Running With the Giants: Pastor Chris Hodges

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thank you for joining us on life point Church online my name is Ben clock I'm the campus pastor of our call pepper campus and we're so glad to get the opportunity to worship with you here this morning if God is doing something in your life we would love to celebrate with you you can simply let us know by going to our stories page on our website at visit life pointed forward slash stories we would love to connect with you and learn more about what God is doing in your life it's because of generosity of people like you we're able to continue to expand our reach into the kingdom if you would love to give and be a part of what God is doing here you can do that right here on our website safely and securely thank you so much for joining us online and we look forward to hearing a powerful message from God's Word today hey Church today we're continuing our series called running with the Giants and over the past few weeks we've been looking at this idea what would the great Giants of the faith the men and women of God that we all look up to what would they say to us if they were to come out of heaven and run one lap with us in this race called life what's the wisdom or the inside or the value that that they would add to each of us and today I'm actually on my way to Israel I'm leading a team from our church to the place where a lot of these people lived and and so I want you to pray for us we believe we're gonna have an incredible time and encounter God in a deeper in a deeper way and throughout this series we've been hearing from preachers in the house but today I want to bring a very special treat to you and that is I want you to hear from someone who's become a real friend to me and that's Pastor Chris Hodges last year he came and he was a part of one of our nights of worship and the first time we met but since then God has really begun to develop a relationship and and he's a little bit older than me and kind of taken me under his wing almost as a as a son and I couldn't be more grateful Pastor Chris pastors Church of the Highlands it's in Birmingham Alabama it's one of the largest churches in America at Easter they had over 60,000 people if you can get your mind around that they have campuses all over the state of Alabama as well is in a number of correctional facilities in the state of Alabama God's using him in this church in an amazing way and actually got the idea for the series running with the Giants from a series he did called running with the Giants and so today I was listening to that series and one of the messages he preached from there I thought I want our church to hear this message and so I want you to get up on your feet I know it's on video but we want to honor the man of God and honor the gift that he is to the body of Christ and so what you would get up on your feet at every campus and put your hands together for pastor Chris Hodges come on Church make some noise hey live Point Church this is chris hodges at church of the highlands in birmingham alabama and i'm really excited to be a part of your service today before we get into the message let me just say something that i hope you already know and that is you've got some amazing leaders in pastor Daniel and Tami they are leading you well and all of you are seeing God move across the state of Virginia in a great great way I want to encourage you to keep praying keep serving keep giving and one day you'll look back at all the lives that have been changed and be so glad that you did know this all of us here at Highlands are cheering you on now today we're going to hear a message from a series we did here called running with the Giants so as we go to the message let's prepare our hearts for God to speak in a powerful way the theme verse that we are using throughout this series is found in Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 1 says therefore meaning this thought that you're getting ready to read is the continuation of the previous chapter where it lists you ought to read it it's a great chapter of the Bible where it lists the hall-of-fame of faith and most of the Giants of the faith that we've been studying in this series are listed in chapter 11 and it doesn't just celebrate their great their lives their great lives it says this that since we are surrounded by them I love that thought to know that in heaven you have a cheering section you have people in the stands who have finished their life race pom-poms in hand cheering you on and people like David and Abraham and Moses and all the greats of the faith are there saying come on Chris you can make it we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses which by the way include your grandparents and your loved ones and those that have gone on to be with the Lord let us since they're there let us throw off everything that hinders so the Bible I love this recognizes that life isn't easy and that this the secret to the success of life comes in the recognition of what to do along the way and so this series but helps us throw off the things that hinder how by looking at how they did it but start off everything that hinders in the sin that so easily entangles and let us run will say this word out loud come on every campus let us run with perseverance I've never focused on this word so far in this series but today's message is all about this word persevere it's a big fancy long word meaning patient endurance hang in there it's going to take a while personally I don't like that word too much but it's a part of life and it's certainly a part of the Christian faith let us run our race hang in there it's going to take a while the race that is marked off for us and today the one that probably could speak to us the most about the fact that God sometimes takes a long time to do what he said he would do would would be the person of Sarah and we're gonna pull out Abraham's wife Sarah in the month of May we're pulling out four of the Giants of the faith that happened to be females and and I was looking forward to this one very much because I think a lot of us are in a place right now where we feel like God's Word is clear and he spoken some things and I'll have some promises