RV Tour Part 1 of 2 | RV Renovation Ideas On A Budget | Tiny House Tour | Full Time RV Living

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[Music] today we are finally going to take you guys on a tour of our 2006 cedar creek silverback for those of you that have been with us we're super glad you're back and for those of you who are new to our channel welcome i'm james i'm kimberly and i'm autumn we're camper size living we are about to celebrate our four year nomadiversary we have been traveling on the road seeking adventure work camping and road schooling autumn since 2017 we're about to start year five and we are more excited now than we've ever been before that's right so come on inside and we'll show you all the renovations and how we've made this camper a home let's way to do go all again make girl love a story that would never thought [Music] all right guys so come on in this is the kitchen we went ahead and painted the top cabinets white the bottom cabinet's a darker blue we learned our lesson in the last campers to not paint them a light color because they show all the dirt so while the light ones still will show fingerprints they wipe off pretty easily we painted the hardware took those off and painted we took the inserts out of the refrigerator and painted those white when we were moving in i panicked a little bit because believe it or not this has less storage than our travel trailer does so we actually had less space so i had to do even more condensing i panicked a little bit about how we were going to set this up let me show you some of the things we did some of the things were an accident and some of the things were were well thought out but let me show you so we have this cabinet here for our pots and pans and then we went ahead and bought these two racks on amazon for our lids and then our bags and saran wrap and foil we put the silverware in the top of course sponges and pot holders and my window cleaner is in this one and then we have more dish towels and wash rags down down here this one here just opens up to the floor i kind of really haven't figured out what i'm going to do with that yet so this was one of our things that we did not plan on doing but we did to get the coffee pot up out of the way and then we loved it so the coffee pot goes up here so all things coffee related extra paper towels and it keeps it off the counter which i love it just stays up there we open these up and we brew our coffee in the morning and then this up here is home to my instant pot and crock pot and then i found these baskets at five and below and i i am so excited about the way they turned out so they hold a lot of miscellaneous things up there and they're not even all full like i ended up not even needing to use them and best thing about them is we don't have to pull them down when we travel they stay put they stay up there they don't move over here is the entertainment center we went we decided not to put a tv in the living room because we really don't watch a whole lot of television anyway and we could not think of how we would where we would put it to where we could watch because you don't have the old tv that sits back in there they're all the flat screen tvs we put this in here while we were painting and once again we we fell in love with it after about the third day of it being in there i said i like that there let's plan on just keeping it and then that made the decision to not have a television in the living room so we use it for storage our games here some of my essential oils and candles are there this is more storage autumn school books up there oh and a fireplace so we had just bought a fireplace not long before we lost our old camper and so that was one of the things that we really wanted to bring with us our cabinet wouldn't fit but james was able to take the insert of the fireplace and stick it in there and frame it in and i love it and soda zodie so we also have these cupboards here for storage we have the printer up here i'm not even sure what oh some pens and some more art supplies for autumn for her schoolwork and then this one here some dog treats and silverware we gotta fix this i guess yeah that keeps coming out that's just a strip of glue yeah silicone we'll just put some new silicone and be fine because we don't want that glass to pop out of there and then we went ahead and installed these lights using the 12-volt folds and we went ahead and just covered the couch this is the original couch that came with it we just put this couch cover over it okay so i want to break in real quick about these this is something that kimberly discovered in a blog i wish i could remember whose it was i have been searching for the last several years on trying to find decent looking light fixtures for an rv if you've looked on amazon or even just on google you realize that you can't find a good quality good looking rv light she found out that you can get these 12 volt bulbs that fit the same socket as a regular light fixture regular household 110 light fixture you just wire them up to the 12 volt wiring so we were able to order these that kimberly wanted and these 12 volt edison bulbs that screw into a regular 110 base now you got 12 volts then all we did was add these little switches just drilled a hole in there got these 12 volt switches off of amazon and there you go you've got a light switch and of course all the stuff that we mentioned on amazon we'll put links in the description