런닝맨 즐거운 식사시간.zip《런닝맨 / 예능맛ZIP / RunningMan》

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- You ate a lot. Go. Go to your seat now. - Bro, bro. paper. - Aren't you giving it to me? - Bro, bro. paper. - What? What's wrong with you? You're going to sell me? - What do you mean? - You're in trouble. - Why? - Your life is over now. - No, what are you talking about? - Why did President Kennedy..? Hey, this. In this letter. He said you should never throw away this letter or doodle on it. - That's right. - It's okay beneath that. - You're in trouble. Now. - Somin, get ready to line up for ramen. - Oh, this is... - Seokjin. Bro. - Yes. - We'll give it to the first person in line cheaply. - Me! - And line up in like this. Then, if you want to collaborate, please come to my left. - Those who came first will get this cheaply. - They have to be treated well. - Wow, this is 50,000 won. - Wow, it looks delicious. - Who wants to eat it? - Wow, it smells so good. Wow. - Let's endure round 1. How many rounds do we have? - 50,000 won. - It looks so delicious. - You have to hurry up and sell it right now. - Wow! Bro, This is how I feel. Is it called oxytocin?, so I feel it. It's so nice. - What's oxytocin? - Something that it was spurting inside? - Isn't it adrenaline? - Adrenaline comes out when you're nervous. - Aren't you talking about endorphins? - Endorphins. Endorphins. Endorphins. - Hey, that's really serious. - What is oxytocin? - There's oxytocin. - No, oxytocin appears to be uterine contraction. - What do you mean when eating ramen? - 10,000 won for putting and taking out the noodle in the soup. - I'll give you that 10,000 won. Let's share half of it. I'll give you 10,000 won. - Really? Okay, okay. - Here it is. 10,000 won for just dipping it in the soup. - Are you going to dip and eat it once? - I'll dip it for you. - The powder is falling. The powder is falling. - I dipped it, I dipped it. - I really gave you a lot of this. - You have to spit it out without paying it! - You're a con artist. - Oh, I'm going crazy. It's my fault that I trusted him. . - Now! - It's tasty. - A spoonful of stir-fried vegetable rice is for 1,000 won. - Jae-suk, do you want to do it with me? - Okay, let's do it. Then, a spoonful for 1,000 won. - So-min first. I will give only three people. - It's over. The three of us are doing it. - It's over. The three of us are doing it. - Scoop more. - Listen, listen. - We are besties. - I don't want to. - Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? - Wow, you're such a delinquint. - Wow, So-min ate it all. - Jeon So-min. With 3,000 won. - Wow, there are no noodles left. - One spoon. - No, it's really a spoonful. - Hey. - You can take out your own spoon. Why are you doing? - You punk. - My nickname is "Ladle". - Wow, you punks. - What is this? - We paid for it. With 3,000 won. - Kwang-soo, hurry up and borrow a 1,000 won. - Kwang-soo, I'll lend it to you, but you have to pay back with 2,000 won. I'll lend it to you, but you have to pay back with 2,000 won. - This is your last chance for a spoonful. Five. - Pay back 2,000 won later. You're the witness. He needs to pay back 2,000 won. - What's this? You inhaled the food. Ha-ha, give me one spoonful. Just one. I will use a regular spoon. For 1,000 won. I'm serious. - I'll lend this to you for 500 won. - Can you lend me 500 won? I'll pay you back with 3,000 won. I'll pay you back with 3,000 won. - Change it to 3,000 won? No, 4,000 won. I'll lend you 2,000 won, so pay me back 4,000 won. Since it's 2,000 won, 4,000 won. There's no 500 won bill. - Then give me 1,000 won. - 2,000 won, 4,000 won, okay? - Okay. - It's 4,000 won. - Shall I bring you a new ladle? - No, it's okay. - You got this ladle? - Yes. - I'm not going to do it. - I didn't say I was going to do it. - Did I hear it wrong? - From now on, this ladle is yours. - Kwang-soo, you have to pay back 4,000 won. - Kwang-soo, now the ladle is yours. - I can pour water and drink it. - Kwang-soo. - It smells like the stir-fried vegetable rice. - Kwang-soo, that ladle is yours now. From now on. - I strongly recommend japchae rice. - It's really good. - Wow, wow. - It's so delicious. - Wow, it's a hot pot art. - What's this color? - Look at the color inside the rice. What is it? Is this rice? - Why is the rice so bitter? - Hey, Jong-guk. Are you sure it's one spoon? - Can you eat this in one bite? - That's almost like 600g. 600g of meat are here. - You're eating a whold cow. - He's eating a whole cow now. - Are you bleeding or what? - Bitter. The smell's getting into my eyes. The smell came up. - Oh, I ate one spoon, but I'm full. - How can that be one spoon? - Do you think you can eat it in one bite? Why did you put that on top? Honestly, you don't need this. If you're going to put more, it's this. - Hey, put your hands away. I almost dropped