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Rubi volume four of the one with all of the slapping the volumes started airing on the roosterteeth site on October 22nd 2016 and concluded on February 4th 2017 within that run time of 5 months we were given 12 episodes totaling up to 3 hours and 32 minutes included for the volume was a character short an eighth world of remnants 13 new important characters were introduced salem tyrion hazel watts ilya fennec Korsak Jacques Whitley Klein gira Callie and Oscar bringing the total number of important recurring characters to 34 let's start this review with a thing that most viewers are going to noticed first they are dead Ren Nora and John are especially nice but I wouldn't say any of the new designs are annoying to look at with the exception of yang since she's been putting green rather than brown I personally feel that tend to look over designed though there's a new obsession with belts that's almost comedic Yang's got a belt on her scarf when Ruby's got two bills on one shoe and five on the other it's as if roosterteeth decided more belts meant it looked better I'm also mighty tired of seeing boob windows all over the place Ruby Weiss Blake yang Norah emerald colleague Linda and Salem all have these tit windows of the 12 still alive recurring female characters nine of them have boob windows it's ridiculous and I wouldn't have a problem with it if it wasn't so common and overused within the show if you want some cleavage just have the characters wear low-cut shirts and take a moment to realize you don't always need a season cleavage - another problem I have is how disconnected team rwby look next to each other they look fine individually but don't really look like they belong together this fits the seperated theme of the volume but wouldn't it be nice to see aspects of their friends within their design previously they were designed to have accent colors corresponding with their team rwby has a lot of black and her outfit and plenty of silver Weiss has a good amount of black and red Blake has a ton of white in her outfit unfortunately Yang's always felt kind of disconnected from the others as with the exception of Blake's eyes no one has any yellow on them while they still have some colors corresponding with their friends on them each character also has a lot more color on them in general and makes them feel individual rather than like a team meant to complement each other visually also I gotta ask why did they even get new outfits it's an easy way to denote grow but beyond that it feels pointless they don't use these new designs for anything as of writing this review they only have one figure some folders and five shirts with the new designs but they've got a backpack socks five new shirts some ugly pop vinyls a beautiful new figure a twenty eighteen calendar a holiday ornament collectible trading cards and plushies that use the old designs and all of these came out during or after volume four not to mention Ruby chippy still uses the old outfits as does their new board game it's just like why give them new outfits if you're not gonna use them a minor nitpick I have is that wisest effort just does not look viable for combat to be fair that works well with what she's doing in this volume she's not fighting monsters and so it makes sense she's not combat ready during her stay at the Schnee Manor however she will be returning to the battlefield and as it is now she just doesn't look prepared for that her skirt is one of the shortest on the show and her dress looks like a drip is she stretched too hard I hope she gets an upgraded outfit similar to how yang did to better suit her returning to a combat oriented lifestyle before I sign the volume I would have said that I thought this show was called Ruby not Ruby but after seeing volume 4 I now lament that this is the most Ruby got to do this volume I had been disappointed in how little of the cast we'd gotten seen this short but honestly the whole thing's really nice it looks gorgeous and has a great soundtrack the action snappy and fun with the only problem with it being that this is the best fight we got for the volume it establishes a darker tone for the show which is fine except that it feels like the writers don't know how to balance that dark with Ruby's lighter moments the short also establishes a lot that ultimately hasn't mattered it introduces the barren children but never uses it in the volume well no actually does have an appearance right here did you see it because I definitely didn't when I first watched that scene it's just all that they keep introducing grim but never using them opting instead to have our heroes blast through hordes of Ursa and bei olds this whole thing with Ruby's cape has also been totally ignored does this do something does it mean something it hasn't even appeared in the show proper so why is it here it's also quite distracting that this short has way more elaborate lighting effects in the actual show shading is consistent and there's actually shine on things like hair and Ruby's brooch but these things are miss from the volume it makes the short not only look better by comparison but it feels like it was animated in a totally different engine this short is