Rough In Electrical Wiring on a SIP home.

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my name is trig I'm with destiny city electric I'm a licensed electrical contractor here in the state of Washington this is my first sip house and I thought I looked at this project having never done one for as an opportunity to expand my business and also to expand my craft and what I would like to do is give you some of the ideas of how I was able to go from having never experienced it doing contracting in the state washing stick-frame commercial industrial is my background but I've transitioned into doing some of the residential and so this is my first foray into into sip houses and so I'd like to give you some information on how I was able to identify some potential hazards and also also to show you and simplify the process so that it's easy for you to take on a project like this I think they're a great home and they have great design obviously you want to be involved early on in the planning of it because there are some identified entity in the process so that that the process runs smooth like any other house would work the number one thing I would want to do in this would be the planning phase sitting down with the architect or design team owners to find out lighting locations outlet locations primarily because for me I want to honor the design phase but at the same time I have to also honor my codes and requirements here in the state of Washington and so involving in that planning phase I need to find out where the service panel is going to go where any exterior penetrations need to be and then depending on the type of subfloor you have in this particular installation we have slab on grade so we don't have any option to do that later so we had to plan every location where we would want to have stub ups undo it coming up through the floor and we would want to make sure we could identify those on any interior walls because obviously anywhere where we had a sip wall the structural you know insulated panel you we're not gonna be able to bring a conduit up into that area so what we're going to do during this video is we're going to show several ways for us to not only creatively but simply run our wires from a stick frame wall into a sip from a sip to a sip both of these on a corner from an outlet to a switch and then transitioning to a corner of another outlet we're also going to show you transitioning in the ceiling from a wall to out to the stout to the lights and then from a light to a light all and then we're also going to transition on internal corner so what we have is we have a pantry here and we need to put a box in here and I want to come around the corner and feed this outlet right here so I've got my chase here and I've planned to come around to my chase here so I'm going to drill my hole so now penetrated through the OSB pulled out the plug so at this point what we have is we have our void if I continue to drill basically we slide our box in so now I got to get the wire from here to the outlet so now so I've also got a wall here and then these six so this is the transition point hole so so now we in any sip wall you're going to transition from the sip to a stick frame and here's how I have resolved doing that issue so I take a fish stick which you can buy anywhere and you take string which you can pick up at any electrical supply house I stick that through to my hole here and then I've made a hook and what I do at this point like catch my wire I reach through I catch my wire I pull my stick out and now I have a chaise so I've transitioned from there to there tie this on to your string do a little tape on there for good measure one of the things you don't want to happen while you're doing this is to lose your string using the existing hole and knowing that there's an existing hole there I match it up bring my wire into the box and you've made the transition to the corner so in this situation what I have the way the layout is is I have an outlet and then I've got to come up from the outlet to a switch and so we're setting our switches at 48 inches which there's a mark there there's a mark here there's also a layout here at 9 inches and up top at 9 inches so what I'm going to do is mark 9 and actually we go top a box at 48 so I go 46 and in this situation we're going 16 so we have a vertical chase at this point and then we also have a horizontal chase so now I'm going to come up to the switch so you see you've got your your vertical and your horizontal and they meet perfectly so your wire actually can transition with with relative ease so we've got a chase right here and if I just reach over grab my wire and in this situation what I do when I'm fishing down is I have my string already attached to my wire it also gives me some pliability and in the future it gives me the option of running continuous wire down there so that is how I would pull down now if I want to continue this run and come around the corner to another outlet I just pull this long till I reach the end that's my switch take my trusty hook so now I've got my horizontal hole I stuffed my wire in there stick my rod so I got my string but I don't want to go into here I actually want to transition to this point so I've got a string out I catch my string here push this down to here so then when I've done is I basically just suck this string back up through here so now I've got a string from there to there I pull my fish stick back I tie my wire on so I've got a continuous string where my to sip walls line up and I I pull my string through here leaving a tail here for my outlet and then I got an outlet there so that's how I would transition from a sip to a sip and then transition up to a switch okay so what we have we have a sip filling that we transition on one end to a sip wall and on this end we have basically a sheer wall so to transition from sip to shear we're using the existing chases that were pre designed by the Builder and the design team and that came down to this wall so we were able to drill a hole on the