Roy Beaty Memorial

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you god you bless it assure us jesus is mine oh what a full taste of glory divine air of salvation of love born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is [Music] my song praising my savior is is is [Music] uh must say [Music] [Music] is the lord god is great and greatly to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the lord is great and greatly to be praised the psalmist reminds us blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water we have come here to celebrate the life labor and the legacy of a great servant of the most high god we come to give honor to give glory unto god for blessing us to be touched by the life of such a gentle giant of a man in the person of minister roy beatty we thank god for bringing us to this moment where we can reflect upon the goodness of such a strong stable and steady man of consistent integrity he is a man whose reputation precedes him we are thankful for all of us have been affected positively because of the warmth that was shown in the life of this great soldier of the cross we appreciate and give thanksgiving to the west buried church of christ to their leadership to their minister to their elders and deacons to the faithful of god here as we honor minister roy beatty i'm randall f tucker senior and i'm blessed to serve as the evangelist to the south union church of christ and it is indeed an extreme honor and signal pleasure to serve as your master of ceremonies and officiant for this program we want to be certain that each person here has come with the lord on their minds if you know brother beatty and if you know sister baby then you know what they stand for it is our endeavor to proceed in a very regal and royal manner because they are such of that particular kind we want to celebrate and also appreciate mother ruth beatty as i affectionately call queen mother let the church say amen her grace her elegance her poise her encouragement her sage words of wisdom often give us a spiritual uplift and if you've ever received a word of encouragement from sister baby you know like i know that she made you feel very special so as we honor brother bailey we are honoring their marriage of 60 plus years can somebody say amen amen amen at this time we wish to proceed as the program is printed we do have quite a few that are listed on program and we want to be certain that everyone who is listed is present and in the building we shall proceed with the prayer of thanksgiving dan harvey song i still have joy rondell melton senior and then we shall proceed with the scripture reading the old testament and the new testament glenn burgess senior david givens following a song just a closer walk with thee frank melton iii if all parties are present we shall proceed as is printed and then lord willing i will return again just before special remarks at this time men please take your position would you please join me in this prayer of thanksgiving dearly father we thank you for bringing us here together today to celebrate the life of our brother roy beatty we each have many happy memories of our time with roy we were blessed to have known roy as a faithful member here at westbury and many here were blessed to serve with him at the sugarland church of christ we thank you for the blessings that he was to ruth and his whole family and to all of his brothers and sisters in christ we thank you for his great example of service and dedication to your church and the great love he showed for all we thank you for your son who died to atone for our sins sins as christians we take great comfort in knowing that you have prepared a place for us in heaven where we know we will be reunited one day with your faithful servant roy please continue to comfort the beatty family in the days to come and give them peace in jesus name we pray amen y'all help us sing i still have joy because as christians we know the blessed my bible says oh [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] things [Applause] good morning i will be reading to you from prophet isaiah isaiah chapter 40 verses 28 through 31. the prophet writes have you not known have you not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the you shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint so ends the reading of god's holy and divine word may he add a blessing to those who hear it meditate upon it and apply it to our everyday lives thank you good morning i'll be reading out a new testament out of first corinthians chapter 15 verses 50-58 and the bible says now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god no corruption inherit incorruption behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we all shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet was sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this moral must put on immortality so when this rubble has put on incorruption and this motor has put on immortality then we should be brought to pass saying this is written did that just waddle up in victory oh death where is your sting oh hades where is your victory the scene of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god who give us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brother be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the lord may the lord have a a continual blessing of the hearers and the readers and the doers of his holy and divine word i've always admired my uncle how he walked close beside his wife and it was one of my fondest memories of him and my father is how they would talk about those brigham sisters who had the prettiest one i would sit there and just laugh and chuckle while they had those conversations but it was because of his love for the lord that he was able to love his family and his walk with god that he was close to him and we sing this song because of his walk close to god just a closer walk with me [Music] hey oh [Music] is oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes to jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] is let the church say amen just a closer walk with thee this season of pandemic has presented many challenges to us all yet through the midst of the pain and through the midst of the adjustments we still find hope to know that god is still our refuge he is our shelter in the time of storm tumultuous seasons and those who are avid sports fanatics can appreciate this analogy that every now and then when the team is in the midst of battle and when the game plan needs to be adjusted to increase momentum and optimal performance it is appropriate at certain times to receive signals plays and or audibles from the press box and on today we have a special presentation that you will not find listed on your program however it is a much much needed presentation that deserves our attention the role of the minister is indeed a tremendous task and for those that have walked with the lord for any length of time in ministry you know that there are battle wounds while out on the battlefield i thought two people would say amen to help sweeten up the path of ministry is the minister's wife sister ruth beatty has been the consummate minister's wife standing by her beloved husband supporting him in times of plenty and in times of little through it all the lord has blessed them blessed them remarkably with three beautiful christian ladies somebody ought to say amen and they have remained faithful not turning back once they put their hand to the gospel plow to honor this moment and to bestow words of encouragement on behalf of ministers wives we are blessed to receive the minister's wife to the garden oaks church of christ in the person of sister marcia tillman who is of course the lovely wife to the esteemed minister john tillman jr of garden oaks at this time a special presentation called from the press box come up sister tillman good morning sister baby we love you sister baby we love you and we have been praying for you ever since we heard that you have lost your spiritual leader will the minister's wives of the houston area please stand and join me the national minister's wives the national minister's wives sent you a greeting the minister's wives from across the country wanted to express our sincere condolences due to the passing of your husband brother roy beatty while we couldn't all be here in person to lend our support we wanted you to know that you and your entire family are in our thoughts and prayers please be ready to receive gifts of love in the days to come so please hear the resolution first lady ruth beatty when death separates us from our loved