RST: Why I no longer support GBRS Group or Fieldcraft Survival ( DJ, Cole & Mike are DIRTBAGS)

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[Applause] [Music] what's up gun enthusiast Greg row row show tactical um if you pay attention to the gun Community the gun culture um you know probably know the names gbrs group in fieldcraft survival two of the more prominent um companies training companies um owned by ex-military uh Personnel such as you know Mike Glover um Cole faer DJ Shipley uh in the last couple months though we've had some pretty alarming I would say issues kind of maybe character issue type things uh coming from these people from these these organizations these groups if you want to however you want to put it um that I think need to be addressed and there are a lot of people that are addressing them online um if you don't know what they are I'll give you a quick rundown you can obviously YouTube this stuff Google it um I guess I'll start with gbrs group um they originally had some issues with one of the guys that helped them um there was one of their buddies you know uh who was a seal that helped them start gbrs group um basically had an issue with him and and he was basically like left was thrown out I it's it's kind of Muddy as to actually what happened it's kind of one of those he said she said things but uh he said that you know they like changed the locks on the place and like threw all of his stuff you know near the dumpster and stuff when he um came to pick it up and it was just a mess um and then you fast forward to a couple months ago they had an employee um who was supposed to ship out a lower that was part of a it was either a fun raiser or it was a giveaway I think it might was a giveaway that he was supposed to mail out to this individual well time had gone by and the tracking number hadn't moved anywhere and they didn't know where it was at and this person was like where's it at and so they pulled video that saw him that showed him leave with the box that had the lower in it uh didn't come back with anything so they just assumed that he stole it uh and they basically had him arrested um for stealing this lower um you can look it up on YouTube the the entire clip of the police department showing up talking to DJ talking to Cole um you know kind of talking to their shop manager uh and then obviously going in with their body cam footage and arresting this guy and then come to find out while he's at the police station being interrogated about this whole issue the lower showed up at gbrs so uh what it appears happened was he probably dropped it off at like uh UPS instead of FedEx or vice versa and because they can't scan it and track it it basically just stays in a facility until somebody figures out what to do with it and then it will eventually you know get dropped back off at whoever's shipping it because they can't ship it because it doesn't have their tracking information their numbers their system Etc so that's what seems to have happened and he was arrested they found that out they brought him back um said that he did nothing wrong uh and then gbrs Cole DJ ended up firing the guy anyway so you know his his his reputation inside the firearm industry has been ruined he started to go fundme to help with his his legal fees and and you know help with him just basically living his life because he was fired from his job without just cost because they up they and and then they took the coward's way out by firing the guy anyway instead of trying to make it get right and just being like dude we screwed this up and we're so sorry like you know let's let's make this right they fired him anyway so just just just a bunch of dirt bag moves um you know one after another I had a Cole faer and a DJ Shipley Eagles and Angels signature hat and I sold both of them on eBay like I I sold all my gbrs stuff I don't want anything to do with people like that um when you when you preach integrity and you preach you know loyalty and you preach all these kind of things and then you don't show it in your real life I don't give a what you say to my face so um I think DJ and Cole are absolute dirt bags I'll never support gbrs ever again um and and you know they're obvious they they had some sorry ass video that they put out that was like well we didn't do anything wrong and and we we we put the facts and everything out but they put it on their um whatever patreon page so you have to subscribe and pay money to them to hear what they have to say about it they didn't come out in public on a regular YouTube video and just say this is what happened like it it just dirt bag move after dirt bag move after dirt bag move like just those are guys that you know I had a lot of respect for um I bought kit I bought you know Swag you know I I watched their training videos and and and really was supporting the company um you know to the best of my ability and I'm just not doing that anymore more I don't have time for people like that there's there's too many too many companies and too many people out there doing things the right way to to want to to want to with people like that so um that's that um and then the second one here is Mike Glover with Phil Craft Survival Mike Glo Glover with Phil Craft Survival you know I had I had known about him years ago uh but it was really the interview with DeShawn Ryan show that really got me into doing more research on him um you know doing more research on fieldcraft survival what they did what they offer um you know even joining his American contingency group and all that kind of