I investigate simulating fluids, using Eulerian representation, on GPU shaders

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I want to simulate fluids. There are two  main approaches: using particles which is   called Lagrangian, or using fixed cells which is  called Eulerian in this video I want to focus on   the fixed cell Eulerian approach. The particle  approach is fun though and in Unity is easy to   do. I just create a tiny sphere with bounciness  zero and friction zero, and spawn a few thousand   of them. I might experiment with particles in  a future journey. It's also possible to have a   hybrid, where particles morph into cells, that  morph into particles, but I will leave that for   future experimentation. There are so many places  I want to go that I can't. Like inside the earth,   through the sun, see black holes colliding. I  can't do these things in reality. But maybe we   can simulate them? In the Eulerian approach,  the fluid is represented by stationary cells.   Each cell has a single vector which represents  the velocity of the fluid in that cell. Let's   add some colored ink to the fluid. The ink  flows in the direction of the velocity. This   is called ‘advection’. I'll talk about how we  can Implement advection a bit later. To simulate   places I cannot go I feel a useful first step is:  can I simulate a simple fluid? No viscosity. No   air. And I'm going to keep to two dimensions. So  that's my goal for this video. And I'm going to   use GPU shaders. Because shaders are fun. Let's  make the color sources persistent and then I'll   add a drop of each color. Let's increase the  resolution to 30p and turn off the arrows. I started this journey by watching some  videos by Matthius Müller who is physics   research lead at Nvidia. I read through Jos  Stam's realtime fluid dynamics for games. I   feel that Brian Trevethan’s thesis “Physically  Based Simulation for Computer Graphics” gives an   excellent survey of fluid simulation techniques.  I couldn't understand his maths at first,   so I spent several weeks watching videos on maths  by Commutant, Elucyder, and Dr Peyam. “In French   ‘la place’ means ‘the place’. So you know you're  in the right place!” It feels a little static,   so let's add some noise to the color. This gives  a little sensation of movement. We can actually   increase the resolution more, to 480p. This is  pretty fun, but if I go back down to resolution   8p and turn the arrows back on we can see that  whilst the fluid is technically moving because   we have velocity arrows, but the arrows themselves  are not moving. The fluid movement is not moving   itself and look I drag these arrows so they're  all pointing to the same cell more or less. So   that means we’ve got fluid flowing into the  cell and no fluid flowing out. So the fluid   is either being destroyed or it's being infinitely  compressed, like a black hole. But generally it's   not behaving like a typical fluid. There are two  things that we need to make the simplest fluid   simulation that I'm aiming for in this video.  One of these things is conservation of mass,   incompressibility. When fluid enters a  cell faster than it leaves this is called   ‘negative divergence’ and when fluid leaves  a cell faster than it enters this is called   ‘positive divergence’. So here we have white  fountains that represent matter being created, and   black whirlpools represent matter being destroyed.  Now to make our simulation we need to clear this   divergence. Jos Stam used some fancy maths for  this using Helmholtz Decomposition. But the maths   was hard for me to understand and calculating  the curl-free field needs an iterative approach.   Matthius Müller proposes an approach that does  still need iteration but I find much easier to   understand. We do need to change representation  slightly though. Instead of storing the velocity   at the center of each cell we're going to store  the velocity at the edge of each cell. It's a   little less intuitive to look at but calculating  divergence is now really easy. All we have to do   is add up the velocities flowing out of the cell  and subtract the velocities flowing in and that's   our divergence. In my shader code I take the  velocity flowing out of the right hand side,   add the velocity flowing out the top, and subtract  the velocity flowing into the left hand side,   and into the bottom, and that's the divergence.  To clear this divergence what Matthius proposes   is we take the divergence, divide it by four  - like the number of edges of the cell - and   subtract that from each of the edge velocities.  This will immediately set the cell's divergence   to zero. So I can click on these cells to clear  the divergence. When I clear the divergence for   a cell I increase the divergence of its neighbors.  But that's okay: I can just keep clicking. It's a   little like trying to put a screen protector on  your phone and there's a bubble of air trapped   and you're pushing it around. But in our case  though the bubbles will go away eventually,   if we click enough. In my shader code each  thread takes the divergence of the cell,   divides it by the number of fluid neighbors to  form deltaV then subtracts deltaV from each of   the edge velocities. The divergence of the cell  immediately becomes zero. Clearing divergence   is also called ‘projection’ which is why this  function name starts with the word ‘project’. Let's go back to showing the center velocities  because I think they're easier to understand.   Rather than clicking by hand I can get the  computer to click for me. And I can speed   this up a bit. If I clear this, and draw a single  outwards velocity, the projection will gradually   produce arrows flowing backwards, so that the  flow loops around. Of course I didn't spend 4   weeks writing shader code just to run projection  cell by cell. But there's a problem. Threads on   a GPU are a little like rowers in a rowing team.  