RV Roof Repair: Ditch Eternabond Tape Now!

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seven years ago this blue-eyed man introduced himself to me in a church fast forward to today where now married adopted two dogs and running this business together somewhere in between all of this he started what I call his passion project where he created multiple Facebook groups where our viewers can share their problems repairs fixes and upgrades you've seen our series what's in the shop now we're sharing what's in the group this is where we pull from the many posts and direct messages from you and I let Dustin do what he does best and that's help foreign hey everybody Dustin does not know nipple said pulled so I'm gonna pull one for you this first one is not even from one of your groups and I just wanted to get your professional opinion on this it says did a thing this week no more lap sealant for our girl a turnabond really is a one and done that is so bad why is it bad so the turnabon is designed to be a patch okay and typically so let's just talk about all manufacturers right there's no manufacturers that are out there if it was such a great product then why would all the manufacturers not be using it right and when they say a turnabout or any of the bond tapes the die-core tape there's other brands that stuff is stuck on there like crazy so it's not it's like taking duct tape and sticking it to the side of the wall thinking you're going to deflect the water out of the coach what's going to happen is that the plastic membrane that's on that the turnab on tape that's gonna get sun damaged just like anything else that's plastic on the roof so your AC covers your vents coverage pump Adventure stove vents any of that stuff that gets brittle and falls apart basically that's what's going to happen to this and so now what they did is they band-aided it over the top of the existing ceilings so foreign you know now it's covered if they ever have to remove any of that stuff it's gonna take forever to get that off there they're never going to be able to hide it without you know replacing the whole roof material I mean it's it's I would not do that to anybody's coach I just divided their whole coach to me okay so like if you're gonna put it on there like say you have a situation where something's let loose and you're in transit and you damage the tree branch or something come loose go ahead put it on there patch it but take some pictures so you can show your insurance company so that you can say hey here's where it was torn here's why I put this on there it's not designed to be something that's flexible that gives and flexes with the coach if you're going to put it on there then you're going to want to seam the edges all the way around it because it's gonna it's basically it's gonna shrink up and then it's going to curl and it's going to make a little toothpick size journals and it's going to allow the water to get up underneath of it and it's going to get right down in there where you don't want it in the first place okay so I would I'm not a fan of that at all I would not be that it's horrible okay thank you for your information sorry what that's okay so one more question what would be your recommendation to somebody who because they did it because they don't want to maintain their roof yeah so okay so what's your best recommendation for somebody like that so what they don't tell you is dicoroxylant or the alpha cellant it has to keep it simple it has like a food grade type oil that's in it as it gets as the roof surface gets hot the oil will bleed out causing dust and dirt to stick to it the cleaner you can keep it the longer it's going to last and again um and here's an example that everybody should know with all at one point or another bought a printer and a printer comes with a starter ink cartridge right you get 250 prints and then oh man it's a hundred dollars to go get my ink cartridge right well the printer only cost you 120 bucks so the example is when they seal these at the factory they're still temporarily quick thin get it out the door they're relying on that stuff to dry up as quick as they can so they can get it you know shipped out the roof is one of the last thing that goes on other than cleaning it and doing a final inspection on it well that sealant takes a full 30 days to 100 cure and even if you put it on thick when it shrinks up and binds to the roof you know that's where sometimes it you know needs to be thickened up so we think oh they sealed it too thin well me it looked great when they sealed it but it still shrinks up so you know you have to clean and resole the roof as needed you know you want to get up there you want to not neglect it the thicker the better um typically when we resell a roof depending on the size and what's on it sometimes we'll use 24 twos and it sounds like a lot but the thicker it is the longer it's going to last you know so keeping it clean scrubbing it with soap and water putting on the UV protectants it's the same thing with the roof material you know and the same thing with that without a tournament tape if you were to crawl up there and you were to put a product on it like 303 on the tape it may last longer but the plastic is going to break down on that tape the the glue that holds that is going to break down it's not forever but it will take you an eternity to remove it and you'll never get it all the way off without damaging the rubber so I guess the rule of thumb would be clean and resell as often as you need to depending on the area where you're at thank you so you sure you sure you're into this today yeah okay have you joined one of our groups well what are you waiting for the link in the YouTube description box below will take you to a landing page that highlights all of our groups come on and join us online whether it's a general group or one tailored to your Arby's manufacturer there's something for everyone foreign [Music]
Channel: Your RV Specialists
Views: 87,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternabond, rv roof repair, eternabond tape, California RV Specialists, should i cover all seams on RV roof with eternabond tape?, eternabond tape application, eternabond tape rv roof, eternabond roofseal, eternabond rv roof, eternabond vs flex seal tape, eternabond tape removal, eternabond rv roof repair, diseal sealing tape, alpha superflex roof repair, eternabond roof seal tape, extereme quick roof patch, your rv specialists, sika multiseal plus tape, eternabond review
Id: fZrBdTtbLiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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