stuff like you know I I was bought in I was supporting him in his company the same way that I was gbrs group um you know I would recommend to people to check them out just like I did gbrs group um check their gear out check their trainings out Etc um and then on May 1st um which you know obvious is almost two weeks ago now uh Mike was arrested at his house in Utah for domestic violence against his girlfriend um you know obviously innocent until proven guilty but you can look up the police report online I will actually post um pictures of it at the end of this video so you can see it or screenshot it and kind of read through it or whatnot but it sounds like what happened was Mike has two kids with somebody else and and then he has uh a new child that was born in 2023 with his new girlfriend Jessica well it sounds like they had a disagreement at at the house about how she was disciplining his other two children um they kind of separated she went to go give the new child to Bath and locked the door behind her in the bathroom and then Mike broke down the the door and then grabbed her by the wrist and kind of torqued her wrist and said I'll break your wrist um and then obviously the police were called he was arrested Ed because they saw the door broken down they saw you know kind of what was going on with her she went to the hospital and indeed her wrist is broken they said it's probably going to be four to 6 weeks for her to kind of recover from this so he went out and um you know show domestic violence against his girlfriend after he's telling all of us the right way to do things and how to act and how to behave and what things you can and can't do to have you know the government and all these kind of people you know watching you and this and that then he goes you know like and does something like that I'm going to I'm going to teach you how to to carry a gun I'm going to tell you what you should carry I'm going to tell you how you should do it and all this stuff but now I'm not going to be able to carry one because I you know physically assaulted my girlfriend just another dirt bag with another dirt bag move that you know is trying to tell us how to be and how to live and and the right ways to do things and all this kind of stuff that just ends up not being what they say they are um and and Mike's a dirt bag and and just like I sto supporting gbrs group I'll stop supporting Phil Craft Survival as well um again too many companies out there too many good people out there that are doing things the right way that you know don't treat people like and fire people unjustly and people who don't you know uh physically assault their wives or their girlfriends so um I think that needs to be talked about I think it needs to be discussed I think it's an it's an issue um and you know because I have a tactical channel uh I I felt like it was it was something that was worth bringing up something worth talking about something worth discussing um because maybe you didn't know about these things and uh it's a big deal uh at least to me it's a big deal like some people may not care that that DJ and Cole are dirt bags and that they you know fired this employee for no reason I do like if I'm going to spend my money and I'm going to you know give you my money and I'm going to put my you know name and reputation whatever that may be on the line to tell people to buy your stuff train with you then I I have to know that you are what you say you are and not something else so that's how I feel about them that's how I feel about mik clber from fieldcraft I feel like um all three of those guys are complete dirt bags uh they're not not who they say they are um there's going to be people that continue to love them there's going to be people that that don't and I'm not going to tell you what to do I'm just telling you how I feel about it based upon the information that I know um you know one of the other things I didn't mention is one of the police officers that came to arrest the employee from gbrs obviously knows and trains with gbrs because he was like I'm going to go in and talk to my boys and I'll get this settled or whatever and he was like basically telling them that like I'll do whatever to make sure this doesn't come back on you guys like on on the body cam like it's just the whole situation is really scummy and slimy um and I just I don't have time nor want nor desire in my life to deal with support um companies like gbrs or fieldcraft so um that's it for me that's the video uh you can like it you can hate it you can agree with what I said you don't have to you can support them you don't have to I'm not telling you what to do I'm just telling you what happened what the facts are that are out there and how I feel about it so um that's it for me um let me know in the comment section below what you think did you know about this do you care is it a big deal is it something should be talked about more is it something should be brought up more within the gun culture the gun Community um and uh you know as always I'll be happy to discuss if you drop something in the comment section below subscribe to the channel if you want to thumbs up thumbs down um and until the next one I'm out of here
Channel: Rowe Show Tactical
Views: 1,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GBRS, GBRS Group, Fieldcraft, Fieldcraft Survival, Mike Glover, DJ Shipley, Cole Fackler, Training, EDC, Tactical, Navy, Navy SEALs, Army, Green Beret
Id: cX9UW2WoQaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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