Rubrik Cloud Cluster Demo with Rebecca Fitzhugh

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all right so I heard that you guys like demos so I'm going to show you a bunch of slides for the next two hours cool all right so we're going to stop drop and roll no I'm kidding we're going to demo so if you do not know who I am my name is Rebecca Fitzhugh and here's all the ways that you can harass me on the Internet there I do ask only one thing please use gifts parents and I will respond so what are we going to be demoing today we actually have several demos I'm going to start by deploying a cloud cluster I know you guys really wanted to watch step-by-step me deploying Nami and your wish is granted and then from there we're going to get to really boy I mean interesting stuff okay where we're going to archive I know that's super fun right cloud out and then we're going to get into cloud on which is our instantiation and we're going to see some really neat stuff wait I oversold that we're going to see some ok stuff when we get to our sequel server database live mount okay so phase 1 hmm too far I don't know how to use a clicker guys I promise I'm a technologist and still in confidence so far all right so phase 1 we're getting into cloud cluster so slides promise right just two hours of slides you may have already seen the slide right Chris showed you the slide earlier so my whole point that I wanted to make on this slide is that respectively using the exact same code base here whether we're running in Azure or AWS or on-premises okay so with our cloud cluster a couple of things to note we have a four node minimum no problem we are doing a racial coding to make some sense there we're already mentioned we're using the same code base and we're able to protect our Windows or Linux and our sequel server databases that are running in the cloud so I'm going to be demoing today on AWS what I want you to know that what I'm doing in AWS is applicable to Azure as well okay so we're our use cases back of a recovery of our cloud data right so we're going to be protecting our workloads or instances that are running in Azure and AWS secondly archival we're already able to do this on premises to the cloud but if you're running rubric in the club you can still archive within AWS right or even archive elsewhere er is in this I don't know Chris made a reference earlier because everybody has a backup all right well same thing dr plans my experience as a consultant i go what you do are planning to go ya bought that we need to talk right so we're able to assist in your dr planning we're able to replicate from our cloud instance to on-premises and vice versa okay and what's even cooler if you will is being able to replicate from cloud to cloud so we can have our AWS workloads replicated over to Azure so how do we deploy I figured that you probably would not want to watch me contact support and get the am i shared provide them my customer information so I went ahead and preloaded all of that for us well that's what the first thing that we need to do is talk to rubric share AWS account information there are details and then rubrics going to share the ami with you okay and then from there we're going to spin it up minimum four instances scale as needed and we're going to then bootstrap it and that's what you're going to see me do really exciting stuff I promise it gets better all right and then magically clusters up and running at the end you're able to start protecting your workloads numbers kind of important when it comes to planning so here are the sizing information that you need so what of note here is that this is pretty comparable to what it is on premises okay so again minimum four nodes so you have some options when it comes to AWS whether you can do three or six terabytes and that's where the 12 to 24 comes from for our raw data capacity okay are you ready for demo so more slides you know there's going to be more slides come on all right I'd here's where we get to see if I know how to use a computer whoa okay I do hello here we go all right so us spun up okay I'm already logged in go to instances one of the things I want to show you really quickly cuz I'm going to come back to this later that we already have an instance of cloud cluster running okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to launch a new instance so what do I do you go to my am is how do you launch the cloud cluster through AWS and what is in the marketplace can I use yes you have to contact rubric and now we will share it with you so if I go to my am is it's going to be privately shared with me we are there plans to add it to the AWS marketplace I honestly don't know it needs to be to be ah say I with you so if I go ahead and I select in this case we'll do Ford auto we saw earlier that is going to be M for Excel go ahead and select that figure instance details minimum for right so we can scale as needed if for knows doesn't provide you enough capacity you can just add more nodes as necessary rights to scale out approach for V PC I'm just going to leave this all as default for the purposes of this demo however in this case you would go ahead and choose what the appropriate V PC is for your organization as long as it's configured to allow the traffic through same thing with subnet and your public and private IPs and choose what's appropriate for your organization how you've configured your regions a placement group could you use it sure right but we're not going to necessarily get any major benefit by placing them together same with I am role so the next thing we just simply go ahead and hit add storage this is what you're going to this is pretty comparable to what you would see on a physical brick okay so we see that we have a couple of volumes here okay so each is a terabyte and then we have our flash ingest at the top at jags go ahead and hit add tag name Michael do you mind zooming in just a little bit that a little bit better don't worry I was like this too so you're helping me as