Ryan Cook teaches the basics of chainsaw carving episode 3 - blocking your bear.

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hey what's going on everybody welcome back to Echo Tools YouTube page my name is Ryan Cook [Applause] [Music] now that you've learned a little bit about me let's see why we're here a chance to win a brand new cs2511 the best detail saw out there so if you haven't seen these videos yet make sure you catch up on the first two because you're gonna need the letters but here check out this to see the rules we'll be giving away a brand new 2511 Wes to one lucky winner here's what you must do number one like each video And subscribe to echo's YouTube page look out for the secret letter that'll appear in every video to form a secret word at the end number three on the final episode number six comment with the secret word so now that we're caught up with the rules of the competition this is the third video and we are going to start carving for the next four videos we're going to go through the process of blocking form detail and then kind of finish everything up with the final touches and just a little bit of talking about Echo tools and the product and the chance to win that 2511 for the final letter so we're going to use in every video a different song Maybe Two every single one doesn't matter but for this one I'm going to use the cs620p moving forward let's talk about blocking so come on over here and we're going to look at where we're going to make our first cuts and I'm going to explain why we're going to make them now for me I think about the head right everything kind of comes at you if you were to put your hands like this to your face you know sometimes you think oh man it's gonna be look at the angle that's the angle of my face so now a bear it's a little bit different if you look at a bear this is one of my references you look at the bare face now that's basically this cut right here and that cut right here you're doing a V and then you'll shape it out as we go I'm going to show you what kind of cuts I like to do for my first two cuts for a bear head and now let's look at the log right so you look on the log and you can do this with any scale log any scale log if it's a square like a fence post six by sixes eight by eights twelve by twelves you can do the same thing you just have to imagine where it is so like for me I'm thinking this will be kind of where the nose is but I'm gonna do this cut first maybe even wider depending on how you would like your bear head to be so right away I know these are going to be my first two cuts then I'm going to come across and start cutting down for the back of the head and then I'll notch in the ears so we'll go through these first few cuts and once we do that then we can kind of start talking about the next ones but my first three cuts are always the same actually my first five cuts are always the same I go cut cut cut and then shape cut notch in the ears and then cut away the ears and then we'll focus on the snout the snout and then the head and where we're going to put everything in layers so hopefully you're following me so far but once you get this repetition down you're able to do that almost every time and you can really use it into almost all different animals because if you think about it we are all made of Bones and aside from you know octopus and a few other things that are exoskeletons but the majority of mammals all have the same bones and when you're carving that's what you need to think about think about the bones think about then the muscles that lay on top of the bones and then we'll think about the fur so I'm always thinking about those three things when I start to think of an animal whether it's a horse or an owl or a hummingbird or an eagle whatever it is but right now we're focusing on Bears so we're gonna start with the blocking and in the blocking you're thinking shapes so that's where we're going with this we're gonna fire up I'm gonna put on my gear in the next scene we're gonna just uh show you how we do it now I want to talk about one thing one thing to think about when you're making your first cut all right so you're not just like running it across or like hoping to you know help it along you want your saw to do the work so make sure you got a nice sharp chain but you can hold the saw and then guide it with your hands here you know what I'm saying so when you're sitting there and you're making this first cut I can feel the pressure whether I'm pushing or pulling so I'm going to cut like this and then I'm going to begin to ease my wrist out I'm going to use my wrist right here and start to Edge it out and pull that bar up which is going to give it a kind of a swooping cut and if you've never made a cut like that that's kind of where you want to start to kind of feel your bar so you're not just doing firewood where you cut straight down and you're doing that a lot of the times you're you're guiding the bar you're like moving and grooving with the wood and that is something that carving is so important for me because I think that you know movement and flow is such an important part of carving so here we go okay guys so I've got everything sorted I switched over to my echo jacket make sure you're safe check your area make sure everything's clean you know one quick thing you think about carving is a guy named Chris Boltz who was my mentor and he always said clean space