Rubble's Best Season 9 Rescue Moments! w/ PAW Patrol | 2 Hour Compilation | Rubble & Crew

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[Applause] dson now let's seal it up excellent job now let's tackle that [Music] tree grab it lift it move [Music] it let's rebuild it [Music] all [Music] right everybody ready to see the new Cafe y yeah W that is so cool wow it connects to my Treehouse you pups are amazing but that's not all there's way more right Rebel let's go inside and see [Music] oo it's my dream Cafe this is amazing this is wonderful this is unacceptable Mayor Goodway send me water from Adventure Bay so I can give my kitties a bath the kitties aren't the only ones who need a good wash I want my water Ryder there's still some air in the pipes all normal but I hope that didn't cause any more problems actually Zuma it may have solved one Ryder I can hear blue grass music and wolves howling this way I think the Wolves must be following the music M humer unhitch the Jukebox and the Wolves will stop following you never my kitty cat meow meow record is in [Music] there it's the only record they [Music] made no it's going over Rubble on the you box [Music] double oh no the records I'll catch some PAW Patrol I need all of you to rescue some flying records [Music] next got one got you gotcha I found the music in record time great work pups we'll meet back at Mr Porters and reload the Jukebox but it sounds like m Humdinger is in trouble Rubble you take care of the Jukebox Chase and I will check on mayor huming nice Wolfie run along home now I think the Wolves want more of that catchy bluegrass music make them go away please I think I know how ah the best ever meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow net mayor Humdinger here you go you can help have your record back and next time just ask fine I'll just play my song in my Lair all day long come back kittens we can have a kitty sing along you did it Zuma it swim away not so fast Mr whale I need my [Music] selfie May hinger scared it back under the bridge we need to save farmer out quick Sky we need you at the bridge for an air rescue 104 [Music] Rider okay kitties everyone snuggle in tight come on closer you're out of frame now everyone meow cheddar M hinger move it's not safe [Music] they're going to get crushed not if I can help [Music] it wa you caught it amazing [Music] Al uh pups there's another pie breaking off and my Claw is full we can't watch M Humdinger Mr whale get out of there you're in danger danger when someone's in danger honk away to save the day Chase I need your megaphone R pack megaphone here goes [Music] everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh-oh yes we didn't get wet okay race fans it looks like kelp is in the lead coral and sky are tied for a second but Moi is coming up fast and Mayor Goodway isn't moving go long slowpokes wait how did he get ahead mer Goodway was right behind us I know where is she I don't see her viser oh no the cave exit is sealed off with rocks Ryder I think Mayor Goodway is trapped in a cave I'll go back to rescue her no Sky you're too far from her we've got this you keep racing Roger Ryder I think someone may be messing with this race Rubble Chase I need you chases on the unders seat case Rider Rubble on the double w Rubble wow is that a [Music] squid it's no use chickaleta don't worry made your good way we've got this we'll have you out in two shaks of ad doph tail H more ink hope you don't mind me crashing in Mayor Goodway you might want to stand back a little we're ready [Music] Ryder thank you Rubble Ryder I knew I could count on you and your team you can still get back in the reemar Goodway I'm afraid I'm too far behind ch thanks to this little accident Ryder with all this incum finding I think these accidents aren't really accidents I think you're right chase the ink looks like what Mo's used in the past let's keep a closer eye on him in the race [Music] net good job chase the sky clear now's my chance farmer Al grab the harness got it hold on tight May huning her I'll be right back to get you hey no take me first wa we are hunting her oh you're not making this easy easy try to stay in [Music] control oh no I'm losing my grip oh it must be all the hand cream help hang on mayor hinger I'm calling in more help Rocky and Rubble I need you out the bridge GRE means go Rubble on the double w w wo just looking at mayor Humdinger is making me dizzy I know that's why I need you to turn off the air pump on his back sky can you give Rocky a lift [Music] Roger okay Mir hinger I'm going to shut down your air pump [Music] extender now you did it Rocky I'm safe oh why must my hands be so baby me sof Rubble now you got it Ryder got you uh Ryder who's that fuzzy skier up in the cheer lift that's no skier that's a bear Sky get him down before he falls on it Ryder big drop deploy harness I got you big guy breaker breaker I'll calling ryer wo it's bumpy and icy grabbing that house isn't going to be easy you got this Al you're the best Ice Road Trucker I know almost there mayor just sit tight oh oh sit tight easy for him to say wa hey Ryder we just got to the beach how is everything oh uh well is that a ski jump did you say ski jump I'll call you right back [Music] Jake ah after this vacation I'm going to need another vacation oh no Jake and ever house is going to be smashed to smin Al you've got to try and catch it time to hit the triple digits which means go super fast I've been in worse spots I [Music] think close call I got it h uh PPS we have a big boulder of a problem it's rolling down the mountain and head right for you Everest and snort Rider oh no if we don't stop it it could crash into us and snort get to the bottom of the mountain find the lowest spot and take a big hole to stop that Boulder Roger that what about snort I have an idea tracker I'll need a bunch of really big leaves you got it I'll meet you at the exit to the cave Earth [Music] cables here we come tracker be ready [Music] thanks amigo faster Ryder we need to get in front of [Music] him come on snort time to learn how to Lea board okay snor now watch what I do you can balance snort just bend your knees a little like this good job now use your body to guide the leaf you're a natural snor keep going the right side looks clear stay on my tail and lean hard to your right just look ahead if we keep going we can beat the boulder you can do it snort we did it happy dance the lemonade is sticky Like Glue I'll say I just hope I can get my van clean in time don't worry I have an idea Puffs we need everyone down here to help wash these vehicles we're on our way where could she be Ryder I found Winnie's truck it's headed for Beaver Pond good searching Sky Chase and I are on our way Miss Winnington are you all right I'm utterly devastated Skippy do you know what gunky pond water does to find suede designer boots I'm guessing it's not good but I can still let you and Mer stereo to land [Music] harness thank you Skyler it's