RUMSPRINGA and all its Secrets...

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you guys want to hear about that hit that like button and we'll get into it translated into english means running around now the world or what everybody's been taught is that room springer is a period where parents send their kids into the world to experience the world and hopefully they'll be so overwhelmed by the atrocities of it that they'll come back and be amish armed spinning it was a period when in your life when you turned 16 as an amish kid you were now allowed to go hank hang out with the youth and date and stuff like that it did not mean that or at least in our definition it did not mean that you necessarily went out and partied and we'll get into that a little bit later because there's a couple different choices it's covered a couple different routes that you could take parents did not send their kids into the world they did not intentionally send them out there amish people believed that if you are not born again and not baptized you will not get into heaven when you die right so an amish person when they get baptized that is when they believe that they are born again they wash clean they are born again now that is all false but that's what they believe so if one of their kids is out there partying living in the world doing whatever and he dies that is a ticket straight to hell that is a ticket straight to the eternal fire that burns and burns forever who wants that for their kid why would they send their kids out to that anyway so that is a false false information that the world has gotten they discourage their kids from from choosing that path that route but when their kids do choose that or in our community they uh it's it's culture they're just it's just the norm right so they just they just pray pray for their kids that they don't die during that period you know and and they just kind of turn turn a blind eye and they just you know they don't want to kick their kids out of their house so they just let them do it and hopefully they'll join the church again and get married amish now communities who had the wild youth uh were northern indiana shipshawana topeka goshen that's where i come from and holmes county ohio then i think arthur illinois and i think pa had that maybe yoder kansas so there's some communities in pa i don't know i'm not familiar with pa a whole lot yeah and then yoder kansas i believe had that also there's a lot of communities the stricter ones the more conservative ones they do not do that they are allowed to court or date and that's it like they still after they turn 16 or 17 whatever they still have to live at home they they're not they're not adults until they're 21 so they if they get a car in jeans and stuff they get kicked out of the house like they can't live at home anymore right so so there is some differences not all amish communities get to experience this another disclosure is i will be sharing my experience and now as a believer as a christian as a follower of christ i look back and i see that that is no good even though it was a norm for us and it didn't seem like a bad thing it is not good it is a sinful life and i do not support it in any way um even though i might make it sound like i do just because i'm sharing memories good times and stuff like that right so uh if you guys haven't watched my video growing up amish go watch that because that is the life of me as a kid i guess up until the point of be turning 16 and at that point at 16 in our community is when we were we basically became of adults right we no longer had to um we no longer were responsible for chores around the house we came and went as we wanted you know we came if we wanted to on a weekday go hang out with some friends we did and we didn't come home till three in the morning if that was you know what we chose work obviously sucked the next day if we did that but we we were free and and every amish kid in our community uh made a choice at that point where um how they would do this because there was there was a couple different routes they could take at the age of 16. um you know one of them was what we called the clinton youth and with the clinton youth you you stayed amish you kept hor driving horse and buggies you dressed amish you just weren't a member of the church right so and you you did singings on sundays you would uh hang out with friends and and then sundays came around you did singings and you dated and and and you kind of you didn't party now there's a couple different groups of clinton youth there was um there's kind of the more modern ones the in style ones where they would wear you know the hollister or abercrombie sweatshirts you know plain of course but and you know the shoes like the girls the shoes followed the trend of the day whereas this other group was a more conservative clinton group and and they were more more conservative amish they didn't necessarily wear the stylish or the more stylish clothes you know it's funny amish people they have their same clothes but they will like in our community they will push they will get as much stylish stuff or much trendy stuff as they can without breaking uh the guidelines like they'll you know like shoes you're supposed to wear shoes with laces only not slip-ins but you'll get the most stylish stylish ones with laces right the latest trends is what they're wearing and and the and the girls would wear you know the chuck taylor's came out there for a while so they would be wearing the chuck taylors and all that so that was the clinton side of things it was a more amish lifestyle it is probably more similar to what um the