reverse side of this shear wall to make the connection so now we want to go down to go from a light switch up into the SIP wall to connect to the lights in this particular installation we have this light and then another light this hole only services as a transition from the horizontal to I guess they're both for from the exterior chase to the central chase so I'm just going to push I'm using a standard fish tape and string again that's my tools of the trade transition that over I will cut my string I will pull my string through so now I have and you could a little bit of fun here very easy but the holes are there everything is easy you know now you can pull your wire so this hole once all the strings are tied tight we can take this cover it up fill it up and it's like it was never there so they'll put some foam in some sort on that so again I'm using this pre-existing chase I've got to clear it out I push my so now I continue to push the chase this is about four feet away from where I'm at right now and I'm just using my fish tape in the string I'll grab the end of the fish tape stick I can pull this back so we've transitioned now from the switch we've pulled our string out to the center we've come to a light and then we transition to the next light and again all using pre-existing chases and minor drilling or minor requirements as far as being able to drill that exterior hole to transition and pull it down the line so here's an area where you have a first-floor garage upper floor studio and you have instead of a full panel sip you've got a sip first floor sip that sits and I have a second floor sip that sits on top and so there's a chaise above and below which we've identified here by drilling a penetration into this wall and there's a hole above both of these we measured laid out drilled the hole in this particular situation we had we had an installation where the chases were blocked by blocking so we actually had to take a flex drill bit so it's on like a they make this in a 48 inch they make in a 24 inch they make it in a lot of different lengths but this is a 5/8 drill bit and we stuck this in the hole at an angle and we went up and we were able to drill the blocking out and then we were able to use a fish stick which we've displayed earlier right here with a string push it up through the hole so you've got a guy on top and on bottom we pulled the string up so now we already have the string through here at this particular installation we're pulling a speaker wire and a number twelve romex and mb so Shawn you want to go ahead and pull it pull ball strings tight good go ahead okay nice and easy keep going okay nice and easy okay now just pull one pull the pull the yellow okay now pull get the other one good so now that's how we've transitioned from first floor to the second floor so we've just pulled this wire up from the lower floor of the upper floor now we want to transition from this corner to this corner and in this situation we're not going to drill any external holes so we're going to use this fish tape fish just basically your normal number 12 wire and I'm going to stick this in right here and then I'm going to stick this one in to the pre-design chases you can actually see here where they line up so it's just a basic number 12 wire that we put a hook on so now I'm going to stick this here down through the chase and this particular one here I had a string on there we go so now I've just with basic fishing techniques that any remodeler contractor might use I'm able to pull this through and I actually fish this all the way through so at that case I have a string all the way through which I pulled out these are a couple of standard electrical boxes one is a metal and one is a fiberglass both of these come in a remodel style these are not these are in addition to remodel style but they have screw holes here where you can actually attach it to to a USB sheet of plywood or sheetrock or whatever in this situation with the ceiling that we have in this project I'm going to use both a combination of fiberglass and metal primarily the metal are going to go up in the architectural high ceilings or anywhere where a fixture is going to hang that might be over 50 pounds so here we have an architectural ceiling this is actually the dining room fixture location we've pulled our wire using the existing chase's so we've got the metal box it's good for over 50 pounds we're going to take this up stick it up in here and then take a couple of you know screws to screw into the two the OSB and it's ready for sheetrock looking back at this this process and and having going from that initial phase of I would say somewhat reluctant or fearful but at the same time looking for work and wanting to find new ways to expand my business grow my business to stay in business sips happens to be something that is available right now and I had an opportunity and I have no regrets and doing in fact I look forward to doing more partly because it's much more manageable to pull wire it's much more it's very similar to a lot of the work that I do I do a lot of remodel work I do a lot of projects where you're in people's homes and you're trying to do minimal damage you're trying to do minimal mess and so this is a lot like that except I get to get in before the sheetrock or so so in a way it actually makes the project a little simpler on my end but at the same time the cost I would say or the the overall project expense as far as material is very similar to what it would cost for another contractor to do a regular stick-frame house if you're involved in the early planning process you can definitely minimize your labor expense you can minimize the time it will take to produce the project from start to finish you
Channel: Structural Insulated Panel Association
Views: 544,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SIPs, Electrical, Rough in, Green Building, Structural insulated panels
Id: E6hE1-OOGyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2013
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