Rule the Waves 2 | Germany (1900) - 21 - Our Old Frenemies

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welcome back everyone to let's play Germany and rule the waves - episode number 21 so I have not put up - episode 20 it's about yeah has to start getting uploaded as soon as I finish this video so probably be several more hours so unfortunately I'm not able to get the feedback from the previous video which maybe you I don't know I actually I'm really behind on how many videos I have to record I need to get something done before this weekend I might be unavailable ok anyway what do I think about this on my own basically I think it's a pretty good as is it's great because I actually did get the comments back from episode 19 which people will already start to say what is the point of this or that and I kind of stoked my well they kind of honed my viewpoint like what what is this thing for and it is supposed to be the herder for our blue curse I mean it'll stand on its own I think it'll do a fine job with that but this is supposed to be the vessel which is really the shepherd dog and our blue cars are just a bunch of pitbulls once they get their teeth on something I mean they're gonna do a lot of damage maybe pit bulls and great example maybe German Shepherd don't we pinch or something some big but maybe a little bit slower and this has got to be the thing which Shepherds everyone towards them so for that it needs to have armor it has to be a pretty heavily armored battle cruiser it's kind of following the German traditional German they and we've done a good job of that in terms of one turrets and two deck but not in terms of belt but you can't have your cake you needed to in real waves there's always you know this is trade off speed armor guns you can choose to and we're kind of choosing all three here which is not supposed to be correct the skimping that we're doing on the belt I on the armor is the belt and the skin being that we're doing on the guns is that we only have three triples and the skimping that we're doing on the speed is that we're only at 28 clone quote only I mean 28 is pretty fast I'm pretty happy with it so this is going to end up being the final design I hope that we don't finding out that there's something else horribly wrong with it so we will overwrite and we will begin the design runs so if something comes up in the meantime while we have better better destroyers and quadruple who's really France who would have thought again so soon I don't I don't imagine it'll go very well for them only one more month to wait on our last Blucher yeah and we probably over at this um is a good memo to me though we probably but over built our whole Henson Lawrence Howe Han Solo so learns whole hence so Lorentz which is salami is this seven I think six is the max we should ever put I don't feel like we need ever more than six of a capital ship class hamburgers okay pre-war dread-nots are you know what would they be called if there was no World War one pre-dreadnought battleships aside we for all the classes come after there should be just constantly designing so constantly improving but I don't think talk size is gonna be going up very much from private industry so we may have to end in the end invest here if we want to get to ninety thousand Oh France is supporting him against too bad my a Awards I had a blow today I've worked really hard on that AOL Wars mod and I think I think it might not be possible didn't comment anyways we can probably go to war with France there's only three choices here we definitely don't want to choose Italy so we could go back to war and I think it would be let's choose France but then look at the Almanac just make sure that yeah we're just gonna why would they want to go to war with us I don't know but if they want to were we're probably going to war this is so weird though you know we really shouldn't be going back to war let's get our short-range ships wherever they need to be we have some in Southeast Asia we're going to war with France France note France so research needs to go too high on amphibious operations we'll need to move we don't have any short-range ships though do we just the blue curse and I want them all in northern Europe I mean we don't really need them all here but the high insolence will be the mobile unit I think will activate all unit mobilizing everyone probably will cook cause us to go to war but I think we have to do it okay yeah one time your suspect glances kind of supported yeah okay three two three okay so we're not in such terrible shape the Americans are building you uh battle cruisers at 30 knots so faster but we all kind of already knew that that would be the case and comparable I would say yeah much less armor so they took they in that pie chart of armor guns speed they spent a lot more on speed and they sacrifice some armor they have one inch higher belt but one inch lower deck and two inches lower turret they also have one less gun so you know this is just you only have so much pie there's you know you look down on your pie and you can divide it any way you want among these things but they chose their own thing I think will probably go to war here oh uh a neutral pedo the C range is a bit low eighty one five five and this is probably the best compromise we're gonna get unfortunately actually maybe not because it has the lowest range this has range and can still hit the target with torpedoes 107 is pretty good oh my gosh one thing we have to do well uh whoo before we go to war please give me a moment give me another month France they probably won't we'll buy it it's only 600 ah we did okay Arabs we need air groups you don't have any air groups on her oh they're not ready yet I don't have my darn it where are they one more month so we definitely will want to add I'm not gonna put any fighters we're just gonna put I mean there's no reason to put fighters I guess people have air bases so they couldn't Theory have stuff which can reach us but I'm just gonna hope that we don't need them yeah yeah two batteries just making sure three