more conservative communities were doing with their dating and and youth groups and the other choice that you could make was the car youth or the wild youth and that is when you ditched your amish clothes you got jeans t-shirts you bought a car and you did you lived like english people right the car youth had different groups too they had what they called the what's up group at the time so so keep in mind i'm my period of room shipping i turned 16 i think right around year 2000 and that was a scary time too because here i was entering into my devilish lifestyle right at the turn of the century where everybody was worried that the end of the world was coming right so anyway uh but there was there was the what they called the what's up group which was the cool crowd stylish clothes trendy clothes whatever and then they kind of had the topeka youth who were more i don't know redneckish all right yeah i don't know they didn't care so much about the trends and the the name brand clothing and so leading up to turning 16 my dad he made sure that i had a horse and a buggy um available that i could use um i think he kind of knew that i wasn't gonna use it which i don't think i ever did i think he knew which route i was gonna head down and because my sister had and and i did i chose to hang out with the car youth um i tried i wanted to be part of the what's up group right the cool kids shortly before i turned 16 my older sister had a friend who took me shopping you know we went to the mall and and i went shopping and i had some money saved up because i was working at a at five and 20 restaurant in shipshawana there and not much a couple hundred bucks but i went out and we uh gosh was it jcpenney i'm not sure but we bought all the you know the clothes the nautica what was it nautica polo stuff tommy hilfiger was in style then so i bought as much as i could and i think my sister even helped me buy some and then the day i turned 16 i went out and i got my hair cut and it was not much left oh boy that was that's a hard transition i came home how you know i had the i had the normal amish haircut long hair kind of i come home and there's buzz cut right it's just that long and it's hard like it's it's that transition is hard going from amish clothes amish haircut one day to the next day be in english and going to work like it's brutal like i was very very self-conscious anyway maybe it didn't affect other people i was very very self-conscious and i just dreaded walking into work the next couple days just it took a couple weeks to get used to looking looking different my dad my parents wouldn't sign for my driver's license um obviously they are not allowed to they're not supposed to by the church you know you have to have somebody sign your license liability reasons supposed to be a parent or guardian and they have no problem taking liability taking responsibility they just aren't it's against their rules to sign their kids driver's license because that's not the route they want them to go so i didn't get my driver's license until i found somebody to sign for him uh when i was 17. i think i had my permits 17 and a half years old and then when i was 18 i finally you know just got my driver's license and that that was that was the case with a lot of amish kids was that they just couldn't get their driver's license until they're 18 years old and they would find rides or what we did was we had scooters we had most of them were little yamaha jogs 49 cc scooters they went about 45 miles an hour and you know that's kind of how i got around for the first year and a half and those were good times free times you know we had little scooter gangs oh wow embarrassing but but you know we uh these things took like what we couldn't even get a gallon of gas like gas prices were like 98 cents and we we could only get like 90 cents into those things and it was embarrassing filling up because you'd go inside to pay you know it was before pre-pay so you'd fill up you'd go inside like with 89 cents in gas it was a little humbling but but it was good times um you know we drove those summer winter it sucked in the winter it was cold uh i even had one that was like 150 cc it was illegal because you had to have a driver you had to have a motorcycle's license to have anything over 50 cc and over but i had this thing and um this thing did like 60 it was it was cruising and of course you know when i had that thing that did 60 my buddy my cousin had one little honda razz that did like 25 and was just loud so i couldn't really go faster than 25 anyway half the time was it was funnier i would uh i just remember one night coming home from like i think his parents were camping or something we were visiting and we were coming home and you know i would do i'd do 60 school then i'd then i'd pull off and wait for him somewhere and i could hit i could hear him coming over these little hills 25 miles an hour here we go oh the good times so now i don't think it works this way anymore i'm not sure but there was this thing called or sitting up um that the girls did so when i turned 16 for a while there only the boys got driver's licenses in cars and the girls didn't so the boys would dress english all the time and the girls only would wear jeans or english clothes on the weekends they would still wear dresses at home when they were at home right but and only there was a few girls who drove who had their driver's license but for the most part it was just the boys and the girls would rely on the boys to to get them around right i mean i drove a lot of girls around i took them shopping all that stuff but what they would do on the weekends is since they