RUS Webinar: Bathymetry Derivation with Sentinel-2 - COAS01

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hello everybody and welcome to the 37th webinar in the ru series my name is georgia caradimo and in this webinar we will learn how to derive near store based symmetry using sentinel 2 data i would also like to mention that this exercise is based on a concept developed by elena papa giorgio so let's have a look at the structure of this webinar we will first have a quick introduction about the root service followed by some recent updates that we have included in the project we will then have an introduction about the study area we will continue with some information about sentinel-2 satellite and its multi-spectral instrument and then we will have a bit of theory about bath imagery then we will move to the exercise in the roost virtual machine and the qna session will follow at the end the webinar will last around one and a half hour including the q a session and please be aware that it is being recorded and you will be able to repeat this exercise by yourself later once it will be uploaded in our youtube channel and our training website you can start sending us your questions immediately as soon as you have one and with my colleagues here we will try to answer to as many of them as possible this way we will avoid having too many questions accumulated for the q a session at the end in any case all of your questions will be answered in the relative document that will be uploaded at our training website together with this recording okay let's talk a bit about the root service ruse stands for research and user support for sentinel core products it is an initiative funded by the european commission and manus bayesa with the objective to promote the uptake of copernicus sentinel data and support research and development activities the service provides a free and open scalable platform in a powerful computing environment hosting a suite of open source toolboxes pre-installed on virtual machines which allow you to handle and process the data derived from the sentinel satellites ruse also provides a specialized user help desk to support your remote sensing activities with sentinel data and a dedicated training program let's talk now a bit more in detail about the training program and the updates of the project from now on we will be offering our services in let's say to different categories based on the rus vm availability to users the first category includes the rules training activities we will continue offering face-to-face trainings in virtual classrooms our monthly webinars providing support to webinar replay as well as support to external training organization and operations the second category is about individual users and r d projects for all training activities rusevms will be provided to the users as following its face-to-face training and virtual classroom event will consist of around 20 participants the type of the vms will be provided based on the training category together with the ict support during and after the session in the case of extension the maximum duration will be one month the pdf tutorials will continue to be available to everyone via the rus portal and those who will receive a vm for webinar replay will not exceed the duration the two weeks for the external trainings 30 vms maximum will be provided per event and the participants will benefit from the remote support from our ict team moving to the individual users that want to perform any project the standard rus vms provided so far will not be available anymore but instead the solution of the docker container image will be offered it will contain the ruse virtual environment and our icd team will provide the necessary support for accessing the docker installing the selected roost tools on your own infrastructure and enriching the ruse training kits you can read more information about the docker at the link provided on the right in these websites you can find all the information about the project in our roots portal here on the left so i recommend you to check it after the webinar to get familiar with the service and find more about the updates of the project register and request a service on the right part of the slide you can see and visit our training page where you can find announcements for our upcoming webinars and events the recorded videos with the q a documents and our e-learning material which you can use in practice by simply creating an account as i mentioned in the beginning we also have a youtube channel where you can find all the videos of our previous webinars and you will also find this one in a couple of days here i would like to show you a bit the two websites i just mentioned so if you go to the roots portal you can go up here to the login register and you can click on create my copernicus ssl account you just fill in this form and you register in case you face any difficulties please contact us to let you know how to proceed once you have an account you can log in and if you navigate to all these tabs you can find useful information about the root service there is offer and the library we have and the community in general even without an account if you go to the rus library and click on train with rus here you will find all the tutorials we have uploaded so far for all the webinars that have been created from our service now let me go to the roots training website here again you can just sign up and create an account with your email first name and last name and sign up if you don't receive the verification email please contact us to fix the issue so once you have an account you can access our e-learning part that we have and in there you will find plenty of courses that you can repeat and at the end of each one there will be a small quiz so that helps you to practice what you have learned so far at the end you will also receive a certificate if you have been successful even without an