beautiful and fun to watch ultimately making it one of the best parts of volume 4 however the same can't be said for the next subject of discussion it's boring it's 90% people just standing around in the wind what little action it does have is slow and uninteresting it's also amazing just how much they [ __ ] spoil in it Weiss's family spoiled blake hangs out with son spoiled Blake's family spoiled Albano's spoiled tyrion attacks ruby spoiled White's ends up practicing her summoning spoiled Artie's habit of revealing important characters and plot lines of their openings is nothing new but I hope it's something they stopped doing soon and on top of all of this let's just live sucks synote music is subjective not everyone's gonna like the same music this is just my opinion Casey mumbles her way through the uninspired lyrics making it hard to understand and annoying to listen to its tone is so out of nowhere to the character short established a darker tone for a ruby but this opening feels like it belongs in front of some slice of life show it's a boring waste of a minute 20 seconds every episode this is definitely the best rubies ever looked every volume looks better than the last and this is no exception the characters actually have the ability to interact with the world around them and no longer look flatly shaded this show is far from perfect but the animation quality really holds up for the most part about halfway through the volume it's as if they forgot to add the shadows to the characters everything became flat and boringly lit for seemingly no reason when the show can look this good why would you choose to have so much if it looked like this or this the lighting is no more distracting than whenever the color white is on screen for some reason they never want to add shading to white nor a shirt is one big unshaded mass as our Rennes pants this is most egregious during ysus scenes as the pale look of the Schnee manner never seems to have any depth this is so confusing - you'd think white would show off the shadows the best but for some reason it's just immune to depth the biggest problem I have with the animation is the way weapons are animated they all look gorgeous but they also have no weight this isn't an issue for things like mark néstor another small weapons but crescent rose and magnhild suffer a lot from this their heavy weapons they're meant to make a big impact at the cost of having to be swung slowly they feel like plastic toys in the volume though having a wide variety of different weapons offers many different fighting styles for us to see but when every weapon feels weightless that variety is lost adding weight to the character's weapons is what I feel RT should work on the most when it comes to animation now volume 4 has a lot of character arcs to follow let's see how those turned out there isn't one no but seriously Ruby does nothing of importance throughout the volume it feels like all she does is make Clips pose Allah and gets to have the final blow on most of fights she never grows or develops or even learns anything despite the fact that team Rangers in almost every episode she's only missing from two episodes volume but it feels like she's never there were briefly given hints of a potential story for her but they're never followed up on sometimes she looks kind of sad or contemplative but we never do anything with that something could have happened with her nightmares but those were dropped after one episode that was overshadowed with Jean at the end of volume 3 we learned that she's got these special silver eyes but they've also been forgotten except as a convenient excuse for the villains to go after her she doesn't try to figure out how they work or tries to see if she can activate them we tried to study them they're not even brought up in conversation anything comedic Ruby does just grates on my nerves and her phoned in voice makes all her serious stuff impossible to take seriously her obsession with weapons has been completely dropped and her social awkwardness has been just as forgotten not only is she a nonentity during this volume she's actively regressed as a character half of the quirks that made her unique have been pushed aside turning her from an awkward gun-loving wannabe hero with a flair for the overdramatic into the embodiment of innocence who doesn't seem to understand how to actually be funny during the commentary on the DVD for this volume all anyone had to say about Ruby was that she's naive and innocent but that's not enough she needs to become an active member of the plot as it is now things just happened to Ruby without her input she just happened to be in the store and attacked by torchwick she just happened to be the niece of one of Aspen's companions she just happened to get into the same school as yang she just happened to get partnered up with Weiss and the other she just happened to be their team leader she just happened to bump into penny near the CCT which she then just happened to be in the middle of the road he was saved by her she just happens to find cinder at the dance she just happened to fall down a hole that led to torchwick secret base in mountain glen she just happened to encounter mercury when he should have been hiding she just