r/Pettyrevenge HERE'S Your Tip!

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where people get back at everyday jerks when I worked at Walmart I went from cart pusher to cashier to electronics to security sometimes after I switch to security when electronics was really swamped I'd help out for a few minutes one day the phone was ringing and I was walking by and randomly answered it Circe Camelot said hello sir this is steam support services with valve instantly of course I know this is a scam I adore valve and played so many of their games too I can't believe my luck of all the calls to answer surprisingly he didn't have some weird accent oh uh what can I do for you we've had reports the game Keys shipped to your location may have an error that prevents it from authenticating specifically the game counter-strike we need to validate your game keys to see if yours are affected I forget which counter-strike was on sale then this was 2008 Oh what do I do as if I didn't know well I just need you to open any copies of the game you have and read me this CD key on the instruction manual so I can verify them with their validation software or on the jewel-case I don't remember that either sure thing can I put you on hold for a minute while I get those serfs game alot obviously happy sure so I put sir scam a lot on hold while I called all the other area stores electronic Department and warned them about this gamer and confirmed nobody had taken a call like this earlier about 15 minutes later I get back to scam a lot thanks for holding but I can't find any CD keys I looked all through the book and the packages sirs game a lot and getting annoyed well sir just open any copy of counter-strike and on the Oh counter-strike I thought you said counting strikes that bowling game okay hold on everyone in the department is listening and we all have ten minutes later I'm back the line okay I got what you're looking for what do you need now I make him walk me through how to open the box including interrogating him for five minutes about how to do it without breaking the seal then pretend I can't find the book etc etc finally I'm ready to read the code first I read him the UPC this upsets him then I read him a part number from something now he's livid finally I ask him if he means the code on the book that says game key and has like groups of four digits with dashes like he said probably 50 times already and he gets excited again oh okay here's the game key okay F is in Frank you like uncle C like Cat sir I don't think that's right normally a code would no no no it's F you see then K like kite next four is why like yesterday Oh like owl and he swore at me and hung up that was such an obvious scam valve would never call someone on the phone they're all too busy developing half-life 3 our next reddit post is from angry cat my ex-husband and I bought our home from his parents they had the house built in the 50s for years father-in-law wanted to install a shutoff valve in the utility room to you know shut off the water to the whole house to do some repairs the plumber told him it would cost a large amount of money because they couldn't find the shut-off from the city water main at the street the Buffalo box aka the water main shutoff valve since the Buffalo box was m.i.a they would have to freeze the pipes to stop the water before installing the shutoff valve it was an expensive process to freeze the pipes so it never got done when we bought the house we decided to get the shutoff valve installed we called the water department and they sent two workers to shut off the water when they arrived I explained the problem they went out to the front yard walked around a bit and told me there was nothing they could do for me according to the two workers it was my problem that they couldn't find the Buffalo box and then I should call a plumber to dig up my front yard sidewalk and city easement to find my Buffalo box well I have a background in residential real estate construction and I was familiar with how water mains and buffalo boxes are installed and I told him it was this city's issue as they were responsible for the Buffalo box not the homeowners according to these guys as a woman I didn't know what I was talking about and they left they were incredibly rude about it but a peons like these think they can get away with being rude to an ignorant woman like me fast forward to a year or so later I get a call from the city manager asking why I hadn't paid my water bill for over a year I told him that I wanted to pay my water bill but I wanted them to first turn off my water he was a bit taken aback that I wanted them to turn off the water so I explained what the city workers told me about locating the Buffalo box and their attitude about women not understanding those types of things I also told him that if the city could not turn off my water I would be happy to have free water forever cuz I would never pay another bill we had a nice long chat about the situation and he said that he would resolve my concerns the next day these same two guys show up in my house with some digging equipment and spend the whole day digging up the easement and the sidewalk their attitudes were rather somber coz the city manager told me he was going to give them a talking-to about how they mishandled the situation I even got an apology they found the Buffalo box under the city-owned sidewalk they fixed the Buffalo box so it would be accessible and came the next day to fix the sidewalk they asked if I wanted the water turned off I declined and I told them I would have my plumber take care of it when we had him installed the interior shutoff valve and then I paid the water bill that's such a power move ma'am if you don't pay the water bill we're gonna have to turn off your water okay good luck it's such a win-win situation either they do what she originally wanted they find her water main to turn off the water or they don't find the water main in which case she gets free water for the rest of her life our next reddit post is from Cali Blair I have one incredible the HOA is in the butthole in this case story my dad is african-american and went on a walk around the community park around 3:00 in the afternoon he was wearing jeans a polo etc someone who had