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can you run gear oil in an engine let's find out some political science with my balls trash that fresh engine all right here we go you're not going to believe this oil pressure rookie move I'm seeing worse where's my thinking cap bombs away that's the good oh this is my 1975 C20 service body truck it's got a pretty basic 350 small block Chevy it's got an extra medium Cam and a small wind 177 blower makes about 4 horsepower going downhill with the Tailwind that engine's got about 12200 M on it from Hot Rod Power Tour so it's time for an oil change it's currently running Valene VR1 20 w50 racing oil it needs to be running a high zinc 10w40 which I have right here but I'm going to run gear oil for Science and right about now you're probably thinking that I'm an idiot and that I'm going to trash that fresh engine and that's certainly a possibility but there's only one way to find out what could possibly go wrong so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to fire it up with a 20 w50 in it we're going to check the oil pressure hot and cold then I'm going to change out the 20 w50 with 75 w85 gear oil and then I'm going to note the hot and cold oil pressures again and then I'm going to give you the science behind what did or didn't happen but first have you ever wondered why gear oil smells like a sack full of farts it's because gear oils contain a truckload of extreme pressure additives and those additives are generally comprised of a sulfur-based compound and as you learned in high school algebra sulfur is made from dinosaur butts so it smells like butts but we'll circle around to that butt stuff later all right so here we go I'm going to shoot the oil pan with the infrared thermometer all right the oil pan is 66° I don't want yall accusing me of manipulating the oil temperature to get the desired result all right let's fire it up and get a cold idle whoa parking brake let's fire it up and get a cold idle oil pressure with the 20w 50 all right let's call that 37 I know that's not the most accurate gauge I've got a digital gauge on my Duramax but it holds 10 quarts and I'm not buying 10 quarts of gear oil stuff's expensive had been ran in about 7even or eight months it's got flat spots on the tires and cobwebs that need blowing out all right so I'm at 2,000 RPM I'm not sure how well you see the gauge but it's pretty much exactly 45 PSI all right we're back in the garage let's go ahead and get a hot Idol temperature it's obviously idling a lot higher now that it's hot but it looks like our pressures I'm going to call that 36 is so it's not much lower than the cold idle but again we're at a much higher RPM so that seems okayish let's drain the oil i' forgotten I had a photo valve on here that's nice makes laugh a little easier the oil was 180° when I parked the truck just for reference now I'm not changing the filter I don't want to make any more test variables for you guys to pick at but I am going to dump the engine oil out of it and fill it back up with gear oil hot oil all right we're back on the bench all right same oil filter that came off the truck it's been on there a year it's had 2050 in it 2050 all right 75 w85 just like in the gallon jug I want yall to watch me open this thing now I want yall to think I'm tricking you there we go get all that foil out of there don't want to destroy an engine now I know some people don't like to fill oil filters they say it's wrong some people say it's wrong to not fill them so I'm going to fill it I'm going to fill it about halfway up there you go half full well that's half delicious all right same oil filter back in place full of gear oil now y'all know I'm not afraid to put my screw-ups on film I was pulling the Breather off to pour oil in the valve cover that's not an abnormal thing to do that's what I used to do on my 71 back in uh High School the thing is it's it's got an oil fill cap right here that's that's where the oil goes I'm own it today where's my thinking cap all right we're going to put in the 75 w85 and since I know the internet loves to try and catch me in a lie here you go breaking the seal right here on camera and this is my favorite part of the video this is the part where y'all tell me I'm a rookie because I don't nope I almost spilled it already rookie move there we go I just got my engineer on zip tie that funnel won't fall over now like I was saying you guys like to criticize the way I pour oil cuz a pro poures with a jug on its side are inverted I don't care how you pour oil and if pouring oil is the worst thing you've got to worry about in this life you're doing good anyhoo it's four quarts I'm just going to put it all in there I got no other use for it there you go Pros I'm pouring it like you pour it I'm getting carpal tunnel in the process the whole dang bottle I promise if smell of vision was a real thing you would not be doubting that I just poured gear oil in this engine perfect ly overfilled just like it should be all right looks like our gear oil is about 70° that's close enough let's say a little prayer fire it off and see what happens all right here we [Music] go oh you're not going to believe this oil pressure yep it's pretty much the same let's go ahead and put some heat in it and see what the pressure looks like when it's h hot better do this quick storm [Music] coming better get home before the storm hits I'm not certain the wipers actually work all right here we are with the gear oil 2,000 RPM looks like 45 45 PSI just like the 2050 all right one last oil pressure hot idle oil pressure it's actually idled down a little bit from the first time we did this and looks like about 32 same as the 2050 oil how could this be okay now you're all disappointed that my engine didn't grenade and you're probably wondering if you just got scammed because the oil pressure didn't even go up and that goes against everything you've ever believed about oil