Rusty W123 240D Restoration Part 2

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okay we're back out here in the pit some things have escalated I have put this fender on mostly welded in got this rocker panel cut out lots of restructuring behind the rocker panel near where the subframe mounts had to make some rounded pieces that come up and meet the back side of the rocker I've got that going up there then all the way up here I gotta recreate all of that up here and that continues inside where I'll have to recreate that we've got some small sections here um somewhat laid out this black piece up here skirts over kind of does a drop down to meet the main floor here and I've got this rear floor pan in I've got some blankets covering up the wow this this one fell but covering up the console because I'm too lazy to take it out but I gotta make some little pieces in here there's some Misty welds here I forgot to turn the gas on oops that's fine so yeah I got to make this little piece um we should be good on the underside of the Rockers we've got some areas here that I've welded in a couple tacks I haven't gone along the seam and done all the underside but it's all tucked up nice and contacts the new floor paint on the back as you'd expect um one thing we'll have to do is obviously smooth all these down and then re-drill some trim holes for the there's a piece of black trim that that was that goes about here to here so this doesn't have to be super pretty but it'll get hidden and smooth down it's going to take forever to grind that I'll have to get a bunch of um yeah but this side's come along nicely um that's for the other side and just general car updates don't mind all the crap later on a few things have transpired since I last updated you guys kind of sand at a few small spots this will be pretty easy to fix it's literally a square got the trim off the back sand some Rust over here it's gone cut it out it's actually on the ground over here that so yeah once the other side's done start tackling this I think some reason the floors aren't as bad on this side so I don't know but let's show you up here I came and cleaned out one of these rockers and it's just the mountain I don't know but yeah this you know typical gone but so yeah we'll be getting back into that and uh show you some of that footage [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're back here working on the 240D I thought before I filmed anything else today I I'll start it up you guys can hear it run hear how quiet it is not start to the day I was grinding over there on the side and I'll save you the effort of watching me go through 16 Milwaukee batteries to grind down an entire rocker panel but I'll bring you back from when I make some of the front structure parts so without that here's a start of this thing also need to start okay game plan is pretty simple here it's gonna pull out some more of the same sealer grain or whatever rust I can we need to make a plate that fits in nicely here comes down here kind of turns in kind of form that to wrap around where the seam sealer is just connected to here then once we have that done we can go back and try to tackle this piece here which is that's the front floor firewall area ish up there we'll need to take that and tie that into this little triangle my clamp is get this tight all in see there's some interocker that I've made already there it's kind of chilling so we'll try to tie this piece in and then we'll tie this into the piece that comes over makes a little cap there and then if we move up a little bit and figure out something here I've done this before on one two three the first one two three I got well the second the first wagon is over here this entire area was just gone you know this stuff was still here so it doesn't make sense but anyways this isn't too bad of a job um you could pretty much tack a piece in here you know then it's hot enough you can bend it over Flex it in here you can get another one here and this is just a a drain so there's a drain that comes down here from right in the hood under the hood there's a little drain right here and what happens is they get clogged they're supposed to actually drain out you know inboard but they get clogged they overfill they pull up here they rot out that's what the main problem is with these so that's why this looks like that but this car is inherently Rusty and we don't know why so if it can rest it will Rust and it's Rusty on this car is not gone so I'm gonna get working on that [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] got that in there roughly I messed up and gotta make a little panel here and then over here really later on gotta grind that down for the most part it came around I'm not going for you know rolled off the showroom floor type thing this is all hidden behind the fender so anyways we'll uh hold on probably over back there I got a little spot to finish welded on that and then you can jump in the floors on this side so let's do that so back here I have this mostly uh welded in uh as you can see here I have more rust repair there shocking I know there's a I didn't finish welding the tuck underneath into where the Jack and stuff goes in the trunk so I just need to do that so let's do that [Music] thank you all right so that's about it for today into that the wire wheel over here but this is mostly done grind that flat because you go a lot done on the rocker um as expected with something like this you cut one thing out oh look there's more rust so it's going to be a journey but I think we're making pretty good progress here I don't know what my goal is I guess when to be done in a couple months Maybe mid-marked some time would be ideal likely and needs a few other things like I mentioned motor mounts probably a valve cover gaskets probably rock hard uh it needs a clutch it kind of moves right now obviously needs some tires that aren't in cane but yeah I think we're making good progress this side is far more worse for wear than the other side besides like the other side having this missing the rocker panel on the floor situation over there isn't as bad I think all said and um we're in pretty good shape so thanks for watching and uh forward making the next video
Channel: Schank's Workshop
Views: 10,613
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Id: 5V_RSDKuWys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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