didn't have cars is the girls would get a group of their friends and they would do what you called uh sitting up and they uh what they would do is they they'd light a bedroom light upstairs typically keep the light on in their bedroom the the original way was they would keep a light on their bedroom and then the boys the would drive around until they would see a house with with one light on in the bedroom right this is this started at like nine o'clock at night so the rest of the family was in bed it was just the the girls that were up the boys would drive around they would see this and they would stop in and they would um go up to the girls bedroom and they would hang out um it's also called spyho stump spa hashtamba so stair stomping i think that was a nickname because the parents probably on the on those saturday nights the parents were trying to sleep and they had all these rowdy kids stomping up there to the upstairs when i turned 16 that we didn't go upstairs it was it had transitioned into them setting up a place in the shop garage or something where we didn't have to trad through the house so that's kind of what we would do on the weekends unless there was a party we would we would fill a cooler full of beer and we would drive around and usually we would hear about which girls are sitting up that weekend and we we would drive around and we would go hang out at a place with the girls for a while and then we'd go to a different one and hang out there and then you know different one and i don't remember doing that so much in the days of our scooter days i think we were mostly just kind of hanging out smaller groups when we started getting cars we would do that or or in our scooter days we would find rides with people who had driver's licenses and then we would go do that and you know we would drink get drunk and sometimes if there was a room we would pick up the girls and we'd take them with us to the next place and just so on it was you know we had we had a lot of good times it was also risky because we had alcohol in the car and there was always the chance of getting pulled over what's up you want to go outside come here come here you want to say hi to the camera so the clinton youth also did this but the clinton youth kind of they knew the girls i mean we were separated right by our group so so the clinton boy men boys whatever hung out and visited the clinton girls and we did the car youth girls you know and it was just that's just how it worked you know and then and and at that point like if you wanted to ask a girl out you would ask her out and you would usually ask her out for a date for two weeks later so that i don't know why but so you would then two weeks later take her out and and we'll do a separate video on dating and then if there was a party somewhere you know we would the girls would usually find a ride with some boys and everybody would end up at the party so the cell phones kind of ruined the uh thing this the sitting up because when when i turned 16 the cell phones were just coming in i had a track phone remember like the dollar a minute or something but then they got cheaper and cheaper and so everybody started getting cell phones so if you went over to uh some girls house where they were sitting up you know and there was kind of a little bit of a crowd there's a few people there you would call all your other friends out there and be like hey come over here this is where everybody's at so then everybody would flood to one area and it just ended up being a big party and then a lot of times the dad would say hey no this is way too big you guys need to leave it's over it's leave right so everybody had to leave and and typically they just went to the next place where there was girls sitting up and so there's you know a couple nights we we would get kicked out of the place once twice three times a night just because of cell phones who brought everybody in and then once you know the parties if there was a party everybody would find out through their cell phone so uhoka only happened saturday nights and sunday afternoons it did not happen friday nights parties however could have been fridays or saturdays typically they weren't sunday nights because everybody worked in the rv factories monday through friday up until 17 and a half drove a scooter hung out with or found a ride to go what we call we called it cruising where we visited the the girls that were sitting up and it was hey let's go cruising tonight because if there wasn't a party you went cruising if there was a party you went to the party because that's where everybody else was so up until 17 and a half i did that and then i got my first car which was a 1991 purple chevrolet camaro uh with t-tops i decided to start with a bang right and i missed that car i want it back so parties amish parties were big uh especially after the cell phone days because everybody could call everybody and tell them to it kind of made it hard because too many people showed up sometimes and people were parked along the roadways and the cops would come along and they'd see it but but you know the the parties were big a couple hundred people sometimes i think four or five hundred people you know they usually happen when parents went on vacation or weren't at home for the weekend and the kids that was living there would clean out a barn or clean out the shop area or you know if it's summertime they would open the field but yep like 10 o'clock or so people would start pouring in and but you know coolers full of beer and it was just a good old country party now there there was a group of kids who had went put their money together and they