clean mind so when you're carving and you got a big mess take a few minutes if you're running into trouble and you have like brain fog of carving and you're not inspired clean your area but in my carving Zone where I am now it's spotless it's safe and at the same time now I can just not think about where I'm stepping I can think about using my saw and cutting into it properly so let's go here we go any Vlog will work whether it's big or small just think scale and then this block out technique so [Music] now you see how I started to pull there I pulled here and I kind of pushed here and twisted my wrist that's what we're going to do for the other side but that's kind of how you can control your saw while you're cutting foreign [Music] we're going to put in the ear so I'd say like maybe here we'll do in here so we're just gonna do a little cut on an angle to set in where the ear is going to go [Music] [Music] so for this one when you're doing these types of cuts for me personally you could go like this and use your bar and come down like this you could make the cut very simply and use your bar you could do it both ways boom boom but for me I kind of I I will do an uh I'll use the top of the bar to do the cutting it's a little bit different of a cut you have to be very careful not to use the tip but for the body of this part I'm going to cut the majority here it's in it's I think it would technically be called an upcut but it's an easier way for me to connect this cut to this cut and and follow the lines that we've already [Music] there we go you can already see where we're going here with two cuts this is a little bit steep but I'm doing this for dramatic effect and also at the same time we still have to put in the snout and where the forehead is this is going to be a happy bear so [Music] I'm thinking the center line the center line is where we need to be right now because where's the nose where is the eyes this is where it's going to be right here so this is too wide a bear's mouth is never that wide foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now I always think about different layers and different spots for the Bears fur patterns to go so now I'm thinking to myself okay how am I going to connect this this and this and then a neck don't forget about the neck but snow forehead ears now I'm going to set in here I'm going to come over top I'm going to drop my saw over here to do is I like to find a way to make the ears connect down to the the cheekbones the bottom of the mouth right like here then I use the back of the ears and the fur line to make the neck to the chest to where the shoulders will be but for now we still have to separate the ears [Music] okay so now you see I've just shaped out the ears a little bit and I put in The Notches right here just a down cut down cut to where I'm going to make the neck now when I do that I'm going to plunge through and then I'm going to create kind of the idea where the shoulder is going to be and [Music] okay so you see how we just did that that instantly shows you okay I got my arms here I got my butt here and then I got the base make sure you leave a big enough base in whatever size scale you want to do at your piece in because if it's too small it's going to break let's get this little guy rocking out and then that I think will be the end of this video because I think this is going to be a long video and we're just getting started okay [Music] one thing to think about if you're doing a closed mouth bear and this is the top of your snow you could probably cut it like right here and just come straight down on a slight angle and then cut it and then you could taper it in if you're doing an open mouth bear which will which is what we are going to do here we're making kind of that happy character bear ah the the mouth of the bear drops down and it if you if you really look or you know what I'll just pop up a picture of a real grizzly bear there's one you can see how its mouth draws down and the jawline draws down so it's about here that I could probably get away with it so I'm gonna go I'm gonna cut it out here and then taper it in that way and then we'll we'll set in the mouth [Music] foreign [Music] that is pretty much where we're gonna go with this video for today this is what we wanted to do we've shaped out we've got the little separation here you see from the ear to here we'll be able to cut all that out cut this out and we'll be able to make this a nice happy bear and you know what I think we're gonna do we're gonna make it holding a sign saying maybe the maybe it'll be saying the final word at the end but yes let's talk about the ending because we need to now give the letter so the secret letter is V now we are going to finish blocking out this piece next time and then we're going to do the body we're going to do the furring and kind of move through it a little faster because the block out of the head is the most important part we have that now now we're going to move into form I'm going to shape out the rest of the body we'll talk about that in the next video and then after that we'll do the furring welcome to carving welcome to Echo tools YouTube page make sure if you want to win you gotta like And subscribe to the page and hopefully you can win thank you [Music]
Channel: ECHO Tools
Views: 18,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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