account you can navigate to the training section we have and if you go to the upcoming you will find the list of all the upcoming events we organize as bruce copernicus also if you go to the past ones you will find everything we have done so far and if you go more specifically for example to the previous webinar where released this one about monitoring volcanic emissions with sentinel 5p if you click on more info you will find all the information of the webinar together with the uploaded video on youtube and the q a session document now let's go back to the presentation to start with the study area we will navigate over greece and more specifically we will visit the southern part of the country the island of crete crete is the largest and most populous of the greek islands and the fifth largest in mediterranean in this exercise we will focus on the northwest part of crete the gulf of hanja so for this exercise we will be using optical data provided by the sentinel-2 satellite constellation sentinel to mission car is a passive sensor which means it observes an object of the earth's surface using external energy sources like the sunlight it is formed by constellation of two twin satellites sentinel to a and to be they are passing at a polar orbit meaning that they complete full circles around the earth passing always from north and south poles and they are faced at 180 degrees to each other and the multi-spectral instrument it carries has 13 bands the spatial resolution varies based on the spectral band to 10 20 or 60 meters at the equator it has a revisit time of 5 days as you can see here the 13 spectral bands are in frequencies of the visible the near infrared and short wave infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum those that are of pixel size of 10 meters resolution are for band 2 3 4 and 8. they are those which we will also use for this exercise the product types that are available to users are level 1c and level 2a as we can see here both of them come in tiles of 100 by 100 square kilometers and more specifically level 1c products contain top of atmosphere reflectances while level 2a contain bottom of atmospheric reflectances basically level 2a derives from level 1c products and user can generate it by applying the center core processor on a level 1c product here on the two images you can see on the left how a sentinel 1c image looks like and how they associate to it level 2a image looks like on the right which is atmospherically corrected okay let's continue now with some information about bathymetry the methods we use for bathymetry estimation we split them in two categories the empirical bathymetry which is image-based and we also have the analytical methods which are physics based for the empirical one we have the classification with depth invariant indices and we have the bathymetry by regression using considered data where the depths are known for the analytical methods we have the physics-based bathymetry inversion and the radiative transfer model inversion that we need to use multi-spectral and hyperspectral data from those two categories we will apply an empirical bathymetry method in this exercise and we will focus on the bathymetry variation using considered data with known depths there are two potential models for this one the log lineal model by lyzenga and the lineal ration model by stamp in our case we will use the stamp fun don't worry about the equation you see here we will explain its parameter of it a bit later okay here we have the processing workflow we will use in order to derive the bathymetry first we need to atmospherically correct a sentinel to level 1c product over water or we need to use a level 2a product which is already atmospherically corrected which this will be our case next we need to resample all bands into the same spatial resolution and subset the original image keeping only the region of our interest in order to save processing time and resources then we need to mask the land and keep only the aquatic areas so we have to create a land mask and then apply it to the rest of the bands next step is the sun glen correction sun glint is a common phenomenon in satellite images and it refers to the specular reflection of the sun on water surfaces what happens is that the water leaving reflectance cannot be observed easily due to the reflection of the direct sunlight on the air water interface in the direction of the satellite sun glint removal is a pre-processing step of multi-spectral images which is necessary when the amount of sun glint prevents the visibility of the sea bottom there are several sun glint removal methods in this exercise we will apply the the glean methodology proposed by hidley tall 2005 that describes the linear relationships between near-infrared and visible bands using linear regression analysis based on a sample of the image pixels for the equation below that describes the sun glint correction we have the following parameters ri is the reflectance from visible band i bi is the regression slope r n ir is the near infrared band value and the m-i-n-n-i-r the minimum near-infrared value of the sample don't worry we will get the values for all these parameters from the analysis we will make on the right part of the slide now you can see how the area looks like before and after we have applied the sun glen correction next step in this processing flow is the dark object atmospheric correction this is an empirical atmospheric correction method which assumes that the reflectance from dark objects includes a substantial component of atmospheric scattering and needs to be subtracted finally we will derive the bathymetry data we will adopt the model developed by stunt fertile based on the principle that each band has a different absorption level over water and this diversity level theoretically will produce the ratio between bands this ratio then will generate a similar thinness change when the depth changes for this exercise