Royal Marine Reacts To The Young Man | Origin of SCP-106 (SCP Animation)!

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what's up everybody and today we're reacting to the young man origin of scp-106 this is by scp animated tales from the foundation um i've been recommending this quite a few times i know i was supposed to put out a um spec op saline video today but unfortunately i'm having some issues with the copyright on that because it's like uh there's a lot of radio music on it so i have to figure that out but i should get that started very soon but for now we're gonna react to some more scp because i love this stuff and you love this stuff so we're going to keep looking at it but before we get started as per usual members you're amazing i love you i couldn't do this without you i honestly couldn't make videos every single day if it wasn't for you members so thank you for supporting the channel as much as you do don't forget links down below to all the usual stuff including my socials and the two links to the two discards that i have i have the military discard strictly for all things military and i have the geek discord for anything scp warhammer halo metro video games d everything in between okay guys so join whichever one you want also link down below to the podcast and the twitch stream where i stream mondays wednesdays and fridays but i'm taking this week off so i'll see you on monday but for now let's shut up and let's react to scp-106 the young man weird nobody could like corporal lawrence that's not to say that nobody tried or that he was somehow unfriendly merely that he was one of those few that seemed to be wired differently however in the trenches of world war one normalcy was at best a relative term lawrence fought listened to orders and didn't disrupt the other soldiers and that was first left before we get started obviously this is a different scp channel that i'm reacting to i really like this animation i really like it simple as required so what if the people felt increasingly uncomfortable around him in a place where the baseline of concern was the flesh rotting off your bones while you were still alive a little personality conflict yeah so they're talking about trench foot there basically where your feet are wet for so long that the flesh just starts wrapping off it this is common that's why you're learning the military to always keep your feet dry admin is important especially for your feet because you're using them a lot several levels below a paper cut lawrence for his part dealt with it as he always had that is to say remain totally unaware of the avoidance the same way a man blind from birth cannot mourn the memory of color corporal lawrence couldn't bemoan a lack of company he was quiet as he had nobody to talk to and still as he had nothing to do for long stretches of time the enemy trend how did this guy become a corporal if he's like this like you've gotta you've gotta be pretty good with the boys to become a corporal you gotta you gotta be uh a leader you're gonna be able to command people and if this guy's quiet all the time how do you become a corporal less than a mile away had gotten silent for several days this amplified the unease that seemed to radiate off of lawrence like heat waves the worst part was that there was no distinct reason to dislike the corporal he was a plain man average height average build blend of voice and action nobody could recall him raising his voice in joy or anger he did have the occasional odd mannerisms however he tended to stare a beat or two longer than was acceptable at people staring's weird in it it's always really creepy it's always really creepy but like he if he's a corporal should if he should be able to give orders so how did he get this rank that's what i'm confused about he rarely slept as well and bunkmate said he would mumble in his sleep almost constantly the content of those nocturnal ramblings when they could be understood were often odd and potentially unsettling one private moved to another barracks when he heard the name of his daughter past corporal lawrence's lips followed by a bubbling muffled giggle that is creepy if someone did that i'd give him a good old slap in town to wake up and tell him to saw the red out it was strongly theorized that he was sent over the trench by his commanders more out of a desire to have him away than for his minimal combat skill he and 14 of his fellows were sent across the nightmarishly scarred waste of the no man's land between the trenches to scope out the enemy trench and secure it if possible many seem to hope that lawrence would have the opportunity to prove his devotion to his country by making the ultimate sacrifice for it it was while he was gone that someone started asking questions nobody remembered him ever talking of home no sweet smelling letters came no soggy dirt street letters left questions started to float among even the higher levels of the command yeah that's weird you're gonna have some family around someone's gotta be uh keen on knowing how they are nobody was able to actually find a station orders he'd come in with a squad of reinforcements transferred from france but there was no paperwork the rest of the reinforcement squad had never seen the man before he'd been lumped in with them the night before the trip along with the slips and scraps of other squads decimated by the germans should be questioned whispers filtered among the grunts of the corporal being a curse nearly every man who'd shared a bunk house with him had gotten trench foot and the rooms he haunted this freaking animation here you always