Roy Jones Jr. | Ep 126 | ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode | SHOWTIME Basketball

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[Music] [Music] this sunday we will find out which college basketball teams will get an invite to go dancing the teams have been fighting all season long to secure their shot at being crowned a champion and their paths to the crown will be revealed on sunday just as these teams are in pursuit of glory draft draftkings sportsbook is giving their new customers a shot at royalty with 40 to 1 odds on any college basketball game all you got to do is bet 5 and draftkings will pay out 200 dollars and free bets draftking sports back has nearly endless ways to get in on the action from same game parlays to future betting feel the sweat with draftkings now even if sportsbook isn't available in your state draftkings is still giving you a shot to win big everyone can enter a free pool with 100 000 in prizes answer questions like which team will make the tournament and which conference will have the most teams in the tournament then stay tuned sunday night and track your results download the draftking sportsbook app now use promo code smoke throw down just five dollars on the college basketball game of your choice and get 200 in free bets if the team of your choice wins that's cold smoke at draft king sportsbook [Music] welcome back all the smoke 2022 live on set jack what's good back in l.a doing it our way trying to man uh man we gotta i say special a lot but i really feel like this dude right here is you know one of the greatest uh and it's just an honor all the way from pensacola florida man welcome roy jones what's up everybody thank you appreciate it man thank you all brother thank you you got some gifts yeah yeah i got something talk to us about what's in these bags of fight you hook me up you see the roots quite sweet yeah so yeah they hook you all up too so they want me to shine my brother hey we appreciate that we're familiar with them um they all they do a lot of stuff with legends right and another legend that we uh found with ellen obviously right right uh collabs who's right so appreciate you brother but we also got a gift from you okay but yeah we can't take a gift and not give a gift thank you brother you know what i'm saying new sweatsuits we got all kinds of stuff man make sure y'all pull up on us yes sir well let's man let's get to it pensacola florida um tell us about your upbringing man it was it was it was a pretty different type of an upbringing you know i grew up on a farm so i had the animals you know game [ __ ] you know i was just one of those little kids that god kind of blessed early you know people always tell you that god prepares you for what for what role he got ahead you know and so me growing up watching the animals have taught me a lot about boxing by fighting so i would always take in everything because my thing man i ain't against nothing nobody really do really do but everybody have their own way of how they find their way through life right one of my ways was through nature you know i had a i had a dove my pension once basically saved my life you know some will about to follow me and people won't believe the story but the world i was small shouldn't mess with the wood anyway but it's about to fall back on me the dog jumped up and put it away on the weight on the wood and helped get the wood back from falling on me wasn't that more lawyer if it would have fell on me i've been done nobody got me they wouldn't find me all day cause my dad didn't get work to like five o'clock in the afternoon so nobody would have found me but anyway you know i always been loyal to the animals because of what they do for me so uh people always say oh you just no no no it's not about this about caring for things and where you learn it from god was teaching me from my observation of what those animals were doing so that's how i learned the game and uh that helped me learn the game and so when you start taking what god teaches you and you put it and you can put in an action or put it in motion it becomes a beautiful thing my upbringing was that first then when i got my teens i uh kind of got to where i started having no more challenges we moved back to the city out of the country and uh more time and my father being my coach was a tough thing because he was only 24 7. when you're on a kid 24 7 a lot of fathers don't realize that you can't steal them 24 7 because you don't allow them time to be a kid so that time not allowing me to be a kid kind of drove me to be a different animal you feel me so it made me a good animal but a bad animal too because i grew up with a lion's mentality and the lion's mentality is once you leave a nest you don't go back lying don't come back home get there on that man that's how i was raised up so i appreciate him for teaching me it that way just i don't think we had to be quite as bad to where we couldn't communicate today right yeah it's a hurtful thing in a sense but when you know it like i know it you know how deeply rooted i understand it yeah you understand it so you can't really fault nobody for what they did and i'm really appreciative for what i was taught and the way i was taught because it made me into something that i probably never knew i could be um yeah so that's that's that's really my upbringing where did you find the love for sports in particular boxing well honestly speaker i was a my my father was my first hero and believe it or not my father played basketball and uh my father was thought you were nice to him i realized it never it never stops amazing me that once i see how tall y'all are i'm like you know what you did the right thing but you played you played it back then it was the d league you played in the dvd yeah i played against them yeah i was in fayetteville north carolina what did you play for i played for uh the bradenton duck sarasota 2002 yup yup you played in that league yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was right before i got went up to the clippers but yeah back in the day yeah yeah but they know how to play [ __ ] roy jones that was cool i enjoyed basketball first because that's what my father was playing my father was a hell of a shooter my father was sid lee of course but he was damned averaging 40 without a three-point line you know that's just how good he was so uh i love basketball but then we sat down once well i didn't sit down he was sitting there watching the fight and i didn't realize what it was but it was aldi and joe frazier i think in 1974. i'm five years old i'm watching it and i'm seeing muhammad ali beat joe with his mind and at that age already at five i was a hell of an agitator i could get on anybody's nerves but they couldn't catch me but i can get on anybody's nerves so i started seeing that i was like wow if somebody teach me to use my hands i can do what he's doing because i'm never going to get mad enough that you go out thank me cause i'm getting mad i just get smarter i get eaten so it's like when i teach my fighters now i tell them my mentality which was the truth if you hit me one time i owe you six pack so yeah if a day that that's not getting even that's getting a hit yeah i don't want to get even i want to get a hit yeah you understand me scoreboard yes that's where i came from um you were inducted or voted excuse me in the international boxing hall of fame after you know one of the greatest careers ever what was that moment like to you it was very different man it was like it's something we all look forward to i brought y'all i'm sure could be there one day and y'all respect the sports as well and it's like we all look forward to the hall of fame and um that's kind of uh acting on the cake um but if you don't if i didn't get there i wouldn't have been upset about it just it's just it's like i say it's more of an icing on the cake because the cake is already there mm-hmm you understand me so yeah yeah our career was the case yeah so it's just icing on the cake and we real with ourselves we know we'll never get done yeah our jerseys are still hung up somewhere who did you idolize besides your father growing up well it's gonna sound kind of funny my first idol was tarzan tarzan tarzan king of the jungle yeah you got a white dude with all the africans he running everything yeah damn the africans running everything yeah so i'm like wow he got to be pretty tough you know you white guy here in africa he ain't only running the people even the people in the animals the whole damn thing so i'm like i gotta be something like what he doing but i ain't i mean i know i ain't right but i still gotta be something like what he is he in charge of every damn thing that's what i mean he was before he was speaking two languages for everybody you that was my first idol you understand besides my dad i loved i thought i was a tarzan man then my second idol was rifleman because i thought right for me it was a bad boy right man right man get that that out you had problems rightful man what's right for me right it was like there's a show that came on he had a rifle he was a rifle he was like he was like a police pretty much yeah he was different in the area but anything go on he gonna handle it because he was right for me so that became my second thing then uh after i grew all that mom and dad became idol yeah yeah understood as an amateur you ended your career at 1 21 and 13. what was the grind like man it was a tough grind because most of that 13 was really not not losses but and once again like i just told you before it was god prepared me for what i had coming ahead of me because when i got to the olympics look what happened to me but i had been through it about 10 times in that 13. right so i knew what it was and i knew that it could happen i just didn't ever think that that could happen on that big of a stage in front of everybody oh not national but worldwide yeah you just don't think that can happen well you're talking about i mean i'll take us back man i didn't mean to jump in jack you're talking about the 88 olympic situation yeah talk to us about that because obviously we seen what happened but from your point of view what do you feel like man listen i don't know what really happened i know that they were supposedly angry about something that took place in the 1984 olympics here in l.a okay so because of that they decided they'd take it back out on us in 88 and i happened to be the person that they would take it out on you understand me but the good thing about that is like i said god has god always prepares us for us to come best of all planners so because i had already been through it 10 times out of 13 i knew what it was like and my father always tell me don't cry just be cool don't worry about it so when it happened i had been well versed in how to react to it because what people didn't understand was my shirt didn't say jones my shirt said usa mm-hmm i didn't represent roy jones i represent the earth of the country