batteries - anything close to the French territories must have at least 274 will improve this 40 we probably should a hundred seventy is pretty good for just moving units through I don't think we're ever gonna want a station there's only two territories in southern Africa so we probably never gonna want to park there oh we definitely need even though we don't have any foreign requirements in South Pacific I want to move some units here oh wait we don't need to worry about invasions too far away huh yeah oh we definitely want some forces in oh yeah and this is we're taking Quan Chau Juan was was a fantastic thing we can try to get an invasion we did some invasions in the very first war against the United States right did we take Guam manually I think we did I mean with an invasion yeah yeah I remember that was a whole bunch of battleship battles there with only our battleships and against a bunch of American armored cruisers so I think we're ready for war with France now I mean the last Blucher is not done working up yet but yes this is much better I like having five I would if I could go back I would do things a little differently but we can't so the nice now is need three months that's a little bit unfortunate they're now called dread they're not called battleships fast battleships are they fast no they're not even 27 I think toy sounds the minimum weight is the Marshall Islands going on against us wait by the way I've never seen this ordering usually it's tension plus yeah let's just send them an ultimatum een this is the same thing anyway but - rebels sounds good - rebels I'm like oblivious to a freakin no no I'm oblivious to a rebellion going on in our own territories where the hell Marshall Islands is that the one we took from the United States oh man pour about reliability well it's better it's better just in time we're now war except the fleet battle okay good so it looks like we'll be winning ah they accepted the cruiser battle which we have destroyers in well that's not good we don't want to bring destroyers to a cruiser battle please dammit ok squad max the hell out here now I don't even care I know that their destroyers but I don't care why don't I care because that might be not destroyers behind them not touch them we don't have mr. Rey junctures wagging this finger right now but we don't have visible we don't have a gunboat destroyers so we're not really well equipped for destroyer duels now maybe the aircraft will get something accomplished by the way I think that there's more game play settings now for air attack yeah I wonder can we go to this is this considered a port I don't think so yeah okay it was just two destroyers versus two destroyers let's take a look and see if we could have maybe one that now I mean yes of course it's possible but three versus two means that they would have been actually they where they were lighter than ours so it's possible yes so we'll go to the build will rework the design just make sure we didn't get any tonnage back we didn't it's perfect what the hell happened there oh is it there she is this happened sometimes for your back okay so nothing we want to change we'll go ahead and builder so the first one will be you as we expect and the next ones are I guess you're just gonna draw from we'll get two more we can get one more and there it is to the four Fire Dragons the fiyo Draca they will be ready in thirty three months yep nice house good nice tiles are only two months away now one month two months away actually with the positive budget we can always go one more dip down do I want four of these I mean they are basically like a battleship I mean they are called battle cruiser right now but they're essentially just a fast battleship oh why does it say dual-purpose that's weird I hate that bug we shouldn't have selected that but anyway doesn't matter it does it these are not six-inch dual-purpose guns dual purpose six inch guns don't be misled by this errant label I mean it's the best ship right now that we can build and I think things are gonna go more towards deck and less towards belt and we put the incline belt I mean that's a great ship we're gonna build one more Plus that way people that like the Kaiser don't mean Adama LaVon well hence alone this is a Russian dog who was really very active in the role-playing comments which by the way have been amazing so thank you to everyone who's contributing and feel no pressure to just enjoy them I mean actually lately it's been really hard I'm pressed for time and okay I don't even have time to read them sometimes takes a while for me to get there so we can't invade you but oh ho ho we can't invade a Nam and we should be well positioned to do so we have 36 points they have 12 well they actually have enough to stop without a 3d one is a 3d one or four to one I always forget let's just send some extra ships there immediately we're already blockading them which means yeah we'll just send every single battleship we have get them all over there too Southeast Asia and let's uh let's provide some kind of support for them maybe in the form of oh the Gluckstadt scan go to trade protection as can the bratwurst those alright good we're about four to one on the trade protection i like to see that um yes so we need to go to air groups and assign our very first ever tada that's right and they're working up i believe anyway Oh what no I guess they come out of redesign they don't need to work up ok crazy they're ready to go so I think a few we would not be remiss if a few Mosul's also made their way over there well thanks going on oh that's right they're being rebuilt well they're almost done thankfully so as soon as these guys get their act together thank you for this one six months delayed by the way this is the best situation France I'm trying to enroll play in my head what is a scenario that this would even happen we just decimated them in some naval war I mean maybe it wasn't so clear of a victory on the ground but then the disagreements continued or maybe France wants to take back territory they lost in the previous war they