and I don't have any problems seeing that they're there but truthfully Chris they ain't happenin in fact it often times when I looked at my kids or my business or my marriage or it X it actually feels like it's actually going on the opposite direction I think Sarah could actually help us all out a bunch today and not in your notes but she and her husband Abraham received a promise you're familiar with this I'm sure the word Lord came to Abram notice his name here is that Abraham it gets later changed into that in fact Sarah's name wasn't Sarah it was Sarah I meaning meaning both of those as they let God work in their lives they became they looked less like themselves and more like God because the ha part that aah and both of their names as it would be changed is the Hebrew word for God so you know my mama put myself and you God says he came to Abram in a vision and every time God brings a promise it usually has this phrase associated when angels visit so let me just sit this way when God brings you something it isn't yay oh that sounds awesome God bring it on I'll take that promise no there's usually a process that's that's associated with it and that's why most of the Bible when it comes to the promise says do not be afraid but you're gonna have to hang in there it's tough you say Chris Wow I'll show you why in just a minute do not be afraid I am your shield and your very great reward but Abram said o Sovereign Lord you know what can you give me since I've remained childless you're here saying you're gonna bless me and I don't even have an heir and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus and Abram said you have given me no children so this servant Eliezer is going to get all my stuff he's gonna have my household he's gonna be my heir and the word the Lord came to Abram and said no no this man's not gonna be your heir I know it looks like that way I know it's trending in that erection but a son is coming from your own body and will be your heir now just let me just make sure you understand at this point this promise is coming just letting you know the end of the story 25 years before it would actually happen at least at this point but both Abraham and Sarah had child bearing capacity and and but as you know most of you know the story that that God's gonna do this miracle and bring this child after childbearing like both of their bodies are gonna shut down in its reproductive ability and so that's something strange God's gonna do and God has a reason for that and you've got to get used to it if you're gonna be a Christ follower and so God tries to help us understand that and he tried with Abraham and I'll just stay straight up even when God tries we usually don't get it still so he took Abraham outside and sorry let me show you what I'm gonna do so hard for you understand I want you to look up at the heavens and I want you to do something you can't do Oh count the stars you ever try to do that you can't do it you can't do it in fact God goes on to say if indeed you can which means you can't and God will attempt to try to help you understand something but you got to realize God has a dilemma on his own but he's trying to get you to have something that's outside of what your mental capacity is to receive but he still wants you to have it and so he said to him look I know you don't get it but your family trees gonna look like that one day you're gonna have that many kids and so today's message reserved for Mother's Day really it's for all of us is for when you can't understand God so I'll read it makes sense in the Bible it's kind of cutting it sounds doable on a Sunday when it gets preached to me but they don't see it happening I can't understand it and here's the key word and impatience threatens to overwhelm you so I'm telling you Sarah would come along and say look I got impatient and I started trying to navigate this on my own and Boyd that I ever messed things up and honestly a moment of patience can save you a lifetime of regret everybody you can get moved direction hey come on homie y'all had had somebody in high school when you're 15 that you you would you wanted to marry when you were 15 and now you've gone on Facebook and you're praising God and almost Imani like thank God me right because they run they were a hunk in 15 and they're they're Telugu you know I'm saying this it's not what it was back then anymore yeah all right and that and then honestly there's a lot of things and and and the problem is we have it's easy to see after it's all been over and we can look back 25 years and go wow God a shrimp glad you didn't answer that prayer but at 15 we were fussing at God for not answering that prayer and that's why we have to learn that this impatience thing if it can it can threaten your life and it can actually overwhelm you and so Sarah would come along and say I did it please do not do what I did she would state this way jot it down in your notes don't complicate God's promise with your solution don't do it and if you know anything about her story she basically takes matters into her own hands and so if we just study this story let me pull out three little teaching points and then we'll pick up three little encouragement to that we can all leave here and hopefully live our lives a little bit more patiently I think she would say look I did not trust God I didn't really think he knew what he was doing I thought he was kind of blowing a lot of hot air with that promise but you need to trust God and then she's worth jogging around the track and she's saying please I know you don't get it in fact you need to trust God in three ways first you need to trust God even if it takes a long time because it probably will and none of us likes that part of God but God is notoriously slow in our understanding of slowness in fact I heard this guy say he asked God he said God he said God what's what's the million years like to you God said miss just like a second in the costume what's a million dollars like to you because listen it's like a penny the guy says man God can I have one of those pennies God said sure just a second so you know just that's funny I don't care what y'all say that's good look at this story with me Judas is 16 now Siri I teach she hadn't been changed she hadn't