[RUNNINGMAN] You look so funny right now. (ENGSUB)

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It will make me feel good. - I really hate this hat. - Look at his hat. - I had a little argument... - Hello. with my stylist over this hat. (He agreed to wear the flower hat after arguing with his stylist.) It's nice to walk barefoot on the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a really long time. How nice. It's not crowded, considering it's vacation season. - It's not crowded at all. Yes. - This is so nice. Are you here to extort money from tourists? Yes, you have to pay me 20 dollars. - Twenty dollars? - Yes. - He's a lifeguard. - I see. We charge 20 dollars per beach mat. I'm sorry, but are you the character from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?" - I just popped out of the cartoon. - I see. You really look like you just popped out of a cartoon. - Are you from "A Dog of Flanders?" - No. Pororo is here. - He looks like Pororo. - Haha, why are you wearing tires? - But these shoes... - Hey, are they off-road tires? I think they're good for walking on the beach. Why would you wear such shoes like those on the beach? - Gosh, seriously. - He won't even hide his shoe lifts. Hey, look at your sunglasses. Are you from North Korea? - Hello. Welcome to Goseong. - Oh, you're right. - He reminds me of Kim Il Sung. - Right. (While they're complimenting each other's fashion style...) - This is nice. Oh, good. - That looks comfortable. Haha, I'll sit next to you. - Come here to finish the opening. - Hey! We should finish the opening. - We're not here to have fun. - Oh, right. I mean, as they say, "A fish comes around from the head down." - But he doesn't set a good example. - Hey. Wait. "A fish comes around from the head down?" - Isn't it "A fish rots?" - So Min. (She doesn't even realize she said it incorrectly.) We know what you mean, but it's "A fish rots from the head down." That's right. "A fish rots from the head down." So Min, remember that it's "A fish rots from the head down." Oh, it was mixed up with the saying, "What goes around comes around." - She mixed them up in her head. - I guess you mixed them up. - Right. I understand. - "A fish comes around..." - That's okay. - You must be in good condition. - I'm feeling great. - You mixed up the old sayings. Why would they start the shoot so early? - Do it when you get changed. - I'm just curious. - Sir! - I mean... Hey, aren't we supposed to do the opening at 10 a.m.? - Hurry up and join us. - Hurry up and come here. Seok Jin, you look amazing even from afar. - He looks great. - Seok Jin. You look great in your vacation outfit. (He shows off his good appearance even in the fishing village.) - He looks like Kim Bum Ryong. - That's a nice vacation outfit. (Jee Bum Ryong, the man like the wind) - Why should we begin so early? - You look fabulous. - Seok Jin. - I thought we'd begin at 10 a.m. - This is how Bum Ryong... - He really looks like Bum Ryong. - dressed for the summer special. - I'm flattered. - You're so observant. - Of course. - The singer of "Wind Wind Wind?" - Bum Ryong dressed like this... - in summer. - I'm a little different from him. <i>- You're like the wind</i> <i>- You're like the wind</i> - I find something interesting. - Yes. - We're on a 2-day, 1-night trip, - Yes. - and it's three hours from Seoul. - That's right. - So it felt a bit overwhelming. - I see. - But I got excited once I got here. - Of course. It's nice. - It's nice to watch the sea. - This is why I love my job. Can't you just say we'll spend two days here? - Don't say "2-day, 1-night trip." - Right. But it's okay because they now go on a 3-day trip, not a 2-day trip. - Oh, really? - Oh, do they shoot for three days? I saw that they spent one more night on their trip. - Shouldn't they change the title... - Really? - to "3 Days 2 Nights?" - To "3 Days 2 Nights." - They go on a three-day trip now? - I guess we'll have to keep... competing with each other. If we go on a three-day trip, - they'd go on a four-day trip. - We might go on a 17-day trip. - It'll get longer gradually. - Okay. - Actually, Ji Hyo... - Yes. - went to Hong Kong recently. - Yes. And she bought some cookies for me. - What? - Ji Hyo, what about us? - But I didn't receive any cookies. - Me neither. - What? - Who else received cookies? Actually, the cookies were not for Jae Seok, but for Na Eun. They were for Na Eun. - What about Song Yi? - I told Jae Seok as well... - when I gave him the cookies. - What about Song Yi? - I have something for you too. - What is it? - What about Hyun Woo? - I see. - Your son is not a little child. - Why... - Your son isn't a little child. - But he can still eat cookies. - It's not like it's baby food. - I mean... - Calm