Live Day Trading Recent SPAC and IPO's during the Day Trading Morning Show

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all right everyone good morning so uh it's coming up on 8 30 here and we do have some action already today you could see we've got a little bit on qn gy uh this one is still on watch it's got a high right now of 8 25. the float's a little higher but it's a recent um spac special acquisition company so uh it's you know in the sector that's been hot right now the only thing about this is that it's a bit extended uh floats 110 million shares a little higher and uh it's already shown that there's been a bit of a wall at around 8 20. there was a wall previously at about seven dollars but it it finally broke it and squeezed right up to eight but then there was another wall at eight so this one seems to have walls of sellers and they're kind of big which is interesting um so i've been streaming already for about an hour and a half for warrior pro students and have put together some profit so i'm at about nineteen thousand two hundred eighty dollars on the day already reminder for those tuning in on youtube for the morning show that my results are not typical trading is risky and most beginner traders lose money so you should trade cautiously and trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line and not try to blindly follow me or anyone else i'll do the best i can to articulate uh as i'm trading but you know i'm doing two things at once i'll do the best i can but you have to make sure you manage your risk take your trades as you will uh just be smart about it so yeah qngy is the leading gapper i've said qncy a couple times um quan quanergy is the name of the company quanergy systems but qncy is easier say than qngy i don't know so if i say qncy i mean qngy so my apologies there in advance so quan energy quanergy a weird name high is 825. so it's one to keep an eye on right now uh i i'm concerned it's going to flush because it's got this cell resistance up here and if it breaks it might break just by a couple cents and then flush so for right now it's a little extended on the five minute waiting for a bigger pullback this is very predictable i'm not surprised at all to see that so that's fine nrgv second leading gapper right now uh float on this one not listed uh it's not as high as 110 uh nrgv this is a recent spack as well so this one has already provided some opportunity this morning on this squeeze right here i had a nice move at 4 00 a.m but you know that was 4 a.m ispo from yesterday so this one squeezed up to a hundred and eight dollars a share pretty wild right 108 dollars a share it just kept going now it squeezed up uh really really like two four six eight nine ten eleven green candles in a row halts down gaps down and from there some people said you know what that's it that was the front side of the move this is the back nothing else to trade well hold up this thing curled and ripped right through the high and then we got some action we got a halt down bounced right back up got over 100 so we got some great action on it yesterday i was i was impressed so i'll clear my drawing tools on it for today right now it is down about twenty percent so it has pulled back a bit uh it's still worth watching but it's pulled back a bit and the volume is light as traders kind of just wait to see whether or not it's going to provide more long i mean it's not doesn't even have 100 000 shares of volume yet it's got a four point spread and traders right now are probably just wondering is there still someone short that's going to try to cover because if they try to cover there's not a lot of volume so that covering especially if they cover at the ask with a four-point spread so let's say a broker star was forced to covering but i don't think they probably would because if they didn't yesterday it's lower 20 by 20 than it was yesterday so i'm not sure that you're gonna get auto liquidation uh pre-market at this price range probably not but it's you know worth keeping an eye on so that's on a side chart uh up high ispo angh was also uh strong yesterday recent spack uh same sort of non-catalyst catalyst it was just technical in that it was similar to ispo that was it and that was what gave us a lot of momentum yesterday recent ipo recent reverse splits which we've seen over the last few months have been really hot and it culminated with ispo yesterday so i might as well grab a screenshot of ispo i hadn't already grabbed one for the classes but you know you think about the move we had on drys this was years ago where it topped out at 117 you know it took a couple days this thing in one day went from 14 to 108. that's really impressive so this definitely goes in the archives of parabolic momentum uh i made money on it but you know i didn't make a lot because i didn't trade it uh as early in the day as i could have i sort of sat on the sidelines the volume was really light i was sort of just like i don't know i've had i'd had two red days previously uh so i was uh a little cautious but you know this thing this eventually convinced me to jump in and i did and then just kept trading it i traded all the way till about 4 30 yesterday so that was the longest day of trading that i've had in quite a while but it was worth it and it was the right type of day to dig deep so 2941 that was a critical spot reclaiming its pre-market high and then this first pullback right there at 31.46 that was for the first move up and then the second it was the break over uh 50 right around here the halt up the dip the halt down bounced off that level yeah good action overall let's see so i'm gonna grab a screenshot of this one one minute chart yo parabolic one minute so we'll add those the classes for warrior pro students okay so yeah n-a-n-g-h sympathy momentum that's just the definition right there your sympathy momentum nice action it was a little tricky but overall pretty good so i'm not really sure that i'll trade that one uh i mean i probably won't trade ispo or angh again today unless ispo gets closer to 100 we'll see um spo sympathy we had this one which was a recent reverse or recent ipo uh qngy let me pull this back up so i i stopped i took it off my radar for a second there um it's below v view app is at 7 34. so it needs needs to get back above view web to look better sometimes you know down in these areas