bought a dj system so they had a full uh dj system they didn't have the scratch pads i don't think but they had you know the the subs and all that stuff with lights and everything usually what happened was they would they would come in earlier saturday they would set everything up and then you know they'd have to run a generator [Laughter] they'd run a generator out where you couldn't hear it so good and then have cords running into the system in the barn and with that dj system what they did was they would play music and then it was all off of cds at the time and they would send a hat around to donations for their time and their equipment and all that stuff if they didn't set up the dj system maybe if it was like a last minute party they would back a car with subwoofers and a system in it there was some good ones into the barn area they would hook jumper cables up to the that car battery so they didn't have to run it and then they would have a car sitting on the outside running charging the dj car and keeping it charged up while you know it's because otherwise the battery batteries would have been drained in a few minutes and then you have somebody who would volunteer to sit in that car and just play music all night while everybody else was getting drunk and whether it was in in a shop or a barn or in the field whatever you know you would you would park your cars just naturally kind of park in rows and stuff and your cool cooler of beer would be in there you never would take your full cooler of beer into the party because then it would just get drank by other people it was always that was always a part of amish or our room spinning it was running out of a beer and having to walk all the way out into the field wherever you parked to grab another beer and then come in and it you know there was lots of good times meeting people on the way in and out where you could actually talk where there wasn't loud music couldn't hear each other and i remember one party uh actually uh the the film crew from devil's playground the devil's playground was there at that party it was for 400 people 500 maybe i don't know in topeka it was loaded there a visiting band amish group from pa came in and set up and they had a they were set up on a hay wagon inside the barn and they played uh just cover songs and ah man i remember i remember being in that barn when they started playing thunder struck by ac dc that was that was that got me pumped up yeah i remember the film crew from devil's playground being there and they the amish youth were kicking them out because they didn't want them there you have to understand so even though these youth are uh not living the amish lifestyle really they still consider themselves amish and they still they still hold to those beliefs they still defend the amish to their death right it's it's kind of crazy but they do they still consider themselves amish this what they're doing this partying that's getting drunk is just normal it's just part of their life period and they think it's normal and it's okay cops did show up sometimes you were ready at all times as an underage drinker because everybody most of the people there were underage drinkers you know the people who were 21 would buy beer for their friends who weren't of age or their brothers and sisters or whatever and you know it was nothing to see somebody over the age of 21 to walk out of a carryout store with a hand cart seven eight cases of beer on it and you know he didn't drink all that in the weekend you know different kinds bud light coors light miller light whatever it was when you were at a party you were always on the lookout for cops or you were always tuned in and ready when when a cops when the cops did show up somebody maybe a few people would yell cops and the whole barn would empty out like this and it was through the fields anywhere just away you just ran and ran and um and a lot of you know usually a couple people got caught most of the time most people got away they might have spent the night out in somebody's field or somebody else's barn they had a friend come pick him up on a side road but it happened it happened quite a bit and and i got busted one time we were cruising and we had beer in the car the driver was not drinking um but the rest of us were and we were all underage so he didn't get anything but we all got busted for underage drinking which is fine you know it was a just like six months probation or whatever and then another time the cops showed it up at a party and it was like 10 degrees outside and i decided i'm not going to run because i it was it was it sucked in the wintertime it was cold you weren't dressed for it i had some chuck taylor shoes on running through the snow my feet would have frozen and fallen off so i stayed i got busted six months probation i think that's all i got now i think they're getting more house arrest type of stuff because they're trying to crack down on all the underage drinking and the drinking and driving that's going on i do remember my cousin had a party one time and they they didn't it wasn't a big party they kind of kept it private it was kind of an invite thing only they had it out by their pond and they had just recently uh dug out their pond all the muck and had piled it off to the side so it was just muddy mucky stuff right and my cousin who threw the party decided it would be a good idea to grab a spotlight go out close to the road and start shining a spotlight in there i don't know what possessed them to do that but whenever you saw a spotlight you knew as cops so somebody you know spotlight showing in there and everybody just cops and everybody ran