down. I'll explain. - It's not like he can't eat them. - Just drop it. - Even I eat cookies too. - Don't be so upset. - It's not just about Hyun Woo. - Come on. Ji Hyo just wanted... - Hyun Woo is an adult. to give my daughter a gift. That's all. Just drop it. - I bought gifts only for kids. - Right. You sent half-dried saury twice to the others, but only once to me. - What are you talking about? - You sent half-dried saury... (He even brings up the old days to express his disappointment.) - He counted that? How petty. - But that's true. Okay? - It was eight years ago. - Have you been counting that? - You don't like half-dried saury. - Seok Jin, you don't even... - eat half-dried saury. - You don't eat it. - Have you been counting that? - You don't even eat it. - Seok Jin, come on. - You don't even like it. Why would you bring that up when it was a long time ago? I can't believe he's been counting that. Today, we'll have Running Man Outing Summer Vacation Special Part Two... - here in Goseong. - Yes. - I heard we got positive feedback. - I'm excited. This time, you will spend a day at an elderly gentleman's house... - in this fishing village. - At an elderly gentleman's house? - We stayed at Grandma's last time. - We'll stay at Grandpa's this time. - Last time, we prepared a prize. - That's right. Ji Hyo won the prize. This time, - we prepared a huge penalty. - Gosh. (This time, there will be a huge penalty!) Oh, no. Please. Two of you will have to... - go out to the sea at 5 a.m... - Yes. - for octopus fishing. - No! (Two of them will have to go out and fish for octopus on a boat!) (At 5 a.m., even before the sun rises,) (they will go far out to the sea on a fishing boat.) (They'll have to fish for octopus. It's a physically taxing penalty!) (Who will be the 2 unlucky members to go octopus fishing?) - Five o'clock in the morning? - Yes. - Then we should get up at 4 a.m. - That's right. No way! My gosh! - I know. - A morning work was the worst... - when we were on "Family Outing." - Right. We went out even earlier back then. You see, I still remember... - that we got up at 4:30 a.m... - Oh, that's right. on a cold winter day. We caught long-legged octopus in the mudflat. - That was really hard. - Oh, gosh. (On "Family Outing," Jae Seok and Jong Kook...) (had to work in the early morning on a cold winter day.) (Jae Seok grumbles, "It's so early that it's still pitch dark.") (They dig with a shovel to find a long-legged octopus in the dark.) (They should've given us bigger shovels.) To finish every chore you asked us to do... (They couldn't catch anything until the sun came up.) (They were hungry, cold, and sleepy.) (The early morning work was incredibly hard.) - Can they be caught? - It was hard for both of us. I don't know. All I remember is that we went to the mudflat... - early in the morning. - It was so hard. - It's the worst. - Then it'll be decided tonight. - Tonight? - Yes, with the octopus... that two of you catch tomorrow morning, - you will make octopus ramyeon... - Good. - Octopus ramyeon? - and then go home. - That sounds delicious. - It'll be delicious, at least. - It will be so tasty. - For making octopus ramyeon... For making octopus ramyeon, - the octopus shouldn't be too big. - I see. - We need a small one. - Then Jae Seok... - Should we find the right size? - Jae Seok, catch small ones. - Should we even do that too? - It shouldn't be too big. - Jae Seok, you should... - Don't forget that... because I think you'll go fishing. - Make sure to catch small ones. - Catch small ones. - Sir, you should remember that too. - I won't go fishing. - I think you two will go fishing. - No, I won't go fishing. That'd be good. To avoid going octopus fishing, you have to collect as many vacation coins as possible. - We don't even use R coins here. - Correct. The more coins you have, - the less chance of the penalty. - They keep changing coins. - So try to collect many coins. - I think it's intentional. - They changed coins on purpose. - But you know... - You can have five coins each. - Got it. - That's too little. - Right. - Se Chan might do something. - Hey, don't pull a trick. - Don't pull a trick. - I won't. I'll give you five each. Let's not steal coins from one another. - Oh, nice. I like the palm tree. - Hey. It's pretty. I like the design. This area is famous for sea urchins. - What? I love sea urchins. - Really? - So today's lunch will be... - Can we have sea urchin roe too? sea urchin bibimbap. - Okay. - Nice. It's really tasty. - Gosh. I'm so excited. - Okay. (Sea-flavored sea urchin bibimbap with a lot of fresh sea urchin) You have to dive into the sea behind you... to catch sea urchins and make lunch with those... - by yourselves. - What did you say? - Should