seem to smell more musty and sickly sweet even for the trench the men sent over the no man's land with corporal lawrence heard and cared for none of this just another man among many all with death certificates awaiting a stamp that could fall at any moment they moved fast and low from crater to crater slipping over slick mud and barbed wire and then seemed to grow in that blasted waste charging the last spur and into the trench they were greeted not with the harsh bark of german orders and rifles but a dense close silence do you know what's weird horror stories during war like the vietnam horror stories world war ii world war one and all these stuff for some reason i find them all that little bit more creepy like there's just a little bit more creepiness to them than the average star i don't know why but like the military ones especially at war when there's something creepy it really gets me and i don't know why preparing for ambush the men started to filter out into the tunnels and halls of the trench the men already nervous were not calmed by their investigation the trenches stank of mold sweat and a thin undercurrent of rotten fruit a vile cloying slime seemed to have pooled in every divot and crack sticky as glue and itchy on the flesh private dixon found the first body and managed to cry out before vomiting they knew it had been a man only because nothing else of that size could have been there and lay on the floor of a barracks the entire floor ah the flesh of it had been smeared somehow spread like butter over the rough dirt floor bones already looking pitted and rotten stuck out at random angles like dead trees in a still swamp the skull rests on one of the highest bunks maybe that's why i find it creepy because there's always weird stuff that happens during the war sometimes things that are not explainable but are so horrific it's just it's just a little bit more creepy and you can like it seems more like this type like this right here someone being what looks like blown up and smeared all over the floor and stuff is exactly what you would expect from war and it's disgusting facing the doorway more remains were found each seemingly more unsettling and strange than the last unfathomable horrors were discovered one after the next sending men wretching and running from the trench corporal lawrence was the first to find the hole it was small no more than four feet across it seemed to be the accidental uncovering of a natural chamber the empty blackness of a defying investigation private dixon recovered and blessedly numb from his previous ordeals saw the corporal prod the edge with his boot then crouched appear in then suddenly slide in head first before the private could so much as utter a shout of question later you could provide little illumination as to what happened over the two minutes corporal lauren spent in the hall you could see nothing the light of a torch seemingly gobbled up a few feet into that dense blackness the rustle of movement over loose stone or rubble should have thrown the touch in let's have a look in our liquid shifting a dry rustle that made him think of insect husks as he shouted for aid there was a sudden upwelling of a repulsive stench and his fellow soldiers found him wretching helplessly beside the hole when they came around the turn it was as they rushed to private dixon's aid that the hand emerged from the hall they stopped and raised rifles as one body roaring for the owner of that pale trembling hand to identify himself as they watched another hand joined the first followed by the pair guys this is super creepy like super creepy like think it's like reminds me kind of a penny wise kind of ish to get me with that one like with the the whole like uh was it grid and the on the street kind of reminds me of pennywise in a way pale shivering head of corporal lawrence he was streaked and smeared with atari black ooze hacking and coughing cleanly as he hauled his body up beside that of the gasping private as they moved to help the man the corporal vomited up a heavy stream of the same repulsive slime that coated his body in smears and globs they were hesitant to touch him finally doing so after the seemingly endless river of grime stopped pouring from him he was insensible eyes rolling and wide body as limp as a bone fish the men fled the trench with all the speed they could muster half half-dragging the corporal they ran with no thought of cover or death only escape they crossed in record time falling into their home trench gasping and shivering one man known to have bludgeoned the german to death with a brick curled on the floor in a sobbing heap the commander it's so horrifying because you know some really weird stuff happened so like all these horrific acts and barring the weird hole and the guy falling in the hole there's a lot of horror in war itself you know and it doesn't have to be mysterious paranormal or supernatural there's already a lot of horror in war and i think that's what makes it more creepier is the the horror that's already there isn't far away from supernatural horror it's so grotesque which makes it more creepy because it makes it feel like this stuff could happen you know moved quickly isolating the men and trying to calm the most lucid for a report what spelled out would have been immediately dismissed as lies and hallucination were it not for the earnest pleading stares of those reporting command calmed them with explanations of battle fatigue and strange gas weapon tests and shared silent focused stairs as the cowed men were ushered out corporal lawrence had little to report this time in the