RouLetsPlay - Trivial Pursuit

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[Music] welcome to rule let's play episode 3 hey what's up children let's lay over sir so we have that name all-star no no no someone locked uh did I stutter studly cast um I'm Jack studly Gavin Jeremy I'm Mika yeah so doing some Roulettes black mica you seem very excited to be mica I am head and dizzy I see ya all right to control skip this [ __ ] oh that's that's Jack passion buttons I am too I'm gonna wave all right I guess we have to wait through this stuff maybe it's the names tutorial I think it's a tutorial there ya go I'm gonna get my brain on today alright let's do this right you got gonna win this one are you Gavin I almost always lose oh yeah I know this room has a degree let's take look technically idea damn it you're going to get one of those yeah to be fair mechanize are in creative art that's also an art yeah Austin's picture oh I think this one oh wait oh wait yes who didn't answer yeah I died Yantra drawing you got your head and you out and then you're in in the yard I thought it was as one for pickles and yo that's why I went wait in a cavern there after I hit my guess is your first time playing Trivial Pursuit nope and you got like is it welcome everyone at smell history rep oh uh uh uh a document issued by the Pope I pronounce you this chicken I guess it's a document ah they gonna guess taking a guess I'm taking a guess as well all right Oh show me nice nice everyone oh well geniuses it just couldn't have been into my house be repeating the questions by the way I usually do that doing re4 cuz then people who aren't looking at the screen can follow they don't suit a mouth miss game you audio listener someone knows their stuff someone knows their stuff some of you to say here we go started and leisure food and fun it's time for my sports Emily I don't worry the traditional wrapping of sushi picture here mates from oh I have an idea so yummy it's a it's a picture oh it's not a trick question there ah it's me so oh what a trick question dammit you want us not need a price that was a picture of seaweed what is meesa meesa is something that can be isn't it yeah you just described something with something else on it now Mika's just 1/3 yeah me gently lap why boys it like everyone except Jeremy has three right television what TV family lives on Cemetery Lane ah don't know happy oh the others they don't live anywhere they live my gasps damn it there's two there it could be either one other Gruesomes real what is that oops oh the monster monsters live on bird Lane ah I don't know I love it either grubs oh wait one on one lane mockingbird oh that's so that's a joke said that scrubs one for a bollock I know about three hunter I don't know what to do you just have to stand there cuz they're celebrating bowl for you on the other side last question here's your Addams Family try your phone go fast like a category-5 through the Arts and Leisure chisholm cosmically my paradise the cat dog Rafi what yeah which country is a self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark I can kill yourself I don't know this uh I mean this is my cash sure country within the class you pick you pick geography you son of a [ __ ] I know this is your fault while we're all over the map oh you're all right Wayne Greenland really is a three dollar can I swim the green one free lives here that's how can that be in Denmark in Denmark all right I think we're tied Robert my son showed on that one yeah girl power see what you did wrong Gavin developing later the Greenland is Danish I guess apparently I didn't know that not greenish doesn't make a sense so those are Dana colors you mean your favorite color is a dangerous comet Great Dane Telos kill a crayon I'm like know about take yep the real trail will probably made that Selleck coelho Crayola alright give me no food category cat is it cuz I'm sucking putts yes shouting leisure or Arts & leisure Archer Archer here we go which of these voice types is a Lois oh god damn it uh oh wait which one is what oh yeah ah man is it like up [ __ ] up ah [ __ ] up [ __ ] up [ __ ] up oh yeah damn it oh come on oh [ __ ] seriously alright subrata is right Iran is the highest so I just went with it oh I could have done contralto no contrato is Cattrall toe is higher cuz it's all coded contralto or the other way where so it did I do the best of the work you do the best really best base was the lowest then the base how low can you go which these art movements begin the earliest gold modernism oh I think I know this one well good you cuz you're first yeah baroque baroque I bought alright broke don't fix it oh yeah you silly busted uh well that wouldn't be pop that was my guess um it's one of the used to not [ __ ] long last I mean some realism might be earliest because it's real and that