we start right now? - Yes. (We have to catch sea urchins by ourselves?) - We caught those before, right? - Yes, I remember that. We dove under the sea and caught sea urchins by ourselves. - For "Family Outing?" - Yes. - We wore diving suits to pick them. - That must've been really hard. - You really want us to catch them? - Yes. We heard there are a lot by that rock. Are all those people also fishing for sea urchin? - No, they're just swimming. - No, of course not. - They're just beachgoers. - Ji Hyo. - They're just playing. - They're not fishing sea urchins. - Why is she... - It could be possible. - She said that so innocently. - They could be catching them. You have a great way of thinking. You can get changed, then go fish for sea urchin. It's been a while since I've been in the ocean. - Are we going in the water now? - Let's go. This is great. Let's go in. - Let's do it. - I really want sea urchin and rice. (They need gloves to avoid being pricked by the sea urchin.) First, we'll hear an explanation from an expert, - then go fishing. - Oh, really? All right. - Gosh. - Hello. - Look at his style. - Gosh. Admiral. I'm a lifeguard, part of the private coast guard services here. I'm also a surf instructor here since I'm a good surfer. - That's impressive. - As you can all see, his look is totally different from machine tans. - Yes, the lines. - The color is different. - I hear you want sea urchin, - Yes. so I went and caught one just now. - You just caught one? - This is how you catch one. Once you get to that rock, the water will come to your waist. They're clinging to the rock right under the surface. You should leave the babies, and aim for the large ones near the bottom. Just grab one with your glove. Then you take your knife... - A knife? - We use a knife? Yes, and stab not the belly, but the back. - I feel so bad for it. - Right. - Stab and twist to open it up. - You're so cruel. Look inside. - Gosh. - Why? Is it full? (The sea urchin is full of roe.) Can I try a spoonful? - In that case... - Let me try... Didn't you just say this was cruel? - Just now... - He said he felt bad for them. Weren't you just saying that? - Just the yellow part. - Just the yellow part. You said you felt bad for them just now. - I see. - Taking out the thorns. - Is it ready? It is, right? - Yes. He just came back with this. How can he change his mind so quickly? My goodness. - How is it? Like honey? - What's it like? It tastes like the sea, straight through your nose. Gosh, this is... (The taste of the sea spreads inside the mouth.) That looks delicious. (That looks delicious.) They're in season now, right? Yes, this is the season. We had a sea urchin festival last week. - Oh, really? - Yes. (Exclaiming) It's so flavorful. - It's so flavorful. - Thank you, Admiral. - Thank you. - Thank you. I'll be watching over your safety from nearby, so... - All right. - Ten-hut. - Salute. - Safety. - Safety. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Safety. - Let's go in then. - Shall we go? (We went fishing for sea urchin with permission from fisheries.) Gosh. - Gosh, it's so refreshing. - Is it cold? Se Chan, is the water cold? It's refreshing. It's so cold. (So Min charges straight into the ocean.) (Her legs grow weak immediately.) It's so refreshing. - It's so refreshing! - It's refreshing here. It's so clean here. The water's so clear. It's so clean. Let's dive. Dive in! Dive in! (A frog in the water) Hey. Gosh. Jeon So Min's good at this. (So Min's camera) (Pushing down) (Spitting out water) The water's getting into my goggles. You have to wear them tight. So there are sea urchins here? They're far down at the bottom. - They're there though? - Yes. It's so cold. It's so cold. - Aren't you cold? - It feels refreshing. Should I start thinking it feels refreshing too? - Can you see the sea urchin? - Yes. - Can you see the sea urchin? - Yes. (The sea urchins are clinging to the underside of the rock.) (Jae Seok also starts to look, after hearing they're there.) (Jae Seok's camera) (Under the rock,) (the sea urchins are clustered in small groups.) - Jae Seok, did you see any? - Hey. There are so many sea urchins clinging to the rock here. Are there always this many here? Gosh. (A sea urchin party) There's a really big one here. (Discovering a huge sea urchin) - I need something for picking. - The sea urchin... No, you can just pick them. - Jae Seok, just pick them. - What? - But it'll prick. - But that one's too small. It won't hurt if you have the gloves on. (Jae Seok's camera) (He tries picking it with his hands after Jong Kook's scolding.) I got lucky! I got lucky! - Is that a good one? - That's too small. This is a big one. I have to leave ones this size? - No. - It should be at least