down below and then step into the office so this is the office this is where james does his video editing and this is where i work and where autumn does her school work so a lot happens right here our pantry so i had a giant pantry in my travel trailer moving into this we this is live and uncut y'all smaller so this is real life rv living right here folks all my cans are down there i don't have any kind of organization yet for some sauces up here but also so when we went over the george washington bridge it was so atrocious like it was so bumpy it rattled our pantry shelves off so james has to get in there and figure out how he can resupport my pantry shelves i'm really not sure what we're gonna do with that we paid 88 dollars to cross the george washington bridge for the privilege of just making it across the river it's not a good road it was just like rattling the heck out of everything yeah it was bad it was bad so we get new pantry shelves sweet my flour and sugar canisters and then my dips and sauces but you know while we lost some space we also gained some space because in my old camper i never had a place for a trash can my trash bag would have to sit over the knob underneath my kitchen sink drove me crazy so now i have a trash can and max and all these bowls food bowls and water he's just watching he's followed us every step of the way we doing okay buddy all right we'll show you the upstairs this is the bed and our closet i love her closet if for no other reason then it hides all the mess we can put our dirty clothes in there we can shove all kinds of stuff in there we put our extra toilet paper in here i'll let you oh you're gonna let them all loose can i put that light on in there well i didn't have that let's just go to my peak okay let's do that again i'm not going to turn my way down that's just a peek you know some of that's going in there go ahead so this is autumn and eyes clothes and a little bit of james's clothes are in here right so oh and we have these shelves here to help oh now you really show my dirty laundry they're in your dirty laundry all right and then we also have these drawers here this cabinet and just close yeah just close and then this here is where james stores all of his clothes you're not going to show my dirty laundry oh yeah oh look camper sized living while we said we weren't going to have a tv in the living room we went ahead and put it up in here and when we do family movie night we just bring in a chair and we all hang out up here and watch a movie it works it works really well when we were renovating the bedroom there was a spot for another box tv right here along with some another cabinet we went ahead and took it down we were intending to replace the cabinet here because i didn't want to lose the storage but we really like how it opened everything up we do still have these exposed wires well they're capped they're capped they're safe but they're just hanging out there it adds some color yeah we have some we have an option to do something here this is a fun story so we're at a thrift store in tucson doing christmas trees yeah we're at a at a thrift store in tucson and these were sitting on the shelf just like this yeah jk like it's meant to be so we had to bring those home we took out the border around the bedroom slide and we put in the barnwood slide it came from my actual barn that was at my childhood home so it's pretty special yeah we put screws in the original nail holes from the barn you can see where the water had dripped down on the side of the barn there super awesome james applied more of the peel and stick wallpaper so here's a fun game see if we can find see see if we can find the seams on this because we ordered this stuff we put it up and when we're going to put it up i'm like none of this is lining up like you i put up the first row up and down and then i went to put the second row on and it would line up at the top but not at the bottom or in the middle and so we read the reviews and the reviews were like it's great if good enough is good enough for you you cannot line it up there's some places where it's not lined up but i challenge you to find those i'll give you another look pretty funny he did a great job with it he's good at that stuff i don't have the patience for it i i sit and be a cheerleader that's my job if you're on stick wallpaper i'm the cheerleader she does she comes and she's my cheerleader and she hangs out with me painting kimberly is a rock star i don't paint so much i did i did some trim and stuff like that but the bulk of it was kimberly and autumn you all saw that we'll put a link to that video here so then this is our vanity and our bathroom sink underneath the bathroom that's it that's it that's how you see that all right so we we get asked a lot autumn and i what kind of hair products do we use so i'm going to show you what we're using right now we have this some paul mitchell twirl around we love our instant freeze aussie gel sometimes we use the suave max hole what's your secret weapon over there oh yes this um i see questions all the time on the boom doctors page or um in one of the rv groups about how do people with curly hair manage it while boondocking this is amazing so it's like you just it takes maybe a quarter cup of water for the whole bottle and then you can hold it you ready and it's a continuous there you go no this is our favorite water bottle look at just that sprayed that mirror down like