Royal Water Features Tour - Secrets of Beautiful Gardens - Gardening Show

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[Music] today on secrets of beautiful gardens welcome to one of the most famous palaces and Gardens in the world you are cly invited on a royal tour you can just see the romance the history and their beauty we travel across Europe to discover the Regal Gardens of the world's most lavish Royal residences you can't help but be amazed on the sheer scale of the garden a great does that it takes your breath away there's more opulence and extravagance than you could possibly imagine this here was the king's water feature and it goes 13 M High the biggest in the whole of Europe at its time as we take you on a journey fit for a king or queen pretty impressive [Music] right hello and a right for all welcome to Today's Show on this very special episode of Secrets of beautiful gardens Jason and I are exploring some of the Magnificent grounds of the world's most famous palaces and castles now over the centuries the European royal families were a competitive lot they go steal your land steal your titles take over your castles and they'd also pinch your garden ideas and then they'd replicate it but bigger and better and with egos even bigger than their land Holdings their Estates indulged every wom and fancy so join us while we visit some of the world's most palacial Royal residences and share the secrets to their amazing [Music] grounds the first stop on our Royal tour today takes us to France to a place where Majesty meets nature in spectacular fashion opulent yes over the top for sure welcome to one of the most famous palaces and Gardens in the world yes this is Versa and the outskirts of Paris built by the king of self-promotion Louis the 14th also known as the Sun King The Palace Gardens need to be seen to be believed back in 1662 this whole area was a mosquito infested swamp but Louis the 14th dreamed big the glory of the garden meant the glory of the monarchy so France's best landscape gardeners got to work 800 hectares to drain and clear it took 40 years to finish the job well it's a very exciting time here in the garden because they're just planting out the pares and they're just fabulous I love these patterns and Designs what are we planting Cosmos this white Cosmos looks great at night cuz it reflects the Moonlight some beautiful beding Bonas and then lots of dianas this is the original Pink of course in a King's Garden it's not just about [Music] plants if you haven't already guessed it Lou the 14th was totally obsessed with water and fountains in fact they're a total of 50 here in the [Music] gardens the bigger and more over the top the [Music] better even the Stillness of the water PES was designed to reflect the might of the king now in case you haven't already noticed everything in Versa is super sized to ensure that the kings of France were were able to Showcase their Citrus to the very best they created the biggest arery in the world this is some potted Garden you know there are 1,500 plants here they were being brought to France and to Paris as they were being discovered in Spain in North Africa and of course in China there's an amazing pomegranate just over there that is over 200 years old yes this is is a formal Garden on a grand scale including 700 topes they're predominantly taxes or U trees if you ever wondered how they get this sort of bare stem these are pruned off right at the very beginning as the tree is growing it just takes time and patience but you know you can end up with something like this 300 years later the breathtaking rows of clip lime trees go on for kilometers and then there are these huge huge Hedges hornbeam going up 6 M tall but you won't believe this have a look around the side they're only a meter wide now that's some gardening and just when you think the kings of France couldn't pack any more onto the estate you come across their little weekenders yes this is the grand tranon or Pink Palace used for the odd private rendevu or two but it's the little Palace next door that has us most fascinated this is the famous petite Trion on MAR anet's private escape from the stuffy life of court it's very much Versa in miniature French and formal but more personal and intimate this space is surrounded by these magnificent pach lime trees and interestingly the canopies are high enough to be able to plant a beautiful row of perfumed French roses there's clei dalas carnations and a little salvus it's very feminine and definitely it's got her stamp of approval on it and when even all this got too dull and unexciting for the queen she had escaped behind her little Palace to this place perhaps the most charming and bizarre of all the hiways would have to be Mar anet's very own fairy tale Village that she created here basically for the queen and her Court to act out a sort of peasant lifestyle [Music] fantasy yes not a chandelier or gold statue inside here the infamous Queen would dress up as a milkmaid lead Lambs on ribbons and play at the simple life even though the village or Hamlet was a complete make beleve of the Queens