and through the muck people were not happy when they came back up and realized it was fake because most a lot of them found or lost their shoes through that that kept running through the woods without shoes yeah i think he i think he found quite a few pairs or single single shoes the next day uh yeah some people weren't very happy but it was hilarious i was 21 at the time i didn't have to run there there was another party uh just down the road from us about a mile a mile and a half maybe uh it was a decent sized party and uh the party was young it was going good and me and my buddy were outside i think we were grabbing a beer and we looked over on a side road it was the road it was like a square mile i think maybe more than a mile maybe a mile and a half i don't know and we could see six cars slowly driving down that one road this just indiana's kind of flat right so we could see six seven cars right behind each other slowly driving and we were like uh that is weird that has to be cops so me and my cousin started walking back back towards the fields and of course we still had our beers with us but and then you know we just slowly we were talking and all of a sudden we heard we could hear that distant yell cops we just took out running and they had they had the whole block surrounded so we were restricted within that block uh we ran and ran and ran and [Music] um we hid in somebody's barn for a while and then i don't know why we moved but we decided to move back closer to the party and then we ended up in somebody's house where uh when a friend of ours lived his parents lived whatever so we were up in the up in the upstairs watching everything that was going on and i think there was 25 cop cars ended up being there so they obviously got help from neighboring departments and they actually brought a school bus out for all the people that they busted a couple days you know we would start hearing stories of of what happened there and uh i think one guy got caught in the fence the cop was driving through the field they were driving through the fields which was not normal one guy got caught in the fence and he got busted and you know another guy i don't know they were messing with the cops and you know the cops typically don't run that fast these these amish youth are they work all day long and those trailer factories and they think some of them had wheels right so they would taunt them a little bit then just take off running and the cops were threatening to shoot and all that the one guy uh got busted and they handcuffed him and put him in the back of the cop car and then the cop went off and did his thing and somehow this guy got out i'm not sure how the cop had his wallet but this guy got out and ran because because after everything was over and the cops had left we walked back up to the party and we were mingling with a few other people um just kind of discussing the events of the night and in walks this guy with handcuffs on him was like hey anybody know how i think it was the front at that time it's like hey anybody know how to get these off they just busted out laughing and you know so they got a hacksaw out put his stuff in a vice and they cut the handcuffs off this guy got away with it for a while but some years later he forgot to pay for gas in a gas station like he just honestly forgot to pay and he drove off and they sent a cop after him pulled him over and that running away from the cops with the handcuffs came back to haunt him i think at that point from what i heard um there's some other stories i'm sure i've forgotten you know there's there was a time when like doing the cruising thing going from sitting up to sitting i think we got kicked out of one place and we were all driving to another place and i had i had had a few beers at the time usually what we did was we drank got drunk and then we would just crash out in our cars until the next morning but we got kicked out so and i'd had a few beers nothing serious still wrong though but i was driving we were driving over you know here's now here's 15 cars going to the same place at once i was cruising along and i all of a sudden i see flashing lights in my mirror and so i just nicely pull over and then this cop slowly cruises around me and i look over and it's my cousin what a jack rabbit come on man uh and you know when i did it that gave me some ideas and i did it to somebody else you know although like when i was running around there wasn't a most people just drank and got drunk but there was some people who smoked weed or did some drugs right you know you know and one night me and my cousin were driving uh just cruising along this country road one time and we saw that on the crossroad that a guy he knew that usually smoked a little weed he crossed the road and he had a van full of people right and and we were bored so we sped up a little bit we made the turn followed him we sped up on his butt really quick with our brights on my car kind of looked like the headlights kind of looked like a cop car so we just followed him for like two miles and he'd hit a dirt road and uh um slowly cruised through that dirt road and then i started flashing my lights my far ways and he just pulled over and we sat behind him for a little bit still flashing the lights until i got tiring and then we pulled up next to him he looked at us oh oh you bastard you bastards [Laughter] so we knew he was up to no good that was what we did at parties you know the parties was dj systems i kind of found it annoying when there was a dj system because everybody was crowded together and trying to talk and yelling and you couldn't hear anybody and me for the most part