the ratio will be applied for the pair of blue and green bands in order to define the constants of the equation we also need a data set of points with known depths in this equation m1 is a turnable constant to scale the ratio to depth n is a fixed constant for all areas rw is a reflectance of water for bands of the ratio which are blue and green in this case and m0 is the offset for a depth of 0 meters remember that m1 and m0 will derive from the regression analysis we will perform last slide of this theory for the exercise is about sent to coral processor as you can see we have in grey the pre-processing steps that are needed before using it and in blue we have the six different modules it contains in green you see some further processing steps that can be applied based on your application sent to coral is based on the exploitation and validation of the sentinel-2 mission for mapping like mapping habitat bathymetry and water quality and for change detection for coral reef health assessment and monitoring the two models we will use for our exercise are the declined and the empirical bathymetry okay now let's move to the rules vm in order to start our exercise so you click on the link in order to go to your virtual machine you insert your credentials the username and the password and you click login okay and now we have entered our rusevm first thing we need is open firefox and go to open access hub so that we download a sentinel to image that we need for this exercise so we just click here in openhab and once we are there we go here and we login with our account if you don't have one you sign up and you create one and then you can log in okay now that we're logged in we are moving over greece and more specifically as we mentioned over the island of crete in this part on the gulf of ghana let's just draw a small area to set it and let's go to insert the parameters so the date we will use for the exercise will be 24th of august of 2018. so you go here in the sensing period and you go to august 2018 and you select 24 and you do the same for both of them 2018 august 24 as a start and as an end period because we want to have the images only of that date as mentioned we will use sentinel 2 data and we can go here in the product type and select s2msi 2a then we just click search and we have two results let's unzoom a bit from those two images the one that we want to use is the one this one the left one from the two that you can see it has this name over here so this one you just click on the download icon to download the product in case it is offline a message will appear you will click ok will initiate the retrieval and a bit later it will be available at your cart close this window okay and we can start with the exercise so now let's go to shared and we go to training code01 by symmetry derivation grease we double click and we see that we have a folder with some auxiliary data with the original image we downloaded and the processing folder where we will store all the outputs so if i open here the original i can see the zip product and i can just go now and double click on snap to open it and start the exercise and here we are first part we have this folder opened here and we opened the original we see here the sentinel to zip file that we have downloaded so we just drag it and we drop it on the left in the product explorer window and you see that it is reading it once this is loaded you can go to the world view for example and zoom in a bit and see the location of the image over the globe okay let's just open this image to see it so we right click on it and we select open rgb image window we keep as profile the sentinel to msi natural colors and we leave the bands as they are in red we want the band 4 green band 3 blue band 2. we just click ok and this is creating the image so that we see how it looks like in real colors here it is as mentioned this area here in the center will be the area that we will focus on fine we can close that and we can go on the left here on this key and expand it and see that the image contains some folders from these folders if we click on the bands we see the 13 spectral bands we mentioned that a multispectral instrument has from those bands we need bands 2 3 4 and 8. so let's just go and double click in each one of them band 2 band 3 band 4 and band 8 just to visualize them to see how they look like and let's go to window tile evenly so that we have all four of them we go in the navigation tab and we select these two parts so that we have all four images moving at the same time here we are here is how they look like i just wanted you to see this so we can now close them and we can start running our exercise let me close all of them great as we said we need all these bands to be resampled in one same resolution and we need the one of 10 meters because this is the resolution that the bands we will use have what we do we select the image and we go here to raster geometric operations resampling we have the product here in the name selected and here you see at the target product the name it just adds at the end the result but we don't really need all this long name so we delete some parts and at the end what we leave is sentinel2 to know which is the mission we leave the type of the product and we leave the date it was acquired we click here on save as and we select the folder that we want to store it then in the parameters that we have for the resampling you select here to define the size of the resample product by reference band from source product so what we say is we select that read band 2 and take the size this band has and just resemble all the others based on this so at the end they all have the same and we click run now for demonstration purposes i will not run it i have already created for you so i will just load it i have it here in the processing and now we can see that it contains exactly the same 13 bands it just now has them all resembled in the same