Sky Winnie and you're welcome poochie platoon save my truck so I can go win the shiniest ride contest Chase let's pull out one's truck rough [Music] winch rough winch [Music] retract I think it's too heavy Rider must be all the water and mud inside of it but I know just the puff who can help [Music] thanks Rubble it's even shinier than it was before thanks Mr Porter Rubble we need your electromagnet to pull Winnie winton's truck out of the pond on my way Ryder thank goodness please rert save my sinking truck it's Robble Miss Winnington and I'm happy to [Music] help be careful not to scratch it no no with my truck looking like this I'll be coming in second [Music] place Robo doog do we have any long tethers on [Music] board great if every everyone can attach them to the sub the wheel patroller can pull it out of the trench won our rides get stuck like Rebels not if you ride something smaller Coral think your fish friends could help us out oh yeah they'll totally lend a hand or a flipper come [Applause] [Music] on our fantastic new rides are here they're just like our submarines uh anyone have any tips on how to ride a dolphin yeah never mind all right pups grab each other and get going uh-oh Got a Sinking Feeling This sub is not done [Music] sinking that's it you can do it looks like Coral needs a Little Help full speed a hammer head we got it great job buddy autopilot see you up there sub we got the last one Rider the sub is good to go great work pups robod doog bring it up please nice and easy what's happening big squiddly I can't see it's working the sub is going up those rocks are coming down the reef bubble launcher [Music] nice onez you did it pops now let's set it down far away from the trench Rubble on the double all right Paw Patrol is on a [Music] rollr [Music] chase [Music] [Music] sprit to the stern to stabilize the shaky ship no no no run to z z it's a stone it's a stone like I said why do you not listen balance the bobbing bow R drone follow the flounder's flight path we saw it fly off that way there they are that doesn't look good Sky we're going to need backup Chase Rubble let's go this is all my fault I never meant to scare anybody AIO Chopper help I'll have you both safe in just a second [Music] harness yeah I've got this rough [Music] claw got you great job Sky great job Rubble I'll bring a trailer up here and Tow back to the ocean Mighty marvelous M and it's headed straight for the sand sculpture contest we've got to warn everyone it's headed right for us oh no my plan is going to work after all first place here I come pups we have to save those sand sculptures H but how I think I've got an idea sorry look out but I need you to do something more important great idea Rubble Sky airlift Rocky we're going to need his cool alarm get ready to ride Rocky y turn off the humbl screw [Music] driver ah my metal I I mean sand Top Hat a sounds like metal M humdinger and metal makes you disqualified everyone's sand sculptures were so wonderful but chieta and I agree that first place should go to Farmer Yumi your sand batina was simply Sensational on behalf of all these fabulous sand artists I'd like to thank you Ryder and pups for saving the contest you're welcome whenever the wind gets a little too wild just yel for help and I want to give a special thank you to Rubble for sacrificing your sand sculpture to save everyone else's this trophy is shared with you too really a thanks farmer Yumi got it I'm going to keep that water away from Adventure Bay we still have a big hole to fix and a lot of water to stop I'll go get that big chunk of concrete that blew out great Al we'll get everything ready to put it back in place I've got a fresh batch of concrete ready Ryder all we need now is that missing chunk to put back in place I got it Ryder W cool awesome copy that Al I need you to shove that chunk back in but you've got to make sure it's lined up exactly right 10 FL geared up and ready to jam a perfect fit you did it [Music] Al the water pressure's trying to push her back out going to take all my horsepower to keep it here Marshall seal it up now R concrete sprayer oh I sure hope it's going to hold it'll hold Al don't worry it's holding you did it way to get the job done big truck pups hang on May I'll get you off that log thank goodness you're here [Music] chase the is safe Rider but the water's still headed toward Town it w won beat for long filling in this ditch should Ru the water away from our town it worked Ryder way to go po awesome chetta you've come back to [Music] Mommy Ryder can you read need me it's Rubble ryer pups help [Music] yikes hey look there's Rubble huh but if rubble's down there then um you're not Rubble that's not Rubble it's an alien Rubble Rubble has a double wao rubble's got a double dude um guys I hope you can hear me because I need your help looks like rubble's still down there we need to rescue him fast sky fly down and steady that saucer this space puppy's got to fly Rocky chasing Zuma I need you to help get Rubble out of the saucer on it guys am I GL to to see you and I'm glad to see the real you Rocky Chase Zuma you're all here and ready to help R next hop on dude [Music] woohoo all right thanks pups [Music] oh no my double [Music] buddy HPS Rubble Double's in [Music] trouble hold on Space buddy we got to get you out of that goo [Music] you're welcome space buddy whenever you need a space rescue just for [Music] help catapult ready Rider stay awake Sparks okay Rubble launch the magnet ryer I've only only got one chance what if I'm not a good enough shot you can do it Rubble rider rider [Music] [Applause] [Music] hops I can do this ready steady War [Music] oh my goodness up up [Music] up [Music] awesome board Rocky and a super cute helmet [Music] too okay batina let's get you on the snowboard one H at a time before we head down the mountain you need a quick lesson just remember your front paw uh well Hooves get most of the weight and when you turn your shoulders it'll help make the snow snowboard turn the way you want to go understand good you're going to do great Ryder the weather report says an even bigger storm is on its way you got to get down the mountain now thanks Jake Everest can you and Betina start now we're as ready as we'll ever be Ryder you and the pups head down the mountain we'll be right behind you got it good luck okay patina time to move move I'll help you T that's it patina shift your weight turn those [Music] shoulders you're doing great patina uh-oh Ryder we're heading right to board a big gully we've got this Everest Rubble use your scoop like a snow plow and build a snow ramp right here snow problem Ryder get ready patina hurry Rubble they're almost here come on Rubble you can do this it's not pretty but it's finished great job Rubble now get out of the way [Music] you did it patina you're one hot dog and cow give me a hoof bump got to catch that boat great job Mighty Rubble hold it right there Mighty Sky time to fly up and carry the flounder