was the only thing that people had at the beginning realism might see that is confusing because in terms of theater is different hey she own modernist with a third eye Gavin got screwed there I suck off nine oh boy just went with Martin ISM just as a curve ball me how the Christ you know that she's I went to art school which of these words Richard first there you go the cars meditational first philosophy Simon abou behavior second sex right yeah I got this one I think it was Martin Luther I mean if he didn't write that himself then uh yeah I mean first philosophy has first in it this guy's gonna get away that would second oh I got a four seconds erosion the species was hot like the I took you guys before Martin Luther King second sex creepy like it right Luther King energy sheen let's say that's like oh look at our night yeah I do I didn't realize that I knew it second sex it's like a [ __ ] issue of course chairman I was 360 BC well I didn't know what it was I'd never heard of it so Plato know what I when I clicked on know what I clicked on I was like I've never heard of this uh baby dolls oh come on wait what is it when these fans playwrights just born earliest yes yeah like very obvious like 8:00 p.m. or versus like 8:00 a.m. that was born early sighs damn it uh that's a decent guess whose Epson I don't know since a great place is really old is he so happy how old because he saw why tell you [ __ ] my theater history class good pick something up back at her Miller though think Miller Miller died well that's what that must be B's okay I mean that decennial Beckett that's is that Mark Twain or is that know Mark Twain is Mark Twain yeah yup uh Oscar Wilde you the correct order yeah [ __ ] Miller was I guess didn't matter for me Wow that Shakespeare was real old huh yeah he's long dead I don't [ __ ] wait he said Samuel Beckett is Mark Twain isn't it well I don't know what you're talking about your ass questioned it around it's your chance to change it up players write me good all right it's an awesome awesome energy supply not that I would know much more about history but you know Oh more images well you wish in these books the Harry Potter super Dickie Rowling was really broke Rahman is gonna go first buck yes goddamn now I gotta go lost its blood sudden anus o6y can't read why can I be smash-and-grab like it blah oh come on I like big shaco's laughs come on come on go boy yeah a couple yeah thank God order of the Phoenix Gavin I was almost severe damage 20 Hey look at us I read the first one they skipped right over sad for no Vaska man Oh Chi Minh haven't we got excited to my batteries Wow Jack correctly answered everyone - and round yeah well how do you incorrectly anthony i guess i get the best answer available to me great oh all right how am i doing now hi Lyman now I will lose hang in there happy second place better answer than you oh [ __ ] damn oh thank god so pretty close is that the Jack be stonking it's alright oh come on always oh so close to explain Oh ledges though shows do don't want that way I want that way Trump in wedges Samuel Clemens was Mark Twain here's how it were a lot of stuff what we're doing what's this one I don't know I didn't see it I was a parent category pick a category player one's got a long horse measures it's a very tiny pleasure decisis free hugs the free mail recording thing what special skater what is happening who kids a lot and the blame Shelley there we go wait are we going what which profession uh I don't uh they distracted me I missed the odds-on [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Shh Kerrigan damn it I got it right I got it right okay good so there's people there's someone here so a group of people walked in with a science is free hugs and now they're they're touching Jeremy guitar bassist category me y'all you're like the category Jeremy yeah what is that salad culture love you guys thanks arts and literature all right Oh what American artists did it very much until she was slimmer largest are big so she was 78 years of age hugs Lucy bacon Oh Grandma Moses uh I mean why doesn't Georgia O'Keeffe draw the flowers that are vagina yeah she does vagina drawings I'm sure I chose vagina flowers I want vagina drawing she's a known the name he also is in the name the granny maybe maybe your name but Georgia O'Keefe his grandma Journal drawing woman I could earn buffs no a jerrycan homes by choosing the category that yeah you did I never would have picked arts the literature if I deal with entertainment was the other winners miss OH then I would have checked our Twitter girls suck on beginner both of those category that either my favorite I don't think I'm doing well guys alright you are doing good though which Islands airfield of the u.s. and Japan fight over for more than six months in 1942 you know Wow um uh I know one of those