happened to be saved from Torchic by a giant Griffon she just happened to be too late to help Pyrrha leading to her eyes going crazy not by her choice she just happened to be the special snowflake for Tyrion to attack Ruby needs to actually start doing things on her own accord and actually start affecting the plot because this is a ridiculous protagonist otherwise of Team Ruby Weiss's arc is the best we come back to her regularly and every scene is important and fun something happens in every y scene whether it's the party problems or getting hit by Jacques or even just establishing characters something happens every time we see Weiss I never felt like a Weiss scene was unnecessary we're always either developing Weiss or her family her relationships or the world around her and it's done in a way that feels natural to the conversations and plot the biggest problem is that she suddenly became good at summoning seemingly overnight it's a shame we didn't get to see her train to get better at it growth means nothing if we don't see the struggles it took to get there her arc also lacks a real climax one could argue as her summoning armor died but since we didn't get to see her work on that there was no build up voices are kind of just ends leaving the viewer feeling like there should have been more Weiss's family also flops a bit in terms of execution Whitley's villain twist was wildly unsuccessful with seemingly everyone figuring out he's a villain from his first appearance if you wanted it to be a surprise than Weiss shouldn't have been so distrusting of him in their first scene and it shouldn't have been stapled to jacques throughout the party and her mom isn't done well at all I actually forgot she's not dead during the original run of the volume because she's never seen and only mentioned once you can't just assume the lack of her presence shouldn't mean something to quote miles from the commentary we never see Weiss's mom I wonder why yeah we do we don't know if this is a normal thing for Weiss to see so little of her or if the writers just never thought of a way of including her in the volume if her absence supposed to mean something to Weis than we need to be told that either through dialogue or the character performance the fact that Weis has gone up like to bra sizes is pretty distracting guess it was just no fun having flat-chested girls in the show - that being said wisest scenes are tons of fun to watch and her are qual lacking of real conclusion is one of the better aspects of the volume unlike Blake's preachy overdramatic edge Lord stick became annoying almost immediately I get the feeling I was supposed to be a starts off cold and distant but warms up to son by the end of the volume but it didn't work Blake not only became abusive but she also got zero development through heard our attitude late in arc the only scene that looks into developing her past and character only scratches the surface and gives the audience next to nothing to work with she doesn't have a climax to her arc because there was no arc she showed up to menagerie being pissed and ended the volume still pissed and finally ready to do something every problem Blake has feels base-level with simple and obvious solutions no room on the island don't waste space by living in a huge empty mansion then Blake gets so little screen time that nothing gets done with her and the only conflicts that arrive are started by Blake arguing the son Blake started it and that went nowhere she just yelled on him and he just forgave her Ilia fight Blake's the one who ran after her the fight has no build-up and has no effect on the volume as Blake decides to take back the White Fang because of what son says to her not the knowledge of white fangs attack on Haven Ruby's not the only one who's forgotten what their character used to be like Blake's gone from quiet reader to loudly complaining son used to be cool and confident now he's just a joke the shifts these characters have taken this volume feel like a regression as if they're more shallow than they used to be the whole cast is quickly transforming into tropes rather than characters Blake's motivations make no sense either she ran off to protect her friends from getting hurt by the white fang so she goes to her family when that you know put her family in danger Blake's part feels like a chore to get through with her preachy dialogue lackluster animation aimless plot unnecessary abuse and lack of progress yang's ark finishes in Episode four Episode three established her unwillingness to put her new arm on episode four has her put it on everything after that does nothing to further the plot or have you ain't grow feeling like her screen time from episode nine and on is dedicated to setting up her next plot point she either starts an arc or completes one we never see her working through her development yang gets the least amount of screen time between the Ruby girls despite the fact that she has the most potential to grow and has done the least of the girls so far yang finally gets an arc and it's over in two scenes it feels like once the Eng lost her arm the writers didn't know what to do with her so they just skipped her Yang's also contradictory throughout her first two episodes we see