there were some part of it they real and of course everyone needs to eat so the veggie garden was it the glob chokes are absolutely fantastic they grew their own grapes for producing wine beautiful perfume roses they even grew tall beaded irus on the top of the roofs Mar anet's fatile Village is an absolute must SE when you're visiting Versa Palace and Gardens and it's all just 20 km from the center of [Music] Paris it's no wonder that the gardens in the Palace of Versailles attract 10 million visitors every year but surprisingly it has been open to the public since the time of Louis the 14th but there was very strict dress code you know no frock coat no entry was the rule not sure if I'd get in there today but anyway later we uncover the Hidden Gardens of Buckingham Palace if you think the road of denin are spectacular wait till you see the mlles Alas and how to bring a little bit of France to your patch you can't go P theant I like mine with vegie M but and coming up next this was the Grand summer Retreat for the Dutch royal family hit low and its grounds need to be seen to be believed and when it's this beautiful you can see why they want to go on [Music] holidays this next magnificent Paro Garden is over 330 years old but back in 1795 it was plundered and left in ruin but in the 1970s it was resurrected and once again fit for King a Grand is that it takes your breath away it's called het llo Palace or the wooded Palace this was the Grand summer Retreat for the Dutch royal family it's over 300 years old and when it's this beautiful you can see why they want to go on holidays this place was built in 1685 by William theii of Orange and his wife Mary just a few years before they became king and queen of England and today their legacy lives on thanks to the tiess work of people like head Gardener Willam this Garden is is as you see it now it's a new Garden it's a recreation of a Baro Garden yes it had to be totally recreated because after William and Mary the grounds fell into ruin from war and looting and then the French moved in brother of Napoleon he became king of the Netherlands for a short time so the palace was plastered White and the entire Garden was covered with up to 2 m of sand it started at the top of the of the stairs they were completely covered with sand and that's pretty much how it remained buried until 1975 when the Dutch began to dig out the Lost Gardens of hlo quite an incredible feat but now the 17th century Garden is back to its former glory all laid out in its original decorative scroll pattern so when you look at a garden like this how can we relate it to our own backyards they've used cheap inexpensive Pebble I'd call that blue metal every day you can buy it for about 60 bucks a ton this one here a wash River Pebble and as for these little Hedges we'd use buxus or maybe a lily pilly like tiny Trev all in all it's pretty much things that we use already sure maintenance is a massive job so here at the palace they've come up with their own special trimming machine which runs along the steel edging and makes things a whole lot quicker and speaking of ingenious how cool is this now the next time I hear someone say oh I've got a sloping block and I can't do anything with it we'll just take this for inspiration it's on a even greater than 45° angle and that's why they've got a specific tractor that comes along here with a hydraulic arm and it mows it nice and safely while the driver's still in the tractor when William and Mary became king and queen of England they had to have a garden that matched their stature in the world so they built this one here the upper garden and if you look at it it's still part which is French inspired but there's less Hedges it's all lawn you might think that's a little bit simpler to look after but they couldn't get out of Bunnings and buy a mow and a Whi theer they actually had to go to England get some green Keepers bring them over and they did it all by hand every fancy Palace needed a water feature or two and the lay of the land was the key to their success because it's relatively hilly around here compared to the rest of the country and to run fountains like this you need water pressure and without electricity you've got to do it naturally and this here was the king's water feature and it goes 13 M High the biggest in the whole of Europe at its time to his great frustration King Louis over in France couldn't run all of his Fountains at versailes at the same time because he didn't have enough water pressure in other words that bragging rights on the east side of the palace is the Queen's privy garden with more beautiful pares and some of willam's favorite Treasures of all this boy is is really the oldest one uh in the in the garden it's 310 years old W so it's it's from around 1700 and just in case you're wondering these oranges still make pretty good marmalade but probably my favorite thing in the whole garden is this structure and this hedge this is hornbeam it's got a crinkle cut to it looks a bit like a chip and a serrated edge and it takes four guys nearly a week to do the whole hedge it's beautiful isn't it