well all right CFD to will call it demo no problem and come down to configure so I've already created a security group okay called cloud cluster but again you would just need to make sure that it does allow in and out the appropriate ports that are documented and then simply review and launch everything looks good I've got four instances going to get spun up to me so I'm going to hit launch now here we don't need to choose a key pair okay because you're going to have password rubric will tell you what that is so I can go ahead and acknowledge and everything will be good to go there now here's where we get to sit and wait very exciting right no questions we're just going to sit here in silence little big I just maybe missed something in the beginning you need to go in provision as yourself each time or can rubric just call out by an API and say I want my rubric e cloudy stuff done this is a bit of a kicky kicky through there yeah you're going to provision it yourself okay yeah so I want to talk a little about a use case that we actually saw with a customer while we're sitting here waiting for it to initialize so we have a mortgage company and they had two business units right and one had their data stored in Azure and the other business unit had their their data stored in AWS and so what they wanted to do is basically cross protect right and that's where rubric came into play where they spun up an incident of cloud cluster in AWS and an instance and Azure and they're able to replicate the data between okay magic all right now it's running I've wasted enough time all right so let me do the really fun thing of documenting the ip's I didn't think you guys would want to watch me switching back and forth once you do you guys are all very because I knew somebody was writing down a bunch of numbers I'm going to start saying numbers to configure so wow that's that's real look I know you haven't yeah yeah well now that now that I gave you malicious ideas it's all over for me right so while we're sitting here for a second waiting for this to initialize anybody have any questions so far I know mine's kind of a straightforward one you just have a ballpark figure what that would cost to run for a month but the four nodes which I want everybody to drive just as a debate as a base okay I did it so I deployed this a while ago and I looked at the cost figures it's about eight or nine thousand dollars a month I think - run it because you tie them up for EM for large or extra large servers with terabyte + SSD okay so is that something that sticks out that so that's six terabytes of storage obviously be Duprees node for each node okay yeah the 24 terabytes obviously deduplicated oh yeah that's a fun fit on my credit card but if you see anything else we'll watch the grass grow just wait we're going to watch the bootstrap happen it's just going to be silent minute I'm sorry that's Stephen now joke there's a question from Twitter asking about data transfer costs for the cross cloud use case wanted to know if rubric helps with that maybe 3d do for something because it seems cost prohibitive yeah I mean everything is D duped free replication so it does help reduce that but I can't give you an exact figure on that yeah suppose it'll depend on the angle what's your backing up and how sparse your data yeah that is one thing that you would lose if you were doing well is this question on suppose if you go cloud only so you don't have an on-site location for backing up where does the deegeu happen is that client-side or is it before the push to cloud if my understanding was that it would be d duped on the appliance and then the push declared onto s3 buckets would be added you push maybe I don't have that on site box anymore hmm and I go straight to cloud good does it do pon the client-side somehow before it goes to Claire how does that work so are you insinuating then that we'd be running called cluster and archiving within the cloud as well well I'm just trying to understand so they cross the network if it's on if it's on my side I have a rubric box sitting in my datacenter I can back up to it near D joobs in that rubric cluster before it then pushes out to an s3 bucket but if I do cloud only with this cloud cluster I don't have that did you ping function happening in my datacenter on your gear anymore where next the D droop happen I mean is going to be happening at that point still within VA in the case it will be the cloud cluster right and then because we could still archive to s3 but I'm still pushing so if I run cloud cluster I buy datacenter here across that network between wherever the cloud cluster is running and my datacenter is nnamdi Duke's traffic yeah but it keeps to get data into ends and the accent of to get it out so because you're going from on print into Amazon they they're quite happy to suck up today depending on how much it cost me to set up to spin up that circuit okay I've noted yet from a network bandwidth perspective I still got to set one up and if I do like directing or something like that and not you I think you have minds not so much using the content list but that's cause it's kind of a replication service on premises run strictly called to backup stuff so it is already in the incoming would make a lot more sense okay and you probably get I would think you'd get to a point that once you hit a certain price point then it might make sense to have a local appliance to do that see dupe locally and then take the D dupe data up lets you tap so they figure out where that inflection point is rubrics an enterprise price point already so it's not like this is not something that I'd set up as a testing I'm going to already have a substantial investment that I'm making so it's I'm not going to kind of kick the tires I take your point yeah probably more I'd be more likely to come the other way I think this would be a good thing I'd be I'd be running in cloud if I'm doing my cloud and development up there and then I could bring another one in house Co actually