locations I know two of those locations all right world traveler yeah Hokkaido Oh white we're just thinking hey man I put something in Gavin's guadalcanal once oh I was just thinking hit man I was all I was on the brain there all right here we go uh the rubber tree is native to what continent a factory where it's made oh I think this right I'm probably right I think I'm right I'm so wrong I'm so wrong oh I gotta run I'm pretty gonna run I probably got it wrong as well Asia Jaime doing yes I got it on the my dream for us we Amazon I'm I'm I'm sucking a giant [ __ ] right now Oh God Chucky all right gonna category this category player one no one entertainment that's okay here we go something I've seen what pokemon meteors been title game at wat watching alien mice been Tyson wears tightness whoa oh I know it I love this show what ben 10 was such a good show before they used a [ __ ] whitey what thing is on his arm as well the alien DNA in it what do they do to the animation style they made a caption on the toxic right vodka girl was only unions and you just wait to Opie and it wasn't fun anymore huh hockey Ben Jack got bonus points for that yeah I did Ben 9 Gavin has an anti accuracy JP you're savage game inking all right get that guy out of the cameras flopping around to duels all right here Felicia hard time don't geography geography you didn't want sports and lodge huh nope but I want a science mix like science all right the first aerial photo is taken from a hot-air balloon over which shitty pictured here that is clearly Chicago Vegas can't you tell me Los Angeles hmm I wonder I deserve those bonus points that's bollocks to play the Gloria okay looks like you picked the right category right then here's a picture of the Eiffel Tower what is it make its use and why would you lie on this category of sports unless you're graphene yo so please be leisure oh it might be less early uh what is the maximum number of clubs you're allowed to carry with you in a round of golf oh [ __ ] oh that's a lot more than I would have even guessed sure it's one of two answers it's what a false one a for act yeah I've eliminated two in my head Gavin yeah I hit 12 I did too heck 1000 where was it two answers I thought it was we're both incorrect so Jamaica was 12 panel question yes yeah me do folksy my slobbery players well their caddy carries them they don't all right guys history or the history well what skull is that mammoth correct what country do pope francis originally hailed from Pope Francis which one's France to see the new one uh I no that's not the answer ah [ __ ] I feel like I've heard this and yet I know I'm wrong I don't know [ __ ] I feel like I'm missing it obviously yeah is he German wait really dami I got it what he's the curtain Pope right now right you go a chili yeah yeah me too yeah he's uh I know was something hot out right I always like Latin the like Latin America I thought it where there's no lettuce doing it yeah that's my fourth place wah wah alright so in second in second right behind you jacket not really need what happen you do so wrong why no one let's take a line around the couch yeah if Jack goes into that round with an extra edge that's a prop no it's always a one question I'm probably [ __ ] up sound is here we go it is a rad bag bag boys I think boys you all know the same ratings crap Mika sister cuz yeah just stress to it which I'm not good at our jobs later oh come on no agree listen pax which of these plays were written by Tennessee Williams no I know all of these I got one sure I'm out nope I think I don't even know if I get to answer again oh I do ah damn it got it Jen um not not rent uh holiday is Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Amadeus Japanese fine all right I got one right I got one right as well no swipe it my category oh we're still going with this yeah which of these authors have won the Hugo Award for something as well for that first Avery oh I went with the Asimov Oh gotcha okay all right let's think about this ah [ __ ] horses gosh darn there's an obvious one now aren't you Jeremy can just pick and pick is all hell yeah but oh my god I miss arthur c clarke which is the science fiction books feature alien alien not easy I'm just not quick here I Robot no um this stand uh I may not cut Tommyknockers a lot of people oh yeah I've never read the sirens of Titan but I know Titan is a new worlds post-apocalyptic this post box the cat's cradle doesn't cook buzz bugger I get it that zombies I don't maybe don't [ __ ] dance it was what wasn't it drama Serena Z I'm never with Roma now the road has caused Mika which characters are members of a fellowship look the fellowship come on come on come on definitely sour on clearly um [ __ ] like uh [ __ ] ah [ __ ] achievement that's for me ah [ __ ] you no come on um come on and off there you think right