pixel size pixel resolution sorry okay once we have done that we do not need the whole area as we said we need a small part of it so we need to create a subset we do not use anymore now the first original product we will use now the second one so we select it and we go to raster subset we're waiting for this to load and here on the left you can see in this window the preview we go to the pixel coordinates and we select the start and end x and y scenes in this case as the start x in we will set four eight one zero then we go to the start y scene and we set four five eight eight next one we set it as zero eight six six and last one we set it as 7 0 3 0 just click on another one and you see that here on the left you have this small blue rectangle showing the area that you will subset and then you just click ok once you have clicked ok you can see that here on the left the subset has been created if you right click on it and open an rgb image window with these bands 4 3 and 2 and you click ok you will see that simply the area that you have now has been subset and this is the result that we will work with good since we will work now from this point and on with this date with this image sorry what you do is you right click and you go save product as it will give you a message asking you if you really want to convert the product because it will be converted to b to bim deepmat format you click yes you navigate to the folder that you want and you name it as subset in the beginning and then you leave the rest name as it is and you click save once you have done that you go here on the left once it is saved you right click on it you close this product you go to the processing folder and you open the subset that you have saved great from now on we will work with this one as we mentioned first thing we have to do we have to create a land mask so that based on this we will mask the rest four bands we will use and we will remove the land area from the image how do we do that we go on the product we right click on it and we go to band maths here on the name we need to name somehow the band so we name it land underscore mask having done that we go here down to edit expression to tell the software how to create the land mask remember that band mats is something that we will use quite a lot today for this exercise so what do we write in the expression we want to mask it and we will select to create the mask with band 8 because it has the best contrast in reflectances for discriminating land from water so we go on the left on the data sources and we select band 8. immediately this appears on the right in band expression have band 8 and what we say is if band 8 has values which are more than 0.05 what we do is we call them so then as no data values else you just call it one so what we will basically do is we will name all the areas with land and with water with one or no data value the expression seems correct so we see down here it writes okay no errors so we go and we click ok we have this and then we click ok again and now if we see this is the land mask with white are the areas that we have water and with black color with actually no color we have the land you can see that also this band has been added in the list of bands over here as land mask now that we have done it what we want to do is we want the four bands we will use to be masked out so we have to do the same step four times for each band separately what do we do we just go here right click and we go to band maths and how do we name that we name it b2 land mask because now we will mask the band 2 and we will go to the edit expression to set the expression and the expression basically goes we take band 2 that we want and we multiply it with which one if we go down here we multiply it with where is it here land mask so we just insert b2 multiplied by landmask we click ok we click ok again and you can see here on the left it has been also created and here it is it contains only the aquatic areas we replace sorry we repeat the same step for the other bands so we name it band 3. land mask edit expression band 3 multiplied by land mask okay we can see that this has been created as well we continue before land mask edit expression before multiplied by land mask okay and last one we do the same for band eight just to make sure that we have done it for all of them land mask so we have band 8 multiplied by land mask okay again now we have them all now that we have them all what we do is we want to make sure that we will not lose these five new bonds we have created so we go on this product we right click on it and we select save product and this way we save the bands okay we do not need now anymore this view windows here so let me just close all of them so that we continue to the next step which as we said is the sun glint correction this is now one of the important steps let me open the band 8 land mask again and what i will do now is i will import some auxiliary data some polygons that we have mentioned because as we said we need to set a standard area as samples so that it reads some pixels and it's using it to apply it for the rest of the image i have already created some polygons here so i will just insert them so if you go to vector import and then import esri save file and you click here just go up here and navigate to the folder that we want so we want to go to shared training and we have the auxiliary data folder if you open it you see here the geometry polygon save file you select it and you just click open here you select no because we don't want the polygons to be as individual masks and now we have over here these four polygons that have been added don't worry they may appear with a different color to you that's not a problem every time that you open them they appear with a different color so here they are these polygons what do we want to do now we need the information the values of the pixels so we go up here in this icon that says scatter plot