it. - Okay, okay, Kwang-su. Then why did you do that to me earlier? - Excuse me. We're eating here, so can you go somewhere else and play - You know, right? He tried to hurt my Adam's apple when I eat. - It's a fish. A fish. - About Seok-jin. He doesn't eat a lot, expecting that we'll give it to him soon. - It's time to choose the next one. - I should do better. - Now, in front of you is a generous Korean table d'hote, triangular kimbap, and yogurt set. If Ha-ha chooses Korean food, the members have to eat one triangular gimbap and one yogurt separately, and if Ha-ha chooses triangular gimbap and yogurt, the members can eat plenty of Korean food. - Hello. - Hello. Does this make sense? No, no matter who looks at it. - Will he do it? - No, not Korean table d'hote, but would he choose this one of these? - You don't trust me? - He's so good at eating. - Haha, which table would you choose? - This expression right now made me so sad. - Is this the justification? - I'll give you 5 minutes. If you can't choose in 5 minutes. - Ah, but really, after you eat this, we will eat this... - Yes, it's nice to see. - That would be really touching. - Then it's really touching. - Then how much Haha's image is to the public. - No, it's not enough to drive like this. - But he raised his voice like this. - What is it? What is it? What is it? - Ah, wake up. - That's too much. - Go away. - You're being too mean because you did a special. - Ji? Honestly, I thought this kind of picture wouldn't be bad right now. - So if you thought about it, do it. - Oh, I'm really upset. - Then I got it. Okay. Then we... - Everyone is looking at the wall. - I don't know where I'm sitting. - If you really sit here, I might really cry. - It's really touching to sit here. It's so touching. - 10, 9, 8. - Oppa, do you remember when we went on MT recently? - Yes, haha. - Oh, it's delicious. Oh, it's delicious. - Hey, ramen is amazing. Turn back on the count of three. One, two, three. - I thought I would do that. This is why I'm like this. Hey, you. That's why I did that, Jihyo. - No, but I told you to think about it. But I really... Don't blame me, blame Jae Seok. - You're making me laugh. - I'm serious. - You're lying. - It's real. - Don't lie. - Hold on a second. You chose it. HaHa. - You can eat with one of the three. - Oppa. - Oh really? - Oppa, oppa. - I'm sorry. - Oppa, oppa. - Haha. - Oppa, look at me. Look at me. I really eat well oppa. - Hey, why are you talking about this later? - Hey, you have to tell me that in advance. - It's Haha. Haha. Haha. - Oppa. - It's disgusting. I'm sick of it. - Haha, cheer up. - Without Haha. - I'm so tired of it. - I can't live without Haha. - Oh, I'm so tired of it. - Only one. Ha Haha, you are our true hero. I think Jihyo can eat triangular kimbap. Are you close to me? Are you close to me? Are you my lawyer? - Oh, that's not it. - Ah don't grab it Don't do this. - Jihyo first sends triangular kimbap. - You're so mean, really. - I'll voluntarily take the initiative and eat triangular kimbap. Raise your hand if you do. Yes, Yoo Jaeseok. - No. - Yes, Yoo Jaeseok. - No. - Get out of the way for now. Sit here. - Get out of the way. Sit here. - It's 10 seconds. 10 seconds. - I wasn't going to tell you this, but when I was young, my mom hit me with a triangle. - That's a lie. That's a lie. It's a triangle, so if you look at the triangle, it really causes the game. - Ah, okay for now. - Ah, but Jin really... Because honestly, triangular kimbap is a waste too. - Hey, if you finish eating triangular kimbap, how can you share it if you finish eating it alone? Dude. Did you eat it? - Yes. - He ate it all. - You split it and eat it. - Hey, you're supposed to share it. Dude. - Oh, I caught him. - Hey, you don't know who's going to eat this. - Wow. - Then those who are not chosen will starve today. What's Haha's choice? - The person who puts the fried smelt in my mouth with this is the person chosen. Close your eyes. - Close your eyes tightly. - Make sure to wash your hair. Eyes - One, two, three. - Oh, my. - You don't have one. - Are you teasing me? - That was good. The line was good. - Enjoy your meal. - Potatoes are chubby. - Is it potato pancake? Potato pancake? - It's so hard to choose. It's so painful. - But you keep choosing well considering it's painful. - It's so hard. Really. - Hey, what's hard about it is?
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 10,812,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, chạy đi chờ chi, legend running man, running man, running man ep, running man the legend, runningman, sbs, yt:cc=on, 개리, 김종국, 런닝맨, 레전드 런닝맨, 맛집, 송지효, 식사, 식사시간, 양세찬, 에피소드ep, 예능맛ZIp, 예능맛집, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 피촉크로스, 필촉크로스, 하하
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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