could be a good dip opportunity just to buy the dip but it's a dip below v web it's not my favorite it's going to have resistance coming back up um so we'll see cptn crazy yep similar setup this thing went from 10 to 80. several halts in a row going up uh pulled back so yeah that's that was impressive doesn't have a lot of volume yet is another one just to keep on watch just in case you know and yesterday it made that huge move on very light volume which was pretty wild but it did so yeah you've kind of got a little bit of ascending support down here if you have resistance and the resistance level is kind of like there i don't know so but just like ispo the spreads are bigger qn gy sorry qn gy it's a tough one for me selling off a bit more and that's kind of what did yesterday earlier today it's hit 744 dropped all the way to five rallied back up now it's pulling back again nrgv i'll take a trade on that and i'll add 75 and 85 so here's the thing on this one this is a break of v app now watch for an ad over 20 dollars and 25 cents added at 20. i'm gonna be aggressive on this let's see if we got to move back up to 21. so i'm gonna allow myself to increase share size on this add at twenty dollars and six cents now looking for twenty fifty there's twenty thirty nine holding two thousand shares new order going in here increasing share size let's see fifteen thousand shares nice break of vwap i chased it but thank you 2039 new order 1500 shares watching dip the holding right now added to 82 on the dip 92 looking for the break back over twenty dollars and ten cents and then twenty fifteen twenty thirty nine add it again at ninety looking for first one minute candle to make a new high so the break back over v wap is bullish the first one minute candle first micro pullback is always important to watch now we're looking for the break back through twenty twenty dollars ten cents first one minute candle to make a new high so let's watch this back over twenty order's ready to add at twenty watching to buy dips added 49 to buy the dip this is a bottoming tail candle and i want to catch the pot back up through 950 sixty first one minute candle to make a new high is gonna be around nine seventy five it's very common for them to retest v app that's okay now the ad is 75 and 85 watch up here this is the perfect bottoming tail right now order is it 20 so i can add 75 85 and 95. so right now we're getting the one minute setup add it at 75 i'm going to add it 85 and we're looking for the curl over 20. first one minute candle to make a new high bounce off v web there's 78 there's 80. look for 90. let's see if this wants to curl through 20 my order is at 80 to add bring it i'm going to move it up to 90. so watching right here 19 and 80 cents added right there 75 there's 80 on the ask there's 85 added 80. now look for the break of 20 so we want i want to size up on this for the break of 20 and then the target is 20 and 50 cents so watch that first one minute candle to make a new high we're up 77 percent this one's our leading gapper right now looking for that curl through 20. so you know this is the type of price action that we like seeing in a hot market i want to see the curl through twenty twenty dollars twenty five cents twenty fifty we've got sixty nine on the ask my average is seventy two still room to add at seventy five and eighty five orders going up at 95 watching to add back 85. so we're looking for that break through 20. first one minute candle making a new high out of this wedge holding 5000 shares right now 1967 on the ask 65. and this is what we saw earlier today as well we saw resistance around these levels and then when it broke we got these big breaks so holding 5200 shares right now we're in a wedge going flat on it for now look to add on dips off the v-wap i'll give it a certain amount of time but it should have broken it should have broken already should have broken on that candle right there when it hit 96. dip trade at 1904 trying to buy the dip off the view app so these dip trades are with smaller size there's 1964 on the ask look at that my average is 1903. so my feeling on these is that it's important to have a willingness to take the loss and then get back in reposition i want to try to be a little patient and give them room but you know at the same time at this point now we're getting into a five minute setup so it might make sense to wait for the five minute setup still holding at 1903. ispo charts up there and gh have it on watch my volume was on that candle so we got one nice rip there from 18 to 20 but i got in a little high and then we topped out at 20 39. got a double bottom there still pretty early watching ad 1857 buy order this is the volume weight average price no fill at 1857 on the bid tried it but no fill so right now i want to be patient having a hard time knowing for sure which one is the one ispo still hanging out around same price cptn it broke over 33.50 look for a move back up to 43. needs a lot more volume and rgb qn gy needs to get back over v wap high volume on green candles is good ship trade at 1860 trying to buy the dip off vwap only going with small size 1863 average this is uh psychological support at 18 50. so stop right around the v app we'll see if we get that curling right so it's a nice trade we'll hold it right now took half off the table 1932. so the risk on that trade was about 13 cents in a 63 stop was 50 1850 so our target would be a retest of 23.50 ultimately i don't know if we go that high but we'll see those tuning in on uh youtube the morning show would super super appreciate if you guys all hit the thumbs up real quick just take two seconds hit the thumbs up lets the youtube algorithm know that this is a video worth recommending to someone else thank you for that i appreciate it so we came down to the v web down to the 20. we're starting to base out a little bit let's see if we break higher my average is 1927 i just added back i'm just starting to get positioned on this um we still have a few minutes before this five minute candle closes so taking a little profit at the half dollar taking a little more profit at 65 taking a little bit more at 62. so taking some profit as it goes a little higher not a huge winner smaller share size starting to get dialed in for first five minute candle to make a new high but we'll see dip at 1915 bought the dip now let's see if