Ruby and Bonnie Funny and useful stories in school

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uhoh huh why do we have these it's Emoji day okay look at me budy I'm the uhoh Emoji I'm a cool Emoji what's your favorite emoji Bonnie I like the lizard and the love I want that's great Bonnie and what about you Ruby I like the angel Emoji and the sunflower Emoji what about you Mrs wor o good question I like the worm Emoji this is worm okay what's so funny about the worm Emoji nothing [Applause] Miss now it's time for an emoji Quest huh it's upside down oh no that was do Bonnie you're up first match the Emoji challenge e clown and B B honey fish sea flower [Music] B great job Bonnie you get an e Ruby it's your turn h doct plaster School pencil Cowboy horse yummy [Music] donut great job ruy you also get an e yay now you got to design your own Emoji cool let's do it we finished W what emojis have you made slime and a puppet Emoji what no slime or Poppet in school oh uhoh right listen up it's homework time you have to make a craft using emojis good luck okay don't forget my cake emoji we have to do our homework I don't know what to do huh what's this oh it's just a remote remote I know let's make an emoji remote where IDE [Music] Ruby y y y power button and pause button and some of our favorite emojis [Music] w wow now we have an emoji remote should we try it yeah good idea let me try on you first [Music] uh let me try let's go show granny that's granny we should try on [Music] her so cold hot I'm [Applause] hot [Music] uh-oh ready pause grny pause love how eyes oh girls granny loves you my turn yum y y y yum y y I want this [Music] one what huh I want that cereal no this is my cereal no it's mine no this is my serum it's mine no it's mine it's [Applause] mine what's going on she's did it no it was you no it was her no it was you no you did it you're all stop it look at this mess there's so much mess I'm going to have to teach you girls a lesson come with me come on come on come on come on what we're at the Hello Kitty SP and step one we're going to wash your hair uh-oh uh-oh [Music] [Music] M [Applause] [Music] wow wow wow wow wow now we're going to make braid [Music] wow [Music] [Music] yay wow [Music] yay okay guys it's time for the [Music] lesson huh huh you girls are going to have to learn to get along while you're together excuse me don't leave us granny this way what are we going to do I don't know it's uncomfortable what ouch I want to sit on the chair no I want to sit on the chair wait let's work [Music] together H what should we do now let's go watch TV good idea much better no I want to get the remote no I do look I do no I do I the remote no me for me for me me wait let's think yes I think we should share terms I'll watch first then you watch leave with [Applause] me let me see now it's your time buddy uh-oh what should we do now let's go play I want this car I want this [Music] car Bonny we need to work together yeah you're right let's hold hands and go together which way should we go this way now we should maybe we should go play in the park yes let's go okay this isn't going to work let's try the swing ow go this way oh my go oh Ruby let's work together yeah you're right let's swing together wee y [Music] y it's time for bed no no we can't do this yeah how about we share a book yeah it's a good idea underwater life the oceans are full of living things some creatures are gentle and friendly but others are Fierce Hunters oh looks like the girls have worked together after [Music] [Applause] [Music] all you kids should be doing your own work a okay granny should we turn the TV off it's okay granny we can turn the volume down yeah you see Granny you can still do our H work with the volume down mhm okay well I'll see you in 10 minutes [Music] bye gr's gone TV time [Music] jump I love this scene I know those girls are doing their homework Ruby Bonnie you didn't do any of your homework oh granny don't worry we only have to do a work back by Friday we'll do it later no girls you need to be more efficient with your time like [Applause] granny okay granny we'll do our homework we sorry okay girls well now it's dinner time so you can do it after come on okay granny but can we finish your show please no girls I'm not going to ask you twice come on okay Granny's right yeah Bonnie's food and ry's food thank you okay kids eat up m m [Music] yummy you girls can't watch TV while you're eating food TV off thank you okay girls after dinner you brush your teeth and straight to bed oh but we watch TV before we go to bed no way Jose okay I guess I have to go to bed I [Music] know [Music] good night Ruby good night Bonnie now it's watch TV I'm we supposed to do our homework it's theight oh [Music] yeah ning [Music] uhoh girls what are you doing watching TV in the middle of the night we want to watch our show what no no no no no TV in the middle of the night that's granny granny granny where's granny huh what happened to Granny guys tell girls Granny's stuck in the TV what happened let me out what happened I don't know what should we do we need to get Granny out maybe change the channel okay um girls you have to figure out how to get Granny out the [Music] TV change the channel oopsie girls if you don't get me out of this TV you are grounded grounded well down I mean it it's bedtime I saw what happened in your bed you weren't in your bed you came down to watch TV haven't done your homework you're going to [Applause] be granny I couldn't hear what's like granny did you say [Music] uhoh P granny okay girls you need to get me out in today's weather is sunny and very very hot change the channel we got to running out [Music] um Granny's back it's nearly time for school so you better get on with your homework let's good funny yeah she's right great job girls it's the yellow team versus The Blue Team let's see who wins [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay yay okay girls now we're going to play football let's warm [Music] up ready girls go go go go go go okay guys it's time for penalties and Bonnie