been transformed the God part of her had not been put in yet now Sarai Abrams wife had borne him no children but she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar so she said to Abram watch this she even she even has bad theology now the Lord has kept me from having kids gods God has shut up my womb and you'll start thinking some crazy thoughts and some actually some thoughts that are not theologically correct whenever you're in this overwhelming impatient mode and that's why this lesson is so important for all of us and so she says here's her solution go sleep with my maidservant Hagar and perhaps God can't do it maybe I can I'll just build my own family because he certainly isn't me must be doing something else I'll build my own family through her and Abram actually shouldn't have said yes but he did Abram agreed to what Sarah has said in fact if you know much the story he he bears a child out of Hagar name Ishmael which is now the father of the Arab nations and there has been conflict between those groups since this time that is the decision that was made the surrogates solution to that problem oftentimes for all of us creates chaos in our lives here's the second thing that that Sarah Sarah would say to all of us jogging around she said look like when you when you're when you're tempted to take matters into your own hands but trust God even if what he says he's gonna do about it seems ridiculous now does tell you as a pastor this is a part of God you guys just need to get comfortable with I think I think most people won't their Christianity normal I think they want it all tucked in and and just looking normal and I'm gonna tell you if you like normal God messes you up really bad God's just like there's not much of him that's very normal and honestly let me say to you this way it is normal we're the ones that are not normal we get so used to what we think is wisdom the Bible says that the man's wisdom is foolishness on the side of God so God uses what we think is foolishness to confound the wise like because it's not normal to raise the dead it's not normal for mirror miracles aren't normal so if you always want normal you remove yourselves from a miracle-working God and that's why you've got to be careful even as followers of Jesus of being uncomfortable with the absurd the ridiculous supposed to be raised in my hand a bunch of fanatics and you are keeping yourself from one of the greatest experiences you'll ever have in your life I had that moment I had that moment where that's just not these people aren't normal I was I was a visitor like you once with my right over left looking around going these people are out of their minds I mean whether I know I know it's in the Bible but certainly the Book of Psalms is meant to be poetic not literal you know I was that's how I reconciled it and and and it says clap your hands shout to God dance before the Lord yeah you're keeping yourself from a part of God that you'll never know until you experience it just because you're afraid of Nora you're afraid of the the I'm telling you and I'm okay with taking that journey with you I know I realize it takes time but some of you like you need a like it needs to you need to take steps toward toward the things that make you feel uncomfortable because you'll keep yourself from the best of God come on Sam I say and there right there you know it's true so if you're here right here just let it get a little praise going on in your foot let it work its way up next study let it let me get the hands apart come on this G go to Mars and you know and finally when you go to the hand thing just get it right here just hold the baby hold the baby you all right here all right and we'll do touchdown later you know we can get that later so alright Genesis 18 the Lord said I will surely return to you about this time next year and Sarah your wife is going to have a son that you got to remember their own hell I mean Abraham 100 and stairs 90 I'm explaining that pregnancy pregnant come on figure out God is strange sometimes and Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent which was behind him is hearing this conversation and Abraham and Sarah were already old in well advanced in years and Sarah was past the age of childbearing so Sarah laughs and she didn't laugh like you know oh this is wonderful that wasn't that kind of laugh it was the god you're out of your mind laughs it was the laughter that sometimes the world has about you yeah it was that she bought she was mocking God with this laughter to herself as she thought because you'll see cuz God gets offended and she goes oh yeah right whatever after I am worn out and my master is old I'm now gonna have this pleasure and the Lord said why does she laugh what what and I'm gonna tell you sometimes the fence made the people that that say Oh God's we're got strange man what's up with all those gifts man whoa what's up with all that worships it but then you don't even know it look God goddess goddess God is not strange God is wonderful and and and you've got to be careful sometimes what we end up mocking she says well I really have a child now that I'm old is anything too hard for the Lord God says you watch this you insult me by your small thinking and he says I will return to you at the appointed time next year and your wife's gonna have a son the absurd write this down Sarah Sarah saying look God's gonna take a long time and when he does do something it's going to be really strange so get used to it and you need to trust God even if those around you don't because you're gonna let me say it this way the devil is gonna make sure to put naysayers around you and it's got to be careful because one of my concerns about this generation is the the overabundance of voices that the digital age is so wonderful right now I'm able to look into that camera and speak to 14 locations and tens of thousands of people around the world are watching this live right now praise God for technology that same technology has made it where you have more voices coming into you through blogs and commentaries and social media and I talked to a young lady this week who just was a little distraught because someone had posted something really ugly on her Facebook page I don't have one