her getting on having learned how to live without an arm but seems sad over her new disability she complains about losing a part of her that's never coming back but refuses to put her new arm on for seemingly no reason except to Pat out the runtime it's as if the writers wrote yang to be depressed in the beginning because that's what she should be doing not to help the development of her character her PTSD goes about as far as Ruby's nightmares and has dropped just as quickly she grows but with no buildup clearly yang was depressed as an excuse for Ruby to leave without her but once it came time to develop yang out of her depression the writers just had her get over it without any kind of work yang screen time feels wasted between unnecessary conversations and refusing to show the audience any of the actual growth yang went through struggling to put the arm on we only saw her complain about not having an arm learning to live with her new one just jump to the part where she's back to normal the viewers wouldn't want to actually see her develop at all Yang's Ark is a disappointment because there is so much potential that just got jumped over and ignored I guess all the time we could have spent watching yang grow was better spent towards crows too-cool-for-school backstory and Oscars arc this volume is the equivalent to the first episode of a different anime Oscar doesn't grow his story just begins this is fine as clearly the runtime was too crowded for Oscar to get any more development than he did his scenes show us his character well but they also tend to drag with their long-winded exposition dumps and settings kind of feels like they put his little effort as possible into animating Oscars parts everything moves pretty slow and he does a little more than walk around while talking it's nice that we come back to him regularly never letting the audience forget about him as he is important almost too important Oscar feels like he should be the protagonist to a different shown in anime similar to Naruto or something this is kind of annoying since we not only already have four protagonists to follow but half of them have barely gotten to develop over the runtime of the show not to mention how frequently we focus on other characters anyway team Ruby should be our heroes but Oscar Jean and crow off you like honorary protagonists but to get back on focus to Oscars Ark this volume it's fine it's a little slow and is only the beginning to an actual arc but it establishes him in his situation efficiently it is annoying how his suspenders are glued to his shirt though first I have a complaint that's been bothering me since volume 1 I wish Rand and Nora weren't treated like one entity it should be Ren and Nora not Rena Nora when the volume first aired my friends and I would say stuff like Ren and Nora's backstory was so cool or I'm glad we got to see Rena Nora do so much and wasn't until I started doing this reviews and I realized that this was Ren's arc not Ren and Nora's Nora plays an important part in it but it's rent story separating Brandon noir in a way that they feel like their own characters not like one half of one would be really nice that being said Ren's arc is my favorite of the volume it builds up regularly and in an effective way the intrigue that comes from seeing the hints of the knuckle avi threat the volume is super fun and never feel sluggish it's also the only arc that like actually concludes it's a pretty weak conclusion as the fight became too easily won at the end but it does conclude conclusions are satisfying so you think Artie would have them happen more frequently Renaud only grows from his experience but we also got his backstory and learned his character motivations all in one of the best written and paced episodes of Ruby so far my biggest problem with the arc is that it doesn't really start until episode 10 the build-up is fun but the inciting incident happens when r and Nora find the knuckle IVs cave and even then episode 11 pushes it aside meaning there's only two episodes of the volume dedicated to the final conflict it's good but it just felt like it was established and over too quickly hopefully Renan Nora find a way out of the background more frequently it can become actual members of the party rather than be the comic relief and wise advice givers forever the audience was introduced to Salem's group really well it didn't drag and we quickly got a basic understanding of each member though despite introducing so many new villains they're pretty enact of this volume doing at ex-ranger but beyond that we get only three scenes with the bad guys checking in on the villains more regularly would have been a nice way to have that feel more involved with the story or just having them do something in the few scenes that God the villains haven't progressed that evil plans at all this volume making all these cool new characters an afterthought this group of baddies are really interesting so let us see more of them why are emerald and Mercury even here all they do is speak for cinder once they're not only wasted in the volume but they feel unnecessary overall Fanuc corsican Ilya are pretty underwhelming Ilya has a cool design but we don't know anything about her until volume 5 