They move together in lock step. They all run the   same instruction at the same time. This means that  if multiple threads try to update the same value,   only one will succeed. On the left we have  some threads symbolized by spirals. Next to   each thread we have an input color. I can  connect an input color to an output color   using an arrow. When I click ‘step’ each thread  adds its input color to each connected output   color. What happens if I connect two inputs  to the same output? We might expect the inputs   to mix to form a blend. But actually only one  thread succeeds. The other thread’s update is   ignored. Here is the shader code for this  demo. Each thread runs this function once,   each with its own thread ID. Each thread loops  over the outputs. If there is a connection from   the thread's input to an output then the  thread adds its own input to that output.   When using a shader each output value should  be updated by only a single shader thread. Going back to clearing divergence, when I clear  the divergence for two adjacent cells each of   them modifies the velocity of their shared edge.  So to clear the divergence of two neighbor cells   we need to run the cell updates in sequence. On  a shader we want to run many threads in parallel,   so this sounds impossible. There's a  solution though which Matthius shows   which is called red-black Gauss Seidel. if  you look at all the cells I'm selecting,   none of these cells have shared edges, so I can  update these cells together, in parallel, without   write conflicts. And then we can select another  set of non-adjacent cells and clear those. There   are four sets of such non-adjacent cells in total.  So, in four passes, we can update all cells. It's   also possible to use only two passes but I get  slightly better frame rate using four passes. Let's run projection continuously. All right you  can't see it but it's running projection. So now,   when I drag velocity around, the other flows  adjust immediately to keep divergence zero   everywhere. What this means is that the  velocity loops around back to where it   came from. It doesn't just vanish into  nowhere or be created from nowhere. If   if I try to change the flow to point upwards  somewhere there's going to be downwards flow. Let's add some persistent upward flows. So now we  have some very strong back flows, like rip tides   in surf. Let's bump up the simulation resolution  to 80p and use color to show velocity. I'm using   HSV color to depict the velocity. The hue shows  the direction. There's a color wheel here. Black   is stationary and then the brighter the color the  faster. These spots are yellow meaning they are   upwards velocity. This blue color shows downwards  motion. This red color shows motion to the right,   and the cyan shows motion to the left. Because  projection is running we get these gorgeous color   gradients as the flows loop around. But we don't  really see movement so let's try switching to   colored ink mode and add some colored ink and we  can drag the velocity around which is pretty fun. But we still don't really see movement  because the ink reaches a steady state so   let's add some color noise. The noise shows  movement but it adds a bunch of extraneous   color around the edges. So let's add some  decay to the ink. All right so we got rid   of the extraneous color and we have some kind  of sensation of movement. But now our actual   color kind of faded a lot. So what we can can  do is: we can increase the advection speed.   So let's bump up the advection speed to about  140. And then I can drag the velocity around. All right, so it's not actually clear what is  different compared to not having projection   on. let's reset, turn off projection, and draw a  single line of upwards persistent velocity. If I   switch to the HSV view we can see that there is no  velocity except for that line. Now let's turn on   projection. So now the whole simulation fills with  a beautiful color gradient effect. And this means   that everywhere has some velocity. Now let's go  back to Ink color View and draw some ink sources. All right so we've definitely got movement now  and it seems plausible that we're enforcing   incompressibility. But does this look right?  Does fluid normally spin around like this?   Like maybe in a food blender. But what we have  here is a single source of directional velocity,   like a hair dryer, or a fan. Wouldn't  we expect that fluid to have momentum   and carry on in a straight line,  like water out of a tap? We would. To add conservation of momentum what we need is  to add advection of velocity. We saw advection   before for the colored ink. ‘Advection’ means  moving things in the direction of the velocity.   ‘Advection of velocity’ means: we're going to move  the velocity itself in the direction of itself.   This seemed a bit mysterious to me. But if if we  switch to using particle representation it becomes   a bit more obvious. In the case of particles  each particle has a velocity, and the velocity   of each particle moves with that particle.  If I add Eulerian cell colors the cell colors   also move with the particles, in the direction of  the particle velocity. This is especially obvious   for the particles on the edges. So we need to add  this velocity advection to our Eulerian cell based   simulation. Let's change back to low resolution  and turn the arrows back on. So if I move the   arrows so the tail is in the cell centers then the  arrows point to where the velocity needs to move   to next. So what we could do is take the velocity  from a cell and move that along the arrow to the   head of the arrow, and somehow spread the velocity  over the nearby cells. But there's a problem. If you look at this cell here there's multiple  arrows pointing into it. In my shader I want   to use one thread for each cell: one thread per  arrow. So two arrows pointing to the same cell   means that we have two shader threads updating the  same value. From the demo earlier we saw that this   is impossible: one of those updates will fail. But  what we can do is change from a push to a pull. Let's go back to the thread update demo. We  can assign each thread to an output instead   of to an input. Each thread will pull colors  from the inputs. This way each output is only   updated by a single thread. If we have two  inputs pointing to the same output that works   just fine. switching from a push to a pull  can also help us run advection on a shader. Here is the shader code for this demo. Each  thread loops over the inputs. If there is a   