right so if i act of food right that's going to look bad lost in this country so god put on the person who would have handled the best way i think they're prepared to have the best way i didn't know that them 10 to that 13 was getting me ready for that that's what they would get me ready for so when i got to that i was like dang it man so what i did was after the decision you go in the back they drug test you and you get dressed and you come out for the ceremony so when i went to the back i had the interpreter say ask me if you think he won because if he said yeah the camera ain't on no more i got to get that again he said yeah yeah camera ain't no now i got to get it again yeah he said no i know i didn't win but it wasn't me it was the church all right shook his hand walked off i never seen him where was he from seoul south korea okay since that day i didn't see him again until october this year really first time again in october he told me that he went through so much trauma and turmoil because of that but guilt he said every time he said every time i got the box as a professional he was teaching school in korea he said every time his students rose to him the whole time from when they heard i was fighting to the fight so he went through more trauma than i did right and that's what people don't understand when you do things it's the same to me as people who you know pull out guns and kill people nowadays when you do things you're not affecting right now you're taking a whole chain of people you feel me it's not just what's happening right here you got kids you got fail you got everybody that disaffects it had a bad effect on me at the time but it had a worse effect on him too long long run so he was like when he saw me this year he said man if i can i just want to try to arrange some way to give you the middle back so my family told me i should have been gave you the medal you know i'm never all right because i'm just imagining the kids in the class man you talking [ __ ] roy beat your ass bro you started trying to teach them something ain't trying to hear that right here whipping your ass dude no but okay i mean that that i mean that's that's big of him yeah you know what i mean so is that something that's gonna happen i don't know i think uh the i think they changed from i even to something else now but they saying that they might try to arrange for it to happen i don't know it meant more for me that he decided that he wanted to give it to me anything so cause nobody made him do it he chose to do it on his own that's right conscience got told enough that he's saying and he said his family told him he should have been gave it back so he just didn't know how to get in touch with him 37 years later yes that's crazy yes crazy so you make your pro debut may 6th 1989. what do you remember about that night that the arena was packed the guy was he wouldn't dress right to be a real fighter and foremost i was one of these guys that i was very observant about boxing i ain't care about nothing else in life but boxing i'm gonna i'm gonna pay attention to everything with my opponent anything else in life i ain't paying attention to you can change the color of my room tomorrow i might not know it yeah but when it comes to a fight if you got on tennis shoes and you don't have a fitted my piece you not beat me because you don't care enough about what you're doing you have no reason no business beating me and you got on tennis shoes so this dude come in and i didn't like the way his trunks look i'm like he don't care how he looks so i even beat me you you can't come here dressed like a like that and beat me and i'm i'm an olympian yeah he's going to live in the whole country you come here like this you got to come show me that you come to beat me you gotta at least be nice or look nice and then i know okay you got to stuff together but you ain't got your stuff together you ain't got a chance and he really didn't have his stuff together so and nothing against him but just didn't have stuff together so i just knew ain't no hard feelings no i don't know how i feel but you can't you you can't win here tonight what was that training camp like for you i mean obviously you said you in the olympics must change not much change going into your pro career not much change just that you had to get used because when i first started boxing there was no head get rude but during my time boxing amateur the head get rude came in so you have to get used to wearing hair care how tough is that it's not hard to wear hair gear which was hard to get used to is not wearing it again but then not only do you not wear head gear but these gloves are a little smaller than the amateur gloves too so you ain't got no head gear and the gloves are smaller so you got to be a little bit more on point so remember what i tell you about how he looked that's even worse now you got no protection what are some of your more memorable um experiences and opponents throughout your career my most some of the most memorable situations are it's like you know how sometimes you have a game you don't feel good mm-hmm but you got to go go to find a way you feel me so like for me and that's why i have a hard time identifying with a lot of young younger athletes and it was just hard for me because in our day it didn't matter if you was hurt you know if you can walk you can play that's how that's how we were don't say i mean so it's like i understand but i come from that era that my dad was not going to let me sit nowhere and not fight you know what i'm saying so it got so bad too my desire to overrule myself became bigger than his because i remember one time i was going to atlanta i went to the golden glove nationals now playing volleyball in pe at school in 12th grade i think i wanted to block a spike and the guy missed the ball and hit my hand and this finger went down smaller than these two fingers i grabbed it i snatched it back and one thing happened it went down the phone went down the side other one i snatched it back my knuckles spoiled up that big around i got to go to the national golden globe next week and fight the best in the country i ain't saying to nobody i'm training like anything wrong i'm trying i just did this thursday friday said i leave monday i gotta start fighting the national golden gloves i get that my dad to wrap my hand for the first fight my dad looked at my hand and said god you know mm-hmm what you can't fight like that no i said man wrapped in my hand me anytime you didn't tell me what i can and can't do wrap put it back in my hand it's my turn i got this now you understand me he wrapped my hand i won the whole national golden gloves with a jam finger that had been jammed so far this fight got knocked down was shorter than these two fingers my knuckle was so big it was ridiculous everything i did hurt but once again like i keep telling you god i always prepared you for what to come mm-hmm when i beat bernard hopkins first hand know the song saying right was hurt beating with the left no lie my right hand i couldn't throw a punch on it cause my right was hurt so bad this one from that gym like it was from something else but i had an injury for my first world title fight i told my partner derek smorgano he was like what don't take the fight i said it's crazy and as much of a rebel as i am if i don't take the fight now they may never give me the opportunity again because they don't want to see me y'all know how to go really yeah yeah they don't want to see the real ones outside the box you're not doing what they want you to do yeah just like i did at national golden globe with one hand i'd be without one hand so and that was coming up next i mean in 1993 your first match-up uh i mean unanimous decision mm-hmm one hand yeah that's what you're telling us right now so i'm trying to take it with one hand he know it oh yeah that's what i think about it where do you we've talked to obviously rest in peace code we've talked to people like cole able to take his mind in other places during situations i mean i'm sure it happens to boxers all the time some obviously can handle better than others where do you take your mind when you know you can sparingly throw you know one of your weapons well um for me man this is why i train my fighters to where i train them i try to teach you how to win one hand even in training every day because one day it might come down and you know if you hit that hurt with this one i got a friend named gabe brown he'll tell you all the time he would tell him one day man my right hand hurt i said what about your love he knows okay so get your stuff on you going in there you understand me because i don't hear excuse excuses it's not where i'm from so when you get mentally when your mentor tells you you got to go or what you do for a living it's nothing that should stop that right you understand so i've been in several situations where i've had upset stomachs i've had all kinds of stuff happen to me i had stitches before i fought a guy i was playing basketball wednesday got no your wins got cut wins thursday when he got stitches on the inside and outside friday i went to win with glasses on saturday i thought what stitches in my eye i'm cut before i go in there more people want to come out when they get cut in there i'm cut while going up did he bust them all back open no he but not yeah [Laughter] it can't happen like that so we have to have a mental that's so strong that nothing else matters yeah you understand man that's what my mentor is when i when i wa in my prime when i got ready to go nothing doesn't matter i don't care if i come out i actually felt better if something was wrong with me because now i know that put more pressure on me that happened now i got to think mm-hmm you feel me now i got to do i could have a guy figured out then something happened to me i'm like dang it man it's just god telling me now you got to be on your p's and q still because you don't have this you got to do it with just them three all right here i go november 94 an epic upset over james tony what do you remember about that night man mt it was crazy because jane was uh he wasn't just a boxer he was a fighter he would fight people before the fight he would find people to weigh in fight people everywhere he was he was a crazy dude you know he didn't really care and he was powerful the best and to this day probably really found the best i would fault as far as having skills and knowing how to do it all he knew i do everything but uh i watched him fight iran barkley and really irene brock was a beast i ran beat tomorrow hearing twice iran could take a shot iran was a pretty tough pretty formal guy he'd be iran so bad i feel bad i had to go in the back and say man i gotta fight him next night but he beat this dude so bad i feel sorry for the duke you feel me so i had to go in the back and leave it i just couldn't couldn't watch it you know so um when time came to fight him i was like okay i ain't gonna sit at me watching