starts the album brothers get almost no screen time and I spent all that time x+ the trio only seems to be here so blake can have something resembling a conflict people prefer a villain that we can get to know so we can understand the motivations these three are little more than basic concepts is vol zox a great villain I don't like him and I want to see him lose it's also refreshing to have a villain that doesn't rely on combat to win or smug ass overconfidence Jacques is not much of a threat though if our team can make me not only dislike Jacques but also got me to fear him then they'd have a real winner on their hands widly however doesn't really hold up I don't like Jacques because he's abusive and insulting I don't like Whitney because he's an annoying little [ __ ] Wiggly snarky attitude feels like an obnoxious little brother trying to act better than you and it's just annoying I wanted to get punched because he's a pain to listen to not because he's done something villainous or bad if they could make Whitley in actual villain and not just a condescending [ __ ] that'd be great so Ravens not a villain at least not this volume but there's something I need to say about her and I couldn't figure out where else to put it tribe is not a synonym for bandits thanks to volume 5 I've learned that Raven leads a gaggle of bandits she calls it the tribe those words do not mean the same thing and should not be interchanged when Raven said she was the leader of the tribe I like a reasonable person assumed that meant she was effectively mayor of a small village esque civilization because that's what a tribe is a small civilization because RT doesn't seem to understand that tribe isn't just another word for bandits their scripts made no sense until recently the warrior guide she owned had said that the town was attacked by bandits crow later mentions she owned when talking to Raven but and hadn't made any sense why because they didn't establish that the tribe is the affirmation bandits later when Yan comes across a fork in the road the sign reads Mistral and kuroyuri with bandits written over it this is a literal physical representation of gangs decision look for a ruby and Mistral or your mom and herb and a tribe but we still hadn't known that her tribe was also the bandits and the crew gyro sign is crossed out like the one ranger found earlier so some people thought that Ruby had written bandits on the sign and like who wrote bandits on the sign anyway that doesn't make any sense bandits are mobile they won't just stay there with a sign telling people about them so yeah tribe is not equal to bandits they're boring they're slow we're not interesting to look at it's only fun to watch them if they mention a character we know but most of the time they're just barely moving silhouettes their boat is interesting to watch as crows brother story but without any of the important information any information of worth to be garnered from a world of remnant is immediately brought up in the next reel episode since the writers know not everyone watches the world of remnants you don't even get fun facts if they offer tidbits for hardcore fans and that'd be great but they just explain a history and lore that the writers were clearly more interested in developing than their actual story for the volume all this would be fine you don't have to watch them except that they're scheduled for release is ridiculously stupid first of all we weren't given a schedule for one we would get a world of remnant rather than a real episode which means you waited a whole week to see how the plot developed just to be met with a three-minute waste of time when you would then have to wait another week to get to watch the show but the biggest problem with this was where they decided to break up the flow of the volume this is the episode list with the world of that's included episode four one of the more boring episodes of the volume was sandwiched by the things meaning once we finished on the setup in Episode three it went world of remnant boring episode world of remnant worst episode four weeks of us waiting for the plot to start most egregiously they had a world of remnant between Episode six and seven meaning they made us wait an extra week to get back to the Tyrian and crow fight and we already had to sit through ten minutes of [ __ ] to actually get to the fight and punished why the [ __ ] would they do that hype up the viewers for a fight just to disappoint them the next week with how the Schnee family works we don't care let us see the fight dammit if they want to keep doing world of remnants than they need to do two things one make them fun to watch and interesting to look at to tell the viewers when they'll be released no one works together everyone just runs up one at a time and waits for the friend to get pushed away before going in the show is structured around teams people aren't just in these groups of four for fun arty needs to learn how to have the characters work together in a fight not only does it make more sense within the show but it's more fun to watch which ones better seeing team rwby fighting alone and volume to his final episode or seeing them work together to take out auburn the latter because it's fun seeing how