[런닝맨] 광수한테 졌을때 | RunningMan EP.166

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What is thumb wrestling? Oh, this. This is so famous that there is an official competition in the world. Revealing the national team players. That's right. That's right. All right, all right, it's doable. Okay, I got it. We won. Hey, bet for nine of it. You have to bet 6. Six, six, six. JIN HYUK, it's a giant squid. What do you mean a giant squid? No, I did it with Kwangsoo. He's not just tall. It's also long. His thumb. Yes. It's really long. One line is longer than me. Wow, it's really long. Kwangsoo has a long nose. What about my nose in a sudden? What about my nose? You have a long nose. Please decide how many you want to hang, starting with the blue team. I'll bet four. Six, six, six. Six. Kwangsoo, let's send him this time. He's really long. He has big hands. He has big hands. Than I thought. All right, get ready. I'll win and show you how Jin Hyuk gets wet. It's too obvious if you get wet. Fingers and toes are on me! Fingers and toes are on Kwangsoo. I'll give you a taste of shame. Hey, you know, right? I thought he put his toes in. His is long, too. Jinhyuk has long thumb, too. Start! JIN HYUK, JIN HYUK, JIN HYUK. Let's go! JIN HYUK, JIN HYUK, JIN HYUK. Good. Good. Good. You can't take it out. You're more cowardly than you look. It's a strategy. You can't take it out. Okay. This is a strategy. Oh, my. Oh, this is. This is. in a moment. Oh, can you do like this? Are you a mole or what? Oh, can you do it like this? Are you a mole or what? Oh, you can do this? Give me a hammer. All right, all right, to the side, to side. I got you! Why aren't you doing it quickly? I got you! Why aren't you doing it quickly? It's really long. It's too long. All right, then. It's too long. I got it. Yes. I got it. Yes. Fingers and toes are on me! then. Use your toes this time. Put your toes in. Bring it on! It shouldn't be here. Let's move on to the next game! Hey, your toes are black. Kwangsoo. Hey, JIN HYUK. It's unfair. It's unfair. If you come to the gym this week, do this separately. More than anything else, he was ah ah ah ah. Since Lee Kwangsoo won, I'll give you three bank accounts. Yes. Kwangsoo got three. I'll take all of this. Because of the length of your fingers? I cheered for you. Hey, can't you feel how much effort I put in from the side and cheered for you? Where do you put your spoon? Everyone, bow on your knees. You look like you don't have any. Leave it to me. It's funny. It's funny. If you leave it up to me. When I bowed to my parents when I was young, my mom did that a lot. Me first? My shoulders are not good. Why are you taking off your clothes all of a sudden? No, they told me to take it off. You tried a hundred times. You did it, right? He really started acting. I'll do it again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Is it a play or what? The camera is on. Ready, action. You're gonna try a hundred times. But you're not. Never, Never? I'll definitely do it once. I'll definitely do it. Hey, what's wrong? I'll definitely do it. I just remembered. Action. You want to be like me a hundred days. The sentence is a bit weird. But you can never be like me. That's cool. Wow, that's cool. Hey, he's cooler. I'm the main character! I'm the main character! The hero of this scene is me! How can you shake your head like this? I'm the main character. Why am I licorice again? Why am I licorice? I'm the main character. The main character is going to die later. There's a separate things for main character. You must be so cursed while watching the drama. I, I, I, I, you very mean. Why am I mean? Jin Hyuk, you try it. Hey, look at me. Stand still. I'm telling you to pull yourself. Ever since I was a kid, I've always hated you. Do you know? Donghun, I'm sorry but you're looking up too much right now. You're looking up too much. Spread your legs. Spread your legs. Spread your legs! Spread your legs. Spread your legs more. Your throat must hurt. You're always. Hey, he really wide open. I didn't want to see you. I didn't want to see you. You know what? Where are you looking at? You know what? You're ugly! Even he opened it like this, but he's still taller. That's too bad. Oh, my. Let me show you the second game. The second game is. What is it? Change your cloth quickly. One, two, three. it's done. All right, it's the people who should met. It's okay. Donghun, it's okay because your body isn't doing it. I'm getting mad. Send him away. The mere sight of it makes me angry. Oh, my. Really. Let me spray it on Jae Seok's face. Really. The clothes you wore earlier must have been prepared in there. But the clothes have vests, too. There are no ties and vests. Really? Of course. No neckties and vests. Six. All in. Okay, six. Okay, we're all in. Okay! Donghun, please win. Please. Hey, let me spray it on his face. I'll win you and spray on your face. I'm sure everyone wants this. I will avenge for Jinhyuk on your face. When I whistle, you can go in right away. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You have to take it off. You don't have to sweep it. All right. Ready. Good, good. We won, we won, we won. It's done. It's sexy. Take it all off. Just take it all off. It's not sexy. Just take off everything. Why are you watching? I knew it. As expected, Donghun is different. As expected, he's fast. As expected, he's a wily kid. I knew it! He's fast because he's short. I want to see it. I can spray water on Jae Seok! Get out, get out, get out. come out. Shoes. it's done. You have to close all the buttons, too. I used to dress like this. No, you have to button it all up. Quick. We won. Shoes, shoes, shoes, behind the shoes. Don't let go of this. We won, we won, we won. We won! Haha won! I can hit you with water. I won! I won! No, as soon as I do this. I won. Congratulations, HaHa. Take this bank account. Thank you. jackpot. You just wear a dress shirt like this. That's too bad. Hey, did you dress like that? Yeah. No, someone put socks in the shoes. Why do you put this in here? This is really... What kind of shoes. Come here, come here, come here. Take off your glasses. Excuse me? Do you want me to take it off? How dare you put your hands on here? What do you mean, this guy? We met very well. You're so ugly. Oh, it's been so long, hasn't it? I'm getting mad. I've been with you for about eight years. I can't believe this is coming to me. I'm so angry. Hurry up and spray it. Let's not be hard. Hurry up and spray it. Hurry up and spray it. Look at how it looks. It's amazing. That's truly incredible. It looks amazing, huh? I'm so angry. Hey, MC, huh? How hard it has been to pretend to be nice. Well, just a little while. Why? I can't stand it. Good job, good job. I'm getting mad. Spread your legs and sit down. Sit down, sit down, sit down more. My. Don't dress up, don't dress up, just sit like this. I'm sure I'll get my revenge on this. All right, how are you gonna get back at me? I will avenge myself. I am going. I'll get my revenge. Should I do it like this? Should I do it like this? I'll get my revenge. Wait a minute. This crazy guy. He's so crazy. the enemy of my father My father's enemy! I'm going to get you back on you. I'll make sure I'll take revenge on you. I'm going to get you back on you. Then, I will reveal the third game. What is it? A spoon, blue and white. There are two spoons that say gold and two spoons that say silver. Yes. You cover your eyes like this. Oh really? So that your eyes come out. That's right. It's not easy. That's all you have to do. Players, please enter. One, two, three. That's right. That's right. How many you will bet one. I'll bet 6. 6 Six? Oh, really. Don't you think about Shinhye? Jihyo said light 'bet six' Let's go with six. She said to do with six. It's six cups. Let's go, Eunhye. Eun Hye? Oh, Shinhye. Shinhye. Eun Hye. Eun Hye is for Jong kook Jongkook's girl friend. Eunhye, I miss you. Eunhye, I miss you. I want to say hello, too. You want to see your sister-in-law, right? Yes, I've never seen her. Now. Start. I'm getting nervous. Get yourself together! Jihyo doesn't get nervous. We won from here. We won, we won, we won. Jihyo, what's wrong with your lips? Jihyo, you know which side is gold, right? Jihyo, why do you keep making your lips look so cute? Like this? Oh my god. That's cute. Oh, really. Jihyo looks like a cherry. Hurry up and do it. It's hot right now. My face is going to get tanned. Shinhye, I hope you win this. There are six cups on the line. It's okay, it's okay, Jihyo. flip over silver. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. flip silver. Flip the gold. Flip all silver and gold. Don't flip over all the gold and silver. flip silver. Flip the gold. flip silver. Don't flip the silver, don't flip the silver and flip the gold! Turn the gold upside down. What is he talking about? No, I don't know what he's saying. I made a mistake this time, too. Seriously. He got it wrong. There's nothing we can do about this. Aren't you going to pronounce it right? Yes, sir. Don't make me upset and do it properly. Oh, really. Did you just hear Gary's voice? We just need to win one more round. Oh, my. I only looked at you. flip the silver. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. flip the silver. Flip the gold. You can't even do that. Seriously, stop make Gary unset. Stop flipping it. It's frustrating. It's really frustrating. Don't flip the gold, don't flip the Gary heart. Don't flip it. Eunhye, I miss you. Eunhye. What are you talking about? I miss you, Eunhye. I personally miss her. What's wrong with you? I misss Eun Hye. Do you have any lingering feelings about her? What? What's wrong with you? But both of you are really good. They're really good. I'll go slowly for now. Looking at her concentration, I think Jihyo would have studied well. Here we go. flip the silver. flip the silver. Don't flip the silver. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. Flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. flip the silver. Flip both of them Flip both of them. Flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. flip the silver flip silver Don't flip the gold. Flip both. Don't flip both of them. flip the silver. Flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. Flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. Oh, Shinhye. Who are you playing for? You liked Gary's voice and kept laughing. Hey, focus on the game. Don't focus on his voice and love. No. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold. Flip the gold. Don't flip the gold, flip the silver. Flip the gold. Are you going crazy just hearing my voice? Oh, my. No. We were at a disadvantage, Gary. Shinhye, please come out. Thank you. Wow. I'll reveal the next game right away. Please reveal it right away. What? What? Is this the end? Rock, paper, scissors? How many bank accounts did you earn here? Five. I have six. I told you earlier that the losing team has a disadvantage, but you have to return half of it. Half. Woobin, you have to win. That's a bit of a rivalry. Why? Why Woobin and I am rival. How was it when he came out last time? Didn't you see Jong Kook throw him away? Did you? What are you talking about? That's what happened. I slipped. Okay. Woobin slipped. Hey, then why did you fly away? You flew away, Woobin. Rock, paper, scissors! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Hey, but you grabbed this, too. What are you doing? I picked this up, but why did you pick this up? What are you doing? Rock, paper, scissors! Paper! It's done! Jong Kook has pulled it up! It's boiling. Jong Kook's anger is raising. it is not that. The hat went deeper compared to before. But I can't do it. Rock, paper, scissors! You're good at pulling it up. Pulling it up. You did well. He should have started with a punch. As expected, pull it up. Pull it up. You have to raise it up. Raise it up. Woobin, you have to do well. We have to win rock-paper-scissors now. Rock, paper, scissors! Paper! Paper! It's fast. Hey! Hey, it was really fast. One more time. One more time. Woobin. He's raising it up. Hey, did it come up? Kim Jongkook, you're doing great. Good job. Fighting, fighting. Woobin. I just have to win once, right? 3 wins out of 5 rounds? 3 wins out of 5 rounds? Jong Kook, fighing. Rock, paper, scissors! There you go! Paper! There you go! I was confused. It was fine. It's the final round. Look at the toy hammer and the pot. They go this far. Put your hands on it. What are you doing? Woobin, you were so cool. What's this? This is the last one. It's the final round. What are you going to play for? What? You're doing something weird. You have to win no matter what. Last Rock, paper, scissors! Rock, paper, scissors! Paper! jackpot. And six cups of water. It's six cups of water. Gary thinks it's important that you get spray by the water. I'll give you three bank accounts. There are three. Thank you. Full. Six. Since it's six. Three. Hurry up and give it to me. Hurry up and end it with water. Hey, there are a lot of games in the back, huh? Dude. then. Now, it's water slap time. What? I'll buy a cup of water. Good. Oh, really? I'll buy it with two bank accounts. Two bank accounts. This one. Oh, it's nice. It's a million won for a glass of water. A million and a million more. And I'll give you 2 cups as a bonus for our team. Two? I'll give you Gary's and mine. Take one. There's no bonus! That's Gary and mine. Whatever you want! It doesn't matter. My bank account. It's up to me! It's up to me! Don't you stand up straight? Hey, you kept shooting earlier. Attention, relax. Attention, relax. Fine, fine, fine. You only live today, huh? It's a day-to-day life. He's so scary when he says something. No, it's like that. What do you mean I only live today. No, do you just live today then? He's words are really scary. No, that's not it. Oh, Kwangsoo. I'm going crazy. Kwangsoo, you do it. Pardon? Don't do it. But I'm so... Don't do it. Then buy it from me. My hands are shaking. Give it to me, I'll give you a drink. Oh really? Give me this. He's doing a good job. What are you guys doing? Since it's like this anyway. Oh, this one. I made money. Two of my bank accounts are still there. He bought it as 500,000 won and sold it for 1 million won. Oh, man. Dirty guy! Dirty guy! You did well. Jin Hyuk, do it. All right. Wait a minute, we're in the same gym. But he's really scary when he works out, so I'm scared. To be honest, he works out with screaming. You should speak informally at this time. When can I. How does Jong Kook work out? Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, really? It's the most ugly thing to see at the gym, screaming. Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to scream and make you work out? No. huh? I've lived like that enough now. Do you want me to let you lose your voice? I've been screaming for over 10 years! Whenever I see you, I scream. I picked money up. Why. Why? Why are you being like this when I'm giving it to you? This whole place is a mental hospital. There's no one in the right place. Nice to meet you. Just spray it. It's okay, Jin Hyuk. It was awkward. I'm fine. After today, after today. Spray it. I'll talk comfortably. Yes, go ahead. Just comfortably. Just comfortably. Hey, good timing. Golden timing. Golden timing. It was great. Wow, that's awesome. Is this the last one? You must really want to do it. I really want to do it. What. What is this? Why are you being careless? There's not much time left. Do it with fresh water. Do it with fresh water. Bring me some new water. Where's the water, huh? Do it with fresh water! Hey, hey, hey, Gary. Gary, give me this. Do it with fresh water. Oh, it's cold. Hey, you guys are really in a war today. It's a war today. A war. It's just... Huh? What? Let's go. Go, go, let's see.
Channel: 빽능 - SBS 옛날 예능
Views: 2,695,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RUNNINGMAN, SBS, yt:cc=on, 刘在石, 李光洙, 金鍾國, 개리, 김종국, 런닝맨, 빽능, 빽드, 송중기, 송지효, 스트로, 양세찬, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 하하, "KIM JONG KOOK", "LEE KWANG SOO"
Id: _ZZz0DNG5Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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