this was for the queen and all the ladies in waiting they didn't want to get sunburn because they love their milky white skin don't think those ladies are do too good on our beaches in [Music] summer Willam remembers planting this very Arbor as a young nurseryman 32 years ago again that must be one of those things that just makes you ridiculously proud that yeah of course you grow with a garden it goes on for for more than 300 years this garden and that's that's amazing and just when you think you've seen everything you come outside the palace fences and there's another Park and you stumble across something like this straight out of the 15th century it's called hat udalo or the old Woods Palace you don't see that every day at home do you it's a medieval castle and that was the first hunting lodge that they bought they grew out of it and they built the palace behind those fences in the 1800s when Napoleon's Brother Louis became king of Holland he filled in the moat because he was afraid of drowning luckily a century later it was red du and restored by the Dutch queen Willamina but still to this day the royal family use this as their summer getaway and looking at that with the drawer bridge and the moat you can understand why it's beautiful I think about the logistics but they'd have to have a very good Deb course the old castle has its own stunning guns they're far less formal than the Posh place next door they're planted in a more rambling English landscape style Reds Blues purples bright yellow and in early summer it's just chocolate block full of amazing color now this park is only open for 2 months of the year when the road to Dums are out and as far as colors go well I Recon there's every color of the rainbow plus a few to look at where can we grow these at home in the cooler climates where you've got plenty of water and nice free draining soil where could I put one at my place well we've had had a fantastic day at hlo Palace it's truly inspirational to think what the landscapers and gardeners were doing hundreds of years ago but it's even more inspirational I think what the Dutch landscapers and gardeners have done in the last couple of decades the hlo palace is remarkable and the gardens that surround it are a must sea now if you're looking at HLA and think it looks a lot like like Vera well gold star to you because it's quite often referred to as the verai of Holland the gardens follow the 17th century Baroque style established by Andre L the famous French landscape architect who designed the Gardens of verai now his signature style was creating Gardens with perfect symmetry radiating gravel walks pares fountains basins and statues so if you're a fan of formal Gardens after the break you are going to love it because I can show you how to bring a little bit of French grander into your garden maybe this Garden is a little bit more French than I [Music] expected a little earlier in the show gra showed you have the very Posh Gardens of the Palace of visite now if you like that French formality you're going to love this because I'll show you how you can add the royal touch to your garden [Music] Garden okay so I don't know that much about the French language but I do know a little bit about their Gardens and what I'm looking at here doesn't scream France well we're going to give it a new lease of life with some French influencers now the garden here isn't the same scale as Vera but I'm going to show you how we can use some of those elements and ideas as inspiration so our plan here is to give this gun some uniformity with Hedges a couple of feature trees on each side of the path toy and some annual flower color look at this maybe this Garden is a little bit more French than I expected so symmetry is really important in a French garden but as is lopsided so how do you pick the center well you do a drive bike so I've done my drive by and what I've noticed is if I line it up with the front door the windows are roughly equal distances apart there and just forget about this fence when you drive past it makes sense okay now we've worked out our symmetry I'm digging out the lawn for our two feature trees and I'm using linkage to separate the lawn from the garden [Music] beds you know that saying less is more well I'm going to apply it to these footings and the peers that come out at the stairs I was scraping them back so that I could give an undercoat that a paint but when I've scraped it back I've actually liked what I found it's a bit of a story it's a timeline of how old the house is and it reminds me of old French Quarters where the buildings are showing their age so I'm not going to touch them what I am going to paint are the little brick edges on the side of the path this isn't rendering and it isn't bagging is just filling in the cracks and all the big divot so when we paint it it looks a lot more uniformed while I wait for that to drw I'm going to move on to my next project I'm going to put in a pagala now rather than ordering all different types of Timber and having to work on a design and measure it and use my brain I bought a readymade kit you can pick up