this big. But look at this one. That's fine, at that size. This is too small. Look at this. - No, it's fine. - Look at this one. This one's too small. You look so funny right now. (An Ugly Baby doll appears.) (They look exactly the same.) No, it's too small. (Kim Ugly Baby searches for sea urchin.) (Jong Kook's camera) (He kicks up the sea urchin deeper in the ocean with his feet.) You have to use your feet. Try raising them with your feet carefully. That's an ambiguous size. Yes, that's how you do it. That's how I'm catching mine too. The water's getting into my goggles. - It's so salty. - Another one. (The sea urchins keep coming up, like the sea is a vending machine.) That one's too small. - Go for the ones farther down. - Farther down. - Like this? - That one's mine. I got it! It's a sea urchin! (Seok Sam finally catches his first sea urchin.) (Seok Jin's camera) - Like this? - That one's mine. I got it! It's a sea urchin! It's so big! It's a great size! It's moving. This is a live sea squirt. (It's actually a sea urchin.) It's walking. It's using the thorns to walk. I can feel it. (He's happy though he doesn't know what he's caught.) Look at that. It's walking. It's walking along. Seok Jin's is moving! (This sea urchin's father can't tear his eyes away.) This is incredible. It's really stuck on there. There are more near the top. This one's so big. - This is a big one. - It's big. And it's walking again. If you put it on your hand, you can feel it walking. I got lucky! (Seok Sam has fallen for the sea urchin's charm.) Here's one! (Adopting countless pet sea urchins) This is fun though. (This is fun though.) Isn't this fun? You said you hated the ocean earlier. I didn't want to do this earlier, but now I'm having fun. Here's another! It's a sea urchin! (Ji Hyo harvests a large sea urchin.) There is a lot here, but it's deep. (The high-ability working couple from the bell pepper fields) - I got lucky! - Where? That one's big. (One by one, the members get the hang of it.) This is fun though. - It is. - That's a good size. Try putting it on your hand. It'll walk across it. (One person is just relaxing by herself?) (So Bal is more interested in things other than sea urchin.) (Hello) (Greeting her fish friends) (So Min's camera) (Investigating every corner underwater) There are clams here. (There are clams here too.) (Discovering the rare clams) (Discovering the rare clams) (Picking them up with her feet) (While So Min is having a great time...) (Seok Sam is totally absorbed in sea urchin fishing.) You have to go lower to pick them. It's moving. (Someone targets his back.) Yes, it should be at least that big. (Someone sneaks a hand into his full fishing bag.) Yes, it should be at least that big. (The Little Thief is going after the sea urchin's father.) (Haha's camera) There are so many here, but they're all only this big. (He relieves Seok Jin of two sea urchins in a flash.) They're so deep. (The sea urchin father doesn't know he's been robbed.) (Trailing after him) Gosh, seriously? (Stealing again for the 2nd time) It's so salty. (Did he catch me?) It's too salty. They look big when you're looking underwater, but once you get them, they're only this big. (At Seok Sam's sea urchin spot, it's easy to serve yourself.) (Spreading the word) I took Seok Jin's sea urchins. You should do it too. (Ssaebssaeb and the Little Thief trade information on this tasty spot.) - There's a blue crab here. - What? - There's a blue crab. - A blue crab? - Catch it. - You want me to catch it? Yes. Catch the blue crab. How do I catch it? (Haha takes Seok Sam underwater while he's distracted by the crab.) (Ssaebssaeb tries to steal from the fishing bag.) - There's a huge one down there. - Where? Let me see. - There's a huge one down there. - Where? Let me see. It's all the way down there. - Let's see it. - It's huge. - Here. - It won't come off easily. (Trying for the 2nd time right away) The big ones are strong. You were trying something just now, weren't you? You were trying something just now, weren't you? (He noticed!) No. You asked me what I'm doing. You were just trying something. What could I try here? (Seok Sam doesn't know he's already been robbed by Haha.) - Everyone. - Yes? Let's take what we harvested to shore now. - Let's take it back. - Let's check it. Let's go in. Now, let's go. It's fun once you're in the water. - It is fun. - Right? Time flies doing this. It's so much fun. Let's all put our bags down. What have you been doing? - You only caught 3. - You only caught 3? - And you say you got a lot? - What's going on? - What? Hey! - Just three? Who took them? - Who would take them? - Who would take them? Who would take your sea urchins? (Feigning total ignorance) You're even stealing