this because you're not gonna do me like that he's a little bit different because he's a little bit limited i'm not saying i'm not that dude i'm i need joe spock he was stiff he was there he's just i'm not standing still like yeah you know i don't like to see it but i'm not worried about cause you're not gonna never get to be i'm not gonna ever be there for you hit me with what you hitting him [Applause] i wouldn't worry i just didn't like the fact i don't like to see i don't like to see nobody get beat up on you feel me like i don't i don't like i i like boxing but i don't like bottoms like with me like i love the ufc but when a guy get knocked out and they get down and hit him right here out still that kind of pop yeah that last one yeah yeah that's it that that's the only thing i love it but that's that's something that bothered me why don't hit an unconscious person if you have conscious drinking cheap shots to me that that's kind of so like i'm not that dude man and like people don't understand but it's a lot of things i don't stomach will you feel me so i'm not the guy that can go out and just do stupid stuff but at the same time i'm gonna get you out so when it came time to fight him i knew that we might i might fight him before the fight i might fight him during the fight i might have to fight him after the fight but i'm ready to fight one up because i need to be the boss and he was the man to be the man you got to beat me and that's where i came from so when i got rid of that's really part of why me and my father fell out because i found out that they offered me a fight with james hunter before and my father said no no i got to beat him not you mm-hmm you can't be telling him no you're gonna make him think i'm scared of him mm-hmm and you gonna say no to you really well like i always i got i'm keep going back to the point i'm sorry y'all but god i always prepare you for what he got come coming in the future for you you understand me i watched howard david junior senior i mean i watched howard david senior whole howard davis jr a little too long before he let him fall for a title how dave was drinking i think won the bad boy cup which is the most outstanding boxer at the olympics in in 76 what was 70 yeah 76. so i won the same thing 88 but he won in 76 so he was the best boxer at the olympics in 76. sugary leonard wanted to become champ leo randolph the spins brothers everybody became champ except howard david junior why because his father was in control of his career so the father and when we go to he felt ready well you can't let him fight when you read it because you ain't fighting he so i observed that and god was teaching me that i didn't know it but god was showing me that from this i didn't meet you how about that i got 27 years old but i understood his life totally because god was showing it to me and playing if you if you go down that road this is what's going to happen to you so when it came time once i realized my dad had turned the fight down one time you can't be speaking for me because i know in my mind i'm a better fighter in this dude i need to beat this dude why i know i'm a better fighter than him i don't wait neither wait till you think i'm about fighting him i know now mm-hmm so the second time they asked me yes we fighting he the best i want to be the best but you're a middleweight don't pay that enough to no attention i ain't no middleweight i'm pound yes our fighter and that's how that happened james tonight he was an animal he still is animal well he was he was how how much heavier was he than you well he was one week that's part he was at 68 when i was in 60 yeah okay but now but what else people don't realize the politics of the game he's with top rank right um so when i beat bernard hopkins um james tonight went up to 168 and beat irene brock i think for the title they gave iran they gave james tony ten days to decide whether he wanted to keep the super middleweight title or the middleweight title right he said i keep the super middleweight type so me and bernard then fought for the middleweight time right when i signed and fight him for the super middleweight just like he did when he went before i signed to fight him for the super weight title they stripped me at the middleweight turtle but once again when you're on your own that's how they do you so now all the deals make it worse for him because if i lose now ain't got no bill he lost the bar he's still at middleweight bill i lose ain't got nothing nothing i'm rock bottom but i can't go right bottom so i can't that so it just they just made it better for me 1999 you became the undisputed light heavyweight champion you want to find the wba wbc and ibf what was that feeling like that was something i always wanted to do but i didn't think i'd ever get the opportunity to do it because of the promotional situation if you went with this promoter or you wouldn't deal with that promoter then you wouldn't get to fight his children are you representing yourself not a five-second attack yeah yeah somebody do you know we talked about enough though that cause that's that's that's serious i mean back then they doing it a lot now but back then yeah back then they weren't doing it and even now they don't do it that much because fact of the matter is if they represent themselves now we get the fights we want to see in boxing but they don't do that right you understand if y'all remember and y'all know cause y'all was doing your thing in my time so at the same time i was so it was so bad with me that i would get on tv after the fight and give you my phone number if you want to fight oh i just want to be the best yeah so if you thought you could so it was a guy in germany darius michael chesky the wbo was new he had debio belt if you offered him five million to come to the united states and fight me he said no i got seven belts they want me to take my seven belts and go to germany to find him for his one in his in general where he lived what do you think would happen to me i just went to olympus and got robbed no so if you really want smoke come get it i'm right here i got seven of them you feel me i've got one shots i got the bells yeah what i'm coming to you for so people always talk about but they don't they don't tell you the truth i ain't definitely nothing you know even fights i shouldn't fault i fought them anyway just once once i put my name on there you fight take us into the walls with antonio tov well the first one is like i what happened was i beat him when he was in amsterdam's mm-hmm he went off on really never let that go he know that yeah i know i see i watched that whole he went off on the rampage he got his life back together because me he got his life back together though because he realized the thing i was fighting him so we used to have good competition and look what he did so i can make some of myself so i really was his hero for the longest time so because he idolized me i just became his his only real target you fear me and um so the first fight was tough because i'd lose 25 pounds of muscle but i still managed to beat it because i had to do what i thought bob fitz simmons had did which was when the heavyweight title didn't go back after that and recaptured like every time but i think bob bob fitzsimmons didn't win it like we talked to after he won hillary title he had one live great title before he won heavyweight title then he lost that then he went down back and one like with title he didn't win it go run win every time i didn't go back and regain so i thought that's what he did so i won when the light had retired when they every time i didn't recapture like every time so that's why i had to fight the first time second time i knew my body wasn't really back together yet but like i said my my main flaw is i don't duck nut so somebody said he get your heart attack okay wait what y'all want to see what do you mean when you say your body went back together my body lost 25 pounds of muscle uh-huh that takes a lot out yeah yeah he found out when he did the creed movie and then he went to fought bernard hopkins he had no energy to beat the viper because he had lost their muscle day again making that creep and whatever rocket whatever right before i think it was he did rocket six something anyway he found the hard way that when you lose that weight it takes a toll you feel me so uh second one he won third one was cool i tried to bring my my father back to hopefully that would amend the relationship but it didn't so that didn't work out either but uh like he he's not a bad fighter don't get it wrong i don't take nothing from nobody but what y'all have to understand what people to fail to realize is that it's not about a team that can beat you anybody like like teams that y'all on championship teams a team might beat you on any given night yeah but who the champion is deceased mm-hmm right so for me anybody might be gonna give a night but who dominated that thing in 12 years yeah yeah y'all come first so it's like it's not about that one given night who can if you did took beat me then when it dominated for 12 years okay i got to take my head off you're right be better than me but if you can't go beat me and go dominate 12 years like i did keep the people entertained and wanting to watch you fighting like i did you understand me then you ain't doing what i did so every championship team i mean tampa bay won the super bowl leisure they had losses yeah yeah you feel me yeah in the team the lakers everybody when y'all when y'all san antonio wherever you was when y'all win the championship you have a few games you lost mm-hmm they can beat you on a given night yeah but they gonna beat you in the seven game series because you're the better team mm-hmm you understand me and that's what's gonna stand up when you get to the end the better team you're gonna win that seven game series with that mentality it it it kind of makes you easy to put that behind you and go on to the next fight like we're trying to trinidad of course yeah of course because i understand and i know that the sacrifice i made i may have had to take a hit for it because that was a big sacrifice nobody had went from middleweight to heavyweight in 106 years you understand me people say oh roy's good but sherry ross is better she will robson collapse trying to win the headlight heavyweight title he was a 47 pounder but he collapsed trying to win the light halfway time so i mean really it's it's hard to find a person that was able to dominate from as far as i did i went from 154 to heavyweight nobody ever did that before so yeah i would tell you oh this one pound pie pie no i mean i'm covered as much weight pound per pound as right here none of them nobody never covered that much weight so i don't say the argument for myself but it's like the the proof is the facts the facts don't lie yeah and nobody covered that much weight [Music] march madness is here not everyone can have a perfect bracket but you can have a perfect set of balls this