something similar at your local Nursery or hardware store for under 100 bucks best thing about AR is a great little weekend project because between you and me it's going to take about now don't tell your partner and you can have the rest of the weekend off before I put it in place I am going to give it a coat of paint and then I'm going to fix it to the brick work it'll be nice and solid now that the cracks are full and dry I'm going to paint these edges thing about a French garden is it looks really precise but because you're only using a few select plants they're actually quite easy to set up and plant out across this garden bed both sides of the the stairs I've got gardinas and lavender in front now if they're clipped and hedged up you might get a few less flowers but they'll look very formal across the fence and to divide the neighbors I'm going with vibero tium either side of the tril I've got some star jasmine that can climb over and in time we'll hide this when you're buying plants from a quality Nursery there's a very good chance you'll have slow release fertilizer sitting on top of your pot rather than tipping it over and spilling it anywhere on the LA or on a hard surface tip it over above your hole look at all that fertilizer that's now in the bottom of the hole that this plant can draw up and keep growing it's like a free feed in other words going to your parents [Music] house now my Pista resistance the feature of this gun are these junipers they're called Spartans now they'll get to 3 m in 10 years if you don't clip them but we've bought got them done in these three beautiful balls now you might think they're hard to maintain but if you just give them a haircut keep your eye on them they're relatively easy and the thing about the Spartans that's good is they stay green all the way inside they don't Brown off like other junipers and conifers so they look always fresh and green just finishing off the icing on the cake the last Little Flower to go into the garden now with the vi burum I've planted snowtopia and they pretty much flour all you're around so they'll compliment each other and be nice and calm across the back I've got New Guinea imp patience now I like them because on a hot day they go like this best thing about them give them the water and they stand straight back up and they're as happy as Larry no side effects so I use them kind of like an alarm clock to say that the garden needs a drink across the front we've got snapdragons a classic little annual we' got C area around our feature plantings in the front of the lawn well this little ladin garden is beautiful now you've got that touch of France same same on both sides I love the punch of color and these plants that are really going to be a draw card and a talking [Music] point so this is what something in France looks like but what the things in France taste like well you can't go past the coant I like mine with veggie m p good gam so there you have it a garden fit for the Royal right here in an Aussie suburb now here's your Royal orders don't go anywhere cuz after the break we're heading straight back to Europe for more big beautiful Royal Gardens next we discover a fairy tale like Garden hidden in the grounds of Windsor Castle is considered by many to be Britain's most beautiful ornamental [Music] Garden [Music] welcome back to secrets of beautiful gardens now the next stop on our Royal tour is the very Regal holiday home of her majesty Queen Elizabeth now when most people think of winds a castle the first thing that comes to mind is the iconic long walk but the Long Walk is only a small section of 5,000 Acres of Windsor Great Park there's another section that I just love and I know you will too it's a beautiful Woodland called several Gardens pretty impressive eh Windsor Castle is one of the largest and longest inhabited castles in the world in fact it is still the Queen's favorite Weekender the world famous savle garden set on 35 acres is considered by many to be Britain's most beautiful ornamental Garden [Music] this botanic Wonderland was created in the 1930s by the Kings Park Ranger Sir Eric savl today Mark Flanigan Carries On The Legacy caring for a vast collection of rare and exotic plant species that's just like you're up in the Himalayas well you you've got it exactly right gr cuz that's what we're trying to recreate here just pluck this one at random ground look at that this is one called rose bud and I think you'll agree it's well named it's it's a glorious thing very full isn't it it is the sav Garden is known for developing the Woodland [Music] garden and Eric savl really push this idea you know with the bous plants at ground level through the roded D and Chamas to the Magnolias and then to the big oak trees which form the protective canopy so that idea of a tear effect is at the heart of the design [Music] here these beautiful canopy trees how old would they be most of these date from The Oaks at least at about 250 years but everything else that you see planted in the 1940s and 50s right so these go back 200 years yeah they were already here it's terribly important to look