Roxy Music - More Than This (Lost in Translation) [HD]
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Channel: Cristian Nicolae
Views: 10,750,184
Rating: 4.9134154 out of 5
Keywords: Scarlett Johansson, Scarlett, Lost in Translation, Bill Murray, Sofia Coppola, Roxy Music, More than this, HD, Music Video, Fan Video, Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Music, Film, Hollywood, Relationship, Art, Tokyo, Japan, High Definition, Lonely, loneliness, 2003, Oscars, Melancholy
Id: bjvVNyBTSP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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I watched this movie when I was 18 and thought it was incredibly boring. I watched it again (almost 10 years later) a couple of months ago, and wow.
The music, the acting, and the emotional depth just blew me away.
Two wins in my mind - one of the best movies ever released, and the best song from one of the best rock albums ever released (Avalon). Thank you for the memories!
Edit: Also one of the best movie soundtracks ever.
My wife and I saw this movie on a whim in a little theater in San Francisco on Valentine’s Day. Had no idea it would turn out to be my favorite movie of all time. Magical night for sure. Thanks for posting this!
My wife and I saw this movie the week it came out. I was mid 40s at the time and it is one of my favorite movies ever. To this day I find it hard to express what it is exactly about it that moved me so much.
I live a mostly fulfilled life, our marriage was and still is loving and happy but there was just some feelings watching it that I still can’t put my finger on. Besides that, I was just so happy that Sofia didn’t write a sex/lovemaking scene into the script which would have ruined it for me.
I love the song and the album (Avalon) it’s from is also fantastic
I love the official soundtrack. It's a great way to get in the mood of the film without watching it.
My favorite movie of all times.
Some great MBV/Kevin Shields songs in that film