pressure so what just happened 75 w85 gear oil is actually thinner than 20 w50 engine oil yep you heard that right I moved up to the lab and now we're going to do some political science with my balls because some of you are proba probably still a little skeptical of my 50-year-old anal law gauge that's completely understandable but now I'm wearing a lab coat and drinking sparkling water so I should be instantly believable maybe okay let's do some science I've got balls of steel that are going to race downhill through two different oils and two different pieces of scientifical glassware named Don and Joe for no particular reason I'm going to start with two different engine oils just to give you a reference point let's use 15 w40 and Donald in the red corner on the far right and some of this modern environmentally friendlier Z w20 in Joe in the blue corner on the far left I chose red on the right and blue on the left for no particular reason probably I think I'll use my yellow funnel named Libby seems appropriate that's the good oh mhm let's put that right there 100 milliliters is less than you think thought this stuff was non-alcoholic maybe next time we keep the oil inside the glass come on Jamon do better that is thin wow is this what they put in Teslas thanks Libby where's my balls I to borrow these for my wife there we go tiny shiny balls all right it's really got to be fair torque oil mile per gon oil his and hers oh and by the way all of these oils are 68° they've been in this room all night all right bombs away well pretty definitive thicker thinner big ass mess should probably find a way to do that without getting it everywhere H do better jamon see if we can retrieve these balls with a magnet not going to lie that worked better than I thought it would finally something goes correctly it's a weird sound all right let's get back to gear oil versus engine oil let's give Libby a break on this one she's tired from straddling the fence all right 75 w85 gear oil and it still stinks all right for round two we've got the same 15 w40 over here in the Red Corner and we've got the 75 w85 over here in the blue corner now one common sense says the ball in the engine oil should beat the ball in the gear oil by a Canadian mile you know because engine oil is thinner than gear oil allegedly well let's see what happens fire in the hole the gear oyal just won by a lot and I think I've proven my point maybe my 50-year-old gauge is right after all but I don't want to mislead you I chose 75 w85 for a reason this is the thinnest gear oil you can buy I think but nobody has this crap in their garage honestly don't even know why it exists so let's test some real gear oil against the engine oil it's pretty thick this might be a close race I'm getting a cramp well that's thicker than Katy Perry's bra strap yep that's gear oil I bet Katy Perry smells better than that all right round three 15 w40 and mystery gear oil fireing the hole pretty slow it's probably what you guys have been expecting this entire time unless you live in Death Valley it's probably not a good idea to put this one in an engine let's go back to the garage smells like a portapotty in here a little known fact about engine oil vcos grades and gear oil viscosity grades is that they're on two totally different scales it's like comparing fahrenheit temperatures and Celsius temperatures SAE j300 is the engine oil spec and SAE j306 is the gear oil spec and apparently the Committees that authored those two specifications never spoke with each other this graph shows how engine oil and gear oil viscosities correlate with each other this is a multi-grade gear oil so it has a cold viscosity grade of 75 W and a hot viscosity grade of 85 as you can see 75 W gear oil overlaps with 10w 15w and SAE 20w engine oil grades SAE 20 and 20w are basically the same thing for the purposes of this demonstration and you can see that the SAE 85 gear oil overlaps with the top end of the s30 and bottom end of the sa40 engine oil specifications if you don't like that chart here's two more that will show you the exact same thing so contrary to what you've believed your entire lives these numbers have nothing to do with each other and some gear oils are actually thinner than some engine oils so does that mean it's okay to use gear oil in your engine absolutely not gear oil is not designed to handle the combustion byproducts like engine oil is so it can't keep your engine internals properly cleaned additionally remember that dinosaur butt stuff we were talking about earlier all the sulfur and the extreme pressure additives in the gear oil like to react with all the combustion byproducts to form sulfuric acid and according to Al Gore's internet sulfuric acid is bad for engines probably so unless it's the zombie apocalypse or your 10 Mi off grid and gear oil is the only thing you have left to keep your rig in service don't put gear oil in your engine and if you do put it on the YouTubes for the rest of us to watch but be for warned it'll smell like butt everywhere you go all right so now I've made you all lubrication specialist don't you go tickle that like And subscribe button science is expensive and I need your support anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and as always stay curious
Channel: Freedom Worx
Views: 173,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gear oil test, gear oil in engine, gear oil vs engine oil, engine oil, motor oil, gear oil, best motor oil, engine oil explained, engine oil test, motor oil geek, motor oil comparison, motor oil explained, motor oil test, viscocity, engine oil viscocoity, project farm, engineering explained, oil pressure, thickest oil, thickest engine oil, is thicker oil better, gear dope, is thicker oil better for engine, thicker oil in engine, thick oil in engine, high oil pressure
Id: Gcfr9kEr4FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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