and we click on it what we will do we have the scatter plot we will select some information first of all here we will choose the use roy mask which is the region of interest in this one we go and we select which one we want we want the geometry polygon so we click on that because we want to use as input mask whatever is in the pixels that are within this geometry polygons having selected that we need to go here and define the x and the y axis for the x one we have the subset product selected and we have selected the band la the the band 8 band land mask so as it is over here and then we go a bit further and for the y-axis again we have from this product the subset product but now we want to visualize the band to land mask remember we will replace we will do this we will repeat it three times so first we will have in the x axis the horizontal one band eight which is the near infrared this will remain like that and here on the y one we will do everything once for the band 2 then for the band 3 and finally for the band 4. we will repeat that for all three bands because we want to perform the regression analysis once we have inserted this information what we do is we just click refresh when you click refresh you get here this information these values of the pixels we right click and we go copy data to clipboard once you have done that now you need to put them in an excel here we have already for you if you go to the applications on the top left office we have the libreoffice calculator which is the excel basically so you just open one you come here you just right click and you click paste in this window that appears you click ok and you see immediately all this information over here let me just make them a bit bigger okay now that we have it like that we are already almost ready to start creating the regression analysis first thing if you want to be able to use these cells what you need to be sure of is just select all cells and go over here to edit and deselect the cell protection we do not want the cells to be protected otherwise we cannot use them for anything else we want to do what we can do is we can select all a and b columns before we start and then we go to insert chart we click on that and here we see these windows appearing what we need to do first of all we need to select as a chart type the xy scatterer and we select here this one the points only going to the next one we can skip that and we can go to the data series and we can basically define here the information so what it says is that the data series it will use is the subset that we have correct the name okay let it be this name because it's of set1 and now we need to set the x and the y values as you can see since we have selected all columns both of them it says that the values that it can work with they start in the x1 from a4 and they finish at a 700 718. if we go here on the left and we check we see that the first one that we want to use is on a16 so once we have this selected we just go down here and we say a16 having done that you select the y values and again here you set instead of 4 you set 16. so now it contains all the information from the very first value to the last one of both columns clicking next we go to chart elements you can give it a title a subtitle and you can write anything you need on x and y axis let's leave it as it is for now and let's click finish let's just click on the values here and go to line and make them a little bit smaller so that we can see it better okay this way it looks way more clear good we have this one here but what we want to do is to perform the regression analysis as we are now here we just go out of it and we have columns a and b selected and we go to data statistics regression and here it is asking you which are the data that it needs to calculate so for x and y we need again to set those that we have the values for we do not need all of them as you can see here it has selected everything we just need from 16 to 7 118 as we mentioned before and again here the same for the other one we need from 16 to 718 perfect once this is created you see here this information you just select in which one you want the results to be seen in this case for example we can select them we can write that we want them to be in sheet 1 as it is now just please make sure that you keep the exact same naming that the software can understand dollar sign and let's select for example cell column e cell 1 to have the results and we click ok and here we have all our results as you can see here all this information with the values and everything now that everything is calculated you right click on them and what you do is you go to insert trend line over here you see that the line appears we can give it a red color so that we can see it and we can make it a bit wider so that we can better see the trend line so there it is having created the trend line we right click and we select insert r square and trend light equation why because this is what we need as we mentioned in the theory we need these numbers we need this one the 0.9157 once you have created that just go to file save go to the shared training you can go again to the processing and you can name it for example band to land mask land mask okay and you can save it you go back to snap and you repeat the same for bands three and four so you keep everything as it is you just go in the y axis you go here band three land mask you refresh you get new values right click copy data to clipboard you go back to the calculator and then you insert in there the information and you apply again the regression analysis same for bands for as well we can close that now because we have finished with that remember that you need to keep the values that come from the regression analysis and once we have that we continue now with the bandmates what do we want to do now since we have all these values that we need we go now to perform the deglind again we go to this product