after our old trees isn't it I think so because without them you know this this whole Woodland would be too too hot and sunny yeah quite a large area is actually left as wild Woodland just underplanted with these beautiful Meadow flowers the red campy and the siline uh there's some buttercups and of course a beautiful planting of blue bills at the back here now while most of these won't do that well in Australia you could have some Alternatives like some Australian native wild flowers some straw flowers and everlastings mix the seed up and scatter them through but to guarantee the color put in some bulbs you can mix and match the Exotics and the natives quite okay but don't forget to plant the trees then of course you can retire the lawn [Music] M away from the spring wood there is a gorgeous Rockery that has a very special meaning its walls were built using the bricks of bombed out houses destroyed during World War II so these are quite special the Exquisite Rockery is a little micro Garden of the most delicate flowers and succulents yeah very different obviously gra it's more an Alpine kind of feel here I mean with careful plant selection we we've give that Rocky Mountaintop kind of feel Rock RA are really big in the ' 60s then they fell out of favor but you know this is a great idea here these are raised garden beds using the rocks and look at the plants this is armia or Thrift beautiful flower and a really dark burgundy Green Leaf fabulous little plant but there are lots of them here like the aqueles mass planting of Alpine flocks even the succulent simp vivium called the house leaks don't forget many of the succulents the cacti and things actually have fantastic flow as well on the West Coast of Australia of course we got great Limestone on the East Coast sandstone and then the heavier stones in Victoria they all make great rockeries but plant selection is what it's all about in this Garden it's not just about flowers but incredible foliage plants as well where flowers are the bonus but the soil must be just right the whole area used to be known as the bog Garden but today it's one of the Hidden Treasures of several Gardens and the reason the SS are so moist just behind these trees and shrubs is the water course and that water feeds back in the soil making this very peetey sandy soil permanently moist so if you've got shade and moist conditions what sort of plants could you grow now if you want something really dramatic you'd have to go for the dinosaur rhubarb at the back there that's gunara it'll actually grow in water as well spectacular plant and then of course there's legal area I've got this at home and it really grows well and flowers beautifully now if you're in a cooler area maybe you'd go for the hosters and there's lots of different colors from steel Grays to Lush greens and variegated forms as well but if you want flowers then maybe you need to go for some of the perennial primulas Long Tall candleabra flowers or of course there's polygonum wow aren't they spectacular these huge heads of pink drumstick flowers a fabulous plant a little bit hard to buy but once you've got them they'll spread and divide themselves through the garden I hope you took a note of those couple of plants because if you've got shade and damp soils they'll help [Music] you every Garden really needs a water feature even a little Courtyard but here they've got a magnificent Pond that goes for miles in either direction creating really beautiful Vistas it also gives you the opportunity to grow some great water loving plants these turns that just pop up all the way around the edge of the pond and of course the fabulous flowering Japanese iros I just love them they always sort of pop into color at this time of the year if you're ever in London you've got to put saval Garden on your visit list the horiculture is great the atmosphere is just beautiful and the plants are real Joy I guarantee you'll enjoy it you know winter Great Park originally started out in the 13th century as the at hunting grounds of King Henry II who planted large trees to encourage deer more than 800 years ago mature trees now protect the garden and have ultimately created the environment for the gardens that exist today so if you've got established trees at your place see what microclimate they've already created so that you can add an extra dimension in your garden up next the wburg palace Money Was No Object to these guys they were seriously minted and so you can see why they demanded that the garden match the [Music] PS welcome back to the show now you're in for a royal treat cuz I'm about to take you to a masterpiece of Baroque styling in Germany's Ryan Valley wbur's Palace and Gardens is a step back in time to a very decaded period and the result well it's one of the most over-the-top palaces in Europe high up on the hill that's where the powerful Prince Bishops live now they were the rulers of the land they were the leaders of the church and as big as impressive as that was it wasn't good enough they got the building bug they wanted something bigger and grander and this is what they built the wburg palace