this? - You're even stealing this? - How would someone steal that? How would someone steal that? Hey, come here. Wait. It's not me. Why do you always think it's me? I think it's Jae Seok. - How many did you have? - It's not me. - It's not me. - You have 20. No, all these are the ones that I picked myself. I picked all of mine right at the start. I picked so many but I'm only left with three. You should've worked harder. Are you just here to shop and play? This is a good size. - I bet I have... - Did you see that? - the biggest one of all. - Earlier, when I was fishing... The person who caught the biggest sea urchin... - will get a coin. - Okay. (A surprise coin chance) (The person who caught the biggest sea urchin gets a coin.) - What did you say? - Hey. - I had a huge one earlier. - All right. (With more coins, he's more likely to avoid the dawn penalty.) I really think it's me. - I... - I had a huge one earlier. - Though I may only have a few... - The one I picked for you? That one's big. - That's the biggest. - I'll go with this one. - Now. - What about this one? - What about this one? - Now. It's me. - This is the king. - No, mine is the king. - The king of the beach is... - Mine's bigger. - What about this one? - MIne's the biggest, right? - Jae Seok's is big though. - It's this one. - No, it's this one. - It's mine. - It's this one or Jae Seok's. - Mine is big too. I think Jae Seok's is the biggest. - Mine is the biggest. - No. Yu Jae Seok gets two. Okay. - Haha will get one. - All right. Isn't it heavy? We'll take the sea urchin you've just picked... and make bibimbap with it. - All right. - That sounds delicious. We'll also set a fish trap by the breakwaters. The seven of you can each set a trap... where you think you'll catch the most fish. - And we'll get the fish? - In the evening, - we'll count the number of fish... - This sounds fun. and the winner with the most will get two coins. That's great. Under the sea. (Going to install the fish traps) I'm sure someone here has a fishing suit. - The thing is, tomorrow at dawn, - Right. - Yes? - Yes? you have to take a boat out. - We're taking this out to sea. - Yes, out to sea. To fish for octopus. How are you at that? Are you good at fishing octopus? What? Why are you asking me? - I'm just asking... - I think you'll end up going. Seok Jin will be great at catching octopus. I think Se Chan and So Min will end up going. - That's great. - The two of them will go. - Not a bad idea. - That's good, the two of them. - Not a bad idea. - Just the two of them. But look at that. (Discovering the fish traps) So they're in here. There's pork and bait in there. (There's pork to be used as bait inside already.) First, before we have dinner, we'll have 1 or 2 people come to check the traps. - Really? - We'll give you the same number... of coins as fish in the traps. - So the same number of fish? - Yes. It's the number of fish. We have to gather them, one by one. That way, tomorrow morning, we won't go octopus fishing. Where should I put this to catch the most fish? Usually, between the sea grass is your best bet. - You're right. - You know that, right? Usually, places like this have a lot of fish. I leave it to you. Please get me a good result. (Throwing in the trap after making a wish to the Dragon King) (Se Chan's fish trap) Places like this, amidst the sea vegetation. Like here. (Jong Kook's fish trap) (Jong Kook's trap lands amidst the colorful sea grasses.) This is the best spot, no matter what. Here I go. (Grunting) That's it! It went far. I mean... You amateurs don't know a single thing about fishing. There are paths that fish take. - Yes, you have to find those. - Like here. (Did Jae Seok find the Fish Road properly?) - Gosh. - Hey. (Shouting) (Falling right at their feet) - You're such a novice. - You're so bad at that. It didn't go very far relative to how loudly you shouted. I could tell from the way he threw it, he's a total amateur. That's not it. The fish... That's it. That won't work. Look, a boat. All the fish going in your trap will run away at this rate. It's fine, with that much. (A boat passes by Jae Seok's fish trap.) Hello. - You're acting like the chief. - Captain. Are there a lot of fish here? (Shaking his head) - He said no. - He said there aren't. - He doesn't know. - There aren't any here? - He doesn't know. - Which is it? But looking at this, I don't think there will be fish because of the boats. - I don't think we'll catch much. - There are none. Let's just leave them for now. (Will they catch any fish?)
Channel: sNack!
Views: 301,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Id: W3plsgeu8SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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