tournament season with the sponsors of today's show manscape the leaders in below the ways grooming has just launched their ultra premium collection to give you the total championship hygiene routine when the clock winds down in march be clutch and avoid the upset with manscaped ultra premium collection to keep everything under control it's important to have a grooming routine so you can feel extremely confident we all know how essential the manscape lawnmower 4.0 electric trimmer is for the precise trend below the waist the advanced skin safe technology reduces cuts on your basketballs but now you can enhance your big dance in the shower with the ultra premium collection the package includes the manscape premium deodorant not for your balls for your armpits the deodorant dries clear it's aluminum free and smells like the signature scent it also 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for a guy in the post yeah i'm in a yeah ain't nobody feel me and that's what that was he's just a little smaller he's too small for me yeah i'm coming to 170 but you still you're still too small for me so you know and i kind of knew that and i just actually that fight i tore myself in this arm a week and a half before the fight but i still knew he was too small for me so i still [ __ ] if i can't beat him with one hand something wrong with me because he's too small for me out of your 47 knockouts which one was your favorite um that's a lot of knockout well man i hate this cause this dude get mad at me every time i see it but i have to say it just for the truth but he's getting mad at me every time man and all we mean none of this is the truth that i know i mean against dude but he get mad at me every time but my favorite knockout was the one against martial griffin yeah the second right because yeah because of how it all came together it was just a crazy situation and uh to come back and redeem it in one round like that was pretty spectacular it was different because i told him the night before what was going to happen the next day they're saying that yeah i thought anything what happened i'm gonna go re-fight round nine they disqualified me around nine last time mm-hmm i said i'm just gonna re-fight around that ain't gonna take y'all through round one through eight this time we're going straight back around now and that's really what happened i mean for me i tell you that the day before the fight what'd that tell you [Music] the pressures of and not necessarily chasing but just having an undefeated record you know floyd was able to do it what was you were there at one point did you you always obviously just looked at fighting but was there to keep the streak alive obviously was important to you as well let me tell you the difference about that florida did a great thing because floyd is a marketing genius he used that old to the max and he did better than anybody ever wants to do as far as marketing himself because he took a different approach than i took but everybody's entitled to take their own approach right and don't get y'all get it twisted for the bad dude [ __ ] fighters behind off now people don't people understand i ain't gonna say he the best ever but he'll bad dude you know people understand people don't understand that they say well pacquiao almost hurt yeah but pacquiao felt the bees back out and running on the beach you know i mean his arm was hurt but it ain't it ain't the same yeah you got outside looking at it as his inside you feel me so i thought you should have fought him earlier yes because i thought pacquiao was that are hot early and i thought would have been a better fight had to find him a few years earlier because pacquiao was on top of his game but uh still when he fought him he still made pacquiao like he made canelo do canelo felt that thing and kind of stayed off of him for a while you feel me so it's like you can't take away from his boxing skills just because he don't do it the way you think he'll do it the boy can fight and the man can fight you know what's happening so but um you don't get 50 you know without knowing how to fight somewhere exactly exactly but so for me what really pissed me off about that monterey griffin loss is you just seen him rob me in the olympics and you're going to take my o on the disqualification wait a minute nah i just seen vinnie passes are here dana rosenblatt and the referee after y'all said stop in the same day y'all didn't disqualify him then i seen justin ferguson hit uh i mean not really for hitchhiking first and twice while he was on his knee in the state of washington in d.c and you was over that y'all didn't disqualify him but he got a dude that just got robbed of a gold medal at the olympics you're first disqualification when the referee all the referee had to say stop i was a bad bad the man they were five seven the man on the ground i don't know what the man squatting down what the man doing i told my coach it was the last round but i don't know what he was doing so i to help him think the referee gonna say stop reference hit him so okay i guess you must not be considering him down so i hit him and i still hit him as hard as i could but i hit him again so he went down and they disqualified me so that old meant a lot to me because he did not disqualify my probably never lost he sold it though i remember i'm putting it in my mind he stole it of course he of course did not help himself the second fight but he did said and that was a hell of a way to take over away from a guy who didn't represent this country and got robbed one time deserved more than that you feel me really that's what y'all gonna do to me after i just went i didn't represent our country you saw him rob me over there and now you're gonna take my away from me as a pro that's a hurtful feeling bro but that goes to show you that you gotta watch it when you think they killed it i don't really care all the time so you know so just made me tighten up the fight what's your mental approach um obviously that was a different situation but after a loss i mean like we could take losses in our sport and still be okay because we play but a loss in your sport is a is a much different how do you rebound from those mentally it's really hard to remind from a loss in our sport is very detrimental and that's why i tell people all the time you find an undefeated fighter you got to first teach him how to lose because mentally he don't know how to lose mentally he ended up being broke and it's hard to break a person ain't never been broke now once he gets past that loss for me it's like riding a motorcycle you have a motorcycle wreck if you're gonna ever ride a motorcycle again as quick as you get able you want to get your behind them get back on another because you'll get afraid to ride one if you sit back and think about how hurt you are and how bad it did you when you hit the wreck now you're going to be scared of your own again now you may not never ride another bike in for me when when it happened to me i was like okay that's cool but i got to go again then it happen again okay well i still got to go again you understand me so it's like i'm the type of person that i feel like i supposed to fight to the end so i'd rather be knocked out than to lose decision if i lost a decision i still could have gave more so not me cold i know i shouldn't want and that's how i want to go out um i'm on your shield yeah i wish more boxers had that attitude because you know you see a lot of fighters these days man we didn't watch fights they looking at the corner like i know you see this i know you see me getting with where the tile is i don't want a towel memorable ring walks she once appeared in the the back of the radio city auditorium in a tux joined by red meth um man let me explain something to you hbo who also made me help make me help the world get to know who john's dream was but they really messed me up that particular night because they showed movies with cursing and all kind of stuff after now after seven o'clock at night this boxing this is the first time ever now mind you this night first time ever that rap music was in radio city music hall first time ever radio city music hall and never had rap in it before that was the first time ever also had whitney houston saying god bless america so you got such a big night and you're gonna mute the audio because of lyrical contact with rap music but all the movies you play with all the bad content in it once again i'm gonna get the shorter than the stick you feel me that's crazy and that was the best ring entrance that i have seen to this day me meth and red all dancing rapping coming man come on brian you don't get no better than they they yeah they gotta be more audio because y'all worry about the lyrical content what more can they say that the movies y'all playing after seven o'clock ain't playing scene it's worse on the movie you feel me so like they they come here they completely wiped out the best ring entrance of all times that would if it would have been if you could have heard the lyrical now people still love it on their own but you could have heard it and really felt what we felt energy you would have felt the whole energy of it you missed the energy because they wouldn't play the lyrics the lyrical content over the uh tv screen so cool game but and the second my second favorite one though was i did one in portland oregon i think uh brian jordan and um nike had sponsored the fight for me in portland and i came about the flow and i had the girls dance and i did one of my own songs that was my second favorite you were uh team jordan right yes what was that experience like being able to cross over and be recognized for your greatness and and be a part of that brand jack's part of that brad yeah i know yeah i was great it was great great job great well y'all men let me tell y'all something both y'all understand i watched both of y'all for a long time too that's that man i enjoy love both y'all appreciate it y'all got to know that man with the most respect for both of y'all same year so but um yeah it was for me it was good because for me mike was one of the better basketball better athletes really ever lived and to for him to come represent and understand that i represented that to him as a boxer was a big thing you feel me so that was really huge and i really respected him for that because at that time boxers really weren't getting no deals you couldn't give nobody want to deal with boxers because of the promoters or because of the bad names most of them have and you know it was different so for them to come get me and give me that opportunity was was a beautiful thing you recall the best crowd you ever fought in front of and this is a two-part question obviously you're so locked in do you play off the energy of the crowd are you in your own little zone uh the best crowd is probably always gonna be my hometown crowd because every single person is invested i win we you know some places i had eight or some places