recently moved in maybe only two weeks sent an email to the president of the HOA because they were unable to attend the meeting they said they had a photo of a suspicious person who had been obviously casing people's houses to rob them and included photos of my dad the president of the HOA emailed back that they were very concerned after seeing the photos and would stop by her house to discuss the issue in person they scheduled a time to talk and come up with safety strategies my dad is the president of the HOA he said the look on her face when she opened the door was priceless he then proceeded to discuss the issue with her like she hadn't emailed a picture of him asking her now why did you feel concerned for your safety and what about him made you think this man was a threat she didn't send any more complaints I feel like your dad could have been like oh and by the way I noticed that you haven't brought in your garbage can yet I am afraid that's a $50 fine our next reddit post is from Cookie Monster 1997 a couple months back my boyfriend and I went out for drinks one night at this cool little speakeasy in Montreal it's actually quite an interesting place you come in through a nondescript entrance and the place has a really nice vibe going on once you get inside know this is one of those bars where the server comes to your table and serves the drinks rather than one where you order at the bar and take the drinks back yourself we received it at our table by the server we ordered a couple cocktails and then a couple more and then a couple more after that each time we had to order my boyfriend or I would have to go fetch the server so he could take her order or go up to the bar order and then bring the drinks back ourselves then when it came time for the bill I went up again so he would come to our table he came and thought we were going to order again despite me clearly asking for the bill when I went up so he went back to get the card machine and it was another 10 minutes before he was back at this point I was quite ticked off at the not-so-great service and was debating whether or not I should tip him the screen had an option for 10% 15% 20% or other I decided to just leave 10% as I wanted to avoid an argument with the server Montreal service employees are pretty freakin notorious when it comes to the expectation of tips now he prints out the receipt and takes a look at it and sees I left 10% he then asks if we had a nice evening to which my boyfriend responded that we did we both thought it was just a standard question servers asks so we didn't bother telling him about the poor service received especially because it wouldn't really make a difference at this point the guy then says oh well if you had such a nice time then you should have left at least a 15% tip because in Canada it's customary to leave a minimum 15% when the service is good I'm guessing the reason he felt the need to outline that's how it is in Canada is because I'm a brown guy now comes the petty part I responded oh I didn't know why don't I cancel this bill and redo it so I can tape you properly he said sure thing just give me a second because the manager has to approve bill cancellations again we waited a good 10 minutes for him to come back with a new bill I was happy to wait though because once he came back I put in the pin and then selected the other option for tip and left him 0% he printed out the receipt and his look of disbelief was well worth it we got up and my white Canadian boyfriend said our only tip to you is to give better service and not be so of a butthole in Canada we don't really like buttholes so to all my Canadian viewers out there what's the deal as an American the stereotype I always hear is that Canadians are SuperDuper polite but Opie is making it sound like Canadian waiters are kind of jerks is that a thing in Canada our next reddit post is from past life god this story takes place my third year of college I was taking a class where the entire grade was determined by a semester long final project we were supposed to be in groups of three on the project but the third guy in our group had more sense than me and bailed early this left just me and lazy girl lazy girl didn't do anything the entire semester I would ask her to work on pieces of the project but she always had an excuse for why it wasn't done yet or in her case started now I didn't want any confrontation with this girl as she was my friend at the time but I finally lost it one night towards the end of the semester I asked her to meet at my house to work on the project but something important came up fed up with this one-sided partnership I decided to air my woes at the local bars and guess who I run into lazy girl and her boyfriend drinking she made up some BS excuse and I made a plan I powered through the entire assignment except for the conclusion which I asked lazy girl to finish I held out exactly zero hope that she would finish this section so I quickly finished it myself and turned in my project with a little note to the teacher the note detailed how I had done literally everything for the project and that despite my best efforts I could not get lazy girl to contribute I said that I was turning in my version and that our conclusion sections may differ as I'd asked her to actually do that part herself so here's a little tidbit about our final projects we each had to turn one in lazy girl not only didn't do the she didn't turn in a project at all she tried calling and complaining at me for not giving her credit to which I went off on her for not doing anything on the entire project I mentioned how I even gave her the opportunity to turn in my work for a grade if she'd only do one thing she hung up after that and that was the last time we spoke this was a college class and college classes are expensive the only thing missing from this post is Opie adding in how much that class cost and therefore how much lazy girl wasted on failing that class that was our slash petty revenge and if you want to support me in this channel you can buy my merchandise with the link down in the description
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: 0xUfA-gie_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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