thought they could do a surprise attack no it sounds more German than French well whatever the case may be maybe they're just really disappointed maybe it's a colonial thing there was a dispute Oh Marshall Islands that's right they were trying to influence the Marshall Islands there we go so they there's a rebellion going on the Marshall Islands I don't know how to help this we have some amount of whatever okay Italy rest any of their citizens yes good timing we're still blockading know we weren't what we should be coastal raid could this be could this be the first time our carriers involved it is ha amazing I don't think we'll get through this full battle I mean if we want to do a really good job do they have air bases though that's my question I don't see an air base so we have air bases nearby and they are specifically well I guess they are treated as we don't know they might have air bases which case we're a little it's a little bit disappointing to who we don't have fighters now but okay their aircraft should just be abysmal anyway oh we have our blue crews in here this is going to be so painful for the French I imagine at least how the Mosel z-- arrived dammit we couldn't get him out fast enough all right let's run it what the heck are you doing oh my god it's close to raid but oh god they're scouting I forgot see I'm so used to rule the waves one they have already launched their scout pattern whatever it is it's probably most of the stuff will just move a little bit close I mean let's did them even need I know you'll call me crazy and I call myself crazy for doing this but you're gonna reassign these guys to support the light cruisers instead and the calanques eike is just gonna be all along all by herself essentially we have a long way to go it's a long way to tipperary after all hmm okay one battlecruiser it might be very very bad spotting report and that could actually be a transport you know what let's just be smart about this kick it up to 20 and let's go investigate this is a slick ting are they all stick together put two together but they did oh this is my whoops I didn't mean to do it this way actually so you guys are gonna support but you're actually gonna lead the column this would probably be a better Scout formation let me put these guys to the front again as the Scouts up well didn't take long did it there was a second report of it being a what yeah two confirmed or allegedly confirmed battlecruiser reports so what do we have available current weather weather is limiting your operations because it's starting to rain well it's only a light rain come on guys you can get off okay up to 21 back let's see what we have here I mean it has to be a warship because it wouldn't be able to track us down if it wasn't so prepare to you know gauge basically I want to see what it is though it is battlecruiser okay squad max actually we're gonna play this a little bit more conservative okay screen is gonna be support but oh I think that's the one who lost contacts I don't know how you lose contact from you know five feet away but these are not the questions I'm supposed to be asking are they we have a lot of we have loved sport chips okay see what happens all right I will manually control you to get you out of the way and there we go we open fired this is high just cannot wait for this I am so happy with this we've got quality 1/16 inch guns only director boy we really gotta upgrade our fire control but I'm still pretty confident in our ultimate to success in this it probably will be the first situate a first like situation where we honestly need more speed because this what I mean this ship is gonna come in it's gonna get beaten up a lot I assume and then what is it gonna do it's gonna retreat we aren't gonna be able to finish it off especially being so close you know to home for France okay so you are going to lead a group I think there's somebody attached to you you're gonna leave the group to the west so look at that hit on the engine room did not penetrate our belt which is fantastic 12 inches belt 14 and a half turret I love the fact that it's half an inch more than our battle cruiser actually less deck though three inches of deck versus four on the other one but you know these are made of significantly before and you know what we actually only did oh you've detached okay so go ahead are you flooding now you're fine I guess you'll eventually reattach good nope still two 6-inch it's okay we have it what is it it has decent armor this is the room class and she has 13 inch guns oh man she does not stand a chance and she probably knows that but we'll see how she acts 16 yrs friends finally hit me good another six inch guns there's the her escorts good thing we didn't pursue immediately she does have some ships with her and we lost sight of the target well this might be the opportunity nope still raining your squad max is okay let's get you up to 18 and just pull you in a little bit closer do we want to engage I mean we do we definitely do it's gonna be a pain in the butt to Tractor down I'll try okay there she may be yes okay good oh good we're hitting with the 16-inch guns right away that's nice got we found the range very quickly as well we know that there's gonna be some things for our like cruisers to delist let's get these guys pinned in nice and close oh wow much better I don't know what she's doing okay so she did fire only her medium guns and actually did some damage so for a full hit this is not the start parts that are protected by armor a little bit of damage there secondary battery hit we don't know if it was knocked out okay yeah they are very close visibility's not great so well I think these guys will continue to run on the flank destroyers being you know particularly difficult to spot these guys are gonna stay kind of information because I am a little bit worried about their secondaries okay good we're letting some more hits so far we've knocked out one of their tourists two of their turrets are knocked out another hit if you slowed her down enough we'd be able to do some real damage and