these characters can use their unique weapons semblances and fighting styles together everyone also seems to forget that their weapons are multi-purpose more often than not nor will just run up to an enemy with her hammer rather than shooted with her grenade launcher son seems to have forgotten that his bo staff can become gunshots but it also seems he doesn't even like his weapon considering how often he chooses to fight without it tyrion uses his guns three different times once again choosing to simply charge an opponent rather than shoot from a distance crow almost exclusively uses his sword despite the fact that he not only has a pistol in the grip but he's also apparently super good at using the scythe yeah did you remember he has a scythe because I sure didn't bullets have also become totally useless gun shots never seem to hurt anything and are laughably easy to block not only does Tyrion blocked all of Ruby's bullets without even looking but later Tyrion shoots at Ruby and she blocks all of his bullets effortlessly while she just happened to twirl Crescent frozen these firearms should not be so ineffective their guns people should get shot sometimes and it should cause damage this show is more than just swords and sorcery and has guns I feel like the Ruby crew could do well to learn that these characters were able to shoot at an enemy not just run at them these weapons can be used in interesting ways not just these basic slash fests there's also an over-reliance on speed not only do weapons lack any weight to them but everyone moves at a supersonic pace while fighting not only does this in a gate what makes Ruby unique if everyone's fast no one is but it means there's no variety during combat look at any fight crows been a part of they denote the ability of the combatants by just having them zip around not everyone should be a speed based fighter they only find we've seen that doesn't have the characters blasting around each other was the white trailer the knight is big and has to move slow but it was still a challenge if a character uses big heavy attacks nor for example should then they need to move slower and cause more damage for every hit that's the payoff between these two fighting styles fast characters can do a lot of small damage slow characters can hit less frequently but for maximum damage the real kicker is that even though everyone's supersonic speeding around only heavy weapons seem effective Renne storm flowers never seem to do any damage whether he's shooting or slicing flakes Campbell Shroud is similarly ineffective most of the time roosterteeth should not only study how to give some variety to characters fighting styles especially the speed but also figure out how to let the lighter characters become effective in a fight - they also don't seem to know what sniper rifles are for distance ruby frequently gets right up on an opponent to shoot them sniper rifles are at their maximum effective range when they're between 600 meters to 2,000 meters away give the girl some room to work with volume four is definitely not the worst volume of Ruby so far the character models animation looked nice fights feel like they actually exist in the world not over it I liked getting to learn about CRO some more I liked that we finally got some backstory for Ren while the fights have some real problems arty needs to address they are still fun to watch Ranger versus the guys is a stress-free Rob to show off the new engine they're using Blake and son versus the sea dragon is one of the coolest parts of the volume the Tyrion fight suffers a lot from let's stop everything for no good reason syndrome but beyond that it's exciting the knuckle obvious the weakest fight since it slows down to a crawl at the end it's a real shame to end off the volume like that when the other fights prove that arty can make them fun vocal performances were nothing special but everyone aside from Ruby does a good enough job sounding believable every problem I had with the performances seems to have been due to how they were directed but the volume does have some real flaws the pacing is out of whack and inconsistent the animation takes a dive halfway through the volume character motivations come and go depending on what the script wants the animation doesn't always match the tone of the performance fights only seem to exist because the show needs them not because the plot or characters let it happen naturally we jump over the middle of every character arc half the cast feels useless to the story the other half has regressed into the tropes no one goes anywhere in the volume it feels like nothing gets done because everyone's stuck in one place for the majority of their scenes Weiss goes to the party but spends most of her screen time locked in her room we never even get to see the outside of the manor Blake had a boat ride but is then trapped at menagerie even when she's out of her house menagerie all looks the same gang only ventures away from her and Ty's place in the last episode oscar is stapled to the farm it's just so boring to look at Rangers the only one who gets to explore but even then every location they're in feels the same especially once episode six happens and they become stuck in moody lighting how is