we have we right click and we go to band maths we name this one as b2 the gleaned because we want to start its we want to start to decline its band separately and we do the same for band two three and four we name it like that and we go to edit expression and what do we do now now we want to use the band to land mask in this one and do what we want to remove the value that we got from the equation of the regression analysis before which is 0.91574 you don't need to keep too many digits and then you need to multiply that with the following you multiply that with band 8 land mask remember that we used this one minus 0.8 why do we do that we do that because we said that we need the minimum value of the area and for band 2 for this band the minimum one is 0.001 having created that we just click ok ok again and here it is you can see the band to the gleaned mask again as we said we go back and we repeat for bands three and four note now that for those we have different numbers than we had for band 2 from the regression analysis so we go here now and we set for band 3 land mask the value that you get from the equation is one point zero zero one one six multiplied by band eight again the band 8 landmask and then you remove 0.001 okay okay again and here it is last but not least we go again to band maths this time we name that band for the gliend and in the edit expression we select band 4 landmask for this one the value is 1.0223 and we multiply it with band 8 landmask and again we remove the lowest value 0.001 click ok and the last band is also created so we have all bands 2 3 and 4 that have been declined now if you want we can right click on that and create an rgb image window but not with the originals bands 4 3 and 2 but with the glint ones so if we go a bit lower we select b4d glint b3d cleaned and b2d cleaned okay and this is how it looks like let's continue now with the one that we said about the dark object atmospheric correction and as we said for that one we will use the bands two and three because these are the two bands the green and the blue that we want to use for the ratio afterwards for deriving the bathymetry first of all to remove those dark objects and to correct the image we right click on that and again once more we go to band maths we will name the band referring to 2 as b2 dos dark object subtraction and we will go to the edit expression and in there we will select the band to the cleaned and here we will remove 0.005 we click ok and again okay and this is the band one last time we right click we go to band maths we name this one as b3 does b3 we added the expression we select the b 3d glint and now we remove from that the 0.001 we click ok and ok again and here we have it okay let me tell you now why in band 2 we had 0.005 and in band 3 we had 0.001 if you go for example in band 3 if you go in the band 3d glint view and you click here on histogram and you select this ray mask and the geometry polygon you're getting this histogram the minimum value in this case it is 0.001 that is why we insert that one for each band you can create a histogram and get the minimum value that you have so we close that and since we can have a look here in the bands we have created quite a few buttons it's better to just right click and save the product to be sure that we will not lose any of what we're working on let's just close all these views we do not need them and let's move now to the step that we will derive the satellite bathymetry last one here is we right click again we go to band maths and we name this band as the ratio of bands 3 and bands 2 that we said in the theory we go to edit expression and in here if you remember that equation we now need to insert the parameters what do we write here we want the log of 1000 that we said is the n number which is stable for all of them which is the default one we want to multiply it with which band the band 3 does and then we want to continue all these to go to the log of 1000 again multiplied now by band to those remember that remember that we set we want to use now the green and the blue bands that have been already subtracted the dark objects of them we see that there are no errors and now we click ok and again okay and this is the band created what we want now is we want to export these values of the pixels and how to do so you go to raster export extract pixel values okay in the source path we see this one in the output directory i just advise you to go again to the shared training and within the folder that we are working the processing one and you just select it now we need to go to the parameters tab and set here some information for example for the coordinates you click here on the plus icon and you go add coordinate sorry add measurements from csv file and over here we navigate to our folder and if we go to the auxiliary data we can see in there the bathy chord txt and you just select it you can see here that this information has appeared remember and select the thai point grids and the masks these two options and select the include original input finally just click extract you see that it is creating the output you get the message that the pixel extraction tool has run successfully and it has written the result in the processing folder that we set we click ok and we close this one if we now go to the processing folder we can see that the pixex product ld map txt has been created as well one txt with the level 2a measurements again let's go to applications office let's open the calculator and in here we go to file open we navigate to the path that we have the results and from this one we open the txd with the measurements and you just click open okay again and we have all this information over here in all these cells that correspond to the pixel values as we said remember to select all the cells and go to edit cell protection now we need to use in the x-axis the information of the pixels of the band that has the ratio of b3 and