ones it becomes one of the most grievous grips on our lives and our faith please be assured that our heavenly father still knows where you are and what you're experiencing at all times he continues to be loving and compassionate towards you and he cares for you may the peace our lord and savior jesus christ left with us be calming to you now may the comfort and calm of the holy spirit be felt within you this was submitted caringly by the national minister's wives sister shirley barclay and sister jackie doolin the minister's wives in houston our houston area ministers wives want to make it our business to be here for you during this difficult time sister beatty we know that you like to fly low under the radar but we want you to know that we your sisters are with you and we want to stick closer than any brother we love you the family wishes that you would please not send flowers but donate to the american cancer society for pancreatic cancer research thank you and bless you let the church say amen amen what a fitting tribute what a fitting tribute what an appropriate presentation to sister baby who embodies what i believe is the example of a strong christian woman who loves the lord who loves her husband who loves her family and probably knows every sermon her husband's ever preached as we proceed with the program as printed we would like to focus our attention and receive special remarks from those who have been listed and approved by the family and we say that generously because we know that all of us have something special to say if brother beatty has touched your life if you would just say amen i think we can do better than that amen amen [Applause] at this time we will proceed with those that are listed and as we transition to this particular moment it is of course reasonable to wish to share as many accounts and wonderful stories regarding brother beatty and sister baity and i know that the history that lives and dwells between these consecrated walls continues to be felt in the hearts of us all however we will ask that you please limit your remarks to the two-minute time because there are several who would like to have something positive to say and of course we remind you of the position in which i have been charged to serve there are many officials on the football field but there can only be one referee and that lot falls upon me and so i will continue to smile as i continue to escort you to your seat and graciously thank you for your words of encouragement because we are here to give god the glory and to thank him for a life well-lived i thank god that the first person who is on the list is affectionately called my big brother in ministry every now and then you need a big boss man you need an enforcer and so brother bruce wayne brigham senior is appropriately positioned behind me now he's going to set the tone and he's also going to help me escort whoever needs escorting to find their seat on a lovely day such as this special remarks as he will also recognize the clergy that are with us on today and those church leaders who are here to show their love and support he would be followed by paul jones minister paul jones johnny johnson elder roy johnson jr i believe this is elder wendell smith torrance burgess senior after which we will have a song may the work i've done speak for me given to us and voiced by for the donnis lemon senior after which we will have our memories video collection god bless good morning and truly i have my marching orders from my aunt ruth obeiding as i prepare these remarks i was talking to my sister barbara last night and barbara said bruce speak from the heart but if i would want to do that i would go past allotted time that i have so i wrote these words if i would write a book on the life of my uncle roy these two words would be on the on the cover failure and success from his beginning it may have seemed to some that he would be a failure but from kentucky to the time in the military college becoming a minister to that ride in the back seat of uncle frank's 1959 oldsmobile 98 with his beautiful wife ruth marie brigham beatty then going back to college to finish his degree move into the count kyle town of lubbock texas as a gospel preacher then moving to 5139 bungalow while serving as the minister of the cloverland church of christ baptizing many including his nieces and nephews developing elders and deacons then moving to sugarland not only buying one home but two preaching 37 plus years for the sugarland church of christ serving as an elder also moving them from ice street to voss road a good god-fearing human being insisting education a must for his girls grandchildren nieces nephews and many alike mentoring ministers including myself he encouraged countless young people to be the best of whatever they are educators secretary secretaries farmers health providers policemen attorneys engineers accounting accountants beauticians and the list goes on yes he was a great encourager abonimus if you would want to say he encouraged his three daughters ritzer reese a career educator robin an accountant financial analyst and rosin a medical doctor granddaughter risha and anna alice and professor professor trey and tasia are currently in college he believe and talk discipline need to be a sign of good communication and not a reason to develop hate he loved god and his family more than life never wishing to divide the lord's church always at the ham of truth dying peacefully in his home a good motto describing brother roy beatty would be if i could help someone as i travel on then my living would not be in vain if there was a scripture that could describe brother roy beatty it would be but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peace peaceable gentle and easy to entreat full of mercy good of fruit good fruit without partiality and without hypocrisy the success story of roy beatty will never ever ever have a conclusion here on earth in closing a special thanks to my aunt ruth marie brigham beatty reesa robin roslin reisha trey and tasia for sharing your husband father and grandfather knowing being a preacher's wife and pk children have very few perks and from taking care of him until he passed past from this life but the story but the story of his success is still without conclusion here on earth may god bless you and may his spirit always be with you a little humor for my unruth using the words of uncle roy as he would say to us i may laugh and joke and drink coke but i don't play brother paul jones and ruth told me to tell you you have two minutes she may laugh she may joke and she may drink coke well she doesn't play brother jones paul your time started when you got up out of your seats i met brother beatty 64 years ago while we were students at southwestern christian college we were working on a yearbook and making pictures so i asked brother beatty if he would help me to match my suit with my tie and i didn't know until just the other day when we talked that he thought that i dressed like mr brown of meet the browns brother beatty was a great man a great friend of mine a great gospel preacher the bible says a good man's steps are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in the way sister beatty ruth i know that you stood by his side and you served him as wife with dignity all of these years you're gonna miss him and we're to miss him too so we thank god for brother beatty thank god for the resurrection thank god for the heaven the bible said blessed are the dead that dieth in the lord yea henceforth set the spirit shall they rest from thy labor and their works do follow them let me see your program okay my name is johnny johnson and i'm a one of mr beta's friends and he's my friend and i'm here to say a few words as a friend and as a co-worker you know a lot of people will be a friend in good times when in bad times they won't be there but mr beatty was a friend who you could depend upon i met brother beatty in the early 70s matter of fact i was having a program black history program at my school at the school where i was working and i couldn't find anybody to speak i was chairman of the program and his sister-in-law told me about brother beatty and she talked with him and he agreed to work i'm agreed to be on the program and ever since then we have been friends from time to time we would meet after that at the parts store somewhere where he's working on his car and i'm working on my car back in those days you fix your own car i mean you didn't have to take it to the mechanic all the time and so we were talking and then finally i became principal at realms elementary school and he was