it that when the kids were restricted to being at school their locations felt more varied than when they were actively adventuring across the kingdom changing out the locales keeps things from looking stagnant and makes it feel like the characters are progressing it would also really benefit roosterteeth if they figured out that fighting scenes and character growth scenes do not need to be separate entities Ruby feels like it's in two parts action part and plot character growth lore part that's not how this should work the fights should be incorporated into character and plot progression without just stopping the fight to chat for a bit characters can grow from fights and you don't need to interrupt the action to do so so often it feels like the animators never interacted with the directors I want Blake to feel tired and at the end of her rope since she's avoiding the White Fang another conflict during the scene of her finally opening up to her problems so they animate her beating son and acting on the offensive and aggressively during their argument I want this thing to lead up to a cliffhanger who are Weis decides to run away from home by sneaking out that night through a secret doorway so they bring attention to her open window a much more viable means of escape the fact that they can't figure out teamwork during fight scenes comes as no surprise since it seems that can't even work together to make the show it just feels like there's an overall lack of communication between animators writers and directors as if miles will carry right up all the scripts and just throw them at the animators to do whatever they think is best impression I kept getting when I first watched the volume is that Myles and Carrie had decided to figure out the lore and history of remnant and focus their efforts into that rather than the actual volume world-building is a good thing to have in a show but it should not take precedent over the plot I'm glad they finally figured out how this world works but it seems to have come at the cost of a half-baked volume everything related to lore or history seems thought-out and most of the character arcs feel unfinished you need to know your priorities for volume and decide what's important to show the audience if we don't need it don't give it to us the two brothers story feels like a boring waste of time that was only included because you liked it and worked real hard on it you're the directors what you say goes we did not need to hear the story of two brothers it made no impact on the plot or any of the character arcs for the volume if it was going to become important in a later volume then bring it up then the rubic crew needs to be able to give up these supplemental scenes when they become unnecessary especially since it feels as though they had run out of time to make sure everything was a good quality by the end of the volume ditching use the scenes allows more time to either expand the characters or for the plot to progress you only have three and a half hours to tell the story superlative lore would do better to be cut and made into a of remnant rather than wasting your animation efforts in the viewers time these are all problems the Rubik crew need to work on if they want anyone to take Ruby seriously these problems were fine when it's just a webseries but RT totes Ruby as a real anime which means now it has to follow the same standards as its peers and when compared to other action anime like Cowboy Bebop Fullmetal Alchemist Dragonball or one punch man it just doesn't hold up if ruby didn't have the roosterteeth fanbase then it would have been forgotten by now I'd like to see Ruby improve to be able to hold its own amongst the sea of anime it exists in volume 4 is not a bad volume if I had to describe it in one word it would be unfocused too many things are trying to happen all at once and results in a jumble the amount of times I find myself complaining about the atrocious tone shifts this volume is unacceptable a feel of every characters arc was played together and they'd work fine like watching all of ysus scenes and watching all of Blake's scenes etc perhaps the volume would have been better if arty had done that forgoing the cliffhanger riddled unconnected scenes to instead give us a series of character focused short stories but it's no use speculating on what could have been better we have to look at how it is now and as it is the volumes a mess with cliche writing a trophy characters I'm tempted to say volume 4 is worse than volume 1 and volume 1 thought that jean arc was a good idea volume 4 is more fun to watch if you have friends you can riff on it with there's some really cool stuff but there's also plenty of garbage I think virtue teeth can use this volume as a good learning method what worked what didn't why if they can learn from their mistakes that volume 4 can become the first step towards making a truly great show [Music]
Channel: Twiins iink
Views: 21,157
Rating: 4.9242687 out of 5
Keywords: rwby volume 4 review, rwby, review, funny, volume four, four, twiinsiink, twinsink, twiins, iink, roosterteeth, rooster teeth, rooster, teeth
Id: 6pyWr3nhDSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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