anymore I guess I got so I mean it was so it's so wonderful what you can do but you've got to put up with all the other junk that happens with it to me it just wasn't even worth it honestly I just told the team to take it off I can live without it because you get all these voices going on in your head and they make you doubt truth and that becomes a reality you just start watching movies and think they're actually flexible and Sarah would say look you got to be careful because I had voices around me saying you can't have a baby at 90 years old you're you're you should be a great grandmother by now and Sarah said God has brought me laughter and she doesn't everyone who hears about it they don't lab with me too she goes now let everybody see what God did one of the things that I I have honestly as a policy here at Highlands is I tell our team don't you ever react to anything let's just keep being consistent let's keep feeding people let's keep going to prisons let's just keep and just let's just keep changing the world one person it don't you it don't you get all up in the fray of don't get all up in there look just keep loving people keep healing marriages keep getting teenagers off of drugs let's just keep doing we do and one day they're gonna laugh at strut they laugh with us they'll say oh my goodness God really is God and she added she said who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children yet I have borne him a son in his old age Sarah say look God knew exactly what he was doing my surrogate solution was a poor substitute for God's promise don't go there don't go there and that's why now this should be encouraging too she spends most of her life doubting God and still ends up in the Hall of Fame of faith so in Hebrews 11 the one that I keep telling you about and by faith I love this this even Sarah like even she showed up here who was passed childbearing age wasn't able to bear children because she considered him faithful who made the promise at the end she realized and we'll all but you'll all come to the same conclusion that every time we try to give it involved with our solutions they don't work out too well but check it out God is still faithful he'll still either he'll still give you the promise he'll still forgive you for going your own way he all the doubt in the world he'll still take you back in everybody he's a wonderful God Amen everybody so here we are jogging around this track being encouraged to don't take matters into our own hands don't don't let impatience overwhelm us and I get us here's Sarah saying three things before she jogs back up into the stands and we pull out another giant of the faith next Sunday I think she would say to us don't try to get ahead of God when he isn't moving fast enough for you just just don't do it I've been guilty of this I'm a very impatient person most type-a personalities are I like to get things done I want it I want it when I ask for things to get done here at the office I wanted them done yesterday come on y'all know what I'm talking about it just that's that's kind of my personality anyway and when we were first starting to church of course most of you know we spent the first six and a half years portable we were at Mountain Brook high school we have of our 14 campuses eight of them set up and take down every Sunday I mean they get there like 4 a.m. they'll be leaving long after you finished your spaghetti this afternoon I mean long after there's taking stuff down how about a how about a big hand for all this set up and take down teams all the locations you make Church possible for thousands of people god bless you but I'm gonna tell you there's a shelf-life to that whole setup takedown thing it's kind of fun at first actually we first moved at maverick High School boom box Krispy Kremes it's fun man like after a few years you're like my god when we gonna get out of here you know I'm saying my little backstage green room was they was the guys locker room right there and and and all of the the smells there of come on somebody y'all I mean that's what that's why I was I was getting ready for services with those wonderful odors going on every every Sunday and just you know just and I remember said there many times thinking my god we need some land we need to build a building we gotta get out of here and I am I am in our government I am the chairman of the board of trustees but as chairman I'm a non-voting so I lead a non staff group of elders so in other words my powers just I can bring I can bring the ideas but they have total vote power I have no vote power and that's that's how we keep it all balanced and those guys lead our church so well and they're wonderful our trustees do a great job leading our church and overseeing the finances here and so I brought to them this idea you know that look we need some land and and and we got to do it now and I kind of pushed really hard actually like come on we got to try to find something and one of them found property it was about 80 acres it was it had 19 different owners and we got 15 of the 19 to agree before just wouldn't do it then I was so frustrated and like man we got to make it happen so we we met with those four owners we offered to babysit their kids come on somebody other said like what can we do for I mean trying so hard for a solution of course now it looks ridiculous it it wouldn't even come close to taking care of our needs and God brought this to us but seemed last minute eleventh hour plus it's so it's so easy to see now you know that this is what God was doing we have to be careful that in our impatience that we don't even that we don't make decisions that we that we ultimately regret and if the Bible says that the Lord is at not slow he's not he's not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness he is he's patient within to me it begs the question then what do I do in the meantime because it's painful sometimes you can't hardly really make it and I know some of you are stuck in the middle of your promise it even seems like it's going the opposite direction and I'm gonna give you a secret that the secret of patience is knowing what to do doing something else in the meantime and the Bible gives instructions for that and you're ready for this it's