r/ProRevenge - Flooded with sewage

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[Music] so this is a story my carpentry teacher told us the other day so my teacher lives in a three-story house not including the basement and up the street is some condos in one of the condos is a family with children one day my teach his wife goes into that basement to do laundry he smelled dirty diapers I guess dirty diapers have a distinct smell she recognized this isand normal and called my teacher explaining that it smelled like dirty diapers their kids are all grown up so obviously it wasn't coming from them my teacher thought about it and speculated someone up the street was flushing dirty diapers down their toilet he said to his wife don't flush the toilet don't use the washer don't use the sink he proceeds to call the person that put in the sewer system of his house they're friends so he was willing to help him out what the guy told him to do was plug every drain in his house with some sort of drain plug they sell at home improvement stores for this kind of reason he even had to take his toilets off and plug the drain on them all except for his third floor wait for it once he did that according to his friends instructions go to the third floor and flush every toilet he said when he did this it was so clogged up in the pipes water started coming from the drain of his bathroom and he had to plug it up nothing was happening until he just heard this giant whoosh noise in his pipes a couple minutes later fire trucks were showing up to the condos up the street and he knew it worked the reason why this happened was since his dumb but neighbors were flushing diapers down the toilet the way the sewer system works is that it goes downstream of elevation so coming from the condos down the street then it comes off at an intersection and goes to his house the diapers were caught at that intersection and actually going into his house just the pipes luckily unless they didn't take the right action so by plugging all of the drains except the third floor the liquid would need more pressure to travel up to the third floor or by flushing all of the toilets and introducing a lot of pressure into the system because it's at a higher elevation on the third floor it shot all of the clogged of sewage back upstream even though it's going upstream remember pressure all of his drains were plugged including the sewage system going down the street so there's only one way to go to the neighbor's house island into their house al Mayo that's why you don't flush dark furs down the toilet they expand actually don't flush anything other than what should go down there your house could just be covered in crap next time because your neighbor knows what Hesh is doing this happened a few years ago when I was in high school my school had an after class sport training which was open for whatever student wanted to come except the training was three hours after all classes ended and since we weren't allowed to stay we had to go home and come back before the training started as a result the students that attended had to wait outside when they arrived until the school gate opened so we would usually sit on the sidewalk and talk while we waited that is when the problem started a very petty woman lived across the street from the school let's call her Mary Mary did not like us sitting on the sidewalk so she would shout at us and insult us even thought we weren't doing anything we mostly didn't care and just ignored her on a very hot day the Sun made the concret in front of the school too hot to sit on so we all sat on the other side of the street right in front of Mary's house not even two minutes later Mary was screaming at us to get out of her sidewalk when we refused she went back inside her house the next thing I felt was my back getting wet followed by my friend screaming Mary had poured cold water on us from her window we were very pissed because not only we won't be able to train while soaking wet my friend's phone was in her hand got destroyed because of the water we screamed every curse word existent at her until a coach arrived and told us to stop we explained to him what happened and he said that he would talk to the principal about it we knew that probably nothing would happen to her Sammy decide to take it into our own hands we thought a lot about how to get revenge but since doing something illegal would get us expelled and possibly arrested we had to be smart about this my friend noticed that Mary's sidewalk was very narrow and since a year back we made a research about wheelchair access ability we knew that it was against the law that is when the revenge comes in before starting we measured Mary's sidewalk and it was about 90 centimeters the minimum by law was 150 centimeters perfect with that knowledge my friend and I went to the Department of infrastructure in town and reported Mary's house just to be sure we asked what exactly would happen if she was breaking the law the penalty was $500 per square meter not in compliance per month counting the day she was notified the penalty would double after 12 months since the government doesn't lose an opportunity to make money we knew that all we had to do now was wait just for fun we also measured the length of the house and it was about 500 centimeters we did the math and it would cost her about $1,500 every single month until she took the entire front of her house down and rebuilt it further back which would also be very expensive lo and behold three months later there were workers destroying the front of the house the best part is that she has no idea of who it was one year ago I was renting a house next to the most unpleasant neighbor I hope to ever experience the only thing I liked about her was her cat this freakishly adorable tabby who could grab even the most hardened criminals heart by the balls every time I came home from work he would sidle up next to me for some TLC which he never got from my neighbor as far as I could tell she just used the poor thing to keep away my sand play that is be terrorized by her toddler grandkids on the weekends the poor furball be looked severely underfed and always appreciated the meals I'd leave out for him on our back porch now I have an indoor fur baby of my own a tailless ball of energy aptly named Goblin and one day he managed to escape outside luckily I found him within a few hours but by the next morning what jumps on my lap not Goblin alas better flee and if my social butterfly cat had fleas I was positive the next-door fur baby had fleas too now I already had a better history with this neighbor in addition to being a [ __ ] rocket to her cat she'd Harris smiled a parents who were helping me move in why because I u-haul rental was blocking a sidewalk to nowhere in front of my house for all of ten minutes my parents are extremely pleasant people my mom frequently gets thanked on customer service hotlines for being the rare kind soul in an ocean of impatient Karen's and this lady was berating them needlessly for ruining the community ranting even longer than they'd been parked until they eventually moved to an inconvenient and wholly unnecessary distance regardless if at what Rocket personality I figured I'd warn her anyway in the best interests of her fur baby when I knew she was at home the next day I knocked on her front door when she answered no hello just a scowl I started to explain that my escaped indoor cat has fleas and so there was a good possibility that her outdoor cat also had fleas immediately Sheba rates me for letting my cat get fleas and snaps that she keeps her house very clean unlike me so there is no way her cat has fleas I just loudly cited her and went back home as she continued to yell you've never even been in my house lady and that's not how fleas work all week I noticed her cat scratching himself raw and felt so bad for the little guy I wanted to give him flea medication and a flea bath but with my neighbor now watching me like a hawk and screeching like a banshee if I even pet him anymore I had to leave him alone but I realized there was something I could do you see we shared the same landlord who was very concerned about household pests and instructed us to call him at the first sight of a bedbug tick etc I also knew that my neighbor was keeping her cat a secret from the landlord to avoid paying the pet rent as I'd overheard her bragging about this to a friend outside one day so what do I do I call up the landlord to explain the flea situation and I make sure to apt that my neighbor's cat has also been scratching like crazy there's a pause did you say she has a cat yes I assure him she definitely has an indoor/outdoor cat turns out that my neighbor had Stalin lured into replacing most of her carpet due to her alleged cat allergy I don't know why the land law caved into this but it wasn't cheap and now a landlord learned that not only had mad woman lied about analogy to score a free renovation that she hadn't paid pet rent in more than a year well an exterminator gets caught and our landlord himself shows up to oversee the whole thing we had both received a flyer taped to our front doors giving notice that he would be coming to our houses on that date but I metal may not have removed my neighbors so she wouldn't be able to just hide evidence of her cat for a few hours so our land law derives and I listened gleefully with my window open as my neighbor tries to prevent him and the exterminator from entering eventually she allows him to come inside where there is obvious evidence of a pet living there I don't know exactly what transpired between her and the landlord there must be other crap stings on her record being such a nut case but a few months later I had a new next-door neighbor and guess who mad woman purposely abandoned during the move her poor fur baby who became a much-loved and flea free member of our house thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: 1N83_JtHN9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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