did a great job on the engine the enzo suspension should have handled the bumps um but you know we just we can't prepare for this you know and unless you've been here for a while i mean it's a it's a shock coming here and i will say that that that race i felt uh maybe the most relaxed coming into it as opposed to the other races i was all balled up and still like off the start i got swallowed up keys went down a bunch of guys went down and so it's like here we are bad start again you know and i'm just not accustomed to starting that far back you know in my career i've been fortunate enough to be upfront and so it was a whole new experience probably not experience you want to do again starts wise but what about coming back to loretta's what do you think and it you are way too early on that all right all right so but um like i mentioned before all the other times you know we're doing the pro at 50 uh mini documentary on verb moto so you kind of get to see the behind the scenes of this whole process from you know the decision to go race here and then now all the way through so check that out but the companies that really made this possible of course shift max and fox racing you know they set up everything they do such a great job for all of us fmf was a part of the project odi grips of course they make pro grip rhino power and ironic cbd there's a whole host of other sponsors and and people that really made it happen but i do have to give a round of applause to my mechanic b.j burns from mmx university he he busts his butt here um on all this and uh just bomb we we couldn't come away with a win but uh i i really have had a good experience and once i get back to the truck and pop open the coors light and actually relax i'm gonna look back on this week it's just been amazing especially all the fans and everybody coming up with selfies and autographs and stuff and i really appreciate all the outpouring of uh support and i hope that as old guys could uh give you guys some good racing entertainment oh you sure did let's hear it for him jeff emig and uh from a bike that we did not even think would be able to compete and he somehow not only raced it they fixed it i don't even care we'll just bring the bike up here anyway why not we're going to bend some rules because the bike is as much of a story as its rider ryan hughes did it he got it on the podium on the 86 cr250 let's hear it for ryan hughes i don't even care what the heck it's late in the week um okay uh first of all i i have this technical question what is it like to have a modern riding style which you preach on an old bike is it weird uh it doesn't work so well kind of the feet and the things like that that work but you got to learn to ride this thing differently when you're trying to send it when you're i'm learning to i didn't write it till the first time was a practice on monday so i've been trying to figure out each time we've had a new setup or something break or something different so i'm trying to learn it uh this last moto i started to learn a little better i actually got to slow down you got to ride a little bit higher gear i was the bike was so slow i was trying to override it and then i would stop too much and then i'd try to gas it too much and they're just there was no momentum and i was starting to use some more momentum i'm like okay this is how it works more like a 500 so uh yeah you just have to learn how to ride it i mean this is a different bike and it was a lot of work and you have to put your mindset into being able to accept uh that challenge and man it's it's a it's a workout trying to get against these 450s on this thing but uh i just want to thank everybody i want to thank davey for allowing me to come out here and do this i want to thank everybody for cheering me on i want to thank everybody for being so excited about something we did i want to thank uh the whole crew here with uh mx sports you guys do a good job man you guys do a good job and it's it's good so thank you guys all your parents that bring all the kids out here you guys work just as hard as us i want to thank you guys for that because i see the passion you guys but i can't do it without these guys here this is the team that i did it these guys worked for 35 hours and busted their ass so again thank you so much let's hear for ryan hughes that's our third place finisher in the moto you guys want to take some pictures of the bike i will get out of the way but we gotta give mike brown his chance to shake some champagne here we go well it's good stuff on the 86 cr250 it was awesome to see emig on a 152 stroke so many like i said great characters uh leigh walston a great week billy faust knocked a great week kevin walker a great week barry carson keith johnson so many great names in this class we thank all those guys we got to bring mike brown's bike back around for the champagne celebration and i honestly don't even know who is it mike brown with a whole shot yeah he's got a million of these congrats to mike brown another whole shot award that's like six and six motors let's do some champagne with mike brown the championship bike has come back around we need a lap of the stage and we're going to send it back over the tower mike brown sprays the champagne all right thanks a lot jason weingand you
Channel: Ryan Hughes
Views: 23,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan Hughes, Ryno, CR250, Loretta Lynn National
Id: XiEA4FrgyXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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