that and sometimes i like to use it to kind of duck tail my hair once i get a new haircut like it did not look i got my head renovated so honestly this is mostly what we use in lots of conditioners when we wash our hair we use lots and lots of conditioner do we get to see in there yeah you can see in here it's pretty crowded i would like to get a cabinet to go here to put most of this stuff in just a lot up there it does it does it's nice so we're also using this right now so there's the line of products it it takes a lot of hair product [Music] odie's with us again [Music] uh is the shower we went ahead and replaced the shower head with an oxygenic shower head yes definitely as we said in the previous video before we had the oxygenics and we were talking how much we love it we're not sponsored by them we pay for our oxygenic showerhead they are awesome we will definitely put a link in the description below for this new style oxygenics head and honestly the new one the old one they're all great uh this one just gives you a few more options on spray type and one of my favorite things is the soap dispenser works really well it does work well and something that i have noticed we use less soap we use the shampoo less conditioner because you're squeezing it like this and so it dispenses a small amount so you sit there and so i think just automatically we're using less rather than just squeezing it so if you have kids or teenagers that's a good tip it's got a little seat for shaving your legs or what have you and i keep my soap right there and then i'm gonna let james do this tour the bathrooms in our home have a special place in my heart so i'll cover this one a couple things to start we put this hook up on the door it was sliding around you can see where it kind of left marks right here see right there on the back side i just drilled a hole right here and just put a screw into the top where there should be a good solid piece of wood in these hollow core doors another thing that we did is this sliding door was not working the track had fallen down and so rather than get up there and redo that we put a metal plate up here on the door and then a magnet latch there so now we just use that as our door for the bedroom for the bathroom works really good that way when you step out of the shower you've got a towel right here works awesome something else we really like in here there's light switches right here on the side so there's one for the fan and then there's one for the light now here's a functional and kind of beautiful thing that we had in our last camper and we brought it with us and put it in this camper and we got it on amazon and again we'll put a link to that down below it's this towel rack you just roll the towels it's super easy they look nice right there and we got what five towels there and sometimes if you've got a smaller one you can tuck one in between so you could get six seven towels in there and it's got a little rack for anything you might want to put up here as well another thing that i love i talked about this on the pre-renovation tour but we've been using the fifth wheel for quite a while now this is the most perfectly positioned toilet paper roll holder i've seen it probably in my life so i left it right there probably nobody else out there does this but when it's in an uncomfortable position back here or something i'll take the toilet paper roll off and that drives kimberly crazy this one i don't have to do that i love it i leave it right here i'm still missing my shelf i want to put here for the cell phone someplace to set your keys yourself on whatever want something like that another thing that we got is this toilet seat the top half of the the rv toilet is porcelain so we're able to get this household toilet seat i'll put a link to this also down below what i love about this is the one that was in here it wouldn't stay up for whatever reason it kept wanting to flip forward that's not gonna work having that toilet seat flipping forward i went and got this one and put it in now a couple of things on this when this one was up against that kind of new painted surface it would like squeak and rub and rubbing on the wall and so we went and got one of these stick up doorknob protectors and put that on there and that has eliminated that you don't have the squeak and rubbing on the wall the other great thing is it's the soft clothes so you can let it go like that and it'll go and it won't slam that's great last thing i love about this is i'm normally the one that wipes the top of the toilet because you know i'm the guy i see the top of the toilet when i lift the toilet seat up but it's hard to wipe around the toilet seat bolts this one you just pop them up like that and then the toilet seat just unclicks and then you can wipe all around there real easy you can take the toilet seat and go clean it if you want to which i just did so don't freak out then you just click it back on put those back down and it locks it into place that is awesome i thought it would be great and it is great link in the description down below okay we still have the little fan that we talked about before i would like a fantastic fan that's dirty yeah down the road you missed anything odie one question left i know you guys are saying well what if you want to eat dinner in the camper and sit outside at the picnic table or play cards or what have you come take a look [Music] this is how we do it this desk slash table