is going to be the goalkeeper first okay guys now I'm a [Music] goalie three penalties the one with the most goals [Music] wins ready y [Music] w i missed twice guys I need to get one [Music] in yellow team is up let's go now it's Ruby's turn to go in go oh yeah [Music] [Applause] I need to score this one it's a tie you each get one [Music] more yellow team wins it's time for the running race get ready behind the line it's yellow team versus blue team in running race I'm the fastest runner no I'm the fastest runner no I'm the fastest runner on your marks get set go no I'm the fastest runner no I'm the fastest runner what I can run 1,000 mph I can run a million miles an hour Ruby Bonnie stop talking [Music] and blue team win y time for basketball let's see who wins okay guys now it's time for basketball the best of three shots wins yay in basketball you need to put the ball in the hoop let's see if granny can do it yay okay guys yellow team's up wow I got to school guys [Music] I can do this guys I can do this yes yay y a yay the winner is the blue team yay well done Ruby now we're doing the plane race guys to win the plane race we need to see who can fly their plane the furthest the closest to the green cone wins blue team you're up first I'm going to win this easy mhm we'll [Music] see uh-oh o [Applause] whoops yellow team ready [Music] wow wow Bonnie y team win this round y okay blue team has two points yellow team has two points the last challenge tug of war I'm going to win no I am [Music] huh huh you girls are so strong you broke Granny's rope I guess it's a tie well done Ruby y team blue and team yellow are both winners yay y this is for both of you [Music] Dy stop huh you can't eat too much candy a my tase a my tase funny I told you not to eat too much candy okay let's go see a [Applause] dentist what happened too much candy oh come come come come come come come sit down I have to wait playback let's [Music] check open [Music] wide o oh no I see cavities Bonnie you've been eating way too much sugar your teeth look like this sad teeth you need to aim for happy teeth okay dentist when you eat too much sugar bacteria can Thrive and multiply the bacteria sticks to your teeth and breaks down the sugar causing acidity this eventually leads to very sad teeth which is why it's important to eat healthy and consume l sugary [Music] Foods oh no maybe I should eat healthy boy I need to eat healthy H let's make a smoothie w strawberries and blueberries bananas and oranges and spinach okay let's make [Applause] [Music] it now let's blend it and don't forget ask an adult for help 3 2 1 it's [Music] ready should we try it [Music] yes it's good eating healthy will protect your teeth but it doesn't mean that you can stop brushing and looking after them it's very important to have a good dental hygiene for your teeth to keep happy and remember brush your teeth at least twice a day bunny you need to brush your teeth no I don't need to brush my teeth I didn't e [Music] Pandy ow my CH [Applause] [Music] ow Bo oh no bunny what's the matter my T ow oh no you need to see a denst again again dentist ow go go go come come come come take a seat okay Bonnie let's have a [Music] look mhm Bonnie you have another cavity but I didn't have candy I had a smothing h fruit is very good Bonnie but it does contain natural sugar so you must brush your teeth o look Cav [Music] e let's remove them clean okay dentist I'll try to brush my teeth twice a day W well done bunny Ry and Bunny yes guys Ruby's coming for a sleepover wow she's here I'm so excited hello Ruby Hi bunny you're here for the sleepover come in [Music] okay oh wow I love your bedroom wow thank you so much H what should we do now well it's a sleepover you need to wear pajamas like me wow yes of [Music] [Applause] course oops uh-oh I forgot pajamas uhoh what should I do hm I [Music] know [Music] what hey gy rby I got you the one thing yes thank you so [Music] [Applause] [Music] much w wow you look amazing you're ready for a sleepover H now what do we do let's player y let's play some games so cool oh am I going to make it yes I made it wait for me jump jump quick bunny hide oh I'm hungry don't worry I brought snacks what do you have ooh this is a lot of unhealthy [Music] food unhealthy yes we can have one what else are we supposed to eat I [Music] know Wow we must eat healthy too let's Dr one snack and eat the fruit okay you want to go for those ones M good [Music] choice yum yum yum yum yum yummy [Music] yummy delicious this is a nice balance snack Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum M that was yummy let's play some more video games yeah let's play for [Music] hours my eyes hurt yes same too much screen time I think we spended too much time on the computer let's give About Eyes arrest it's very important to limit screen time to prevent damage to your eyes this also frees up more time to connect with family and friends what do we do now ah face mask good idea [Music] funny let's [Music] go okay it's time wow it's so [Music] soft oh no I fell sleep with my face mask on uhoh me I'll help you they are helping you I feel [Music] better wow that was close we can prle now that's a good idea bunny who should we prank call H maybe granny hello hello good L for the Lamborghini what I want a Lamborghini what color would you like purple please I tell there will be Del littleit at 6 a.m. tomorrow okay I'm going to set my alarm thank you so much much bye we'll see you tomorrow girls I just want to I'm tired now me too we should go to bed let me make your bed thank you so much don't forget your eye mask thank [Music] you what are you doing I can't sleep don't worry I'll just tell you a [Music] story now you can [Music] [Music] sleep remember ghosts are not [Applause] [Music] real
Channel: RubyandBonnie
Views: 5,084,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruby and bonnie, school, funny, kids video, funny videos, comedy, stories, for children
Id: SqcO2froo6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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