Back to the Sea you got it hang on Captain turbet we'll get you down don't haa our plan to take the mighty pup's precious meat your work excellent job team it's mine no it's mine quit squabbling good super baddy help is so hard to find whoops okay Skye lift that flounder got it [Music] huh my superpowers what happened the fler rubble watch out uh-oh I don't know what happened Ryder my mighty Whirlwind just disappeared and I don't feel super strong anymore our Paws aren't glowing what happened we lost our Mighty powers without our superpowers our hover cars don't even work huh your Mighty Powers come from the meteor something must have happened to it time to abandon Tater to hold on Captain turbet I've got another idea pups everyone hop on the flounder without our Mighty Powers we have to work with what we've got all of our extra weight should be able to tip the boat away from the crater and it'll slide down the volcano it's working hold on hops get ready for a wild ride it's a T-Rex in trouble he's stuck that is one big Dino we're going to need something really big to save him Robo dog bring the dino patroller Rex I'm going to need your help getting him on board let's Dino do this Rubble I need your help to get across Rubble on the [Music] double there he is Ryder the dino patroller can't drive through that hot lava no it can't go through it but it can go over it Rubble push some big boulders in there it's rock solid go for [Music] it let's get him out of here what's he saying Rex you don't want to know just follow me onto the the dino patroller I promise you'll be okay oh no a Rock Bridge is gone how are we going to get across now see those rocks there let's use them like a launching ramp and grab some really big air wait you mean we're going to jump over the trench yep Robo dog hit it hang on big [Music] [Music] guy gotcha great job Mighty pups time to take her down I don't know how much longer I can hold it that's not outer space Suma Rocky I need you and your hover cars to meet us on the water on our way you can count on us what one of these buttons makes it go up Harold huh what are you doing in my rocket ship it's actually a lighthouse though now it's more of a submarine than a spaceship watch out grief right ahead the lighthouse is down so deep we can't see where it is Rocky Suma it's time to charge up wa I can see all the way down to the bottom fish big fish broken bat there it is I found on the lighthouse Rider it's headed that way Suma stop that Lighthouse bubble on the double good one dude school of fish ahead ah steer clear that Coral hey quit treating me like a kid I'm allowed to stay up till 9: you know please forward we're going to slam into that sea slug Ryder I found the louse but it's headed straight for the sea slug you've got to stop it in time wait for it wait for it and [Music] yes great job Suma do you think you can give it a lift no problem Ryder I've got it from here oh trat now what okay that's it I've had it with you cat Grabber one more colon you'll roll safely away from me stop right there ruff ruff pack W the tunnel just stops and then there's water what do I do hubcap first look over here and come get me I'm in real trouble gotcha that's enough Mischief you guys where are the kitties down [Music] there my kitties can't swim we've got this Chase come to the cul Rocky get to the cliffs overlooking the bay fast chase is on the case green means [Music] go I'm ready Ryder so am I great now anchor your zipline to that pipe out there R zipline Robble you're going to scoop that sidec car out of the bay with your rig how will I get there by swinging down connected to Wild Cat and Chase R River claw rough [Music] winch we're coming in hot AR [Music] scoop oh I can't watch you're welcome we kitty cats need to stick together now let's go up detach Rocky special delivery gotcha y I've got my rig on Full Throttle yay yeah looks like the desert flounder is ready for its miden Voyage oh this is worrisome we've got no wind so how will we be whisked away that's where Zuma's hovercraft comes in zuma aim your big fans at the flounder uh-oh my hovercraft isn't high enough for the air to reach the sail no no problem trouble use your crane to give Zuma's ride a lift going up pup W it really is an airbone now now try it [Music] Zuma it's working Travis Captain turbet Hang on we're going to set sail the desert flounder is Bound for Town actually I think Adventure Bay's the other way course correction crew all right Paw Patrol really is on a roll whoops that Wayward wind is blowing a blustery Breeze come on pups we have to keep up with the [Music] flounder looks like some Shar rocks way up ahead wait you're using it the wrong way and one jostle from those Jagged rocks and we'll be ground Bound for good you've got to do something before the fler hits a rock and crashes Rubble get ahead of them and use your rig to clear a path here I go way to rock Rubble now let's fix that ski lift Rubble straighten out the pole and Rocky get the motor running again Rubble on the double green means go [Music] ratchet yeah we're saved happy to help bye-bye now you're welcome bye-bye great fix pups now we just have to find that Brachiosaurus I know we can follow its big Footprints big Footprints what big footprint found one they HD that way come on don't you ever stop thanks oh you're hungry well while you Chow Down I'll try to get down deal [Applause] huh nice Moo Cow please don't upset the dyo it only wants a snack [Music] yeah hey ferel did a dinosaur run through here nope just the biggest horse I've ever seen the Silo's falling hurry Rubble don't let it crush the barn on it it's a double Rubble on the Double J that was close but why did he want to wreck the syum I don't think the beia seus wants to wreck anything he's just way too big for Adventure Bay that's why we need to get him back home come on [Applause] pu that's steep oh no oopsie let's get out of here Katie are you okay we're good wa kind of how are we going to get him out we're going to need more Mighty pup power Marshall we need you out by the gorge I'm ready for a red heart rescue there you are my uncle mayor clones now come with me back to town and do whatever I say so I can become a super mayor that's a ridiculous idea yes we need to go back and get that Pet Salon before those pups do what are we waiting for then come on let's let's go wait no stop this clone plan sounded like such a genius idea earlier I'm here Ryder Great Mighty pups it's time to get charged up on it oh yeah PP power Marshall we need a charged up super jump to get Katie and CI out of there fast put your Mighty vehicle in Hover mode and get down there on it [Applause] Marshall I'll get you out of here hold on tight thanks all in a mighty day is work uh-oh if you clones won't come with me my clone catcher cage will help with that Ryder the Clones are back Rubble we need a char charged up ground shake time to wreck and roll my meteor shark no worst superpowered day ever Chase