Money Was No Object to these guys they were seriously minted so you can see why they demanded that the garden match the palace showing us around is Palace expert Susanna were they King gardeners or they just wanted to show off it was a show off and of course every prince Bishop every ruler wanted to show what he could afford what kind of plants he had what kind of fruits he could grow laid out in 1720 it took some 60 years for most of the courtyard to be completed when I think of a palace I usually think of big long views in the garden the shape of your garden is very irregular it is why is that the wall see here is it is part of the old city walls of the old fortification of the city they were forced to put the garden around the palace and this is why it has that special shape builing to these walls was to be a magnificent water feature a Cascade well that was the plan anyway but it's never finished you know it was never finished I'm happy to quote on it if you want someone to uh finish it for you yeah I'll come over in a Christmas holidays and finish it great as Grand as everything is you can still see how it's inspired gardeners in Australia the standard roses are stunning you could replace them at home with white icebergs and then the ground cover is just some shrub roses where you're going to get a heap of flowers that you can put inside in your vases barded with a bit of lawn and some buxus if this path was cross Granite it would just be like the grandest version of my parents house in the 18th century they were also very fond of green Arbors and the more the better these Immaculate giant corridors of canelon cherry Dogwood add drama and form to the Garden the thing that probably takes my breath away the most is how much patience they had when they were building things yes I'll commission a builder and I'll have a house in 30 years time oh yes I'll build a aola but then they got to plant the Hedge take a generation for that to fill out so it looks right from the front but if you've got the time and patience it definitely pays off how good does this Arbor of mury look it's just trained over some steel bar we'd probably use Rio these days it'll get pruned back every year to keep the shape so they'd leave the old trunks and take off all the new growth and then along here buxus one of my favorites obviously don't have the blight here they got curves and rectangles and these beautiful cones it's quite simple it's part and it's very formal at wburg Palace even the rod iron Garden gates are a work of art as a Tradesman everywhere I look I think how did they do that they didn't have the tools that I've got they don't have power for starters they can't pick up a an angle grinder and just buff something off I'm glad it was them and not me and now we're in the South Garden and it's two main features of this water basin and it's UT trees Now sort of confuses me a little bit everything's so formal they've spent months and years shaping Gates and sculptures and then they plun this rock in here but it's meant to represent nature and it's meant to look more natural than the rest of the garden and then these U trees now 100 years ago could you imagine trying to shape that it'll take you a week just to set up the scaffold even before you got the Clippers out now it' be quite easy you'd get a little machine in and lift you up there and you do it electrically and they're sort of like umbrellas for a sculpture that's dotted around each of the eight and every path and Everywhere You Look is boarded with boxes and planted out with colorful annuals well for an everyday landscaper like me I am just blown away a stunning Palace Garden that Rivals some of the best in [Music] Europe those Prince Bishops must have been a knockout Bunch with sticky fingers cuz I don't think the collection plate ever fed the poor everything about the place was over the top and everything screamed money back in the day wburg Palace cost 1.5 million florens to build now at the same time the average laborer was earning one Florin a week now my Mass that good but year eight was the best three years of my life but I think I've worked it out in today's money that'll cost about $2 billion Fair chucker change for some bricks coming up next we've kept the best to last we're about to show you a hidden Royal treasure it's the Queen's [Music] Garden welcome back Buckingham Palace the official home of Queen Elizabeth is one of the most famous Royal residences in the world now whilst the palace's balcony and the for cord are instantly recognizable the 39 Acres of gardens behind remain pretty much a mystery well the last stop in our Royal tour today I'm taking you behind the palace walls to the Queen's Garden the largest private Garden in all of London taxi Bingham Palace thanks [Music] driver well I have to say I'm pretty excited because I'm in London and I'm off to the Palace she's the world's most well-known most loved Monarch this is where she lives lives and the flags up looks like she's [Music] home we're incredibly honored and excited to get an invitation to yes Buckingham Palace because we're about to show you a