worked every time every time I'm gonna give you my favorite verse this is a wonderful refrigerator first this woman Jonah read all the time Psalm 37 7 says be still in the presence of the Lord I just love that phrase be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act now you're able to do what's on the other side of this comma if you do the first part of that verse if you can just slow your life down here's the here's the application I'm talking 10 minutes if you got 10 minutes a day you tried this week and you will come back and say oh my goodness it worked take 10 minutes beginning of the day is great end of the day is great take 10 minutes stop everything go into a quiet place I'm not even asking you to pray or read your Bible turn on some worship listen to the to the nature of God through song and it will calm the savage beast on the inside of you and your sense your that presence of God you mark my word that presence of God will slow you down and you'll be able you'll be able to say God you know all things I'm okay I'm okay with this journey that you have been on and the second part of that verse gives yet another clue secret to this whole hide what do you what do you do in the meantime worship sec it is and don't worry about what people say listen to me shut the voices out some of you need to fast your Facebook page somebody need to shut it down altogether some of you need to get off news for a few days maybe a few weeks some of you do better if you are listening to all the junk that the world's throwing out there out at you which by the way isn't even hardly true anymore it's all entertainment now they're giving you information just to sell stuff I'm telling you I mean they they they there's definite problems going on in the world but they're not telling you all the great things that are happening on the other side and if all you listen to is that side you're gonna get so discouraged you don't think the whole world is gonna fall apart and let tell you right now God's not nervous God's up and go to heaven go oh my god this big was gonna be like this I mean he is not nervous everybody that's why I feel worship and shut out the voices worship shut out the voices you'll find your ability to be patient is gonna be so much better I'm gonna tell you that was worth it right there second thing Sarah would say to us she would say that when you must wait and you probably were all gonna have to wait focus on what God is doing inside of you not the stuff that's happening to you in fact let me say it this way when something is happening to you you can be assured that God wants to do something in you let me let me paint the picture so something's happening to you and you run to God and say God help and he goes happy to do it hey butters quit and learn something along the way you go no that's okay just fix this God's like now I wanna I want to grow you up and your thing and I'll go to heaven dumber than a stone I'm just fine and you just need to know that god is more interested than your character that he is your comfort and by the way don't be all surprised you are too I don't I don't listen to my kids and desires for comfort when they when I wake them up in the morning for school and they say day I don't want to go today I like well I baby I just want you to be happy you just sleep on in we'll go tomorrow maybe no get your butt out of that bed we going to school I created pain for their future purpose so does God so does God this week it's important it's widely broadcasted now that I'm a grandparent at 6:36 Monday night Sarah after 18 hours of labor praise the Lord help of Jesus had this beautiful little child and Sarah wanted me in the room for most labor part because we have this very very close relationship always have she's daddy's girl and and she knew I could keep her focused and and and and you know and so I was I was coaching course I've been there five times with my own kids and I remember when when Tammy had our five kids and Teddy had all five of our kids I mean no epidural not even a Tylenol she just had him all week because we had our first kids in Colorado where that's just the way they didn't even talk about anything else but natural you know I'm talking about that's just I don't know that's just what we that's it that was normal there and so anyway she had all these all these kids in and so we went to Lamaze class to learn how to have natural childbirth but biggest hilarious you got to go learn how to do it naturally anyway so huh so we manually need only you know you gotta count and all that kind of stuff and you breathe and write which by the way you don't do any of that in the middle of it if I don't okay me to breathe in the middle of it I would not have eyeballs today come on somebody I'm just telling you she turned into something I'd never seen before in my life but I'll never forget the doctors saying this phrasing I want you to hear it he said he said Tammy and Chris this is the only time in your life where pain isn't telling you something's actually wrong it's actually something that's good it's the only time in your life where pain is actually good because most time you have pain you fix it he's in this pain you you have to push through the pain because something's good on the other side I thought what a spiritual truce what and I kept that's what I kept telling Sarah as Oh daddy I don't think I could do it oh darling you're fixing to be your mommy you don't be a mommy you gonna be a mommy I stayed my safe distance but anyway baby look what the Bible says that is why waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mama we are enlarged in the waiting I love that phrase we of course don't see what is enlarging us we hadn't seen the baby yet but the longer we wait the larger we become come on pregnant ladies there's your verse right there all right man don't you do not quote this verse to your wife lest you lose some skin all right but the longer you wait the large you become and in fact let me say it this way the longer you wait the closer you are to delivery and the more painful at the same time like yeah yeah yeah oh my god when's it gonna come you know yeah and that's why in the middle of that you have to be have to have the ability to ignore the pain and