use your Sonic bark to blast the pet parlor out catch it Rubble you saved my shop you're all getting super bubble baths when we get home now that's a mighty good [Music] [Applause] deal looking good Rubble nice and gentle now please be careful cleen up Cen up oh no clean up clean up follow that [Music] on wao so this is what it's been doing with all the plates we'll need to get them down but first we've got to figure out how to stop that bot if I could just catch up to it I could open the control panel and turn it off I've gone idea the waiter bot wants to clean things so if you get dirty the bot will come to you that's a great idea Ryder there's a mud puddle right over there it looks awfully wet what do you say rocky anything for rescue I sure hope this works clean up clean up it worked screwdriver [Music] C great job Rocky now let's get those dishes back to their owners coming right up or down thank you pups you got my plate back and not a moment too soon Paw Patrol [Music] Rocky it's okay big guy the Paw Patrol is on its way one stone bridge coming up wo that's some deep quicksand will this work great idea Rocky if stones won't work let's try a wooden [Music] bridge rough win [Music] wo wo wo there's that loud sound again thanks buddy now let's get you out of there retract the winds Chase rough winch for tra uh-oh baby's big we need to Anchor the truck down thanks bigger big guy Rumble get that log Underneath Him [Music] all un hook him watch your step [Music] [Applause] guys Ryder I found Travis in a cave but it's too dangerous to get him out with my snow cat Roger that Everest help us on the way Rubble we need you and your hoverboard to help rescue Travis Rubble on the double don't worry Penguins I'll help you out follow me like this hurry Rubble Travis are you okay better now that the PAW Patrol's here I didn't realize Mars had such strong gravity Mars uh Travis we're not on Mars grab off to my P hang on got it great work pups is everyone out oh no it sounds like my little friend she must still be inside I'll get her out don't worry I'm here to help I can't fit but you might [Music] grapple come on out little one go [Music] ett that's incredible M suddenly changed color it's not red anymore glad to see you pups Sky Lift Rubble up with your hook Roger I [Music] hook now fly him over the pie clone and slowly lower him into it into the Pik W it's kind of windy down there don't worry Rubble the winds are calm in the center once you get inside knock all the pies out with your shovel that should pull it down and stop the spinning okay AR shovel well here goes woohoo bam home [Music] run you did job dude yeah M squid jerky pie thanks for everything Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever your pies start flying around just Yelp for help and here's some strawberry and pup treat pies made especially for you hoay W don't worry patina I got you steady steady got it you saved patina rubble and not a m too [Music] soon that armor must be around here somewhere [Music] claw these bushes are so thick I need something to help me find it why thank you Mr Frog that old bike frame will work [Music] perfectly let's take it and remake it into a brand new metal detector warmer warmer hot hot hot Bingo one armored boot that must be the other one um where' it go thanks Mr Frog Ryder I found the boots good job Rocky now to save Danny Ryder hurry dy's heading right for the edge n Danny stop off okay oh no uh-oh Danny's in big trouble uh-oh ah and me too wo Skye I need you this puppy's got to fly this is actually kind of fun woohoo time for a few stunts whatever you do no stunts no no stunts that's it Rubble I need you to bring some paper scraps and old boxes from the lookout to Rocky so he can upcycle them Rebel on the [Music] double stay still while I lower you to the ground I can't really see what's happening but it feels extreme good job [Music] Sky oh no [Music] that was so extremeo and a real close call Rocky how's it going it's going great w w w oh [Music] no let's hurry May good whiskers might be thirsty okay I wonder what she's up to oh no she's head for the water I'll save her huh I don't see her look a baby whale ooh a sweet baby whale yeah but look closer Mar good whiskers is on the whale a it looks like they're playing baby whale you bring me a good whiskers back this [Music] instant she's a class pet not a high seas hpster don't worry mayor I know the perfect pup to help us Suma I need you and your sub for a road and rescue let's dive [Music] in I'm here Ryder right under the whale's belly great just wait for my signal Ryder how is Zuma going to save M good whiskers from underwater he's not we are look every time the whale laughs she blasts M good whiskers into the air so if Zuma can get the whale to laugh really really hard she'll blast the m to us hamster mare not the you okay isuma no all right dude it's tickle [Music] time it's working when the wheel laughs the hamster goes even higher come on come on Zuma just a little more coochie coochie coo here she goes capture Rubble shovel I got her I got her I got her got her I think she wants to do it again again don't you think we've had enough hamster hyinks for one day send your drone down to check it out out all right rough [Music] drone oh no they're going to crash right into the wall I don't think we can catch up to them fast enough if only there was another way into the mine I know just who to call Rocky Rubble meet me at the base of the mountain as soon as you can green means go and so does yellow we've got no time to spare Rubble use your scoop to knock a hole in the mountain right there Rubble on the double like that it's big enough but it's too high the tracks are way below it that Minecart could still smash right into the [Music] wall but maybe if we add to the tracks already there that Minecart can ride up and out oh yeah like a roller coaster Rocky get some pipes that we could use as [Music] rails we need to work as fast as we can I don't find a little excitement once in a while but this is ridiculous hurry up pups we're running out of time [Music] done get ready UNC [Music] gootus hang on to me Uncle Lotus you don't have to tell me [Applause] [Music] twice Griff claw going full reverse w w get out of the way cat me wow that was close Rubble above you CRS thanks that was close oh no it's like they're making a wall how will I clear it all in time Chase G coming your way fast I see you [Music] Ryder [Music] n that was a trick Ryder I'm not sure how long wild cat can keep directing the bus this way if he takes those curves any wider he's going to go right over the edge wild cat we got to get control of that bus rubble's trying to clear the wall of rocks at the bottom in time got it Rider Ram disengage crier [Music] Claus there goes another fight yeah this cat always lands on his paws get ready with no breaks we're going to hit that wall of rocks at the bottom hard hurry Rubble the bus is coming I need more time wait I have an idea a