run button not showing in vs code / SOLVED

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so hi friends welcome back to my YOUTUBE channel  in this video i will show you how you can add this   code runner button in your visual studio code  so if you want to add this code runner button   in your visual studio code then follows steps  with me know i am going to show you how you can   add this run button know click on extension  in search extension type here code runner   and press enter know here you can see that there  is a different types of extension but from here   you need to download one extension which is i am  going to show you which extension download from   here you can see it's a code runner extension  know here you can see that it's 14. i think   14. 5 millions people have been downloaded this  to activate code button in his visual studio code   so if you want to add this code runner button in  your visual studio code then you need to download   this extension which is a code runner so know i am  going to install it and i am going to click on it   so know here you can see that it's code runner  extension which helps you in add this run button   in your visual studio code so know i am going to  uninstall it and know I am going to install it   so friends once you follow this steps or once you  install this extension in your visual studio code   then you will be able to add this run button in  your visual studio know I am going to show you   how does it work to run program in visual  studio code I am going to click on my run button   press enter and I am going to press  5 and I am going to press enter   so know you can see that by the help of code  runner button I am able to add this I am able   to run this program in vs code so friends if  you want add this code runner button in your   visual studio code then download this extension so  once you download this you can easily add this run   button in visual studio code so I hope my video  is helpful for you friends if you like that then   hits the THUMSUP or let me know it is helpful  or not and be happy I will see you next time
Channel: BDM Captain
Views: 18,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: run button not showing in vs code, vs code run button not showing, visual studio code run option not showing, code runner not showing in visual studio code, code runner visual studio code, BDM Captain
Id: vdyJpAWS3R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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