that kimberly found on amazon i believe it's like 24 by 48 inches we'll put a link down below but it works excellent as a desk or as a small dinette table we just have a nice folding chair then we've got one more for autumn that's down below we've played cards here we dinner here have our coffee here so it's a little bit of rigmarole to switch back and forth but it works excellent as both that's right we're not done by any means no whether you're sticks and breaks or an rv is the renovation really done probably not no but we've come a long way since we yes started we're certainly at a point that we feel like it's great to live in and we wanted to welcome you all and see where we're at with it right now uh you probably saw some chip paint you know around the door handle we had some trouble with the slide and the trim and wasn't too big and rubbing that kind of thing or the insides of some of the cabinets uh didn't get painted we were on real time crunch because we had to get this bought and renovated and get up here to new hampshire in a real short amount of time so right now our front cabinet the main cabinet under the fifth wheel has all the extra paint cans that we had with all the different colors so that we can come back do touch-ups and finish up some things that we didn't get to get done during the main renovation but for the most part love where it's at we do what's your so what's your favorite thing about the new fifth wheel i love all the space in here i mean our camper we loved our camper it was our home we did a lot of renovations as you probably saw there uh but we did lose that camper because of the ice storms it got totaled out we'll put a link to that video here tell them about what happened with that but god blessed us in a huge way with this camper this fifth wheel that we bought from some amazing people and all the renovations and everything we were able to buy this and renovate it for less than ten thousand dollars it's amazing so if your dream is to go full time look just keep looking be persistent don't go after the first one you see if if something's not right don't go for it wait and be patient if you're a person of faith pray about it and you know you'll know when it's right time to pull the trigger but you can find a great deal and then if you're willing and able you can do a lot of this stuff yourself just painting and peeling stick wallpaper and that kind of thing i do love all the space i love that the slide out is level to the floor if it's up to me i'll never buy an rv that has the slide out where it's raised up off the main floor because this allows us to have this table we could slide it out a little bit or when we have it like a desk we can roll out onto the main floor it just makes it a much more big usable space as you've seen in the footage today so that's my favorite thing is the space and the slide-out being level how about you what's your favorite thing about the new rv i would have to say my bedroom is probably my favorite part it's just so big and open for we didn't really have a bedroom in our old camper we kind of would slide beside the bed up to the front of the camper and then slide we hardly ever slid the doors closed no because it just made it feel too closed off but my head would touch the front of the camper and my feet would touch the front of the bed yeah front of the bed to the to the wall yeah so it's just nice to have some space in our own spot up there well and you're being a little modest she also picked out some amazing wallpaper i thought and the um paint colors especially the one on the wardrobe that urbane bronze from sherwin-williams uh i love it i think that just gives it kind of a luxury feel yeah for us yeah it feels like a retreat yeah yeah i think so anyway those are some of our favorite things let us know in the comments down below things that you loved that you saw that you might want to use yourself or things that ideas that you have to make further improvements because like you said we're not done we're not done all right it is time for us to start making dinner it is time for us to start making dinner we're hungry we're gonna have a great night we hope you have a great night we'll catch up with you guys next time bye y'all if you enjoyed this video or found value in it please consider subscribing hitting the thumbs up and sharing it with your friends and by all means leave a comment and let us know what you think we love reading all the comments we try to get back to as many comments as we can bye bye guys [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so yeah that is my room i love it so much i still have some personal touches that i'm probably going to be putting on there i'm going to be adding on to it and as i add on to it i will let you guys know you
Channel: Camper Size Living
Views: 28,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rving, rv, rv travel, rv living, rv living full time, full time rv living, rv life, rv lifestyle, rving full time, rv full time, travel trailer, full time, full time rv, full time rv life, full time rving, fifth wheel, Cedar Creek fifth wheel, Fifth Wheel, RV Camping, camper size living, tiny house, tiny house tour, Tiny house, tiny home, tiny home tour, rv tour, rv remodel, rv renovation, rv renovation tour, camper tour, fifth wheel tour, cedar creek, silverback
Id: 2KHo2VvVwfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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