hole he could or would say little you still that face is horrific that he had slipped and fallen into what may have been some long blocked underground pool or perhaps a buried latrine of the sounds and smells reported by the private he had nothing to say only that he had struggled a short time then managed to get back out just as the men arrived he seemed none the worse for wear in fact he seemed in better spirits than many had remembered ever seeing him favoring the commanders with a wide giddy smile as he was dismissed with a warning not to discuss the events not one man from that trench survived the great war although a few died in battle a wave of sickness took the trench a few days after private dixon's death it seemed to eat the flesh like acid men waking to find previously healthy flesh eaten down to the bone oozing and blackened corporal lawrence was amended to a french mental ward transferred after several complaints from the hospital proper where he was first sent it seemed his behavior hinted at a growing mental imbalance the corporal would ran quietly to the other patients whispers about endless halls pursuits in the dark flesh i mean even if there wasn't anything supernatural here even if it was just him being at war and then falling into a weird kind of rotten pool of water that in itself even if there's no paranormal or supernatural stuff attached to it is enough to send someone crazy let's be honest laid out like pages of a book it was dismissed as war fatigue he vanished several times from the ward only to appear several hours later as if nothing had happened when pressed he would begin to sing my body lies over the sea in an endless monotone until the doctors left exasperated a stale musty foulness seemed to sit in the air wherever he stayed and incidents of infection and the strange consuming sickness that had beset his home trench seemed to follow him like a cloud numerous attempts were made to transfer the man only to be met with bureaucratic confusion no records were found in the man no entry papers commendations or incidents not even a birth weird at all certificate sat for hours on end cross-legged on his bed occasionally humming tunelessly or rambling off the names of his ward mates between short bubbling giggles corporal lawrence and eighteen men vanished one november night guys this is the creepiest this is so creepy look at that smile like to draw something like that like i don't know how you can do something like that between a five minute nurse rotation at three in the morning the room reached of rust oil mold and sweet rot thick black swathes of grumbling ooze coated the beds and several of the walls wide patches of it smearing and eating into the floor on the man there was no sign at first as they searched one nurse shifted a bed aside only to shriek and nearly trip across one of the sunken wreaking depressions on the floor in a tight perfect spiral where what appeared to be hundreds of teeth resting neatly on the floor after counting they accounted for the total of all the teeth of every living soul in that ward but one the corporal was never found nor were the men the incident was swallowed by the constant barrage of horrors from the front and forgotten with ease still we came stories of strange deaths of disappearing men found days later alive but broken and twisted beyond comprehension stories of a strange dark figure stalking the bomb riddled towns of europe wow wow okay okay so firstly this guy is great at narrating these stories he has that really like creepy um i don't know acts into his voice like like creepy tone which i really like the animation was really cool i think it was unique and it was really creepy especially them smiley faces what do i think of the young man i think it's weird i think it's unique i like the fact that it's uh incorporating like with the other ones i've been watching it's always talking about like how they're containing it how they're protecting it and you know incidents in the scp this is like just solely the story of scp-106 with nothing else attached and i like that i think that's kind of cool um super creepy though really creepy and like i said for some reason military horror things really give me the ebgb's more than anything else and i don't know why i think it's because like i said war is already so close to horror that that one last little step to supernatural horror isn't that far away does that make sense and i think that's why it creeps me out the most but i will leave a link to the original video down below please go and share him some love because that was absolutely fantastic it really was uh members you're amazing i love you i couldn't do this without you links down below to all my socials including the two links to the two different discards the military and the geek and also link down below to my twitch stream and my podcast um until next time guys i'll see you in the next video have a wonderful day goodbye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 149,215
Rating: 4.9617352 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, scp-106, old man, old man scp, the Young Man, Young Man scp, origin of scp-106, scp 106, world war 1 scp, 106, containment, containment breach, the young man tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-106 origin story, scp origins, scp explained, WWI, great war, Royal Marine, Marine Reacts, Reacts, Reaction, SCP reaction, Military Reacts, Horror reaction, royal marine commando, SCP Book, Commando Reacts
Id: jHOndWnkhGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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