now she's not gonna be able do anything on this in this angle destroyers are probably capable of launching torpedoes will have to be you know very careful about that although they won't have the best angle on us when we did get us another 16-inch it it's good do you have some destroyers who could pursue her if we wanted I don't know what I want to do it's actually kind of a tough call maybe maybe get to you guys back to actual good just one last person I have to worry about okay there she is again a third time and steaming directly into the wind which is gonna be or no with the wind behind her which is gonna be the best for us we started heading north the sixteen guns 16-inch guns she's on fire oh this doesn't look good for her oh boy yeah that was a very very very good garage so we can probably bring our destroyers in on this now and we're gonna want our light cruisers to begin their operations mostly to protect the destroyers so we're calling it this is the this is the big turn this is the time where we think that it's over for her no matter what and it really does look like it is so we're gonna get all of our other light cruisers and everything just prepare because this is a dead ship and all we want to do now is protect our ships in any way possible we're actually losing inside the target huh so we'll give the order to launch torpedoes yeah so this is where it's gonna get very messy get our guys up to squad max Hans Oscar and it's Eagles consumers do yep there's a few hums so we get the more points we can get the better obviously our launch torpedoes oh my gosh they're not alone all right prepare to do you fire everything just getting everybody off hey I control this is it squad max no actually just give me the actual squad max give me line of breast for your turn this makes the most sense in my opinion no no I'm not a controlled and you have to turn together okay good and you guys squad max as well but for now I don't know how we'll deal with that you guys also squad max but I want you to go a little bit south we already have moved in with our destroyers on top just perfect yeah so launch launch launch launch launch launch launch everything fire everything unleashes the night of fire well let's hope that they just get their job done because it looks like friendly shifts are in line of fire for all this one what about C's neck aah good we have a chance start launching we're bound to get something okay sometimes it says it's there sometimes it's doesn't right you saw that let's try this again I'm not happy oh god it did it come on there it is alright amazing it's a little bugged isn't it can we do it over here as well this one legitimately might be in the line of fire okay good so we have this group moving down this group preparing to move in they're protecting the we do have torpedo protection so we shouldn't be too worried about it C's neck is hit by a torpedo well my god sees Nick know why I 45 flooding she can survive surprised very very very surprised okay we're gonna turn this way because that's the way I predicted this group of battleships cruisers what are they battleships I predict that they will know 16-inch guns Oh SB Oh lovely match for our blue kurz I kind of hate to just you know destroy them with torpedoes but all is fair in love and war so if that's the way we need to do it then that's the way we'll do it and perfectly our destroyers are catching the ruin off-guard turn turn turn my god oh my god who are you what is your name brave Gareth or bald who will soon be completely dead but will also be a hero it's literally a hundred yards away probably not even enough time to arm the torpedoes but who cares about that right as long as the game does lets us do it then we'll do it oh this looks good as well this is one of those that we can fake or is this real it looks like it's real okay fair enough okay well we just launch torpedoes right into there how did they how do they possibly avoid that oh wow wow I can already read the role-playing reports what a heroic oh man what a heroic last launch put the really the first thing in reminds me of his little words of Lord Horatio Nelson a captain cannot do very wrong than to put his ship alongside the enemy and that is certainly what guru Thorvald did her and all her crew will be commemorated for their very noble act of bravery and if we have with any luck here the verm will be launching there's no friendly ship there and line of fire anymore it it's sank we'll see maybe they actually will you know will not have the opportunity to launch I could pull them out because we do have another destroyer group moving in it's tough to say we have a sea snake which is probably going down at 45 she might be salvageable we'll see what happens I'll just try its best we can do firms is taking hits already looks like that she'd done the other Beauvais Oh which is actually a very very light ship so we'll get the Tirpitz to turn around we are gonna want to pursue actually we'll even lean in I didn't really think I would do that but we will lean in here because we're pretty sure the Rowan's going down not only has she been you know just blasted to pieces already but what's more she's about to take some torpedoes I imagine let's get these guys to turn with the battle group good and to see state limiting us no not at all which is good news okay now worm certainly has a chance she might soon be number two that's beautiful that's guts can beat that's got to be a hit and we'll pull off of it because I think that this second group is in much better position to finish off these this battle group or at least the Messina which is their pride I mean this is definitely the most powerful French dreadnought we've seen are you guys launching torpedoes maybe I actually kind of don't mind launching just stress predator betos right into the thick of things could get lucky oh yeah we're launching Oh God I'm missing it was hit by another torpedo let's pull these guys off immediately in fact I'll even do line abreast that's what their captain does I mean this is captain smug we're pretending