hidden Royal treasure it's the Queen's Garden we catch glimpses of when her majesty holds one of her famous garden parties but what many of you might not know is that away from the tea tents and deep in the grounds are 39 Acres of the most beautiful gardens if you think the road of denin are spectacular wait till you see the mollis Alias a garden of contrasts there's something to discover around every corner the famous Palace herbaceous borders and already some early spring color is popping up including some gorgeous fragrant lilacs you can just imagine the queen enjoying the grounds she knows so well young princess Elizabeth was 11 when she moved into Buckingham Palace a few months before her father George V 6 was crowned King on May the 12th 1937 she and her younger sister Margaret were to spend much of their childhood in the palace's treasured Garden what's it like to work in this magnificent Garden oh it's a a privilege it really is it's nowadays CLA Midgley Adam is the Queen's Deputy Garden manager the garden itself has got so many different characters uh within it and then you get the special times like today a garden party day yeah exactly we're in the rose gardens which are very well known because of the quality and the selection of the varieties I noticed you've got some of the raw family roses as we came along there the queen has a bit of an organic pest control sort of regime that she likes we we take on board as much as we can organic regimes so we will use garlic and soapy water um but the main key for uh healthy plants and pest disas to use organically is to keep them healthy so a good fertilizing regime and keeping them their own self-defense systems up any big projects we consult with the Her Majesty straight [Music] away I guess you know having been a Childhood Garden she understands it really well yes yes and all the places to hide probably she does and the wonderful thing is if you're in London from Late July to the end of September you too can book a guided tour of the Queen's garden and see it for yourself like how about this the famous waterl vs 20 tons of marble booty from the Napoleonic Wars you can't help but be amazed on the sheer scale of the garden and taking Center Stage is a very beautiful 3 Acre ornamental Lake completed in 1828 today this Urban Oasis is home to some 30 species of bird [Music] life it's one of the most tranquil parts of the garden with the waterfall the lake the trees the ducks in this secluded Woodland spot many varieties of bog plants Thrive including the lovely yellow Japanese Iris which loves the moist conditions hard to believe that just over the fence on the corner there is hi Park corner so much diversity you'll even see some Aussies happily growing here like this eucalypt and in another Corner a special prehistoric treasure so this is the Bing me Pine ah it's looking very happy yeah in middle of a Shrubbery yeah it's looking great certainly a couple of new plant species around since my own great uncle Thomas Haye was head of London's Royal Parks back in the early 1900s it's 100 years since my uncle walked through these grounds with the King how much would it have changed in that time do you think it has changed I mean the structure was probably the same the tree canopies obviously changed the elm to the London plain they've gone and and there's a lot more shrubberies and planting areas now you are aware of the heritage of it uh and you do your best to do right by current methods creating the interest for everybody who visits well it's been a real thrill to show you around this historic Garden right you must have felt a bit of connection to that garden with your Uncle Tom what was it like to visit it Jason it was really strange I had a strong sense of deja vu which was a bit weird because it was my first visit to Buckingham Palace but everywhere I went I felt like I was catching up with a long lost member of the family I was 21 when my grandmother told me about Uncle Tom and I'm still Blown Away by how unknowingly I followed in his footsteps wa you even look like him you should get one of those mustaches you could be his twin but the reality is a generation ago our parents or our grandparents would never get access to the Palaces and castles that we did and I love how the modern roles have opened them up to the public so that everyone can go visit absolutely and if you've been inspired by what you've just seen put it on your bucketless well that brings today's Royal tour to an end we hope you've enjoyed discovering the secrets of the spectacular Gardens featured throughout this series both here in Australia and around the world and that they've inspired you to create your very own beautiful garden and then one day you'll be talking about the gardens that me and gr were showing you today but for now it's goodbye from [Music] us [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 2,900
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Id: uY8MluwjHBw
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Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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