parade good job us this isn't it thank Christ we know our rings yeah we do everyone has three wedges heroin they just keep pulling crazy people out of the booth question chug your last trainings player yeah all right Oh Myka I can't do it come on all right ah both of these suck nuts history never geography sequestered up is that never changes history which one these individual presidents United States of America drop subject rocks oh yeah well too soon ah [ __ ] I beat someone to Clinton George Clinton is here a [ __ ] George Clinton is a real first you better know one Oh God there it is thank God boy Hannibal Hamlin better than Hannibal Lecter [Music] damn it James cape old I see I see it I see the last one tonight thank God look at us in our knowledge bloody was this American crap I got it Doug we've got a Harry Potter one Gavin come on yeah Gavin yeah but that's an American thing and too much Bobby Americans love Harry posture JK Rowling is definitely an American they're white presidents definitely grew up in the East Side it's weird that like you know it's the Harry Potter takes place in Vermont actually over morning which is the new school isn't Vermont all right shut again no Jack has four wedges and I have four so I have to get two of them correct or anyone else thank you [ __ ] I'll Boston all right ah good luck everybody Pikachu the science in a chip that apparently I am NOT though I think does it just pick a category it's the wheel merger Oh fire here comes I am experiment so this is the one or the other kind I want yeah oh yeah it's been a purple girl be our Juliet was a boy - what luck sorry yeah alright Jack Tom alright come on poison herself yes yep a lot of play ones this week yes thank you I got it come on hang in there Terry hey Shakespeare get away before she passed it polio I'll bite Oh hot all right come on was played by Leonardo DiCaprio on they both really young yeah but uh I mean Romeo slightly Romeo is about 24 is pretty [ __ ] up haha hey tickle Tybalt Tibbles a bit is it you what I think Juliet yeah yeah sure because tipple gets sounds like the bad guy yeah yeah double synapse right there criteria are you any that change pretty cool oh yeah are all tied up so three-way tie cherishes [ __ ] wheel Hudson literature Oh time see nature that's right come on saw the right cuts ran a source that's probably wrong Oh Cretaceous don't worry Timmy next gather that's me now clay cuz all the fun ones are from Cretaceous [Music] I'm taking a guess here superderek [ __ ] yes like down zone when you're out until the next time Jackie was a good asset Cretaceous Jurassic in that order whoops it's whatever you want it to be Gavin no I don't think it is baby we've all [ __ ] up so wait a minute I think we both okay okay hey why either way we've spoken in it all right down to this hopeful by process of elimination we're in a mess all right Jeremy I have one left like if you go once all right you all right now I kind of yeah pretty much once you solve which is the earliest yeah okay once we figure that one out all right gotta take down my Niagara Falls Victoria Falls [ __ ] what [ __ ] J was telling Victoria oh I knew that one goddamn in here we can win this hand it for the [ __ ] Queen pika don't ruin this I'm gonna Oh glory yeah the tension is right come on Michel all right Wow I want to win this [ __ ] so value oh [ __ ] I think I got that wrong Oh No the Recinos they're a little Ju so Mary who never wins a trivia because he's an idiot all right should we do another round yes do we have time 30 minutes - cool Amica want and I mean Jeremy won yeah cookin up shut up look it's a finger movement yeah damn me can we get this oh yeah yeah I'm as smart as someone with a degree you're the best go gather you know I'm gonna do you like my stats for entertainment yeah hundred percent awesome oh just sound shocking wait Oh unlocks titles why not get [ __ ] play again alright suck you son rich alright so that was the practice round this is a here we go tributes F welcome to the ia let's get Jimmy Tramiel quickly I wanna play some chili yeah are you guys my brother play now sir okay it's two minutes ago yep well sweet diets and nature's next is also nature oh I know this one ah Jeff knows this one I think it's this Oh whose pace yeah I pasted fake watch up okay they sell bought out our grosses I don't interesting grosses too there's a lot of bottle rockets looks like you've all played poor welcome back everyone hey remember Nuka yeah last time i didn't include me [ __ ] prove your math that's entertainment music it's all energy what country did Angelina Jolie's first up child Maddox come from son of a [ __ ] I mean why ye volley here I think there yeah yeah uh Omega I don't know about Angelina Jolie well I assume would have known no all right but the Jolie pits landmarks and customs cultures