ramp reble made a [Music] ramp [Applause] [Music] woohoo wa so I could have done [Music] that I'm back in the race but I got to catch [Music] up Rubble grab that kitty carrier with your crane okay I'll save those Fast and Furious little fluff heads it's headed for the turtle I got your back uh shell there you go little guys oh not again lean lean somebody saved me already I can catch you just don't panic easy for you to say you're not the one not an out of control rocket w [Music] wow it's a good thing I didn't Panic what did that super Badd do to those rails nothing I can't undo Haley daily on the scene and on your screen reporting Live From The Adventure Bay train tracks uh-oh that train is closer than we thought Rocky put those tracks together as fast as you can Rubble let's go War the engineer on it [Music] stop the Train the traps are broken oh no I don't think I can stop in time I've got [Music] this the tracks are fixed Let It Go Rubble thanks Mighty pups you saw it here first viewers the mighty pups have saved the train great job pups oh no the [Applause] tank Rubble we need you to help stop a runaway manity Rubble on the double it's going so fast how are we going to stop it Rubble we need you to build a barrier to stop that tank on it Ryder look out [Music] uh-oh pH great job Rubble rubble and Rocky golly am I glad to get a gander at you guys I am even more glad okay captain turbet since you're upside down let's release you first claw and fast before the giant cave spider shows its hairy scary spider face now grab onto my hoverboard Captain sorry for being stuck on this silk Rubble I'll give it some more [Music] power W Super Save [Music] Rubble tickly spider can't hang on help thanks [Music] Rocky okay pups now free FR swas I'll just pull your leg from this web you're even more stuck than Captain turban Sho birdie you do not want to get caught on this web or meet that giant G spider follow me birdie oh no it's the baby spider is back okay that go is gone but the spider is in that that's tickly the web won't last much longer with friend while laughing so hard we've got to get that spider off him Chase use your tennis ball launcher to distract the spider chase is on the case [Music] Chase rough tennis bow launcher fetch little spider oh [Music] [Applause] sh it's really stuck I can't pull it out but I bet I can push it out uh-oh pH that was close rescue sure make me hungry oh was that me or you yay you did it woo woohoo thank you Paw Patrol the balloons are back and so is the parade woohoo W help uh-oh it looks like we've got an even bigger rescue Rocky mayor Humdinger balloon is flying out of control and I need you to rescue him green means go somebody help a Humdinger please there's a hole in its foot if you use your claw to pinch it shut that'll slow it down enough for the air patroller to grab it I'm always good in a pinch [Music] claw the hole is close Rider awesome job it's safe to let go now Rocky oh is the parade Ain over yet oh it's just getting started Ryder it sounds like the bridge is going to bust not if you use your super strength to keep it steady you got it Bridge stay phew good Bridge wow they're so cool I wish we were Mighty pups too I know how we can help excuse me Bridge repair in progress can you please move your cars off the fridge great work rubble and thanks twins now Rocky reattach those broken cables on [Music] it ooh they look even shinier up close hey stop what are you doing doing oh no the bridge is going to fall down W garage we got to get out of [Music] here my truck w w garby stay where you are garby Mighty pups Don't Let Go Sky the ladyb just left the bridge follow her on it Ryder feral needs help but we can't let go we need extra Mighty pot power Chase Zuma Marshall we need you at the bridge Mighty pups on the way hold on Farmer Al I'd sure like to but my fingers are starting to slip wa energy [Music] gotcha wow we thanks for the special delivery Chase hey that's my farm and we're fixing to plow right through it they're going to hit the silo not if you can move those hay bales in time on [Music] it great job Rubble Ryder the tour bus is headed towards the river uh Ryder the draw bridge is going up and we can't stop what do we do can you make the bus go faster faster are you sure Ryder yep I've got an idea Robo do bring the Paw patroller to the draw rdge as fast as you can I need you to get in front of the Tor buus are we going to block it nope we're going to give it a piggy back ride [Music] [Applause] w we did it i'm Tommy the tour guide and I hope you enjoyed your trip well I can't rightly say we did top hat Tommy or should I say may or Humdinger [Music] ah Rubble parachute down to the turbet and out lower the cable Rubble on the double okay Sky pups go go go [Music] wooho cool parachute thanks CLA yeah hi guys just thought I'd dropped by next up the ultimate cter now this is what I call climbing woohoo this is so extreme Rubble have you seen chicka lettera nope not yet oh if only I'd packed a chicken tracker oh no my my Ra's moving hang on mayor Sky mer goodways raft is slipping I'm on my [Music] way Marshall Zuma I need you to pull the mayor onto the platform I'm slipping don't please hurry I've got this I don't got this Zuma launch your buoy good idea byly oh gold it nice work PPS one climber left or should I say one chicken left that's surely a substantial Shadow W I can do this grab on Kevin got [Music] it oh look it's the giant cave spider ha can you believe we were afraid of that adorable arachnet a look at that little spider white the only thing tremendous about her is her tremendous [Applause] [Music] cuteness Mercy Paw Patrol for a most daring rescue you're welcome whenever you're caught in a web just the El for help what's with the hardy har har hilarity hey Rubble looks like you're not afraid of spiders anymore not the cute tickly ones thanks for hurrying Robo doog let's go to Livia inside and oh no again Sho Sho wo W Rider Robo doog use your jets to catch up with them and lead them [Music] back Robo dog will be back with Oscar but let's get you [Music] inside wo where's the Paw patroller going and who's driving it uh-oh looks like the babies have hatched let's head after them we'll be right back [Music] Olivia stop I'm not a [Music] cowp ah stop wo thanks Robo duck you're a way smoother ride than an ostrich Sky Robo do I need you to do an air maneuver to stop the Paw patroller on my way okay Sky open the [Music] hatch it's open Ryder great your turn Robo [Music] dog thanks for saving our ostrich family Ridder no problem whenever your birds are on the Run just Yelp for [Applause] [Music] help oh no my grand chicken can't swim I don't think Mr bter oh hi M Goodway wa oh no we can't look most excellent catch yeah yes oh thank you Rubble cholot was so worried aw look at its cute little legs you're adorable and so green oh no claw ha I got it really pH I see something and and a lot of little something it's Jimmy but what is this it looks like a