Ryan Builds a Boat in Roblox! Let's Play Build a Boat with Ryan's Mommy!

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okay all right so to have ryan's block now i'm gonna build the most epic boat that ever exists in roblox that's right it's gonna be the most epic boat ever in roblox hey guys today we're going to be playing build a boat so we're going to build a boat got it okay so what do we do after we build the boat then we launch off into the sea so i'm gonna join your team all right guys i'm gonna be my first built about here super easy i'm gonna put the word build and then what do i do again and then you you're gonna get an island all right guys i'm gonna be my first build a boat here super easy i'm gonna put the wood build okay and then i need i need some blocks right yeah so i need to just build some hey [Music] you might want to build over there instead but i already put one over there can i can i pick up the block uh-huh what really okay here's my really cool boat you want to see it yeah you're gonna love it here's my really cool boat yeah okay um i don't have enough um ow ow oh yeah that's what i thought oh yeah oh yeah look at my screen i i put collision off so you could walk look collision off so you can look through it collision background foot in the ground yeah i'm trying to build a really cool boat here here i'm going to save fashion from it wait why are you saying fashion is not me hello ow ow get up get up come on come on here i am right here and then you turn collision yeah like i'm sitting down but i'm not getting pushed okay i'm trying to put my boat here ryan okay so can we can we build both together oh yeah [Music] uh now you've got now you have my blocks whoa okay okay all right so to have ryan's block now i'm gonna build the most epic boat that ever exists in that's right it's going to be the most epic boat ever in roblox so far actually click on the wrong thing yes [Music] i'm so confused all right guys we have five minutes to see who can build the best boat wait i have an idea huh what [Music] pokey um oh can you close your door what do you mean kill on my block that is so cool it looks like an art piece looks like something belongs in the museum of art am i right guys yes this art piece is quite exquisite a true masterpiece oh it's clear no no no no no clear no don't clear look at my cool boat right i think i'm done with my boat i think it's i'm sure we can have a way look it's gonna work how do i launch this boat let's just try it okay okay wait don't do it yet don't do it yet don't do it yeah do we need a chair and a seat belt and all that good stuff yeah okay i'll i'll mix i'll make it so you cannot die okay impossible to die on my boat what are you doing whoa oh whoa whoa whoa wow in front of you was about like 20 000 blocks i see that and i'll make it invisible oh whoa whoa wow okay there you go no just in front of you okay guys so we're launching our boat our protection is not working right our protection it's not inside of us now guys we're gonna make it we're gonna be fine right we're gonna be fine right we're gonna be fine we are gonna make it through this round look at look look where i am let's see we made it yeah but but there's like seven more yes yes we are protected by the the what is it the chairs that ryan put around us though that's right bro nothing's getting past us wait what'd you say to me bro you want to throw down okay there's seven more stages oh is that it just seven more ch it happens if you see nothing's even happening see see nothing's even happening well it will happen this is the room and bruising what i'm saying this is the easiest stage well yeah of course yeah like the hard stage in two ways it won't it won't it will believe look bananas no i don't think so i don't know what they are what are they ow funny bananas oh no oh no oh they were behind we're fine we're fine we're gonna get hit by one no no no we didn't get him by anything we avoided it look there's also hot dogs and pretzels oh i see i didn't notice that and you're right candy you're right ah ah oh we got it we got it where are we where are we on this boat here okay you're there i'm way down here you guys see me yeah oh wow we made it wait i'm gonna jump out oh no are we dying here i'm gonna go back to you okay okay let's do one more bow okay okay okay i made it really far we were like in round four that's that's not that far oh no okay okay we're building another boat or we're done uh let's build another boat okay with 23 000 titanium okay bam are you ready of course it's a good idea bro are you kidding me look at those tough chairs nothing's getting past them ryan is going out of control yeah i'm gonna put 100 more chairs [Music] he's going crazy okay and now i'm gonna put some thrusters what are thrusters dusters are thrusters what are those they're thrusters what is it uh it's things that launch a supercar it looks like chairs to me okay guys we're gonna go now actually let's put a jet so we don't get annihilated okay okay go whoa look at all those chairs that fell off okay we're going super far because of the thruster this [Music] yeah that is really really cool yeah but you don't get anything oh i see i see that's just cheating i feel like i'm on like a like a flying oh we're purple now we're purple's so do we still get gold when we win at the end oh yeah if we actually go through come on come on come on okay we have a thruster on and a jet actually if we turn off the jet we would go oh wow let's catch up with mustard from the temperature our sister ran out oh no what does that mean uh that we're a little bit slower now a lot slower now a lot slower here let's do the stage regularly let's see how many explosions oh no no no not the ufos ow ow we're retaliating against the ufos no ow we're there's so many explosions i know so to know when this even gets close to damage uh-huh oh it's it's changing a lot whatever when we know this gets close to damage is when it gets smaller since i scaled it it will get smaller every time it takes damage okay let's do the stage regularly okay we got this what is happening this is what a regular person would do okay whoa would they do this apparently whoa what is happening how do we there we go there we go there we go oh yeah oh yeah watch out yeah what looks like a flying carpet he's getting rid of his jet oh there oh i think he was trying to turn it on oh wait is the the fashion guy with us yeah oh we are gonna fly to spain we're landing we're landing this is the end this is the end oh my gosh landing swing recording stop is this the end right here wait i'm controlling i'm controlling it but i'm not in this chair i'm not in the chair you might want to jump out you might want to go down okay okay guys so mommy mommy got an island but i got i can get 80 coins so yeah wait i'm dead you're still on uh apparently so i can't actually do anything oh wait i can let i can let this get run out or i can just click i could have just looked on the jet and it would have done that and we would have gone down oh it's okay i'll just wait for you here bye myself where am i wait what happened oh [Music] yeah he's over there you made it yeah yay all right guys so that was our build the boat my first time building a boat if you like this video give us a big thumbs up okay remember
Channel: VTubers
Views: 2,154,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets Play, let's play, video games, gamer, combo crew, game play, kids gameplay, game review, Ryan ToysReview, Ryan's Family Review, animated, animated character, combo Panda, big gil, ryan Vtubers, Ryan's Family Gaming, Vtubers, VTuber, roblox, roblox gameplay, roblox ryan, roblox ryan's mommy, roblox build a boat, build a boat for treasure, let's play roblox, let's play build a boat, let's play roblox build a boat, build a boat for treasure in roblox
Id: rXRenM5VenI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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