RTX 4060 vs RTX 3060 Tested in 15 games
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Channel: Jegs TV
Views: 227,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4060, rtx 4060 vs 3060, rtx 4060 vs 3060 pc, rtx 4060 vs 3060 12gb, rtx 4060 vs 3060 benchmark, rtx 4060 vs 3060 reddit, rtx 3060, 4060 vs 3060, rtx 4060 benchmark, rtx 4060 benchmark games, rtx 4060 benchmark 1440p, rtx 4060 benchmark 1080p, 4060 benchmark, 4060 vs 3060 12gb, 4060 vs 3060 desktop, 4060 vs 3060 pc, JegsTV, rtx 3060 vs rtx 4060, rtx 3060 vs rtx 4060 pc, rtx 3060 vs rtx 4060 benchmark, rtx 3060 vs rtx 4060 game test, 4060 vs 3060 benchmark, 3060 vs 4060
Id: TnpmPhH1h58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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