and divorce is really is really affecting a lot of families in Hollywood yeah you guys are all so close yeah no we're being split up you know we're taking side take sides yeah uh but uh there you go okay whoever who did it nah me okay it was Gavin was it uh think that one got it wrong I don't know it's no entry oh [ __ ] I'm just here none of you got it right idiots well if it said where is it I can adjust you that one both you know that that's good because I get half as much in the rings of course you didn't know what country does the flag picture here belong to oh sorry whatever country you are I'm pretty sure huh probably Australia I can guarantee is not Australia no no surely Australia oh crap yeah I think at South Africa no yeah no yeah it has the red and blue in it and I think that's because it's all like which one wasn't any of that doesn't have that stuff a via this one's gonna lightning bolt on they're gonna change the flag to a robot leg but then he goes because of Hussein both its last question so can you flash you make it you make it able to make he is the the longest miss runners okay I got it backwards well yeah the Kenyan flag has the shield on the front yes yes are you sure that back right Kenya is in Africa what nationality was the artist Rembrandt oh [ __ ] oh uh membrane is the Rembrandt's Oh rubber own Ian Thank You Ryan a lot of us went Swiss it was not Davin you guys a cilia CH yeah Evan takes a little yeah it's the first don't ask Jeff if he knows it so psycho matter what I did I even turn to I even turned and mouths its Catalan Brian sure you don't believe you ex was the [ __ ] lettering of those alleged - good job Gavin I'm gonna leave ya how you do a Rembrandt dumb lost one read Braille is worth a thousand points dude damn cuz half a wedge wedge is that's what let's check out our next round Joe let's hurry and just get the question it o money bag grab bag dude oh this is grab it but it's the old one yeah gotta grab bag wits alright it's it's a grab bag lips make us like category ice pick well me catch foreclosure use fortune loop Oh Gavin all right which of these teams are the National Hockey League oh god damn it really do we all go to the same time no no yay Gavin's [ __ ] I think I am too actually all that really yeah really I don't know [ __ ] about I know three of them oh I don't see the Bruins anywhere that's pissing me off Ramar those the UCLA Bruins aren't a football team so we're hosting the Boston Bruins so many of those teams are baseball teams up there there are a lot of it uh [ __ ] that was the only other one I think that was in let's play I think I know one more I just guess was Canada isn't no you know what going with it yeah yeah today yeah yeah it's like the Canadian Canadian so that would have James he was that's why guys like I think that's right so one more little one more thing and know about the place is it me go oh poor kid I made sense on the boards I started reading the other one sounds like such a process of elimination will tell me which one is hot I read with a pic Jets that that's probably fictional good job everybody as a 2013 which of these pro golfers have one of Masters golf Tiger Woods too bad he's not up there [ __ ] helium-3 is he's right there Tiger Woods is up there [ __ ] haha oh dear those are the only two golfers I know now I'm [ __ ] Phil ah come on there's there's two more letters these are super super obvious but but what if you can just watch golf yeah huh [ __ ] oh I can't I mean Gavin your guess is as good as mine dude I don't I don't know go one more super super super super super Greg Norman dammit nice Mike where the UH the great white shark right Eagle didn't win one he's Australian how about Bubba Watson Bubba Gump shrimp Oh this is as of 2013 damn it it was Bubba Watson Bubba Watson Tina I should have went from Bubba I thought I knew that lock was a golfer but what do these transformers or members of the Autobots oh yes I do not know that really Leadfoot hey bumblebee mama B um uh P yes Lord Megatron right okay he's Prime no way he can get out my name sideways there is someone inside one named ratchet um Ryan's angry come on I mean whitter I said he's the medic no not sideways it's god damn it Ryan right ratchet hey but in your defense Jack I'm pretty sure sideways sweet sides one right okay Starscream is a bad one yeah he's a right bastard ah ah sounds good down oh are you kidding dammit I'm you guys do transformers crap alright transform is Madison and Micah's house I don't know it was more pirate watch out is it barricade isn't Megatron a pirate kid I like all scream cases I didn't overlap they did overlap what's narrative European I just liked pirates more than transformers Oh mudflap it sounded like they were throwing mud flaps like say I didn't like transformers cuz I also ate apples what no interns are