nandy but there's always a few that want the other guy to win too but yeah at home it's not at five yeah still five percent the hate thing gonna tell you what's straight up it's not a five yeah and it meant a lot to me because i know what it means to those who want me to win you feel me that's the big those are the ones i fight for uh the most most people be really locked in but when i fought in mississippi i fought jeff lacy in mississippi and uh i was fighting i was a little bit old i think i was about 40. left hook lacy yeah but you can't tell me and see left hook cause i got a [ __ ] left hook in the game i'm the best hook ever touched the game yeah yeah so it made me really tune in on it you feel me i was kind of tuning in that night and um i never forget i was fighting him and a dude said something to him i think i i did something to him and dude no no don't don't trap him in that corner and he bagged off i said you told him right so i was so into the crowd that night that i honestly everything going on in the ring but i also could hear people outside you zone you did what i would do was i would place a couple of my guys close to ring the guys i knew that knew what my plan was and we all i would listen to them talk because if i ever got to a situation where i needed anything they knew what what to say they also kept me opportunity what the time was so if i had my two guys or three guys that i knew exactly what was going on that's all i would really hear but the jeff lazy fight because the arena was a little smaller i kind of could hear everybody that's crazy i remember when i called kazakie beat the brakes off yeah it was i i had no idea if i was going to be that bad dog i kind of did because kazak is not a power puncher he's a volume puncher anytime you go try to go at a guy that's a volume punch with power you're going to get beat because he going all night long that's just what he was yeah and so and jeff was at his height and his height at that time yeah but that one power shaft in the left hook ain't gonna be enough yeah and you ain't gonna hard to hit him with it you know so the art of trash talking all the trash talking i learned from muhammad ali but all the trash talking is like you got to know what you're doing who you doing what you're doing with it because i only got beat one time trash talking and i'm gonna tell you who beat me trash talk he didn't beat me trash talking but to me the all the trash talking is everything that takes place before the fight happens so when i see you if i know we're going to fight i'm going to start missing on you right you understand me if i'm a trash talk i'm starting that right then if i'm gonna start playing a game with you i'm starting that right then mm-hmm so when i fought general reese he came to the press conference just like a pimp y'all gonna be a little [ __ ] all night ah he got me because i wasn't prepared for that were you feminine i said okay okay how much heavy is he was he than you 26 pounds yeah so he he got me with that but the next day you know i i prayed to get back at it and uh next day his coach came on the scale came on the on the um podium where the skill was and got right in my coach face talking stuff no he was spitting his face too and my coach was a retired uh military guy coach alter mercer you're not gonna get in his face and say nothing so soon stoner got in his face all staged on the goes to the hospital he goes to the hospital hey i needed something to turn this thing back around yes yes yeah yeah i snuck off the stage went around the back went back to where john ruiz was because i know everybody was nervous everybody went to a panic because of the fight i say don't you worry about nothing ain't nobody gonna touch you because you blown to me tomorrow but i had to get him back cause he got me the press come for the little pimp outfit so i had to go see that tune to put me back in charge again but most people i beat them talking to us mm-hmm yeah take the last you can't teach that you just gotta have that guy yeah a lot of people aren't that confident to talk [ __ ] you know what i'm saying you got to be willing to back it up preparation gives you confidence to be able to talk it be prepared and you will back it up you know you can't back it up now i already want to hear it when did you decide to get into music man way back in the early 90s i had a group called pg ready pgs i love music so much and music was so inspirational because for me i used to go even after training sometimes i would my room turn my music on and work on what i learned and training that particular day so i was able to put the two together in a sense where it made sense for me because i love music but boxing is rhythm to me but also when you think about it mama ali said the ball hi because he talked he rapped he just didn't do it the music i was saying like butterfly sting like a beethoven they call me muhammad ali he did the rapping he just added music to him so if you're gonna take what he took what he did and raise it more then you got to do more so take that rapping he doing and put music behind go all the way with it that's what i did remember the song me you did self made millionaire yeah me you and ron i test shout out to wrong but you with trash on there uh y'all go look it up i think there was an old five or 04 around that time i was with the pacers around that time y'all must have forgot yep how did that come together me and joshua hodge rep as a rapper from new jersey pretty pretty good dude one of the guys i think should have been much more successful i rap than he is but he has a mind unlike any other that i've seen when it comes to writing so we kind of sat down put together some of my facts i figured out how we can make it work and the concept came because they must have forgot you know like we sat down and he was better at the writing part of me so i would write the facts and write things i want to say and he would put in a song for him so we kind of got together and wrote it and man it came out hot so the second time me and bullet we wrote it when did the second one but this one i didn't want to leave by by myself because i felt like you almost forgot it was a big statement but you can't put it a lot of time when people make their mistake in music if they think about themselves instead of thinking about the consumers the people listening right right so you almost forgot the first one it was more about me but now when i redid it and it's more about you almost forgot p anybody could say the second one and can mean it so me and somebody oh marvin bagley on the second one back there you on the second one and he got a nice verse too now he's nice he can go he's nice but also the second i want to make it with because it's such a good bro it's such a good statement you almost forgot you don't get a phrase don't get much better than that because even y'all y'all go back to y'all high school and you almost forgot i just you know what i'm saying so we're going to be a career you almost forgot what i used to do you know what i'm saying so it's a statement that's going to live forever and when you make songs out of statements that are everlasting those songs don't really die right we got we got a guy we just partnered with forgotten seasons nba and that that can be his uh um oh yeah that was the guy that's a good idea rubbing off on me bro come on man final fight was back home in 2018 in uh august your last fight you finished six six wins and nine losses mm-hmm the end of that night what was the film like knowing that was your last fight it was a bad it was a very bad feeling because i thought i was gonna fight forever how were you at that time uh 48 i think um [ __ ] for the next four yeah damn yeah yeah 18. i was four and a half so uh i it was a bad feeling though because i just feel like no i was 47. i was 47. i just didn't want to give it up i just didn't want i i i want to give it up but i knew that for me it seemed like if i would stop i was going to go sit down on the couch and get fat and that's what i didn't want to do so by continuing to go it gave me a reason to get in shape the reason to stay in shape and take better care of myself so you see so many guys they stopping that thing like y'all they let themselves go yeah yeah man it's bad because y'all still can kill somebody right now because y'all still in shape you feel me so y'all didn't let what god gave you just go to waste y'all still take advantage of it but so many people i see just let themselves go down here and that's what i also didn't want to do so i knew that if i want to get in shape just go fight somebody i got to get in shape then cause i ain't wouldn't not right not really so you're a snacker yeah of course bro oh you a snacker candy chips everything so but anyway that's that's what that's what it was and to watch these guys do it nowadays like it's getting better now but for a while there the the skill level was going down and i didn't see guys that really were having skill to really entertain and show people what boxing me was about so and really want nobody really fight nobody knows like right now we got a lightweight division that's full of fighters mm-hmm a lot of really good fighters but none of them ain't looking at each other no you know what i'm saying so it's like the fans have really gotten to look at so you may well let them see you beat somebody up that's what i was doing commentate now i love commentating what's the difference between that and the ring commentators look different because you don't have to really be in shape and let your mind work instead of your body mm-hmm you know in your mind and your body got to work now your body your mind you can work your body gotta really worry about that so commentating i can tell you what he doing and what somebody should be doing to him but they're not doing fighting i ain't gonna tell you what i'm gonna show you what he's doing and show you what somebody's what i should be doing too when you do so it's one thing to show a different thing to talk about you enjoy commentary i love it because it gives me an opportunity to tell people about what i did from my from a fighter standpoint not from somebody who ain't never did it before but telling you all of it we we talked about that before it's experience is the best teacher if you don't if you end up bending that you don't know what the real deal is cause you ain't never been helpful you know what i'm saying like mike say a lot of people got a lot of game until you hit the mouse [Laughter] because they forgot that part and that book the book and tell me about that part that book can't tell you now after hit you in the mouth then what you need to do that book don't tell you that yeah it takes that punch in the mouth for you to learn it in commentary i was thinking when we uh found out we were gonna uh have you as a guest i was thinking obviously very skilled tactician but also the the style you fought with how well that would translate to social