already there and you know as a friend some friends you can't work with because they would think they can do anything they want to do and nothing is said but mr beatty was a friend who you could depend upon and he always did what he was supposed to do with the exception of one thing as being on time but other than that we can't find any other fault in brother bailey but he was a he supported you in whatever you were doing matter of fact he would volunteer sometimes you would have he'll do some things you didn't know that he was doing them to help your program so he was a person that you can really depend upon and to sister beta and the family i feel like i'm a part of the family myself because when you're a friend of him you're a friend of the whole family and i'm glad i wasn't able to come in contact with the baited family because they are truly good people and our prayers will go out for you and always look to the heels from which comes to help because all of your help comes from the lord may god bless you and keep you and is our prayer we're here to celebrate the life of our minister preaching elder friend brother roy beatty we extend our prayers of comfort and strength during this most difficult time to sister baby risa robin rosin risha trey kesia please accept our condolences from the sugarland church of christ where brother brian beatty labored for 30 years i had the opportunity to work with brother beatty for the last 30 years or so our family came to sugarland through our daughter elizabeth the first thing i noticed about sugarland was that they had three services seven a.m 11 a.m and 6 p.m brother bailey preached all three services every sunday and never had the same lesson the church began to grow and you're going to hear me repeat that many times throughout my two minutes such that you could not get in the building at that street people would come to the building and drive off because there was no seating available after several attempts to have plans drawn to expand the building the decision was made to relocate the church because of limited space and parking one of the members located four acres of land on voss road relocating the church building was a major decision for our congregation the senior members trusting in brother bait is the leadership to allow the church to relocate we sold the building at ash street and used the proceeds to purchase and start construction of a new facility on voss road we had to worship in the public schools doing the interim but the church continued to grow as we moved to our new facility we continued to grow under brothers babies leadership the sugarland church of christ became known throughout the country our congregation participated in the national crusades hosted several gospel meetings each year held many gospel campaigns to evangelize the area the church was located brother beatty was a contact person that was instrumentally involved in uniting the racism in the one worship service during the first campaign for christ held in houston texas as the church continues to grow brother beatty installed elders and deacons through his leadership the church purchased four and a half more acres of land for future growth even though some could not see the need for so much land brother bader's reply was that he did not want to see the church future landlord we would consistently baptize 25 to 35 people each year if my memory served me correctly one year we baptized 50 people in the midst of brother bader's work at sugarland he held a full-time job in hisd he was always available to call and i have done so on several occasions i cannot close without saying i saw him counseling families through crisis many times on sunday night and wednesday night i would leave him and sister baited at the building i could go on and on but i only have two minutes i must say that brother beatty had a dedicated wife and sister baby and very strong support of his daughters today we want to honor brother baby's legacy for his record of faithful service to the lord's church which is already recorded in heaven john says in revelation 14 13 and i heard a voice from heaven saying unto me right blessed are the dead which die in the lord henceforth saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them our prayer or for the god of love mercy and grace be with the family to give them strength and comfort as they go through this grieving process good morning i'm going to give some time back i uh i'm wendell smith i'm one of the elders and brother beatty would uh call me his elder and as i was thinking about what i wanted to share with you i thought about the fact that he was my elder and i shared that with him and i want to exhort him and i tried to exhort him he came here to westbury and immediately came into our class the name of our class is from here to eternity uh that was our sunday school class that we we started that class as the 50s but it was later named from here to eternity so we welcome brother beatty and brother beatty all of the things that have been said about him up to this point we got to learn in our sunday school class where we got to know each other and and i so appreciated him because i i see a sermon and i saw a sermon in him and he was an example we recognized that he had class style and elegance and we certainly appreciated that he would call me his lawyer and i would say to him but you're my hero i once was told by a lady when i told her that her husband had to be a great man behind every great man that must be a great woman and she said no you got it wrong behind every great man there's a woman that makes it a necessity for him to be great and that's sister ruth she is the epitome of a lady with class an example for our young ladies and we so appreciate them making westbury their home but quite frankly this world is not our home and we understand that we understand that while they were here they made a great impact in the short time that they were here and we want to appreciate that so lastly i'd just like to say that brother beatty was a great man a great christian and he served and he advocated a perfect god with that we want you to know that westbury welcomed you here because we love the man that you love we love this family and we'll always appreciate the time that he shared with us the moments he shared with us in teaching during the times when we needed a teacher he would not preach but he would teach and one last thing i'll say is he reminds me of a lawyer of the law student studying the law he taught as socrates and that was he asked questions and engaged you and laughed when you did not know what he was asking and then he would come back and he would share with you in love that which we needed to have studied prior to him teaching so i want to let you know that we love him here at westbury we thank you and we certainly plan to keep sister ruth and her family here thank you is a man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor city in the seat of the scornful for he delights in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water that bringeth forth fruit in his season his leaf also should not weather with her and whatsoever he do it shall prosper i quote that scripture for a couple of different reasons the first reason is uncle roy was the first person who explained that to me in his own unique way uh just to give you a little background i was a student at madding elementary school uh you heard our principal former principal johnny johnson speak a little earlier and i wrote to school i was a student there at maddie elementary where uncle roy was an educator and i wrote to school with him every day literally every day for a span of about four years and i was one of those students so you can imagine we shared some pretty memorable experiences together i was one of those students that sometimes would get a little trouble misbehaving a little bit just a little bit don't laugh because don't laugh cause such was some of you but but anyway it was this one instance that i can recall where i got in some trouble hanging out with the wrong crowd and i was in a lunch room and uh of course i wasn't like the other students the other students when they got in trouble they got to go to mr johnson get their reprimand and get sent back to class me everyone who would take me to uncle roy so they took me to arka roy and um took me to uncle roy and i got in his class and he oh psalms when he quoted psalms one to me just one and one you know he said that's there's a man who walketh not in the counseling gallery standing in the west and sit in the sea let's go sit it down to see the scroll he