nest of eights well it looks like Jimmy is really [Music] Jenny oh it's a baby [Music] crocodile it's such an honor to be a grandp papa and an honorary Auntie oh and cousin too from crocod family you're welcome whenever you have a run away egg just yel for help I'd say this was one exciting day oh no these doors are sealed shut we have to find another way way in Esa the last time Carlos and I were here exploring we found another door follow me there oh no it's blocked we can fix that Rubble move that Boulder with your rig on it wo Now That's What I Call rock and roll that noise does not sound good let's find the turbet [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick that's big Harry's stll I wonder why it's in here H I don't know help hello I think the turbet are on the other side of this wall but how do we get through it should I Jackhammer it open better not this is a very Ancient Temple let's try not to damage it wait this part of the the wall looks like a door I can use my shovel to pry it open AR [Music] shovel oh is that really you Ryder yeah hold on we're almost there yes we are saved uh-oh the noise is waking him UPA OA oo ooh e sleep big hairy time to [Music] dream that should do it all right everybody [Music] push yes we're in we have saved so happy to see you that's the scary sound big hairy more like big noisy he fell in through the roof then he was smashing things all over let's get you up before he wakes up we don't want to startle him oh crispy crab cakes close [Music] call oh no no no no no no [Music] no maybe another Melody will meal this massive monkey e a e no time for that now Captain turbet everybody clear out you don't have to tell me [Music] twice that's the last of them look a squirrel I've got a hunch it's storing more [Music] lunch it's stashing acorns in Alex's Treehouse wo looks like all the other squirrels had the same idea that Treehouse is stopped uh-oh sounds like it's more than it can hold hi Paw Patrol Alex climb down your treehouse might fall oh no really Rubble use your crane to hold it up on it woohoo huh uh-oh woohoo woooo check it out I'm doing it Danny get out of the way [Music] huh yeah close call Epic Landing though Scott do you still see mer Humdinger Roger that I can see his shiny metal pants metal that gives me an idea Rubble I need you and your electromagnet to stop a runaway M Rubble on the double we'll meet you at the top of the mountain come on Chase Ryder mayor Humdinger headed straight for a cliff no problem help me this is going to be close help [Applause] [Music] no help I'm falling help open your eyes M I gotta huh oh get me out of these things uh-oh are you okay Mar Humdinger ah pH yes thanks for saving me from those horrible Auto pants no problem whenever your pants are out of control just yep for help uh Ryder there is one more thing can I get a lift back to the [Music] race I didn't get to finish my race so I'm back to Win It excuse me may Humdinger but you tried to cheat but I've learned my lesson and I promise no cheating Auto pants oh all right then we have one contestant left H that trophy is as good as mine okay on your marks Get It [Music] Go ow miss marjerie you finished the course faster than anyone else congratulations you are Advent ch's most amazing athlete oh but I should have won oh where are my kittens I need a ride home my everything hurts kittens come back oh I'm too tired to run no fa this beached boat is too big to budge buddy hold on C turbet I'll bump you back in the water that was a mighty nice nudge Mighty Rubble Rubble head to the crossroads and stop that super Kitty on [Music] it put those cows down on the ground then I'll just put my mighty paws on the ground [Music] hang on kitties Ryder Harold and the kitties have an out of control laser and they're headed back your way Rubble can you make a road block Rebel on the [Music] double this ought to slowing down KY stop playing with that laser uhoh wa oh no time to take matters into my own hands now nobody can use a laser but [Music] me Ryder Harold blasted right through my rope block and now he's headed into town we're on our way paper Squadron is ready for a takeoff Rider sir let's let him [Music] fly I'm going to catch you I've got this one not if I get it first wao that one flew [Music] high oh no it's stuck if I was just a little bit taller I could reach it none of us are tall enough but maybe if we all work together are you thinking what I'm thinking puppy pyramid woohoo I'm taking it to the top claw almost got it just a little higher Rubble what's so funny just marshel's po it's tickling me old [Music] steady right on time rebble but you'll need to hurry we're not sure how long Chase can keep the Wolves Away rebble on the double la la la la this is going to take a while it's the PAW Patrols keep digging little pup we're going to get out of here you found us oh right aw look at this that cute little Wolf Chase Everest and the Wolf puper out of the cave time to bring the big wolves back we're on our [Music] way aw you're welcome cutie [Music] pie thanks again for the stupendous save Ryder You're welcome whenever you're stuck in a storm just howl for help hey Ryder what about that cool surprise you told us about look up pups it's the Luminous Northern Lights awesome beautiful wo wo the Jake cake wagon is ready to roll good job Rocky Let It Down Easy Rubble we'll do [Music] Ryder the Jake cake has [Music] landed pitch is secure next stop up Jake's Mountain you'd better hurry Jake's party is supposed to start soon we'll lead everyone else up where Jake won't see [Music] us that cake is [Music] heavy go ahead Ryder Everest it may take longer to deliver the cake than I thought can you keep Jake away from the lodge Al a little longer I'll find something to keep him busy thanks for the verb left Katie no problem Everest why don't we go back to the lodge now maybe go for a hike or do something fun like with balloons sure Jake right after [Music] um Jake I think you missed a spot of dirt on the Treads Captain turbet I'm here with Jake uh Jake I think Captain turbet needs some help with the flounder ah yes my boats got a bevy of barnacles that need brushing did you hear that Jake we get to scrape off Barnacles Barnacles what a [Music] blast this cave weighs a ton that's why we can't go any faster see you up at the party we'll be waiting for you going to be lots of fun I've lost him sorry wait do you hear that bat how do you get bats to leave a cave in the middle of the day just ask a dragon to help Budd he's in [Applause] there his hiccup are getting worse and they're starting to loosen those rocks oh no poor Buddy's trapped quick Rubble use your rake to move those rocks I'm on it Ryder Jee I hope once Rubble opens the cave buddy doesn't try to run away and hide again I know he sure moves around a lot for someone trying to hide H maybe Buddy's not not trying to hide what if he's the one seeking that's it but he's looking for his best friend Max Alex when Rubble opens