media these days oh man what is the power of social media and and what kind of you're already a monster but could you imagine that what he was doing it was on social media it would be insane knockouts everything going viral nobody never seen people do the things that oh hell no that's why i put your hand behind your back all right i mean it was just when you did that at the top of her he gonna try to do it they can't do it better than me just knocked him down don't turn it yeah so it's like people don't understand and like i tell people this what you know one of my favorite point guards is chris paul and the reason i like chris paul because you see these guys do all this and want stuff on the court against these guys don't play basketball you see chris paul doing the team gets the best of the best you feel me shout out you feel me he's doing things the people on the court against the best player right now yeah he's doing it right he's breaking out in game time yeah in the playoffs you don't care go back when you're late so far your family so for a person to be that entertaining at that time you don't do that then like you see guys do stuff in the gym but they're not gonna do that in a real fight they're afraid to try this dude doing these things in gangs and playoff games championship fights you feel me that's what means something if you can't do it then they don't really care what you can do cause you can't do it when it counts to make these people be like whoa then i already killed you this dude do it in the game he needs a plan but he do it in the game and that means something to me because for me my goal was when i watched muhammad ali and sugar atlanta these guys entertained you whether with the foot speed or the hand speed or even the head movements they entertain you so if i can't be an entertainer and take you further than they took you then why am i boxing i don't want to just be another boxer i want to be a guy that just said or we're fighting everybody put everything down we gotta go see what fight you don't know what rory might do tonight that's how i was you fear me but that's how it's about which is why i'm trying to tell you that those other guys they can't do that they make you look and beat me one night but they can't hold that crowd like i can i get it that crowd didn't care who i was fighting they come to see mm-hmm because they know we're gonna do something that we're not gonna forget right yeah we're gonna give us a uh moment somewhere now we ain't gonna be bored right straight up november 2020 you step back in the ring luke pinching something everybody felt like it was his two uncles fighting at the barbecue but to me it was seemed like my two favorite boxers in the world are about to fight like i'm excited about the idea but i'm just like i don't want to see these [ __ ] hurt each other man so thoughts on how that all came about and and what made you uh get back in the ring before you start og let me just let me say this i was worried i would too okay go ahead are we good hey he's gonna say hey we was gonna say the music this dude over here four pounds hair to me he really heavier than that to me but he's 25 hours after me he ain't screwed on tight you don't know what he might come in here and do then they say yo that smoking weed before you come out you know what you might have to do you understand you don't know what might happen so when i heard about it i said listen listen y'all can't be out there trying to kill each other what else do he know that's all he knows what else do you know if he trying to hit you like he gonna be trying to keep that's all he knows so first time he's in the chest i feel like a horse and keep myself if i if i feel like mama you sure i should have did i just then i get in front of him and i see him doing all this stuff i thought i'd throw a punch he stepped on hold a minute at 54 he's still that fast he's still slipping you feel me he's still slipping all my stuff and i'm i'm right now cause i got to be right just in case he get wrong and we're gonna get wrong then i think he hit her left hook or something we got close and he took his glove and ran the lace up my face i said uh dearest son of a stuff all right i see you mike i see you still got game high i'm good that's he gonna do it again i ain't doing no more cause he'll do it again it's gonna get bad you know what i'm saying because this dude this dude first of all he's still too strong he still got all his old tricks and he's much harder to hit than i ever thought he would have been i mean that's what was surprising to me i thought for sure he said i listen i teach guys a man with his hands just close to his face you about to kill him and i'm thinking oh he ain't got to change my hand too fast man mike was stepping my stuff so quick i was like wow okay i see why you might take a second i remember the interview afterwards and you looking at him like like come on bro we ain't doing this again hurting them three to three and for every time i lay i got to crab myself enough is enough of that ain't paying me enough of that describe mike in a few words entertaining crazy funny deceptive because he's everything everything you think about mike's usually the opposite mm-hmm everything you think about me much more intelligent people are very intelligent you know very very intelligent guy so that and you're a good dude man he really he's really deep down inside he's really good dude he got a lot of bad reps but he's a good dude he's way more gentle than people think yeah you know what i'm saying but he also but now he do have a switch he can snap yeah and a heartbeat cover he ran a good my damn face i was like son of a wing we the legend is you played uh basketball with sweet pea yeah we beat sweet pea team but now sweet pea could play and sweet people all division one players on his team ain't had none i had division two players juco players he bought a whole set of stage what was this great sweet pizza yeah the late great people that was a bad dude too yes sir people don't give him enough credit he didn't care who he fought but he came from the same time i come from we played king of the hill you're the best that's what it is he didn't kill he'd tell him don't tell me who it is tell me how much i'm making what wait i need to be and i'm assigned don't worry about who is on the other side that's how cold he would but anyway he was a good basketball player he always talked and i always talked and always talked so we set up a celebrity again hbo already carried the late great article one of my favorite people i ever met he made my hbo tenure better than elf could have been because he was an amazing hbo he started as a as a mail room dude and worked we all went to an executive black dude although curry died probably 10 12 years ago but he was one of my favorite people of all time so anyway arlie was in charge of relations you know in a relationship between hbo and the fighters he did the human relations part so he set the game up between me and sweet pea three people on his team to pensacola hbo paid for that thing and uh we got loans so in the arena down there they they he had like i said he had like he had pretty much a division one team and i got a juco team but i mean my guys probably played more together because we play in the city league again so his guys they just all could play but they really played together as much as we did i don't think so they led the game for like three quarters and uh last quarter got about three minutes left to go they were still they they led us by like 15 for the whole game because they could play and sweet people weren't bad either so but the last quarter my team was known for coming back in the fourth quarter last quarter they left big al open and big air people don't know big air but big air is a little short but i thought you know big al was got a guy that had a shot that he could have been had he had the right guidance he could have made to the lead because the duke could shoot the ball better than nine percent of people you see walking the face of earth today we we all know people at home so yeah people like that kind of guys you know so he came down and left him open he hit one three they cannot miss he came back down they left him over he hit another three they down i missed it came down again i said he left open third time i gave it to him he hit another three that's nine points and from there we just put the dog on so we came back that last three minutes of the game and we won the game but it was a great game he had a better team than i had but my team had played together more speed be that game yes we bad game mad game left handed right hands free people do it all um yes we play every game um we had uh dion sanders and he once told us about the day he played football and then flew lat later night and played baseball you played basketball during the day and fought at night talk to us about that well after seeing dion and bo jackson do that i was like no people are not going to expect that a boxer can do two things nobody lot on your legs yeah especially basketball they never thought a boxer can do that but you got a number jack every day i'm training mm-hmm i'm sneaking off playing basketball before watching anybody got so i'm like i know i can do this because i do this every day i grew up doing this so how can i not do that you fear me it's going to look strange to people but this is what i do if i ain't who if at the gym boxing i'm hoping that i hope every single day it's routine your fear mission was like this is nothing my body's not used to but to put it on the stage they're gonna say no you don't do that well since i'm not with big time promoters i'm my own guy i can do it mm-hmm so i went and did it now what was impressive about law was the guy i fought eric lucas after that he went on to become the wbc super weight champion and held a title for three years after that fight mm-hmm so i ain't fighting no garbage you understand me so um i had i'm just thinking you know even watching you know darren williams fight and how you got to be in shape to be a boxer to go play basketball that's what i'm saying that should beat your legs up all day and then go box yeah well that just credits to what great shape he was in wow how many rounds are that i mean around the level i think they stopped in the living room with a whole fight too yeah he took good punch too who you following these days in the nba you got players teams i follow more players than i follow teams one of my favorites is uh damien lillard i like dame a lot because dame big time dame show up and question i tell you i love cp like carrie i like giannis because janna's different dog i like kd but jonas is definitely a different animal like john morant now he coming on the scene you know like devin booker i like a lot of guys i like a lot of the killers i like killer mentality i mean don't get it wrong i like lebron too i mean but i'll be looking more for the guys that remind me