i kind of hung out on the outside edges and a lot of times you know the the some of the guys i hung up out with kind of did the same thing it was i thought it was more fun but or you would you would hang out somewhere by the path where everybody went back and forth to get their alcohol and just harass people on the way or whatever chat with them and do whatever and you know and at the parties you know you would obviously get drunk and and you would go you would hook up sometimes which meant that you would you know go out in the car or go somewhere and you would hook up with a girl not necessarily have sex just you know make out i guess and also that's where you know you would ask a girl out for a date or something um or where you would meet new girls and all that stuff but yeah and if the party was friday night you know you would look forward to doing it on saturday night again too and and then you know at the time you might you know have made some plans with other guys or girls or whatever and then parties or cruise saturday night and then sunday night rolls around a lot of people uh went out to the movies because there was nothing much else to do so maybe go go out to eat or they would take the girls out to the movies or something like that so that was our typical weekends in those in those parties you know you would crash out in your car you unfortunately some people did drive home maybe but most of us you know you would you would crash out you know you'd you'd walk through that field where everybody's parked and and there's beer cans everywhere people are crashed out on the lawn sometimes there's people crashed out in the car sleeping sitting up so uncomfortable it was just it was brutal some in the winter time the cars are running there was one place where a car was running and the guy was sleeping and he had his foot on the gas like it was it was redlining he hey he had it cranked and the doors were locked like his engine was smoking and we couldn't wake him up like we banged on the doors we couldn't wake him up and i don't know how i just kind of people were trying to get him up and i just kind of looked at the situation for a few minutes i was like oh they got it they know what they're doing so i walked off and i don't know what i don't know they got him up or turned his car off or something blew up i don't know it was an older car so i guess it didn't matter that much and you wanted to be careful where you slept or how you slept because people would pick on you you know you'd ride up you'd wake up with stuff written all over your face or or just anything done to you you know you know my one of my friends they found a guy sleeping he had his one foot hanging out the car window so he was out so he took his shoe off they took his sock off and they burned the bottom half of his sock and then they put the sock back on and his shoe back on i wouldn't just i wish i would have been there to see him try to figure out what the heck happened to him the night before you know because he probably didn't remember too much that's what you did over and over and over again until you met a spouse met a girl and you joined the amish church and got married you know it was fun but yet at the same time like it was the same people every weekend and you just i personally found it got old so at the age of 18 i you know 19 whatever it was i started hanging out with my buddy and and we a lot of times we just we had more clean fun and you know we'd hang out his place and play playstation he had a playstation a little honda generator that was quiet you know and and his parents allowed him at that time to have a tv in the house and and so we did a lot of that or you know we would go buy fireworks and we'd shoot them at each other and and stuff like that it was just we just did some different things uh more clean fun but you know if if we did hear of a party then we would go and and sometimes we'd go pick up some girls and we'd go watch a movie or go you know just do different stuff usually the girls wanted to go to the parties because that's where all the boys were at you know and that and and there was a lot of usually a lot of misconceptions boys got used because the girls would ask them to take him somewhere and uh and the boys think all these girls like me right like no they just so so they made that assumption and then then they were trying to hit on the girls and the girls were like you know and what do i do he's a nice guy he's a friend but i don't want him and and you know all that all that drama and then yeah me and my but me and the my buddy there we uh we actually when i was 20 he was 19 i think we bought a house together uh we went half and half a double wide two shops on it and then we were allowed to buy a tv you know when all the electric we got all the electronics we got you know all that stuff and and we constantly had people over because they wanted to come over and watch tv and i you know we it's where we live for the next eight years so anyway yeah let's uh let's cut it here i'll do another section because uh the next period of my life i mean a buddy bought a house and we lived there for eight years in the non-amish house and uh so we'll get into that next video otherwise it's just going to be long so thank you guys for watching make sure you hit that like button subscribe share for more content we will see you guys next time
Channel: the amish potato
Views: 62,375
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Id: UusrHv2LW8k
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Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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