say god there's purpose in the pain you're trying to do something in me something good is getting ready to come out of all of this and that's why I wanted to give you this phrase today patience isn't the ability to wait it's how you act while you're waiting it's the fact that God wants to do something in you James chapter 1 says so consider joy when you face trials hard days long waits of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops and there's our word again patient endurance and then it says that again perseverance has to have its finished work in order for you to be mature and complete not lacking anything now whether you like it or not church God's committed to this concept so let me tell you something a lot of us are actually slowing the process down because of our attitude toward it the more you embrace the fact that God wants to do a deeper kin side of you the faster you'll get through it learn the lesson let God work in you go from Abram to Abraham get God's nature on the inside of you and deliverance is right around the corner here's the last thing she'd say I love this and I'm pleased after I give this to you don't put your things away because I want you to see this beautiful I want you to see this beautiful truth Sarah would say even our very best every plan you have for your own life doesn't possibly compare to what God has for you even our very best I think sometimes we think we could do our lives better than God could try it and see in fact let me let this first kind of soak into your heart as we pray watch this Nick let this come in since before time began no one has ever imagined no ear has heard no eye has seen a god like you who works for those who wait we sit this way the God God has something better than you can do for yourself God has a much better plan for your life than the one you have for yourself if you're willing to wait for it and so on encourage of the day to just let this beautiful message from this giant of the faith Sarah come deep in our hearts and let's all just say god it's hard you the Bible recognizes is hard but work inside of me your nature so that can have the very best that you have for me and all God's people said it good bow your heads in prayer everybody some of you needed this message today you're in the middle of it you're in the right in the middle of a very difficult season some of you are believing God for wavered kids a marriage to be restored finances to turn around you're in a situation with your own health that is difficult for you God has something in store for you that is better than you could plan for yourself so father right now obvious pray for patient endurance God help every one of us learn the lessons of this giant of the faith Sarah and God let you do a deep work on the inside of us realize you're not slow you're just committed to us you love us you've got great things in store so father once again come Oh just join me we submit our lives to you we stop trying to control our own lives we stop trying to come up their own solutions and even if we don't understand it we're gonna trust that you're at work in our lives with every head bowed every eye on the shrim closed at every location some of you need to hand your life over to God and you know who I'm talking to truth be known you're you're the one calling the shots you're in charge of you chances are it's not working out so well either and the Bible says that the Holy Spirit will come and just knock on the door of your heart and say hey why not let this be the day that you hand over the controls of your life life over to Jesus in fact that's what salvation really is salvation is done when you come to our membership class salvation is not joining a church or even attending a church salvations when you give God control your life as somebody you've never done that some of you have before but you took it back today God's dealing with you you're ready to give God your life completely I'm not gonna make you stand up I'm not gonna call you down to the front but in this closing prayer if you want to be included and say I'm giving God my life at every location without hesitation put your hand as high as you can right now just that's me good good good come on all over this room good good just everywhere god bless you guys so awesome way at the top thank you just gonna look around we're not in a hurry yes yes yes yes thank you sir god bless you yes yes thank you thank you so awesome slip those hands down God sees it I saw it but more importantly heaven saw it and now you need to express in your heart your decision today so just pray a prayer like this in your heart just say Jesus forgive me for living my life my way today I surrender completely to you then your heart just kind of feel like your hands were opening up and just letting go of your life and giving it over to God now say this prayer say come live inside of me change me give me the power to live for you with all of my heart I surrender and lord I thank you for every person to just pray that prayer I thank you in that moment of faith sins were forgiven completely wiped away and cleansed I thank you Lord God the Holy Spirit now lives inside of them to live a life they didn't even think was possible God you're empowering them for a brand new life bless them I pray in Jesus name Amen again thank you for joining us at life point Church online we pray that the message today spoke to you and is helping you grow in a closer relationship with Jesus while we create amazing experiences online we would love the opportunity to meet you in person at one of our locations to get directions and to find out service times you can simply click on the link at the top of the page at our locations page to find out more god bless you and thank you for joining us we look forward to worshiping with you next week
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Views: 10,999
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Keywords: lifepoint church, lifepoint, church, fredericksburg, spotsylvania, stafford, virginia, christianity, pastor daniel floyd, daniel, floyd, chris hodges, church of the highlands, chris, hodges
Id: uNLrPD2nwVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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