the cave we need to show the dragon where Max really is you have to show buddy your story book uh-oh what's wrong I kind of left it on the beach but wait I have a jetpack be right back hi grandle oh sorry still can't get used to seeing that boy up there got it wait buddy we found Max he's hiding in your story book that's your best friend right well he's been waiting for you here in the story book this whole time you can go back in whenever you want hey that tickles I think he's saying thank you really warm and sticky thank you you're welcome oh and say hi to Max and remember buddy whenever you're having trouble hiding or seeking just hicc up for help time for some super scratch oh no we're being invaded wa that's a big bat uh-oh oh it's so dark at least the bats have stopped squeaking light thanks I'll plug it back [Music] in now that's interesting Rubble scratch again now stop that's it when the bats heard your scratching they must have thought it was other bats and flew over looking for the bat party Rebel scratches do kind of sound like bat squeaks I was playing got a scratch when those bats flew into my pet parlor H let's [Music] see you like my music huh well maybe you're not so scary well now that you're chatting can you talk them into going home we sure can let's take this party on the road Rubble can your crank carry a speaker I bet it can get [Music] it what's up bats it's time to move with your wings in air and follow the gro oh there go the bats and our DJ oh wait stop oh will chicketta bucka bucka oie woie I think I know how to keep this party [Music] going okay bad buddies you've been great but the party's [Music] over you're welcome and whenever you have a problem just for help hm Mr Porter may not be able to cook it but he can give us his recipe and we could cook it we can here's the recipe but you still need something to cook it on why don't we make Cowboy chili the cowboy we over a campfire cooking in the open air will give it a whole new wonderful flavor Outdoors eh why that idea sounds positively [Laughter] [Music] stealable M Humdinger you're cooking here too of course everyone knows cooking in the open air gives Chile a whole new wonderful flavor sounds like someone was listening in on your ideas Rocky can you make one of these campfire tripods sure I know just what to use Rubble use your shovel to dig a campfire pit Rubble on the double Sky Zuma Marshall you can gather kindling you got it coming up yeah chase keep an eye on May Humdinger these paws are hold the [Music] ls wow it actually smells good good size fire pit no trash that can burn s and water ready we're good to go yay first ingredient Tomatoes okay what's next the recipe says onions lots and lots of onions onions come coming through wo my eyes are tearing up I never thought food could make me sad thank goodness you're here I'm so worried about those kitties we've got this Katie Marshall Rubble get your Crane and Ladder ready we've got kittens to [Music] rescue a yes [Music] yeah that's all of them Katie thanks Paw Patrol now the cat show can go on now our next contestant cly unleash the yarn [Music] balls oh yes good job y time for some kitten star [Music] power wow awesome wow nice trick uh-oh I better get meow meow out of there meow meow oh I said out not up come in Sky I read you Ryder we've got an Airborne Kitty here's what I need you to [Music] do no found you hang on Callie I can't control meow meow leave the robots guy call needs you and fast I'll get [Music] her yes nice job sky that was some fancy flying thank you Ryder Sky and p don't worry little itty bitty kitty we'll save [Applause] [Music] you huh what was that about weird that scorpion pepper come from they're like the hottest peppers ever spoon we must get that pepper out Pronto I'm trying but I can't find it Marshall use your X-ray screen good idea oh x-ray [Music] screen yeah pepper pepper pepper nothing but bad luck for Adventure Bay today it seems anyone want a taste of my winning chili oh no it's delicious there's that pepper and here I come lower uh to the left Bullseye e this still tastes too spicy ouch don't worry if there's one thing I know it's what tastes great it just needs more tomatoes and oregano and a pup tree huh for me I like chili with something crunchy on the side I'll get the oregano I'll get the tomatoes time [Applause] up very good but also very familiar oh that's because it's a uh classic [Music] recipe but this is the best chili I've ever tasted impossible they must have cheated oh M Humdinger you used canned chili now that's cheating fine who needs your chili yeeh it's for me you're all such good pup that's true I have an idea Rubble we found Chase we need your mini Miner Rubble on the [Music] double don't worry Chase rub is on the cave I just hope someone hears [Music] me Chase you're safe Chase way to roll Paw Patrol actually we're on a mission p and so are you chase but now we've got to find a took the crown I already know it's the Royal pup sweetie come on and don't forget my Royal belly scratch sweetie there's the Royal Crown Thief what Chase how did you escape I mean he's the thief sumon the gods what's all the commotion and all these half-eaten burgers chease let's show them the footage from your bow tie pup tag right bow tie cam sweetie you took the Royal Crown that's Queen sweetie and yes I took it but I'm going to make sure everyone thinks you did sweetie you're a very naughty pup give me back my crown you'll just have to catch me first watch out after [Music] her she's getting away not for long Chase follow me in your new three-wheeler Sky it's time to fly grab your Sky [Music] cycle Mission paw is on a roll I feel bad leaving them in a haunted castle if only I were brave enough to help but those spooky sounds were so scary thanks Robo dog you're such a good [Music] listener po Patrol the knights are out of control help please we'll help you sweetie but you have to unlock the castle first I can't silly ghost Knights are blocking the controls Rubble sweetie's trapped in the castle I need you to use your mini Miner to break down the door and rescue her inside the castle with that scary ghost now Rubble I know you were scared but we really need you and that ghost won't stop me I was scared Ridder but if the PAW Patrol really needs me I'm going to try to be a brave pup trouble on the [Music] double no such thing as ghosts no such thing as ghosts help somebody stole these ghost Knights well maybe there are but I've got to do this anyway Ready or Not ghosts Here Comes Rubble Patrol you saved me I did hey I did Rubble are you okay look Ryder I beat those ghosts you sure did rubble and I'm proud of you only they weren't really ghosts they were remote controlled by sweetie just kidding around how can I be angry at a puppy as cute as you but you're still going to your dog housee Ryder I want to thank you on the pups especially the very brave Rubble for un haunting the castle whenever you're in ghostly trouble again just say