Rube Goldberg Variations
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Channel: undefined
Views: 82,785
Rating: 4.7458825 out of 5
Keywords: Thank, You, Scientist, Stranger, Heads, Prevail, Rube, Goldberg, Variations
Id: 0N6WYOs2F8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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Easily one of my favorite tracks from this past decade. These guys are so much fun to listen to.
Their instrumentals are a lot of fun...I probably like this a little bit more than Chromology
This band is amazing. Just discovered them when their latest "Terraformer" came out, easily my AOTY 2019. Their other albums are also masterpieces, such a unique sound.
This song is fucking wild. I remember hearing it for the first time riding home in my friends car high as a giraffe's tit and it blew my mind.
This is my favorite instrumental-only song from an album.
Love this song! Although I think you've accidentally labelled this "Clean" because this is an instrumental track!
This is one of the best songs on that album. And that's not something easy to decide. Everything this guys have put out has been incredibly solid and consistent, and they're only getting better!
Love these guys immensely! Learned they were from New Jersey too, I actually live not too far from where they were formed.
This song is a masterpiece – set up in the structure of a jazz standard and showcasing each of their musicians through an extremely diverse solo section. One of my favorite tracks of all time.