we pop back up to 1945 1950. so i'm more interested in actively trading it when it's proving that it's able to hold the v app so watching for the break back over 1950 first five minute candle to make a new high would be 19.75 back to flat for now 26. i don't love that red candle right there i wish it wasn't red so we're on a bull flag here on the five minute chart we're above the volume weight average price added back at 29. let's see if we get the break through 1965 and 75 for the first five minute candle to make new high so new orders to add would be 55 and 65. my average right now is 38 added at 55 now i'm going to look to add at 65 and 75 we're setting up a five minute added at 65. now 85. now let's look for the breakthrough 20. this is a 5 minute time frame so holding full position and looking to keep adding 85.95 for the breakthrough 20. we've got a five minute bull flag right now so next ad is around 75 and 85 when i see green on the tape that's when i add 1990 orders at 20. green on the tape adding at 77 adding at 87. now looking for the squeeze up over 1995 and let's see if we get that quick break through 20. if we do we want to see a retest of 20 dollars and 39 cents watching for an ad at 94. looking for the break adding right there 95 there's 20. there's 20 and 1 cent new order goes at 2010 average is 65. so we tapped 20 bought the dip at 61. so quick dip trade there there's 70. i took half off the table in the 90s holding right now 2 000 shares at 65 adding at 64. looking for the pop back up to 75 holding 3 800 shares so what i'm looking for on this is a retest of 20 our five minute is still okay but clearly the one minute is pulling back holding 1800 shares added at 41 buying the dip average is 50. so it's rejecting that 20 level so getting out break even at around 50 for now gave back a little bit of profit i didn't look to see how much i was up tip trade at 19. that's a dip off the v wap again looking for 19 there's 1935 let's see if we get a little higher than that 1923 decent nice dip trade ipso curling so you know just actively trading the range not trading with big size right now but getting a little bit here and there yeah i see that big spread still angh has slightly more volume and it certainly has better spreads only a 55 cent spread versus a four dollar spread but ispo is the really the one to focus on ispo needs to go so i can watch both of them we'll see what happens but volume is very light and our gv has got 4 million shares of volume is po is probably like 100 200 share positions at its current price and spread and our gv dip trade 81 buying the dip off the v web again so average is 81. sold half in 1904 for 24 cents 25 cents just catching those little bounces off the v app just holding small size in rgb for now so we've got some uh descending resistance that's going to be around a hundred i don't know if i really see anything there hard to tell well i usually do buy the dips on the ask sometimes i will put an order on the bid if we have a big spread and see if i can get filled uh and you could set a hotkey if you wanted to like control shift b or something like that to put an order on the bid you certainly could try something like that a lot of times my orders on the bid won't fill though you know so that's kind of annoying if i really want to get in i usually will have to buy the ask those just getting tuned in on youtube for the morning show i want to remind you as always that trading is risky most beginner traders lose money and i encourage you to trade cautiously i'll put my disclaimer up there i really appreciate you guys hitting the thumbs up let's see if we can get over a thousand thumbs up here for this morning show so nrgv still holding small size now we have a bit of a messy abcd pattern i say it's messy because this candle which marks the high was higher volume and red volume red candle not my preference but up about 50 cents on the dip from 1881 there we go so the attention right now is definitely still on um recent ipo dspac recent specs qngy coming back up to the v app yeah so that's true so yesterday ispo had that squeeze like right right going into the open that's kind of when it happened so it was like 9 25 or whatever so we still have 30 minutes to the bell i think being able to stay alert to see if something does show something like that is important we'll hear it most likely hitting the scanners and and i did see ispo yesterday but when i pulled it up i thought ah spreads are a little big i don't know so today i'd probably be a little bit more aggressive based on the action we saw yesterday right that's good to know karen thank you nice on nrgv still holding small size from 1881 dip now you're coming up to the high here of 2039 and the question no doubt is will it break that level or is it going to run into that as a double top resistance took a little more off the table there at 36. so we'll look to add back so 2039 is our double top new order goes at 20 40. if we can break through this level then we've got room back to 23 right 24. dip trade at twenty dollars and six cents trying to buy the dip off of previous psychological support and then put the order at 2050 so i can add for a breakthrough this high this is the first added there at 40. next add 65 and 75 now let's look for that squeeze up to 21. so i'm going to add 75 there 85 there i'm going to add at 21 and i'm going to look for a squeeze now up to 21.50 watching for the ad added right there 21 holding 7000 shares added at 92 looking for the break 21 then 21 10. holding 4 000 shares watching for a dip added at 98. we got a break through 21.15 added eight now looking for the break at 21.15 to start to pull away up to 21.25 new order 2125 profit at 07. i have this candle is 2110 215 is the new order added at 21. looking for the breakthrough 2115 starters 1500 shares so nice break of twenty dollars and thirty nine cents that was our technical level now watching over 21.15 for the move up to 21.25 i want to see if this starts to accelerate a little bit more because it is the leading gapper added at 75 to buy the dip so nrgv is our leading gapper pre-market high was 23.50 so that's a natural psychological level to be thinking about watching over 2115 for a move to 21.50 this stock does trade well and respects half dollars in whole dollars added at 95 there so looking for the pop back through 2115 there's 2104 holding 4000 shares looking for an ad at 21.9 can hold over the half dollar for the whole dollar 2103 on the ask holding 3 400 shares but added back at 21.05 and 15. now looking for seven now looking for 21.25 so let's watch for that squeeze up to 21.25 it's starting to pull away from the whole dollar next ad is 21.18 bid stack there good watch 2115 flat should have held that level right away watch for another dip trade added at 70 to buy the dip in 59 so dips on the way down look for the pop and curl back up to 21. there's 88 on the ask average is 80. 