like toys that I asked for my know when I was a kid I like pirates the old formers yeah one more up there Jolteon okay it's either it's either Laserbeak or lead foot this laser baby that's awesome now hey Jamie crush that round nail it lets these are so stupid makers oh man I thought Laserbeak was one of them Lygia he must be a Decepticon I think I guess he sounded cooler so I was like I must like let futsal ball going fast what do these drinks are calling it all their own oh Christ oh that's me I got some hot rod [ __ ] how bout the Patsy product right there ah she it's this is confusing cuz this is a coca-cola products in some areas alright I don't drink soda let's load up soda I mean it hey don't you wanna wanna wanna Danze laugh out that don't want them just Sutter these are my water with a coca-cola product I think Powerade is yeah dude I love 5a life I don't had a five-run look Bible I only know those that I don't even know what that is it's like juice juice drink oh no swing right thanks 5a life thanks childhood um nope that's Pepsi it and I'm gonna tell you now this is definitely Pepsi oh let's see I is brisk coca-cola damn it it's not Jeremy ah frost gun heights good never actually heard of either of those Oh Rosco fresh it was like nah it's your chance has changed dresses like a spry is just another makeup ixa category you know which one I'll go for is in water show all right was quite wish these works of art were created by Andy Warhol I'll crap I don't ah where is the well ah Jeff I fish I'll help me out Jeff help me out you run out of time goddammit oh that was so lucky oh good luck everyone Sharik hey [ __ ] am Berger & Berger yeah I just I got a couple of damn work uh uh Jenny sorry I mean if he has a hamburger than a big butt right over that and Jeff coughed I was calling to say that was right oh the most famous all the most famous one hotel say is a soup one is now famous lamella shaw thank god [ __ ] ah crap I had a good lead [Music] I just wanted the baked potato and be a little bit Sol this point all right good try because he almost click it wasn't meant to be it wasn't in the stars tits yeah two more up to his wife that'd be my personal that was Jackson Pollock just just shrugging at me stop looking at Jim Jeff shut up I didn't say anything I just shrugged out all of them the only one I know she didn't click ocean mouse over oh [ __ ] it feels good my girl is alright alright I think that might put me in second in fourth way still trailing behind and fern I'm in third in second hey transpose was close game now fishing ball to one of them luggage no fishing ball was up there it was up there I just another look look someone's big hard no it wasn't it wasn't a real opponent the shows not over yet it wasn't again which are sausage anyway uh switch agura's whatcha gory I think it's just weak shoes the categories before every play and if it's the one you paid to get bonus points I'll show you category player one there are book history ah Jay Garrick's no one's gonna pick you up great why I'll do it all right after what presidential debate was a term spin-doctor first coined note that term me what spin doctor was a robot in robot wars spin down to shooting open using auto watch a notion Spock wealthy Jeff obviously knew that one I had no clue no idea for bonus points on that one my gosh Park Gavin slicks category pick a category uh oh hey Myka no Jia I'm really bad at joking fiercely why can't you pick again something else you're just escalated geography what was it like one step that oh I didn't mean actually click a button damn it that was my guest dami Jenny I did travel do that one and I was floating my finger on the buttons and click that hey you're welcome iike for the job efficient ego bigger category Aaron Powell is another Jackson hola right nope oh that is cute that's adorable take a look alright uh what popular European game pictured here has rules are similar the pool Oh Gavin you know this one Oh Steve Davis I have no Myka wasn't around for these jokes that was not hey it's snooker snooker data from something it's a popular game talkin game way to earn those bonus area good job you with your hat yeah hats there's this vault gonna be under time to switch categories player sure I know what sport is snooker the question okay pancetta London's and prosciutto are all derived from meat of what animals lardons and chat lr don't Oh how's that Sports unusual that's oh under a German yeah eating a pancetta oh definitely leisure my jackets you got this guy clock yeah I don't know I'm promoter term for bacon yeah prosciutto is like an awesome bacon so like how it's all different kinds of bacon ham that tastes like I say bacon they really saw landings please Laurie Levenson I'll eat some Landon's per dog give me some laser beams Latin where your body when you find the hallux