that's handy there but I want one over here as well for different reasons who's thinking you reduce something different on Prem and then I might already have something on Prem so this would be a good way for me to test it like we use that doing backup of stuff in cloud which is yeah test things that's often what people do with cloud because it's cheaper they although I don't have to decommission a whole bunch of gear that I've actually bought whereas if I'm committing to doing something on site I'm more likely to just go yes I will buy the appliance and all whackadoo much yeah but then then extent but that thing but is not a one-time cost the box yeah yeah the box because whether you replace it every three four years you know in your storage subsystem underneath it every four or five years yeah there's there's a renewal cost there and then the licensing you've got to add on top of it that's right so if I'm trying to understand that why why yearly substantial investment to do that so I'm already so I'm already going to make that commitment rather than testing it a beat maybe lab in quantum yeah I guess I'm just trying to understand the rationale behind why you would keep making that investment on what you already have and and maintaining two different systems versus just focusing on one reason I don't decommission my entire data center and go to the cloud tomorrow it takes time do you think I can see some customers who would say I like I have something which works maybe yeah brilliant but it's an insurance policy and it works well enough but maybe not great whereas I could spin this up in the cloud and test it and do some things and then convince other people look see it's awesome without having to go through the process of getting something on side POC bla bla bla yeah okay I mean for the existing sales motion it would already be convincing people that yes it is worthwhile changing from whatever we do and keeping me another reason you would keep legacy is archival depending on where I put it yeah I've got to keep it around if I can legal it as a conversion and we had vision Haven ragin and it's it may not be the cycle what is the value of converting all of the tapes out of an LTO three library but then you have to maintain those archaic tape drives and that but they do not take energy yep yeah they take don't take any energy and if I leave the LTI threes over there I can pretend that they will work when I go to restore them back working and you keeping a few thousand I'm certain like lions until I try to test you out doesn't work now I'm not compliant or and I just created a huge problem for myself yep I also have that problem so we digress yeah so if you need to you can always do an if config get your I see information in terms of your subnet mask gateway I'm going to go ahead and just bootstrap alright so it's been actually my email address from my password that I want it to be I just started typing my like Hotmail password I'm still using hotmail oh no there's being live-streamed all my all my secrets are out here's assuming I can type the same thing twice what do I want to call the cluster so we'll just do what we called it an AWS CFG to demo name server obviously I'm going to use Google here alright search domains if I need that and TP same a sentence gateway I'm going to trust it you can always of course into whatever Gateway should be same thing a subnet mask and here's where again this is going to have to be for minimum so in this case I spun up for instance is I'm going to go ahead and enter for and then I start entering IP addresses so this is a fun part the tech marketing team will walk baptized ten by having them do a song and dance in front of everybody well we're going to believe it is entertain us all right so then shows me my JSON information do I want proceed in this case yes and then here's we just get to sit quietly for 15 minutes fair No so unless you want to already pre deploy a cloud cluster okay so I showed you in AWS a second ago so in case you don't believe me we can find it again look at node 1 in this case whoa don't rename we see 18 not 163 case you think I'm showing you something on premises Hey look at this 18 163 it is actually running in AWS so if I go to SL ADA Baynes in my local domains to be able to see the pre-configured ones as well as any that I have configured I'm going to be able to see any second now that we are already protecting some workloads this is where we get to just laying Wi-Fi right the Wi-Fi mote local it when you're using it my excuse looks if you use at the market other than droids just like you always look into the Wi-Fi I'm like I don't believe you anymore all right gonna be ready for you demo you like it that's all you get for TISCO No dang it crash all right all right so while we're doing that go back PowerPoint that way we can go ahead and just keep moving keep trucking all right so cluster so we can keep sitting here and waiting for the cluster to bootstrap if we even have to just believe me that it takes about 10-15 minutes and we can go back and visit it later the whole purpose of this demo is not the most exciting one I'm aware okay the fly was very excited to be the boring one all right so then Andrew just be really animated to make up for it and then we already heard Ken's gonna be doing a song and dance so what I'm sure it's really quick to deploy it's really simple okay easy to manage the same interface that you see on premises it's the same interface you see through it Robo right our edge it's the same interface now you're going to be seeing an AWS an azure and it's simple to scale so as I need to I can just continue to add more and more instances okay no problem they let me do it so it can't be that hard okay
Channel: Tech Field Day
Views: 8,868
Rating: 3.9189188 out of 5
Keywords: Tech Field Day, Cloud Field Day, Cloud Field Day 2, CFD2, Rubrik, Rebecca Fitzhugh
Id: 4WRY1E6TCas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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