86 on the bid there's 88 89. got about 20 minutes to the bell added at 60 to buy the dip 39 is previous support so now we're watching for first one minute candle to make a new high and a break back over 85 and 95. i have this current candles in the 70s i think so watching 75 and then 85. up 85 percent right now added right down there 54. trying to buy the dip off of 39. so we're looking for that first candle to make a new high and then the next wave back up so there we go there's some green so now watch over 85 and 90. let's see how much this wave gives us we're looking for first candle to go green on the one minute chart watching for ads at 85 the break back over 21. so this candle high is 80. so i'm looking for the break of 80. first 1 minute candle to make a new high added at 78 for the first 1 minute there's 91 good and we get back through 21 though holding 1700 shares average is 69. got a little profit at 88. flat 67 for a 2 cent loss on the rest new order goes at 21. 1500 shares those tuning in on youtube please please hit the thumbs up let's see if we can get to 1500 thumbs up here in the next couple minutes while you guys take a minute to hit the thumbs up i'll take a minute to remind you as always that trading is risky most beginner traders lose money and my results are not typical so i would discourage you from blindly following me or anyone else this is an opportunity to learn more about momentum trading if you want to learn more you can go to strategy that page has a link where you can register to a free workshop that i teach you can read about my momentum trading strategy as much as you'd like diptrade here at 38 buying the dip off the 20 moving average on nrgv so this type of dip trade again a bottoming tail right off the 20. looking for the pop back over 2050 i want to see this uh prove to me that it can hold 2039. 2009 was the bottom of that candle 2009 is the 20 moving average we've got about 15 minutes to the bell so i want to see if this base is here and then curls off the 20. 20's been pretty well respected so far today looking for the pop back up over the half dollar got 44 on the ask so 44 on the ask and then 60 which makes me think that this could pop pretty quickly back up to 60. see look at that see how fast that popped right back to 60. and you know that's reading level 2 reading the tape so back down to small size for now double bottom would be uh 2008 ispo you know right now it's so it's incredible because yesterday i had 12 million shares of volume today less than 200 000 shares of volume so you know yesterday it was hot yesterday traders were excited today traders said well what's what's their trade it's not moving enough it's not doing anything really so people are just waiting and that means not a lot of volume so we're not seeing good continuation on this now if we had held in this level i think that that would be a different story because you wouldn't you would see people starting to accumulate long positions for this break through a hundred but when we dipped down here at seven now uh bullish traders are probably just thinking well it's below v web and doesn't have enough volume it's too far off the 100 level i think it's better just to wait and even short sellers might just be thinking i don't know the risk is too high so cptn yes i see this one uh so yep it's definitely worth keeping an eye on the volume is light on it it was light yesterday so anytime you have something that's light volume you have to be a little bit more cautious slippage is going to be bigger but yeah it's worth keeping an eye on angh i'm not probably going to trade this one unless ispo opens up so we need ispo to open up first so nrgv back at 2008. dip on nrgv looking for the pop back up over 20. there's 2013 if i can get up to 2015 average is 19.99 nice 150 bucks uh your pivot there is around 33.50 but you've got a fairly big spread at the moment so waiting for more volume to come in i look at rate of change more than anything if something squeezes up to three dollars a share like it did yesterday even if the volume is light i'll still look at it but you just have to be careful because the risk is higher cptn [Music] so you can see it popped up there but you've got these really big spreads right now 33.77 by 35.75 so this is like 200 share positions for me uh you know it's basically would be the same as ispo yesterday it's interesting but if i took a thousand shares i'd be risking three four thousand dollars on one trade so keep it on watch so i have it on a side chart qngy [Music] back overview app is what we need so watch view app 10 minutes to the bell let's see if we can get over a 2 000 thumbs up on the youtube broadcast appreciate you guys uh tuning in today and being here a little earlier for a longer broadcast last few weeks broadcast has been pretty short because you know we haven't had anything moving it's been kind of a slow slow couple weeks now we've got a little more action a little more volatility oh thank you guys for hitting that thumbs up i appreciate it keep in mind we have a long weekend here markets are closed on monday for presidents day we do have a president's day sale that we're running right now so if you guys want to check that out of course you're welcome to there'll be a link pinned in the comments where you guys can look at that so you guys can see that right there president's day sale ah let's see so long weekend good opportunity to study up a little bit so angh ispo both down a bit so remember we want to kind of try start each day at zero as jess says doesn't matter what happened yesterday whether it was a green day or a red day let's just trade the market that's in front of us right now so right now our leading gappers and our gv at 74 uh it's a decent gapper we've had some good action on it so far been a little