of the old school guys i like them dogs you know i'm saying i like people that's gonna go out there and no matter what y'all put in front of me you're not stopping me yeah that's what i like you know what i mean so who you uh any prediction for the finals um oh no the legs gonna be hard to beat now because if they can get there because westbrook when got in the right direction he animal yeah he played hard but i think just just got to keep him under control but when he get in under control he's something to deal with a lot i'm a westbrook fan too because of how hard he played yeah i'm saying something he can get off offside off balance a little bit but his intent is always good you gotta love his intent now if you can take a lebron who can help guide him and control them a little bit and if a.d can be helping they still gonna be hard to be you know yeah so um dallas is a team that i always have to watch because dallas has a pretty good team i think a better team than people give them credit for and their team is a little different with luca i'm and prasingas english is an issue because he's so tall but he can do it all right what i'm saying and so having them too like i said jaylen bronson ain't bad and we know hardaway junior ain't bad they got they got a good team demo has a good team utah has an excellent team there's a lot of good teams out there so you know any given sunday can come from anywhere but it's about who has the continuity at the end of the season matrix reloaded alongside keanu reeves and lawrence fishburn what was that like that was good man i was one of the best times i had uh it was different for me because it was a a whole movie and i'm like wow ray jones you're in a movie you do everything god god has been so good for me man i just have to be thankful to god for everything he's ever given me because i never thought i would be a rapper basketball player um none of that in the movie guy just never thought i would commentary never thought there's so many things that god added on to me after i got where i was going because of my faith and my trust in god he gave me so much that i mean i never thought of being a heavyweight champ in the world you know i'm saying when i won my first national tournament my first national tournament was 119 pounds how are you going to be here with champ royal that's crazy 119 pounds in 1984 my first national tournament i was 119 pounds do you think i had any thoughts look at the headway wrong no and not who i am and whichever way if you believe and have faith in god there's no limit to it god can take you excellent yeah you got a chance to work on crete 2. uh thoughts about rebooting that uh star michael b jordan obviously i thought i was pretty good michael b jordan did a really good job in the movie uh actually i didn't know they had me said to go get in the next one but chris eubank got a fight coming up february 5th so i gotta miss the the film date so i'm trying to see now they can redo it but if not then i might miss it but the guy i think they got a creed three coming up and i supposed to go be a commentator now i love the movies i love acting uh although being a commentary doesn't require much acting because it's what i do for real so but it'll still be good you know mm-hmm chris uh eubank i seen him fight that was his last fight what you think you need to switch up well just gotta quit being so much of a banger and use this a little bit more because this will take you a lot further than these will if you use this to control these you can go a lot further and use this to control these he been fighting man up this controlling needs and i'm trying to get him to use this to control these not this i don't mean to put you on the spot but do you think his father is kind of doing what you know what i'm saying with his father hindering him a little bit no no his father's actually stopping stays out of his way yeah he talked to him but he stays out of his way yeah i think for a while he may have been in a little bit more but i think they realized that that's not the right way for them so he got out and i think that's why he employed me because he know that i know but like he said some things you're going to tear my son better than i am because me being around being his father they're so long it's different the same with my son my son play basketball but i can't tell no i need to call when y'all check him cause i can't tell him you feel me i'm gonna put you on the spot again yeah you would have stopped the fight if you were sean porter pops no right no a lot of people say that no i wasn't stopped no because that's why i said just a fine line between that and um he can say you know you can say i'm worried about my son but when it comes to that you gotta let him be the man now yeah you can't go out there and protect you together and be a man cause he go out like he want to go out there's no excuse you got a little like you want to go out it might not be what he chose to do he made it look like he mean he made it about himself the possibility that he's not himself and that's that's why i chat to you before i had to leave because i but god showed me that right some of those guys they don't see it till it's too late that's why i asked that question of course which fighter presence are you still out of yourself in ah boosting this you've seen boots fight boosters yeah yeah philly boy boots shows a lot of my stuff i seen quite a few guy but boosting this uh i still live in low machine goal because loma has the footwork down path along with the angles and all i see i see myself in a lot of fighters because a lot of guys do a lot of things that they learn from watching me um but you know canelo is a bad dude he don't do my style but you're a bad dude yeah uh you think you think he really is he that he that he that aerospace that uh a lot of people have got canelo on the is he really that is he that what you say he that i think he is that yeah but um in my opinion he still got a little bit of proof because he's being some really good fighter beating trouble she was a big thing um but he still got a little bit more he has a little bit more to go because he got to be the guy that has that has some of the qualities and credibility that floyd has is this is it charlo no it's gonna be not gonna be he gonna have to beat y'all though but that's not gonna do it because we're gonna see him against a little bit slicker guy let me give an example i got a ah boo boo boo boo boo boo let's slick boo boo gonna be i'm gonna fight for him boo boo don't go out and box traditional booboo fights with smarts mm-hmm um chris you made junior fighting this morning's a different guy for him so people like that is who you want to see him fight because we know what he can do against guy that brawl and that that's gonna go out and go toe-to-toe he can handle that but that's not how floyd beat him so like under larry gave him a hard time because he boxed him with this so we got to see him fight somebody boxes with this and see him dominate that person then he'd be what i want to see him be which i'm not saying he can't right i just got to see we haven't seen so it's like people get so sensitive nowadays because stuff that you say but it's like i was trying to tell people when earl stems fought sean porter i wasn't saying that that's going to guarantee that earl spence can beat crawford cough can beat aerospace no i said sean porter was the first dude that was going to show us what else spence is really made of yup you understand i mean that didn't say that aerospace didn't have the goods i never said that i just said sean porter's the first dude they're gonna show us if he really got the goods and he did until that knockdown that fight was even yeah or sure might have been winning but once he knocked down he he took over so it showed that he does have the goods to make me even more now want to see him and tears coffee in the ring yeah yeah but they still not getting there but i didn't say who i thought when i still don't know it's just because i think that don't mean that either right but i did see him show against sean porter that he did have a dog in him and that he could pull off it put it off against a top-notch guy because sean porter is one of the guys right there at the threshold of being great you feel me so you beat him now you get now i got a little bit more confidence in you and your efforts against crawford oh yeah that coffee beat poured a little bit worse than you did but the coffee just dominated by porter but styles also make fights that still don't mean that coffee can beat you but right now coffee has the edge because i seen coffee more so and i see him cough against a few more different different calibers of opposition that i see you again wasn't saying that you can't beat cough i'll just say that i seen coffee more and against more different known competition than i see him against right they took all he don't like girls come on man you know how they do that's what they gonna do with it you know what i'm saying it's like no i i didn't say that i said that this dude will be the first real opposition opposition that we see that we can judge him off of and it was cause it was a hell of a fight until then when he dropped me he took over but it was a good damn fight you feel me so tank davis a bad dude bad dude see what i like about tank is tank brings something different you know back in the days everybody has something muhammad he was a mover boxer george was a puncher ernest shavers was a puncher everybody had something they brought to the table larry holmes had a jab mike weaver had overhand right you know what i'm saying everybody has something that division now is full and tank having to be the knockout guy of the division he the one with the main knockout power because i see it has it too but tank got that real knockout power that like if tank hit when i'm clean usually they're gonna have a problem so it's like i like tank uh every now and then i think he just i think when he knows he can beat somebody he probably don't take it don't lock in as hard but i think when they bring challenges he locks in cause yeah he fights to love his competition and he got to be careful there's two fights ago he was really doing that you're fearing so you gotta be careful of that because if you come in and think somebody is not at your level and you underestimate them it can get you beat so that's the only thing i think you gotta be careful of other net tank is a really good fighter tank's a good fighter uh it's a lot of guys now we clash garcia lopez dude beat lopez loma um young guy devin haney man so many good guys in that weight class but we need to see them fight each other so we can figure out who to clean with the crop a good very good guy very smart guy wins more with smartness than he does with skill he uses his knowledge his size he takes advantage of his size and i like that about tyson fury and he's not afraid to fight nobody only thing i tell people like