said do you see the progression now understand this i'm maybe eight or nine years old you know i don't know what progression is you know i'm thinking to myself you tell me what progression is then i'll tell you if i can see it or not but but anyway anyway i said uncle roy what's what's progression what progression mean okay why did i ask that go get a dictionary you made me look as a true educator you made me look it up and we looked it up and um you know he he he basically you know he at the end of it you know he he just wanted to let me know don't don't find yourself around the wrong crowd and i'm thinking so i said why couldn't he have just told me that from the beginning he could have just told him again just just just don't don't be influenced by the wrong crowd you know because i got confusing uncle roy sometimes i was like am i in grade school am i in sunday school is he practicing on a sunday morning sermon with me because he would teach me you know he would teach me circular education but he would also uh add a little spiritual in there as well and so i really appreciate him for that and secondly i read that i quoted that passage of scripture because that passage of scripture truly it's a true depiction of the uncle roy that i've grown to know and love over the years and um i just i'm just i just i'm just happy and thankful that uh i'm a piece of that fruit that he nurtured in his season while here on this earth my wife was asking me the other day she said what what did uncle roy do while he was there man and you know i said you know i don't know i don't cause he he never he had a classroom but he never had students in his class you know and so i don't know but today i finally figured out what he was what it was it took me 40 years to figure out i thought they just created a position for him for me to deal with me but he was a title coordinator and and so i i just want to end with that into my route to all my cousins just you all know that my thoughts and prayers are with you i love you all and uh on ruth i would be remiss if i didn't acknowledge how encouraging you've been to me and my family over the years so i consider myself fortunate to have known both you and uncle roy so thank you [Applause] at this time we're going to ask if there are any of brother baby's classmates in the audience please stand brother johnson feel like standing again that's okay are there any of those who may have worked with brother beatty please stand amen thank you very very much i'm going to ask all the ministers to stand amen god bless you god bless you all the elders all the elders will you please stand amen god bless you this concludes my duty as i have been instructed by sister ruth vadey and i hope and pray that i have done what i've been asked to do if i did not i will hear from her very very shortly god bless you and god keep you diner [Applause] i am a part of brother baby's work may the work i've done speak for me may the work i've done speak for me when i'm resting in my grave [Music] speak speak for me speak for me [Music] well [Music] speak for me [Music] oh my god i want to hear your city wilder may the service [Music] for me no work i'm done [Music] nothing at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] may [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] i want to [Music] maybe [Applause] let the church say amen amen we thank god for those who have come and shared out of their heart their rich experiences with brother beatty and sister baby this is just a wonderful wonderful celebration of life labor and love i believe at this time we are ready for our memories video tribute if i can get the signal from upstairs at this time our memories tribute [Music] oh [Music] where i'm going [Music] somebody had me the other day [Music] for [Music] life me i can i can even take the heartache that it brings i smile because i know one day i'll slowly go [Music] you miss me [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more [Music] oh [Music] of our lives [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i want to take my rest lord [Music] [Music] i want to smile [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and all [Music] [Applause] eternally [Music] oh [Music] when i am [Music] from [Music] eternal [Music] [Music] what a happy day that will be [Music] [Applause] i know that's a happy day [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord has a matchup [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the church say amen amen what a wonderful and beautiful tribute this memories video truly encapsules the great memories of a great man and his family and it is with special thanksgiving that the family expresses their deep appreciation to the one who assembled this video together this very special moment in the person of brother minister jimmy holman amen we say thank you brother holman brother holman and brother beatty carry a special relationship and we will hear from him shortly we also would like to thank on behalf of the family brother wendell hart the program that you are holding in your hand was the development through the gift and the skill of brother wendell hart he and brother jimmy holman preached in the ministry with brother beatty and were like ministerial sons and we thank god for brother wendell hart as well amen at this time we will have acknowledgements and resolutions read to us by sisters priscilla holman and jewel hamilton afterwards we will have it is well with my soul selection by rondell melton senior and then the eulogy will be given to us in two parts the first half by brother jimmy holman and the second half by the minister of this fine congregation brother david yasko let us receive them and let us listen attentively as god continues to smile on this ceremony acknowledgements with sincere appreciation we would like to thank everyone for their many acts of kindness your prayers calls food and words of encouragement were greatly appreciated please continue to pray for us as we navigate our lives in the coming days the beatty bunch i'm i'm before you to read the resolutions we've received a few i will acknowledge them and then i'll just read one received one from the hillcrest church of christ in decatur georgia we have one on behalf of the shady acres church of christ minister brother frank melton iii and one from the south union charter christ were brother tucker is the minister and i will read the one from the sugarland congregation whereas we've come in thanksgiving to celebrate the homecoming the homegoing of our beloved brother in christ brother rory beatty who passed from this life on thursday september 16th 2021. brother beatty was a dedicated servant of the lord who ministered to many for over 60 years as a soldier on the battlefield of christ brother beatty proclaimed the gospel to multiple lost souls thereby baptizing many he lived a life of compassion honesty and grace whereas brother beatty was one who loved the lord the lord's church and his family his love motivated him to be a committed preacher of various congregations in texas including 37 years at sugarland church of christ the lord blessed him in leading sugarland church of christ to become a well-established spiritually sound loving group of believers his ability to unite and motivate was as profound as his love for people brother baity preached with sincerity compassion and conviction whereas brother beatty touched the lives of many and was instrumental in the spiritual development of numerous saints his calm speech confident disposition generosity and sense of humor produced a lasting impact on the ones with whom he came in contact with his ability to provide constructive feedback and honest counsel while at the same time displaying tender empathy demonstrated his stern yet gentle love and kindness whereas sorry whereas the members of the sugarland church of christ are the recipients of brother baby's wisdom love and kindness we thank god for blessing us with the opportunity to share in his life on this side of time we are grateful for his loved ones who shared him with us and worked diligently at his side serving the lord and his church we will always remember our dear brother and our hearts will be made glad each time we reflect on his spiritual example and leadership and therefore being resolved that although we will miss the physical presence of brother beatty and we grieve his transition from this life we rejoice in knowing that he walked with the lord may we find comfort in jesus words recorded in john 11 25-26 i am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die may we also find comfort in