choppy uh it's interesting if it can get further up into this window up to 23.50 it's pre-market high but it's been having a little bit of a hard time running in a resistance back to the v app so i've made some money on it but most of what i made was actually quite a bit earlier on this squeeze right in here and even there i got in a little late but that's okay ispo this one has lighter volume still 116 000 shares but is worth watching over 78.50 and 80 just to see what happens we may see halts on it again today if it squeezes up it makes sense to keep a ngh on watch because it's lower priced therefore more affordable with tighter spreads and yesterday was trading pretty directly with ispo they started to kind of trade in tandem when one would squeeze the other with scoots when one would drop the other would drop so we were getting some some good action there and then cptn this is sympathy from yesterday so big squeeze yesterday a little bit of a pullback here uh you know this is one that probably is you know a bit of a gamble because you had that crazy move yesterday and if it halts going up at the open you know you might think well okay well could we get to 43 dollars and if we got over 43 you've got gap from the halt down all the way to 65. right so you could start to see that but you know yesterday's move was sympathy to what was happening on ispo and ispo isn't really doing a lot right now now it's true that nrgv was also sympathy to ispo and so they sometimes start to diverge a little bit and you know do a little bit of their own thing um you know and so that's fine but just don't want to walk into a bear trap or a bull trap um so just want to be cautious is today the day to be super aggressive i think if it's a day to be aggressive i think i've already been fairly aggressive and it's paid off but at the same time what's in front of me right now is a little bit of a lull we've slowed down a little bit and our gv is pulling back down uh qngy is pulling back down a little bit as well yes so those on um youtube thank you guys for hitting the thumbs up appreciate that big time uh if you're a warrior pro student you have access to my broadcast every day so today i start broadcasting at seven and yesterday i brought was broadcasting from eight to four which was a very long day but did a broadcast the whole day two and a half minutes to the bow 90 seconds to the bell so those on youtube let's see if we get to 2500 thumbs up if you haven't already hit the thumbs up please hit the thumbs up it's for the youtube algorithm makes a huge difference yes brcc we had that one yesterday as well one minute to the bell i probably won't trade this one again my record was gamestop trading from 4am until about 5pm thanks chris i appreciate that so cptn [Music] spreads are a little tighter fault level is 3463 added long at 31 small size on cptn let's see if we go just up to the halt level 3463 i can add at 34. watching the break of 34 for 34 added 34 there's 35 just taking small gains on it 1500 share position wanting to take some profit going into the halt before it halts that way i manage my risk effectively just small size small size not going crazy it's not the day to go crazy not yet so we'll just see what it does just remember this is light volume so it's risky the spreads tightened up so as the spreads tightened up that's why i said all right i'll give it a stab we had when i got in the spread was like 70 cents whereas pre-market it was like three dollars so uh we'll see what it does nrgv pulling back a little bit might watch for red to green my order to add it looks like didn't fill at 34.61 zero shares filled i pressed the buy order at 34.61 and didn't fill anything cptn showing a 44 resumption right now rdfn we'll keep it on watch cool hey christian ispo red to green uh that would be a very small size position possibly over the high here of 68.69 quick long there on ispo let's look for the breakthrough 70 alt level 72 73 72 so i'm going to look to add at 70 on ispo added right there taking half off the table up to the hall level these are relatively small positions you want to make sure you pay yourself on these and you want to be really careful not to chase these because these are volatile holding small size into the halt and gh we should probably look at it halt it up as well and i missed it right so these trade in tandem so if you already had it on watch good for you angh is the one that i missed angh has slightly more volume but still pretty light stock's hitting my scanners qngy needs to get over seven brcc um yeah the coffee black riffle um kpti squeezing a bit without me i is 1380. so this one 12.50 to 13 it's not a recent ipo it's not a special acquisition company so i don't think it's going to hold up that's just my two cents but i don't think it's going to hold up and support this move i'm going to short a small size at 79 with a stop at 14. i just don't think it's going to hold that move this is a topping tail candle the float's a little higher on it 71 million shares so leave my stop at 14 i can always cover it if it pops through 14 but i don't know that it will so i'm just going to put a livestock order by stop and just leave it there switching back to my other account cptn showing a 40 resumption right now we'll be watching resumption on cptn stop breakeven on the rest found a small size stop it break even nice short cptn going 39 resumption new order at 40. cmbm cmbm [Music] so this one i pretty much feel the same way it's not a recent uh reverse split so i don't trust it shorted 150 shares it's easy to borrow it's got the 200 moving average right in the way we'll just set tight stop on that one too switching back here 2697 on the bid ispo watching and we get a dip and rip on ispo add it on ispo there for 77. took some profit on ispo there's 78 took the rest off the table we're coming up to the 200 moving average a little bit of resistance there cptn watching resumption watching ispo possible bounce spreads are pretty big about a minute to resumption on cptn although yesterday i had long halts high on ispo was 78.25 those on youtube please hit the thumbs up if you haven't already done it makes a huge difference for the channel i really appreciate it still holding small position on kpti but stop is break even i'll just cover the rest of it oh actually i went long there we go all right so out the rest of that covered for small loss on cmbm cptn watching for resumption showing 39.43 was our target so watching dip and rip added right there for the break of 40 dip and rip let's see if we squeeze up to 40. 