I have no idea your [ __ ] business hallux I know let's lure hallux oh I broke my holux why would that be I sprained my hallux this morning getting out of bed this is like someone would say Oh in Meritor you got it ah that sound like something that my foot hearts hats or hallux it's like all right is my worst game it make your logic Jeremy yeah that's just how I figure that one out I like the but there's just actual logic there interesting interesting that's a D in most classes let's switch up the categories to take us back sports ice and miracle in pain you should have gone leisure and hope for transformers 2 or something what is the name of the short she doesn't begin oh I know - oh it's like oh come on it's such a stupid name yeah I think I know that one yeah it's a lace holster yeah I knew it wasn't a hilt or a holster apparel an umbrella holsters body to storage for a weapon and a Hilton handled weapon or tool BAM did not know that a ferrule was that alright alright moving on change is going for that is you should know me better than that uh and JD Salinger's novel to catch a knife what's his name Holden Caulfield's younger sister oh [ __ ] daven it look Oh wrap I've read this too but such a long time ago it's a thigh chicken shot majority revolt I'm a twenty two of them yo Phoebe now that's how his friend I was right Sally was the one he had a crush on right yeah oh damn it 500 questions well here's an interesting development you see your floppy camera may not correct alright yeah guess uh guess what the FedEx man Robbie was getting into my father's category uh here's a war xbox yeah uh oh dude Dyson Dyson dude did you bring it in now I just had to look on the front porch so they know what to chemical and symbols are in the logo for the TV show Breaking Bad oh [ __ ] yep he is gonna see a and B are good job Jeremy yeah whoo you got an entertainment and science question ah Gavin is dominating the team it wasn't lost Jack you think I'm pretty even when it gets up Cynthia this one oh that one I'm down the toilet I'm back in second hey what's up first I'll make you a little bit of things well good time and I'll take the picture that fit very close Rachel second next wedge let's take a look the smug photographer is this the last round me I won't go around four and then we have the final this is gonna be a point right it was a sweet boy you think the energy of this video matches the water bullets let's take a look at the rules it's time for close call blitz I mean close thought my first off it's clothes called woods what is this boy who's grass or - everything we all go at the same time history could be but you gotta get the closest to the correct box oh yeah list one all right which of these US Army races the highest I know I messed it up corporal not made it up I messed it up I panicked historical Oracle Linux I was looking for general didn't see any way to capture me thank God I went I want to make sure and then I saw Jack get it in I panicked [Music] okay which of these countries done your opinion early comm God you got this Gavin a happy France right uh I think so it's a France Great Britain let's see who chose best yeah wait touch the left in the dust yeah these ones these are so bad for me I've just passed going up just kidding this means Jack still gets a wedge or a well touch still gets a little bit of a head start on us cuz you still technically has the least amount points which of these fallen countries join the United Nations got what I don't know Vic funny check that out boo hey I get a head start next time hey Journal that will help but all this head stars involved which these British marks yeah well no I'm then help you okay har the safe a bit okay the wrong one I destroy George I was like hell yet your art the sick dammit you're so bad at your country yeah I looked in whatever light Vidya had a one next to it let me conquer around yeah that's that should occlusion [ __ ] alright aren't awesome you're awesome I can't swim there I mean I'm gonna be equally as bad in Bowl so okay we've got which of these classic plays premiered earliest here we go you sound weird dammit ah sounds dolls houses Gilbert and Sullivan or Ibsen [ __ ] what's Sean's cut what it what I pick but all right one but either one out of a second or one year apart that's [ __ ] that was it right so we all going in on an even playing field here looks like okay so at last place me Oh Jeremy's important man followed by capital M airs and I bet yup for Windham all this fresh questions really foiled it but you weren't kidding when you said you'd use a ballpark ever dude I know me better he's a very close race in first if I don't have time to like think about it I'm done I'll just panic and click on whichever one I'm on so you would not do well on Jeopardy then nope he lost on Jeffers but you can click in and