i said i don't want to see him at usa fight right now because the heavyweight division is hot using joshua was a great fight mm-hmm fury and waddles in he better fight for the fans let's keep the fans into the heavyweight division right now if we put us against against fury a lot of people think the big the better big man beats the better small man and so we lean toward a fury but either guy could win a fight but neither guy's a real knockout puncher and right now headways we want to see knockouts yeah or at least knock downs you understand me or at least somebody get hurt or somebody or know that somebody can knock somebody in a given time joshua wilder that's a good fight we love that kind of fight i want to see that somebody don't see it waiting to happen don't feel me that wouldn't happen those are kind of fights those are the kind of fights though we want to see you feel them come from you understand that's what we want yeah we know that's not waiting to happen that's what we really want to see in the heavyweight division that's what we want to see thoughts on jake paul i mean you got to get a man of credit you know he came i did some beautiful things he showed what you can do with social media he showed you the effects that social media can have on a sport and um you know he tries hard he works hard as a boxer i mean for a guy that's not didn't start his career as a boxer he giving the hell because you're making more money than most of them making the smart way he's you he's showing you what you can do if you last two that god is giving you now mm-hmm he's a perfect example all right however every boxer should market himself hustling he's a perfect example so if you hate on him some rules you need to be learning from him don't hate the game hit the player learn from it cause he's doing something good look how much money he's making and he's feeding others too and he ain't not really he didn't start a thing as a boxer look what he doing mm-hmm showtime you know showtime better believe it man this has been great we appreciate we coming down to the home stretch right now so first thing to come to mind let us know uh you're mount rushmore boxing oh my gosh mama ali goes at the top mom and ali it's a lot of them on that thing but then pilot former put up there salvador sanchez i got to go look him up one of the best mexican fighters of all time let me tell you why go look at all the people fight that's fine but in a 15 round fight against stiff opposition you look at him in round one between round one round two and go look at between round 14 round 15. he looks identically the same identical he looks identical in between round one and two as do between round 14 and 15. i ain't never seen nobody do that nobody this dude looks identical between round one and two and round four and five and around eight and nine as you do in round 14 and 15. that's crazy i've never seen nothing like in my life that's who i also got a lot of my game from though but the best tricks to ever see everybody got their things sugar then i had the hand speed ali had hand foot speed and entertainment with the mouth uh haggler had consistency tommy had that thing with that right hand the hulk was just busy all the time uh duran had the trickery duran was the best trickster i've ever seen said uh sanchez was just like condition wise and he wasn't he wasn't flashy he didn't have that acceleration that you want but my gosh for 15 rounds if you want to stand right there 109 out of 15. that dude could do it but i would go i got to look at my you just told us all the greats and what they had what would you say about yourself i took all of that and packaged it that's not going to taste so good i took all that i took all that in packaging you take 12 grapes and you take what makes them great i'm taking all that and you put all that in one person roy jones can not be greedy you understand me i mean i probably shouldn't say this because y'all know this but me too though but you take steph curry and you said reggie miller with handles [Music] because reggie shoot that damn ball and they just didn't have a hammer step but look at steph he took what was what what what reggie was missing and he added that mm-hmm and because he's doing it so well now he probably better shoot him because of the confidence level that goes with it oh yeah but he basically if you look at the basic root of what he really is he really he really is a reggie mother type shooter who was a great shooter but with handles yeah you understand me you got to learn how to take what's happening now and how you elevate that that's what makes you better that's what makes you great if you take a great i mean uh chocolatito he followed the great late great alexis alexis the quail mm-hmm copper elects the whale stuff and probably a little bit more conditioned a little more acrobatics with it and look at him he became quick 106 12 pounder 106 pound became great because he followed what alexis aquile did then they got one of those names in boxing chocolatito chocolatito so it's like you have to take the greatness and figure out how you take that the greatness of the day how you add children make that the greatness of tomorrow and that's what i did i had sugared up marvel hacker tymer hearns my brother duran muhammad ali salvador sanchez and this i had quite i had about a dozen i used to watch and i used to watch them to see what made them different because whatever made them different i got to hear that that's all the quality i want what makes them different hagler was the consistency where for benitez was the defense tamar hearn with the right hand edward muhammad was left hook to the body left little shot i got something from some of all of them but i took what made them them i snatched all those characteristics and tried to put them in my game so that when you look at me you see all that and that's how i became pound-for-pound you understand me who else you know gonna throw a 30-punch combination roy jones [ __ ] with another cup roy roy jones you said a 30-punch combination i get tired thinking about that a lot of punches for you but that's hey but that's what the crowd i want to see mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah i love the smoking watch that well part of it when should we let him do that everybody's dog going crazy yeah yeah they did it they go crazy so you gotta you have to give the people their money worth they're gonna if you're not then you're just another boxer what fights you want to see in 2022 them lightweights get together and fight yeah fine i would like to see why them why didn't um joshua fight just because we always wanted to see that they got bad blood exactly so i would definitely love to see that fight i want to see charlo versus canelo i really want to see you bank versus canelo mm-hmm i want to see you man you bang versus charlo i want to see charlotte versus boo-boo mm-hmm you know that's a lot of good fights out there that we want to see but the reason ufc has gotten so much more entertaining in boxing is because the people get the fights they want to say they gotta they gotta go see each other we gotta get the fights that people wanna see good point if we don't do that then we waste our time if someone were to do a biopic of your life what actor would play you hard to say but i ain't really big into actors but i'm thinking cuba gooding jr mm-hmm somebody like that but he said regardless of anything he's a great actor he is one of the best i give him that top five artists of all time artists you know my favorite gonna be scarface yeah it's really hard to say because scarface at the scarface you know you got to understand that a lot of people do their thing you know jiggle do a thing eminem do a thing dmx is one of my favorite um method man i mean the list goes on so many guys juventus i mean i just love i love everybody that just can come up and do hit records over and over and over again to my guys everybody have different styles you know what i mean so like then the ones i like i i'm gonna listen to somebody first it's gonna probably be scarface yeah then x then meth then park then probably big it means there's even there gonna be enough somewhere it's just it's so many guys i listen to all of them because everybody have what they i even i just ice cube you know i'm telling everybody because i just love music you know so everybody hit my hand there that i'ma like you know what i'm saying so uh um bob d what new new new like today acts you listen to of course you like nba young boy that's my man yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody like young boys yeah you know like young boy it's a few i like jesus i like i mean jesus ain't a new one right i like i like a lot of them you know i like a lot i don't like i understand a lot of new music it's hard yeah i was i ain't really big on the new music because i'm the old music yeah so yeah five dinner guests that are alive dinner yes yeah five people at your table plus you dead or alive barry sanders mom daley walter payton michael jordan had a bear snow sweetness halle berry it's never a bad choice i got to give them something to look at mm-hmm they're going to be their own looking at me all the time look at me though they're going to look too yeah if you could have any guests on our show who would it be but before you answer you're gonna have to help us get your answers on the show i'd have a guest on the show you know a lot of heavy hitters too and yeah country i'm trying to think who i would like to hear you gonna trip out who i want you to say yeah i think everybody might trip up what do you want to say larry merchant that would be pretty big i would love to interview him bro but now to come think about it i think jim laptop wouldn't be a bad one too though yeah yeah for sure yes yeah yeah oh man we appreciate your time thank you man thank you very much that's a wrap all the smoke hall of famer roy jones you can catch us on showtime basketball youtube and the i heart platform black effects we'll see y'all next week what's your favorite scary movie you're all in danger so what's our next move talk to an expert there's certain rules to surviving pillar's motive he's always connected to the past sid do you have a gun i'm sydney prescott of course i have a gun scream i'll be right back he's dead you
Views: 288,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, showtime, basketball, shosports, showtime sports, sports, showsports, NBA, All The Smoke, All The Smoke Podcast, ALl The Smoke News, NBA News and Notes, Roy Jones Jr., roy jones jr vs mike tyson, roy jones jr highlights, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, Jake Paul, Gervonta Davis, muhammad ali, Sweet P, CP3, Chris Paul, Sugar Ray, sugar ray leonard, roberto duran highlights, Roberto Duran, All The Smoke Roy Jones Jr, Roy Jones, Boxing, Boxing Greats
Id: V3Ag70TppdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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