oo for help Rubble you'll ride your hoverboard and use it to swat away flying food Rubble on the double order of [Music] fries Marshall you'll use your water cannons to wash away whatever mess we miss I'm all fried food up good one Marshall that's the best new joke yet all right Paw Patrol is on a [Music] roll Patrol [Music] [Music] Marshall [Music] is on claw arm my hero and of course A Real Hero offers his mayor a little taste hint him [Music] oh oh water [Music] cannon all clean nothing gets past Rubble especially carrots my favorite you need that rattle I can find it huh with my metal detector are you sure Rocky you'll have to swim and get wet if getting wet will help that baby o the puss get back to his mom I can do it that's my CA Patrol Pup I saw the rattle land around here okay I can do this metal [Music] detector you found it you're amazing hey it's just water okay pups we still have a job to finish I'll need a magnifying glass to make the baby look so big even it's mama can see it but where are you going to find a magnifying glass H I'll start with this punch [Music] bowl hey mom over here I hope Mom isn't as hungry as this little guy she's not hungry she just misses her baby okay Zuma it's time to Rattle and Roll Dan come on okay Zuma we're out far [Music] enough now that's a [Music] hug oh thank you Paw Patrol you saved the beach and the party I think Rocky deserves the biggest thank you he got wet to save the day and earned this my lifeguard badge awesome y can we eat now hey maybe if I get dirty enough I'll get to go to Katie's Pet Parlor for a nice bubble bath I can can help you dig Marshall sure okay wo Rubble you're getting filthy thanks I mean gosh maybe I need a bath hint hint oh I get it I'll tell Katie you're on your way all right that pup sure loves taking a bath yuck gee Katie I can't wait to try your super special new pet shampoo it makes her first super poopy all right we'll get your tub started as soon as I get these feathers nice and fluffy you're welcome chetta coming garby be right back there you go garby nice shiny hoov now is it bath time please sure let's get your tub filled up but we got to be careful not to use too much of this stuff stop everything this is an official mayor emergency oh no what's wrong there Humdinger I'm going to Mr Porter's Cafe and uh I will be dining in a uh no meow Zone I'd really like to help M Humdinger but I'm pretty busy right now but my kitties will be no trouble at all why they're the best behaved pets in all of Foggy Bottom you know Katie I can help you keep an eye on those little cuddly cuties thanks Rubble that's so kind of you I'll take chetta and garby home while you watch the kittens and when I get back I'm going to give you a doubly Bubbly Bath doubly bubbly you can count on me it won't be hard no kittens are more obedient than mine have fun kitties I'll be back in a [Music] bit looks like they really like you Rubble well I DW away with kittens don't I little fuzzy wuzzy buddy see you soon Kitty sitter ready to go Sky we'll meet you at the truck here comes the world's biggest ice cube what's taking those meow now ice pop so long oo I could make a lot of snow cones with all that ice fine snow cones and meow poops good now's my chance you two follow that [Music] [Laughter] copter there it is kitties get me that [Music] ice wo oh come to me you cool beautiful way too big ice cube no stop my precious [Music] eyes it's so cool and refreshing what and [Music] fast I made it oh no help Ryder May hinger kitties cut the ice block now it's sliding down the road with the mayor on it help okay Skye I'll call Chase and Rubble to help Rubble Chase I want you to move old logs to the sides of the road to keep marting from running off it yes sir [Music] Ryder here they come oh n not in there wow oh huh oh w over to you [Music] Rebel cool and now it's my turn harness great save Sky Nice Shot [Music] Rubble Rocky Ryder we see the broken post those crabs cut it to Pieces let's replace it right away Rubble use your front loader to clear the debris we'll do wa that's extra slippery must be from all this Jellyfish Jam On It ready for the new Poe great here it [Music] comes got it okay now move back pups Robo dog's going to lower the [Music] hook oh now put in the [Music] post yes perfect fish okay my [Music] turn welder Rockies finished attaching the bracket the pier is fixed look we can divert the tomatoes with those logs on it you did it Rubble we're not finished yet those tomatoes are still [Music] rolling giant tomatoes H now I've seen everything uhoh oh those tomatoes are going everywhere they'll be easier to Corral if they're moving in One Direction Rocky Zuma it's time for a tomato Roundup sure Ryder we can do it don't worry you'll catch up get it Tomatoes catch up yeah we're on our [Music] way okay pups Crow these veggies and get them headed into town let's get rolling yeah a got to move out this her or is it move out this salad yipp y yay but Ryder how are we going to get them to stop rolling that's part two of my plan tomatoes are round and rolly but not when you turn them into sauce huh Chase we'll need your net to strain these Tomatoes into tomato sauce meet us at Mr Porter's Cafe you got it Ryder sir Zuma Rubble Marshall keep the tomatoes rolling towards Mr Porters Rocky I'm going to need your forklift let's go okay Chase you're on work next perfect okay Rocky use your forklift to put the big vat behind the net I'll make a ramp to get the tomatoes up into it you got it Ryder there that ought to do it tumbling Tomatoes here they [Music] come woo did it great [Music] job Apollo your turn enjoy your [Music] trip he won't give up we need something stickier Rubble I know you're afraid of spiders and the spider king is the biggest one yet but can you get near enough to him to move that rock off the tarpit it's only a spider and after all I'm super Rebel don't be scared it's just the giant spider king over here spider king we're doing it Rubble can't get me spider king great job pups let's get out of here spider king won't get through that folder anytime soon you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Jr's official Rubble YouTube channel and watch Paw Patrol on Nickelodeon and everywhere you can find Nick Jr
Channel: Rubble & Crew
Views: 450,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, rubble, paw patrol rubble, cartoons for kids, full episode, new episode, nick jr, preschool, rescues, rubble rescue, rubble and crew, pups, paw patrol pups, rubble and crew clip, rubble and crew nickelodeon, paw patrol rescue knights, rescue knights, alien double, rubble alien double, paw patrol alien, paw patrol full episodes, paw patrol season 8, ytao_rubble, rubble paw patrol, rubble and crew full episodes, rubble and crew paw patrol, rubble and crew song
Id: oUy0w-6R4jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 9sec (7329 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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