b2 bands and if we go in the beginning on the y-axis we want to use the depth which is in meters so we select control and we just select the column b as well note here that the information we need start from row 8 as we did before we go to insert chart we select as a chart type the xy scatterer we continue to the next one and as x values we need to insert only from bt if we go down here bt8 as we said that it starts until bt 54 and then we go to the y-axis as well and in the values again we want to use the values from b8 till b54 okay now that we have both of them correct we continue to the next one if you want to insert anything in here go on and then we click finish and this is our result remember if you want you can modify that you can make it a bit smaller so that you can see it better and as we did before we go to data statistics regression and here we set again the information like we did before okay and for that one we had the bt we select the results and we want them to be in b v one okay and if we go now to the right we see here all the results going back to the chart that we have over here right click insert trendline let's make it again red perfect and having inserted that right click insert our square and trend light equation and now from this one we get the m1 and the m0 that we need for the next step if you remember these are the numbers minus 37.1 and 41.9 again this you can save it if you want and having taken these numbers we go back to snap and we apply the last band month the last band math we right click on it we go to band maths and we name that as be the satellite bathymetry derivation in this expression now that we go to edit we just insert the equation so the m1 that we said that we need is -37.118 then we multiply that with the band that contains the band ratio of band 3 and band 2 and at the end we add the m0 which is 41.926 sorry point this point okay okay again and here it is it has been created now that it has been created we can go to color manipulation and check out what is happening with the values here and also we go here in the import color palette we navigate to our folder again and in here in the auxiliary data you can find the bathymetry color palette you click open again as we said we set values from 0 to 24 and this is how it looks like again let's right click and save the product to make sure that we save all the changes we have applied and now let's move to the final final one that we said that we want to use the sent to coral modules we want to use two models we want to use the declined and then we want to use the empirical basimetry so this is the final result if we now have this product selected and we go to optical thematic water processing sent to coral processing models and select the glint processor we have this window just leave at the name the glean that has been added at the end make sure that the directory you have set is the processing one and if you go to the processing parameters we necessarily now need to the sun glint areas to write the geometry underscore polygon that we have our information please make sure that you write it with the exact right characters capital and non-capital ones as it is written and as source bands we select only bands two three and four just select them by having press the control button as reference band we select band 8. and we are ready to run it and have the result this is very fast as you can see once it is created it also appears on the left you click ok we do not need that anymore and there it is with the bands in there next we go again to this resembled one and we go to optical thematic water processing sent to coral processing modules empirical bathymetry processor over here we leave the name amp bathymetry that is added at the end and in the processing parameters now as input bands we select the bands b2 dos and b3 does let's find them they are down here b2 dos and b3 does both symmetry point data we click on that we navigate and we go again in the auxiliary data and we load the buffy points csv this is the one that we want and we select it we leave the end value as it is by default and we run it this is ready so we close it and if we open that and we double click this is the band that we have again here we can insert the bathymetry color palette like we did before open it set the values from 0 to 24 and this is the final result if you can see the one that we had before is this one that the one that we did step by step with all this information and the other one that we did with the processors of send to coral it's exactly the same result in our effort to derive the bathymetry somewhere here we have completed the exercise so now let me go back to the presentation and we take it from there before moving to the q a session let me tell you again that you can repeat this exercise by your own if you want to practice and for that just go to the roost portal register and apply for a virtual machine during that process you will need to specify the training code code01 and then you will receive the training kit that contains the pdf of the step-by-step guide and the auxiliary data also if you simply want to download the pdf of the tutorial you can go to the roots portal and under the roots library menu click on train with ruse and under the available tabs you will find the cos01 tutorial uploaded as well as the rest of our tutorials created so far here you see where you can reach us for any questions you may have i would like to thank you very much for joining and i will now give you a couple of minutes to pause your questions and i will be back to you for the q a session i would like to thank you again once more for joining i hope you learned something interesting and hope to see you soon in the next events we are organizing have a nice day bye
Channel: RUS Copernicus Training
Views: 2,784
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xD1VQbnfasw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.