then until the timer runs out that's true CB that person who plays go oh yeah oh yeah all the time here we go this is it it's decides who wins is Gavin getting the second victory of the let's play or arts and leisure he lost on - Bertie and the Conte babes this would be just a heartbreaker to lose on oh come on Pakman all right again you cross the street that should be the next one yeah easy easy but I actually don't show Jeff knows one Oh yep said where George has high score foot okay get across the street Oh rub budge Oh surely not sure I don't know oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] the Packman sorry though jack knows Frogger last player still knows the pot of greed gets I met at Namco oh [ __ ] oh yeah you're right damn it from the page - damn it yeah literature Oh what what who are these people I don't even with Archie comics idiot uh what someone didn't guess all right do not get it in time I think I would have gotten it wrong anyways so Gavin and Myka is rich it's obviously probably that's naturally you know ken amis rice look at the name yeah that's what I feel like he has a go on any any name the ensign car it was good friends with Jughead Oh easy there you go Betty Anja Betty and Jughead it's amazing how you can guess answers knowing nothing about is blog come on and Liana be Veronica Oh Kupe on the blonde named uh uh let's you guys are solo can't be rich and blonde in the comedy be either one of that technology biology was she an idiot space is up here in a box and nature oh I know them oh here goes Gavin what I actually actually got ah Jeremy Jeremy oh my god you're out until the next category weight is determined by killing Jeff damn it look ah measured in Fig Newton Mass you hang something to weigh it with mass each category is worth what Lee what well new and it you hang it on a hook don't you I no idea there's no granny what listen wet measure you and me no isn't a displacement he's got a mass right but nobody thank you yeah he's got me kid I wasn't the question I know I kid what happened I didn't answer I was mad oh damn it category is worth a wedge thank you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Newtons it hit me too like a Gasper no conscience past and present let's make history Oh definitely Kellogg's oops pretty sure it's of General Mills Celia by Gavin Jack get one wrong I'll try it's easy that one's easy ice krispie treats okay bump bump ow doing it okay editor can read now in the fourth column what sure cuz I read the fortune 500 oh wow we're all guessing the same thing so what does General Mills make you know all right yeah I think right isn't it like oh thanks fun make sure [ __ ] on no idea not a clue Jones hey I know my cereal Jack alright excellent oh that's it mr. Yellen fine I'm first General Mills makes Boo Berry Cheerios checks cinnamon toast crunch that was so good like this couch ought to make Cheerios wait till Avon make money bunches of oats french toast crunch Golden Grahams french toast crunch is necessary honey nut cluster kicks lucky bird I make it came inside he's your Joe mica Trix Jeremy and dead last yeah Jeremy could never win a game of Trivial Pursuit I want to walk use you all right let's go let's go spin the wheel till we're playing there all right oh yeah oh all right how do I know you're sorry there uh we just finish Trivial Pursuit so now we're gonna head on to the next episode every wets play this is what you can be expecting there's more don't grab the gun it's yeah that's this is just unsafe we can't sorry sorry yeah look it's fake no you're right it's bro someone gave this to me to give to you from London they hand knit it it says yup on one side and something and nope on the other what says it says yup because because it's a [ __ ] pony who's Applejack's brother I can't remember his name alright Jenny what are we playing next next game who I think is a four player game my Jacek soon another like knocked out of his hand star wall now this focuses a friendly now we're in that game just oh yeah they lobby on well you're not the important people maybe I won't be in the system oh hi hi invisible Trevor hey normal Ryan it must have been an invisible Trevor oh I see you're no good I got a jar I turned off all Jeremy's doodads not us two dads I mean he just why me it's not really doing watch you just give disappeared [Applause]
Channel: Achievement Hunter
Views: 571,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Guide, Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, Jack Pattillo, Mica Burton, Gavin Free, Jeremy Dooley, Gavin running on raffle drum, geography, arts and literature, entertainment, history, science
Id: xJbCavRZiB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 42sec (3222 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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