41.70 taking a little off the table holding 167 shares 4303 is the target ispo high of this candle 78 25 so my dip on that my dip fill was at 38 500 shares nice on kpti cmbm i should have stuck with it oh well i didn't realize how light the volume was on cmbm kpti volume was better so you're right yesterday momentum didn't really kick in until closer to 11 a.m that was when we really opened up here and this move i mean it increased through 10 30 but then this is where things went really crazy between 11 and 1. so as i said on a stock like cptn the volume is very light this is a typical dead cat bounce with uh support off the ascending support line you know you just can't trade these with big size unfortunately because you've got a lot of range but there's not enough volume to sustain big size so you trade with smaller size you make what you can on it you know your other options just not to trade it at all and say wow it's not worth it but stocks like ispo similarly yesterday with small size you know if you get five points give you a couple hundred bucks mtech i think i saw this one yesterday uh i'm going to leave it for right now it's a double top at yesterday's high some people are probably short against that level of 28. i'm just gonna hold back on that there's 25 26 on the ask so you know it's hitting the scanners but if you look at yesterday's level you'll realize well that's not a perfect chart l fly uh this is a recent looks like a spec or recent type of ipo alt level is 50 volumes light there's a bid at 25. so right there i took a quick trade um i was in and out before i could even say it so i bought at 50 and sold at 62. just a quick trade in and out so by the time i said it i was already out you know and that speaks to how quickly these can move it's 180 bucks yep hotkeys shift one and then for the long and then uh sold on the ask reminders always for those tuning in on youtube that trading is risky most beginner traders lose money so i encourage you to trade cautiously and don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else bring the simulator before you put real money on the line trading is hard don't assume you're just going to come in here and make a ton of money that's not realistic you got to pay your dues and practice practice practice you guys on youtube want me to keep streaming please make sure you hit the thumbs up remember that we are having a long weekend this weekend for president's day so we do a president's day sale that we're doing right now so if you guys want to check it out you're welcome too all right there's 46 right into another halt on cptn so this is if you have profit you could always trim a little so as you'd like manage your risk so right now just waiting to see what else pops up now cptn yesterday was pretty ridiculous as well so i don't know what it's going to do but uh it's going to have to form some type of clean setup for me to consider adding after the third or fourth halt this is the let's see third hall in a row one two three and we know we have risk of halt down so demand risk accordingly gls yep i see that nice on fsrd look at that holy smokes how did i miss that one okay i'm gonna have to get dialed in on this so i've already missed it two three halts in a row going up ah son of a gun good look good job all right well keep it on watch gls i'll take a quick long on that for the break of 64. yeah so halt level 64. holding 4000 shares 44 average taking it out at the halt level 62. so diptrade 61 bought the dip looking for the squeeze up watch over 61 to add added 61. there's 79 profit there's 90. similar setup right that's the thing so now we'll watch a dip new order at 5. add it at 93. there's 93. didn't realize i was going right into a halt taking a small loss on that we'll watch resumption new order at 5. so l fly halted up and resumed way lower let's watch this added eight here's the thing uh last time we had one of these we curled all the way back up to the high next adds eight twenty five watching it added 8 35 and 45 for a halt up at 865. this is l fly added at 34 and added at 40. there's 48 on the ask look for the breakthrough 50. adding right here 50 for halt up at 65. so this is that bounce and then rip back up watch for the break through 850 and then a squeeze up to 865 halt level there's 855 850 looking for 855 to break new order at 54 watching added 33 to buy the dip looking for that curl back through 850 average is 29 watching over 45 and 50. all levels now 9 so if this breaks through 865 we're gonna look for a move up to nine there's 33 looking for 35 and 40 to add there's 39 added at 40. so added at 47 looking for the break through uh 850 and then let's see if we get 860. there's 42 on the ask looking for my ad at 47.48 the size up for that break through the half dollar this is a one minute micro pullback bought the dip at 29. now looking for that squeeze through 850 we'll be watching fsrd on resumption as well these are the same setup basically watching at 46.47 for the ad and the squeeze through 65. there's 46 added at 47. there's 65. can we go a little higher 44 on the ask 54. we've got to break through 60. yeah lost a little bit on that i added too high new orders at 65. leaving the order at 65 can come back and buy a dip double top it should have broken so i was actively trading taking some profit adding back taking profiting back added back a 17 there on a dip we'll see if it curls back up to 35 15 on the ass there's 18. yeah i'm taking a small loss on that too all right fsrd cptn a 10 minute long halt fsrd watching for possible dip and rip but it's three halts in a row going up so probably just watch to see how it bases out a little choppy so cptn showing a 50 resumption right now we're going to need a pullback on it at some point buzzfeed no i i think the institut this isn't recent enough and the institutional opinion on this i think is that it's not worth it i don't mind if the float's a little higher so we've got cptn you've got fsrd fsrd resump so let's see cptn resumption should be in about two minutes fsrd is going to be a couple minutes sky h gls watching resumption orders at 5 15. so gls is nicey stock i'm looking at