the words from heaven as recorded in john and revel by john in revelations 21 and 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes there shall be no more death no sorrow no crying there shall be no more pain for the form of things have passed away be it further resolved that the sugarland church of christ embraces the family and so hereby expresses our sympathy during this difficult time we know your loss is deep and your grief is great may the many memories saturate your hearts and bring you joy and peace may you find consolation and knowing that brother beatty is in the care of our loving father and now may the lord of peace give you peace at all times in every way umly submitted with love and admiration on this 24th day of september 2021. louis parker the fourth minister wendell heart family care minister elder's brother allen rodney anderson leroy hall robert harden roy johnson and charles smith our deacons deacons are ricardo cisco tony duckett mike harris wendell hart jimmy holman paul taylor tony talley and george walker and before i take my seat i'd just like to thank sister beatty and the girls and the whole melton uh brigham family for accepting me as a part of your family there were many days and a lot of people don't know but brother baity and sister baby were there for me when i was going through a whole lot of stuff back in the day there were days they would not let me be by myself they always had me in mind with everything that they did and i want to thank you all so much for sharing your grandfather with me thank you it as well i help us sing it with my soul it is well well i'll be remiss though a little bit one more one thing uh you know i've had many talks i've been in i called it the hot box that uh ain't ruthless and the daughters know that room he had me in that room a lot over there and uh but throughout my life as well but you know he i learned he was a man's man and he always sat me down because i guess he saw something in me i never i didn't see and he made sure that i heard that ever heard that every time he sat me down so i'ma take that with me everywhere i go because i always have he might not have thought i didn't listen to him but i but i heard him all the time when he came say boy come here and then boom hit me on the back of the head all the time all the time i knew he loved me if you got that hit on the back of the head he loved you all right it is well with my soul oh [Music] oh [Music] with my soul [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] me [Music] is [Music] so far we've witnessed a lot of individuals talking about the same person a lot of different accolades and things that verbatim brought to the plate have been talked about today some had two minutes i have the printers having more than two minutes but he had an impact on a lot of people a lot of different avenues of their lives my sincere condolences to the baby families sister baby rosalind risa robin richa trey tasia the meltons to brigham this is it's a family it's a big family for the passing of brother roy beatty we will be in prayer now and even more now beyond today later on for this particular moment a lot of times it's not the day it's the days who follow that people will start to remember about things that the loved one had experienced in their lives and the impact they had on their lives and that's when they really needed and we have love my family for the babies we have been grafted in to the family and we so much appreciate the love that we share with them and they share with us so when i received a call from sister bailey it was heartfelt she mentioned about brother bated past and he wanted me to be doing this today and i considered it an honor brother bailey and i had lots and lots of experiences there was no hesitation to me saying i'll do it because of the honor that i had and respect for his family some speak about him being a great man of god some can identify sister baby as her husband a father an uncle a friend a brother in christ a counselor an encourager a peacemaker and the list goes on and on about the things that brother fate had brought to the table he had a special place in my heart for love he had a love for christ he was a disciple of christ he was an elder a servant that lived the life of a soldier of jesus christ there are many memories that brother bailey and i share and i'll sprinkle some of those in as i share with you the things that i have put together today i like to stay here longer demands a lot of days and watch the fleeting changes of life and even ways but if my savior calls me to that sweet home on high i live with him forever in glory by and by these are the lyrics of a song i live in glory there have been a lot of times when brother beatty would stand up in the pool pit and he will usher those words out to say that he understands that there's an end game here brother benny realized that what he needed to do and he did it as long-born practice he lived his life to the fullest he made sure anybody he touched that he left an imprint in their lives what stands out to me about brother beatty is his selflessness he pulled back and allowed you the chance to grow he will allow you an opportunity to develop yourselves he would be there for you but he did not dictate how you got it done he put the scope out and told you let's work together to get it done he would ask me for my ideas about things and brother what do you think about this he took me up on his wing just a few years after my family and i arrived in sugar land he encouraged me he asked me brother what do you want to do i said bro but i don't know what i want to do you know i've been working hard ever since before i even got here i don't know what i want to do he said well think about it let me know and let me see if we can make that happen he found out and i didn't tell him my wife she didn't tell him either but but he found out that i did a little thing with my dad my dad was a minister i preached a little bit on the night at the night time you know you that deserves not that many people there i did that at that night and he he came through and he he he said brother i found that because he went to a lecture shift he came back he said i'll find out something about you and i was i didn't know where it untold it he said i found out that you're preaching bro who told you that he started laughing he said don't don't worry about he told me that he said you need to get your lesson together and what happened from that point on as things evolved between us and relationships that we had i became a youth minister at the sugarland church of christ umbrella baby would always give me an opportunity to be able to share the good news of the gospel of jesus christ he would always be in my corner i had to worry about nobody over there fooling with me because brother bailey had my back if i were to speak to brother bay this morning and i would say brother bailey there's a lot of people here today there's a lot of people watching even on live stream what do you want me to tell them he would probably say jimmy take him to hebrews 9 27 and his part of the man wants to die but after this is the judgment there's something that all men have to experience in life and that's dead but they must be ready to meet god if we cannot try to mend ends with someone on the other side you've got to do it while you're on this time side of life he said jimmy just take him to the 16th chapter of luke and talk about the rich man and then lads with him and how that that all of a sudden now that that the rich man he wanted to later take his finger and stick it in water and cool his porch and tongue because it was hot down there but it wasn't to be he also told him why don't you let him go back to my father's house i got five brothers back there and tell them that they he obviously understood what kind of trouble they may have been in he said lest they fall into the place of torment where i am he said tell them jimmy that it would not be a choice of death because we all must go this way and tell them also there should be urgency behind getting it done because we don't know when we'll be called from this time side of life so what i decided was to go to matthew 25 and talks about the kingdom of heaven is locking into ten virgins which took lamps and went forward to meet the bridegroom and and five of them were wise we know this we know this parable fire were foolish they foolish hat with their lamps and took no all but the wise oils and their vessels with their limbs while the bridegroom tarry they all slumbered and slipped and at midnight there was a great cry behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him and all those versions of rose and trim their lamps and and the foolish said to the wise give us of your all for our limps are going out but the wise answered and saying not so let's not be not enough for us and you but you go rather to those that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to dubai the bragg room came and and they that were ready went in and him to the marriage and the door was shut apart came also the other virgin saying lord lord open to us but the answer said verily i say unto you i know you not watch therefore for you know neither the day nor thou where the son of man shall come if i took a step back and just to look at this passage of scripture i can notice some similarities between the wise and the foolish there were five wise people and there was five foolish people the wise had lymph and the foolish had limbs both of them had planned to go to the same place both of them waited in the same area and both of them slumbered and they slipped i would assume that a person when they retire for the night they should have all their work done and they shouldn't have to worry about getting up and we're in the middle of the night and something going on and falling a ride if you were to look on the outside only you would perceive that everybody was prepared and they were ready to go meet the bridegroom so you cannot draw conclusions that a superficial presence makes a person ready for that event just because a person is in a certain space in their lives does not mean they are prepared god has and go back to the brother baby for a minute being prepared we was mentioned before had three services seven that sugar seven and ten and women seven you had bible clans then he had 10 eff he had six back then and he would they would make all the services so so we my wife and i we started doing the same but then one day brother baby you know he was growing up some preachers over there we had a bunch of preachers but we had about we we've ourselves made deep one time a bunch of preachers over there but what he did he helped develop preachers he have some are preaching at different locations now and so what he did one morning one of them and you know it's about it's about 10 minutes or so and i was in the media room and i was thinking that joker should be here but now you know it's kind of tight and preaching sometimes they they show up late but but it's about five minutes of seven brother baby came over and i said bro baby you seen who preached this morning you i'm not preaching i said well they look like nobody preaching nobody over here he said he called the guy's name and i'm not going to tell it on him today but the guy didn't show up so brother baby said bro homie you got someone bro but ain't got none he said let me tell you something you always keep a lesson in your pocket because you never know when you're gonna need it brother baby had excused himself to the bathroom he came back out he took a napkin he wrote down five scriptures that's one of the best sermons i've ever heard that means brother baby was prepared you never know at what point you need to use and you need to leverage off the skill set that god has given you and brothers from that day on i i had a huge amount of respect for him because he didn't even stumble he took that napkin up there and he preached one of the best sermons i heard him preach god has provided all of us an invitation today a way to meet him face to face and peace hopefully one day are you getting your lives ready today to meet him in the last day do you have all do you possess an empty vessel are you real or are you perpetrating that's like someone riding around in austin in august in houston you meet them at the the traffic light windows all rolled up sweating because they ain't got no air conditioning and what they want to do they're trying to perpetrate like they got something but they got 22s but they don't have no any car and see we got to make sure that we're real when we do things now i think i know for a fact that's how brilla bailey and i got so close we were real we had no head agenda we didn't have cars up on the table we talked straight and we realized that that we really could have worked off of each other and get those thing accomplished that we want to get accomplished you know it's nothing wrong with dressing up and sometimes people want to dress here but not dress in here they want to look good on the outside but on the inside there's something going on that's causing them not to be able to minister to other people you can always allocate resources to be kind to people though even though you may not we grew up in a country we didn't have a whole lot of stuff we was eating organic food and didn't even know we were eating out of the garden but see it doesn't take all that to be kind to somebody it doesn't take all that to be able to show love one to another you don't have to go and buy that that's something you should already have and you actually share that with other people brother beatty was a craftsman i bet you already know that he did a partisan word he did up upholstery work i saw his equipment one day in his garage and i acquired about i said brother baby he had started a project but i don't know how long he is yeah i don't know how long he has started it but but he was it was still in progress so so he he showed me and i said broadband what you're doing what is this he said what'd he do he said you stripped the fabric off of of this chair you take a look at the wood and make sure the wood is not rotted the wood is is something that's this that's usable he said sometimes brother homie you gotta you gotta take the wood out because the wood is not uh the word is support for the whole couch or the chair he said so so in order for you to have a solid framework and increase the life expectancy of that of that particular device you gotta sometimes take out the wood i apply that to my life and you can do the same sometimes you gotta take some folk out your life sometimes you look and there's people that's just siphoning all your resources away from you and they're not giving you what you need and sometimes they rotted wood and they've been around for a while and sometimes they've been out for a short time we got to recognize like i was seeing from brother beatty you got to go in and take some of that out and replace it from time to time to get that strong framework that you need don't waste your time trying to be anyone but yourself because you are the only one who can excel at being you you are the best at being you of anybody else can do they all represent the fuel that comes from the inside and once it's ignited its purpose to serve outward to others it's what's on the inside of us that really matters what truly is on the inside of us should be loved as a fabric that knits everything together do we possess the intangible fruits of the spirit like in galatians 5 2-3 but the fruit of the spirit is love and joy and peace and forbearance and kindness and goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control we allow a person to rob us and siphon these things from our lives it's our fault it's our fault for allowing them that close to be able to get that away from us and let them have it we should be guardians of our own oil and how sufficient we need to mobilize and use it don't allow people to drain you just so they can continue to portray an unsustainable image or lifestyle for themselves don't let folks take your love toward god and for other people to reduce your character because they don't share the same ideas and values that you share when you have the love of christ then you will do his will you know what blew my head in the creek was when the five foolish versions in verse 10 they have money y'all read that in the script they have money they want to buy small i can't understand if you've got tough ones or if you got benjamin in your pocket why don't you buy for your game but they were sent back to buy because they were lazy or they had no concern when we need today to get our lives positioned with christ we need to come back and do it the same one day one sudden let me share this one more story i'm just about done every sunday where lebanon would make his way to the media room and he sit down and he talked to me where he was standing in the talk and in the beginning you know he'd come and he he asked brother holmes said how are you doing how was your week i broke it out a good week last week he did what you do and i told him he's how's your family doing i said he doing good how about yours they doing good and so