Russell Brand On Dealing With Guilt!

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guilt how are you gonna do with your guilt about what you done guilt and shame I've said before guilt is what you've done shame is what you are how do you deal with guilt for what you've done well me a 12-step person the twelve steps have a process for dealing with guilt and shame dealing with guilt and shame I think is fundamental for any journey of personal development one aspect of it is inventory making a note of all the things you've done wrong and and the things that you believe that have been done wrong to you and analyze them today we'll focus on things you believe you've done wrong to others well what you have to do is see how you could amend the wrong you've done let's take a simple example if you think that you owe a child or a parent or a friend an apology you can talk through with someone you trust a spiritual adviser or just a mate that you can trust normally someone who has a degree of objectivity in your life I would use I use people that not to you know like how your relationships can become a little bit clouded you might not be able to fully trust another person's objectivity juice or codependent links and connections usually my wife and I are pretty clear in how we communicate but sometimes in issues affecting our marriage directly I will consult someone external and invite her to do the same so that we're not sort of cannibalizing each other within the relationship if I wanted to make amends to someone in the past because I felt guilty about what I'd done what I would do is talk through someone what I believed I'd done wrong what I should have done instead what an appropriate means amend would be you some people you're what you've like if you hurt someone or offended them or whatever it is something sometimes you might think it's best to just let it go and then in order to deal with the guilt you could make amends in a less direct way this is an example of the top of my head so you kicked a dog I don't know why you kicked the dog maybe you had a bad day and you think I'll that dog it's dead now not because you kicked it just due to the passage of time you know dogs they're just you know we've all just got there is a limit anyway you can't make them into that dog by giving it a bone apologizing but you could give money or time to a dog specific charity thereby amending your kind of karmic debt to dogs in general that's what I would propose doing then when you think about Oh God there was that time I've kicked that dog why did I kick that this isn't a specific example of I think I've ever kicked a dog when Bears made me so angry at times I just sort of tend to go inward with the rage you know like before the hunk not like the Hulk before the Hulk hug before the Hulk transforms no there might be a bit resource I get to that bit with bear but never the bit where my trousers are all ripped up and I'm smashing my way from a barnyard or whatever and anyway ah you can amend the karmic debt by mythically and symbolically amending what you've done although in some cases a direct amends is possible you can go to a person or an institution as I'm sorry I treated you this way I shouldn't have done that this is what proposed I do to make up to you is there anything else you want to tell me that's how you deal with guilt then you will start to address the underlying lack of self-esteem or self-love that often arises from believing that having done bad things you are a bad person my belief is that no one is really bad no one is really evil but that we get trapped in systems and patterns inwardly and outwardly but have negative consequences but there must always be a route back minnie well I'm not saying about many Christiani for example talks about redemption being redeemed from sin and that way of doing that is yes by living differently by giving yourself over to a different way in christianity specifically by giving your way over to God but in a more secularized way giving yourself over to good hello I'm doing these new videos more frequently now please hit the notification button at the end of this video then you'll get a like a little bell when there I post a new video and I'd like you to get a little bill when I post the video then I can I don't know be buzzing away in your pocket sounds like I'd be like a little pocket must anyway subscribe click the bell want more people to watch their YouTube videos you specifically
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Views: 164,665
Rating: 4.9347181 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand Recovery, Russell Brand Mentors, guilt, shame, mental health video, mindfulness tips, meditation, 12 Steps, Recovery, How to make amends, How to apologise, spirituality, Russell Brand spirituality, Spirituality video
Id: DeyWmFnUpd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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