four level twos all are halted right now that's tells you something about the market we're in right so i have my order at 5 35 on gls opening lower interesting dip at 53 look to add at 65 watching for a second let's see if we get the break over five i haven't added yet looking for 85.95 for ads i'm just going flat on it for right now kind of like didn't pop up as much as i thought it should have there i thought it should have gone right back through five so the thing is when you're seeing this it makes me a little nervous for fsrd but we'll see it's showing a nine dollar resumption right now no i covered kpti that was in my other account so watching possible resumption on cptn volume is increasing which is good oh sorry wrong chart um so holding five shares right now reduced my size and now your high is 50 so right there is a possible long there's a seller blocking the way watching for a possible long but yes see if this false halts let's just watch this to see if it falls halts so it's a real halt i kind of thought that might happen because the way it happened in this area but if it falls halted that could have been an opportunity for a bounce back up brcc yep good job fsrd let's see what it does it's already got three halts in a row so we'll watch resumption on this hey kev so people are probably going to be shorting this pretty aggressively if i was going to guess three halts in a row the last other two just failed let's see no shares available to borrow from me still halted sky h third halt up as well gls brutal i don't like to see those drops yup grna so your high was 11. so right now i'm just slowing down a little bit it's about 10 a.m see if we get a little lull in momentum and then it picks back up for 11 11 a.m at noon time ispo halted up and gh curling up 1850 to 2050 two points nice sergey 2100 it's a good green day grna nice curl back to 11. 11 fourteen fault is eleven forty four if it shows the strength to get back through those levels let's see if it holds up at eleven eleven fifty eleven fifty six is the whole level so there's eleven forty seven profit for me 56 is the halt level always take profit 200 000 share seller on fsrd watching if that seller gets bought up for a long dip at 63 on fsrd let's see when that curls back up to 75 and 80. if it can break through that seller watching 75 and 85 then the rip back through the high so watching here for ads on fsrd took profit on fsrd for right now gnra skyh resumed so we're seeing uh kind of the this is the ebb and the flow so the big wave up and now the curl back big wave up and curl back cptn i almost i was i almost bought at 50 but right at 50 it seemed like there was a hidden seller i was waiting for a sign that it was about to break had my hand on the buy button 250 shares didn't didn't hit it didn't break so the halt down is at 44.91 it's showing 36 21 10 point gap so last time i halted down you know it sold off a little bit more so we'll see what it does the volume is still super light we're getting a little choppy here fsrd into the halt down [Music] cptn watching resumption fsrd halt down with 681 cptn showing 38 dollar resumption highest volume on that red candle that was the most trading it had some sell-off a little pop then couldn't break ispo resumed lower now you're at double bottom level 63. about a minute to resumption on cptn so you know these are the types of days where we see these kind of exaggerated moves to the upside exaggerate moves to the downside it's a lot of volatility and volatility is what we like but it can be difficult to manage right now i'm having a hard time really knowing what to focus on i see grna going a little higher there but uh it's just hard to know because we're seeing we've seen now several haul down so i think that as they go higher there's not really an obvious one to focus on cptn we'll watch on resumption to see how it trades angh halted down at 1788 but it's showing a 1930 resumption i see that but i don't know that we should expect to squeeze if it's sympathy to ispo but that is odd fsrd is showing 664. maybe we see a divergence we'll watch you can see sky h this one i didn't trade but same kind of action yup grna halted up there gls curling back up this is a little difficult though because uh it's just i'm starting to feel a little unsure about what to focus on too much stuff if cptn resumed at 45 or 50 i would absolutely look for a long through the high but i don't think it's going to resume that high i see 36. well it's not correct that it's zero but it's correct that we don't have it those on youtube watching the morning show streaming a little longer for you giving you guys a little more content which i hope you enjoy uh please do me a favor hit the thumbs up it makes a huge difference for the channel traders who are watching this today or even a month or a year from now i hope you hit the thumbs up i really hope you do it's for the youtube algo and gh opened flat could i dip it at 18 yeah stop would be like 17.75 but it's on the wrong side of the you know the hill here it's coming back down those on mobile on youtube you guys can exit out of the live chat hit the thumbs up and then come back in thank you michael nice nicely so good 1300 bucks that's a good day good for you david 1200 bucks nice just holding five shares cptn um i'm not sure if we're going to see continuation um over the coming days on this i don't know we'll see we've been seeing so generally we've been seeing good action on recent ipos sometimes recent mergers following a spec which are like an ipo and i think we'll probably continue to see that trend what we've been seeing the last like two days is just anything that's a recent spec traders are buying it because it looks like ispo and that's a wave that's going to end that's a wave of momentum you ride it and but it'll end what we'll more likely see will be occasionally something like ispo that just sort of comes out of nowhere and maybe the stock has news it has a reason to make a big move you know like so here's this one this one's very similar but i don't see news on it but in any case it's you know this type of thing all of a sudden you see something pop up and off and away it goes so it's hard to capture all the opportunity that's in front of you on a busy day you get as much as you can but you will miss stuff so fsrd despite a huge move from four to eight fifty i