then he would go sister baby he'd go up there and he sit down beside you before he got up to preach and he came again and again he came every week so what i did i got him a chair because i don't want him to stand i got him a chair and put him in a brother baby sit down in the chair and we started to talk and he did it every sunday he wasn't really concerned about the presentation that we were doing but he was more concerned about me and how i was doing in my life that was how close we were on one sunday he came in head on a brown suit hit on some brown gators he had his handkerchief he had a tie pin he had a nice drip i said brother baby i said you sharp as attack he had a little smile on his face just looking at me i said you cleaning a white fur white perch fish he said you so kind to old man and that's all how he always would express himself you so kind to old man he wouldn't ravel in all the things he talked about and get his head swole up brother baby was humble man you never knew magnitude the level of education because he didn't go and display it out front and talk about it but he used it for the kingdom of christ one day i was in and he saw my caller sticking up you know how you call it when it sticks up yeah so he saw that he was kind he said he said let me fix this for you pushed it down he said you need some stains what's a stage you know them things the the metal things you put in your in your collar and you put the weight and hold it down i was okay i'll i need some stage all right so so i go home and i take my shirt off man all sold up i can't get to it he got them you know hit them nice shirts hear them shirts they had to hold you could put that stave down in it but the very next week he brought me a box of staves and sent them down in the media room that's what kind of relationship we had we always respected each other and we always made sure that whatever needs to be done between us then we got that thing that thing done in my conclusion you may forget what a person say you may forget what a person did but you never forget how a person made you feel so why don't we get on today and start making people feel better around us take the initiative to make sure that whatever we're going through if we got the resources to make someone lives better let's make their life better let's don't hold back our resources but let's give our resources up to make sure other people can use it i like to stay here longer demands a lot of days and watch the fleeting changes of life's uneven ways but if my savior calls me to that sweet home on high i live with him forever and glory by and by rest in peace brother baby i don't know if i want to follow that dave yasko one of the ministers here at westbury church of christ and i'm going to tell you something i believe god's word is true i believe god's word is right i believe that our brother roy lived his life according to god's word and died and heard well done good and faithful servant and now all of the stuff that stopped working here on earth is new in heaven i believe that difference between an opinion and a conviction i'll argue about an opinion i'll die for a conviction brother roy beatty was a convicted man shortly after they placed membership him and ruth placed membership at westbury i sidled up to them they sat right back there and i said i need to know are you going to be uh here to work or here to sit and he said i'm going to be here to sit done my work i said you know that's the best news i've ever heard because i've got a class that needs to be taught and they like it when the teacher sits down so i want you to teach that class see you could go to the ymca and you could buy a non-participating membership now here's what that means you get in at a reduced rate you can put down on your resume or your cv that you're a member of the ymca but you don't ever go in and use the stuff you don't swim in the pool you don't lift weights you don't take the the aerobics classes you don't get any of that you just get to say you're a member you come to westbury church of christ and i would be a bad preacher if i didn't say and if you're looking for a church home uh but if you come to westbury church christ would want to place membership i'm going to ask you if you're planning on working or planning on sitting and if you're planning on not working at all i want you to know all of our non-participating membership is sold out it's full we've only got room for participating members when sister ruth called me on that morning and told me that roy had passed away i had so many questions because see the last time i saw the babies they were fine and then coveted hit covet is not of god see god and the message of god brings people together and the author of covid forced us into isolation and if you look in the bible the definition of hell is isolation and we lost touch with each other trying to survive scared to death we all lost people that we loved i lost my father to covet his service is going to be in here at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning and so i didn't know that brother roy was sick because that's not the and i don't see it now because that's not the brother roy i remember sister ruth and your family you saw the sickness you saw the pain you saw the suffering that this evil thing called cancer brings into your life i just had questions so many questions i thought not him now this man's too important he's too important to ruth he's too important to his family he's too important to the church lord he's too important to you for us to lose him you may be able to say he fought the good fight i wasn't there yet john 14 27 peace i leave with with you my peace i give you i do not give you peace of mind like the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid now here's what that says that god says every one of us in our lives are going to have to come to the point where we say i'm leaving it up to you i'm giving up the keys i'm ready to let you drive for the next million or two years so what do i do when i'm in the situation of how are we going to get along without this brother let me give you a couple things and we're going to quit number one is we accept what cannot be changed i just give you some news that i'm sure you already know none of us going to get out of this world alive not one of us is going to get out of this world alive you can't change that there are people that have tried there was a guy named jim fix who said you who wrote a book on running and said that if you ran so much every day that you could add insurmountable years to your life only problem was well he was out running one day he had a heart attack and died he looked that up there was a guy when i was growing up that advertised cereal on the television called grape nuts said that he was a guy that was an expert a guy that went out in the land and could do all sorts of things and he said if you eat you live a diet like this you can live exponentially forever only problem was one day he was out gathering stuff and gathered something poison and ate it and died we're not going to get out of this world alive but if you're a christian hallelujah anyway because you know there's a part of me that's looking forward to seeing what heaven's like i've been talking about it for a lot of years it's hard to lose somebody that you've been married to for that long it's difficult king david faced the same situation in the second book of samuel and he had a baby that was dying and he was grieving the way those that are losing young children can grieve and he went to the temple and the bible says he prayed through for seven days and seven nights and he begged god to save his son and on the seventh day the bible says the baby died you didn't even say god didn't answer david's request not the way david wanted him to if you're a praying person you need to get used to you're not going to get everything yes you're going to get a few things no you're going to get a few things weight you're gonna get a few things that say you know what i got something a whole lot better in mind than you're praying for when david's counselors heard the baby had died they were afraid because they saw while david was praying how close to the edge he was he saw him talking and he said to him did the baby die and they said yes he did and david got up took a bath got something to eat and went back to work now the counselors couldn't believe it and so they said why did you gain peace of mind when the we told you the baby died david said well i'll tell you why that baby's in heaven i can't bring that baby back to me but i can live the rest of my life