to be the captain or I guess the it's probably still four divisions for the story division would it be a captain in charge of it probably commanders in charge of individual destroyers and captain charge of the division itself otherwise you know divisions are usually the Admirals so Copenhagen's getting out of there mecaenas taken three hits already but she's 32,000 tons let's not underestimate the ability of the friendships to make it back to port which is very close by okay I was in on this one I think yeah this is a dead dead dead dead ship very good battle turn away they're perfect ruins hit by another torpedo not that it really matters we won't suspect we do want this group to be launching torpedoes so what was the was the deal here she's probably gonna curve all the way back north which Copenhagen can actually be there to intercept sea snack start controlling flooding now well you ought to do that very soon my dear friend and we have the Hans Oscar well by your lonesome it's fine you can make work out of her you Messina you fire on the Messina I I've never used that tactic before where if you just rotate it up and down a whole lot it actually gives you an opportunity to fire never knew that that was possible yeah you definitely want to fire a lot of trippy hoes at her just as much as possible take her out of the fight if maybe she's already out maybe she's dead but there's no such thing as too much overkill yeah dreadknots are coming back south our destroyers have successfully engaged the enemy their plea clear to disengage right behind the protective guns for our light cruisers which are doing some damage which is wonderful yeah and to give and get in return basically we are also taking a bunch of hits to our destroyers so these are very light tons destroyers 900 tons the Bakken time this shows you the power the absolute strength of three double to double torpedo tube launchers just six torpedo broadside is already so significant it just it's a game-changer obviously compared to one or two and the early destroyers and this is why I really find it's it's really nice to wait until around 1910 to design a good fleet destroyer when you have those you just need up to technology double torpedo tubes launchers and then you're you're in pretty good shape let's see if she can launch speaking of all this yes just want to coat various different angles and we'll pull this group off they're a little beaten up we'll try to save as many ships as possible probably don't want you to go too close although you do have pretty good belt armor which is what would surely be used this close this close in she take any no she boarded a little nice last spread I'm not sure any of those will hit but we also can launch with the Copenhagen I guess we need to launch those soon so that she can't try to dodge too much of that gonna get these guys to be lying ahead turn to get our take off turn together drawers hitting them with their guns that might do something let's see cope noggin but now just live fire damn don't know I don't know if that's actually the case or not I don't know how to or maybe you fire no my trick is not working anymore nor should it I'm not you know I don't really need that to be true to be working aha but the dread-nots are arranged them so I have a range of cells heading south now so will very soon be on the case mmm might keep him around though okay you can just go off are you flooding no flooding but with the damage until the damage is repaired it's not good for you to be there just you'll be cannon fodder really take oh not a month yet is it still ah finally good oh man we got her again jeez that was very lucky well that's the fourth torpedo I'm gonna call off the pursuit of trying to take her we just want to see if we get lucky and encountered the other dreadnought we want our light cruisers free to roam and find as many destroyers as possible we're doing a great job up here yeah look at this we cow that one's dead six inch guns mean business another one and another one wow this that's perfect this whole group of destroyers might be dead ha ha Hans Oscar coming in here so we don't need to fire any more torpedoes at that one just the okay yeah you know what you are destroyer these guys to move in so even if some of these torpedoes didn't do like an outstanding job on the Messina you'd assume that two or three of them would be it it's probably gonna be enough we have Hans Oskar we're asking the light cruisers we even have our dreadknots to come finish them off if that's what needs to happen it doesn't look like the seas neck is gonna make it and truly she is not ah but this could be a target of opportunity she I don't know which way she came from let's get the light cruisers to move back in here get these guys down to 20 knots and back to my head and actually I'll call this video to a close here because I have a little bit of a time pressure so an exciting first battle just picking up things right where we left off and a lot from the last war really hopefully we can see an invasion that would be a lot of fun I don't think that we're with the weather going to be able to use our our like our light carrier on this however it's not a bad thing having them in this fight should give them experience and will definitely well I shouldn't say definitely but we'll hopefully be able to put that to some use later on so for now thanks for watching and until the next one take care
Channel: TortugaPower
Views: 7,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Ship Design, Naval Simulator, Naval Combat, Rule the Waves, Gaming, World War 1, Fleet Combat, let's play, lets play, Strategy Video Game (Video Game Genre), Tactical Command, Tactical Wargame (Game Genre), war, Budget, Management Simulation, Royal Navy, Jacky Fisher, First World War, Fleet in Being, Dreadnought, Kaiser Wilhelm, Tirpitz, Rule the Waves 2, Rules the Waves II, Rule the Waves Gameplay, Naval Fleet Management, Carrier Task Force
Id: 1aXH_MGh4V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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