connection from the input to that thread's  output, then the thread adds that input   value to its output variable. Finally the  thread writes its output variable to its   output. And this works okay. So let's  use this pull approach for advection. I can slide the arrows backwards so that they  point into each cell rather than out of each   cell. Then each thread can pull the velocity from  the tail of its arrow into its own cell, and this   will run just fine on a shader. Unfortunately the  tail of each arrow won't usually lie exactly over   a single cell, so we will need to interpolate  over the four nearest cells. Here is my shader   code to interpolate between four cells given  the index of the bottom left cell and a lambda   interpolation vector. The actual code has a bit  more bounds checking but it's otherwise similar. The advection is a bit fiddly because  we not actually storing the velocities   at the center of each cell, but rather the  staggered velocities at the edges of each   cell. Debugging this took me quite  a while but I got there in the end. Without projection, nothing happens when I  turn on advection and draw some velocity.   This is because we are doing a pull. The  cells doing the pull have zero velocity,   so the length of the arrow to the source cell  is also zero. Each cell pulls from itself.   Since each cell has zero velocity itself,  then it pulls zero velocity from itself,   and nothing changes. If we turn on projection  this problem goes away. The projection smears   non-zero velocity everywhere, with this  beautiful gradient color effect. Even if   the velocity is near zero it's still enough to  kick-start the advection process. It's not enough   to only apply a projection though. With only  projection the fluid does not stream forward   in a straight line. We just get small localized  loops of fluid flow. So there's no divergence but   it's basically static. With both projection  and advection I feel it looks quite nice. Having to turn on projection in order to test  advection made debugging really hard. It was   hard to know if bugs were in my projection code  or in my advection code. And let's be honest bugs   were everywhere. Really I want to be able to  test projection and infection separately. This   will make debugging easier. So let's think  about about trying to run advection without   projection. The problem is without projection on  the advection doesn't pull from zero velocity,   and nothing happens. So how to test? So one option  is to click somewhat and drag backwards in the   opposite direction of the velocity. Since my mouse  position is supplying velocity this velocity flows   forward from my mouse, and so we get a stable line  of velocity. When I release the mouse the velocity   then advects away from where my mouse was. I  thought that adding noise to the velocity might   help since then the velocity would be non-zero  everywhere. And it kind of does. But it turns   out the direction of the velocity matters: and  it's wrong half the time. So let's turn the noise   off. What does work is to pre-warm an area with  some velocity that's going in the same direction   I want to run advection. And then I can advert  velocity over that. Still it's hard to be sure if   it's really correct. In the end I wrote a bunch  of shader kernels just for unit testing. This   was quite a lot of pain but at least I could be  somewhat confident that my code was working-ish. Let's turn projection back on, and then bump up  the resolution to 480p. It's a little slow so   let's bump up the advection speed to 140. That  seems pretty fluid. I'm going to draw a line   of persistent upwards velocity. All right so that  flows upwards and it hits the ceiling. But what's   wrong with this picture? So we've got this huge  block of fluid moving upwards, and it's hitting   the ceiling. The ceiling is solid. The fluid  cannot go through it. So the fluid's vanishing.   Like, there's no fluid coming out the sides. So  this is violating conservation of mass. But we   already have projection. Shouldn't projection fix  that? Well when we added projection we saw that   we need to iterate the projection step and I'm  not. I'm just running the projection step once,   in between each advection step. It turns out that  the number of projection iterations is important,   and we need quite a few more than one,  in between each advection step. So let's   try 3. and 5. 7. 10. So increasing the number of  projection iterations is definitely helping. What   we need is for the information from the center  of the upflow to get to the edge of the upflow   before we take the next advection step. Each  red black Gauss Seidell iteration communicates   information about two pixels each time. Like no  more than two pixels. And I guess we've got like   50 to 100 pixels here. So we're going to need  at least 50 iterations on or so. So let's try   50. And let's try 100. All right, that's looking  a lot more convincing. And something I like is   that now we see some nice turbulence effects. I  think turbulence is really fun and interesting.   I think it looks much more convincingly like  a fluid with turbulence in. And I didn't have   to do anything fancy to get the turbulence. I  just applied a few fundamental laws of physics.   Conservation of mass. Conservation of momentum.  Incompressibility. I think that's pretty fun. Let's load in some velocities and colors I  drew earlier. And let's dab on a few spots   of green ink. This is running at 50 frames  per second on my MacBook Air. I think this   looks quite convincing as a fluid, and  I'm pretty happy with how this is looking. What I want to look into next is simulating  the inside of the Earth, the Sun, and black   holes. If you're interested too please consider  subscribing. If you liked this video and you   want me to make similar videos please consider  encouraging me by clicking like. Cool. See you!
Channel: RL Hugh
Views: 2,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fluid simulation, eulerian, shader, gpu, gpgpu, advection, projection, threads, eulerian fluid simulation, parallelization, simulation, gauss-seidel
Id: x6mcua0HOJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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