so that i can be there with him now that's a fair charge to the christian you want to have a little more of brother roy live your life in such a way so that you'll see him when you'll die philippians 4 11 through 13 i'm not saying this because i am in need for i've learned to be content whatever the circumstances now that he said i want you to notice that it says he learned being content is not a natural thing we've got to learn it second thing is to trust in god's loving care you know we're in a world that ha that demands answers for a lot of things i looked and brother roy was well into his 80s is it me or do we not let people die of old age anymore he died of old age it just you know things things just came in and we don't have to know the answer to everything in fact we're not going to know the answer to everything we can drive ourselves crazy thinking about how unfair life is until it robs us of our joy here's the thing we are the creation god is the creator god is all things let me just tell you something i'm a third generation preacher preachers are not allowed to be smart i wrote some things down preachers are allowed to be dedicated they're allowed to be diligent students they're allowed to be bible spoken they're allowed to be talented they're allowed to to have a a skill of interpreting scripture they're allowed to have a powerful work but we're never allowed to be smart until we die tell your preacher he's smart because i want you to know that that being a christian and teaching others how to be a christian isn't for people who aren't smart so often we wait until somebody dies before we give them the accolades that they deserve these flowers are beautiful i'm going to ask you not to send flowers to my funeral i will not be there to enjoy them go ahead and send them to me at my office actually better yet send donuts we'll get a whole lot more mileage out of those that we get out of flowers okay god doesn't owe us anything god owes us nothing he is far smarter than we are and in what we do philippians chapter 4 6-7 do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god do this and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus when we face uncontrollable situations and unchangeable people and unexplainable problems there are one of two ways that we react and both of them are fatal number one is to try harder and number two is to give up sometimes we don't need to try harder we just need to pray harder and don't ever give up and then number three surrender to god's loving control every morning we have a chance when we get up to say who's in control today either i'm in control or god's in control you know what god does not need any help being god i had to learn that the hard way god does not need any help being god romans 8 6 the mind of the sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace let me tell you something i've heard about the sugarland church of christ when brother beatty was preaching it was a place of peace it was not a place of conflict oh there was conflict they just took care of it and they will not let themselves be defined by their conflict you saw roy when he was skinny didn't feel good i am so glad none of us are defined and none of us lives are defined by the way we spend the last five minutes of it there's a whole lot more definition time it used to be my favorite verse of scripture was acts chapter 2 verse 39 that is in the promises for you and your children those who are far off and those who are close in and i like that because it says the work that we do isn't just for us it's for those that are in the future that's the promise that's it lately as i've become older and now in my mid 60s i love acts chapter 13 verse 36 and it says in david the king david after he served god's purpose for his generation he died and was buried what a marvelous thing to be known for having served god's purpose for that generation brother roy you served god's purpose for your generation you influence countless lives you left a legacy that will never be forgotten because it is passed down from generation to generation you are to be honored and respected and sitting with god right now with all that new stuff and then when that's me when he says the well-done good and faithful servant i may ask him to say that to me five or six times just because i like the sound of it so brother roy well done good and faithful servant let the church say amen again certainly god has been glorified this day and while we have been here for some time it was time well spent i believe that all of us have been touched by the life of minister roy beatty by the life of his lovely wife sister ruth beatty by the beatty family and i would like to take this time if there are any who are here with us right now who were baptized in the ministry under the ministry of brother roy beatty if you would please stand so that we might recognize what god did through the preaching of his gospel amen take a look around family take a look around amen amen amen the gospel has soul saving power and as we conclude these services we thank each of you for being here on behalf of the baity family god has smiled upon us we love appreciate and adore him because from the hand of god all blessings do indeed flow as the days continue to push forward may we wrap our loving arms around the baby family and continue to stand with them to think of brother beatty to uphold his legacy in his life in all that we do and just know as we say at south union we love you and there's not a thing that you can do about it may god bless you at this time we will have a selection rise above it all we will have our benediction by brother mike harris and then our recessional song the theme mark the trademark of brother baity blessed assurance may god bless each of you my friends may press me down [Music] oh one day [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] i had prepared a few remarks that i was going to say about brother bailey but right now i just be echoing uh everything that's already been said so i'll uh just stick to my uh prayer but i will share that brother baby always had a way of at least encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone and he got me again so if you would go to god in prayer with me at this time heavenly father we gather here today to celebrate the life of our beloved brother in christ celebrate a life of love integrity a life that was truly a legacy father bless this family and all of us father with the conference so that we remember this not as a day a morning but a day of celebration of a life that touched and benefited us all grant us that peace understanding and gratitude to cherish the memories that we will always have while it is often painful to gather for this reason heavenly father we just give you great thanks for gifting us with the friendship and the love of our beloved brother in christ and as we conclude this celebration of life let us remember all the good times we spent with him bless us to recall the blessings we receive from you through his life his preaching his wise counsel and his daily devotionals and scriptures via email heavenly father we just thank you for all the wonderful ways you used our beloved brother in christ to have a positive impact on the lives of so many people in the greater houston area and throughout the brotherhood and let us therefore rejoice over every testimony shared today knowing that his life was a life well lived heavenly father we just ask that you continue to comfort and bless this family with the strength that they need to make the necessary adjustments that they move forward and in closing heavenly father we just give you thanks for the life that we have in you made possible by you sending your only begotten son to die on the tree of the cross that we may have a right to eternal life so it is in his name that we pray let us all say amen this is my story if you look at your program that's the theme of this this service today and if you can stand where i am today i'm sure you would approve that message concerning who i called uncle roy but glory to god that god approved the message of his life and what he lived and he's going to live on and on through all of us blessed assurance jesus is foreign [Music] [Music] is is is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh this is is uh
Channel: Westbury Church of Christ
Views: 767
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Id: 1GpDAuou6Ns
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Length: 147min 10sec (8830 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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