only made 194 dollars on it l fly from seven to eight fifty made 665 on it grna halted right now at 12 36 i made 700. gls did a little better on that one qngy did a little better on that one ispo got a couple nice trades on it uh cptn did okay on that one nrgv did quite well on that that was early morning where i made the most of the profit but um sky h halting again yup bouncing back up but that i just i don't know we'll see you know how how is it going to base out how's it going to hold i'm not sure cptn i still have five shares from thirty six dollars okay thank you you so yesterday i gave back a little bit off the top today right now if i close up here i'm closing pretty much at the high so are any of these set up for a possible midday squeeze isp is at the 200 moving average and vct pulled back too much fsrd pulled back too much way too much i mean you never know some of these can bounce back up but it's so far pulled back too much drct just started squeezing but you know it's the all-time high on it is 435 so it could become blue sky pretty quickly but i don't want to it just feels like with the others sort of selling off i'm not sure that we're going to get opportunity fsrd halt up is 567. cptn resumption if it's a 10 minute long haul will be 10 22 and 17 seconds so there's 306 310 on drct so going without me a little ways so the high is 324 there's 337 there's up to 350. so you know sat on the sidelines on this one right idea i mean well i guess my idea was that wasn't sure it was going to hold a little bit of a false halt there okay so this one didn't even go into a halt ugh bummer alright so maybe that instinct is right cptn would have to curl back up because of how volatile it is it's probably worth keeping an eye on but fsrd another halt down all the way back down so you know this isn't isn't what you love to see so we got some uh we got some good opportunities today it wasn't as clean as yesterday yesterday we had ispo which was super obvious uh i was up at my peak 90 000 yesterday you know this was clean this was it was not perfect but it was pretty clean the areas where it wasn't perfect was that uh the spreads were pretty big the volume wasn't high enough to be able to sustain large share size so that made it a little tricky as well but uh you know at the same time it was uh it provides some good opportunities and then that sympathy momentum on angh was awesome really nice sympathy momentum on angh from 12 to 36. so uh you know i i was trying to stretch for 100k yesterday i gave back some profit off the top today i just broke over 50 which is a pretty big number i'm pretty happy with that i don't feel like there's anything to stretch on right now to try to get to 75 or 80. we would really need to see something pretty serious and it seems like what we're seeing is the these are popping and then they're rolling over quick which is sympathy momentum i mean sympathy momentum is you have one stock that's strong and then you have others that are you know giving you get to give you sympathy cptn halting a halt up but this is sort of a dead cat bound softer after a really pretty nasty flush so i think the smart thing to do is probably to uh shut it down for today come back on tuesday and try again see how i do there now overall a pretty solid day could have always done a little bit better but definitely missed some opportunities but coming away green and we'll be back at it on tuesday so again those on youtube i hope you hit the thumbs up i hope you enjoyed the broadcast it really um makes a huge difference when you guys hit the thumbs up so thank you for that reminder that we do have a president's day sale going on right now uh this weekend if you wanna if you decide this is a good time for you to take the leap and become a new student we'd love to have you join i want to remind everyone that trading is risky that most beginner traders lose money and that's not to say that i'm implying that beginner traders lose money therefore you should be a student you'll have a better chance of being successful we don't track the typical result of our students so we're not going to say that our students are more or less likely to be successful than the average trader trading is risky hands down if you want to check out my strategy page you can go to strategy this class right here you could sign up to if you wanted it's a free class learn a little bit more about how i choose stocks to trade what my criteria are that'll help you probably understand why i chose some and why i left some out today you can also see the syllabus for our classes the warrior starter course the warrior pro curriculum chapter 17 are where i do interviews with profitable traders and we have uh eight uh students right now who have verified over a million dollars in profit and i've taught thousands of traders over the years so only eight now that's uh not to say that i'm not proud of them because i am but just to put it in context but i have some interviews with them uh where you can hear a little bit about their experience learning to trade what their turning points were things like that and this of course teaches you the strategy that i trade every day so if you're interested in learning more about the markets it seems to me to make sense to learn from someone who's proven profitable my broker's statements are on the website right down here 2021 2022 you can check them all out uh and so i share my results with you to know so you know the person you're learning from is credible qualified to teach qualified to speak about trading i think i am so that's it for me i hope you guys have a great rest of the day have a great long weekend hope to see some new students in the chat room on monday morning or tuesday morning and hopefully this is the beginning of the next round of momentum yesterday was hot today was hot so that's over a hundred thousand dollars in two days for me and that now exceeds certainly my expectation for the week i'm very happy about that all right so trade smart be cautious and we'll be back at it on tuesday you
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 50,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trader, stocks to day trade, day trade, How to day trade, Ross Cameron, Warrior Trading
Id: BEM-rXOdjok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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